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Taylor Zarzour, PGA Tour Radio, ESPN, Panthers TV, Josh Goodson, and some weekend updates with our Halftime Entertainment.

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold
The Truth Network Radio
August 15, 2022 7:52 pm

Taylor Zarzour, PGA Tour Radio, ESPN, Panthers TV, Josh Goodson, and some weekend updates with our Halftime Entertainment.

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold

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August 15, 2022 7:52 pm

Taylor Zarzour, PGA Tour Radio, ESPN, Panthers TV, Josh Goodson, and some weekend updates with our Halftime Entertainment. 

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This is the best of the Adam Gold Show Podcast. Brought to you by Coach Pete at Capital Financial Advisory Group.

Visit us at This is the Adam Gold Show. Maybe I didn't know that we just talked to Taylor Zarzur on the show, okay? Maybe I just wanted to talk to my guy. Maybe he feels bad because, you know, I've hit him up before and he's like, oh, I'm hiking in Italy or something, or I'm in Hawaii taking care of my wife and kids. Or I'm at, you know, the British Open or something.

Always somewhere in the world. He is our good friend. You can check him out on PGA Tour Radio, ESPN and the SEC Network, and Panthers TV, which was back in action this weekend. He and Steve Smith on the call for a victory.

It's our good friend Taylor Zarzur. What's up, man? I'm usually just telling people here in Charlotte how much better Raleigh is.

That's what I'm typically doing. No, no. You guys got light rail. You've taken off. You're off and running. I will say... You changed your mind on Charlotte? After, I'll be honest. Seriously.

You and I joke a lot. The ACC tournament in Charlotte was hosted very well. It was great, and the light rail is a game changer. Not only the rail itself, but the, I mean this. And also now, you'll hate to hear this, but I'm a little bit more grown up, and I actually care about things.

I'm trying to learn city play. You're married now? I know, I know. Stop. Too much of it happened. Yes, I know.

But no, it's not just the light rail itself, which is a great people mover, but the way they set it up, the walks beside it, the art, and just a lot of other things that they've gotten. We'd love to have you back, Hayes. You're always invited.

I appreciate it. We love people, unlike what you may think. We love Raleigh, and we love everybody to come from Raleigh here to Charlotte. Anytime I'm in South Carolina, I visit Charlotte.

You know this, Taylor. My favorite thing about you, though, is I still, every time I look at your number, I chuckle because our numbers, our phone numbers are 80% the exact same. And that means, of course... Yeah, I've got the 919 area code forever. It means that you've got... I visited Raleigh for seven years.

Both of my children were born there, and I'm sticking with it until they tell me I have to switch it. You know who the other guy is, and this guy is in the ESPN universe, too. You're like Marvel now, where it's like, you know, you don't see this guy, but you know who he is because he's in the ESPN universe. Matt Jones, the Kentucky guy. You know Matt? Really? Yeah. He went to Duke Law, and so he has a 919 number, and I love, every time I hit you guys up, I'm like, you can roam, but your phone ties you back to the triangle, baby.

I love it. On a personal note, because you are my friend, are you close to, right now, your dream job? You are at the majors, interviewing the guys right after they won.

You are calling major college football. I mean, obviously, there's always the next big game or whatever, but you are calling Panthers TV, you're calling college football, and you are calling golf, including at the highest level. Are you fulfilling dream job status these days?

I really am, and I appreciate you noticing that. I've worked very hard to try to put myself in position to do the things that I love the most, and that is what I'm doing right now, and I'm happy to report I've re-signed contracts in the last few days with all of those entities, because of how much I love what I'm currently doing. Tom Suter, who, to me, is the best local sportscaster in the history of the state of North Carolina, many years ago, we used to go to dinner, and we got to be very good friends when I lived in Raleigh, and I would eat dinner with him.

He brought his own salad dressing to the restaurant, by the way, which was amazing, and totally on brand for Tom Suter, and while he was pouring that salad dressing, he told me in his Jimmy Stewart sounding voice that not to mess with happy. That that's the biggest piece of advice that you can get professionally, no matter what you do in your career, not to mess with happy, and more than ever, I'm trying not to mess with happy, because I'm very happy with what I'm doing. It's very cool, and it's just a great fit, and that probably goes with you being happy, and obviously doing the things you love the most, but you just fit so well there at golf, you tell the golfers respect you and the job you do, you do a great job in football, and I know you grew up in that culture in Alabama, so hats off to you to do it.

Obviously, there's always places to grow, and new goals to set, and things like that, and I'm sure you are, but it's just cool to see you at a place doing what you love, and doing it at a very, very high level. I appreciate that, my friend. I never lie to you and say, oh, I catch every one of your broadcasts. I do not, but every time I do, I'm blown away by your professionalism, and how great you are, and how fun you make it.

It's clear you enjoy it. So, alright, dispensing with the niceties, and let's talk about these Carolina Panthers. I have been calling you, I'm not necessarily, sometimes as a head coach, you're dealt a little bit of the personnel that you have, right? If Matt Rule took a job that didn't have a stable quarterback position, and he is not quite seated stabilized at the time he's been there, but I keep equating it to almost a college-like handling of this situation.

I don't necessarily mean that in a good or bad way. Maybe I'm saying it is a little bit of a bad way, because I think Matt Rule is trying to shake off the college coach moniker, but how do you think he is handling the quarterback situation? Is there anything you would do differently right now with these two potential starters, and maybe one that you think the owner wants, but you've got to decide who it's going to be? I don't know, Hayes, how much it matters, how many reps Baker Mayfield is getting with the 1s, as opposed to Sam Darnold, and a little bit of Matt Corral through Spartanburg camp, and then, you know, just FanFest, and then obviously with the game this past Saturday, Baker and Sam both played with the 1s, and both played basically a drive apiece.

Sam got the ball inside the red zone, so you got a second drive. I don't know that that necessarily hurts or helps anyone by the time you get to the regular season. You do have a first-year offensive coordinator in Ben McAdoo, so a lot of people are trying to get used to each other, but everyone seems to believe behind the scenes that Baker Mayfield is getting enough reps with the 1 to be ready to play his old team, the Cleveland Browns, on Sunday, September 11th in Bank of America Stadium, and I think that's all that really matters. And so if you want Sam to be ready to get enough reps with the 1, you want to make sure that, you know, you have a backup plan in case Baker gets hurt or if he doesn't perform the way you expect him to play, then I think all of that is totally fine. As for what you said about, you know, the collegial environment that Matt Rule has, I think that that's fair for you to say that because that's what almost all of his background has been the last decade plus, certainly as a head coach at Temple and as a head coach of the Baylor Bears.

In both of those situations, year 3 was exponentially better than years 1 and 2 were. Maybe the same thing will happen for the Panthers. If that's going to happen, then they need Christian McCaffrey to stay healthy. They need J.C. Horn to stay healthy. They need Iki Akuanu to be the best left tackle in the draft, which is what everybody thought he was coming in.

They need all those things to help. They need all those things to happen in 2022. And I personally think Baker Mayfield needs to start all 17 games. If that happens, then I think that they are better than the Saints and the Falcons, and they could win 8, 9, 10 games by the end of the year.

And who knows, maybe even sneak into the playoffs. But that's a lot of things that need to go right for Matt Rule in year number 3. I can't really scrutinize anything he's done in the preseason to prepare for the regular season, though.

I think that everybody's trying to get used to this new format. Really, what's going to matter is tomorrow and Wednesday, these scrimmages against the Patriots. I hope that in the next year or two, we figure out a way to televise all these two-day scrimmages that all these teams are having against other teams because everyone is telling me that those are the things that matter more than anything else. In fact, it's the only thing Christian McCaffrey is playing in until the regular season starts. So if that goes well tomorrow and Wednesday for Baker Mayfield, then I think that will matter more than anything else. Okay, I don't mean this to say, I don't mind that this was repeated because Anish Sharaf was on an hour ago and said basically the same thing. So that just hammers home how important the next two days are.

If you two guys are both saying it, then I believe that the next two days are important. Now probably, I was about to say, I can't believe they aren't televised with as much as is, but I assume that coaches just don't want, like they actually run things in those scrimmages that they care about, so they don't want them televised. Right, there's a lot of secrecy to it because they want to run more than what you see on the return to football or Fan Fest or the preseason games.

They'll let you shoot some of it. They'll let, you know, local outlets and media, they'll let media watch it, but they'll let local outlets with cameras shoot some of it. But they want some of what they do to actually show or to, I guess, replicate what they, you know, some of the plays they don't want the rest of the world to see in the regular season. So that's the reason why those scrimmages matter so much. But having said all of that, like you said, I really wish we could show this because last year, watching it against the Colts for two days, that was by far, I thought, the most valuable portion of the preseason that the Panthers had, and I'm sure that'll be the same case tomorrow in Foxboro. Well, they're scrimmaging with the Patriots, so they, I mean, all you got to do is get the Belichick feed.

Like, he's got footage of all the Panthers practice rooms and everything, so you just got to figure out a way to get that feed. You mentioned a couple, you started into my second Panthers question when you started saying all the things that got to go right. I'm going to hold you to one, like fill in the blank here. For the Panthers to have their best possible season, the most important thing for them is blank. And like I said, you gave some options. Is one thing more important?

I really wish I could give you something other than the cap at the end. And I know Smitty thinks that they're not as reliant on him this year as they've been the last few years. I would still say they're extremely reliant on him. They have Beyonce Foreman, who did a phenomenal job filling in for Derrick Henry and the Titans when Henry went down last year. And so I think they have somebody that compliments McCaffrey a lot more than they had with, say, you know, Amir Abdullah or any of the other running backs. They've had the last few years to the Hubbard. It had a solid first year in the league, but he's not Christian McCaffrey Foreman's closer to McCaffrey.

But I still think that's the answer. This team is above 500 or was above 500 when he played last year, and they were almost winless when he didn't. So I think it's I think it's quite obvious that they need him. The way that he plays the position leads to flu key injuries. And he's he's had some flu key injuries last year, so I don't think there's anything that could have done. The team could have done different to prevent those injuries. You just wonder at some point if he keeps playing the position, which has made him one of the best players in the league.

That same way that he's going to keep having these issues. And so I think that getting Foreman is a smart move, but I still think especially in the way then I could do calls the offense. How much Chris Baker Mayfield likes to move the pocket. Christian McCaffrey could have a big year like I'm saying 2018 or 19 type big year.

If you play 17 games and if that happens, I think the Panthers have every chance to get into January. Taylor's ours are joining us Panthers TV, ESPN, the SEC Network, PGA Tour radio. I probably should hit the top 25 with you because we're in August and you can talk college football as well, but I'm still reserving that we're not quite into actual sports yet.

It's still the summer. I get to talk about what I want to talk about and I want to talk about golf. We'll sell a tourist. First of all, at what point do we start looking at weight coach Bill Haas and wonder why he wait. Is it Bill or J? I get my house is Jerry. Jerry Haas.

I get my house is mixed up. Jerry Jerry. How come he hasn't won more national titles? I mean, the entire PGA tour is wait for his golfers.

He should be could bring it on the title every year now. Yeah, Chris Hackett, Georgia, maybe of the same sort of story. He's done an amazing though. Both those guys done amazing job of of attracting talent and finding the most talented high school players in the country. That's for sure. And Zala Taurus and Cameron Young are two great demon deacons that are examples of that.

Zala Taurus is off the charts. Hey, this guy reminds me a lot of Jordan Speaks. They wise beyond his years connected to Dallas like Spieth is easy to be around very comfortable in his own skin intensely competitive. I don't mean this is a shot at live. I really don't.

And I have friends that have joined their series, so I'm not here to pass judgment. I cannot ever envision a scenario where there will be a live golf event that carries the kind of juice that the end of the FedEx. Thank you championship did yesterday with that playoff and how fired up the players were to be in it and just to how much you could feel the tension.

That's what sports is all about. That's what the PGA Tour is always about and that was one hell of a finish. We had yesterday and what a way for Zala Taurus to win his first tournament.

Now, it was fantastic. The other thing I like about Zala Taurus is he, you know, he got on the name. It got in the mind of the of the casual golf fan by, you know, being in contention for major after major. And one of those things if you worry about those guys, if they don't get over the hump and obviously this wasn't a major but a big tournament. You want to start seeing it turn into wins or you worry that like the not winning part can can weigh on you. So it's cool to see him get a win and hopefully that'll also translate into maybe a major win next year. I want to ask a random question and I only got time for one more question. It was an exciting finish.

I should focus on that but I want your opinion on this. They call it a penalty on Cam Smith sort of the next day. We kind of got away from the guy who can call from his couch and call a penalty on you. I think the PGA Tour realized that was bad but like do they need to put a cap on when penalties can happen? Yes, I mean every other sport there seems to be a statute of limitations, right?

Yes, you know you people may appeal a victory or you know, the way a game went but that never gets overturned, you know, in the NFL or Major League Baseball or the NBA or stick and ball college sports and I think the same should apply in golf that look by the end of the day you should have until really the end of competition in my opinion to to say, okay, we caught this or we didn't and Cam Smith didn't knowingly break the rules. He accidentally broke the rules. He wasn't trying to take advantage of the field and what he did in no way shape or form gave him any sort of advantage had he dropped the ball an inch further, you know out of the hazard.

He would have probably hit the same shot. And by the way, they changed that rule of years ago. So you now ground your club in the hazard. So who cares if he dropped on the red line and grounded his club on the hazard. It's a silly rule that needs to be changed. First of all, and secondly, you're absolutely right the next day.

You shouldn't be able to do that. What if today the PGA Tour realizes that wheels out of the tourist broke some rule yesterday. Are they going to come out of that now? Yeah, I mean, I don't like this at all. I like protecting the rules and protecting the field, but I only like doing it for about 3456 hours after the tournament's over with and then it should be a look.

We didn't catch it too bad. That should have applied here of Cam Smith who by the way, just withdrew from the BMW Championship this week. He's deciding a hip injury. He is still going to play in the Tour Championship the following week, but two weeks from now almost certainly is going to make his debut on the live golf series and to me, that's the biggest signee that Greg Norman's gotten so far.

Yeah, that's big. I don't know if you saw the the press conference with Shane Ryan who a guy here local. You probably know see him around the tour. Yeah, he wasn't trying to play gotcha, but he did kind of catch kid cam Smith and somebody asked him about the President's Cup and he spoke about that. And so Shane said what about you know, the next live event and he said I don't want to talk about the future is like, oh, that's cool. Well, you would just talk about the President's Cup. So I thought maybe you will you know, and he was like, well, I still don't want to talk about it, which is again his prerogative, but I did think that was a little a little funny.

But yeah, yeah, it's quite clear. Cam's got some plans for for two weeks from now. Yeah, it'll be interesting. I'll maybe another day. I'm filling in. We'll do it all segment on PGA versus live, but I want to talk Panthers with you and I did want to hit that one cam Smith thing.

And like you said, it's an interesting thing, but I don't know. I'm more excited right now to see what's out towards does the next couple weeks will come ride the light rail with us here in Charlotte anytime. I will I'll take the train down there and then ride the light rail while I'm in town. So I appreciate your time. Keep up the good work. Give my best to all your girls. People don't always see this because he doesn't talk about on TV.

But Taylor is an a-plus dad as well. Keep up the good work. The rest of my friends all the best to you. Talk to you, man. The number one NC State fan that I know of the AP top 25 is out meet the wolf pack with this weekend.

It's getting very real as we stare down week one NC State versus ECU. We talked that and a bucket list item for many people that Josh Goodson says you need to take off your bucket list. Your life's more important than that. It is our good friend Josh Goodson for the pack of wolves. Check out their work pack of wolves. Dot com. Is that the website? Josh, you have it right? Pack of wolves in i l dot com pack of wolves in i l dot com. Check it out there. They had meet the pack this weekend.

All members of the team were there. How are you doing, sir? I'm doing good. I'm just scouring the top 25 trying to figure out who the smartest writer who the smartest writer is on the planet and who the dumbest voter is. And I found both of those.

It didn't take long, but I found both of those. I almost put out when I saw AP top 25 releases at noon. I saw a tweet that announced that at like 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. I almost retweeted with like woe to the person who votes NC State the lowest because Josh Goodson will be exposing you.

Why don't you report it? Who had NC State the highest? So I've actually already subscribed to his newspaper. He's a college writer. He's a college writer. I'm not even subscribed to any newspapers, to be completely honest with you.

But Michael Lev, L.E.V. from the Arizona Daily Star is the smartest is the smartest human on the planet. He voted NC State number five.

NC State the highest ranking of any of the voters. And for that, I mean, I am now a subscriber to the Arizona Daily Star. Cannot wait to wake up every morning to get the what's happening in Tucson and Flagstaff into my inbox.

This is amazing. You're going to be, I imagine, woefully disappointed in the lack of NC State coverage in the Arizona. This is a new marketing scheme for newspapers. I realize the newspapers are in tough times. Just start voting random, heavily followed teams into the top 25 and you'll just get picked up.

I feel like what's it what's it for for the football season? Ten dollars. Yeah, I'll subscribe to your paper. Sure. Let's go.

All right. And who is the who's the dumbest voter, according to Josh? I'm actually I'm legit curious if this was a mistake or if this was like somebody who's just not smart.

I'm going to I'm going to lean with the not smart because I don't want to just assume someone doesn't know how to do their job. But NC State was ranked in every poll of every voter except for one. And I went and looked at this guy. His name is Darren Haynes. He's a TV guy out of Washington, D.C. And what's what's weird about it is the only voter not to vote NC State. He is actually only one of two people who voted North Carolina and actually gave you and see their highest ranking of 20. No, I'm actually like I'm actually curious if he like legit meant to put NC State and and not you know, and like it's a mistake when it comes down to because everyone else did it. He's the highest voter. But I'm just going to claim he's just not a smart person. And I'm not I'm not watching WUSA TV in Washington, D.C. You can believe that. No, I would before you even said it, I was going to say, what did did this person put you and see in the top 25 because if they did, if you don't have NC State and you do have you in CNN, I've got to put it at Adam Golden Studio with my man, Coach Pete DeRuta with the Capital Financial Advisory Group.

We're talking retirement and coach. I'm a simple guy, but I like colors. Tell me how I can color code money and get ready for retirement. I like colors, too. I like pictures. I like graphs.

I don't like just a bunch of words. And so what we try to do is we try to break down all those words on your statement, all those numbers into three colors. Red, green, yellow. People are amazed when they come in and most of their money is in the red category.

I don't want that. Red means high horsepower potential. It also means high loss potential. So you have to it's a give and take. You can be willing to do that or that. Yellow means liquid money. You can get it any time.

It's not going to earn anything. Green gives you safe growth, but also gives you a lifetime income. As we get closer to retirement, we need some green accounts. We need the Green Zone, we call it. And Baghdad Green Zone was important. Green Zone's important for you, too.

The next 10 people, Adam. It's a thousand dollar value. Golden ticket. We're going to put together for you, your very own total plan that has the Green Zone. It's a traffic light. I hope it's green for you.

800-661-7383 or text ADAM to 21000 for Coach Pete DeRuta. Eighty percent chance. It was a it was a and I don't even know how they fill out the ballot. Like, are you clicking something? And he just was scrolling and he saw North Carolina and thought he was clicking North Carolina State. Like, how hard?

We need to talk to an AP voter and see how hard it would be. Joe Gillio Joe Gillio. I know it. He's around. He's around.

I will get you actually. I just threw him out because he was distracting Victoria during our show. So this gentleman, he he took you and he has UNC ranked 20. There was another voter who has UNC 23. And for the record, I actually think UNC is not going to be bad this year.

And if you want to and if you want to write them, I'm actually kind of OK with it. Right. Like they have enough talent coming back. I think for the most for the most part, I know they've had some injuries that have happened. But for the most part, I think most people who follow the team are saying that, yes, Sam Howell is gone and he is good. And you're not it's not as easy to say the next guy is just as good.

But I think they're pretty happy and comfortable with who their quarterback is going to be there. So I think if you want to rank UNC, that's fine. But I don't really understand how you could rank UNC and not state.

And that's just an opinion. The guy's on Twitter. I think I think you don't call him an idiot. But I think you just ask God's question. Be like, hey, serious question. You're the only guy who didn't have NC State and you had UNC ranked.

Any chance you got a mixed up? I think that's a totally fair inquiry. And I'm all about the I love the transparency.

Yes, I was I can find that's just what I was about to say. I am all about this is not national security. This is not, you know, private citizen voting for their state senator or whatever, which I think should absolutely be a private thing. This is sports and this is your job. And you should be open to a little bit of criticism.

Now, I get there's probably some worst case scenarios like they're not people like you. They're morons that were like actually like harass people or whatever for certain votes. But I think overall, awards, preseason ballots, things like that.

Let us know who voted, because like what he does cover the commanders. Sam Howell did play this weekend. Maybe he just assumed that everybody who comes out of you is a good quarterback. And he's like, yeah, they're probably top 20. They were good last year. They're gonna be good again. Maybe that's what happened.

I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. But but also going to say that he is not the smartest human on the planet at this point in my eyes. Now, we got to ask him and it'd be funny if he like doesn't even know. But he's like, man, Sam Howell's coming out of there like UNC feels like, I don't know, like a sleeping giant or something down there. You know, Darren Haynes. All right.

We're all into it. And tell me who is the guy that ranks state fifth again. Michael left from the Arizona Daily Star.

Check out his stuff. Scottsdale. Scottsdale and Phoenix like high school sports is going to be all up in my inbox. And I cannot wait until he votes them until he votes them like not the highest the next time. And then I will easily unsubscribe and move on to the next guy. I guarantee you, not every state fan is going to subscribe to his newspaper like you did. But I guarantee you, the guy probably just picked up like 50 new NC State followers.

Just like this is a guy that I want to see talk football. Josh Goodson joining us from the Pack of Wolves. You can check them out.

Pack of Wolves NIL dot com. All right. The season is not quite upon us, but we've we're into practice. We've had meet the pack, all that stuff going on. It's about to feel real, right? Like you've had fun in the offseason being like we're going undefeated and we're going for national championship. But now the games begin. What's the pulse of the state fan right now?

Oh, God, it just depends. I mean, obviously, there's you know, the state fan and people who are listening to the state. And there's there's definitely still the group of like, oh, this is cool, but I'm going to bank on seven and five and eight and four, just because that's what happens every year. That's those are kind of not out of the realm of possibility. But I will say this. I do think that those those options and outcomes are a or a worst case scenario and would be seen as a disappointment.

More is just like something normally that happened. I'm of the opinion that you have a good quarterback coming back. You have enough good players coming back. Obviously, they've got to replace a couple of running backs in the left tackle. But it's ironic that they didn't run the ball well last year anyways, even with having good running backs and a good left tackle.

But I don't know if I'm just choosing to choose. I don't know if I don't know if I personally am just choosing to use the hey, if they were bad last year, they can't be any worse this year. And as long as they're not any worse this year, then maybe it's a net. You know, it's not a net negative. It's like, you know, nothing is changed from that front.

Devon Lear is still back. I think that we we just tend to forget as fans and such. And a lot of people have to realize it's not just empty state fans who are pumping up empty state. Like they have the the returning players, they have the draft possibilities and they just have the experience coming back that there's a reason why they're projected to be. If you I know that people joke on the big game boomer type phenomenon that's happened. But it's not just him.

There's a lot of other outlets that do there. Who's the best line backing core in the country? Who's the best? So it's not wrong that, you know, you see the best line backing core in the country.

Empty states literally is probably the top two or top three. Love them with like Alabama and Georgia. Right.

That's a that's a good thing to have. Who's the best quarterback returning in the country? It's not surprising when you see Devon Leary, the top five quarterback returning in the country. I think because of that, unlike UNC last year, and I know people want to use that same comparison. Well, UNC did it was highly ranked last year and they're not good.

They can't be, you know, they're probably just do like them. Well, I think if you say the defense that actually is better than North Carolina's was last year at this point in the season and stuff like defense, what is it, what do they say? Defense travels?

Is that like the cliche? And it wins championships, I think. Defense wins championships and it travels. And that's something that you can kind of bank on. Defense is always ahead of the offense at the beginning of the year for that.

I think that I think that's going to be the biggest difference. And I personally think their schedule, that's up pretty well. A lot of people are worried about the East Carolina game. I'm I'm not not worried, but I don't say if they go lose that game. I don't think it's some of some like just, well, they always lose that game or, you know, they're just going to get upset just because it happens. I think if they lose the game, like maybe ECU is just like good and maybe NC State is just not as good as we thought. I like where they play Clemson earlier in the year.

And I like your schedule, how it doesn't seem like to have a bunch of grueling back to back. If they go play Clemson, they at least to get they at least get to come home the next week and play a game. Right. Yeah. All right. I've got I've secured an AP voter. Just ask this one question. Turn on your microphone.

I'm not even put on headphones. All right. Joe Giglio is an AP voter. And very importantly, you voted this year. Our question is, there is an AP voter that has North Carolina in the top twenty five at twenty and does not have NC State in the top twenty five. He's the only person who doesn't have NC State. What is the setup when you're voting? Is it possible that he could have clicked North Carolina State instead of North Carolina? So we need that.

Well, we need you like you've actually voted. Is it like are they just next to each other? Is it a dropdown click and you're scrolling? You know what I mean?

Like when you scroll to what year you were born. You're not going to love this answer. Well, I guess it's just a flex on my part. OK. I've known Ralph Russo for so long that I actually submit. You just text him in?

Yeah, I email them. All right. So but there is a system that you're supposed to use. There's like a portal. You know, you're worthless.

If you're not using the portal, you're worthless. So it could be a mistake. It's unlikely, though. It's your preseason ballot. You have some time with it.

And they they even like give you like, hey, just making sure this is what you meant. You have something. We're giving this guy the benefit of the doubt. Like, OK, if he made a little like clicking mistake, but if he actually doesn't have it, he stayed the top 25 in UNC, then we have serious questions about his his ability as a voter. But that's OK. That's all right.

Well, I just want a quick insight on what the actual voting process looks like. But you're chief big time. So you just, you know, carry your pigeon ears in. And Ralph Russo takes care of them. You do.

You yell at them and then you read them off to them or something. Yeah, I do. All right. Appreciate it. My apologies. I feel bad I brought you in just for that. All right. Final question for you.

No. What's the what's NC State's win total? And why do you think they'll be over or under it? It's eight and a half, which seems kind of low, right? Compared to you think when you're sending a number 13 right team. But the over is juiced, meaning you have to lay more money to get one hundred dollars back in the the under eight and a half is actually the if you're using the word underdog of those outcomes. That's two likely outcomes.

NC State's is eight and a half. I actually think the over is not a bad play. Lay the juice. They're going to be favored.

And again, when people when you might hear this, if you're listening to this, somebody might you might hear this going around. Obviously, it's not dumb to say Alabama is going to be favored in every game this year. Right.

That's not stupid to say. But NC State is actually projected right now. This is before any games are played to be favored in roughly 11 games. The only game obviously not favored in is you and the excuse me, it's constant. Wait, what?

Well, again, well, not Hanes's eyes. This is a big underdog going to the end of the year. But maybe the UNC and the Louisville games are more coin flippy. But you can say eight games. They're going to be definitive favorites in one Clemson or nine definitive average one against Clemson.

Not a favorite. And then the two the two games in the year could be coin flippy. But that if you're just going based off that, you kind of have to take the over, in my opinion. Just kind of based on Vegas usually knows what they're talking about.

And I will do one little quick thing on Vegas. You can still get NC State to win the conference at around plus seven fifty to plus a thousand, which means you bet one hundred dollars. If they win, if they win the ACC, you win seven hundred and fifty to a thousand bucks, depending on the odds you find. Right.

Well, then. All right, then I'm sorry, I got I got are you doing one of those instead of doing them to pick the ACC, you should pick them in all their ACC games or, you know, what I was going to say is take them in that. Because if you think they're going to win the conference and you were likely thinking, thinking they're going to be Clemson, but they're not going to be.

But probably a three to one underdog at Clemson on the road. So you may as well take the future bet now. Right.

Because when they win that game, they are likely to make it all the way better out long term. Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. You're sort of if you think they have a chance of beating Clemson, you can get paid bigger by going to take them as the ACC champs, which would be a likely result after winning the Clemson game. Good tip. Good tip.

Final question. We got summer is the concert series. This is summer concert season, actually fall sometimes in North Carolina's a little bit better because the temps drop.

But you've seen a lot of people crossing an item off their bucket list that you think is overrated or not bucket list worthy. Tell us about it. June 19th, 2006. But it all started May 6, 1997, with the announcement that the Hartford Whalers were coming to North Carolina.

It's a story of transition, of heartbreak, of figuring it out on the fly. The Canes Corner look at the 25th anniversary of the move presented by the Aluminum Company of North Carolina. Listen now. Find Canes 25th anniversary wherever you get your podcast. Well, I feel like a lot of people are going there and they're saying you got to go see a concert at Red Rock. That's kind of like the question. That's the cliche bucket list answer. I need to go see Dave Matthews band at Red Rock.

There's like a bucket list. But are you only doing that just because you're a Dave Matthews fan? Seeing a concert at Red Rock isn't like making.

He's not singing crash into me a thousand times better just because you're sitting on like in a big amphitheater. That's just kind of where I'm coming from on this. But I take it's just I feel like too many people are loving on the Red Rocks piece of things. And I'm like, no, you're just there to see a concert. All right. It's a fair take.

Here's what I'll say. I do think that people are overrating Red Rocks in general. But you don't think if you pick the exact same concert, exact same music, exact same notes played, whatever.

You pick it up from Walnut Creek Amphitheater and you drop it at Red Rocks. You don't think that's a slightly more enjoyable experience simply because of the views in the setting around you? No, not at all. I think. No, I don't.

Now, you asked me. I think hearing Desposito live by Louis Fonsi and Justin Bieber in Red Rocks would be cooler than seeing it in Walnut Creek. And that's the only song and person I would personally want to see there at Red Rocks. But I just think it's overrated when folks are saying Red Rocks concert is awesome.

Like at the end of the day, you're just there for the concert. It doesn't matter where you're watching it at. I'm agreeing with you that I do think people overrated to make a bigger deal. Where I slightly disagree is I think I think you can add something to it. Like there's a difference between watching a bowl game at the Sun Bowl where you got mountains in the background and at Shreveport when you got Shreveport in the background or whatever it is.

I think setting matters a little bit, but I think your point is well taken. People put too much into it. It's halftime. Now, your halftime entertainment. Alright, let's throw hands, Victoria.

I know, not literally. I saw people talking on Twitter about a big fight this weekend. What went down? Huge fight. So, UFC San Diego was this past Saturday. The main event was Marlon Cheadle Vera who shattered Dominic Cruz's nose in the fourth round with a KO victory. So, Cruz, he's been fighting in the UFC since 2005. He's 37 years old and has two torn ACL surgeries. He's such a fighter though. He comes back every time like something to prove.

However, Cheadle, he's a tough cookie too and he's hot right now and he proved that on Saturday. I was surprised. The first three rounds actually looked like Cruz was winning in my opinion. I thought, wow, he's really doing some damage here. He's really fast. He's got this interesting bounce that he does when he fights to distract you.

It works well for him except when you get kicked in the face. Cheadle landed a perfect kick to the nose, which I hated seeing because I love Cruz. I love him, but that was brutal.

It was awful. So, it knocked him out. Main event done. Cheadle won.

I would not be surprised if Cruz retires. I thought he was going to take the gloves off in the ring. Was there a title on the line? No. Just a main event. And then are these, pardon my ignorance on the MMA, are these regular, are these weekly events? And this is the main event of the week? Yes. There's usually a weekly card on Saturdays and this wasn't a pay-per-view.

That was last week. So, you could watch it on TV if you had cable, but yeah, it was cool. Where in your sports fandom, like where does MMA fit? Is it your number one favorite sport to watch?

Or is it like number two, three? See, that's really difficult because I would say football, hockey, and MMA are like all tied for third. So, you've got tiers instead of rankings. So, in your top tier, any football, college, NFL? More NFL. NFL football, NHL hockey, and MMA. All violent.

Victoria's tier one. Yeah, what is that about you? I don't know. Do you fight?

I don't know. I probably should just to get some aggression out and like, you know, work out because it's a great workout too. Yeah, I see people that do the boxing thing. I'm down.

I'll do it. I'm a little, I, um, I'd like to, I've got a boxing gym not far from my house now that I've walked by and I'm like, you know, it's so close I should check it out. And I'd like to think I'm okay with being hit in the face, but I don't know that I actually am until you do it. Until you are hit in the face? Yeah. Now, I don't really want to, but I think it'd be fun to throw them, you know. To throw some punches?

Yeah, even if it's in a bag. A hundred percent. Yeah. Alright, next up on Halftime. Jack Collinsworth and Jason Garrett. Next up on the Notre Dame broadcast team.

Now, I got a couple comments on this. One, Jason Garrett was last seen openly campaigning for the Duke football job. I think Duke made a good decision not to give it to him, not that I don't think Jason Garrett is a bright football mind, but I had questions about how devoted and dedicated he would be. And remember, especially in college, you're coaching full-time and then you are also recruiting, like, all the time. And I realize that there's systems in place and you've got an assistant coach helping you, but like, I just would have questioned whether or not Jason Garrett is really about that life. Like, geared towards working his butt off to be a college football coach. The life that he seems more geared toward is football analyst. And so I think he found his right spot there. Great for him, Jason Garrett.

Maybe he'll continue to climb the ladder. But the other guy is the one I want to talk about. Our man Jack, without a K, Collinsworth. Have you seen this? He spells it J-A-C. Oh, no. So like, I mean, is it Jake? Is it Jase?

Is it Jazz, even? Like, he wants us to call it Jack, but he takes the K off? Like, why?

Why are you that guy? Yeah. Like, we've accepted some people spell Sarah with an A, some people without. Some people spell Sally with an I-E, some people spell it with a Y. It's fine, right? Yeah. Nobody spells Jack without a K. No, you're not going to find a Christmas ornament with just J-A-C. There's no J-A-C out there.

No. But more than his first name is his last name, Collinsworth. Yes, he is the son of Chris Collinsworth, who at least earned his way into the broadcast booth by, I don't know if you knew this, being a wide receiver. Like, everybody assumes that Chris Collinsworth was a quarterback because that's, you know, old white quarterback.

He's like Phil Simms or Boomer Esiason or Tony Romo. Troy, yeah. Yeah, Troy Eggman. Oh, it's the old white quarterback. He was a wide receiver. Yeah.

It was kind of fast. Take that. But no. Nowhere, I would like percentages broken down on this. There is such a thing as nepotism in sports, right?

But ultimately, you're going to have to prove it. You know, like Michael Jordan's kids were not given an NFL contract. Nobody's going to give LeBron James' kids an NFL, an NBA contract. Excuse me, I said NFL. I meant NBA last time too. Nobody's going to give LeBron James' kids a big NBA contract.

Maybe for show, they'll sign them to a 10-day and let them play on the same team or whatever. But nobody's signing a three-year, $10 million contract just because you're LeBron James' kid, right? But in the broadcasting world, a name is almost all you need in some cases. Now, that's not a knock-on guy. We talked about Mike Golick Jr. earlier. Super talented guy. Very good at his job.

Excellent. I enjoy listening to him. But like having the last name Golick and having your dad be on a radio show that you get to show up and like that's your starting point, that's a huge advantage. And to Mike Golick Jr.'s credit, I think that's something that he's always like acknowledged, right? So Jack Collinsworth, I don't know him personally.

I don't know that he's a bad guy. But I think what really stuck in my craw about it was he started on the ACC network. Like they launched the ACC network and I thought it was cool. They plucked like Kelsey Riggs out of Charlotte because she had been in ACC country and she like covered Charlotte things, right?

And they got Wes Durham because he's like an ACC guy, right? But Jack Collinsworth was sitting there and they had a couple like former athletes like Carlos Boozer and a couple other dudes like playing in the ACC. Jack Collinsworth at the ACC network was so blatantly like, well, we got to give Chris Collinsworth's kids a job because he asked us. But he's not going to stay there. He's going to end up being on NBC with his dad. And that's exactly where he went.

He was doing like pregame for NFL. And now he gets the Notre Dame job. And it's just like, again, it's fine that nepotism happens. But like the fact that they ran into the network, we had to pretend like this guy cared about the ACC for six months until we could advance him up the nepotistic ladder. Well, now he's landed at the pristine seat of calling Notre Dame football. Congratulations. Was that the only halftime? Oh, we got we got the UFC results.

Sorry if I went a little long on Jack Collinsworth. This is the Adam Gold show. June 19th, 2006, but it all started May 6th, 1997, with the announcement that the Hartford Whalers were coming to North Carolina. It's a story of transition, of heartbreak, of figuring it out on the fly. The Canes Corner look at the 25th anniversary of the move presented by the Aluminum Company of North Carolina. Listen now, find Canes' 25th anniversary wherever you get your podcasts.
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