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BREAKING: Israel & Hamas Extend Truce for More Hostages

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Truth Network Radio
November 27, 2023 1:38 pm

BREAKING: Israel & Hamas Extend Truce for More Hostages

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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November 27, 2023 1:38 pm

BREAKING NEWS: Israel and Hamas have reportedly reached a deal to extend the cease-fire as Hamas frees hostages from war-torn Gaza. Four of the hostages who have been released – a mother and three children – are clients of the ACLJ. We are incredibly thankful for their release, but we are diligently fighting to ensure that ALL the hostages return home. The Sekulow team discusses the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Middle East, a recent missile attack on a U.S. Navy warship, and much more on today’s show.


Breaking news today on Sekulow as Israel and Hamas extend truce for more hostage releases. Keeping you informed and engaged, now more than ever, this is Sekulow. We want to hear from you.

Share and post your comments or call 1-800-684-3110. And now your host Jordan Sekulow. If you've been watching over the Thanksgiving holiday, there have been many giving thanks all over Israel and the world as more hostages have been continued to be released. Including hostage families we released and one of the stories that has one of the better endings because it's not just hostages who were released to family members that were no longer there but actually a full family reunification of three daughters and a wife. Reunified with a husband who was not taken hostage because he was defending the kibbutz and ended up not getting taken hostage by Hamas. That whole family that the ACLJ represented was reunited over the weekend.

And we've got a big breaking news announcement to make. Dad, this has now been extended an additional two days which means 11 more hostages today should be released plus an additional 10 tomorrow, an additional 10 the following day. Yeah, I'm also happy to announce that we have had a release of one of the hostages families was one of the families we represent.

This was a mother and three children and Cece we had just filed, I mean literally just filed at the UN a couple of days before. Yeah, this is the Broditch family and it was a mother and her three children and thankfully like Jordan said the father did not get kidnapped even though he was at the kibbutz he was defending it and they went into, while he was out defending they went into their house and took the mother and three children and actually Abigail the little girl, the American that was released as well she actually ran to their house and so she was taken as well. But they were all released and we had filed with the working group on enforced or involuntary disappearances with the UN on this family and they have now been reunited.

Which is great news. What's the interesting issue of course is there's still well over 120 purported hostages. I say purported because I really expect that the number of hostages is going to decrease as far as what the final number of hostages actually apprehended by Hamas actually is, is going to be significantly less than what we thought.

Yeah, I think that again that number continues to drop, you know it was a much higher numbers in the 240s, 250s and then now when you're starting to put these numbers together it's, some don't even reach 200 but what we do know is that the worst did not happen. The worst that we thought could happen is that these people were all killed, were all executed or that Hamas was so disorganized that they didn't even know where these people were, families could have been totally separated. The fact that again Hamas knew, even as evil as they are, that this was important to any kind of future they have and obviously they knew that, as evil as they are, that they've kept some of these families intact. And I just want to say I don't think that if we didn't do this work, Hamas would not be sending these families back. The pressure on them was coming from the whole world. Yeah, the call we were on this morning which was with the Israelis, we do this call every morning, it's a secured call and it was clear that one and a half weeks ago we met with the leadership of Qatar's ambassador to the United States.

Unplanned. Unplanned, this came from a series of meetings we had with Congress that resulted in a meeting with a Democratic congressman and the Qatari ambassador and I didn't realize I did this, although I was reminded of this today and this is going to shock a lot of our audience, not really. But one of the Israeli lawyers on the phone said, you know what was significant about that meeting was that Jay really pounded the table to get this thing moving and to get a list of the hostages and literally a week and a half later, here we are with a significant. So the issue now for us that we're facing is there's a delegation, it's probably the last delegation for a while, going over to Brussels, to the European Union and if that meeting takes place with the EU, then the thought was today, can Jay and team, not just Jay, do what I did in Washington which is basically pound the table and say, hey, we're the Americans and it does make a difference and I'm going to say this because it's true that we represented a former President and a former President may be President again, we were talking about with our Israeli colleagues, that made a big difference.

Absolutely makes a big difference and of course your support does as well, support the work of the ACLJ at, we'll be right back. I do want you to know this family is getting a lot of attention and rightfully so over the weekend because it's one of the best stories out of this, such a sad story since the attack by Hamas on the 7th the fact that the Brodess family, 40 year old mother, a 10 year old daughter, an 8 year old son and a 4 year old son who were taken hostage by Hamas the father was defending the family and ended up surviving in defense of the family, in defense of the kibbutz they were on and was not taken hostage or injured but his whole family was taken hostage during that so he's been waiting to know are they alive, will they be returned and over this weekend they were returned and that family, which you're not going to hear a ton of these because many of these situations, the families we represent, the mother's gone, the father's gone, a lot of orphans now they do have other family members and people in place and Israel's got a big social service program to take care of these kids but obviously this one unique dad, we represented this family and this one is going to be probably one of just a few that is an entire family that is reunified Yes, so I want CC to walk us through the process and then I'm going to ask you all to do something very specific because there's going to be more of these in the hours ahead we're working on them now, we have a call every morning with Israelis, 9 o'clock in the morning our time to kind of set forth the day's events with our European office, our DC office our office and of course the Israelis that were working with our colleagues but let's walk through what we did for this family because it was interesting because they were late they were the second batch of representation, they didn't come to Washington and yet we went to the UN on theirs and then I'm going to tell you what I need people to do specifically Yeah, so we filed on behalf of hostages through their family members with the working group on enforced or involuntary disappearances which is the group that has a mandate, it's the working group that has a mandate under the United Nations to work and help find abductees and so we filed after our meetings in DC, we filed on behalf of four hostages and then we added six more and the six more that we added, we added the Brodych family which included the mother and three of her children just like Jordan said, a little girl and two little boys and again it is a miracle story because this entire family has been reunited, the father miraculously did not get abducted and was not injured or killed when they attacked the kibbutz and so he was able to be reunited with his wife and his three children Family comes back intact, that's a blessing, it's a great story, it's a great ending, it's not going to be the typical one unfortunately but it happened and CC had that UN filing done very, very quickly with our team, now this means, this is where it stands right now for the ACLJ and our involvement as we get ready for the end of November and our faith and freedom drive we've got a number of hostages that now have been freed including clients of ours, including four of the ACLJ clients, this is a huge victory, many more need our help, I mean we're working on all of them really when I say all of them really, even ones that we're not going to the UN on, we're dealing with ambassadors and governments including Qatar, that's the biggest part of it, we've had a very big impact on Qatar I would say if you turn on your TV right now and you heard about these reunifications, the country they're talking about playing the major role, even on Fox News it says Qatar right now So we're expanding our defense, this is emergency stuff folks happening right now, we're expanding our Defense of Israel and the hostages, the Defense of Israel is going to be the legal work that's about to ensue, we're putting a global team together and we may well be representing upwards of 100 heads of state or former heads of state Presidents of Bulgaria, Prime Ministers of South Korea, Presidents of South Korea, Prime Minister of Canada, I mean it goes on and on, we're also expanding our Defense of the Hostages This includes through both our Jerusalem office where Jeff Balaban is headed back towards now, as well as major meetings through our European Center for Law and Justice It was questioned whether I'm going to go or not go, the only reason I would be going is if the meeting is set up with the ambassador of Qatar because the feeling of the Israelis was that that meeting, because of what I was able to accomplish As an American lawyer with pretty high standing, as a lawyer who has represented a President of the United States, as a lawyer who worked on the Abraham Accords and a lot of the Israel issues when President Trump was in office That that would have clout with the Qataris that I would actually attend, that CCU would probably go and maybe one or two others from our staff What we're about to send is a new demand to the UN Secretary Council in just a few days So tomorrow is actually Giving Tuesday, so that day of the year is set aside for giving to charitable organizations, Midnight Tomorrow is a Giving Tuesday deadline I want to have Giving Monday and Tuesday here, okay folks? So what I want to encourage you to go is support our Faith and Freedom Drive, your donation is doubled You go to forward slash Giving Tuesday, and is that live today?

Is that link live today? If not, just go to forward slash Faith and Freedom Let's make sure that link is live today And it is live, and it's dollar for dollar through our Faith and Freedom Drive, now I'll tell you where we are, we're about 22% ahead of last year Which is great, except I'm trying to close a gap, I'm just being real transparent here, we had about a $5 million gap going into the end of the year, we've got that down to about $1.3 million So every day we pick up $20,000 or $30,000 more over the last year, we're closing that gap, we're also running out of days here, we're down to almost a month and a few days But the other really good news is here, a lot of you have signed up as ACLJ champions, which means you're donating Jordan monthly And when you sign up on these months that are months where you double the impact of your donation, that happens automatically So you can be an ACLJ champion, you'll be automatically charged that amount that you chose that you're comfortable with donating monthly automatically And on a matching month like this month, that donation will be matched, so you don't have to make another donation to make a match, that donation will be matched So if you become an ACLJ champion this month, you're not only saying I want to make that donation for the next month as well, the donation this month will be matched dollar for dollar So it's a critical time to support the work, you can go to, you can go to slash Giving Tuesday, again any of these places are going to take you right away It's the ACLJ Faith and Freedom Drive and we really need your support because we had to in the last six, really since the seventh, when this attack occurred And I remember where I was, I remember who I was with, we had to kind of reshuffle all of our efforts You were with two US senators Two US senators, not in Washington DC, had no advance warning, these are top level centers which means Intel was not great on this on multiple sides But that's another discussion for another day I just got notice from our office in Washington DC, and Jordan I need to tell you this and I've already told you this as we've talked They have done, James and Eric and Bob have done a phenomenal job, Caitlin have done a great job, none of this would have happened in Washington without them None of this would be happening in Europe without our ACLJ team working with our team here The way to get this meeting that they want to have in Qatar is actually going through the US embassy in Qatar and saying I met with Sekulow, I met with these guys and gals And meet with them, and that's to the ambassador from Qatar to the European Union So they are even working with Congressman Landman's office, the Democratic Congressman we worked with to facilitate that meeting, that would be a very significant meeting if that happens There is no, the tie in between our meeting, the ongoing negotiations with Qatar and the result here speaks for itself It's the most complicated, listen these are the most complicated, we've done a lot, everybody in this studio here has done hostage negotiations I will tell you this is, in my view, I get CCs in your opinion, but my view this is the toughest we've done Well it's tough because you have Hamas which is a terrorist organization and they never honor their words at all And so it gets back into the situation of where you have to have a heavy hand, where you have to push them and force them to do the right thing I did not think I'd bang the table, did I bang the table? You can bang the table, even if you don't physically bang the table, I think sometimes you can sneak it That's right, you make it very clear that they need to release, Hamas needs to do what's right and release these hostages I'm banging the table Again it wasn't an outlandish demand, I'm not saying this was the nephew of the emir Yes he is an al-tani, he is a sheikh, and he is the ambassador to Washington DC and what we said in that meeting with the Congressman who was there The first thing these family members, all they want to know is, are their family members there, what is their status, are they dead or alive? We're not asking for them to be released right now, are they dead or are they alive? Because you're telling everybody, you're talking to big game cutter, can you get that information from Hamas? And you know what, within a week and a half, people started getting released Yeah we don't have all the answers yet, we don't have all the answers yet Unfortunately I think there's going to be more sad stories Yeah I think we better prepare ourselves for sad stories Because like you said, the number of living hostages is probably not as high as it was originally reported So it was originally 256, then they dropped it to 243, then they dropped it to 238, they're saying now they can't get all of them, some of them are Palestinian Islamic Jihad Do you remember Jordan walking out of the meeting with the Qatari charge d'affaires, said to you and me about the Palestinian Islamic Jihad They have no negotiating power with them whatsoever, so the question will be I won't say the word he used to describe them because I don't want to hurt his abilities, but he used a very strong word to describe dealing with them But our diplomatic skills were used well and the Israeli teams were used well too, but this is probably the last major delegation from Israel going over Frankly they want to stay close to home because of the releases that are coming And you can understand that, but I think all the work we've done overseas in the Middle East, not just in Israel, but I think all the times in Qatar That it wasn't unique, it wasn't like our first time dealing with Qataris And on this scale it was a much bigger scale because of much more hostages But we've been there, we've flown to Doha to meet with their foreign minister to get people out of prison and to help get there and ask for their help So it wasn't new for us and for the ACLJ, so it made sense that if we need to take it to the next level we knew how to do it Even if it was years later, support the work of the ACLJ, we'll be right back Welcome back to Sekulow, so again, a great story out of a time when it's wonderful to have good positive stories to tell Because I think it encourages all of you too, you watch the news, you see the stories, you wonder how can this ever turn good After what you saw on October 7th and the continued imagery, the children that were taken hostage, the families that were killed, the fathers, the mothers How did these children ever get back, and then you get the ACLJ involvement representing these families And over the weekend, a family that we represented, that we filed before the UN for, was fully reunified That's father, mother, and all three children, I haven't heard of one of those stories yet This is the first one I've heard where the whole family got reunified, that someone wasn't killed And I just think we have Secretary Pompeo joining us now, who's our Senior Counsel for Global Affairs, and Secretary Pompeo I think when it comes to these hostage negotiations, this is why you don't give up until you know the status of every single hostage that was taken Whether they are now alive or dead, you don't give up until you know that, because you can reunite an entire family There's nothing like the focus that is brought by meeting and spending time with the families of loved ones who are held hostage And there's nothing like the joy we witnessed in these past couple of days, to see these young children reunited with their families And to see all the joy that comes alongside the incredible pain that has been experienced by these families for the last six weeks now And so we should all be heartened and encouraged by that, and it should reinforce our resolve to give Israel the capacity it needs to continue to do the necessary to get every one of them home just as quickly as humanly possible You know, Mike, overnight it has not been reported, I guess now confirmed, that they've extended the hostage cease-fire truce, whatever you want to call it, for two more days So maybe we can get another 20 out, and over that period of time I think that's fine, because Israel is also using this to retool its troops too I mean, there was a lot of munitions, you're an armory guy, there was a lot of ballistics used, so they need to redo it But also, talking about ballistics, two ballistic missiles were fired from the Houthis at a US naval warship last night Iran and the proxies are continuing to ratchet the issue up with the US and the region What do you think the endgame is here, and how do we respond, what's the appropriate response if you were making that call, what would it be? Well Jay, we know the endgame, we witnessed it on October 7th The endgame is to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, and it is not a Hamas effort, it is not a Hezbollah effort, it's not even just the Houthis This is an Iranian backed effort to eliminate the nation of Israel And alongside of that, they'd like to eliminate the United States of America and kill as many Americans as they can as well, that's their objective And so while the whole world is focused on these crossings, these hostages being returned We're also seeing prisoners be released that are almost certain to resume their terror campaigns And we're also watching Iran continue to attack Americans that are in the region We have to do both of these at once, we've got to get the hostages home, but we have to make sure that Hamas is wiped out in its entirety Every one of the terrorists and all of its infrastructure gone, and then we have to make sure that we actually impose the costs on the regime itself The Islamic Republic of Iran, who has formatted so much terror and caused so much grief over these last 20 years You know, Secretary Pompeo, we hear these extensions, and I think what people do want to figure out is While we get the three day extension, and we hope that that leads to 20, 30 if we count today as a separate day from those two days We're not sure exactly how they're counting the numbers yet, but we know that our troops are in harm's way during this I mean, it gets a little bit less attention, but yet we've got Houthi rebels firing, and they're Iranian backed Firing on our ships in the Mediterranean, and we're having to shoot down, getting very close to our ships And we're having to shoot down those missiles, so I want to remind people that it's not just our Israeli allies And Middle Eastern allies who are in harm's way, but it is men and women in the US armed forces who are in harm's way During this holiday season, during this very volatile time in the Middle East No, you're exactly right, if we allow this to continue, if we don't impose costs on the regime itself They'll be Americans killed, you can write it down One of these missiles will get through, our defenses won't be satisfactory They'll conduct an assassination campaign somewhere across the world The Iranian regime is determined to continue their jihad, they have an objective They're not going to rest until the cost is high enough that we can actually deter them I saw this during my time as the CIA director and as Secretary of State If you just go after their proxies, if you just take Hamas off the map They'll regret that because they won't have Hamas as a tool on the chessboard But make no mistake about it, if the regime doesn't feel the cost They're going to continue what has been a 1979 and on effort to do precisely what we're seeing play out in the days and weeks that have just passed Your State Department designated the Houthis as a terrorist organization, as a foreign terrorist organization The Biden administration of course comes in and made the decision to take them off that list So what does that decision the Biden administration put in play on this particular incident we're now dealing with?

What are they going to say? We're not dealing with the terrorist organization? It's inconceivable to me First of all that they undid this as if that was going to score points with the Iranians Which is I'm sure why they thought they were going to do it But they're the ones initiating the problem It's really quite something Jay I don't know how you would describe them as anything other than terrorists Just as a practical layman's understanding, as a legal matter the Houthis are of course terrorists They're using violence to achieve a political objective and they are the handmaidens to the Iranians And now they're threatening American soldiers I hope at the very least this administration will redesignate them That's hard to do, I get it, you have to admit that you got one wrong But the whole theory of the case which was if we show some goodwill towards the Ayatollah and to President Raisi Then the Iranians will settle down, they will stop bothering us I don't think anybody can watch what's happened these last two months and see that that's a theory that has even a plausible chance of working And I hope that we will find others, our European friends who too often want to negotiate with the Iranians Guided nations that puts them on the UN Human Rights Commission These are crazy ideas, the Iranians are thugs, they're theocrats and they want to eliminate Israel And we can't let that happen and we have the capacity to slow them down And we're active there in the UN of course and at the European Union too, just a minute here 40 hostages have been released by Hamas including the family that we represented, one of the families we represented How much more difficult do you think this hostage negotiation goes on, they've extended the truce for two more days How long do you think this could go on or does it reach a point where Israel A has to do their military And B, Hamas runs out of terrorists, runs out of hostages to deliver You know, sad to jay, I doubt they'll ever run out of hostages because my guess is they'll go take more This is the model that we've seen, right There were six Americans held, we paid six billion dollars in ransom And there are now more Americans held today than there were the day we paid the ransom I think one's been released, one has been released Mike we appreciate it, thanks for your insight as always and appreciate all of your help Folks, you know you look at the work of the American Center for Law and Justice here and realize we cannot do it without you We've got the former Secretary of State is a senior counsel for global affairs for the American Center for Law and Justice That does not happen without you and if you look at the issues that we're involved in Whether it's now having to defend, expand our defense of Israel because the legal work is now going to start coming We're already setting that team up, we're obviously negotiating for hostages We're using our Jerusalem office, DC office, Strasburg office We're about to send another demand letter to the UN Security Council About what? On representing Israel and their right to defend themselves So that's coming in, all of this is happening Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday but we're going to make today and tomorrow giving Monday and Tuesday So go to forward slash, you could say Faith and Freedom or Giving Tuesday And your donations will be doubled and if you can make that monthly you become an ACLJ champion at Those champions really have made this possible for us to double the impact of our work for these Israeli hostages, thank you Keeping you informed and engaged, now more than ever, this is Sekulow And now your host Jordan Sekulow Welcome back to Sekulow, we are taking your calls too, if you have questions for us on the air, 1-800-684-3110 That's 1-800-684-3110, we've talked a lot in this first half hour, we were joined by Secretary Pompeo We have this new update that hostages will continue to be released as of now That this cease fire will continue an additional two days And some of the concern we have obviously with this is that one, how many hostages remain It's still not a real clear number, it's a changing number, we'll say it that way But we know there are living hostages that remain, who can be returned to Israel and returned to their families We are seeing stories that are very sad but still very positive of children being returned to their families Their mother and father's killed but their larger families being able to take them back, that's happened The family we represented, the father wasn't taken, he was defending the kibbutz but his wife and three children were taken hostage And they were reunited over the weekend, I mean that is happening, these extremely positive stories Even when you're dealing with such an evil group like Hamas because of the pressure they're under from other parts of the Muslim world So you've got extended cease fire, this should include 10 more today, 10 or 11 today plus an additional 10 or 11 for Tuesday and Wednesday In the next 48 hours we could see another 30 hostages released Somewhere between 20 to 30 At that point the question is are they having to release males not just women and children And we don't know that and I think that's where having the Red Cross be able to visit those, not so far And that's what I think the next step needs to be is that the Red Cross needs to be able to go in and visit the remaining hostages Identify who they are, just like you said Jordan, that's what the request to Qatar was Some of these family members just want to know if their family members are alive, are they dead, where they are So the Red Cross should be, that I think is the next step is they need to be allowed to go in and identify them Have any adult males been released?

One, the Russian, and the Thai, a couple of the Thais The internationals But any Israelis? No, not yet So that's a very big, would be a very big next step One U.S. person was Abigail, the four year old, who by the way is a great aunt, was in our delegation Meeting with your friend Congressman Jared Moskowitz So I mean we've had, the direct impact on this is for real Now the next phase of this, which gets complicated, is going to be the EU phase Frankly we were going, then we were just going to send our ECLJ team Then this morning things changed a little bit, it may be a shorter trip It's changed again while we're here, I mean the two day extension is up Yeah so now they've got a two day extension, how does that play into all of this But this is probably the end of the family delegations for a while Mostly A, these families want to get home in case their families are released So we've got to shorten things up and then we're going to start working on global leaders That's going to be a major project that I'm working with Danny A. Alon on And then Rami Levy, who we've worked with for many many years The former President of Bulgaria is very pro-Israel He's going to be involved in this, he is heading Wednesday to I believe China In Hong Kong for a meeting with 100 former heads of state We may end up representing Jordan and CC, the 100 heads of state Former heads of state in proceedings at the ICC because here's what that does It tells the ICC, here's what 100 former Presidents and prime ministers would have done If they were in the exact same situation as Israel, they can't just blow that off I want to just tie that into one quick sentence We know the next stage of this battle when the hostage situation has been completed as best as possible It's never going to be perfect, we know that There's going to be a lot of sad stories too, but there are going to be these positive stories And that's why you keep fighting, because there's going to be more positive stories We know that they exist and we're going to keep fighting But the next stage will be the delegitimize Israel in the courts of international law Call out Israel as war criminals Show the destruction of Gaza and say this was not proportional to what happened on October 7th And then you know what I think you make that international court do? Watch the entire video that was filmed by Hamas 45 minutes Don't let them get up 45 minutes long, they don't get to leave No coffee breaks, no snacks, no smoking breaks See if they'll do that Support the work of the ACLJ, we're in our faith and freedom drive Any amount you donate is doubled, if you make that recurring, you become an ACLJ champion Back with more in a moment The ACLJ is a big organization with offices all over the country and the world And our other work does not stop, it does not cease even over the holidays and Thanksgiving I want to make sure it's clear to people, I had someone come up to me during the holidays Actually talking about the 14th amendment issue while I was on the trip And will President Trump be on the ballot Real questions are happening We're also fighting for life in the courts We've had a lot of setbacks now We had huge victory overturning Roe vs Wade But we saw a strategy by some pro-life groups to say let's get this right again to the voters After people were just starting to digest what it meant to overturn Roe vs Wade Which we were concerned about because we said hey Planned Parenthood has been educating these people since 1973 If Roe vs Wade got overturned We have just been focusing on trying to overturn Roe vs Wade in the federal level And really been educating the courts, not so much the citizens And then it happened and then we put ballot initiatives on a year later Without the money that Planned Parenthood had So we're looking at it through the legal way and we're doing it right now in court So in the wake of the Dobbs decision, the Iowa legislature in Iowa passed a fetal heart bill And unfortunately, pro-abortionists have come out against this law, not shockingly Claiming a right to abortion is found, guess what, in the state's constitution So on behalf of 45 Iowa state legislatures The ACLJ has submitted an amicus brief to the Iowa Supreme Court laying out the legal arguments Cece, this is not the first brief in this area we've done No, and once again it's Planned Parenthood coming against a pro-life bill This is a heartbeat bill that actually protects a baby from abortion Once the heartbeat is detected and it gives exceptions Medical emergency fetal heartbeat exceptions are rape, incest, miscarriage Or fetal abnormality incompatible with life So it does have exceptions But once again, Planned Parenthood is not going to let that lie So they have come against this bill and we have filed an amicus brief Like you said, on behalf of 45 legislators supporting it And pointing out that actually the Iowa Supreme Court has actually stated That abortion is not in their constitution This is the interesting aspect of this as we litigate these You know, at the same time we've got a Colorado Supreme Court brief that we just finished up this weekend That Ben Sisney, Jane Raskin, our colleagues are filing with the Colorado Supreme Court on keeping Trump on the ballot That's the legal issue there And again, no matter where you stand on the former President, whether you want to be the nominee or not He has the right to be on the ballot And a secretary of state does not have the right to take somebody off the ballot simply because they disagree That is all happening simultaneously But what's also happening simultaneously is we are seven weeks away, Jordan, from the Iowa caucus So you can't keep saying a lot can happen in the next six months Because a lot can happen in the next six weeks That's right, and I mean the Iowa caucus sets a big stage because it will be Is there anyone who could match Trump? It's a different than a vote, it's different than a primary Remember, Ted Cruz technically won it the first time But he won it by such a small amount, there's nothing against him But the numbers were so close They couldn't get the big bounce after because they weren't able to declare him the clear winner Until they were basically voting in New Hampshire So, Ron DeSantis they're saying is double down in Iowa So has now Nikki Haley What's your sense there? I mean, they have to win it Because if Donald Trump wins it easily that night And I say easily by like, if it's ten or more points because of what they're having to do versus what he's having to do Then think about that, then you're going into the actual voting in New Hampshire He's up way up, it's over So if no one can take Iowa from Donald Trump I think this primary is over I'm of the belief that this is already over I know there's another debate, is it this week? Next week Next week I know there's another debate next week So same candidates again, it just doesn't seem I know there's the, when's the DeSantis versus the governor? This Friday This Friday So again, that gives people It gives people something interesting to watch But again, if you're talking about Donald, who's going to be the nominee? Right now, there's no indication that for the Republican Party it's going to be anyone but Donald Trump So in that, okay So I'm just looking at this thing kind of There were all kinds of rumors running that DeSantis was pulling out Now that rumor ended up being a rumor, but his chief of his Super PAC quit Unusual? A few weeks out, it's not a great sign Because your Super PAC at this point is supposed to be so in line because you're not allowed to coordinate With your campaign So at this point you were supposed to use all that time when you could coordinate Because you didn't have a campaign yet To basically be in sync without even having to talk to each other Now what you'll see a lot of times on these Super PAC websites is They'll go to YouTube and they'll release everything You'll see the polling, you'll see the ads And they do that so that the campaign can then take those video images and they can reutilize it So again, to get rid of the head of the Super PAC is a big I don't think they were necessarily picked up by someone Is it a money thing?

Is it a, we think we've got to just go somewhere different? Usually you don't do that a few weeks before people start voting But DeSantis has done this a couple of times to try and stay relevant And then the issue is, is the life issue going to be front and center for at least conservatives in this coming primary season? And again, we're talking about Iowa and we just filed an amicus brief Because Planned Parenthood is attacking a heartbeat bill We've seen that when this issue of life gets on the ballot It does not help the pro-life group So this is not a ballot issue, this is in the courts But hopefully there are pro-life people that come out and vote When the ballot initiative is on there, our candidates don't end up doing that great No, I think the issue doesn't end up doing that great I think what happens is pro-life candidates still win, people still vote for pro-life candidates I think what you see is, you'll see Donald Trump, he can run very strong He made the appointments that overturned Roe vs. Wade And what he said is, after that That's all he has to actually say, I think If I was him, I would say, you can debate what you're going to do I appointed the three justices that actually overturned the And then you have the debate in your states Now, Nikki Haley has taken a very different view on this now A little bit more of a slightly different view than Donald Trump Not too much Still mainstream I would not say mainstream in the pro-life movement But I'd say pretty mainstream in the Republican Party Which is, we can't give up on every voter who's still confused post-Roe being overturned We've obviously did not do a good enough job educating voters So they thought that if you got an ectopic pregnancy, you're going to go to jail If you have a procedure, if you have cancer and have got to make life decisions about whether or not you can carry a child to term I mean, incest we're talking about, rape we're talking about Rape kits that are used very quickly after someone is put These were all effective ads by the pro-abortion industry that were not countered well Because the money wasn't there to counter them quick enough in the states They knew they were going to run those ads They ran those ads a day or two before the election We could not counter them We've got to probably spend the next few years just like we did fighting Roe vs. Wade Now countering the disinformation on the laws But it also means the laws need to be really well written And we're working on those so that they're not open to that kind of interpretation That has been a serious problem I need to say this also And the ACLJ is working on this but ACLJ Action is also doing a lot of work on this They are and we're working closely legally but also on policy wise in the states to make sure that if we're going to go to battle on this Are we in the best possible position to do it? Sometimes you don't get to pick, the legislature decides they're going to go forward with the law But what we've seen is it's often times better for the legislators to do it And then to fight it out in court than it is to put it up to a ballot initiative Because ballot initiatives are much more vulnerable to who has the most money to run ads And right now the abortion industry has more money But if you go to Republican states and there's more Republican legislators, guess what? There's more pro-life legislators and we can go fight it out in courts And those judges are usually going to be appointed in those states by people who were of pro-life position So right now we'd rather fight those battles in legislators and courts than you would in ballot initiatives and constitutional amendments Years from now after we have time to educate voters I think we'll be in a very different position But we're not at that point yet and I think that's what Nikki Haley is saying We honestly are not at the point yet where people can really understand the difference between Is this going to affect me?

If I have miscarriage am I going to be investigated for a crime? They have to remove the shot Let's be clear It's interesting, the real clear politics average in Iowa is Trump 47 to Santa 17 Haley 14.3 So if you add everybody else up it probably doesn't really equal Trump It's a weird thing though, it's not as easy as a vote You gotta be there for hours Which is not his thing No, and sometimes his supporters, that's not their thing either So his supporters have got to go for hours I think he's going to have to spend some more time there, I think he will I don't think he's going to want to even have come close in Iowa I think he wants to probably end this primary that night And so I would imagine that Donald Trump between now and Iowa is going to be spending a significant amount of time in Iowa And is going to embarrass them to where he's 30 and 40 points ahead And how are they going to even justify moving forward with their campaigns into their home states like South Carolina We are expanding our efforts to defend Israel both now for the defense of Israel as a nation state through the court system As well as the hostages through our offices in Jerusalem, Washington, our office here with our media team And with our ECLJ office which may now include meetings with the Qatari ambassador We're about to send a new demand letter to the United Nations Security Council in just days Regarding Israel's right to defend itself We're going to be meeting with foreign leaders at the middle of December 20th again in defense of Israel None of this happens without your support We're in our faith and freedom drive at slash faith and freedom Any amount you donate is doubled And if you can make that a monthly recurring gift you become an ACLJ champion And that drastically radically changes what we're able to do at the ACLJ So I encourage you to do that if you can back with an update on our movie Jingle Smells We come back Welcome back to PsychEOS We talked about some serious things the ACLJ is working on But as you know if you've been watching the broadcast the last couple of weeks ACLJ Films is also out with feature film to brighten your day during the holidays We encouraged a lot of people to purchase the movie via Rumble through ACLJ Films Jingle Smells and Sean Hannity is behind it as a co-producer with Logan And I think again we said Thanksgiving would be a great time to do it But it's a Christmas movie and a lot of people were traveling during Thanksgiving And I want to make sure they know that even if they didn't get it during Thanksgiving Because they may have been on the road or in hotels It's a Christmas movie, you've got plenty of time to watch Jingle Smells Yes it's available right now like you said on Rumble You can find it by going to slash jinglesmells Or just go to Click the big button that says order now It is available Though it says, I've had a couple questions that have come up Thousands of you by the way purchased And I really appreciate that And the reviews have been great Yeah the fact that we're able to provide something that's light That's fun but still has a lot of heart Has a lot of the ACLJ messages packed in it Was really important We're taking on Hollywood in a big way and we're doing it with our partners With Sean Hannity and with Rumble, the number one free speech platform So very cool for us to be doing that But I'll say some people have said also Is it pay per view because they see the little PPV In essence it's an on demand film But once you've made that purchase in 1999 You've got it You've got it, you could watch it 4,000 times I don't care, I'd love for you to And we're having people, people had watch parties over the weekend Which was really fun, a lot of families got together The cast got together and watched it And thousands upon thousands of you have watched this movie And it's shown that we can really make a difference Again it's a comedy, it's a big Christmas comedy But at it's heart it has a lot of the messages that are really important to us Talks about supporting our military, talks about cancel culture And a lot of the top topics And there's certainly a Faith Elm, it's a Christmas movie So certainly there's going to be that in there It's not, it's a very creative fun story About a Hollywood celebrity who gets cancelled And what happens to his toys when they're pulled from the shelves And they end up in the hands of these garbage men slash military vets And what are they going to do with them And it becomes a Robin Hood style Santa Claus kind of journey Really fun movie, the views have been great Heck of a cast And a great cast, John Schneider obviously Let's talk about the cast for a minute here Yeah we have John Schneider from the Dukes of Hazzard And from Smallville, you've got him obviously You've got Ben Davies you may know from the Daily Wire You've got SNL's Jim Brewer and Victoria Jackson On the same set Yeah on the same set, this set actually Fun little Easter egg You've got Brad Stein, pro wrestlers James Storm and Dylan Hornswoggle Postel And Academy Award nominee Eric Roberts Plus plenty of other incredible actors who come in for different things And there's little cameos throughout from all of us From our friends Incredible actors like Jordan Sekulow Like your wife, like my wife There are lots of little The music's great too I have to say J-Band pops in as a song, John Rich gave us a song to use So there is a lot of if you want to say goodwill coming into this Christmas movie And the fact that it's available on Rumble I think though it may be a barrier because people maybe haven't made a purchase through Rumble yet We are seeing that thousands of people will And that is very exciting because that means there's no red tape That means there's no middleman That means there's no one between you and your screen We're able to provide content that is made 100% independently And that is very rare, it was very cool to see Look, there are thousands of you watching right now on social media Whether it's YouTube, Facebook or Rumble If you all that are watching would buy the movie It's going to be great for your family It will increase those sales By the way, this helps the ACLJ, it's an ACLJ film So a portion of those proceeds are going right back here to the ACLJ Majority Yeah, so majority of them How does this work, Logan? What do people need to actually physically do to buy that movie right now? It's very simple, you just go to is the domain There's a big giant button that says order here Click it, you'll see another, it'll take you to the Rumble page If you're not already there, it'll take you to the Rumble page There's another button that says buy Click that, put in your credit card information The movie will start right up And there's also a Rumble app, you can get it that way as well You can watch it that way, we encourage you to buy it through the website And I've been frank and honest with you of why And that is that Apple or Amazon or whoever it is that's providing that app Is taking a large percentage of the revenue When you make a purchase through a device That's how they make their money It's better to open up the website on your phone to buy it that way Yes, open up the website and make your purchase there Because that means the money is essentially going to the people who made the movie And obviously Rumble is our platform So they get a percentage as they should Because they are a great partner And they featured it over the weekend Hundreds of thousands of you have watched the trailer I mean I think that's 800,000 million Some of that includes the views of the movie So I mean there's a groundswell happening here for this film And what we hope is this rolls right into the next project that we have And we're excited about it It's also important that And I think this is really critical That as you enjoy the movie you tell your friends Because a lot of this is word of mouth marketing Now we're talking about it on our airtime here We hosted the Hannity broadcast Sean has been talking about it Sean's in it, Logan's in it, Jordan's in it Their spouses are in it, I'm in it, the band's in it And it's just a great, great movie We watched it in our theater room at home on the big screen And it was, I gotta tell you It was fantastic And later that night Pam was watching a Hallmark movie And it's the big one they have about Asheville But it was obvious, and you said you think they limited Maybe some of the way they shot it It was fine It was a good movie It was a good movie But I think this one is just deeper It's not just a silly, on the surface level Christmas movie Or even a sweet Christmas movie It has those big elements you want But it has a big family message in it And it feels like an important movie when you watch it The topics are not all light and fluffy Even it opens The first scene is our lead in jail So that tells you where the story kind of goes It's a redemption story Really for all the characters Including the hardcore liberal characters we put in this Maybe they even go through some redemptions Thanks to Victoria Jackson Not all of them, but most of them And really Every time that there's a What I like about this movie is it's funny And then there will be moments of seriousness And moments of heartfelt And then we swerve you You laugh and you cry in the same movie And then we swerve you though You go right back into the fun So there's not too long Before you're right back into the Christmas fun We've kind of said similar to a Home Alone Or a Christmas Vacation Where there's moments of heart, moments of sweet But really at the end of the day And just now in the Christmas season Can I read some of these that just came in By the way we are 17,514 champions Shawna Noelle said I absolutely love Jingle Smells Great movie Logan Wendy on Rumble said Bravo for Jingle Smells A fun movie with thought provoking themes I loved it Comfort on Rumble said it was great Logan Another Rumble comment Do you want me to give away the line here? I think that's okay You can keep an eye out for us Logan was in jail And Jordan was the mayor Wonderful movie Yes there you go Mayor Jordan Jordan Mayer is very up for Like it's clearly you In jail I have face tattoos Like jelly roll You can find me there But mentally for me in the very first scene You can hear my voice a few times throughout it And a lot of little cameos through the voices Including Governor Mike Huckabee makes a cameo Couple other big names cameos Eric Bischoff from the Professionalism WCW Butch Hartman makes a cameo Just vocal little cameos I called in a lot of favors I texted a lot of friends and said Hey I'd love to involve you guys in some ways That's the one thing that was really cool Especially to people like Huckabee They all wanted to play They all wanted to be involved They all know there needs to be laughs Going on right now Jingle And it gets right there to it There's a QR code also if you're watching this You can go right there Or you can go right to And type in Jingle Smells And it's going to come up It's $19.99 And basically you get to watch it unlimited after that Share it with your friends I encourage you today We want to keep this momentum going folks And momentum has been great Thousands and thousands of you watched it During Thanksgiving But it's a Christmas movie So now is when we really want you to get involved Again the movie is Jingle Smells Go to You can download it that way You can do it that way We also put up another video On how to watch Jingle Smells on your TV If you're not familiar with the Rumble app That is on that channel as well 30,000 plus have watched that video I was texting you Yeah a lot of people It's a new platform for that since This is the first feature film they've ever done So we are breaking really cutting edge technology It really is using cutting edge digital technology To promote And this is another way the ACLJ impacts the culture So go to And download it today in order for your friends And post your comments We really want to hear that Support the work of the ACLJ and our matching challenge Our matching campaign right now Very important
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-11-27 14:31:45 / 2023-11-27 14:52:54 / 21

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