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The Rapture—Encourage Each Other With These Words

Running With Horses / Shirley Weaver Ministries
The Truth Network Radio
September 21, 2023 12:00 am

The Rapture—Encourage Each Other With These Words

Running With Horses / Shirley Weaver Ministries

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September 21, 2023 12:00 am

As Believers we should be knowledgeable about prophetic Scriptures and end time events leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Study in God’s Word is the way we develop our own personal beliefs in everything, including our eschatology which means our understanding of where we on God’s timeline that will close out this age and usher in the next. In this episode Shirley looks at the Lord’s return for His Church known as the Rapture, and the broader meaning of another term from Scripture, the Day of the Lord.

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This is the Truth Network. Welcome to Running with Horses, a podcast devoted to inspire you, concerning a relationship with Almighty God that empowers you to accomplish things you never thought possible.

Shirley Weaver wants to take you there. And now here's today's episode. Hello everyone and welcome.

So glad you're here. Running with Horses, this is the podcast where we make a very big deal about the power of God, His demonstrations of power in the way that He loves His people, actually all of His creation. So we all qualify, you know, for a download of His goodness. We love to talk about that because you know sometimes things that are dark, negative and destructive seem to take all of the oxygen out of the room.

Because as believers, we may not even realize how great the power of God is on demonstration or in demonstration in the way that God protects us, leads us, guides us, provides for us, all of that. And one of the ways that I have noticed, really, over the last several years, I've began to focus on end-time Scriptures, since there is more said in Scripture about Jesus' second coming than about His first. And honestly, I'm not sure I really thought of that before.

I think I did know that was the case, but it just wasn't something at the forefront of what I was considering. But now my attention has been gotten in this area because of really two major things that have occurred just in the last few years, primarily the darkness, the gross darkness being ushered in by the policies of the government in power in my nation right now, in the United States of America. This tragedy is like every morning you wake up and you cannot believe what else has been added to the list of travesties taking place. And secondly, and probably more heartbreaking, the church's corresponding silence and even compromised silence concerning areas of clear Bible truth, what used to be, what was established truth, is being thrown out the window and compromised unbelievably, at an unbelievable level.

And so, see this has my attention because I have a family and people I love and I care about and I realize that there is something amiss here, something afoot that we haven't necessarily known before. And just kind of in keeping with this new focus, let me just also remind you, I've mentioned before, we have a YouTube channel where everything that we've done in the last two years, actually year and a half to two years, lives. It's A Clear Trumpet with Shirley Weaver. Everything prior to January 22 has been purged from that channel. Everything you find there, audio, video, everything is completely new. I am completely excited about the content you'll find there. And if you'll find our channel,, search for A Clear Trumpet with Shirley Weaver. And once you find our channel, you'll have at your fingertips, and many of these things are still being loaded, so it's not all there yet.

It takes a while, but there's a lot. So you'll have at your fingertips everything that we've produced, as I said, in the last two years within that scope. And I need for you to subscribe. Please do that, because that is an amazing, an amazing thing happens when you do that.

I don't understand it all, but I do know that it works that way. So you can help us with that. And also in the show notes, you will find the link for our youtube channel, plus other social media.

Everything concerning our book, all of that's right there in today's show notes, actually in the show notes of every episode, should have it right there at your fingertips. And if you want to be a part of what we do here, and I don't want to underestimate the importance here, forward slash giving, forward slash giving. Every gift makes a huge difference because everything that we do is free.

It's free that way. People around the world, no matter where they are, whatever their condition, they have access to what God is giving us. We freely receive from Him. We freely put it out. So those couple of things back to what I was saying, this focus on end time scriptures, which I think is important for us all.

I'm not hearing enough about it, I'm sad to say, but maybe that is really, you know, an expose on our situation in general. These truths are vital. It is so vital that you and I know what we believe about these things. For example, the rapture. A couple of places in the word we are told to encourage each other about these truths concerning the rapture of the bride church, to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. And this verse, 2 Timothy 4.8, there is really a crown of righteousness that is laid up by the Lord as a reward for you, for you and all of those who believe, all of those who love and look for His appearing. So if you belong to the Lord, number one, and add to that, you are looking for, longing for, and you love His appearing, there is a crown, a crown laid up for you, a crown of righteousness. If you do not believe that that is true, read 2 Timothy 4.8.

It's so important that you know these truths. And for me personally, this is how I feel, that believers individually, as well as in the local congregation, should study and discuss and teach, and in every way possible, trumpet these end-time days described in Scripture seems obvious to me. Another example, 1 Timothy 4.8, this crown of righteousness that is laid up for us is just one of the many Scriptures that should encourage us.

Others, like 2 mentions, almost said twice mentions, 2 mentions in 1 Thessalonians 4, verse 18, chapter 5, verse 11, we read these words. Therefore, comfort each other. Therefore, comfort each other with these words and edify one another. In other words, build each other up with these truths concerning these end-time occurrences, specifically the rapture, the Lord's return for His bride church. Revelation 2, verse 10, since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the trial that is coming on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.

Another translation says to test the earth dwellers. Those of us who dwell on planted earth right now in this incredible prophetic season, we have endured patiently, and the promise is that God will keep us from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world. The rapture, 1 Thessalonians 4, beginning verse 16, goes like this. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first, verse 17, then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up, underlined, caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus, in this way, we shall always be with the Lord, verse 18, therefore comfort each other with these words. What words?

These words. The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and the trumpet of God. The dead in Christ will rise first, then we who are alive and remain will then be caught up together with them, who's the them, with the dead in Christ first. The graves will open, the dead will be caught up because the Lord is in the air. He's in the air calling us up, and thus, this is the way that we will always be with the Lord, and we can comfort each other with these words. Other places, John 14, verses 1-3, 1 Corinthians 15, verses 51-55, 1 Thessalonians 4, verses 13-18.

You see, this is a very big deal. I mean, that's only a few scriptures about this event that will take place where the Lord comes for His bride church, but not to touch down on the earth Himself. You see, His first coming, He actually came into the earth, as will be the case with His second coming.

We're going to talk about that in just a second here, because it's important that we have these two events clear in our understanding. But when the Lord comes to catch away His bride church, He comes in the clouds. It's a very private event. It will happen in the twinkling of an eye at a time when only God the Father knows. But you see, it will occur because of the sound of a shout and the trumpet sound. Very private event.

Those who are born again, and the Lord. That's who the event is for. That is why it's private. You see, and there are all kinds of theories that explain how those that remain on the earth will be able to explain away what has happened when millions of people disappear. Now, if that sounds odd or strange to you, maybe that should tell you that you need to study some more. That shouldn't be frightening or a put off at all. You see, it's the plan.

It's been in place for a very long time. Jesus referred to His return for His bride church. Do you remember all those parables like the virgins, the ten virgins? There's so much to comfort our hearts so that we know that even in a time of darkness, God's plan prevails. And just so that you'll have an understanding of the difference between the rapture, or the catching away of the church, and this term, the second coming, the second coming will occur at the end of the seven year tribulation period. So the catching away of the bride church is before the second coming. The catching away, the rapture of the church is first, then the tribulation period, which is wrath.

Oh, so much wrath. And then the Lord returns, and guess who's coming with Him? All of those that were raptured, and all of the Old Testament saints, are coming with Him, and this will be a very public event. The word says, the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Because see, He's coming for a significant event, that is the Battle of Armageddon, the second coming, Zechariah 14, verses 1 through 21. Then every gospel records, well, Matthew, Mark, and Luke record this event, as does Revelation 19, beginning in verse 11 through verses 21.

So you see, there's plenty for us to learn here. This is a public event, the second coming of the Lord, subsequent to the seven year tribulation period, subsequent to the rapture of the church. Do you see that?

Have you got that straight? And just a word here, this tribulation period is a time of judgment between the rapture and the second coming of the Lord, His return. See, He actually comes to earth. He actually touches down on earth, as it were.

Those are my words, touches down like He's here. This period in between the tribulation is a time of judgment, when the whole world is under judgment. We are actually under judgment now, but the distinction of the tribulation and the difference is that the tribulation includes God's wrath. I've heard people say recently, well, things are so dark now, how do I know that we're not already living in the tribulation period?

Well, listen, this cannot begin to compare. You just got to know that, because right now what we are experiencing is the wrath of man. It is man's inhumanity to man, man's mistreatment and domination of man. Man's wrath is not the same thing as, nor can it be compared to God's wrath. God's wrath is reserved for the great day of the Lord. This period that begins with the tribulation continues through the second coming and into the millennial reign.

We'll talk about that another time. The wrath of God, which is a judgment, but more than judgment, begins in the seven-year period, extends through the second coming of the Lord. I'm repeating myself, I want to make this clear, includes the battle of Armageddon, plus the millennial reign, sometimes called, or actually always called the kingdom age. This wrath that we're talking about during the great tribulation is a time of an unprecedented outpouring of God's wrath.

Well, why is he doing that? Because you see, men's hearts have become so hardened, the Lord has done everything to convict and convince them of his love, his saving power for them, and again and again, they harden, they harden, and they choose to disbelieve, not believe, and even be those who are anti-Christ against them. And this unprecedented time of the outpouring of wrath is described in chapters 16 through chapter 19 of the book of Revelation. That's the last book of the Bible. It includes three judgments, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls.

Seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls. Why am I telling you that? Because you need to go read. You need to go read those chapters. You need to know what they're saying.

You need to read Zechariah 14, verses one through 21, Matthew 24, verses 19 through 31, Mark 13, verses 24 through 27, Luke 21, verses 25 through 27. You see, it's our responsibility. We know from Timothy said, study, study to show yourself approved. Study to show yourself approved.

One who knows the word that you've searched it out. Paul said to Timothy, not Timothy said, listen, it's really important. It's really important that you and I understand why we would be encouraging each other right now during this time of such darkness and difficulty. It's because there's an event coming, the catching away of the church, the Lord Jesus meeting us in the air, followed by a terrible, difficult period, seven year period called the great tribulation, the beginning of the day of the Lord, followed by the second coming of the Lord and everything that takes place after that. There's a lot to consider. I pray, I pray that you understand the times like we read about Issachar's tribe, that they had an understanding of the times and knew what to do, knew what Israel ought to do. We'll look at this again another time, but pray, seek the Lord, ask him, get your own eschatology sure and certain nailed down in your heart.

You need to understand the day in which we live. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to help support this podcast, please share it with others. Post about it on social media or leave a rating and review. Don't forget to check out the show notes or visit where you can subscribe to Shirley's email list. Download the ministry app and purchase your very own copy of Shirley's 365-day devotional, Running with Horses. Thanks again and we'll see you next time. Bye.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-10-07 03:38:35 / 2023-10-07 03:45:08 / 7

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