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Finding Your “One Thing” In Life – Part 1

Pathway to Victory / Dr. Robert Jeffress
The Truth Network Radio
January 1, 2025 3:00 am

Finding Your “One Thing” In Life – Part 1

Pathway to Victory / Dr. Robert Jeffress

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January 1, 2025 3:00 am

The New Year prompts us to take stock of our lives and reevaluate our trajectory. Perhaps you’re wondering whether you’re really where God wants you to be and living out the plan He has for you. Dr. Robert Jeffress shows you how to find the unique purpose for which you were created.


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Hey, podcast listeners! Thanks for streaming today's podcast, From Pathway to Victory. Pathway to Victory is a nonprofit ministry featuring the Bible teaching of Dr. Robert Jeffress. Our mission is to pierce the darkness with the light of God's word through the most effective media available, like this podcast. To support Pathway to Victory, go to slash donate or follow the link in our show notes.

Now, here's today's podcast, From Pathway to Victory. God has not only made you, He has set you apart for a great eternal purpose. Now, the question is, what is that purpose?

And that leads to truth number two. Your purpose is connected to God's purpose. Welcome to Pathway to Victory with author and pastor, Dr. Robert Jeffress.

And happy new year, by the way. You know, each January, we're prompted to take stock of our lives and reevaluate really where we're going. Perhaps you're wondering whether you're really where God wants you to be and living out the plan He has for you. Today on Pathway to Victory, Dr. Robert Jeffress shows us how to find the unique purpose for which you were created. Now, here's our Bible teacher to introduce today's message.

Dr. Jeffress? Thanks, David. The new year of 2025 has arrived.

And from today's message, we're going to share with you what is the purpose of the Bible teaching of Dr. Robert Jeffress. From all of us at Pathway to Victory, happy new year. I'm so glad you decided to join us as we usher in a brand new year together. Look, while you're taking some time off to rest and relax today, you're well aware that tomorrow morning on Thursday, January 2nd, the party's over.

The workforce will return from the holiday, and most of us will resume our responsibilities as employees. Well, along those lines, a lot of folks are reflecting on their calling in life, whether it's a part-time job, a professional occupation, maybe a course of study in school. This is a season when we tend to do some critical thinking about the trajectory of our lives. Friends, nothing will accelerate your thinking and planning any more than spending time in God's Word. And at Pathway to Victory, we're prepared to send you a brand new daily devotional for 2025. And while reflecting on God's Word, God will clarify your purpose in life.

So why not spend some quality time with Him every day? By the way, this leather-bound volume was our special offer for December. But I've spoken with our team, and we've decided to extend this offer for just a few more days. We don't want you to miss out. The Pathway to Victory daily devotional for 2025 is yours when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of Pathway to Victory.

We'll say more about the daily devotional after today's message. But right now, let's give our attention to a topic that's on everybody's mind at this time of the year, finding your one thing in life. Whenever I hear the term, old movies, I think about movies from the 1930s, the 1940s. When my two daughters think of old movies, they think of anything before the year 2000.

If I can tell you how many times they complain, oh, Dad, do we have to watch one of those old movies, you know, something from the 1990s? Well, the other night, Amy and I were watching an old movie from 1991. It was the comedy City Slickers. Do you all remember City Slickers with Billy Crystal? If you're not familiar with it, it's the story of these three guys from New York who are each going through a midlife crisis. And so they go to a cattle ranch in New Mexico, and they participate in driving the herd from New Mexico to Colorado.

And along the way, they learn some important lessons about life. And perhaps the iconic scene of the movie is when Billy Crystal, one of the three men, is riding his horse next to that old leathery cowboy played by Jack Palance. And remember the dialogue, Jack Palance says, well, actually, he growls. He said, you city folks are all the same.

You come out here with the same problems at the same age, you spend 50 weeks a year getting knots in your rope, and you think that a couple of weeks out here will change all of that. You know what the real secret to life is? Billy Crystal says, no.

What is it? Palance says, this. Your index finger?

Billy Crystal says, no. One thing. Stick to that one thing, and the rest of life doesn't mean expletive.

It's Sunday morning, so I have to clean it up. It doesn't mean expletive. Then Billy Crystal asks a question. Well, what is that one thing? Palance says, ah, that's for you to find out. Kingman Brewster was the president of Yale University. He said, there is a tremendous satisfaction in losing your own identity in something that is much more important than you are.

Kingman Brewster, Jack Palance were both talking about the same thing. The one thing in life is your purpose, finding your purpose. Whenever you find the special reason for which God created your life, the rest of things in this world aren't worth whatever you want to say there.

The one thing in life. What do you mean, Pastor? Your purpose in life. Well, we know all Christians were created by God and were saved by God. God's purpose is that everybody come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and be conformed into the image of Christ, Romans 8, 28 through 30. That's a general purpose for everyone, but God also has a specific purpose for your life.

Remember in our series on Elijah, I said that God has a story he's telling to the universe of his love and redemption through Jesus Christ, but God also has a story he's writing in your life, a specific story to tell his story. That's what I'm talking about when I talk about discovering your unique purpose in life. Finding that unique purpose is the key to your own fulfillment in life, but it's also key to this church, First Baptist Dallas, reaching its potential. You see, of all the images in the Bible to describe the church, the most frequently used image is that of the human body. Christ is the head, we are the parts of the body. 1 Corinthians 12, 27 says, for you are Christ's body and individually members of it. Turn over to Ephesians 4 verses 14 to 16 that we read just a moment ago and let me show you something. Paul says, for we are no longer to be children tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness and deceitful scheming, but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects of our lives. In all aspects into him who is the head, there it is, the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.

Do you see the image there? Christ is the head, but you and I are parts of the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12 says, some of us are hands, some of us are feet, some of us are arms, some of us are livers, some of us are stomachs.

We all have a part to play in the body of Christ. In fact, Paul says, it's sometimes the hidden parts of the body that are the most important parts of the human body. Many people, including my own father, died from pancreatic cancer.

What makes that disease so deadly is the pancreas is hidden from human view and it's hard to discover that there's something wrong until it's too late. And the pancreas, although not a prominent part of the body, is an important part of the body. It's the same way in the body of Christ. It's not just the members who are seen, but sometimes those behind the scenes that are the most important to the proper functioning of the body. And so, I thought today is a great time to talk about finding your purpose. Not only so we can experience the fulfillment that God wants us to experience, but that so our church can be everything God wants it to be. But before our church can ever reach its potential, every member has to be functioning. Everybody has to be living out his individual purpose. Because isn't that what the text says?

It takes the proper working of each individual part for the growth of the body to occur. So today, I want to share with you four important insights about discovering your unique purpose. A purpose that's key to your fulfillment, but also to the fulfillment of this church's purpose. For some of you, this is going to be brand new material.

For others of you, it's going to be a review. But I want us to all take these four points down and consider them seriously. Truth number one, God created you for a great purpose. God created you for a great purpose. Now, we say that all the time, and we assume everybody believes that.

News alert, not everybody believes that. Many non-Christians don't believe they're here for any purpose specifically. Many non-Christians believe that their existence is due to a biological fluke that occurred. In fact, the late paleontologist Stephen Gould wrote about purpose this. He said, we exist because one odd group of fish had a peculiar fin anatomy that could transform into legs for terrestrial creatures. We exist because the earth never froze entirely during an ice age.

Because of a small tenuous species, a rising in Africa a quarter of a million years ago has managed so far to survive by hook and by crook. We may long for a higher purpose, but none exist. Do you believe that? Do you believe your existence here is by accident? That you're simply the product of some primordial chemical broth that oozed over the earth millions of years ago?

You know, even non-believers sense that there's something more to life than what we see. There was a survey a few years ago of 8,000 college students in 48 different colleges by John Hopkins University. And in the survey they asked the question of what was most important to them in life.

16% said making a lot of money. 75% said the most important thing in life was finding a purpose and meaning to my life. We all long for that higher purpose, and there is a higher purpose. In Jeremiah 1, verse 5, God said to the prophet, before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. And before you were born, I consecrated you.

I have appointed you a prophet to the nations. Notice several things, these words, before I formed you in the womb. Life does not begin at birth. Life begins at conception. And that's when God starts weaving us together in our mother's womb.

That's what he says here. I formed you in the womb. He said, but even before then, I knew you.

That word know, K-N-O-W in Hebrew refers to that intimate relationship between a husband and a wife. God said, I had a relationship with you before I even began forming you. And not only have I formed you and known you, I have consecrated you. That means I have set you apart for a great purpose. God has not only made you, he has set you apart for a great eternal purpose. Now, the question is, what is that purpose?

And that leads to truth number two. Your purpose is connected to God's purpose. So many times I see Christians kind of wandering around in a fog. Oh, what is my purpose in life? Why am I here? Why do I exist? You know, if you will grasp this one simple truth, it will help cut through the fog of a lot of perhaps your questions about your own life. Here's the simple truth. You were created by God, saved by God, selected by God, and gifted by God to fulfill his agenda and not yours. Let me say it again. You were created by God, saved by God, selected by God, gifted by God to fulfill his agenda and not yours.

I came across a quote from writer Erwin McManus that I've never forgotten. It says it all well. He said, the question is not, God, what is your will for my life? No Christian ought to ever ask that question. God, what is your will for my life? Instead, the question should be, God, what is your will and how can I give my life to it?

See the difference? God, what is your will and how can I give my life to it? Well, how do you know what God's will is? Well, let me give you some scriptural clues to discovering what God's will is that we need to connect to. 1 Timothy 2 verses 3 to 4, for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who desires for all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. You know what God's will is?

It's for everyone to come to know Jesus Christ as Savior. Now, that doesn't mean everybody is going to be saved, but that is certainly God's will. God is not trying to save as few of people as possible. He wants to save as many people as possible. That is God's will. In Colossians 1 verses 13 to 14, God wants to deliver people out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom, the presence of his Son. God is on a search and rescue mission. That is his purpose. Paul David Tripp has written, this is so good. He says, your life is much bigger than a good job, an understanding spouse, and non-delinquent kids.

It is bigger than beautiful gardens, nice vacations, and fashionable clothes. In reality, you were born and will continue after you die. God is rescuing fallen humanity, transporting them into his kingdom, and progressively shaping them into his likeness, and he wants you to be a part of it. That's what God's doing. He's on a rescue mission, rescuing as many people as possible from the kingdom of darkness to deliver them into the presence of his Son, and he's asked you and me to join him in that search and rescue ministry. Does that mean God needs our assistance? No, God doesn't need anything. He's self-sufficient, but in his sovereign plan, he has chosen to allow you and us to have the joy, the indescribable privilege of partnering with him in his kingdom mission.

And by the way, it's always been that way. God has always chosen mercifully to allow us to be partners with him in work. Do you do those read through the Bible programs? I started mine again this week, and of course, landed back in Genesis, just waiting to get to the begats, but I was back in Genesis. Remember reading about creation. Remember God created the Garden of Eden absolutely perfect.

He needed no help from Adam and Eve to do that, but after he created the perfect garden, remember what he said to Adam and Eve? He said, I've created it, but your job is to cultivate it and to keep it. I've done my part.

Here's your part. Or remember God said to Noah, he said, Noah, I'm gonna send a flood and destroy the world. I'm gonna save you and a select few. That's what I'm gonna do, but it's your responsibility to build the ark. God said to Nehemiah, Nehemiah, I'm gonna miraculously change the king's heart and allow your people to go back to Israel.

That's what I'm doing, but I want you to build a wall around the city. God has said to you and to me, I have sent my son Jesus Christ to offer the greatest gift of all time, the gift of salvation. That's what I'm doing, but I've commissioned you to go and share that gospel with as many people as possible. In case anybody misses what that mission is that we need to connect to, listen to Jesus' final words to his disciples before he ascended into heaven.

Matthew 28, 19 and 20, go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. You know, you read through the New Testament and you'll find one of the metaphors used extensively throughout the New Testament is that of Christians being a soldier, being a soldier. For example, 2 Timothy 2, 4 says, no soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier. How many people in the military, since we're reaching a military audience now, how many people in the military do you know who wake up in the morning and say, gee, I wonder what I ought to do today. I wonder how I can fill my hours today.

I wonder what I would like to do. Nobody's going to survive in the military with that kind of attitude. The military, people in the military have one job, and that is to obey their commanding officer, to make his commanding officer's agenda his agenda. And it's the same way with us. You know, in Paul's day, a Roman soldier had one goal, and that was to fulfill the emperor's command, and that is to go and expand the territory of the kingdom, to expand the Roman Empire.

And it's the same way with you and me. We've been enlisted by God to expand the king's empire. That is the job for which we have been called. God didn't leave us here in this world to accumulate a lot of money. He didn't leave us here to have a successful career. He didn't even leave us here to have a happy family life. God left us here to expand the kingdom.

Now, what have we seen? First of all, God has created you for a unique purpose. Secondly, your purpose should be connected to God's kingdom purpose, and that leads to a third truth.

Now, hang on to your pews here, because it's going to get a little bumpy for a moment, but I want you to hear me out. Your purpose is to be centered within the local church. Your purpose is to be centered within the local church.

Now, that statement is made with two assumptions. Assumption number one, every Christian is to be involved in ministry. Every Christian is to be involved in ministry. Do you know most Christians don't understand that? They think, well, my job is what I do 60 hours a week, but then I come to church to kind of relax and soak in some spiritual truth.

No. Listen to Ephesians 4, 11 to 12. And Christ gave some to the church as apostles and some as prophets and some as evangelists and some as pastor teachers for the equipping of the saints for the work of service to the building up of the body of Christ. You know what my job is as pastor teacher here?

Ryan's job, Ben's job, what our job is here? It's not just to do the work of the ministry. It is to equip you to do the work of ministry. That's what that word equip means, cardamismon.

It literally refers to the loading up of a ship with supplies before it sets out on a long journey. Now, a lot of people think, you know, the goal of our church service is to see how many people can be saved. That's not the goal of the church service.

You know why I say that? Lost people very rarely come to church to begin with. You may have a few sprinkled out there, but lost people by definition don't come to church. I always present the gospel in a service because I know there's some unbelievers who stumble in for one reason or another. But the purpose of this church service is to equip you, to give you the tools that are needed to go out and reach the people at your work, the people in your community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I see Dee Simmons down there. Nobody does a better job of being an ambassador for Christ in our church than Dee Simmons. This is the place she gets the equipment, the resources she needs to go out and fulfill her life purpose. Equipping the saints for the work of service. You see, God's plan was never for just a few paid professionals to do the work of ministry. God's purpose is to equip all of us, you, the saints, for the work of service to the building up of the body of Christ. That's why I say every Christian is to be involved in ministry. And secondly, our ministry is to be centered in the local church. I'm hoping and praying that today's message helps you identify God's unique purpose for your life.

He hasn't overlooked you. In fact, he's preparing you to accomplish great things for him. Earlier, you heard me talk about the Pathway to Victory daily devotional for 2025.

For just a few more days, you're invited to request this beautiful leather-bound edition. I've written an inspirational chapter for every weekday in the coming new year. During all four seasons of 2025, we'll be on an intentional journey together.

Let me give you an idea of the topics we'll cover. From January to March, you'll come to understand how to determine God's will for your life. Then in spring and summer, you'll grow stronger in Christ with insights from the book of Colossians. And in the fall and winter, you'll journey through the parable of the prodigal son and into the loving arms of your Heavenly Father. To receive the Pathway to Victory daily devotional for 2025, just go to our website.

That's and follow the simple instructions. We'll put the daily devotional in the mail right away when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of Pathway to Victory. Many are already asking if we met our goal last night for the Light the Darkness matching challenge. It's still too early to give a report on the outcome.

But I can say this with certainty. We are deeply grateful to all of those who gave generously in December to ensure that Pathway to Victory continues to serve as a shining light for God's glory in the new year and beyond. Thank you so much and Happy New Year.

David. Thanks, Dr. Jeffress. Today when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of Pathway to Victory, we'll say thanks by sending you the brand new 2025 Pathway to Victory daily devotional. To request your copy, call 866-999-2965 or online, go to And when your gift is $100 or more, we'll also include the teaching series, Reigniting Your Passion for Christ.

You'll get that on DVD video and MP3 format audio discs. Again, call 866-999-2965 or visit If you'd prefer to write, jot down this mailing address, P.O. Box 223609, Dallas, Texas, 75222.

That's P.O. Box 223609, Dallas, Texas, 75222. I'm David J. Mullins, inviting you back Thursday for Part 2 of this message, Finding Your One Thing in Life. Right here on Pathway to Victory.

Pathway to Victory with Dr. Robert Jeffress comes from the pulpit of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. Picture yourself relaxing aboard a luxury cruise ship as you sail the Mediterranean Sea on the Pathway to Victory Journeys of Paul Mediterranean Cruise. This 11-day journey will take you to unforgettable destinations in Italy, Turkey, and Greece.

Plus, you'll have the option to extend your trip with additional adventures in Rome. To book your spot on the 2025 Journeys of Paul Mediterranean Cruise, go to You made it to the end of today's podcast from Pathway to Victory, and we're so glad you're here. Pathway to Victory relies on the generosity of loyal listeners like you to make this podcast possible. One of the most impactful ways you can give is by becoming a Pathway partner. Your monthly gift will empower Pathway to Victory to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and help others become rooted more firmly in His Word. To become a Pathway partner, go to slash donate or follow the link in our show notes. We hope you've been blessed by today's podcast from Pathway to Victory.
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