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Let's take a listen. I'm Leslie Laudenslager, and I have recently written a book called My Time with General Colin Powell, Stories of Kindness, Diplomacy and Protocol. And in essence, it's a memoir of my over 25 years serving beside him, mostly on the international speaking circuit, but also with him at the State Department. And in July of 2016, the Powell's were in the Hamptons on vacation and I was in Atlanta, Georgia, for my annual conference. On this particular day, we were gathered for a plenary session focused on state funerals. We were at Ebenezer Baptist Church and the plenary was taking place in the fellowship hall.
While I was doing something that I preach on for everybody else, do not look at your cell phone when you are in an event at a show, whatever, do not look at your cell phone. However, I was in the back of the room and General Powell was texting me, naughty as I was. I looked at it and reminded him where I was. He knew I was at the conference, but he at that moment did not realize I was in fellowship hall of Ebenezer Baptist Church, which to put it in context, that, of course, is where Martin Luther King was a co-pastor.
And also that was where his funeral had taken place. And for us to be having a state funeral plenary session there, it was very specific and very, very meaningful. So I reminded the General, you know, basically, don't bother me, quit texting me.
I'm here for this plenary session. And a moment went by and he texted back and he said, Little Bird, one of his nicknames for me, Little Bird, you do realize you'll be doing that for me one day, don't you? And I froze. I felt the blood drain from my face. I broke out in a cold sweat. I teared up, of course. And he then texted right away and he said, you know, Leslie, you're not surprised by this, are you?
And I admitted in a quick text back as well, OK, maybe I'm not surprised, but why are we talking about this? This is not something we need to talk about. Well, he then went on and did his normal bullet list of no, we will use Gauler's funeral home when it happens. We which in the end we did, we will not have the service at St. John's Episcopal Church, which was his local church there in McLean, Virginia. We won't have it there because I realize it's probably too small. We will not have it at the National Cathedral in Washington.
It is too big and too important. And I will be buried, of course, at Arlington National Cemetery, but not near the eternal flame. Not near the tomb of the unknown soldier. I want to be buried down with the troops. Now, in the end, we did use Gauler's funeral home. We negated his thought not to have it at the National Cathedral in the end.
That was the appropriate place. And he is, in fact, buried down with the troops. And if you look at his tombstone, it is a very basic tombstone. He had many very important titles that could have been on the tombstone, but it's not.
It is the simple soldier. So that was a sobering moment in 2016 to be faced with this. And he did say at the time, texted at the time, okay, we'll talk about this. I realize we don't have to talk about it right now, but we'll talk about it. We'll have an ongoing conversation about it.
We never talked about it again. So my over a quarter century with General Powell started out very serendipitously. As I said, I had had a career in protocol during the Reagan administration. So soon after I graduated from college, I fell into a job at the State Department with Lucky Roosevelt as the chief of protocol. So at the end of the Reagan administration, my job ended when his administration ended.
But I had gone on to do other things in protocol. I worked at the Battle of Normandy Foundation, and then in April of 1996, out of the blue, I get a phone call from a friend of mine saying there's this job with my name on it, with the Washington Speaker's Bureau, with somebody to take care of, in essence, the golden goose, one of the world's most popular speakers on the international speaking circuit, i.e. General Colin Powell.
And sure enough, I was offered the job. And the world, you know, if this were on camera, I would demonstrate by saying the world knew him as a military leader, and I would put my hand to my forehead in a salute. And then I would also say the world knew him as a diplomat, and I would put my hand over my heart.
That's what the world knew from the headlines, from the camera, from whatever. But he was so much more. General Powell had been invited to present a series of awards and a gala dinner, a black tie dinner. It was in Washington, D.C., and it was at the Ronald Rake, and it was after we were at the State Department. So he's back in private life. And also presenting awards was Tom Sillick, which Uncle Powell and I got to the VIP reception early.
We worked the crowd, the VIP reception. As soon as the general had worked the room, it was time that he could then, would I say, escape, get out of the feeding frenzy, so to speak, and retire to a private holding room that had been set up for him. And then we got word that Tom Sillick had arrived, but Tom Sillick did not have a Leslie. Tom Sillick was by himself. And he was in the VIP reception, and General Powell realized that he needed to take pity on his friend, and Tom Sillick and General Powell were friends.
And so he said, well, Leslie, go save Tom. Just see if he wants to come out and hang with us in the VIP holding room. Side note, General Powell knew that I was a big Magnum PI fan.
I had been in love with Magnum PI since I was a teenager. So he knew this was not a hardship for me, but he also knew it was something that probably would make me blush. So I wade through the VIP reception, probably a hundred people.
And sure enough, they are feeding, it's a shark attack feeding on him. So I kept him on the shoulder and said, Mr. Sillick, excuse me, my name is Leslie Lautensinger. I work with General Powell. And your friend, the General, has asked me to say, would you like to join us in the whole room?
He, of course, absolutely. So he hightails it out of the crowd with me, go into the room. So they're catching up, whatever. Well, then we're joined by the rest of the VIPs that are at the table. And again, this is black tie. So the gentlemen are in tuxedos.
The ladies are in twinkly sequins and heels. Well, one of the women who's part of the head table comes in and jumps into General Powell's arm. Colin, Colin, I'm so happy to see you. And she proceeds to tell the rest of the VIP head table people the story that Colin saved my life one day.
We were seated at the table together at a dinner at the White House, and I started choking on a piece of chicken, and the General saved my life. He did the Heimlich Maneuver, and sure enough, I escaped Jeff's clutches. Well, Tom Selleck then says, well, you know what?
I live in fear that one day I will be at a dinner and somebody will choke and will die because I do not know how to do the Heimlich Maneuver. Suddenly I see the twinkle in General Powell's eyes. And I think, oh, sugar, I know exactly what's coming next. Joe Powell pats Tom Selleck on the shoulder and says, Tom, tonight's your lucky night.
I'm going to teach you the Heimlich Maneuver. And he looks across at me with twinkles in his eyes and yells, Leslie, come here. And you've been listening to Leslie Lautenslager tell the story of General Colin Powell. My goodness, the part of him being buried with the soldiers at Arlington is just, well, it's Colin Powell. Here's what his tombstone says, Colin Luther Powell, General U.S. Army, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, April 15, 1937, October 18, 2021. No mention of his service at the State Department. No mention of his service as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Power was not really what Colin Powell was after. He wanted to be buried with his boys, with the soldiers, with the men and women who served the country. And that tombstone says it all.
When we come back, more of General Colin Powell's story here on Our American Stories. Wasn't that delicious? So good.
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So he's telling my staff where's Leslie and they explain oh she's at this meeting so what can we do what can we do and taking notes he said okay on Wednesday for this lunch I wanted to be in one of the diplomatic receiving rooms upstairs and for those of you who don't know the State Department has the third largest collection of American antiques next to Winter Tour and Colonial Williamsburg beautiful one of the time American history is just resplendent in the eighth floor diplomatic receiving rooms and that was where we did all our entertaining well for this small lunch he was gonna have it in one of this room he wanted spotless tablecloths and napkins he wanted the perfect crystal etched with the great seal of the United States he wanted the beautiful China with the great seal of the United States the silver everything beautiful and then he wanted each plate to then have this the silver dummy things as he told my staff the closures wanted each one to have a silver dome now my women my staff they're taking fast and furious notes because he's very very serious about this giving them orders he said and then I want that the white staff I want them to be in black tie and and I want everything choreographed so that exactly the right moment they they reveal at a cue I want them to reveal this you know take the silver domes off the plates and then I want served peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and white bread a bag of chips a cookie and what's that yucky chocolate drink that you know yahoo yoo-hoo whatever the chocolate drink is and I want it all in a brown paper bag and I want scribbled over the top and crayon rummy candy Cheney and my staff they say but he was serious and Isaac the one who was most traumatized I had a calligrapher on my staff and she's so talented I think she was more traumatized than anybody else because the idea of using a crayon to scribble on a brown paper bag when she's used to doing dip pens and ink and sure enough that's what we did so so when it comes time for the luncheon these very important officials of the United States of America they come in and I've got the white staff we're all dressed and we're behind each chair yeah and I get the the wink from the general of the secretary and I cue the others and we grab the silver domes pull it up ta-da and there's a moment of silence and then Cheney looks up and says good one Colin good one so that was the general yes make everybody work hard but make sure that everybody realizes that there's there's joy in life you know when when the general died he my father died when I was eight and which of course you know nothing else like that but I had general Powell three times longer than I had my own debt but it was it was devastating and I was out of town at time and got a text from Michael the son so I let I texted Michael right back and Michael had kindly said Leslie you're not to work the funeral your family and I said but I have to this is what I do let me this is my gift to him and I of course let everybody know about the conversation he and I had back in July the text conversation from the basement of the Ebenezer Baptist Church about you know little bird you'll be doing this for me one day so then the agreement was that okay they would let me play in and help organize the funeral but the day of the funeral I would be seated with the family and in part of the family that was fine but we were able to make sure that the funeral had very special treats in it the military musical group that Pershing's own they incorporated Dancing Queen from ABBA. General Powell was a big ABBA fan so Dancing Queen from ABBA was part of the musical tribute. Also Bob Marley's Three Little Birds. Michael Powell the oldest of the three Powell children had a rest taking beautiful part of the service. My sisters and I were raised under the stars.
The stars of the story general we eulogize today. Dad was famous for his thirteen rules but our family life was unregimented. No morning revelry or marching drills.
It was a warm and joyous and loving home anchored by our strong and graceful mother Alma. Our parents taught us right. They taught us wrong and they taught us to take responsibility for our actions and never to blame others.
Disappointing them was the worst punishment you could imagine. The example of Colin Powell does not call on us to emulate his resume which is too formidable for mere mortals. It is to emulate his character and his example as a human being. We can strive to do that. We can choose to be good. One of the generals favorite singers was the Scottish singer Lulu who made famous the song To Sir With Love which was written by Don Black and Mark London for the movie of that same name starring Sidney Poitier.
Although the lyrics of the song are written as if sung by a young schoolgirl adoringly to her teacher my eyes tear up whenever I think of that last verse. A friend who taught right from wrong and weak from strong that's a lot to learn. What can I give you in return? If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start but I would rather you let me give my heart to Sir With Love. If I could have given him the moon to go with his four stars I surely would have. As a military leader and later as a senior statesman on the world stage he had our admiration and respect. As a boss a dear friend and a surrogate father he had my heart and I will forever rejoice in being able to share the gift of his memory his lessons and his joie de vivre to Sir With Love indeed. And you've been listening to Leslie Lautenslager her book My Time with General Colin Powell stories of kindness diplomacy and protocol. My goodness that eulogy delivered by his son Michael one of the most powerful eulogies I've ever heard and I remember we had done that story of that eulogy and I actually commented at the end that there are two kinds of men in the world and two kinds of women. People whose sons and daughters speak about you that way and people who don't and we all get to choose which that is. The story of General Colin Powell the story of the man behind the stars.
To Sir With Love this is our American Stories. Famous Smoke's been offering the best selection of premium cigars at the best prices for 85 years and somehow they're still the best kept secret. Family owned and stocked with millions of cigars all delivered fast and fresh to your door. Go online to famous smoke.com and use code clay for 20 bucks off your order of $99 or more.
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