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Couple Adopts 7 Siblings Separated Throughout 4 Foster Homes

Our American Stories / Lee Habeeb
The Truth Network Radio
July 10, 2024 3:03 am

Couple Adopts 7 Siblings Separated Throughout 4 Foster Homes

Our American Stories / Lee Habeeb

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July 10, 2024 3:03 am

On this episode of Our American Stories, the story of how one childless married couple of 13 years became a family of 9, literally overnight.

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Let's return to Juliana Rogers. So they're funded by a company called the Virginia Company of London. They have three goals for the group that's heading to Virginia. Number one, find gold. Number two, find the Northwest Passage. So during that time, they believed there was a waterway that connected the Atlantic to the Pacific, that they would be able to navigate and make it to the Orient. And the third goal was to find any survivors from the lost colony. Several years earlier, a group of survivors of the colony.

Several years earlier, another English expedition went to Roanoke, Virginia and the English were never seen or heard from again. Captain Christopher Newport is in charge of the three ships heading across the Atlantic. Everyone admired Captain Christopher Newport.

He was this tall, one-armed sea captain who actually fought alongside Sir Francis Drake. So on December 20th, they set sail. And if you go to Jamestown, you can see actual replicas of these ships and it's stunning to see how small they are. So the Susan Constant had 71 people. The Godspeed had 52 people and the Discovery had 21 people. So in all, there were 105 passengers and 39 crew. Here's a list of who they sent. 50 gentlemen, 12 laborers, four carpenters, four boys, two bricklayers, a priest, a sail maker, a mason, a blacksmith, a surgeon, a tailor, and a drummer.

It took 144 days, four and a half months. John would pass the time by telling the crew and the boys his stories of his battles and bragging and I'm sure exaggerating, you know, these amazing stories that he's a hero. And the men and the boys or the crew and the boys enjoyed it.

I mean, it's a great way to pass the time to hear these stories. But many people also did not enjoy it. And those were those powerful gentlemen that were on board the ship. In fact, probably the most powerful from the most powerful family was on board John's ship.

And they very quickly became enemies. And his name was Edward Wingfield. So Wingfield distrusted John. He was jealous of John. And he went to Captain Newport and said, John is trying to take over the ship. John Smith is guilty of mutiny.

We need to hang him. And Captain Newport disagreed politely with Wingfield and said, don't worry about it. And he went to John and said, Hey, stay away from Wingfield, you know, cool it. You know, we have a long way to go.

So let's try to get along here. When they arrived in the island of Nevis to replenish food and water, Captain Newport's busy managing those things. So Wingfield decides we're going to hang John Smith now. So he quickly has a gallows erected and he tells John he's going to be hanged and John just laughs him off and John's friends protect him.

And Wingfield is outraged that a man as powerful as him is not being listened to. So Newport realizes he needs to do something. So he tells John Smith, we'll figure this out when we get to Virginia, but for now you are confined to below decks. He's actually a prisoner in shackles. And here, this man who would be so important to the survival of Jamestown arrives in Virginia as a prisoner in shackles. So why did Captain Newport protect John Smith? It just doesn't make any sense if you think about it.

Wingfield's very powerful. He's very important. You see, there was a secret box that was sent along with the journey. And while Captain Newport was in charge during the journey, once they got to Virginia, after a few weeks, Captain Newport would leave. And so they needed a governing body to be in charge when they were in Virginia.

So the Virginia Company sent along a sealed box that they were only to open once they arrived in Virginia. And it had the names of eight men who would be on the governing council of Jamestown. Wingfield is the very first name on the list.

No one is surprised. It's followed by several other gentlemen. And everyone is shocked when they read the last name on the list, Captain John Smith. So maybe Captain Newport knew this, and that's why he protected John Smith. So once they arrived in Virginia, they named it Jamestown after their king, King James. After two months, Captain Newport left. He returned to go back to England. And almost immediately after he left, a sickness spread throughout Jamestown. Many men died. In fact, they began the summer with 104.

And by the end of summer, only 50 were left. However, John noticed that Wingfield and his friends seemed to be doing better than the rest. And he realized that Wingfield was keeping the freshest, healthiest food for himself and his friends. So he was removed as president of the council. And John Radcliffe was put in charge.

And John Radcliffe wasn't a whole lot better than Wingfield. But at least he recognized John Smith's strengths. And he put John in charge of establishing relations with the local American Indians so that they could trade for food. So John heads upriver on a historic adventure. So John heads upriver.

He takes a few men. And they actually have an Indian guide at this point. Well, they are ambushed by over 200 Indians. And the only survivors are John Smith and the Indian guide.

And John realizes, well, maybe they won't kill one of their own. So he ties himself to the Indian guide. And the Indian guide needs to survive. So he tells the other Indians, this is a where once.

This is a leader. And so they know that only another leader should determine the fate of this leader, John Smith. And so they tell John to lay down his gun.

And John remembers that not long ago he was a slave. And he doesn't want to be captive again. So he continues to fight. And he's so outnumbered.

It's pointless. But he continues to fight until he steps back into this muddy bog. And it's almost like quicksand. It just starts sucking him in. And he realizes he's lost.

So he lays down his weapon. They pull him out of the mud. And they take him to the local chief. So they take him to see chief Opicon Canoe.

Opicon Canoe is this enormous chief of the local tribe of Powhatan Indians. And John knows he needs to do something to impress this leader very quickly because his fate is in his hands. So he takes out his compass. And Opicon Canoe had never seen anything like this before. And the needle moving some way that he doesn't know how it's moving.

So he's impressed with this interesting item. And so John thinks, phew, I think I just saved my life. And immediately, Opicon Canoe gives a signal. And they take John, tie him to a tree, and they all draw their bows and arrows.

But he doesn't beg or cry or plead. He just stands there bravely, accepting his fate. Opicon Canoe is impressed by this display of courage.

So he orders John to be untied. And what they do is they take him, Opicon Canoe takes him from tribe to tribe to tribe. And eventually, they make it to Werowocomoco, which is where the chief, the paramount chief of all of the tribes of this area and Opicon Canoe's brother lives. And you're listening to one heck of a story about Captain John Smith and his journey from rural farmer in England, across the globe, and to the United States eventually, and to Jamestown.

And you're listening to Juliana Rogers tell the story. She's the author of Captain John Smith, American Hero, and her book is available on And of course, Captain John Smith came to find gold and to find this mythical Northwest Passage, which of course, would never come to be. And of course, to find survivors from the last colony sent from England, the disappeared colony of Roanoke, Virginia.

When we come back, more of the remarkable story of Captain John Smith and how America came to be and who the people were who made it happen here on Our American Stories. The following is a high five moment from I won. Private, put down your phone.

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