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Brett Favre on His Miraculous Monday Night Game after His Father Died

Our American Stories / Lee Habeeb
The Truth Network Radio
October 4, 2022 3:02 am

Brett Favre on His Miraculous Monday Night Game after His Father Died

Our American Stories / Lee Habeeb

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October 4, 2022 3:02 am

On this episode of Our American Stories, we hear Favre get very personal about his miraculous Monday Night Football game immediately following his father’s passing.

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Download the Starbucks app. This is our American stories. Much of what's known about legendary NFL quarterback Brett Favre has been kept between the goalposts. But our own Greg Hengler took a drive three hours south to Hattiesburg, Mississippi, we broadcast from here in Oxford. To learn the rest of the story, as we do so often here at Our American Stories, are Brett's life.

And what we've come up with is a five-part series about a lot of things. This one has to do with the day. On December 22, 2003, the day after his father's fatal heart attack and his father's name was Ervin, Brett Favre played in a must-win Monday night football game against the Oakland Raiders. Favre dealt with the grief in the best way he could imagine. He played his heavy heart out. Here, again, is Brett Favre with part three of our five-part series. That game, of all the games I played, I played 321 games, played in two Super Bowls. By far, not even close, the most pressure and the most nervous I've ever been was in the Oakland game. It had nothing to do about will I or will I not play, as people were thinking leading up, understandably so.

I mean, do you think he'll play? I knew I was going to play, but I was so afraid that I wouldn't play. I wanted to honor my dad by playing lights frigging out. I didn't want to just play, even though I would have gotten a free pass.

Say you play, we win, play crappy. People said, what did you expect? Can't even believe you played.

I didn't want to even go down that road. I wanted to play like I'd never played before. The odds of that happening, just because I won it, I wanted to do that all the time, but this time more than ever. So the pressure was enormous. In my experiences, when the pressure is almost too big to bear, it's hard to perform.

Very hard to perform. You just can't settle down and everything's moving so fast, which is what was going on that night. But it was like, as the game unfolded, with each play, it was like, man, I knew then I was. I've always been a Christian, some days better than others, some years better than others, but we were born and raised. We went to church. As kids, we didn't pay attention.

We got whippings and got chewed out, sent to the cry room. Through my trials and tribulations, I've leaned on the Lord more at times than other times, I think, like most people. But I knew that night, based on what I just told you, there's no way. That was a sign.

I've used this several times. I didn't realize that at the time, but at halftime, I knew statistically that this was unbelievable. But I wanted to win the game, but I was well aware. You've got to be kidding me.

This is crazy. But at the end of the game, it didn't dawn on me then. It didn't dawn on me that year. It didn't dawn on me a year later.

It dawned on me years later. I spoke to a group at Murfreesboro, this high school up there. It was a Christian group last year.

I spoke at Liberty University this year, or actually October, I think, and talked about it there. I was kind of really asking a question to the audience. I said, do you ever find yourself saying, I want to sign, Lord, give me a sign, show yourself, or make this curtain move, or whatever. All of a sudden this billboard says, I am real.

Give me a sign. I said, it never works out that way, right? You forget about it. You go on, and maybe you do it again.

That happened to me. One day I realized that the sign was how I played. I said, you know, you have to keep in mind that I played at halftime. I had already, if that game would have ended, it would have been the best game in my history, statistically speaking.

And it's just a half. Now, keep in mind that my father just died. I never studied, because when I got the news that he had died, my mind was elsewhere. We needed to win this game. I needed to play and play well, but I didn't need to play that well. I prayed and prayed and prayed, Lord, I want to honor my father. I want to play well.

I don't want to just play. I don't even know if I was really specific, but I think he knew what I was asking. And that's the sign that God is real. It wasn't some little angel comes flying in and drops a football, although angels may have been placing the balls in certain places. I threw four touchdowns by halftime, which is not unheard of. But two of the touchdown passes were two of the best passes I've ever thrown.

Now, people watching probably wouldn't know that. They'd have to know why angle and precision had to be perfect when you're not running out of the pocket. You had running out of the pocket and someone's chasing, you have to turn and then make an over the shoulder throw to the guy in the back corner of the end zone that has to drop only one spot, and it did. And then there was two more that were just totally opposite. Oakland could have caught it just as easily as our guys, and they didn't even come close to it.

They were in position like just fell down. So that game is important for a lot of reasons. At the time we needed to win the game to continue playoff hopes. But when I came back for the funeral, it sure made life easier for everyone because that's what people were talking about. And I don't know of many people that are good at funerals or wakes.

I particularly am not very good. In fact, I like to, if I go to one and my wife's aunt passed away about a month and a half ago and we were real close with her. But my way of handling those situations and being in that environment is to make light of the situation. Talk about stories that made us laugh. I don't like being down.

Never have. And so had I played bad, coming back home would have been even worse. I know what they would have said. Baby, hey, you played. You did your best.

I didn't want to hear it. I wanted to come home and be able to celebrate. And so I'm thankful that we were able to kind of enjoy and rejoice about it. And you've been listening to Brett Favre talking about his performance on December 22nd, 2003, the day after his father, Ervin, suffered a fatal heart attack and died. And Brett that night was 22 for 30 at 399 yards, four touchdowns and three yards shy of his best game ever. And in the biggest night of his life, God showed up for him. And we're bringing you this story because as you could tell, there was a lot more going on here than just the material world, grass and turf and X's and O's and plays. And we all knew it when we were watching it. Brett Favre story, a story of a game, a story of a love affair with a sport and a story of a love for a father and a son and God here on our American Stories. What up?

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