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Brought me to diet ella system. I'll talk about drop. You probably don't remember but I'm very thankful that you went over that Well good. Praise God. Yeah, just moving people toward the outer you week Yeah Talk about divine impassibility.
All right. I have no no issue with it I believe God expresses emotion, but he is unchanged By that emotion. He just expresses his own attributes as it is Like we can fall into his hatred We can fall into his wrath But it's unchanging.
Would that be correct to say? Well, let's discuss it a little bit. Let's discuss it So when we say God is unchanging what we're talking about is immutability That his nature does not change is not altered his characteristics of his divine quality being Trinitarian And etc and holy and omniscient on the present is unchanging and cannot change in any way shape or form That's what the unchangeable ness of God is Okay with me Now impassibility deals with the idea that God's God because of his unchangeability Cannot be and is not affected emotionally That he does not experience emotional changes or suffer the way people do That's what it basically is With me so far Okay, I'm not sure what position you were kind of leaning to there let me give you this mind we can talk about it So I have an article called. What's the impassibility of God and I wrote it back in 2017 So can God be emotionally affected? Can he now impassibility says no neither externally or internally by something or someone other than himself and I don't know if I agree with that and Because we grieve the Holy Spirit and And Jesus got angry so he got him He grieved he loved he hate right so we see him expressing that emotion But it doesn't change who he is or drive who he is I don't know. I noticed I Don't know. I noticed a leak off of that article To blue-letter Bible that Don Stewart wrote are you familiar with what I'm speaking about?
Yeah, I'm looking at it right now. Uh-huh Okay, I don't think that is a correct Representation of divine impassibility because he only directs it to People denying that God shows emotion Inside of divine impassibility. There's an agreement that God expresses emotion It just does not change or drive who he is Well, I don't know.
I can't say yes or no See, we have a lot of issues here for one thing. God knows all things eternally So if he knows all things eternally does he know for example in Psalm 5 5 Psalm 11 5 He hates all who do iniquity and he abhors them That's what it says. So does he hate? Well, yeah, he does.
Does he love? Yeah, of course he does, you know, John 3 16 so now we get the issue of of If he's from all eternity This is hard to explain from all eternity when the Trinity was the only thing that existed and he knew that Individuals were going to do evil and as Psalm 5 5 says he hates all who do iniquity Then is he hating them who's not existed yet? Or is it the case that the manifestation of his hatred towards them occurs once they've sinned? They were just questions These are questions we have to ask and if you want to say the first that he's hated them eternally We have some other questions that relate to this and this has to do with ordination primary secondary causation We have efficient and proximate causes And it gets complicated and so I'm not sure how to say it But I just say this that yeah, God has emotions. He experiences them and he experiences them for real and that He does things related to his emotions But he does them because they're eternally known by God and that they actually occur in real time in relationship to us Now this is hard to get through but that's what I hold to Would we say he acts out of his character Dead, so he acts out of who he is Instead of emotions. Well, I don't know because his emotions are part of who he is God loves and in the eternal trinitarian communion the love of God existed for John 4 8 And in Hebrews 13 20 the eternal covenant, which I suspect is the inter-trinitarian Communal they're just discussion about that. So, you know, it says in Psalm 5 5 the boastful shall not stand before your eyes You hate all who do iniquity you destroy those who speak falsehood the Lord abhors the man of bloodshed and deceit So this is the psalmist writing now on the human level. We can say well God hates and abhors And he destroys and the destruction here is related to the iniquity of the individual So God is then expressing his judgment upon them and his abhorrence and his hatred for their evil and judges them for it That's what it seems to suggest right there in Psalm 5 5 and verse 6 So I you know and on the other hand come down to him. Go ahead. All right, go ahead.
No way. I'm to God be By our actions, I think he is affected by our actions. I just don't know how he's affected He's not affected in the changing of his nature but If I if I am in deep prayer or you and I, you know, you know, whatever if Christians are in deep prayer Fellowship with the Lord real real deep fellowship and humility before God is God affected by that does he like that?
Is it pleasing to him? I would say yeah, I Would say there's a real action and interaction that we have with them because here's another thing if if you know It when we get to heaven and we're before Christ and we speak to him and we ask him a question He answers a question hypothetically then are we affecting God? Yes But we're not affecting him ontologically his nature's not changing and the eternal decrees aren't changing, but we're asking a question He's reacting to the question. So there's an effect upon him now how down to how far down do we look at the effect? Is he changing his will because of me? Well eternally?
No Okay, so this is this is this is not an easy one to get into. It's not That's why defining terms is so important was it mean to affect God we can't affect him and change his nature We can't affect his eternal decrees But we can affect him in his emotions and we can please him in our fellowship God is faithful through whom you called in the fellowship of the Son Christ Jesus 1st Corinthians 1 9 if we're in the fellowship According to his will does it please him? Yes Is not being pleased an emotion? Yes, is he pleased when we repent of our sins?
I'd say yes So if we're to say well, he's not affected by anything I do Well in what way is he not affected? Because Jesus who's God in flesh was certainly affected by the people who killed him. He bled on the cross He answered questions Even Mary in John 2, you know, it said you take care of this this wine problem and he said what about to do with you woman? And which is it wasn't his time to die?
And she misunderstood who he was what was going on, but that's another issue But he did this because he did what she asked because he's made under the law had to obey the parents relations for her for So there's anyway, so he was God in flesh and he was affected by the people who killed him So there's anyway, so he was God in flesh and he was affected and he got a little irritated with her just a little bit Hold on. We got a break. There's more to this. We'll be right back folks after these messages, please stay tuned You It's max like live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six, here's matt slick Everybody welcome back to the show if you want to give me a call It is easy to do.
All you have to do is dial eight seven seven two zero seven two two Seven six. Let's get back on with Jeremy from Kentucky Welcome brother. You're back on Awesome, do you think this has anything to do with where his attributes? Can't so they say in a steady sense like it can't increase it can't decrease right? Yes, now we're going to understand the difference between attributes or properties of God and him expressing them So the properties emanate out of the on toss. So the ontological nature of God the essence of what he is the triune being That cannot increase or decrease and his properties related to it the characteristics related to him can't decrease or increase Can't change but how he relates to us can change So he related to us in the Old Testament in a more covenantal sense Under the law in the New Testament. I mean very generic here the New Testaments less so less so Okay Right He's intrinsically and infinitely involved and but I I but we cannot change who the is More what he suffer in any sense? There's things about it that I can completely agree with and then there's things where You know people take you a real deep in within the anthropomorphic language that I believe they're way off On Yeah, but I kind of battled with it today and at times I really thought yeah, I understand that I'm on board with it But it really didn't come down to explain and defining what definitions exactly what it means Yes, that's that's the thing is I tell people if you want to be good at biblical theology Learn your definitions and I mean learn them and learn how they relate to each other Once you do that, you've mastered biblical theology Sufficiently enough to be able to articulate So I like to train people so that hypothetically they could get up in front of a crowd You know and just teach theology for say 20 minutes Just and relate it back and forth to each other.
They could just you know, here's the Trinity. Here's the Hypostatic Union This is how it works This is why it relates to justification and the propitiatory sacrifice and things like this that they need to be able to do that kind Of thing in order to have a good understanding of biblical theology and once you have that in place everything else this opens up Is God is theological? Whenever somebody would teach on Impassibility always with the immutability of him and unchangeable mess So I've always related Us not being able to change who he is Because he will you know, he's unchanging and if we said in Malachite Not a variation or change of shadow, change of spell, just right But we see the effect and he does Express emotions. He had emotions were made in the image of God I believe that would be you know, we don't express in the same way the way he expressed within the divine manner It's much different than our preacherly manner Right Absolutely, he does he has emotions perfectly and without sin right we have them imperfectly and with with sin So just remember, you know, it's that use yourself as an example. You're a human being you have certain qualities and characteristics and Five minutes ago.
None of those were different. You're exactly the same as you were five minutes ago But you know if I ask you a question, what's two plus two and you say four you now Interacted and so now how you've interacted is different than five minutes ago by asking a mathematical question Well, does that mean you're not affected? Well, you're affected but your nature's not changed But yet how you are related to something has changed That's what how I see it with God. So when I was doing the research for the impassibility issue I remember this I remember going I get what they're saying and and stuff But I can't deny that God's affected by our our sin But he's affected it saddens him, but that's eternally known from God.
So Then we get these mysteries. How can God who knows from eternity? You could do something wrong be affected negatively by it And you know an emotionless sense and the the illustration I give is when I had children my wife and I had children We knew for a fact they're gonna disappoint us and upset us But so when it really happened we got upset When it when they would blow it, you know I mean This is knowing it ahead of time doesn't mean you're not gonna be affected by it Our nature didn't change and God is unaffected by his his nature and essence aren't affected by anything But I believe that he has real emotions in real time and they really react to Us and he experiences this in real time because we're made in his image and we experience him as as he experiences us That's what I think Okay Do you think this has anything on God not being dependent on us at all we're being dependent on him and We can't change who he I'm just trying to figure out what they meant throughout historic Christianity For it to be accepted And I'm just trying to understand that a little more I thank you for your insight Yeah, that's okay. But here's the thing is That Sometimes I wonder if people who are discussing this are Being too or are not limited simply not bring precise enough Maybe they're not but then again, maybe I'm not being precise enough I don't understand the issues as deeply as others and that's certainly possible but if we understand that God is non-contingent and has a sea of tea the unchangeable miss and eternal independence of what he is Well, then our emotions and our interaction with God can't change anything of his nature and his essence but on the other hand He really experiences something with us as we know from Scripture as you read my article on this You know God has emotions and he expresses emotions So I think it's fair to say he does and if we're to say well He doesn't express emotions that would just contradict scripture clearly he does So then the effect or the question is well, how does it affect him? I'd say it affects him emotionally That's all I'd say it affects him emotionally and it doesn't mean his nature's changed because part of his nature is emotion And he's gonna express those emotional things Normally as we would the difference is we are changed So we're changed when that we are affected emotionally No, we can't handle it So we would we would act out in anger or resentment We would have negative Behaviors out of it and that wouldn't happen with him. He can grieve and yet be compassionate Love and still hate at the same time. We have seen that we wouldn't Yes, most of us His expression of emotions is right ours never is So when he hates and then he destroys psalm 11 5 & 6 we know that it's a perfect judgment that comes upon it He has compassion and this is 1916 you know he hesitated so that the men seized his hand and the hand of his wife and the hands of his two daughters for The compassion of the Lord was upon him so they have compassion and so if we're gonna say this is something I wrestled with with this discussion of impassibility is That if if God experiences these emotions, then is he really experiencing them or is he not?
Because if he's not experiencing them then why is the Bible say he does and it experiences them It's not an ontological change, but it's an actual change in the expression of his of his feelings at that moment I'd have I have no problem with that watch a plane. Okay, right All right, butter. Absolutely first like you have a wonderful evening my friend. You too, man.
God bless good questions Good discussion, too. Hey folks be right back after these messages. We'll get to Glenn and then Kimberly be right back. Please. Stay tuned It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six. Here's Matt slick Everybody welcome back to the show.
Hey, it's a bottom of the hour. I want to let you know that That this month is matching funds drive month for Karm So if you want to you want to be like the show and if you like the website And stuff that we do and you want it to stay on the air. Well, then please consider supporting us It's easy. All you have to do is go to Karm org forward slash donate C a r m dot o RG forward slash donate and everything you need Should be right there. It's easy to set up easy to to cancel if you want And so if you were to put in ten dollars as a one-time then it'll be matched another ten dollars If you were to do let's say hypothetically for numbers and calculations ten dollars a month Renewal, well, that's one hundred twenty dollars.
That hundred twenty is calculated in as part of the The matching funds drive. So how about that? See it works pretty well, and I just want to let you know about that So, please consider it because we certainly do need your support. Let's get on the air with Glenn Hey Glenn, welcome here on the air, buddy Hello, can you hear me? Yes, I can. Yes, I can man.
So what do you got? Yeah, my question is Is on Romans 11 26 says that In the Bible says in this way all Israel will be saved as it is written the deliverer will come from Zion and he will banish ungodliness from Jacob now is When he said all Israel is he talking about? Israel when God declared to be the God of Israel from the beginning until now I'm just understand the question you mean all nation of Israel Yeah, I mean his people that he chose the ones that came from from out of Egypt Yeah, the Israel nation all of Israel. Okay, the Israel nation shall be saved Yeah, and all even the ones that have passed on before well I was gonna get in on that because if they've died Hebrews 9 27 says there's you know after you die there's judgment if they've not trusted in Christ, then they're damned That's just how that is now when it talks about this the fullness it says I didn't want want you to brethren to be Uninformed of this mystery so that you will not be wise in your own estimation that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in and So all Israel will be saved just as it is written So it appears to be that after the time of the Gentiles the nation of Israel at their you know in history whenever that is that there'll be a mass conversion of The Jews to the nation of Israel all over they will become Christians that seems to be what it's saying That's what I hold to anyway Okay Okay, yeah, all right I'm just trying to figure out whether it was from the beginning or You know or or is he talking about before Christ came on the scene? Well, you know the people who were in Israel before Christ came.
They're Justified by faith the same as anybody else they look forward to the coming Messiah and they'll be judged by the knowledge that they had and At that time now those who are after the fact there are a lot of Jews who are openly Purposely rejecting who Jesus is they can't be saved as they're going to continue with that However when the time of the Gentiles is ended Because we're grafted in because they broke the Jews broke the covenant with God and so we the Gentiles are grafted in Romans 8 So because of that my opinion this is my opinion is that that Israel will be saved 144 thousand male virgin Jews are gonna go out and preach the gospel everywhere. It's gonna be a mass Wonderful thing to see that's what I think okay Okay All right, all right. Thank you, man. Hey brother. God bless All right Let's get to Kimberly from Virginia Kimberly welcome.
You're on the air Hi, hi, thank you for taking my car. I'll just ask the question then I'll hang up So for another call get through But I was just curious if you had a take on for a first chronicles and they start the lineage of Israel Why it goes from it states from Adam to Seth and it doesn't include Cain and Abel So thank you. I'll hang up on this answer That's okay.
There's no way waiting probably because It's a covenant line that is being spoken of the redemptive line, and it didn't go down through Cain and Abel it went down through Seth because Seth was part of the ones in the and Noah's ark and stuff like that Okay Okay, well, that's my question. Thank you so much. Have a good night Okay, all right well god bless all right, okay? Well we have nobody waiting oh, we got one caller coming in I think Oh, that's right there right from how about that right from my city right here in Idaho?
How about that let's get on with? Chris from Nampa, Idaho Chris welcome here. Yeah, hey Chris. How you doing, Matt? Yeah? Yeah? Hey, you know I gotta ask have we ever met Yeah, we have I went to one of your It was like a you had some type of it wasn't like a Bible study. It was more.
Sorry. I'm Pulling up here. I'm a truck driver, so they're loading me, but um yeah you had some type of event and Me my brother, and I we went to your To your thing It's been such a long time ago. It was probably like four four or five years ago, and all right I had brought up Matt Dillahunty to you, and I don't know if you remember that No, but a lot of people have over the years. Yeah, Matt Dillahunty the Dillahunty Dodge.
I call it and other stuff yes That's I think that's a popular thing now, right Yeah, it was pretty popular for a while. They started. He didn't like it He got mad because they kept saying the Dillahunty Dodge, and he put out some information Why it's not a Dodge it wasn't this and it had something to do with There was I don't remember has something to do with the two options, or which one is it? He said there's a third option.
I said great. What's the third option? Yeah, and he couldn't couldn't tell what the third option was that's well. How do you know there's a third? If there's no third option so anyway, so I know yeah Yeah, yeah, sorry about that Yes, I had a question about that if you're familiar with Michael Heiser with his work.
Uh-huh a little bit. Yeah, okay So he kind of cites some biblical. He's a biblical scholar that kind of has a lot of like Opinions about how things have kind of outside of the Bible.
I guess like UFOs and stuff like that. I won't even opinion on it Yeah Michael Heiser he's smart Lots of degrees you got a lot of noise in the background there mind when I mute yourself while we're talking a little bit for So much noise, but here's the thing is that? That he's talked about the divine counsel and it's caused Let's say some reverberations in the cults particularly Mormonism where the counsel of God's and it fits their Theology in the divine counsel that there's many gods out there as Mormonism says and they get this Primarily out of Psalm 82 so Then I what I do is I go into Psalm 82 and show no It's not a council of gods so what I need to talk to him One on one and ask very specific questions to see because I'm not gonna read eight books of him just to figure something out I'm not gonna do that. I need to get you know some quick answers so But I've understood him to say some have told me they've read his stuff and researched him they've said that he's not teaching there's actually other gods out there and And yet he uses the term account divine counsel, and so I'm confused. I'm really what it is But out of the unseen realm and that that stuff, so I don't know yeah Other than I'm care. I'm Very cautious about about him because of it Okay, you're you're cautious of his work.
Okay? Yeah, I think that's I feel like there's a lot of speculation Kind of on his part. I don't I don't know if you agree with that I Think there's a speculation. I did read some stuff.
I think I have some of his work on my computer and in Kindle and I was going through some stuff in fact if I open it up I try to remember because I think I opened up his book the unseen realm and I was going through on Kindle I read everything on Kindle now and Highlighted some stuff. I went no no no no no I remember some no no no I don't agree with that now I gotta make make it clear. He's he's a scholar. He understands his stuff, and it's certainly possible I'm not getting what it is. He's saying. I don't want anybody to think that oh, I'm the end of you know I don't know all this stuff, but yeah here it is so I see well Yep, and he says you know on whatever page.
It is page 25. They're divine, but what does that actually mean? How should we think of them in relation to God? Elohim stands a divine assembly administers judgment in the midst of the gods and so what's he saying and And he goes to Psalm 22 yeah, and I understand what he's doing with the words, but it's still it's just I Don't know you know I'd have to interview him and he'll talk to him and see what he says Yeah, I you know what unfortunately.
I think he has passed away From what I heard oh, that's right out of the way. Yeah, yeah, so but yeah, he I Mean that he just I was watching one of his um it was I think a documentary or something and he's talking about You know that the aliens that uaps and a lot of the things that are people are seeing now You know or you are basically he was referencing like Ezekiel you know when yeah They saw a break. You know the chariot in the sky type of thing yeah I'm gonna break we've got to go, but yeah, there's a lot of speculation. It's going way too far Yeah, hey buddy. We got to go okay.
I agree man. Okay, okay, okay? Hey folks be right back after these messages It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six here's Matt slick All right when welcome back to the show if you want to give me a call It's easy to do just dial eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six now I just want to let you know that That December is the matching funds drive that we are having so if you donate anything Whatever it is.
It'll be doubled, and that's it. It's real easy to do just go to carm dot org slash donate and information needs right there except a one-time thing you can do a recurring we like recurring once because it does help us To know what budgets and things like that But doesn't matter whatever you think is good if you want to do that at all if you don't that's okay, too Please pray for us. We certainly do need that let's get to Patrick from Charlotte, North Carolina Patrick welcome you're on the air Hi, Matt. How you doing Merry Christmas? Christmas Doing okay hanging in there.
Thank you Hanging in there. That's good. I got a question about John one six and seven What's your what do you believe the contents of those verses are? The contents are words verbs nouns adverbs adjectives Yeah, but when they're put together what what is it trying to tell us Sentences when you put those together to get sentences Okay, well I'll tell you what it says It says there was a man sent from God his name was John. He came as a witness To testify about the light and through him all might believe Was that John the Baptist and what did he witness to and testify about by who Jesus was? Okay, right, and what did John say? He said I had seen and testified that Jesus is the Son of God So does John the Baptist believe Jesus was God? We don't know what he believed you can't say yes or no because it doesn't tell us what he believed I don't know his heart and mind to what extent he did or did not know Yeah, but Scripture says he said I have seen and testified that Jesus is the Son of God So I got it John the Baptist did not believe Jesus was God Well, I don't know how you know the the mind of John the Baptist This is the problem with your thinking you call up.
You don't you do this a lot. You don't think critically I'm sorry, but I could just tell you like it is you don't know the mind in the heart of John the Baptist All right, you don't you can't say that he you know what he believed He had certain levels of information and knowledge, but we don't know what that was You can't say he did or did not affirm that Jesus was God in flesh Okay but he was sent from God according to John 1 6 7 a Man was sent from God to witness and testify about the light so John the Baptist was sent to tell us who John Jesus is and he did say I witnessed and Testified Jesus is the Son of God Yes, and yeah, so you keep denying that Jesus is God in flesh You keep denying it you keep denying it. No, but you do you deny scripture at the baptism? God himself said this is my son could Jesus be God if God says this is my son Yes How do you figure Because of the doctrine of the Trinity simple yeah, but you got God telling us that at the baptism of Jesus God said this is my son. I'm well pleased He didn't say Jesus was God He said this is my son and John the Baptist was sent to witness and testify about the light So we have to understand that John the Baptist and God himself do not believe Jesus is God So well, let's this let's work with what you said.
Okay. You you're quoting God God the Father and You know, but she says in Matthew 17 5. This is my beloved son whom I'm well pleased listen to him So got this God the Father tell you to listen to Jesus Well, um does he Hold on does he does does God specifically say and tell you to listen to Jesus in Matthew 17 5 This is my beloved son in whom I will please listen to him So are you gonna obey God the Father? Are you listen to Jesus, oh, you know Jesus is the Son of God Okay, I didn't ask that I said are you going to obey with Jesus? I mean what God the Father said to listen to Jesus Are you gonna do that?
Right? I'm gonna obey what I just told you to read John 1 6 7 There was a man sent from God. His mission was to come and tell us Patrick I understand that I Understand what you said. I got it.
I Understand it. You also said that God said this is my beloved son. You called him the Son of God So I'm playing off of what you said in Matthew 17 5 God The Father said this is my beloved son in whom I will please listen to him. Are you gonna listen to Jesus?
Are you gonna obey what God the Father said and listen to Jesus are you? Yeah, because in John 7 the answer is the answer is yes You're going to yeah, Jesus says come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest So Jesus is the one who gives us rest and he says come to him. How do you go to Jesus?
How do you do that? Matthew 11, how do you do it at the resurrection? Jesus is starting to baptize with the Holy Spirit Okay, and I ask you a question the Christian Patrick Patrick Patrick think Jesus Says come to me Matthew 11 28 all who are heavy laden.
I will give you rest. Have you gone to Jesus? Have you obeyed God the Friday and he came into my heart and I was born again I didn't ask that I said have you gone to Jesus?
You never answer my question You always do that. I ask a question you talk about something else like you say you didn't ask the right question Question you often don't but look did you have you gone to Jesus? That's I'm asking Jesus has come to me Have you gone to Christ? He came to me in my heart when I was born again. Okay, let me ask you a question. Did you go to Jesus?
That's my question. Have you gone to Jesus? He says come to me all heavy laden. Have you done it? Have you obeyed Christ and therefore obeyed God the Father?
Have you I'll ask you the same question. Did you I'll go to Jesus. Yes I've gone to Christ Christ has come to me and he met me when I was 17 years old. I've trusted in Christ Yep, I've gone to Christ come to him. Right Jesus You're the living water.
Okay, so hold on Patrick. Have you gone to Jesus? Yes, okay 1977 same as you I was crying Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick, I just asked a question. I don't need a biography I just asked have you gone to him now? Jesus says in John 14 14 He says ask me anything in my name and I will do it now if Jesus is You're supposed to do what the Father says listen to Jesus and Jesus says ask me anything in my name Have you asked Jesus to forgive you your sins if you pray to him and ask him to forgive you? Well in John 14 16 Jesus asked the Father you'll glorify me with the glory I had with you from the beginning So I'm gonna ask you the question again So Jesus said ask me anything in my name. Have you asked Jesus to?
forgive you of your sins I I prayed to God. I didn't ask that I said have you asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins? You said you brought this up in Matthew 17 5 God the Father Says listen to Jesus Jesus says ask him So if you don't ask Jesus, then you're not obeying God the Father are you?
But it that doesn't make sense what you want me to answer It doesn't make sense because to you it does make sense when you can think clearly and you're not Binded bound by sin and rebellion as you are, okay? We talked maybe a hundred times over five years that I've talked to you And I'm trying to show you get right to the heart of the issue God the Father Matthew 17 5 says To listen to Jesus. That's what he says Matthew 17 5 this is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased listen to him Then Jesus says in John 14 14 ask me anything in my name, and I will do it So have you asked Jesus for example? Have you asked Jesus to forgive you for sins? Yeah, he my sins were forgiven In 1977 I didn't ask that I said have you asked Jesus have you prayed to the person of Jesus and asked Jesus to forgive? Your sins remember Matthew Luke 5 24. He has all authority and he proved it, and he's supposed to receive him He forgives sins Matthew's let's see Luke 5 27 48. He forgives sins, so he has all authority in heaven and earth Matthew 28 18 So shouldn't you go to the one who has all authority in heaven and earth who says? To ask him anything in his name, and he will do it He forgives sins and God the Father tells you to listen to Jesus and do it Jesus says so why are you not obeying God the Father?
Why are you rebelling against him? Well no like like you believe you know Colossians 2 14 all our sins are forgiven at the cross There's no reason the point that I want to ask you that's not what I teach So I'm asking you have you gone to Jesus John 14 14 ask if you ask me anything in my name. I will do it So if you ask yes, he did it. He he born again me I'm a new creation have you asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins. Have you prayed to Jesus in 1977? I've been a Christian since then and that's what it all happened when I was born again Did did you pray or can you pray to the person of Jesus and ask Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins? Can you do that, but Jesus says in the Lord's Prayer our Father who art in heaven hallowed be his name Yeah, Matthew 6 12 and I mean look Matthew 6 Luke 11. Yes. I understand that he also said ask me anything in my name Why do you pick and choose God's Word you only pick and choose what you want it to say this?
No, you do. I'm trying to help you, sir Well, I mean you've got to understand. I've already started off with John 1 6 7 John the Baptist does not believe Jesus is God and neither does God himself That's what you think and so when we go to John 5 18, which is five chapters later It says that Jesus was calling God his own father making himself equal to God There's a son of God term John the apostle understood it meant to be cool with God That's what he's talking. Yeah, but that's when they were gonna stone him for blasphemy because of Jesus We're just gonna move along folks This is a good example of the cult mind and and it's we have talked to him many many many many times And he keeps calling back of that. That's fine But you have to understand this is what'll happen. I do this a lot with people in the cult mind scenario. I Understand our theology understand our position. I ask a question that's difficult for them to deal with and they just avoid the question They can't answer the question now. You'd think that if someone asked a question that was really pointed and Really goes against what you believe and it's right there in Scripture You'd think well, I need to readjust my theology because that's what the Bible says, but they don't The cult mind does not What happens with the cult mind is?
You subject the Word of God to your understanding and you reject certain things that don't agree with your presuppositions and your assumptions This is a form of idolatry because what the person is doing is raising himself up To be the arbiter of God's Word. I'm just saying read what it says and do the things that it says in Matthew 17 5 This is my beloved son whom I will please listen to him and Jesus has come to me So, okay. Are you doing are you going to Jesus and notice how you couldn't answer the question? It's very simple and it's direct and it exposes the false teachings of a lot of people That's where I like quick and slick.
We are out of time. The music is gonna start in like 15 seconds I hope you had a good time listening and learning a little bit and I'm always learning Even as I teach and answer questions, there are things that sometimes like oh, I didn't think of that And so I always learn and don't think that I think that I have all the answers. I certainly do not please pray for me Because I need to grow in wisdom. I need to grow an understanding of God's Word every single day and Please remember. Hey, by the way, you know, this is matching funds drive month So if you want to help us out, all you have to do is go to Forward slash donates and everything you need right there and whatever you give will be met doubled really matched We really appreciate it. God bless everybody and by his grace. We're back on there tomorrow. We'll talk to them another program powered by the truth network
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