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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
December 5, 2024 7:00 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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December 5, 2024 7:00 am

Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 12-5-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues! You can also email questions to Matt using:, Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include:Matt Discusses Water Baptism/ John The Baptist Baptized Jesus To Fulfill All Righteousness/ Why Are There so Many Denominations in America?/ The Didache and its Mention of Baptismal Practices/ Who were The Sons of God in Genesis 6?/ Whose Name are We Baptized In?/ Matt Recounts an Encounter With a Mormon—And The Cult Mindset/ December 5, 2024

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The following program is recorded content created by the Office of Public Life.

If you want to give me a call on December 5, You put in the subject line radio comment, radio question, and then we can get to it. Now yesterday I taught on baptism and it wasn't planned for me to do something like that. I just kind of impromptued will every now and then teach on a topic and I know I've done this on baptism before and I know it upsets a lot of people. For one, baptism is not a requirement to be saved. You should do it as a demonstration of your faithfulness to Christ.

And what I did yesterday, so I'm asking if anybody wants to give me some feedback, you want to call up, you've got questions, you want to say it's new, you're still thinking about it, I'm totally off the mark, whatever you want to say, I'd be interested to hear. So I taught about, I don't know, 10 or 15 minutes I guess on the issue of baptism yesterday and my take on baptism is just a little bit different than a lot of people. We should get baptized, name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, that's what Matthew 18-20 says.

We should do that. However, I'm not so convinced that baptism is only immersion. Now the reason I say that is because I've done a study on baptism and particularly Christ's baptism, I mentioned this yesterday, where I believe that he was sprinkled. And the reason I say that is because I'm forced to that conclusion based on what I see in the scriptures. Because he had to fulfill the Old Testament. That's what he says, that's why he's getting baptized, to fulfill all righteousness.

Fulfill means Old Testament. So you go back and you look, well, what was he doing in the Old Testament that was Old Testament requirement? Well, I know he went into the priesthood at the age of 30 and all these requirements. And that's when I discovered he had to be anointed with oil and that's the Holy Spirit, a verbal blessing given, 30 years of age and all this stuff, and he had to be sprinkled with water. This is what the requirements were for the priesthood. I could find no other place in scripture that talks about fulfillment or priesthood requirements that talked about immersion.

I'm just sorry I couldn't find it. Now, so according to the law, I suspect that Jesus was sprinkled for that reason. And the verse in that of the Old Testament requirement for sprinkling was out of Numbers 8, verse 7. Now I thought what I might do, I'll continue with this a little bit, because there's something else which I didn't really get into.

I just kind of threw it out at the end of the show. So when it says you're baptized with water, with water, now, folks, if you get your pencil and your paper ready for driving, you're going, oh, no, I'm going to listen to this, bear with me. I'm going to quote scripture and see what it says. And I'm going to ask you, have you known anybody else to do this? Have you known any of your pastors, your elders to teach this?

Maybe they have, maybe they haven't, maybe they've looked, I don't know. So one of the things I did was I noticed what it says, you'll be baptized with water. It doesn't say in water, it says baptized with water, that's interesting, with water. So I looked at the word with water and with oil, with blood, and I found some interesting stuff.

But first let me go through some of these slowly, okay? It says in Exodus 29, 4, then you shall bring Aaron and his sons to the doorway of the tent of the meeting and wash them with water. So it means water's applied to them. Exodus 33, 20, when they entered the tent of the meeting, they shall wash with water.

Now this is a tent, that means they didn't take their clothes off and then get dunked. It means they washed with water. The water was the element applied to them, it was applied to them. In Mark 1-8, I baptize you with water and he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Now this is interesting to me because with the Holy Spirit means the Holy Spirit's poured out upon you. So he baptizes with water. I'm looking at this going, you know what? It looks like the water's applied to the person and that's consistent with Old Testament stuff. Let me show you.

Okay, I want to read this one first before I get that. Hebrews 9-19, for when every commandment had been spoken by Moses to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of the cows and the goats with water and scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled both the book itself. This is the application of water by sprinkling. Water and scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled both the book itself and the people.

Now I'm not exactly sure what the procedure is, I mean hyssop is like a plant and wool, you know what that is, so with water and the scarlet, there's probably a procedure that they did. And it says they sprinkled the book itself and all the people and there the water is associated with sprinkling in the application to the people. That's what he's saying that was occurring in the Old Testament.

Well it's interesting, okay. Check this out with oil. In 2 Chronicles 28, 15, the men who were designated by name arose, took the captives and they clothed all their naked ones from the spoil and they gave them clothes and sandals, fed them and gave them drink, anointed them with oil, led their feeble donkeys on and etc. So that means the oil was applied to them.

They weren't immersed in oil. Or how about Psalm 23 verse 5, you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you have anointed my head with oil. In Ezekiel 16, 9, then I bathed you with water, washed off your blood from you and anointed you with oil.

Now think about that. Bathed you with water and anointed you with oil. The phraseology to me suggests the application of the element to the person. If you're anointed with oil, anointed your head with oil, and if you are, like it says in Ezekiel 16, 9, bathed you with water, anointed you with oil. Does that mean the bathing with water was they were naked and immersed because they were bathing? And then the anointing with oil means the application.

It's kind of a too abrupt of a switch for me. And you know, in Micah 6.15, you but will not anoint yourself with oil, Mark 6.13, and they were casting out demons and were anointing with oil many sick people. That means it was applied with them, the Elmos applied. James 5.14, get the elders, pray over them, anointing them with oil. All right, now, so, let's see, let's see, so kissing his feet and anointing them, his feet, with the perfume.

That's just the word with. So it's a great parable too, the woman looked down at her hair, I made a speech on that because it says it's a wonderful parable. And she was kissing Jesus' feet and anointed them with perfume. That means applying the perfume to it and probably poured it over her feet. His feet, that is. It was Mary who anointed the Lord with oil, John 11.2.

This goes on. And in Acts 10.38, God anointed him with the Holy Spirit, anointed with the Holy Spirit. That must mean the application of the Holy Spirit to the person. It's got to be that, I don't see anything else.

Okay, check this out. Hebrews 9.22, and according to the law, one must all almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, with blood. So this constant use of with something, the thing is applied to the person. In Exodus 31.30, I have filled him with the Spirit of God. And then I have a list here, other verb with object occurrences, girded with the sash, with the robe, with the ephod, Israel struck him with the edge of the sword, and so the word with here is a different usages, I'm just showing that.

The robbers were insulting him with the same words. So now I thought it was interesting because when we look at this and we see the application of an element to an individual, a physical element, the way it's done in Scripture is that the element is given to or applied to that individual. That's what's going on there. I can't help but wonder when it says baptized with water if it means that the water was applied to them.

To me it's a fair question to ask. People say, no, it never means that. Well, I'm just showing you how the Bible uses the phraseology of the element being applied to somebody and what that means. So here's some other stuff about baptism.

We get baptized because Jesus commanded it, you know, in Matthew 28, 18 through 20, baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But it's also in Acts 10, 44 through 48, a baptism is a public identification with Christ. And it symbolizes our death to sin in Romans 6, 3 through 4. And it's a covenant sign in Colossians 2, 11 through 12.

Now I was going to say one more thing about that. Many people assume baptism always means immerse. It does not. Take a look at these verses where the root baptized and its cognates are translated differently. In Mark 7, 4, the word baptized is cleanse and washing, and Luke 12, 50, it's baptism of tribulation. In Hebrews 6, 2, it's translated as washings.

And Hebrews 9, 10, it's also translated as washings. To me this is really interesting stuff. And baptism won't get into that. That's an interesting argument and stuff about it. Let's see, where's some other stuff I could talk about this? Oh yeah, I did the mathematics. I talked about that yesterday.

Here's something that's worth looking at too. Isaiah 32, 15, until the Spirit is poured out upon us from on high. Then we have Isaiah 44, 3, I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring. And it goes on, Ezekiel 39, Joel 2, 28, 29, Acts 2, 17, it says I'll pour out my Spirit on all mankind. And the Bible says that we'll be baptized with the Holy Spirit. That must mean the pouring of the Holy Spirit.

And in Acts 1, 5, it says John baptized with water, you'll be baptized with the Holy Spirit. To me it's like, you know, it just has to be that the element is applied to the person. Now you can see why I'm moving to this position. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm missing something else. But I'm looking at it and there's a lot of study in this. This is really interesting. How come I've not heard this before? Maybe because, maybe, just like the two men in the field and one is taken, one is left, that's the rapture.

And no it's not. That's about the wicked being taken. People just believe whatever they've been told without looking at the context. And maybe it's the same thing with the baptism. I certainly believe that.

Oh, it always means this. And then I started studying quite a minute, not necessarily. Interesting stuff. We've got a break coming up, maybe I'll do some more teaching on this.

We've got Patrick again. And we'll get into this. Please stay tuned. If you want to call me, 877-207-2276. Be right back. All right, welcome back to the show.

We've got two callers waiting. And I want to teach some more on this baptism. I'm just kind of intrigued by it and thought I would teach it.

And I want to get to the issue of baptized for the remission of sins. And I'll talk about that and raise some questions, hopefully some equally intriguing questions about that as well. Let's get to Patrick from Charlotte, North Carolina. Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. It's me.

You left me on hold last night, but I'm still here. Could you read John 1, 31 to 34? That's the reason.

What do you want to do that for? What's your point? In the NIV Bible, the scripture actually said, but this is the reason I came baptizing with water. And then he continues and tells why he baptized in water. Yeah. But yeah, John testified, I've seen the spirit descending on like a dove on heaven remaining on him.

Yeah. Which is part of the Old Testament requirement. You got to read John 1, 31 to 34. I'm looking at it right now and he says, I did not recognize him, but he sent me to baptize in water. He said, uh, upon whom you see the spirit, that's the one who baptized the Holy spirit. I've seen myself testify the son of God. Okay. What about it?

Okay. So John was sent to identify Jesus as the son of God. He didn't know which person was the son of God, but he immersed people underwater and he looked for the dove. If he didn't see the dove, he knew that person wasn't the son of God. Well, what happened at Jesus's baptism? The heavens opened up, the dove came down and God himself said, this is my son.

I'm well pleased. So John the Baptist used water baptism as a way to identify which person was the son of God, because John had to complete his testimony in John 1, 6, 7. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. So what's your point? Just summarize it in one sentence. What I'm trying to say is you're wrong about Jesus being baptized to be the high priest. Okay, well, if you want to ignore scripture, that's fine.

You can do that. No, you want to ignore scripture. Hold on, let me explain, let me explain. So what requirements of the Old Testament did Jesus have to go through? Because he says to fulfill all righteousness. Fulfill means the Old Testament. So what did Jesus have to fulfill in the Old Testament in his baptism? Okay, so then what you're saying is Jesus had to do a works, he had to be water baptized to be the high priest.

Okay, I just asked you a question. Where does it say, in the Old Testament, I asked you this specific question. What is it that Jesus had to fulfill in order, in his baptism?

What was the Old Testament law they had to do? You've got to understand, Jesus is the New Testament, the Old Testament. I have less and less patience with him because I ask the same question, and he just ignores the question. This is a problem. For those of you who don't know, I'm not being rude for him for no reason, I just got rid of him, because we've been talking off and on for years, and I'm very familiar with him. And most people who hang out in the same circles I do online, they know who he is, they say the same thing. He's unteachable. And as I'd like to say, here's a new one, that Patrick couldn't argue his way out of a wet paper bag if it was on a NASA centrifuge, it was active very fast, and the bag opening was pointing out.

It still couldn't get out. So I like saying things like that. But he doesn't understand, he doesn't understand what the word of God is. He denies the Trinity, he denies Jesus is God in flesh. It's just ridiculous stuff. And then he ignores the question Jesus says was to fulfill all righteousness, fulfill means the Old Testament.

What in the Old Testament was Jesus fulfilling in his baptism? That's the question. And he ignored the question. Just ignores it. Well, if you can ignore it, then we'll just move along. Let's get to Alberto from Georgia. Alberto, welcome.

You're on the air. Yes. Why are there so many denominations in this country and how are these big church buildings and half of the time they're all empty with a few church members, why don't they just get together and forget all these denominational divisions and get together all the church members with different churches to get into one building and that way you can help each other more and accomplish more for the body of Christ that way instead of bickering between a different belief system about the Bible and all this stuff. So we accomplished more for the body of Christ that way, I think, we didn't think. I think it's a good idea, but it won't happen because the denominations are necessary to some degree. There are denominational differences that can't really be crossed, unfortunately.

And that's just the reality of it. So there are certain reasons that people are just never going to unite in certain aspects. But overall, I like the idea of what you're saying of them uniting for that purpose, that they need to do that. But it's not going to happen.

It's not going to happen because the doctrinal beliefs and different non-essentials and stuff like that. For example, Calvary Chapel, back when, and I used to go to Calvary Chapel, I was baptized, my wife and I were baptized by Chuck Smith, the founder of Calvary Chapel, we're married by Calvary Chapel pastor up here in Idaho, we've been to Calvary Chapel for years. And I'm reformed, I'm a reformed individual, Calvinist. Well, back in the day, the Calvinists attacked, that's what I was told, the Calvary Chapel by petitioning out in front of them, holding signs up. And it really turned them sour to reformed individuals. And I don't blame them for that kind of bad behavior. Well, as an example, Calvary Chapel just disagrees with reformed theology, disagrees with it, period.

Well, what about the Presbyterian churches who affirm it? How are they going to meld together? It would have to be quite a bit of humility on both sides to be able to work together in the essentials and agree to the essentials. I know how to bring them together, but they're not going to ask me to do that.

They're not going to ask others to do it because there is a way to do it. And you focus on the essentials and everything else is adiaphora, and then that's it. But it always is the case that people divide because we get a little bit doctrinal centric in particular to say, this can't be true, this must be true, and we divide, that's just what's going to happen. Okay. Okay. Yeah. I have another question.

I went by my thought just now, and oh yeah, about, let me see what it was, that question that I had on my thought just now. Oh yeah, when the Bible talked about Christ is the same yesterday and forever, that now the things that you do, like for example, under Israel, they're a theocracy. So we're in the United States, we're not a theocracy. So basically what the Old Testament prophets did to the false prophets, you know, decapitate their head off, or people are stolen to death, adultery. You can't do that here in the United States, even though the Bible says God's Christ is the same yesterday and forever, the God's word is the same.

What's your question though with all this? My question is, why can't you do the same thing with the Old Testament and apply it today in our time? It was under a theocratic system, we're not under that anymore. And we're in a new covenant, not the old covenant, Hebrews 8-13, Hebrews 9-15-16. So the new covenant has new stipulations, so we don't do the things that God required of the people of Israel, the sons of Israel, and you do these certain things. And it wasn't for everybody, it was for Israel. Israel isn't, we're not in Israel now, so those things just don't apply to us the same way in all issues, okay? Okay, so it's basically the same, like Jesus Christ said, we're talking about the disciples, they prefer to obey God than man, so... Yes, but it's not that simple.

This has to do with theological understanding of the nature and extent of different covenants and how they worked and what the parameters are of the covenant for now and then. So that's a theologian's job, okay? Hey, there's a break, but you've got to go. All right, man, God bless. Okay, we'll talk to you later. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned.

877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, welcome back to the show. I just want to let you know that the month of December for the CARM ministry, and this applies to the radio show, that we're doing a matching funds drive. So we have a donor who will match whatever you decide to donate. If you donate anything, it'll be doubled.

That's just it. And the limit is quite high, actually, the guy says, I won't tell you what it is, but it's quite high. So I mean, people aren't going to be donating anywhere near that limit. So I just want to let you know, and if you want to do that, it's easy. Just go to forward slash donate. The information's right there. At the bottom of the page is the PO box, and you can email checks to the PO box. You can do it electronically. There's different ways, and we'll be working on that, improving that next year as well. But there you go, that's that.

And One Nation 89 is now a monthly supporter inside of Rumble. Thanks a lot, buddy. Appreciate it, and may the Lord bless you. And for all of you who have already been supporting, you've got to understand something. You may not hear about it too often, but we're very, very, very thankful for it because it allows me to be able to work full time in this and support missionaries who are full time in Brazil and in Colombia and in Malawi. He's part time. And also another part time guy in Nigeria. They're feet on the ground, and they go out there, and they do this stuff, and we support them. We're able to support them. And this is all because of the donation.

So you're not going to see a lot. Your reward is not here. Your reward is with the Lord, and that's it. We get people, we give them information, and we do a monthly, not a monthly, but like a yearly end of what? In the beginning of the year, actually, we send a newsletter out with who's donated how much for your tax receipts. We give a paragraph.

We give a thing. This is what we've done. This is what is allowed to happen.

And it's been great. And also keeping the radio on the air. We are able to stay on the air because the areas that it goes into are supporting. We're donating money, we're able to get on the air and stay on the air. However, however, things are changing in that area, and we may not be able to contain that requirement for much longer because of certain things. Nothing bad.

It's just the nature of inflation and some other stuff that's occurred. And so the network may need to make some changes, but they want me on. They want me to keep me on as much as possible, so that's good. So I'm just telling you guys out there, if you want to keep me on, then you're going to need to come up with a lot more. And that's just how it is. But if the Lord closes the show after 20 years of me being five days a week for 20 years, that's fine.

I'm not worried about it either way. I'm really not. I love doing radio.

It's a lot of fun, but it can't go on forever. I'm almost 68. Next week, I'll be 68. That's two years from 70. I cannot believe it. When I look in a mirror, I don't look my age.

That's for sure. My wife says I don't act my age, but I don't look it. I could pass 10, 15 years younger, probably that's what most people say when they see me. They go, you don't look your age.

And that's a testament to God's kindness to me. Thanks, Matt. He says, Matt, you are old. You're old. That's a question.

I mean, exclamation mark. But I'm in good shape. I'm in good shape. By God's grace, got a lot of years left to be able to serve him. And bring glory to his holy, precious name. That's what we want to do. All right. Having said all of that, let's get on with Greg from Utah. Greg, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, thanks for taking my call, Matt.

Sure. I wanted to add, if you look at the Didache, an early document of the early church, it does reference the use of sprinkling water and also pouring water in baptism. And this is from the early apostolic church. So that practice has been around for a very, very long time.

Yes, it has. In fact, in the Didache, which I have a copy on the website, let's see, I'll get this right here, go right to it, baptism, there we go. And what it says, people don't know what the Didache is, let me explain first. The Didache is the Greek for teaching. And it was probably written in the first century.

Probably during the time of the apostles, some of them being still alive. So there you go. Now, this is what it says in chapter seven. But concerning baptism, thus baptize ye, having first recited all these precepts, baptized in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit in running water.

Now, that's interesting. What does it mean in running water? Does it mean you have to get under running water? Or in a running water stream, you're standing in it or you're immersed in it?

I mean, it doesn't tell us. But if you do not have running water, baptize in some other water. And if you can't baptize in cold water, then do it in warm.

So for first you'd have cold water. And then the next verse says, but if you have neither pour water three times on the head in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But before baptism, let he who baptizes and him who is baptized fast previously and any others who may be able to.

And you should command him who is baptized to fast one or two days beforehand. So that's what it says in the Didache. This is from before the year 100, most probably when it was written in the 60s, some say. Let's see, go to the top if I have any information on when it was written.

Yeah, 65 to 80. That's the range. And it's cited by Eusebius, Athanasius, Origen, and coded in the Epistle of Barnabas. And I'm just saying it's been around. So you're right, Greg. And there you go, you know, so good stuff, huh?

That's all, Matt. And thanks for your ministry. God bless. Thank you. And thanks for reminding me about the Didache.

I kind of forgot about doing this. But yeah, as soon as you said it, I went, that's right, I went right to it. So good stuff, man. God bless. All right. All right, now, we have nobody waiting. But if you want to give me a call, it's easy, 877-207-2276. All right, now, I'm going to read a verse and talk about it. And this is going to be fun for me. I've done this with people before.

It's Acts 2-38. Now a lot of people, what they want to do, read a verse, I understand it completely, I'm done. Next. I don't do that.

Okay, let's ask some questions. So regarding baptism, it says, let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. That phrase, for the forgiveness of your sins.

And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. What does that mean, for the forgiveness of your sins? Now in Greek, the phrase is es afisen hermartion, es afisen hermartion. That's what it is in Greek, okay?

That exact same phrase is found in other places. For example, in Mark 1-4, John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, es afisen hermartion. Luke 3-3, and he came into all the district around the Jordan preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, es afisen hermartion. The exact same phrase, exactly the same in the Greek. The New Testament is written in Greek. All right, now, some people will tell me that for the forgiveness of sins means that's how you get your forgiveness, by being baptized.

Let's assume that's the case, or let's work with it. If John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, then does it mean that John the Baptist's baptism got you forgiveness of sins? Is that what it means?

You'd have to be consistent and say, well, yes. But that's not a Trinitarian baptism, is it? And how could you be forgiven of your sins by a baptism that wasn't Trinitarian? Furthermore, if John the Baptist's baptism got that forgiveness, then did they again need to be baptized under the Christian baptism? Because if they were forgiven, they wouldn't need to get re-baptized because there's one faith, one Lord, one baptism, Ephesians 4-5.

See, asking questions. If they did need to get baptized again, then doesn't that say the first baptism was in valid, which means they weren't baptized and forgiven of their sins? And so therefore the phrase, for the forgiveness of sins, doesn't mean they would obtain forgiveness of sins.

You see the problem? On the other hand, if baptism for the forgiveness of sins got them forgiveness, did the people who were baptized by John still need to offer sacrifices in the temple? Because Jesus hadn't been crucified yet, so they're still under the Old Testament law required to offering sacrifices. But if they had been forgiven of their sins, are they still obligated to offer sacrifices? But if that's the case, then that's saying they weren't forgiven of their sins, which would mean that that phrase doesn't mean forgiveness of sins. You see, there's all kinds of problems. You've got to ask questions. So if it doesn't get anyone's forgiveness of sins, does it?

Because in Acts 10, 44-48, people are baptized after they're already Christians and believers. You see, I like to ask questions. I like to ask these questions. And I've had people tell me more often than you might believe. I don't know.

They'll say, you make my head hurt. Someone just said that yesterday, I think. And there you go. So it's there, and you know, all these other things I could say about all kinds of stuff. But we've got another couple of callers coming in, so we'll be right back after these messages. We'll get to Sam from Michigan on the sons of God and Cody up from Ohio on Questions About baptism. We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live. Stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Okay, everybody, welcome back to the last segment of the show. I just want to let you know that December is the matching funds drive, so if you want to support us, hey, it's a great way to double whatever it is you send to us. So if you send us anything, whether it be in Rumble, let's see, the P.O.

Box, online, you know, then it's all doubled for the month of December. And all you've got to do is go to forward slash donate all the information you need right there. Look at the Sam from Michigan. Sam, welcome. You're on the air. Hello? Sam? You're on the air? Yeah, I'm sorry.

That's all right. Hey, I have a question to ask you, it's kind of getting away from the topic tonight, but I was wanting to know what's your insight on Genesis chapter 6, when we're talking about the sons of God. Some believe that it was procured with angels, and I want to know what your thought on that would be. Yeah, that's what I affirm, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men and came into them, and then they produced the Nephilim. So one of the things that's important about that text is in Genesis 6, 9, it says, these are the records of the generations of Noah, he was a righteous man blameless in his generations.

So that's a clue, because it looks like the demonic forces were trying to thwart the messianic line by diluting it through this kind of perversion. And so the flood was to wipe them out, and it mentions that in Genesis 6 that Noah's ancestry was pure. So this lends credence to that view, plus the Jews taught that this was the view, and also the early Christians taught the same thing.

So that's the view I hold to. Yeah, but see the thing is, I understand what you're saying, but with God creating the angels and all that, angels cannot, how can an angel procreate? They can't, because, you know. Nothing in the Bible says they can or cannot. So we can't assume they can't.

What we have to do is just verify. People say, well, it says they can't marry, you're not given in marriage. Yeah, that doesn't mean they can't do bad things. So what I look for in scripture is a statement where it's actually stated. They cannot become flesh or imitate flesh and have children. But I don't want to go by what it, you can only prove it by what it doesn't say.

I want positives as well, but nothing says it either way. So we can't say either way. So that's the thing. But there is a little clue of something else. This is a clue, and this is out of Daniel 2, 43. And this is the Nebuchadnezzar statue dealing with the feet where the iron and clay are mixed in verse 43. And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in the seat of men, but they'll not adhere to one another. What does that mean?

Because the implication is that something is interbreeding in the seat of men, but they're not men. Not people. Yes. Okay.

Yes. Okay. Well, thank you. I appreciate it. So you have a blessed night. You too.

Well, God bless. All right. Good night. Okay, you too.

You too. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. How are you doing? I'm doing all right, hanging in there. Just irritating people with baptism studies. But other than that. Yeah.

Okay. So you've been talking about the baptism and in Acts, and I'm sure there's other scriptures. I missed you halfway through. So my wife this year got baptized at our church in the pond. And as she was getting baptized, the pastor baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. And a woman that was behind me was hollering, you need to baptize in Jesus' name.

And you know, she's flipping out and causing a debacle. What I want to know, and first I'll share my opinion, and then I definitely want your answer, but what I see is that there's not really any other religion out there that has a Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, so whenever someone baptizes in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, or in the name of Jesus, who else could they possibly be baptizing in the name of? If they don't say Jesus, but they baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and people get into debates and arguments about whether or not they should be baptized in the name of Jesus, or in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, well, what's the difference?

I'll explain. The woman is in a cult, the one who said that is in a non-Christian cult. One is Pentecostal, a united Pentecostal, the oneness people teach that God is not a Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but he's one person. And there are variations of the view in different denominations where the manifestation of the one person is in different forms.

Some it's modal, and some it's just manifestations. And so it's a cult because they deny the true God, and they also require baptism as necessary for salvation. So they invalidate the gospel by that. And what they'll do, since they deny the Trinity, is they say God is only one person, and there's inherent problems with that. And I've debated it publicly with officials, and pastors, and stuff like that. And so the phrase, in the name of Jesus, is how it's said to be in the New Testament.

Because when you do a study, and I'll explain what's going on here. In the name of Jesus, right? So you'll find this phrase in different places like Acts 4, 18. They speak to teach all in the name of Jesus. Or you might see it in Acts 5, 40, speak in the name of Jesus, boldly on, in the name of Jesus.

That means by the authority of. And then Acts 10, 48, he ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus. Well see, what they'll do is they'll say that's the formula you have to go by, the phrase, in the name of Jesus. They do not understand that in the name of Jesus deals with the authority, his name. It's like saying, stop in the name of the law. You're saying this in that the name itself, that phrase, is to designate the authority that's in Christ. So when you're baptized in Jesus' name, what you do is you say, I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That's what it means to baptize in the name of Jesus, because by his authority, he said to do it. That's what's going on.

They failed to get this. And she is a member of a non-Christian cult, because that's what they teach. All right, real quick, those scriptures, Acts 4, 18, what were the other ones?

I just wanted to write them down. Yes, you can go to, for example, Acts 5, 40. And you can also go to Acts 4, 18. Read the context of Acts 4, 18. And then they spoke out boldly, in the name of Jesus, that's Acts 9, 27. And he ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus, that's Acts 10, 48.

So what I would recommend is more. I'd recommend you go to my website,, okay? And baptism in Jesus' name. Type it in the search engine.

And you can go there and you can see the article that I've written on this. I don't want to baptize, which is, okay, now I've got to make sure I get the right, baptize in Jesus' name. I've got to get that, make sure, because I thought it was exactly in that, baptizing. How should we be baptized? How should we baptize in Jesus' name, the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, or in Jesus' name? That's what it is. And, oh, man, there we go.

Should we be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, or in the name of Jesus? And that's an article I've written, and I go through this stuff. I wrote it back in December of 2008. So I go through a lot of these verses, show what it is, and explain it, and you'll have all the information you need right there. Okay? Okay. Yeah. I definitely, for younger people maybe listening to us right now, there's not really a reason to debate whether you use Jesus' name or the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit because they're all the same. He's three in one. No, they're not. Jesus is his name.

No, no, no, no, no, no. Jesus is not the name of the Father. The name of God is Yahweh, Jehovah, which is I Am in Exodus 3, 14, and 15. So Jesus is the name of the second person of the Trinity who became flesh.

So that's his name. Right. Okay. Our high priest.

Our high priest's name is Jesus. Very good. Very good. Yes, that's correct. Okay.

Yeah. I don't have a lot of it memorized. And that's my fault because I don't write stuff down. You memorize more like in school when you write things down and I fail at that.

That's okay. People don't do this. I do this all the time.

I'm debating this kind of stuff all the time. So I've been doing it for over 40 years. I memorize this stuff.

But you guys don't because you don't do it like that. That's okay. But that's why the articles are there so that you can go for the reference. Should you baptize the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you can just type that in and you'll find it or the name of Jesus and it'll go through and it'll tell you what you need to know. And you check it out with scripture, you can check everything out.

Okay? But the Trinitarian formula is what we need because that's what Jesus commanded. The Trinity is true. Oneness is not Christian. It's not Christian. It's a cult. Just like Church of Christ is, United Church of Christ, cult. Mormonism, cult. Jehovah's Witnesses, cult. Christian Science, cult. A lot of false religions that have arisen in the past couple of hundred, three hundred years that are just non-Christian cults, Christadelphianism, another one.

And these members of these churches think that they are in the truth. In fact, I'll tell you a little quick story. I'm going to hold you here at the hospital and I ended up walking out coincidentally with a guy. We were both going to our car.

We just happened to walk shoulder to shoulder. We got talking and he made a comment, and I won't get into how it led into it, but he's a Mormon. And I said, oh, Joseph Smith saved my life, I mean changed my life. He said, how? He said, well, there's a quote I heard where he boasted he did more than even Jesus to keep a church together. Either John, Paul, Peter, nor did Jesus ever did such a work as I.

That's what he says. And I gave him where it was found. And he didn't like that. And I said, that changed me because I had to study who this guy was that caused me to study other things. And I started studying and studying and studying.

I've written a lot and do all this stuff, and I've been doing this for a long time. And I said, I know Mormonism really well. And I said, I'm trying to witness to this guy. And I said, there's a way to prove Mormonism is false, absolutely prove it. That's with the Book of Abraham Papyri. And you study that and you'll find out that Joseph Smith lied about how he did it.

It's all been documented, it's all on the web, my website also, you can go check it out. And he said, you're an angry man. And what was interesting was instead of saying, I'll look at the evidence and the facts, he attacked my person. This is what cults do. Instead of looking, they attack.

And not all of them attack. So if someone were to say to me, look, I can prove to you the Trinity is not true. I say, okay, show it to me.

I'm interested. Show it to me from scripture where it is, or they can say, I can prove to you that baptism is always by immersion. Okay. Show it to me. I'm open to see it because I'm open to see it. I want to see what the truth is.

If someone can prove that Jesus didn't rise from the dead, show me the evidence, show it to me. I don't just close my mind and my heart and say, I don't care. You're just mean. I don't do that kind of thing. And they shouldn't either.

They should study. Anyway. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Yeah. We got a lot to learn, of course, still, on my walk.

We all do, man. I got so much more to learn. Oh my goodness.

I'm just barely getting started, you know? Sheesh. Sheesh.

Right. I wish God would give me another hundred years. He got me hopeful for the future. Well, good, man. Well, praise God, brother.

Praise God. All right, man. Yeah. Well, thanks for taking my call, man. All right.

Well, if I don't talk to you, I have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year to you. You too. Well, God bless. Thank you. God bless, brother. Okay. You too. All right. Perfect timing. There's the music.

That means we're out of here. I just want to remind you that the month of December is the matching funds drive. Just go to

Forward slash donate. All the info is there. I hope you enjoyed the study and teaching. I hope you were intrigued and challenged by the information on baptism. May the Lord bless you, and by His grace, be back on there tomorrow, and we'll talk to you then. God bless. God bless.
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