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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
November 12, 2024 7:00 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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November 12, 2024 7:00 am

Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 11-12-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues! You can also email questions to Matt using:, Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include:Matt Discusses Excesses of EO and The RCC/ Can Demons Move Objects?/ Persecution of Christian Churches Overseas/A Caller Says He Voted Biblical, But is Getting Grief/ People Who Sermonize While Praying in a Group Setting/ Why Do Some Politicos Concentrate Mostly on Abortion/ November 12, 2024

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The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. I hope you have a good time listening today. We were off yesterday because they had tech problems with the phones. That was it.

No big deal. We are in and live today, which is the 12th of November. If you want to give me a call, it's easy. All you have to do is dial 877-207-2276.

You can also email me at In the subject line, put in radio comment, radio question. You can watch the show. It's easy to do. All you have to do is go to YouTube and just type in Matt Slick live. You should be able to find me live. Not a big deal.

Or rumble. You can do the same thing. You can watch me sitting here. What happens afterwards, we have people who join us for an after show. We always do an after show. We usually talk for half hour, 20 minutes, half hour, just about stuff. People call in. They have other questions, too, when we talk. There you go. Yesterday, I do this a lot.

I go online and just look for opportunities to teach, defend the faith. We had this discussion. Two things I brought up in this discussion. I don't know if I've mentioned it here.

I think I have, but I'm not sure, so I'm just going to do it again. When I was on my three-week tour of the footsteps of Paul, Bible Land's tour, two interesting things happened. One, when I got off the plane, my feet were swollen. There was a blood vessel in my right eye that had broken. The next day, I called up my doctor here and the nurse said get into the ER.

Make sure it's not a blood clot. Everything was fine. I got to go into this ER, a Turkish ER, for four hours and ended up talking to some guys. My friend, Cameron, Cameron was with me. He went to the ER, too, back to the hotel around, I'm thinking 4.30 in the morning, 5 o'clock in the morning, maybe, I don't know. He was out witnessing to some Turkish guys using a phone with a Google translator.

They were doing that for a couple of hours. There you go. That was one. It's not that big a deal.

The other thing is more significant. In Greece, we went to Thessalonica where the book Thessalonians is written. We also went to Corinth later on and gave a devotional there and in Thessalonica. But something happened to me personally when I was in Thessalonica.

It's not that big a deal. We went to an Eastern Orthodox church and I've got the video of it on the inside. They're having a service. I walked in along with other people on the tour and our tour guide who's Eastern Orthodox. If I walk in, the first thing you see to the left were a place for candles. You did these candle prayer things.

I don't know too much about them. To the right of the candles, actually, but to my left as you come in, there was a big painting of, I think it was Mary, I'm trying to remember. To the right was another painting of Mary. You go in past these doors.

You walk in and you see the pump. This church had a lot of gold and a lot of silver and colors and stuff like this. People were there for the worship service. Of course, I couldn't understand anything.

It was in Greek. But I watched. They weren't having a formal service yet. They were getting ready for something, as we understand. I watched as people would bow to the statues, to these icons, these paintings, kiss them, light candles and all this stuff. That combined with the richness, material richness of the church, really sickened me. It appeared to me that instead of the riches of God dwelling in you, they were accustomed to the riches of the church around them. What I interpreted everything as was Satan working in that church, the whole church, East Orthodox Church, with pomp, with lots of money, with icons, statues, candles, pictures, gold and silver, and saying that it connects back to the ancient true church. I saw just deception. I saw deception there. I wanted to preach to them.

I didn't have the language and God didn't give me tongues. All I could do was go out after a while and look out to the courtyard. That's where I gave a devotional.

The tour guide was there and his English was really good. Really nice guy. As Jesus says, you leave the flock and go after the one and leave the 99 back there, I catered part of my message to him. In that message, it was appropriate because it was part of what was going on, was the issue of justification by faith alone in Christ alone. That was about three minutes of the devotional, about a 10, 15 minute devotional.

Someone took a picture of him. I was quite upset actually because I was preaching in this devotional. All of that, what is it that happened? What happened was in my heart, in this whole thing, it just rang so true, the need to preach that gospel, the saving gospel, the real gospel, not the false gospel of the Eastern Orthodox Church, the gospel of Roman Catholicism, not the false gospel of Mormonism, the false gospel of Jehovah's Witnesses, the false gospel of Islam, but the true gospel of what Jesus had done. It really rang true with me. I've always known it and believed it, but it was just that extra oomph. Maybe some of you have experienced that kind of a thing, something you've known and believed for a long, long time, and all of a sudden, for some reason, it's like the heat's turned up on it. That was the case. It was a juxtaposition of the truth of the simplicity of the gospel compared to the paganism and traditions of men that were taking the place of the truth.

I was kind of segueing to something else before we get to the caller. Then next week we went over to the Vatican, I mean to Italy, then we saw the Vatican and the pomp and the gold. It outdid the Eastern Orthodox Church by far.

It's just incredible. The money, the wealth. I was talking to some Catholics, and I think Eastern Orthodox were in the room a few days ago and brought up this issue of the riches.

I brought it up before here, I think last week. The riches of the churches versus the riches of the disciples. Because these churches claim to be the true successors of apostolic authority.

To me it just sounds arrogant. We are the true church. We have the successors of the true apostles. We have the truth. You've got to come to our church.

It's just a bunch of garbage. I was talking to these guys in the room and I said, so if your church is the descendants and the authority of the apostles, they gather wealth to themselves, disciples. Is that what they did in the synagogues and the home churches? They made sure there were statues and icons all over the place and crowns and gold and silver.

Is that what they did? Is that the true church with the apostles? Did the apostles do what you guys do in your churches? I said, of course not. And yet you claim to be the true church with the true apostolic authority and succession. And yet you don't behave like them. I said there's no way.

I said there's just no way. You guys are of the apostles. You don't live like them. You don't preach like them. You don't teach like them.

You don't act like them. Anyway, those are some of my thoughts. I need to preach that gospel. Boy.

All right, let's get to Christopher from North Carolina. Hey, Matt. How are you today? I'm doing okay. The cough I've got is mostly gone, still there.

But other than that, hanging in there, doing okay. Thanks. Good. Praise God.

So two questions really. First, did you tell the pope to repent when you went to Rome? I wanted to see him so bad. Hey, Mr. Pope, I've got a question for you. And my question would have been, are all of your sins forgiven right now? Oh, I would have started.

I would have. In fact, in St. Peter's Basilica, there was a throne-like chair that was in this church. I forgot to talk about that. A throne-like chair. All this pomp and all this stuff. That's where the pope and only he is allowed to sit there. Oh, man, such majesty, such wealth, such exaltation. Oh, the chair only he can sit in. Oh, that's so biblical. Yeah, right.

I wanted to go sit in that chair and have someone take a picture of me, but I figured I'd probably get beat up pretty badly if I tried it. Oh, man, that's funny. So the reason I called, I just had to throw that bonus one in there, but the reason I called is I'm going to use this because it's a common word, but paranormal, and I don't believe in ghosts, so I just wanted to kind of put that out there. I was kind of curious in biblically speaking because obviously it's the truth, and we go off that, but I've never seen in scripture an explanation of material objects being moved by immaterial beings, like angels and demons. So I just wanted to get your take on how, I don't even know how to word the question, but I guess how is that even possible? I'm just kind of in awe of, hey, this stuff happens, but how? So that's my question. I'm not sure I understand the question. So I guess the question is angels and demons, and people believe, oh, this is a ghost of a loved one, which is not true.

That's kind of not true. How I believe in any way. Like how, for example, if there's like a doll, like how can this doll move by the spirit?

You mean can a demon move physical objects? I'm sure you're asking. Yeah. Okay. We'll tell you what, we've got a break, so hold on, and let's get to that right after the break, okay?

So hold on, buddy. Hey, folks, we'll be right back. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, buddy, welcome back to the show. Let's get back on here with Christopher.

Are you still here? Yes, sir. All right, man. Okay, so can spirits, demonic forces, angels, whatever, can affect material objects?

Is that what you're asking? Not can they, but like how? Because it puzzles me, it's like, okay, these are immaterial beings that can move objects. And I'm like, whoa, how could this happen?

And so I was just seeing if maybe you had maybe some kind of explanation or something. It's like saying how does God move a door by His command and His word? He can command a door to move and it moves.

How does He do that? We don't know. So how do angels, demonic forces, et cetera, how do they exert a force to cause an object to be affected? We don't know. We just know that they can do it. It's like our human spirit in our physical bodies. How is it that our souls can move our physical bodies? I don't know how it works.

I know that it works. Okay. Yeah.

Okay, I just wanted to see if maybe you had some inside maybe like there's a scripture somewhere or something. I was like, what the heck is the science behind this? I don't know. It was just a curious question. I think you're looking at what's called the instrumental means. I'm not sure. I think that's what it is.

But no, the Bible doesn't say that God has this immaterial force emanating out of his soul that he can focus with his concentrating eyeballs and make it and it works. I don't know what you're asking, but we just know that they can do things. They just can. Yeah. That's it. Yeah.

I know for sure that the Lord 100%, but as far as lesser beings like angels and demons, but okay. Cool, Matt. Well, thanks for the answer. You have a good one. Hey, you too, buddy. God bless. All right. Hey, if you want to give me a call, we have two open lines, 877-207-2276. Let's get to Alberto from Georgia. Alberto, welcome. You're on the air.

Yes, good evening, Matt Slade. What do you think about what the situation is going on in Baku? I'm served by John, but the Christians have been persecuted, 120,000 Christians have been persecuted from Akasadak and then also they're running to Armenia. Even there, they're trying to persecute them out of that country. So what could Christians do to help? Well, what we can do to help is to pray for them for one thing and offer financial support for varying needs. And then depending on how we want to get involved, you can start calling up news stations saying, Why aren't you dealing with this?

Why aren't you dealing with this? And covering the atrocities that are occurring in these countries like Nigeria. The Muslims are going in and killing Christians. They're killing them. We have a missionary in Nigeria that we talk to on a weekly basis, and he tells us what's going on. And so we can support them financially, support them prayerfully, and we can, depending, if we think we have the ability, is to contact news medias and Senate and Congressmen and say, Can you bring this up? They're being murdered.

So that's the kind of thing I think we can do. The same thing with the Jews in England. A lot of them I heard that they're watching our Christian networks on TV, that they're being persecuted. A lot of them are planning to leave out of their country because it's not really safe for them to know more.

My brother Christians are leaving England? Is that true? Really? Well, I don't know. I'm planning to leave because it's not safe for them.

Yeah. I haven't heard that. On the CBN, the Jews, if you're talking about it, a lot of them are planning to leave because it's too dangerous for them. But they can't leave England because it's no longer safe for them to stay there because a lot of people are trying to get them and all that. Yeah, on CBN as well. So, go ahead.

I'd like to have information on that, documentation if that's the case. But what it looks like is England has been lost to Islam for decades because they're having lots of children and in the regular English we're not having lots of children. So imagine England's lost. It's going to become a Muslim-dominated religion and Christians will become persecuted there. They're going to flee. So I'm sure it's already happened to some degree.

But we'll see. Yeah, they've got a big parliament already built in England. The Muslims have got a big, giant parliament.

That's for years they've had it. Michael, a question I've got. What do you think about the people complaining, one pastor out of North Carolina, about the God bless U.S. Bible because it had the...

I can't understand you. What do you think about the pastor complaining about the God bless U.S. Bible that had the Constitution inserted? Well, there's many study Bibles out there.

They've got footnotes and commentaries in it that are not inspired. They've got picture Bibles. They've got Bibles.

They've got maps in them. So what's the big issue? I don't see any problem putting the Constitution and the Bible in the back. It's not part of Scripture. Just like you said, like pictures and maps and things like that and copyright stuff which is in there. I don't see why it's a problem.

No big deal. It's good for people to read the Constitution. Yeah, because the Constitution had Bible verses in it in a way. Yeah, for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and all of that, the Declaration of Independence. I was surprised at how many Christian principles were clearly woven into it. Yeah, it's worth looking at and reading. Yeah, so I don't know why pastors get upset about it or Christians get upset about it.

Some do, some don't. I prefer a Bible with nothing in it. Just NASB with note pages, just blank note pages.

I can do notes in the back. That's me, but some people like maps. They like all kinds of stuff. Well, maps are great too. You can put maps in there. A lot of health stuff. Outlines and doctrinal statements. Hey, that's good too. Why not put it in the back of a Bible?

It's all stuff. Well, the Constitution was written with a lot of biblical influence on it. You know, a Bible with a Constitution in it, I don't have a problem with that anymore than have a Bible with the Heidelberg Catechism put in the back of it.

Okay, so, yeah. Yeah, because a lot of study Bibles, a lot of pastors promote their Bibles and they publish them and they got their footnotes or they got their commentaries in them. So, I mean, each pastor got a different view of the certain passages of Scripture, so nobody gets upset about that really. I mean, they allow them to be printed and published, you know. So, I mean, different pastors got different points of view. Like yourself, you got Calvinist view and you got other people, got the Armenian view and other people got different views that they didn't insert passages and commentaries in the Bible. Nobody gets upset about that and nobody gets upset about that. I mean, some people may, maybe, you know, but still they're going to make a big, big issue out of it. So, I don't know what to make of the issue, but God bless you.

I mean, see, he was... Okay, you got any other... Hold on, you have another question now? That's it. Okay, that's it. No, that's it? That's it. Yeah, that's it.

That was it. All right, brother. I don't know if you heard also well about what's going on with the energy. I'm not following you there. And we got a break coming up right now. Okay, all right. Okay, brother. All right, man.

Okay, thank you. All right. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages.

Please give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. All right, everybody, welcome back to the show. Let's get to Rusty from South Carolina.

Rusty, welcome. You're on the air. Hey. Hey.

Hey. Can you hear me? Yes, I can. Yes, I can.

What do you got, buddy? Okay. Okay, so I wrote it biblical. I wrote it biblical. And I'm getting a lot of backlash on it, like, because it is people of the church.

And they saying, and I know they voted race-wise a lot of people. But by when I say I voted biblical, I'm getting attacked from both sides anyways. But would I be wrong for taking up and explaining why, like, okay, like with abortion. I don't agree with it. But a lot of churches say it's their body, and they should be able to do what they want to do with it.

But really... Wait, wait, wait. So the baby in the mother is their own body? That's weird.

It's like slavery. It's the woman's body. Right.

And she should be able to do what she want with her body because it's her body. So my class... I could rip into that so easily. I'm sorry. It's so bad logic.

Go ahead. Right. So, okay, so I'm defending, I'm defending for God, and I'm wondering am I wrong because... No, you're right. They're not understanding. When they say it's their body, that means, are you a Christian? I mean, because you're a Christian, that means you belong to God. And order is order.

Like, they think it's because people trying to own them, like husbands and white wives... Okay, well, you have a question? I told you it's not like that. You have a question?

Yes. So... What? So do you think I'm wrong for defending and debating a date in class?

No, you weren't. Stand up for the truth. Stand up for the truth. Okay? Yes. And if they are voting based on race, that's sinful.

It shouldn't do that. It's wrong. White hate is hate. And I told... Uh-huh. Yep. But here's the thing. The reason Trump won with just a mega landslide, 312 electoral votes, it was a shlacking. There's reasons for it.

Yes. Yeah, you should know those reasons. A lot like the confused y'all would like to know. Like, okay, he will sound guilty of 30 felonies.

Like, what do that mean? It's a kangaroo court. It's a kangaroo court. Because I've seen plenty of judges and lawyers saying that these are trumped up charges, no pun intended. They're just trying to get rid of him constantly. Nobody else has ever done this to them. Ask them. Why is it they're only going after Trump?

Why is it? Because Bill Clinton did stuff. What about Hillary Clinton? She broke laws all over the place with the emails, destroyed evidence, no charges, nothing. Because the left didn't care.

They only care about the conservatives. And what about Hunter Biden's laptop? The left said it was all Russia hoax. It was not.

It was true. And yet, are they bringing charges against Biden for knowing this stuff? No, of course not. Are they going to when he gets out of office? Of course not. Yeah, they're hypocrites. So I asked my teacher did Barack Obama have to sign what he signed to go against the Bible? Did he have to sign it? It's like, I don't know, but they couldn't answer it.

Or did he want to do it? I don't know what that particular issue is. But I would love to have been in a class like that.

I would love to tackle every one of them, all of them against me. It's fine. It's fine. I say, let's talk.

Let's do this. I was in a chat room in a virtual world room and they were talking about Trump, how evil he was. And I just said, OK, guys, I'd like to see the documentation for these things that you're accusing them of.

I mean, I'm sure it's out there. And they just became vitriolic, accusatory, vile, loud, angry. And I just was calmly saying, well, OK, but I'd see the documentation for this.

And they kicked me out of the room. And so all you have to do is show me the documentation. Show me where it's the case. Show me these things.

And I would like to see what you do email me. So then they say that they all make no big deal, like when the pastors are sleeping with church members. I say it won't be like that, because if you're a body of Christ, you're supposed to. Like they say, they own people that. Are homosexuals, I love everybody.

They should be able to be anything in church. They won't. But I say, once you become saved, the word is what's going to change you.

There's no way you can stay the same. And I know that from living. You know, when I've talked to people who based voting on race and they claim to be Christians, and I say, there's only one race. It's the human race.

We're different colors, different sizes and shapes. Where are you getting this race stuff? It's not in the scriptures. You're listening to the devil. Right. That's it.

Yes. Well, yeah, I feel better now. I just want to get off my chest and see. But thank you. Well, good for you.

It's good for you. And stand up for the truth. Just stand up for it.

And you've got to understand that when you stand up for the truth, you'll be persecuted for it. That's just normal. All right. Okay. All right, man.

Yes. Okay. All right. All right. God bless. All right. Let's get to Jay from New York. Excuse me, Jay.

Welcome. You are on the air. Matt. Yeah.

Matt, you think you're so slick. Yes, I do. Hey, is this the Jay? Go ahead. Go ahead.

You really? But anyway, I've got a couple of questions. The first question is about elongated prayer.

All right. You know about the situation where you're with somebody, let's say you're out to have a cup of coffee, maybe get a pizza pie, and your friend says, hey, would you mind I say grace? And you say, yeah, sure. And then they lead into some sort of sermonette, like miniature sermon while they're in the prayer. Let me get you with one. Should I just like interrupt them abruptly?

I have my own means of kind of letting them know, hinting at them that it's too long, but I want to hear what you're saying. This is Vekl, right? You're Vekl, right? Right, buddy? Yep. Yep. You got it.

Got it. Yeah. Hey, folks, I've known Vekl for years. Maybe 10 years ago or so, and Vekl's a good guy. Yeah. We call him Vekl. He has the same warped sense of humor that I have, and we got along so well.

It was awesome. Yeah. I'm with you. You know, it's like, you know, you're praying over your food. Thank you, and you pray. And, yeah, five-minute sermonettes, like, dude, I'm dying of hunger here. Yeah.

Come on, you know? So then I don't want everyone then to pray again because they're going to, you know, what's going to happen? So that doesn't sound too spiritual, but I think people need to use wisdom. When you're just at a meal and everybody's there, don't entrap them into forcing them to be quiet and in a prayerful, spiritual mood and hear your words of wisdom.

Just ask the Lord to bless the food, and you go forward and go on. That's what I would say. But, yeah. Okay. That's right. That's what we did when we had lunch.

I remember. So no advice on while they're praying, like, is it wrong to just kind of interrupt them, or do you have a tactic of yourself, of your own? Yeah. You just cough really loudly so that everybody, you know, jumps out of their chair. That's one option. And the other one is you call yourself on your phone and have it ring.

If you can do that, I don't know. Start praying. Start praying. Start praying.

Lord, would you please have this guy ended, you know, sometime this month? You know, I don't know. I've been in situations like that. I'm like, oh, man. Come on. Come on.

You know, but then if you complain, you're not spiritual. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I have my own tactic, but I'll share with that another time.

I know you got other callers, but... No, we don't have any other callers. We don't. I want to know. What's your tactic? What do you do? Kick them in the shin?

Yeah. My tactic is very similar to something what you said earlier about a loud cough. But what I do is kind of like give like an elongated and highly unnecessary loud sniff. You know, kind of like what my dad would do when it's like we watch cartoons at night.

And then when it's time for bed, he would always give us this loud sniff to let us know that, okay, he's getting ready to tell us that it's time to go to bed. You know, so he'd be like... Well, hey, you know what? All right. Yeah.

I got you. But you know what? I got another idea. After the break, I'll tell you another idea that I think would be a really good one.

Takes a little practice. But hold on, buddy, okay? Okay. Hey, folks, we have nobody waiting other than Jay here if you want to give me a call. 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right. I want to welcome back to the last segment of the hour.

If you want to give me a call, the number is 877-207-2276. All right, Jay, you still there? Yep.

Can you hear me? Yeah. Now, here's an idea. All right. You see, I was thinking.

I was thinking. This could take some practice, though. If you could verbally, you know, with your mouth, imitate a large stomach growl, that would be good. You know, just... Like that. But you've got to throw your voice down there, you know? So I don't know if that would do it.

Or another option would be to pass out from the, you know, from food deprivation. So... Okay. I don't know.

I mean... See, these are ideas you would appreciate. You know? I get you. You know?

Because I think it's good. Right. Mm hmm. So I guess on a more moral aspect of it, is it unbiblical for us to interrupt a... Let's say that the prayer is sincere, but it's just too long. Is it unbiblical for me to say, all right, all right, all right, come on, take it easy. Let's get some food. Well, after the second hour, I think it's time to interrupt. But I would just endure it.

And then if it's a persistent habit of this one individual, I would go talk to them and say, look, can you just... Trying to be really nice. Just keep the prayers down to less than a minute. Just food we're praying for. You know?

We're not asking, you know, a peaceful harmony of all universals in the world and through all the political systems. You know? So that's me. I'm going into the habit of, if I'm with the same individual, I just say, hey, we're going to say grace.

And they will say, hey, I'm going to say grace over the food. And I say, yeah, I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll do it.

I'll do it. Yeah. Okay. Well, sometimes what I'll do, because I'm kind of the spiritual leader wherever I go in my groups of friends and things like that, you know, default. So it kind of falls on me to pray and stuff like that. So I just, you know, at dinner a lot, I just pray, you know, Lord, and just give a 30 second prayer. And that's it. Let's eat.

And I'm not trying to be non-spiritual, but I'm trying to hold people captive, you know. Right. Right. Okay. Yeah.

I was kind of conflicted about that for a few years, and I wasn't sure if they're the right way or a wrong way to do it. So but, okay. Get out in advance, get a rumbling of the tummy. Record on your phone. You put your phone down by your lap, and then you're telling people how to be unspiritual. Well, maybe just hungry. So I don't know.

Go talk to the guy afterwards. Outnose my heart and my stomach. Right. You know what would be bad, though?

You know what really would be bad? If you and I are sitting across a table, and the head of the table, the guy's going on for three minutes, and you and I are giving each other side-eye looks, and we'd be having trouble trying to keep quiet, you know. Yeah, which I have done, to be honest. I've done it with my wife. We were sitting at a table with some friends, and the prayer's kind of long, and I kind of just peek at her.

I mean, she wasn't looking, but I was looking at her to see if she'd notice, too. I have done well. That's right. That's right. Real quick, so my other question is about the meltdowns that we're getting from a lot of the liberals on TikTok and stuff like that. In my honest opinion, some of it seems to be just them being babies, but I think other cases, there's some sort of spiritual, maybe even demonic activity going on. What's your thoughts on that?

Yeah. I saw some women who, some videos that people were collecting, they're actually threatening to kill white people, and they're white women. One woman said she's going to get a gun, and she's going to find somebody, and she's calmly saying it, I'm going to kill them.

That's what she's saying. And out of South Korea, there was what's called the 4B movement, and the B is for four letters, four words in Korean that all start with B, where the women there, I don't know the history of it, but they would deny their husbands of certain privileges and rights and things like that in the protest or whatever. And so now they're saying, let's do the 4B movement.

And so these women are trying to punish men for voting for Trump, which I think is a great idea because these women, they won't procreate that way. I think it's a good plan. Okay.

That's good. So I don't have any problem with that, but yeah, I've seen meltdowns crying. They're diaparenians, they're man babies and women babies. It's like, gee whiz, believe the country if you're so upset, go away.

You don't go to another country. That's fine. Diaparenians. Diaparenians.

That's right. And it looks like Trump's going to take the, or the Republicans are going to take the House. They've already got the Senate. This means if that happens, heads are going to roll, which I hope they do. The DOJ will be gutted and cleaned out. The FBI hopefully will be gutted and cleaned out and we'll get the illegals back out of the country and let them come in legally, lawfully. He wants to reduce, oh, I saw a video yesterday of a guy who said he listed out all the things that have already improved since Trump was just elected. I mean, in fact, my crypto has gone up 25%, 25% in three days, three, four days. Oh yeah. And Hamas is ready to quit, Putin, you know, Russian guy Putin, he's ready to talk peace with Ukraine. And there was this list of like 15 things. The stock market is going up, everything. Why do you, and I ask, why do you think that is? Because if the Democrat Kamala Harris, Kamala, the Marxist would have gotten in, this stuff wouldn't have happened.

Things would have gone the other way. That's right. That's right. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

I could talk all day about this situation and the good, the positive stuff that's happened within the first 48 hours of the election, but yeah, yeah, maybe, maybe next time we'll talk more about it. Okay. All right.

Yeah. Let's do that. All right, buddy. Take care of my call. Take care. God bless you. You too. God bless. All right.

Let's get to Mitchell from New Mexico. What's going on here? Hey man. How's it going? It's going, man. It's going.

What do you got buddy? Good. Well, I had a question about the, uh, classes that you guys offer. Um, okay.

I saw the, um, link recommended from one of my buddies and I asked around and they said they kind of recommended. So I, I ordered them a few weeks ago, um, and I'm just curious how I go about getting them actually. Cause I haven't. What?

I haven't gotten yet in my email or in my account. Okay. That's interesting. Okay. Well let me, okay. This is what you got to do.

Just email us at info at and just say, uh, you know, two weeks, whatever it was, I got the schools and I can't access them. Just say that. Yeah.

And we'll know what you're talking about. I sent a couple emails. Really? Yeah. So I'm, I'm trying to, I was like, I'll call in.

He's, he's live right now. Let's see what happens. That's right.

Tell you what, you email right now again and, uh, put the subject line, uh, uh, Matt said call about the schools, you know, and I'll know that's exactly what that is. So that's okay. So I'm really concerned about that because we had a, it's called a cloud flare. People will know what that is.

It's a service that millions of millions of websites use and, uh, it prevents DDoS attacks and others. Anyway. So we had a problem with that related to the schools. And so we went in and, and, uh, it was supposed to be having been fixed altogether, supposed to be a week ago, absolutely taken care of.

I even went through two of the schools and fixed all kinds of things, you know, cause you can't edit your own stuff. So this is a, it's an important concern. I want to make sure we get right on it.

So you do that and I will make sure it's taken care of by tonight. Okay. Yeah.

Cause I'm just, uh, I'm really excited to start learning on more about apologetics and good kind of being more discipled to other people and like actually explaining, well good. That's what the schools are for. That's what they're for. Sweet. Yeah.

And they're supposed to be working perfectly. So you probably had a, we had a problem there for a couple, three weeks and I was in Europe during that time. So we really couldn't do a whole bunch of things like this manifested, but we're on it. All right. So email me and we'll contact you. Okay. We'll take care of it. All right. I appreciate it. All right, buddy. All right. Thanks for calling.

Let us know. God bless. Yep.

Yep. All right. Thank you.

You're welcome. You're on the air. Hey Matt. Uh, I just wanted to, I just wanted to talk to you about some of our politics a little bit.

So what, what, what, what I recently discovered, uh, is that, is that most democratic women, not all of them, but a large majority of them, the reason why they both continue to vote Democrat is because they believe that they have the right to murder their babies. That's one of the reasons. Uh huh. Yep. Yeah. That's one of the main reasons.

Yep. They've been taught lies that it's just their body. If it's their body, then does the, the pregnant woman have two heads, four arms and four legs because it's her body. They don't think like this. And the, the life in the womb, I asked him, is that human or is it not human? Well, if it's not human, there's a okay to transplant it into a dog, a woman with a dog.

It just asks these questions. They don't think. And the reason is because they're, they're dead in their hearts.

They're wicked in their hearts and they want to kill the life in them for their own convenience. So yeah. So they're going to vote Democrat. That tells you the democratic parties about, yeah. Yeah, and I, and I, and I had just jumped on, um, a few minutes ago when you was talking about how a lot of them want to, uh, uh, start the, the, uh, four B four B move movement where they, where they don't, uh, uh, uh, uh, you know, uh, have sex with men or, uh, or against against a relationship with men. But, uh, but, uh, uh, that's fine by me because I'd rather data, uh, uh, a Republican or an independent who, uh, loves God, loves the second amendment, loves America. You know, you know, uh, I don't want a woman that hates any of that stuff.

That's right. You know, it reminds me one of the, one of the things about my wife before we got married, you know, we're dating for a while and I saw her with children and it was one of the most attractive things to see her being that good with children. And we got married and then we had a son, uh, while she was pregnant, we found out that he had holoprosencephaly.

He's going to die when he's being born. And they said, you want to abort the baby? And she politely but firmly jumped in that nurse and said, please don't ever bring that up again. I mean, wow.

That's what women need to be like, not the, not the, it's inconveniencing me, so I'm going to kill it. Yeah. Uh huh. Anyway, you said, you said, you said that, uh, if the, if, if the, uh, baby was a birth out, it would have, it would have died immediately or, or, or it would have died later. He did die.

He died after being born and died in our arms. Oh, okay. Yeah.

I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah. No, thank you.

And about 30 years ago and, uh, God's used it to open up doors and talk to a witness to people. But look, man, we're going to, the music's going to start in like 10 seconds. So we're out of time, but this is a topic worth discussing. You ought to call back tomorrow. We can talk about it some more. Okay. All right.

No problem. All right, man. All right. Sounds good, buddy. Okay. God bless. That's a good one. All right. Everybody. There's the end of the show.

That's the music. May the Lord bless you. And by his grace back on there tomorrow. And if you're a woman who has an abortion, know this, Jesus can forgive you. Turn to him. The gospel, the cross, the shed blood of God in flesh is big enough and strong enough to cleanse you completely. Turn to him. We'll be back tomorrow. God bless.
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