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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
July 12, 2024 9:36 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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July 12, 2024 9:36 pm

The Matt Slick Live -Live Broadcast of 07-09-2024- is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. Matt answers questions on topics such as- The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues- -You can also email questions to Matt using-, Put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line- Answers will be discussed in a future show.-Topics Include--Why it's Important to have The Right God-How is The Flock of God Protected from Error-Evangelizing a Roman Catholic-Is The Lord's Kingdom Truly Divided-What is King James Onlyism and Which is a Good Translation-July 9, 2024

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The following program is recorded content created by Truth Network. If today's date is July 9, 2024, all you have to do is dial 877-207-2276. If today's date is July 9, 2024, all you have to do is dial 877-002-2276. All you have to do is dial 877-002-2276. If today's date is July 9, 2024, all you have to do is dial 877-002-2276. All you have to do is dial 877-002-2276.

If today's date is July 9, 2024, all you have to do is dial 877-002-2276. All you have to do is dial 877-002-2276. All you have to do is dial 877-002-2276. All you have to do is dial 877-002-2276. All you have to do is dial 877-002-2276. All you have to do is dial 877-002-2276. All you have to do is dial 877-002-2276. All you have to do is dial 877-002-2276. All you have to do is dial 877-002-2276. hundreds and hundreds of times forty yeah so i did well what did my interest with this lady won a new college you constantly and said that she doesn't believe in keeping back and i'm like what is making her so sure that she doesn't believe you know when you get good information but she doesn't think of being poppin into the line fact that this area because because she's not a christian she's not safe you don't go by god she doesn't have the true faith that's because he's here he said her spiritual personally discerned first continues to fourteen session natural and cannot receive the things that got to the full system in uh... at sixteen fourteen god opens the mind of lydia to believe the things that we're talking about so right has to be born again she has a trust in christ because she has a false god and she's learning ways to defend the false god what happens is the judgment of god is upon her when you go to romans one issue to have a witness or something then to get a job a witness police this is a good of romans one eighteen through thirty two and you can read how the judgment of god is upon people who preach for and teach false things so i'd like to do all this with us or what but it didn't seem like you know that they felt i'm going to get to your website get more information i don't like to try to pick on things that don't understand or don't know but i need to become more informed but i do appreciate you having the information i i will look at it thank you good it's there for you appreciate it thank you so much for letting me have a good act you to thank you companies okay uh... let's get to isaac from tampa bay florida isaac welcome your on the air and they're going to be okay yes i can all right great first i want to say thank you so much for your website it's been a very helpful specifically with mormonism so recently i had a school project because i'm in school in lancaster pa i live in tampa though i work in tampa and so one of the assignments was to interview one another culture or specifically another religion so i chose mormonism because their website is pretty easy to request a missionary uh... and so i started doing research on on how i can witness to mormons and i came up to your site and i'm so grateful for that and when i was talking in one of my uh... previous discussions in fact i've got another discussion coming up at seven with but long story short it so it was so sad to see that an older gentleman in the face uh... in the baptist faith had conforms to the mormon faith because he felt there was more belonging there so how do you i guess you could say like protect your flock when you're at it i'm currently in a baptist church where i work in reside uh... so how do you teach your flock of course you use god's word but how do you how do you show that the other religions are false you teach the truth first what churches need to do is have a regular set of courses that they either use from some other ministry or develop themselves where they go through the basics of the christian faith they need to do this on a regular basis most people don't know the basics of the christian faith so you have to know what the truth is in order to recognize what the lies are just like you spend time with real money to recognize counterfeit money you have to know what the truth is for example i'm gonna ask not ask you but ask a bunch of questions that the average christian should know okay like what is the trinity what is the economic trinity what's the ontological trinity what does it mean to have perichoresis what is divine simplicity what is justification what is imputation what is sanctification what is propitiation what's the hypostatic union what's the communicatio idiomatum what is security what is salvation what is damnation most christians can't answer but maybe one in four or five of these questions and these are the basics i know some of the words are unfamiliar but this doesn't take long to learn and these are the basics of the christian faith they are the basics and some things that i go over all the time with people i've been doing it for decades so these are the things that need to be known and pastors aren't teaching across the board not teaching these things not providing opportunities to learn these things because the pastor in my opinion god bless him is just dealing with the issues of the church but you're not an apologist like i am and i know what's out there and i know what challenges there are the christian faith and so if you don't know the truth you're gonna be sucked into lies thank you very much that's helpful now i'd like to mean if churches would use it i would develop a series with powerpoint and word handouts they could just use it and i would just ask for donations just to help pay for whatever you know and they want to use it for free i don't care where they could take the powerpoints and they could take the uh... the slides and they could uh... go through the in fact i've already done it there's a book that i have called the basic christian doctrine and it's tied in with a powerpoint presentation slide i'd forgotten about it about ten years ago we've got one on catholicism as well and by going through the basics of the faith you can learn this stuff let me tell you something when i was at a conference once and i spoke i asked people let's just say there's about a hundred people there was about a hundred and so this is a good representation and it's not exact but this is what i generally remember i remember saying okay so how many of you here are christian please raise your hands you know like all the hands went up okay great praise god and we're here to learn there to learn a little bit about how to defend the faith what the christian faith was i said okay now i'm going to ask them questions and you can raise your hands if you want and i'm not going to call on you just going to see just took a survey how many believe that there's only one god in all creation and all the hands go up how many believe in the trinity and all hands go up and how many believe jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead and their hands go up how many believe we're saved by grace you know okay good now i'm going to call on you if you ask raise your hand how many can define what the trinity is two hands go up i called on one person and they did okay you know okay and uh... i offered a polish of it okay how many believe that jesus is a man right now and about forty percent of the hands went up he is a man right now i said does anybody know what verses you would use to show that jesus is god in flesh basically no hands go up this is how bad it is in the christian church they cannot for the most part defend the faith they don't know what the faith is they don't have a good and deep understanding of it what i love to do what i love to do is stand in front of a bunch of people in a seminar and just teach and interrelate the theological perspectives revealed in scripture and show how they're all balanced in and woven in onto one another so give people an understanding i call it theology and sneakers here's why this is one god why is that important why is the trinity important what if god was one person what does that mean what if he was two persons what does that mean if he was three how does that work why is the incarnation necessary how many natures does jesus have why did how is the sacrifice of divine value if only the human nature died and i can bring it all together i'm just talking here but hold on okay we got a break so hold on buddy hey folks we'll be right back after these messages if you want to give me a call please do 877-207-2276 we'll be right back it's matt slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276 here's matt slick alright welcome back to the show i guess that was uh... isaac are you still there? yes sir alright so gave you a lot of stuff there kinda going but uh... uh... you got any more comments or questions? no i really appreciate it like you said um... we do need a Paul Jackson Church i think that's exactly where we lack uh... and just again a lot of denominations uh... is it okay if i ask another question? Sure, sure go ahead yeah the question i've got too because i've been really wrestling with the faith is that a group in a protestant church you know non-denominational and so i really didn't know uh... like eastern orthodox and catholicism until just recently how would we go about i don't know like how would we evangelize to them or how do we approach them because their beliefs are a little different they're not a little different they're a lot different now they affirm the trinity the deity of christ but their doctrine of salvation is is uh... false they have a false gospel and that they both add works to salvation and require cooperation with god in works and in effort in order to have grace imputed and reckoned and given uh... to them so that over a long period of time through the authority and the practice of their church and its priesthood they hope to be saved from their sins the false gospel they also both preach a false aspect of mary they teach that mary can be in many places well not many places but they teach that she can hear millions of prayers simultaneously all over the planet has spoken and thought different languages all the same time and that she can answer them and this is a functioning goddess it's not the mary of scripture they have a false priesthood because in the bible there is no new testament priesthood that nothing is taught in the new testament like the priesthood of the catholic and the east orthodox church both say that their priesthood is the authority the authority of god handed down through their true church and their priesthood is enabled to administer the graces of god to you through the sacraments and so in order to get to the one mediator jesus you gotta go through the mediatory work of their priesthood so both of them are false religions both of them uh... official roman catholic theology official eastern orthodox theology lead to damnation that's not to say that there aren't two christians in there but if they believe official stuff uh... then uh... it's damn they're damn understandable heresy yeah thank you yeah it's sad but it's true as uh... it's uh... what Ben says let's just say sad but true but uh... that's it so uh... metallica so uh... they need the gospel and i work on different with different ways here's let me give you something i've developed that's very simple sort of the radio many times i use it with catholics and he's not a doctor to try and prove to them that they're more more loyal to their church than they are to jesus and that offends them when i say that personally prove it to you you can't prove it yes i can let me show you i ask him a series of questions i say look is jesus god yes okay does he have all authority to heaven and earth does he forgive sins yes did jesus say come to me all were heavy laden i'll give you rest yes well if you were to pray to jesus no one else just pray to jesus and ask him to forgive you of all of your sins will he and yet when that that you'll say yes sometimes they say yes but not very often what they'll do is a immediately invoke the authority of their church and the necessity of their priesthood inner sacraments well jesus said in the church jesus set up the sacraments jesus said i didn't ask about that i said can you go to jesus just ask him it's a good right to all the other stuff i just and once this is no lie this is no lie and once asked a catholic to uh... prayed directly to jesus not to marry inner intercessor to get forgiveness and uh... i said will you pray straight to jesus mcconaughey in your prayer you know we're in a social room and he said he would do it and i said ok great and the first thing he said was dear mary blah blah blah he couldn't even pray to jesus they're so inculturated into the cult mentality that they can't even uh... just see what the error is so anyway it's what i do uh... i asked him that and when they say they have to go to the priesthood i say but i didn't ask that i said can you go to jesus and if sometimes they'll say yes you can go to jesus and i said if you do will you forgive all of your sins and if they say yes which does happen occasionally i say then why do you need the catholic priesthood why don't you go straight to jesus because there is no catholic priesthood in the new testament it's not there so why are you doing it and that's one of the ways not giving the gospel yeah thank you that's great i do that with mormons as well and with jovis witnesses because i call it the true jesus approach in mormonism jesus is uh... and uh... thirty five nineteen eighteen they did call uh... jesus their lord and god or they did pray to jesus calling him their lord and god and i say well in the bible jesus is prayed to and i go to act seven fifty five through sixty where he just even had a vision of god the father uh... the glory of god and jesus and he addressed jesus and i said he doesn't have all authority yes well why don't you go straight to jesus because they're taught not to right i always point people to jesus go straight to him by faith and trust in what he did on the cross but not not anything else and mormons can't jovis witnesses can't eastern orthodox roman catholicism they for the most part can't absolutely yeah and i appreciate that insight as well because even in the workplace i think we're seeing a rise in uh... christians in the workplace ministering and sharing the gospel and so there's a lot of limitations especially in america we see that and so i guess a follow up question might be i know i believe it's in second timothy when scripture talks about you like you will be persecuted for me right we're called to live like jesus and be servants of him uh... and i understand that but i think a lot of american christians have become comfortable and so how do we almost wake up our church right how do we wake up our church to not adhere to culture right and to live uh... jesus centered life that's easy no it's easy to wake him up all we need is a good persecution that god's going to send to us because we're not doing what he wants us to do right now we're not out there picketing we're not out there evangelizing we're not out there doing what we got to do so what god's going to do is discipline his church and his people put them under persecution and that will cause them to finally look up to god while they're bowing their knees yeah that's good we're too comfortable here in america we've got so much we can go to church on a sunday and we're not persecuted normatively speaking is on the rise but we're not persecuted and so christians think that that's the fullness of the christian faith and it's not some believe that now we know a lot of christians know this truthfully that they're to witness or to share the faith but it's not a priority in their life something else is exactly right the priority should be the glory of the lord jesus christ and in the glorification of him let me show you something here this is why this is so important you go to philippians two starting at verse five I'm going to have to read a few verses because it's the last verse that uh... is important but it's about the gospel okay have this attitude in yourself which also is in christ jesus oops there's the break so hold on after the break I'll read this pericope to you and talk about why evangelism is for the glory of god and that is we'll be right back okay buddy folks we're at the bottom of the hour if you want to give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six be right back it's matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six here's matt slick alright everyone welcome back to the show hey let's get back on the air with isaac are you still there yes sir alright so I want to read this pericope a pericope is a section of scripture it could be big or small this is philippians two five through eleven have this attitude in yourselves which also was in christ jesus who although he existed in the form of god did not regard equality with god anything to be grasped but he emptied himself taking the form of a bond servant and being made in the likeness of men being found in appearances a man he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross for this reason also god highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name so that the name of jesus every knee will bow of those who are in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and that every tongue will confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father so isaiah forty three eight we i think it's a forty eight forty three six food check and it says that we are created for the glory of god and uh... prepared for my glory let's see i was trying to get this yeah a forty three seven anyway isaiah forty three seven were created for the glory of god how do we glorify god well in a lot of different ways but one of them is the proclamation of the saving gospel of jesus christ because it glorifies god when christ was crucified glorified god the father so when we start preaching that gospel we start teaching people what it is whether they accept it or not isn't the issue we're bringing glory to god because we're showing the greatness of the sacrifice the greatness of his love the greatness of his humility the greatness of what he has done for us so that we can be saved and so the christians should be doing this because it glorifies god and if our attitude is to live for the glory of god it'll become less self-centered and that all that we have and do will be ultimately for god's glory and that includes preaching and teaching okay yeah that's great yes sir thank you for your help alright big man well god bless alright you as well thanks again alright god bless they folks you're going to be called eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six jim from rolling north carolina welcome you're on the air pain grant uh... i really appreciate you taking my call uh... uh... even get killed goes to the background right quick i'm eighty five years old and uh... i have never seen our country more divided in my whole life it is right now came into uh... two verses in the bible that are concerned me and then i have a couple questions following and but china to work in one of my three point four if the kingdom is divided into step back and you cannot stand and the other man he's twelve twenty five everything divided into step is brought to desolation well that has really worsened right now for me and i guess i hope probably everybody and i don't really understand it has come to this uh... it's all about politics i think that but uh... it's almost as if for example if you're a minister or something you're trying to win souls for christ and and you if you give your position about politics whether you're a democrat or a republican it doesn't matter which you're going to lose about half to half your audience before you even get started that's how bad it's gotten to be about how people are almost like hating each other over over this thing so that's that is really concerning to me and then my follow up with that it was uh... i'm got some information out about where is the best place in the bible to go uh... to find out about the antichrist and uh... and there's you know some things to look out for and also is there more than one antichrist that well there's antichrists as a concept many antichrists are out there you go to first john two for that but uh... if you want to know about the if you want about the antichrist what i'd recommend you do is go to carm and look up who or what is the antichrist there's an article there that i've written and it goes in to uh... who he is he's boastful combative injured on the head and the arm no desire for women uh... things like that ooh there's a typo in there and uh... you can go there and check it out it's just uh... who or what is the antichrist on carm go check it out uh... how do you spell carm? I'm not familiar with carm, how do you spell that? c-a-r-m dot o-r-g c-a-r-m and i can just go on the line and look that up yeah it's uh... it's the website i've been working on for almost twenty nine years in october it'll be twenty nine years wow okay all right i'll go and look at that but that's just been worrying me so much about it we talk about all the other kinds of things everything from uh... sins of all of all kinds and nobody really talked about this is a bisoness i mean it if uh... if we're trying to uh... call the lord or whatever we might be trying to do and we lose our whole country so that all these things about uh... abortion same sex marriage all these kinds of things we're debating on they won't even count anymore if we don't even have a choice to even speak about them if somebody else is taking over it's taking folks well that's right here's something else yeah here's something else you should check it on the website the forty five goals of communism you may not take this role but it absolutely is okay i'll read to some of them because this was uh... read it was first published in nineteen sixty one and was read into the united states congressional record on january tenth of 1963 and i have listed on the carm website number four permit free trade between all nations regardless of communist affiliation this is this the movement of the communists and the socialists in different countries who have infiltrated america to try and get it to fall because it's too strong economically and militarily so they couldn't defeat us externally they have to go internally so it says capture one or both of the political parties in the u s well obviously these communist party uh... is is in control of the democrats democratic party is is as anti-christ it's evil and the republican party isn't too far behind number seventeen get control of the schools use them as transmission belts for socialism in a communist propaganda uh... infiltrate the press control book review assignment editorial writing et cetera gain control of uh... key positions in radio t-v motion pictures i mean uses it's all true they promote uh... they promote uh... on godliness to promote evil promote adultery fornication lying cheating stealing all kinds of stuff i watched the stuff that you know i guess you know it's almost all over the place we're so used to it and the lying lying in on the legal you know i don't care which that you know anybody who think one yet once that's right now is that you're on the night even because both sides lie like a rug absolutely yeah check this out break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books magazines motion pictures radio and tv and that's occurring in our schools now with our youth present homosexuality degeneracy and promiscuity as normal natural and healthy infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with social religion discredit the bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools discredit the american constitution by calling it inadequate old-fashioned out of step discredit the american founding fathers present them as selfish aristocrats belittle all forms of american culture uh... discourage the teaching of american history in the ground that it was only a minor part of the big picture support any socialist movement i'm skipping through stuff discredit uh... the f b i well they they're discredited i don't trust them infiltrate and control big business and we know for example that google is leftist leftist social agenda okay microsoft is right behind them transfer powers of arrest from the police to social agencies there's already been attempts for that discredit the family as an institution encourage promiscuity and easy divorce emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents this is happening in school teachers are then telling that the children hey you can be whatever gender you want to be you don't worry about it don't tell your parents so the parents are not the ones who control anymore uh... create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the american tradition it goes on this is what's happening uh... you know i don't know what is a step up it won't it won't too busy uh... turning on its air colon watching football well i i uh... understand that i think i understand everything you just said but what and that doesn't necessarily help the device in this year how are we going to get how are we going to do uh... i mean just everybody hating each other is not going to help at all even even if one side has all the right answers and the other side doesn't have any answers there's got to be some kind of a goal you know to unite our country the stupidity of the people who try and find solutions have a bag of band-aids they don't know what the solutions are they don't root out the problem they put band-aids on everything and they think that's what's right if you really want to fix this country you have to start promoting christianity in the country our country was founded on christian principles read the constitution and the preamble read them oh i know i totally agree with that and uh... what about the uh... constitution what about the uh... division of uh... i mean the separation of church and state what do you think about that that was jefferson it's not a constitutional thing jefferson said that because they want the state to control the religion but they start to do that and so when they say it's separation of church and state they want religion being influenced in politics at all it's a bunch of crap sorry but it is we gotta go buddy there's a break okay alright man alright okay thanks bye okay god bless hey folks be right back after these messages please stay tuned it's matt slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276 here's matt slick alright welcome back to the church to the church oops to the radio show uh... just reading something so hey chuck from dayton welcome you're on the air are you there oh did i do something wrong alright this will be okay let's see hey chuck are you there chuck i'm hearing some noise well let's give it another few seconds because that's what we do sometimes and people can talk don't know if there's an issue what's up chuck hey if uh... you can hear me great but i don't hear you so let's try this let's try this put him on hold now if the radio guy if uh... you could reactivate him maybe i can try that again we can get him back on there we go let's try that okay hey chuck are you there i guess we can't hear him so chuck uh... call back okay call back buddy uh... let's try that so i can't even hang up on it okay something's up with the uh... thing so i'll just leave it up to the uh... the uh... producer to take care of that little something happened it happens every now and then alright hey folks if you want to give me a call we have wide open lines eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six you can also give me a call i mean uh... an email at uh... info at karm dot org info at karm c a r m dot o r g and put in the subject line radio question or radio comment so one of the callers called in and wasn't familiar with the uh... the website and uh... so this is a radio show and i've been doing radio now for i guess around twenty one years twenty one twenty two years depending on how you count a couple things and uh... five days a week for about twenty i think i don't know any reason and so a lot of people just think that all that uh... that i do is just radio well the mainstay is the karm website c a r m dot o r g and i've been working on that websites for uh... almost twenty nine years so it's big i've written uh... i think around six thousand articles maybe as low as fifty five hundred i don't know but uh... we did sixty six thousand and the site has had a hundred and sixty three million visitors so i'm not trying to boast or anything i'm just saying i've been working on it a long time we have all kinds of information there and because i like to say this every now and then i have asperger's oh man i got asperger's which is a uh... it's a uh... a division or some issue inside of autism and a lot of people have issues so i just say hey this is what i've got but i've been diagnosed and the disadvantage is that socially not as good as i need to be that's what aspies generally are not good that way so i make up for it with the body language it's a little interesting stuff but aside from all of that one of the advantages of it is that i can focus and uh... we aspies tend to have uh... it's not stupid and so what i do is i'd like to take large amounts of information complicated things and break them down so people can understand them and then when i write i write like that i write to the point to the point i just say hey this is what it is and you know if you've noticed maybe you go to other websites for example you might um you might read an article i did this once well more than once go to another website what is the trinity and another website and i'm reading you know five hundred words later they tell you what it is that bothers me that just bothers me if i go to a website and i've typed in what is the trinity i want an answer well when you go to the karm website you type in what is the trinity you get the first paragraph defining what it is so if you only read the first paragraph and you leave you've got your answer so it's one of the things that i do and uh... so check out the website and just as a way to add this in matt slick live is my radio show and my real name is matt slick slick is my real name s-l-i-c-k driver's license birth certificate etcetera and um... there you go so it's not a radio name but it is a radio name but it's not a fake radio name it's a uh... it works out matt slick live all right having said all of that stuff if you want to give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six so the last caller was going to talk about or ask about king james only ism stuff so maybe i'll just talk about that a little bit uh... king james is a great bible however king james only ism is cultic it can be in that the attitudes that some people have but king james can be a little bit uh... whacked so some people will say the king james in the english is just as inspired or more inspired than it is in the greek and uh... that's when you scratch your head and you stare at it and so a lot of people are so loyal to the king james that essentially they are kind of idolaters now i'm not calling a king james only person an idolater but you've got to understand what i'm saying here they're so loyal to it that it is the way the truth and the lie if you can't mess with the king james it is just simply true now a lot of people who prefer the king james don't agree with that stuff they go no it's just what i like okay great no problem but for the king james onlyists who say it is the right bible it is a true bible and all the other bibles are corruptions blah blah blah that kind of stuff they just don't have all their textual pause in a litter box they need to they need to study so the king james was done with the texas receptors from sixth century discovered documents that means by the excuse me the sixteenth in the sixteenth century when the king james was done it used the best information and manuscript that they had at the time but since then a broader range of manuscripts have been discovered even older ones the general rule of manuscripts is the older is the better that's a general rule and so modern translations like the nesb the esv etcetera they use more modern uh... manuscript that doesn't mean there's a humongous difference but it does mean occasionally you'll see some differences and uh... those differences can be significant a couple places like titus two thirteen for example romans five eighteen both of which the king james translates incorrectly and i will stand on that and go through and show why so that's another problem with the king james the archaic language if thou ist believeth with their hearts thou ist may we don't talk like that i remember when i was a new christian and i didn't know which version to use i memorized a verse or two out of the king james and I quoted it to somebody in southern california southern california is like a beach community you know and surfer's like hey dude man you hanging man and all that stuff a grimy man a snake to me totally and so you'll get that kind of conversation so you won't talk to them and say for thou ist shall believeth they look at you like you're a moron i remember that experience once and i thought i'm never gonna do that again so i went to a more modern translation i didn't have archaic language now i'm not saying that you shouldn't use the king james for that reason but i just didn't want a barrier that was there also if you hold a king james ism only ism stuff it can inadvertently cause problems and divisions in the body of christ because it can say one person can say well we have the true bible and the king james you don't and this kind of thing can cause problems and there's lots of issues there so i'm just saying there's part of the issues of the king james only stuff but most people who prefer the king james that i've met they're great people they don't hold to those wacko views they just like the king james and that's fine no big deal let's get to sherry from north carolina sherry welcome you are on the air how are you i'm fine how are you i'm doing great my question is is what bible is the best one for us to learn more from well it depends because a translation can have a different purpose or different focus the n-a-s-b for example seeks to translate from the original into the english as literally as possible but sometimes that could be a problem because for example it doesn't say it this way but you could have a phrase in the hebrew where it says god cleared his nostrils what that means is he got angry with them and so if you translated it literally you wouldn't understand so there is a sense in which we want to have a bit of interpretation about what a text literally means and other things and so okay i prefer about personally as an apologist i prefer a bible that's as literal to the original as possible some people may not prefer that they may want a bible that is designed to carry the same original meaning and carry it over into the english a little more smoothly so they might prefer in that case the e s b mercy they're both good and but the n a s b in my opinion is better than the e s b because of the needs that i have but someone might say that he is he is better than the n s b ninety five because of the needs that they have both are legitimate concerns and needs so you have to ask yourself why desire most which bible meets that goal the most i do recommend people have three translations n a s b e s b is good and then another one you can do the king james you want if you want or the n i v or something like that and compare all three ranker yes i am totally blind so i have to figure out which one is best for me not be able to see so i have to figure out which one that's better for me to download on my own listen to you well what do you what's your goal you want to be as literal as possible or just kind of get the main thing up across i just want to make sure i'm living the right way for christ just get the e s b e s b is good uh... and it's fine the lexem uh... english bible is also good lexem over here i think that's the right one let me do this let's see the l e b uh... i think it's called the l e b let me go here do something let me do this first kings eight sixty and uh... the l e b which i wish the n a s b does the l e b is what i was talking about is uh... it takes the word uh... yahweh from the hebrew and transliterates it into the english yahweh most bibles don't do that ok they have the word lord capital l o r d i wish they would do yahweh so the l e b is really good that way it does so pretty literally right okay yeah i hope that's helpful oh yeah oh yeah i've been believing in the lord for a long time because when i was a little girl i was shot with a pistol and that's how i lost my vision so i totally believe in there is a god and jesus too so because a lot of people think that when you obsessively have an accident like that they think you're in a state of shock and you don't recall things but i particularly recall someone sitting beside me and i felt their arm around me but it was pitch black dark by then because i could see twenty twenty before i got shot and then after i had my i felt someone with their arm around me whispering in my ear and i thought it was the neighbor and come to find out years later it wasn't we should have people call in and tell us their encounters with unusual things like that with the hand of the lord is there but we gotta go there's the music so there you go and may the lord bless you okay thank you hey folks we'll be right back tomorrow have a good evening another program powered by the truth network
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