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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
August 9, 2023 12:47 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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August 9, 2023 12:47 am

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE---Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST.--Topics include---11- Wokeness in the workplace.-15- Cults operating under the Christian name.-17- Mark of the Beast.-18- Unitarian denial of the deity of Christ, Hebrews 1-8.-22- Amillennialism, Full Preterism-37- Witnessing to Jehovah Witness Members.

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Matt Slick

The following program is recorded content created by the host of the the Lord knows what's up, so please pray for him, lift him up, and people on our prayer team, I'm sure will lift him up, and if, I don't know if you want to put any information in there, any additional, if not, that's okay, God knows what's going on. So there you go, and if you want to give me a call, like I said, 877-207-2276, you can give me a call.

And you know what, so get this. So at the Bible study that I teach, and last night I taught and people were there, one of the things that came up, one of the guys that goes there, he was talking about the woke stuff going on at his company. He's a new hire and he has to go through orientation, and had some stuff, and they had a class required thing where he's supposed to go and learn how to use other people's pronouns the way they want. And he told them he wouldn't do it. He wouldn't comply with that pronoun usage. He doesn't believe it's right. And what he did was he wrote an email, and he included several articles, he included several articles from Karm, his disapproving of homosexuality and homosexual marriage, spreading hate, and condemning homosexuality to practice discrimination, and this is wrong. And another one, what is a Noahic covenant?

What is the covenant with Noah? So I don't know if I'm gonna say the guy's name, it's hard to the B, and we'll just leave it at that. And so he told us what happened. He said that, he informed them what the issues were, he showed how it wasn't spreading hate to disagree, and other things. And lo and behold, they said okay, that's fine.

And others, apparently others were getting behind him, and some of the people in the Powers That Be pushed his email around, and others are saying, yeah, we agree, you know. And so anyway, it was a good thing, and I'm glad that he did what he did. He risked his job for the sake of righteousness, and we talked about it the weeks prior.

Well, excuse me, oh man, sorry about that. And I told him, you know, standing up for righteousness sometimes will cost you. And he was willing to do what was necessary, and well, that's what happened.

So it worked out for him. So there you go, there you go, let's see. All right, before I address how, okay.

Okay, I'll try, I'll try that. All right, responding in the back channel. All right, so we got a lot of stuff going on.

Now we have nobody waiting right now. If you wanna give me a call, all you gotta do is dial 877-207-2276. And looking in the chat, we are on Clubhouse, that's on your phone, and you can look up my name and you'll find the feed here. We're also on Rumble, forward slash Matt Slick Live, Matt Slick Live, all one word, and you'll get to the video of me sitting here.

But the good thing about it is you get to chat with people. They're really good people, have like mind, and that's good. And I'm also on Discord, we got a few people in there on Discord, so we're really trying to reach out as much as we can, and we hope that you wanna participate with us, give me a call, or whatever it is. All right, and I just wanna let you know, just wanna get this out of the way, that we stay on the air by your support. If you'd be so kind as to consider supporting us at $20 a month, we have needs.

The person who's in charge of the finances, analyzing it and paying the bills and things like that, supporting the missionaries, is just telling us that things are tight, and it's often tight during the summer months. But if you'd be so kind as to consider supporting us, we have $20 a month, it's not that much, it really isn't. And if that would be okay with you, well, please go to forward slash donate. And if you like what you hear, if you enjoy my show and you enjoy what I teach, you may not even agree with it, but if you wanna support a good radio, maybe you could support somebody else. Or maybe you think this is a good radio, you could support the effort here.

You could always sign up at $20 a month. That, you can do more, you can do less, but that really does help us a great deal. All right, all right, all right. So what I'm gonna do now is, I don't have any new hate mail. I'm gonna have to tell the guys in the, to lift a hate mail, to categorize it over here, that I like hate mail, I do. I can go to some old hate mail, maybe I'll do that. All right, let's see, good evening.

There's a question that people send in, and if you want to send me a question, you don't wanna be on the radio or you can't, you can just email me at info at, info, at karm, C-A-R-M, dot O-R-G. You can do that, and just type a question in the subject, say radio question or radio comment, and we'll see it. All right, so good evening, Matt. My question is, why do Christians spend time trying to prove that a Christian is not a Christian? One who professes to be one. Instead, they should encourage him or her to move forward in the Lord. What's your honest response?

Oh, I'm glad you said honest response, because I might not have given the honest one. Not everybody who says, Lord, Lord is of God. Not everyone who says they're a Christian is a Christian. Mormons are not Christians. They believe in a God from another planet, and he has a goddess wife, and they have relation, make spirit offspring. That's not God, that's not the God of the Bible. It's an invention by a guy named Joseph Smith who used Christian terms.

And just redefined everything. It's definitely not a Christian religion, it's a cult. Jehovah's Witnesses deny the Trinity and deny that Jesus is God in flesh, deny his crucifixion, and deny his resurrection.

And so, they're a cult also. There are a lot of false religions out there. So, Roman Catholicism teaches damnable heresy in regard to salvation, and it does, and so does Eastern Orthodoxy. And if you want to call me up and challenge me on that, please do, we'll have a polite conversation and I'll show you why those groups are wrong according to the scripture. So, this is why we will say, you know, you say you're a Christian, well, let's find out.

We can't judge the heart, but we can judge the doctrine. So, what do you believe about Jesus? So, that's why I'll ask, what church do you go to? And if someone calls me up and says, yeah, I go to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, then I know that they're not Christians.

I know that they have a false Christ or a false God. And I can talk accordingly. So, just stuff like that, all right?

So, not a big deal. That's why, how about this one, here's another one. Love your show, I think we already got that, a sense of humor. Let's try this one.

Hey, could you help me with a few more questions, please? Will people get ticketed into, or tricked into taking the mark of the beast, or will they know they're taking the mark? Some will know and some won't know, I would guess. Will the mark of the beast be only for the, after the Antichrist is revealed and during the tribulation? I don't know. It seems to me that it would have to be at least simultaneous, but maybe something would be in place that the Antichrist would then utilize and say, now this system that everybody's using, now we're gonna say it if you don't buy or sell, I mean, you don't have the mark, you can't buy or sell.

That's what I think is gonna probably be the case. All right, hey, let's get on the air with Joseph. Joseph from someplace, I don't know. Anyway, Joe, oh, Louisiana.

Joseph, welcome, you're on the air. Yeah, Matt, it's sweet. I'm still trying to figure out why you believe in the Trinity. Because the Bible teaches it, okay? My Bible don't teach it, Matt. Yeah, well, let me ask you a question.

I'll show you. Is there only one God in all existence, all place and all time? There's one Creator. I just asked, is there only one God in all existence, all place, all time? The answer is yes or no.

So which is it? Yeah, there's one God all the time. Okay, now, is the Father called God? He is.

Yes, he's called God. Is the Son called God, is Jesus called God? Is he? He can be, but he can't be God. I didn't ask if he can be. I said, is he called God?

Different question, because yes, he is. In John 20, 28. Hebrews 1, 1, 8, he's called God. John 1, 1, verse 14, he's called God. The Holy Spirit's called God also, okay? You go to Acts chapter five, verses one through five. They lied to God, they lied to the Holy Spirit.

Okay? Now, each one is called God. There's only one God, but he's called God.

Hey, hold on, hold on, hold on. Each one is called God, and there's only one God. And yet, they speak to each other and speak to different people. So that means they're different persons.

Would you agree? We have different definitions of God. Okay, there's only one God, right? And the Father's called God? There's only one Father.

There's only, yes, I know, there's only one Father. And the Father's called God, the Son is called God, the Holy Spirit's called God. It's just simple, and that's what the scriptures teach. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

That's John 1, 1 and verse 14. And that's Jesus who became flesh. So he's called God. So do you affirm that he's called God? Do you affirm that Jesus is called God? I confirm that he's called God. Do you affirm that Jesus is called God? No, he's called the Son of God.

No, I don't agree. No, it says that, but of the Son, he says, thy throne, O God, is forever and ever. Hebrews 1, 1, 6, 1, 8. So he's called God by God, okay? He was one, it says, he was one eight, but God is Father speaking, says, but of the Son, he says, your throne, O God. Does the Father call Jesus God? No, he calls him Jesus.

Okay, well, we're just done with you, all right? Okay, so ladies and gentlemen, if you don't know who this guy is, he's a flaming heretic, and I've discussed this stuff with him many, many times, and this is typically what he does. He asks a direct question, he doesn't answer it. He's an antichrist, and he's the spirit of the antichrist. He denies who Christ is, and if he were to die believing what he does right now, he would just go to straight damnation. We don't want that, of course, but that's what would happen to him, and I'm informing him, and I take a little bit of time to work with him and try and get him to see things, and when I read the text as an example of where Jesus is called God, but where God the Father's talking, he says, but of the Son, he says, I throw no God. Is he called God there? And he won't even answer. Well, he's called the Son of God, you know?

So people like that who just deny what the word says, well, then that's just what they are. You know, they're lost, they're the spirit of the antichrist, he's not regenerate. Let's get to Andy from California. Andy, welcome, you are on the air. Hey, Matt, I just wanna let you know I've watched you for years. I'm a fan, so I think your resource,, is superb.

I recommend it to nearly anybody I talk to, but not everybody thinks to study in the future as much as. All right, get that. Hey, we got a break coming up. Can you hold? We got a break.

The music's coming in the background there. Sure. And we got a hard break, so hold on, buddy. And we'll be right back after these messages. Folks, we have four open lines. If you wanna give me a call, 877-207-2276, we will be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, welcome back to the show. Hey, if you wanna give me a call, 877-207-2276. Let's get back to Andy from California.

All right, Andy, there you go. Hey, where are you, Callie? Looked like you had a bad cup of Java. Well, we're chatting about it at the break in the room.

I put some half-and-half in there, and I think the half-and-half is bad, and I drank it, so we're gonna see what's gonna happen. So. What a bummer. Oh, I hate that, yeah.

Yeah, we'll find out. Well, hey, I've been a fan of yours for years, but this is my first time ever calling, so. Well, let me ask you, where do you live? Where in Cali? I live in Pismo Beach, California. If you cut the state in half and go to the coast, you can come real close to me, so.

Yeah. Well, I might be going down to SoCal in six or eight weeks for a Muslim conference, I don't know. Anaheim area, we'll see, but anyway.

I was just in Southern California last weekend. Now I'm back. But anyway, okay, so what do you got, man? What's up? Well, I, when I was, I was watching your thing on Twitter. I don't typically see this, but I saw it, and I just thought I'd call in and ask you about, I'm a pretty big fan of Doug Wilson.

I'm also a big fan of Gary DeMar and Apologia Church with James White, what have you, and these guys are all predator, I guess, post-mill. I guess, what have you, and, you know. Probably partial preterists. Yeah, I wouldn't say full, that would be bad.

Partial. Yeah. Yeah. Well, again, I don't know well enough to, I'm still getting to know it, but a lot of what Gary DeMar has taught made a lot of sense to me, so I just wanted to kind of ask you a little bit about that and what your feelings are on it. I don't think it's enough to cause division, but I think it's worth talking about, so. Yeah, post-millennialism basically says that things are gonna get better and better, and then Jesus will come back. That's the oversimplified version, you know, through the preaching of the gospel and things like that, and I definitely do not affirm post-millennialism. I affirm what I call pessimistic all-millennialism or depressed catology, and. Depressed catology, that's a new one. I haven't heard that one.

Yeah, depressed catology. Because in Genesis 2.17, let me give you a short version of this. Genesis 2.17, God says to Adam, the day that you eat the fruit, you'll die, and he did die that day, and the physical death manifested from his spiritual death, so the day that you eat, you will die. Well, Adam represented all of mankind, and we inherited this sinful state.

He was our federal head. I can't help but wonder if the, if what Jesus, pre-incarnate Christ, was saying to him was addressed to everybody. And the reason I say that is because in Matthew 24, they asked Jesus, as he came out of the temple, they said, tell us, when will these things happen? The destruction of the temple, and what will be the sign of your coming?

So they asked two different things, and he said, don't let anyone mislead you. It'll be wars and rumors of wars, et cetera. Perilous times will come when you see the abomination of desolation. Now, the pre-atorists can say, well, this happened in roughly 60 AD, 60, 40, you know, 64, 65, 66, and they didn't, they fled, and that's true. But what it says is interesting in verse 22, what Jesus says, unless those days be cut short, no life would have been saved.

But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short. And literally says no flesh would have been saved. And I can't help but wonder about this.

So put that aside for a second. And when you go to Matthew 24, Luke 17, where it says two men in a field, one is taken, one is left. Most people assume that's the rapture, and it definitely is, most definitely is not. It is the wicked being taken to a place of destruction. And they ask Jesus, where are they taken? And he says, where the bodies of vultures gather.

All right, so there's gonna be a place of death. Now, that means the wicked are taken. And when you go to Matthew 13, roughly 25 through 45, roughly, you have the parable of the wheat and the tares. And the wheat are the good, the tares are the evil one. And Jesus says, allow both to go together. And he says, but first, gather the tares.

And then gather the wheat into the barn. So he says, the first ones gathered are the wicked. First ones gathered are the wicked before the good are taken. So when I look at that, and I see when it says no flesh will be left, and I can put a lot of stuff together here about how bad things are gonna get. What I see the scriptures teach is not that things are gonna get wonderful, but things are gonna become hell. And Revelation talks about the saints being beheaded, those who died for the faith.

Jesus talks about fleeing to the hills, running. When you see the abomination, desolation, the partial preachers would say, well, it was partly fulfilled around 65-ish, give or take AD. But it also can be fulfilled at the return of Christ with the rebuilt temple of Jerusalem, which they're working on trying to get in place. And so these things are partially fulfilled and will be fulfilled. And yet what Jesus says is, what the Bible says is coming, is lawlessness, apostasy, earthquakes, famine, plague, selfishness, lovers of money, the mocking of Christ, rise of spiritism, the decay of marriage, false teaching will abound. And there'll be signs in heaven and the sun and moon. And some of these things are, the post-millennialist view, they can be explained.

And I grant that. However, when you look at the model called this age and the age to come, you'll find out that there's only two ages. At the end of the age, the wicked are gathered, the judgment of the wicked occurs, the elect are gathered, the harvest occurs, Jesus returns and the rapture occurs, all at the end of the age. And it is also when the new heavens and new earth are made. Now, if the world's gonna get better and better and better, why is it that the wicked have to be taken out of God's kingdom before the good are, before the new heavens and new earth are made? And that's the question I've been asking.

I asked a friend of mine as a post-millennialist, he couldn't answer the question. I'm not saying, hey, look, I stumped him. He said, that's a good question. He did research that and we've not talked since.

That was a couple months ago. But the issue here is that post-millennialism says everything's gonna get better and better and better and better. Well, but it says the wicked are gathered and Jesus says are taken out of his kingdom. And they're apparently taken to a place of destruction. And along with that, he says to the Christians, you gotta flee, you gotta hide. The mark of the beast is coming.

And that didn't occur that I'm aware of in 70 AD range. We have to buy or sell the mark in your right hand or your forehead. They'll say that's a spiritual mark.

Well, is it? And then I start seeing that they spiritualize things a little bit too much, let's just say. And so I see everything happening at the end of the age.

And post-millennialism doesn't fit that model, okay? And I don't know if I was very clear, but we had another break, so hold on, buddy. We'll get back to you.

You got a comment? Hey, folks, three open lines. If you wanna give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody, welcome back to the show. If you wanna give me a call, two open lines, 877-207-2276.

Mandy, you're back on the air. Hey. Yeah. Hey.

Yeah, thank you. I actually, I only know kind of what I was brought up with, which I think is considered dispensational pre-millennialism is kind of what I've been brought up with. When you look at the, what is it?

I forgot what they were called, but the Left Behind series and all the rest stuff. I really didn't know what was out there and views. And as time's gone on, I've come to look at a couple of different views, but for me, I don't think it should necessarily separate us on our beliefs.

I think there's essentials and then non-essentials, and I don't necessarily look at this as essential or non-essential. I look at it, I think I'm leaning more towards the post-millennial, but I actually see a lot of what you say. And there's a lot of things that have me stumped, but yeah, I think I'm leaning more towards the post-millennial just because when I start looking at scripture without the preset goggles of pre-millennialism, I'm butchering the word.

I'm butchering the word, sorry about that. But that's the way I look at it. Yeah, and more people are adopting post-millennialism, and I don't know what the reason is. I think some believe it's honestly biblical. I wonder if it's because things are getting so bad they want something to uplift them. I'm not saying that's the case with you or anybody, but I just wonder. But when I look at the scriptures, I don't see it getting better.

No, I think things have been getting worse. But they've always, when I listen to the Jehovah's Witnesses and their eschatology, I've had friends that I, I consider them friends, I talked to them over time and got to know some of their views. I mean, I can go to your website and see exactly what they believe.

You've kind of spelled it out on Karm in such an eloquent way, but some of those things I don't look as, I think the essentials of them denying Christ's actual resurrection is more paramount to their salvation than whether or not they believe. You know what I mean? So yeah, let me ask you about this because in post-colonialism, isn't it the case that things get better and better and then Christ returns, right? And so where does. Well, to a certain degree I think you're right. They call it a victorious eschatology is the way I've heard it. So yeah, and you know what, I actually want, and it might be goggles, like mom goggles.

I want the world to get better. So I get what you're saying too. So where's the Antichrist fit in in post-colonialism? Well, I think 70 AD when Jesus said not a stone would be left in Matthew 24, I think it was actually fulfilled in 70 AD. Within a generation of him, the entire temple was destroyed, so. Okay, so here's the thing about that.

Why that can't work. Because Paul says, now we request brethren with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and are gathering together to him. Now some say that he came in 70 AD in the armies.

That's just ridiculous, I'm sorry, but it is. Because Acts 1, 9 to 11 specifically tells us how he's gonna return. It's not gonna be in armies, it's gonna be descending from where the clouds are in the sky. And I'll die on that hill because it's what it says. So when you talk about it.

I agree with that too. Okay, well then good, so there's gonna be a return. He's gonna come like that, it's not like the Preterist view. And he goes on, Paul says, and he says, don't be deceived that the day of the Lord has come.

Well, what's he talking about? The day of the Lord is the return of Christ. That's what he says, the day of the Lord. That's the return of Christ. He says it won't occur until the apostasy comes first. So, you know, it says, and the man of lawlessness revealed the sign of destruction. And so, has the apostasy occurred? That's the question. Apostasy from what?

Is he talking to? I would say that history says that Titus slaughtered a sow in the temple. I don't know if that was true or not, but. Yeah, yeah, Antiochus, and yeah. But that's not apostasy. Apostasy is of the Christian church. He's writing to the brethren. Because Paul is specifically saying, now I request you, brethren. So he's talking to the believers. He says the apostasy has come first.

What apostasy? Well, as the Bible teaches, that things are gonna get worse. Lawlessness will increase, apostasy, Matthew 24, 10. Let's see, read that one really fast. Matthew 24, 10.

He says, in a time, many will fall away, will betray one another and hate one another. This would happen under persecution. It certainly happened in the 60s, you know, early 60s. I mean, not 1960s for the people who are listening.

But here, it says apostasy. I think you could say it happened back prior to 70 AD as well. Yes, you could.

The early church. Sure, you could. You could, I mean.

Yeah, you could. I think it's happening over and over and over again, to be honest with you. Yeah, I agree. It's been torn apart, ripped apart, and actually died, and then come back and been resurrected over and over again, over throughout the centuries. I mean, it's been 2,000 years.

I got you, but here's the thing. Paul says the apostasy comes first. There's a specific falling away that must occur before the Antichrist is revealed. And he will display himself in the temple. Now, a lot of the postmills don't really hold to the idea of the rebuilt temple of Jerusalem, which is under work, is not being constructed, but they're getting everything ready for it.

And when it starts to occur, which I believe it will, then we see not a postmillennial view being fulfilled, but an amillennial view, and maybe even a premill. And then there has to be an apostasy. Apostasy of what?

The Christians. The church as a whole is gonna fall away. That's what apostasy means. It's not gonna be of the Jews. They're already apostate.

The apostasy must come first, the apostasy. So, and that has to be there in order for the Antichrist to arrive. Because it says, let no one only deceive you, it, the day of the Lord. Now, what's interesting is the day of the Lord is also when the new heavens and new earth are made. It's also the day of the rapture. And I can connect those easily from scripture. So if the day of the Lord, this is return of Christ, is when the rapture occurs and the new heavens and new earth are made, which that's what the scriptures teach. And I can show you those verses, and they don't say that, they do. And so if that's the case, then before the return of Christ, there has to be the apostasy.

That's not postmill, that is depressed catology. So, you see? I hear what you're saying, I do. Okay. Well, go to, if you were interested, you can go to CARM and look up an examination of this age and the age to come in support of Amillenialism, and see if the two age model and everything that's stated in there. Huh, what's that?

I will check that out, thank you. No, seriously, like I said, I'm a fan of yours, man. Wow, that's not saying a whole bunch, but I appreciate it.

It's against a lot of the cults, so. Well, I appreciate it, man. Hope to get to meet you sometime, be great. Yeah, Lord willing, if not now in heaven, Lord willing, we'll cross paths. But I'm certainly happy I got a chance to speak with Matt Slick, so God bless you, sir. Well, call my wife up and tell her how great I am.

I need all the help I can get. She knows how great you are, brother. Oh, yeah, as she rubs her forehead and shakes her head, uh-huh, yeah, she does. So, all right, all right, brother. I hope you are right, though. I hope it is post-male.

I hope, I wanna be wrong. All right, brother, God bless, Andy, okay? Yeah, good talking to you, brother. Bye-bye.

All right, man, God bless. All right, hey, let's get on with Luke from Washington. Luke, welcome, you are on the air.

Hi, Matt, this is Luke. Mm-hmm, so what do you got, man? So, I am struggling with so many things nowadays because of the clubhouse.

There is some Indian clubhouse. I was persecuted because I'm a Calvinist. There's a claim today, there's two rooms with 400, 500 people against the people because we are Calvinists, they're heresy. Calvinism is heresy, and Calvinists are hyper-Calvinists.

That is not biblical. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Okay, I get you, there's bad stuff in there. So, what do you wanna do about it, okay? Oh, there's a break, hold on.

We're gonna break, there's the music. So, hold on, buddy, okay? We'll get back, and we can talk about it, okay? Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages.

Two open lines, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody, welcome back to the show. Just wanna remind you that we do stay on the air by your support. Would you please consider supporting us? Just go to forward slash donate. We do need that support.

Please consider it, and if you like what you hear on the air here, and you wanna support it, if you want to support what feeds you, that would be great. All right, let's get back on with Luke. All right, Luke, we're in the last segment.

So, on Clubhouse here, they got banned. I know there's a lot of people who hate Reformed theology. Okay, so, what do you wanna do?

What do you wanna do about it? So, the thing is, the Pentecostals, they are trying to attack Calvinism. So, they are attacking our free will, and they are attacking re-destination.

These are not biblical. I understand. You're telling me what I already understand. They're attacking Calvinism. I understand what they're attacking. Okay, so what do you wanna do?

Is there something that you can do about this, or what? You're just saying. It's like saying there's atheists who hate Christianity. Yeah, that's true. Now what? Okay. No, the thing is, they said, hold on a second. Let me. You're breaking up, what? Say it again.

Are you there? They're saying that Type One diabetes. Type One diabetes. Now, you're breaking up worse. I don't know what's happening, but you're breaking up. So, let's try it one more time. Go ahead. Go ahead.

Uh, there is Type One diabetes. Yeah, you're breaking up. Tell you what, look, you have to get in a better place or call back, okay?

Because you're breaking up. And you can contact me. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. You can contact me on Clubhouse.

You can open up a room. Can you hear me? Yes, I can hear you. Can you hear me now?

Yes, I can hear you. Type One diabetes and Type Two diabetes. There's hyper-Calvinism and Calvinism is like diabetes. They're the same people, same thing.

And they are against, they are social harassment. They're, okay, Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke, I got you. Luke, Luke, I got you. Luke, Luke, I'm gonna hang up on you. Okay, I'm gonna hang up on you if you don't stop.

Okay, we're gone. Okay, he's not listening. And he's saying the same thing over and over. I wanna know what he wants to do about it. I understand people say things.

Doesn't have to list out all the things that they say. I get it. So what do you wanna do about it? That's my question.

He's not answering that question. Let's get to Billy from Charlotte, North Carolina. Billy, welcome, you're on the air. Hey, Matt.

Hey, how are you doing? Periodically, I have to deal with Jehovah's Witnesses. Okay. And the issue with the Jehovah's Witness is that Jesus is not God.

Right. But I try to get them away from their New World Translation and they accept the King James Version. So my emphasis is to explain to them the Jehovah's Witness, that Jesus is Jehovah God.

What are your thoughts on that, Matt? They're well prepared for that. And you should go to one of their Kingdom Halls and listen to what they do and how they do it. And you'll see you are up against a huge roadblock.

All right, a huge roadblock. And so there are ways to trick them into seeing the truth. Not only are they brainwashed, but also they have a Bible, a New World Translation, which is not a translation. And it has been corrupted. Okay.

So there is a way to get through to them by using their Bible. Okay, and I can show it to you if you're interested. All right. So it's up to you.

Yes. Okay. Now, if you've got a pencil and paper, you can write down two verses. We're gonna go to Psalm 116, verse four.

All right. I'm gonna read it to you, and I'm gonna read it in their translation. Psalm 116, verse four, because I'm looking at it on the web, what their version is. Here, just hit go so it'll refresh the screen and it'll give me what they say, and here it is. And that's not it.

It's 116. There we go. All right. But upon the name of Jehovah, I proceeded to call. All Jehovah do provide my soul with escape. So it's not a very good translation.

They just butcher so much stuff. So upon the name of Jehovah, I proceeded to call. Actually, what it says is I called upon the name of Yahweh, of Jehovah.

That's what it says. And I would talk to them, and I would ask them in that. So upon the name, so they called on the name of Jehovah.

Right? And they're gonna have to say, well, yeah. Okay, so they called on the name of Jehovah. And I'm gonna talk to them because I want them to face the issue of what the scriptures are really saying. So I'll say, so to call upon the name of Yahweh, is that to pray to him? And the answer, of course, is yes, it is.

And let's see. You can also go to Zechariah 13, nine in their Bible. And down in the verse it says, it for its part will call upon my name.

And my part will answer. So you can go to Zechariah 13, nine in their Bible, and their imitation Bible, and you can show the phrase call upon my name. And say whose name are they calling upon? Yahweh, Jehovah, that's great. Psalm 116, four. Who are they calling upon? Well, they're calling upon Yahweh.

That's what it says there, all right? Then you wanna go to 1 Corinthians one, verse two. 1 Corinthians one, verse two. To the congregation of God that is in Corinth, to you who have been sanctified in union with Christ Jesus, called to be holy ones together with all who everywhere are calling upon the name of our Lord Jesus. Now they should see right away, whoa, calling upon the name. And when it's called upon the name of the Lord, actually in Psalm 116, four, it actually says call upon the name of Yahweh. And the Jews translated the Greek, the Old Testament of the Greek, call upon the name of the Lord, and that's the phrase used in the Greek in 1 Corinthians.

1, verse two in reference to Jesus. Now this is a way of trying to deal with them. It's a way, okay? And you have to be skilled when you talk to them.

You have to be skilled because they have all kinds of excuses and things, all right? Are you there? Yes, sir. All right, now I'm gonna try and show you something else.

If I can get the screen to go, here we go. Let's see what they say about, and this one is, this'll be quicker and easier. And you can go to John 14, 23. In answer, this is from their New World Translation. In answer, Jesus said to them, if anyone loves me, he will observe my word and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him and make our abode with him. And you ask him, is Jesus gonna live in you like the Father? That's gonna be a real problem for them. Is he gonna be in you just like the Father is? And they're gonna be stuck, okay?

You want some more? Yes, sir. All right, so they can do, okay, good. And I'm gonna do, I'm looking in their translation. I'm gonna go to Exodus 6, verses two and three. And I'm looking on their New World Translation online, all right, and let's see.

I'm waiting for this to, there we go. This is what it says. And God went on to speak to Moses and say to him, I am Jehovah, and I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty. But as respect to my name, Jehovah, he didn't tell him that, he didn't make himself known. So I asked the Jehovah's Witnesses, did God Almighty appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? The text says, Jehovah said, I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty. It says, do you agree that that was God Almighty who's appearing, because that's what it says, right? God said, you know, I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty. And that's, do you agree with that?

You know, what are they gonna say? Yeah, of course, okay. So who was that they were saying? It was God the Father, right?

You know, say yeah. So they're seeing God Almighty, God the Father, okay. Then you go to John 6, 46, which says this, not that any man has seen the Father, except he who is from God, this one has seen the Father. So he's talking about Jesus Himself. Not that any man has seen the Father.

So you ask them, who were they seeing in the Old Testament who's God Almighty, but not God the Father? Okay. All right. Okay. Those are some, you know, they'll give them pause, all right? They'll give them pause.

There's more I can teach you, and some of the times it takes a little bit more technical knowledge and some stuff like that, but these should be good enough to cause them to think. I appreciate that. Okay. Got a lot of stuff on Jehovah's Witnesses there, all right? So here's another one. You can do this.

I'll show you two more, all right? You go to the New World Translation. Genesis 19, 24, and it says this. Then Jehovah made it rain sulfur and fire from Jehovah, from the heavens. Jehovah made it rain fire from Jehovah. I've shown this to J. Dubs at my door.

For some reason, I don't cut into my door anymore. And I've shown it in the Bible. Hey, look at your Bible. I just showed it to them. Half the time, half the time when I show them that verse, have them read it, half the time they'll look at me and say, are you trying to show me the Trinity? And I'll say to them, you got the Trinity out of that?

It's really interesting. And then with that, I'm gonna go to Amos 4, 10 and 11. Amos chapter four.

I hit go, if I can get there, it takes about 10 seconds for the site to load up. So I'll read in Amos 4, 10 through 11. Amos 4, 10 through 11.

This is what it says. Now remember, Genesis 19, 24, Jehovah rained fire and brimstone from Jehovah on Sodom and Gomorrah. Amos 4, 10 and 11 says this. I sent among you a people of pestilence, the nature of that from Egypt, with a sword that killed your young men, along with your catered horses. And I made the stink of your camps ascend into your nostrils, but you have not come back to me is the utterance of Jehovah. I wrote through you, excuse me, I caused an overthrow among you like God's overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Why is Jehovah saying he did it like God did it? So I'll go to Genesis 19, 24 with Amos 4, 10 and 11. And I'll just show them too. I don't interpret, I don't do anything. I just say, could you read that? Could you read this? And when I do both, about 80, 80, 90%, they say, are you trying to show me the Trinity? And I'll say, you got the Trinity by reading that? Interesting. I didn't say anything, you did.

Is that what you think the scriptures teach? Right. Okay.

And there's other stuff, but that should be, that should be enough to keep you occupied. Thanks, Matt. You're welcome. No problem, Billy. Let me know how it goes, okay?

Let me know how it goes. Okay, Matt. Okay. In a battle, the first thing that, the first casualty of any battle is your plan. So he may call back, you go, it didn't work. And I'll chuckle.

He'll go, yep, sometimes it doesn't because they will do something weird. Oh, we were out of time. Man, that snuck by me. Oh, I'm sorry about that, Audrey from Oregon and Jesse from Nevada, I apologize. Hey, if you guys want, call me back on Monday. I hope you all have a great weekend. May the Lord bless you, by his grace, back on the air on Monday. And go to church, tithe, pray for people, intercede. I just hope you have a great weekend. May the Lord bless you. God bless you, everybody, bye. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-08-08 18:47:05 / 2023-08-08 19:07:01 / 20

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