July 27, 2023 4:53 pm
The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using- info-carm.org, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE---Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST.--Topics include---- 07- Colossians 1-20, 1 Peter 2-24, did Jesus bear the sin of every soul---- 13- When it is ok to remarrying adultery.-- 32- How do you know if you are saved---- 35- What happens immediately when we die-- 2 Corinthians. 5-8, Philippians 1-23.-- 39- Soul vs Spirit.-- 46- Did Christ die for all meaning everyone---- 51-- Jude 1-5-7 Did Jesus save the Jews from Egypt--
The following program is recorded content today is July 26, 2023. One of the guys he just didn't know enough terms enough concepts and so that's not knocking him. You know sometimes it just takes a little bit of study to know about certain topics and that's okay.
And I told him, I said look you need to study these things if we're going to talk about this kind of stuff and you know abstract entities and universals and things like this and preconditions and axiomatic statements and so, you know, okay that's fine. And then got on with a conversation with a Catholic and you know, no he's Eastern Orthodox guy that's right. I mean I'll tell you the stuff that they do in order to replace Jesus with the church it's amazing and that is what they do. They replace Jesus, they put the church instead and this guy would say you can't be saved if you're not a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
That's how you'll get saved you got to be a member of that church otherwise you can't be saved because the way the truth of life is through Eastern Orthodoxy. You know it's just it's like you know you just and then boy I lost it. I don't do this very often. I do not do this very often but I did I blew it last night and I called somebody a name it wasn't that bad but it's just out of character for me and there was a Mormon guy who jumped in and he really got condescending and insulting. He even apologized later I apologized to him we apologized to each other.
But I'll tell you sometimes you know it's like just like pushing rocks uphill you talk to some of these people because they just refuse to believe the truth. Oh man. Well anyway that's enough for me whining. Hey if you want to give me a call 877-207-2276 why don't we get on the air here with Dave from Kansas City. Dave welcome you're on the air. Thanks Matt. A couple weeks ago I called you up I had problems with some tozer things in his book we were doing it on Wednesday night Bible study in my church.
I had some problems with a couple weeks ago and you gave some comments but this week I really have a problem. He says the blood of Jesus has covered and this is in his book I'm sorry The Pursuit of God the blood of Jesus has covered not only the human race but all creation as well. Yes that's true.
Ok ok that's true. Yes because and it says in Colossians 1-20 through him to reconcile all things to himself and reconciliation here is let's see I'm looking for another verse ok because the verse talks about the created order. You see the thing is Adam represented not only mankind but he also represented creation so when he fell sin entered the world through him the world Romans 5-12 well animals die we have famines we have plagues so this is the effect of sin where Adam and his headship you know caused problems.
Now Jesus is to call the last Adam in 2 Corinthians 15, 1 Corinthians 15 and 45 and so we understand that what Jesus did was he redeemed for the sins of man ok but he also set it up so that creation itself could be taken care of and it will be when the new heavens and new earth are made and that's what's going on. Ok I was reading and it confused me because I was reading Sproul's book according to Jesus he would say that the blood of Jesus covered was different than the efficacious for all but only applied to the elect. He would say it was only efficacious to the elect.
Efficacious in what context? Efficacious for the removal of sin which I would agree with. So the blood of Christ is sufficient for every individual who ever lived. It's sufficient because it's a nature of God's glory and his capacity and his worth and that's who Jesus is so his blood certainly can cover everybody's sins and no problem however did he legally bear the sin of everybody who ever lived and that's a different topic and most people struggle over this because they don't separate them they don't understand that the blood it's God's blood but he bore our sin in his body on the cross 1 Peter 2 24 so did he bear the sin of every individual who ever lived that's the question so his blood is sufficient for all but did he actually bear the sin of every individual that's a different question and the reformed people would say no he did not bear the sin of every individual but only the elect that only the elect people's sin were imputed to Christ because logic would say that if he paid for their sins everybody sins and there's no sin well you can apply it to yourself no you don't there's nothing to apply it's gone the sins gone if it's paid for so this is a logical problem on the other side so that's what that is but in the redemptive work of Christ all creation under heaven will be will be fixed let's put it that way ok ok so this is future then yes yeah because if you go to 2 Peter 3 I think it's 10 the day of the Lord will come a thief in which the heavens will pass away and with the roaring elements will be destroyed with intense heat and the earth and its works will be burned up so that's what people see that as also part of the work of Christ in that he is going to by way of his perfect life his active obedience and his going to the cross his passive obedience earned let's see how to put this earned the redemptive work perfectly and what Adam messed up he fixed let's just say and so it's heaven will be fixed as well so it's included in the reconciliation of all things ok well thank you so much for clearing that up but but I'm sorry one more thing but it cannot include the demonic realm because there's a difference between bearing sin of individuals and fixing the messed up created order so that's the thing is that Jesus only atoned for the sins of people not of angelic realm so when it says all things in Colossians 1 20 reconciled all things to himself the all things here we have to understand and be careful here it cannot mean a demonic realm it can't ok so that's what's gotten me the blood of Jesus covered not only the human race but all creation well then we say covered and then we have to go back to the Old Testament because the sprinkling of the blood upon the mercy seat in the Holy of Holies so it was a covering of it and so this is what it's talking about covering it makes you you know you cover somebody with a white cloth they appear to be white you know in that very generic sense that's what the covering deals with so the blood of Christ atoned for and is the blood of Christ is sufficient for everybody but he legally bore the sin of the elect and get through all the redemptive work creation will be fixed these word fix because it's messed up with sin in it he's going to remake it and recreate creation and fix everything but the angelic realm that has fallen they're going to hell ok thank you very much you're welcome very much all right all right hey four open lines if you want to give me a call all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276 let's get to William from Springfield someplace hey welcome you're on the air hey how we doing Matt doing okay doing okay hanging in there good so what do you got buddy oh me and my wife are both divorced and obviously remarried and we just wanted to know if that is vividly considered adultery depends on what it was don't let me ask a series of questions were you Christians when you both got divorced Christians believers yes but born-again Christians no so you weren't really saved okay I want to say I wasn't I won't speak for her okay you weren't oh I'm sorry I'm sorry when we when we met when we when we got married yes we were both born again yes okay and you got divorced so what was the reason for the divorce infidelity on both sides okay so all right because because you're Christians you're supposed to walk with the Lord and you both committed as l3 then the other party each has the right to divorce not necessarily the obligation but they're free to be able to to divorce and Jesus says in Matthew 19 9 he says so whoever divorces his wife except for immorality in a word is porneia you know it's sexual immorality it marries another commits adultery so the problem here is that you both have sinned this way greatly and I'm hoping that both of you have repented of that sin and in this I don't know if you'd be eligible to be remarried okay deal with me really yeah really okay okay and then that that beg that that opens up the door for we are remarried we are born-again Christians are are our sins forgiven and covered under the blood of Christ yes right so let me back up so if a man commits adultery while he says he's a born-again Christians walking with the Lord etc then he has knowingly violated the covenant with his wife and before the Lord he then is no longer eligible to be a pastor and elder deacon he's for rest of his life because you have to be above reproach and to say that you're walking with the Lord and then committed this you can't be above reproach at that point if it would happen when you're an unbeliever that's a different story there's some issues with that so I hear a lot of background noise I don't know what's going on it's like there's some squeaking or something going on is there oh we're jogging okay and so so if if your ex-wife is remarried and you're remarried then what you do is you stay married and you have to realize you can't hold any office in church and that you just need to be faithful and know that the Lord forgives and that the Lord works through these things now hold on we've got a break coming up I'll give you some more information if you've got a question or two we can get to it after the break okay hold on hey folks we'll be right back after these messages please stay tuned. All right everyone welcome back to the show if you want to give me a call all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276 we have four open lines give me a call okay well are you still there I still am all right so let me summarize really fast so because it was adultery that's grounds for divorce but you were the guilty party so you go to we were not the guilty party we just to reiterate so I got I was a little confused by your first question and I thought that you were talking about the first marriage so my wife was a Christian in her first marriage her first husband committed adultery they divorced I was not a Christian in my first marriage we divorced just based on grounds we were young and it just wasn't meant and so when my wife and I married we were both rich present wife correct present wife yes all right so that changes things a little bit so we'll just focus on you since you were not a believer when this happened generically let me before I say there are people who disagree and this is a debated topic within Christian circles about eligibility divorce marriage and things like that I like to err on the side of grace God is very gracious so let me just say that you were an unbeliever adultery divorce I mean it's been divorced okay just it's gone Christ paid for it it's it's removed you're now married you remain faithful and you you just be faithful to your wife you know stuff like that and you're okay all right now as far as holding an office hey talk to your elders at your church if you ever wanted to become an elder a deacon or something like that I could see them saying yeah it'd be okay but it to make sure you're examined properly and stuff like that okay so my yeah my wife's not oh I'm losing it and it broke up from that conversations that you're talking about within Christian circles about what if what people have said and what they believe and I kind of see it from your from your point and you know what it says by the Bible I hear morality is a reason for divorce amongst believers and if you're not that in your first marriage then you know that's just that's the pile of the rest that you're saying to say you're safe right and I remember during seminary we discussed this kind of thing very in-depth and I went to a very conservative seminary Westminster Theological Seminary and we had this discussion and the very godly men extremely knowledgeable were very gracious or good guys you know they were gracious and we kind of came to the conclusion we through their guidance and their wisdom and things like that that an unbeliever who gets divorced and then becomes a believer he could if he wanted remarry his first wife but he's not obligated to if she marries somebody else then he can't remarry her no matter what that's just off the table and because the blood of Christ cleanses them just move forward could he get married at this point I would say yes even though there are people who'd say no you can't but okay as you move forward now that you're married you just stay faithful and that's it and just lay before the Lord Jesus Christ and you just confess you know you messed up and it was bad you sinned and Jesus is forgiven and you move on from there okay hallelujah alright man alright thank you your wife is sitting there your wife is sitting right next to you is she say that again of course is your wife sitting right next to you she is yeah well tell her to say hi well hello okay good well praise God you know you just what that's alright no no problem at all that's the problem where you guys were you calling from I don't see the state Springfield where's that okay Ohio alright well good okay well good praise God alright so there you go thank you so much you're welcome so much alright God bless you know there's a lot of people who've been divorced like 50% have been divorced and I'm not trying to make excuses and say hey we can we just have to be so so strict Jesus did say except for this reason then it's adultery and you know for the for your spouses adultery but there is another reason for divorce that the Bible talks about and it's abandonment so abandonment is also one of the conditions and it says in first Corinthians 7 15 if the unbelieving one leaves let him leave the brother or sister is not under bondage in these cases and so if see the marriage covenant is it this is what makes it interesting is if you understand what the covenant is that you can understand what why divorce is sinful in in a lot of situations the covenant is that when my for example my wife and I I use my wife and ex as an example we've got been married 35 years and we stood before people we stood before God and we stood before each other so there's a triple level covenant with my wife and I between God and us as a couple and us as a couple with people so that the people who witnessed our marriage understood that we're committing ourselves to each other we've never committed adultery we've always been faithful to each other and we may not like each other sometimes believe it or not that has happened and we may have had regrets about getting married sometimes maybe we've said but because we're covenantally faithful to God because we're born again we stay married and we work things out we've had to go counseling a couple of times I mean life gets tough sometimes and here we are for 35 years still married and we'll continue to be married until one of us dies I'm not going to abandon her she's not going to abandon me I'm not going to commit adultery she's not commit adultery all right so the marriage covenant remains in effect and if I were to abandon her and or commit adultery then she has the the opportunity to divorce but not the obligation she could if she wants and she's not guilty if she does and would work in reverse too now if I don't like her and I want to leave and say I'm done with you getting a divorce because I don't like you anymore that's not grounds for divorce you stay and you work it out you figure it out that's what you got to do so this is how it is in divorce and people too often what they do is they just you know I don't like you anymore well so I remember when I was in a counseling situation I'm going to be very frank here my wife knows about this and I've used this in counseling situations we were in a very difficult time of our life just very difficult a lot of stress a lot of strain and let's just say we're both making some mistakes and at one point I said to the counselor I said something and he said something that was really interesting I said I don't love her anymore I don't want to be married to her anymore and she's sitting just to my left and he looked at me and he said what do you think love has to do with being married and I remember looking at him thinking this guy's an idiot doesn't know what he's talking about he leaned a little bit more forward he said Matt does God love you because of who you are or does he love you because of who he is the love you're supposed to show to your wife is that what you're obligated to give to her because Christ first loved you and redeemed you if you don't think she's lovable it doesn't mean you can't love her it means you do what's right before God and you love her anyway you practice it he was right changed my life it should change yours too if you believe it hey we'll be right back give me a call it's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276 here's Matt Slick alright everyone welcome back to the show bottom of the hour if you want to give me a call 877-207-2276 we have nobody waiting right now so what that means is I'm going to jump on to some emails here's one from Tracy I was speaking to someone about the elect and being predestined if no one knows who is elected and predestined they asked me that how would you know if you are saved first John 5 13 says these things are written so you may know you have eternal life so we can know we have eternal life according to the scriptures if you've trusted in Christ if you believe and trust in what he has done on the cross if you believe he died and rose from the dead then you're saved if you've trusted him and not a church not your sacraments not keeping law not your baptism but Jesus and if you do that then you're saved that's how you know it's real simple people say well how do you know you're elect well the only the elect are going to believe in those things because if natural man cannot receive the things of God for their foolishness to him and that is 1st Corinthians 2 14 so you see it's not that hard I know I'm elect not because I'm special but because God in his great mercy granted to me faith Philippians 1 29 and granted me repentance 2 Timothy 2 25 and I believe in those things because of his mercy and so that's that's praise God it's his work and that's it it's simple it's easy and there you go hey by the way ladies and gentlemen we have some schools online and don't think Laura for mentioning it in Clubhouse learn.com.org excuse me learn.com.org I've written 3 schools took me like 6 months for apologetics 6 months for theology and then I think it was 4 months for critical thinking and there's these 3 schools and you can check them out you know I do ask and people support us you know $5 a month because we do need that and we really do need that and if you like the idea of roughly 27,000 people a day coming to this site to karm.org not just a radio show we speak to thousands that way but if you approve of the effort of this ministry please consider supporting us you know $5 a month that's what we're asking just go to karm.org forward slash donate c-a-r-m dot o-r-g forward slash donate that's all you got to do and hopefully you'll do that and if you want you know you can just you can sign up for the schools to it learn.com.org learn.com.org they're $33 each but if you get all 3 of them we'll give a discount $75 but also I like to say this that we are not in it for the money we're not if you want those schools but you can't afford them you just email us and you say hey Matt send over the radio that if I want the schools and can't afford them just ask for them and you'll get them free not a problem we're not gonna challenge you we're not gonna ask any questions and go okay there you go alright and we want to help people we want to minister to people that's the goal but we do need support to get the lights on and forward slash donate that's karm.org c-a-r-m dot o-r-g forward slash donate let's get to let's see let's get to Sam from North Carolina Sam welcome you're on the air. Hello sir I've listened to you for years and years and a lot of times I couldn't get through I have uh I'm also a supporter also thank you I have a very simple question sure a lot of people I've asked everybody gives me a different answer and I don't I've never got a definitive answer on it and I've always wondered this is my question what happens to you the instant you die well easy if you're a believer you go be with the Lord if you're not a believer you go to the bad place so if you go to uh let's see I think it's let's see Philippians one no not Philippians yeah maybe it is Philippians oh it's been a long time I had to quote this one uh absent from the body be home for the Lord it uh let's see there we go come on you know Saint Corinthians 5 8 that's what I'm thinking of here we go I don't know why I got Philippians it says uh this uh we are of good courage I say and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be home with the Lord so when we die if we're redeemed we go be with the Lord Jesus that's it we go be with him we don't go to some holding place yes mm-hmm we're talking about the instant what about the theory that when the trumpet sounds when the what trumpet sounds well that's for the rapture everybody that's the rapture and resurrection so we go be with the Lord and we will be without our glorified resurrected bodies until the trumpet blows that's uh first Thessalonians 4 16 through chapter 5 verse 2 and at the resurrection and those who have died in Christ will be resurrected first and then those who are left to remain on the earth will be resurrected in their glorified body changed right there that's what I'm hoping for I don't want to die and go through all of it but hey so uh when we Christians die they go be with the Lord and it's it's really quick I don't know about instant like but yeah go ahead what you're telling me is I have my waiting period right there's no waiting part here you don't go to hell you don't go to some limbo place of darkness and you got to you know claw your way up a you know at 20 mile high mountain to you know get over and then you can see you know see paradise and earth it doesn't work like that we go be with the Lord now exactly I'm sorry your word to me is good as gold and I will take that to the bank thank you for your answer answers my question many many years well good it's right there in scripture and it's it's easy the unbelievers go to a place of judgment but we we go be with the Lord now exactly that happened in one second or 20 or a minute I don't know but we go be with the Lord okay that's what it is okay I didn't interrupt you but there was a time lapse in in or a conversation that's all right uh via uh via phone it's all right no problem that's okay but that's what it says 2nd Corinthians 5 8 okay and uh and this is what Paul says in Philippians 1 23 that's the verse I was looking for Philippians 1 23 he says but I'm hard pressed from both directions having the desire to depart and be with Christ for that is very much better yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake so Philippians 1 23 and 2 Corinthians 5 8 gives you the uh the answer right there in scripture okay your voice your voice and your word is good as gold thank you for your help you're welcome well god bless god bless you know he's trusting a guy named slick so on the radio yeah you've got some guy on the radio named slick so it's got to be true yeah so it's like wow but that's what the scriptures say so there you go Bob from Toledo hey Bob welcome you are on the air hi Matt thanks for having me on sure oh you got a real well I I uh people mess up the ideas soul and spirit they seem to confuse them and don't know the difference and I found something that at least satisfies me when people define the soul as being the will the intellect and the emotions that's basically what I would be in agreement with and so I go back to the creation account where god creates man of the dust that's his body puts a spirit within him that's the human spirits the eternal human spirit and man becomes alive to me that soul is that life which is produced when the spirit enters the body could be could be but uh soul and spirit are used interchangeably in in the new testament and so uh it's you know it's a it's a difficult thing to to kind of solve so it's called the issue is dichotomy versus trichotomy so trichotomy is that we're made up of body soul and spirit the dichotomous say that soul and spirit are used interchangeably and so they lean towards dichotomy so you know in the old testament the word spirit nouma is used a little bit differently than it is um sorry that it is in the new testament uh nouma sorry and so I would what I would do is do a study on spirit and soul in the new testament and see what come up with and see what god says okay okay well from my point of view you can accommodate the uh spirit and soul being one in the sense that since the soul is made up of the body and the spirit if you're referring to the body side of the soul it could refer to the body if you're referring to the spirit side of the soul it's it's component then it could be spirit well look at this first the phone is 5 23 now may the lord excuse me the god of peace himself sanctify you entirely and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved to complete so there's a place where all three are mentioned and they seem to have a distinction but like I said in other places they're mentioned synonymously so it depends on the definitions and uh you know your definition is interesting and I think it's within the realm of possibility in the scriptures but I've never done a study specifically on the word spirit and the word soul uh exhaustively but to see how it is used in the in the new testament so I need to do that sometimes sometime all right well thank you very much I appreciate it sure okay and that would be a tough study because ladies and gentlemen the word spirit occurs 379 times in the new testament hey if you want to give me a call for open lines eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six we'll be right back it's matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six here's matt slick hey everybody welcome back to the show the last segment we have three open lines if you want to give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six let's get to grant from utah grant welcome you're on the air how you doing sir doing all right hanging in there so what do you got can you hear me okay yes i can are you fine okay my question is how do you witness to an armenian that christ didn't die for all well what does it mean to die for um i i like to say that christ did not bear everybody's sin that's what i tell people and then i go to first samuel 314 so you know pi in the circle 3.14 314 first samuel 314 and it said this is where god speaks and he says he said i've sworn to the house of eli that the iniquities of eli's house shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever so i say forever that's what he says forever not a limited time but forever so he could not have borne the sin of of eli's house right couldn't pay for him right and that's what i'll do and it's slick and quick and it just shows them that's what it says people are shocked you mean you didn't bear the sin of every individual who ever lived well what does it say right there first samuel 314 you tell me okay that's okay um yeah because like i i talk to a lot of christians that are like from sort of say from assemblies of god yeah and i used to go to that church but i don't now because of what i've been taught and it's not a good church i'm saying that christ died for all and i'm like no that's not what it says when the word says all he's talking about the christians only the believers could be yeah it could be it just depends on the context but uh you know i don't really worry about if people believe he died for every individual ever lived versus just for the elect because the issue is they need to trust in christ and that's all i'm concerned about if people want to discuss that issue the nature and the extent of the atoning sacrifice i can do it and i can show scriptures i can use logic and just show it you know and ask them for questions they can't answer because from that other perspective there are serious problems okay but it doesn't mean that they're not saved it doesn't mean they don't love the lord but i will say the essence of god denominations going south that are gaining women and uh they have this kind of a holiness movement and holiness is a good thing but it tends to move towards apostasy when combined with women pastors and elders and man-centered theology about how god wants you and to be saved and it's up to you and your wisdom to keep yourself right with god things like that it it becomes problematic and so i don't recommend that that denomination okay right right right yeah i agree because i'm okay i'm i'm reform i use the nasp then the non-arminian standard bible i never heard that before the non-arminian standard bible i'm gonna use that one it's pretty good i think none are standard bible that's pretty good i like that yeah i like that that's good okay so so okay i'm gonna test you here what verse is that i said you know about eli's house not being uh atoned for what verse was it see if you remember um the uh first hamil 214 nope remember what's pi in a circle what's pi it's 3.14 three people yeah like the trinity yeah yeah 3.14 just remembered like a tree so first hamil 314 okay and you can just read it to them i've quoted it so many times i've got it memorized i quoted so many people i say hey are you sure you bore this end of everybody you know they show them that and then they stumble well it means only right there for that sacrificial that sacrificial system i said then why is it safe for forever why right you know was it says forever and well it's not what it means so now they've changed the word of god to make it fit and you know they're just issues but uh it's okay you don't have to die on that hill okay right all right thank you though appreciate your um input god bless no problem all right god bless all right i'll talk to you later all right that's grant from utah or some call it utah hey if you want to give me a call we have four open lines eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six let's get to darrell from texas darrell welcome you're on the air hi matt can you hear me okay yes i can yes i can so what do you got well first off now i just want to say thank you for your ministry um i was a mormon for a year and a half and god has used your ministry to really open up my eyes and i just wanted to say thank you and uh and um when i was in the lds phase i read the book of mormon and i believed it i was a true believer in it and then you know i started going through deep depression and doubts and um and that's when i decided to read the bible alone without any commentary and i could just see the trinity in the bible i couldn't deny that jesus was god and and i just wanted to say thank you for your ministry well it sounds to me like the word of god's what did it but uh but praise god you know if karm helped praise god you know just praise god that's what it's there for so i'd love to hear that all right i like it yes sir so i got a question um okay uh yes sir um an esv in jude 5 it says that jesus saved the people out of egypt and in the nasp it says that the lord did it so which one is correct or could it say both i'm not an expert on greek so okay let me look let me look let me look let's see that the lord and uh the greek oh it says this is really interesting oh man i never saw that before now i desire to remind you though uh you know all things once for all that and then it says jesus in the greek which is jesus that the lord after saving a people out of the wow the land of egypt that is really that's really interesting the the okay so let me check uh it's called textual variations and uh see the textual variant there because oh it says two early manuscripts read jesus okay so there's a textual variant do you know what a textual variant is uh i've heard that word i'm not completely sure what it is okay well let me explain uh how they are how they can happen and things like this so a codex is a page like a book like you and i are familiar with you turn the page left right to left and you read uh you know read the words all right so that's what they had also they had codex they had scrolls but they also had codex codex was usually made of either parchment uh which is papyri and it's a read and and they would do this so it was expensive to do and it was difficult because people weren't all able to read and write they didn't have just ballpoint pens click click you just start writing on your paper you got a stack in your closet whatever they had to really do things differently all right so when they would copy the manuscripts they would copy a codex and they would copy a page for the original and so they might uh you know copy uh like for example where it says here uh uh and then the word lord uh which is it's really interesting uh the nsp says it says lord and but early manuscripts i'm gonna have to research this so anyway okay sorry so um that really is interesting it really is because there's some ramifications out of this that the lord so that would be that and so that would be that okay so i'm not going to go there and so that jesus the leb says jesus and uh and the dewey raim says jesus also that's interesting i'm gonna have to do some serious study on that the sbl says jesus and uh hcsb isv lord all right okay having said having i did kind of satisfy my curiosity on that i've never seen that before so thanks for bringing it up okay now so let's say a scribe is copying hey i'm always learning and so let's say a scribe is copying something and at the end of the line uh he has to stop he has to take his eyes and move it to the beginning of the next line sometimes what would happen is they would skip a line in that process and start copying because they're tired and it might be that one or two words was on that second line that they skipped and so you can get a what's called a textual variant you could have that's one style you could have um you could have it where someone is it has a uh a palimpsest a uh it's a manuscript that was erased and then written over and so what happens if you were copying a codex a page and the scribe made a mistake and it can happen okay it doesn't happen very often i'll explain why the copying method is so important and so accurate but sometimes things would happen like this so sometimes what they would do is they would take a page that had a problem maybe he skipped a the word the which is a single letter o in greek and he went through and they found out later when they checked because what they would do because the greek i'll get into this quickly because i only have a couple minutes the greek is the letters are also numbers so when you write letters you're also writing numbers the same thing so what they would do is add up the letters which are numbers from the original to the copy they would add up the columns they would check there's a variable here where's the mistake and maybe they found that the copy mistook the word the and they would use it not as official scripture but they would use it in a teaching sense and they would make a marginal note the word the belongs here sometimes you'd have someone write a marginal note or something else in there and it was just a note that's a scribe might put in there for teaching purposes and then that scribe might pass away or that note or that manuscript might get moved to someplace and someone picks it up and says look it's got a marginal thing of jesus right there so is it original or not original so these kinds of things is what would cause these these issues to arise so that's what we're talking about so that's what's that kind of a thing is what we're talking about with jude five so um that's interesting because i can look at it uh it's called a textual apparatus it has these textual variants in the manuscripts i can take a look and see what's going on and see uh but it's it's anyway i would go with what the nesb says i'd go with the nesb because it's more literal to the greek but but the manuscript that i'm used that i see in the greek has the word jesus in it and the esv is using that set so it says jesus in it that jesus who saved the people out of it and that would be true and there's some theology behind it we get into so it's you know it's a really good uh find you had there i really like that thanks for pointing it out to me i'm gonna check it out oh no problem thank you for your answer that really helped thanks a lot yeah well my answer is i'm not sure so uh yeah and uh i'm looking at the well there's so many variants uh and sometimes in german and things are hundreds of years later and i'm trying to learn how to read the variant issues panta hottie hottie jesus panta hottie jesus out box anyway that's what it says in the greek so hey we're out of time but you uh you brought something up really good stuff we appreciate it thanks thanks a lot all right well god bless you that thank you thank you god bless thank you very much okay that was interesting i'm gonna do some research on that maybe if you know something about that let me know jude 5 and the textual variant jesus versus uh koryas hey talk to you tomorrow everybody god bless another program powered by the truth network
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