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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
July 21, 2023 4:43 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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July 21, 2023 4:43 pm

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE---Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST.--Topics include--- 02- Should women keep silent in church---- 12-- The relationship between man and woman in Christ.-- 20- Veneration of images and idols in Roman Catholicism.-- 26- The Reformation.-- 37- Substitutionary Atonement of Jesus Christ.-- 57- Monophysitism.

Beacon Baptist
Gregory N. Barkman

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network Podcast.

If you are new to the show, and you're not sure what the show is about, I'm a Christian apologist which means I defend the Christian faith. I've been doing that for 43 years now. I've been doing radio for over 18 years, five days a week, and two years before that.

I've been doing radio for a long time. You guys should be able to hear me inside of Rumble. Everything should be working fine.

All the settings are right. Just checking. We do a little bit of checking there.

It looks like everything is good. There are so many switches and stuff like that to do. If you want to, you can email me at You can contact me there and just say, hey, I've got a radio question or a radio comment and we'll get to it.

Like this. Let me just jump right in. No, before you do that, last night, not a big deal, I was just commentary here last night.

I do it on Wednesday nights on Clubhouse for about two hours, two and a half hours. I'll just answer questions. People come up and answer questions. Last night, this interesting, obstreperous individual came up and said he wants really hard to believe in God. He must have been reading something.

He read this sophisticated, philosophical paragraph with all kinds of terms in it really fast. Then said, what do you think of that? I said, well, I don't respond to stuff like that at 80 miles an hour. He goes, can you repeat what I said? He says, well, no, I kind of tune out when people do this.

Nobody even listening. Just really hostile. Why do people do that? They must hate God.

They must hate the Lord Jesus and they kind of find some way to make themselves feel better, I guess, by demeaning others. I don't know. That happened last night, but other than that, it was a good time. All right, there we go. Okay, everything's working. I'm going to get the number out again and tell you how to support us. I'm going to get to the e-mails that we get.

If you want to call me, 877-207-2276. Let's see. Hey, let's let you know we stay on the air about your support if you would be so kind as to consider supporting us at $5 a month. That's all. Just $5.

Not very much. People pay a lot more than that just for Netflix or Hulu or whatever it is. But we're just asking for $5 a month. Just go to C-A-R-M dot O-R-G forward slash donate. That's it.

You can set it up right there. We'd really appreciate that. All right. I'm going to get to the questions.

We've got some questions that have come in. It says the Bible says women should be quiet and are not permitted to teach. First Timothy 2, 11 and 12. Does that imply women cannot read the scripture for the call to service in the Lord's Day morning service?

I would say it doesn't restrict that. When it says be silent, quiet. The word in Greek is hasukia.

And there's another word for quiet in Greek that is used in the Bible. Sagao. Sagao means absolute silence. You can't say a thing.

Period. But that's not the word that's used there. It's hasukia. So people could be even more quiet. So you're quiet, but you'd be more quiet and even quieter. And that's what the word hasukia conveys. To be quieter.

That you have a level of noise, but just keep it down. And that's what's going on there. But they're not to be in positions of authority. Not to teach or exercise authority, but to remain silent.

And that's what the issue is. So they're not supposed to do that. And can they read the call to scripture?

I call the service. I don't see why not, as long as they're not in a position of authority. You could have rotated through people, different people doing that in churches.

I don't have any problem with that. They're just not to be pastors, elders, or deacons, according to the scriptures. Would reading a scripture allow the congregation because of their teaching?

No, I wouldn't consider it teaching. It's just reading it. If you're just reading it, that's it. You're just reading the word of God. Now, if the intention of the woman is to teach by reading it, then she's usurping the authority.

And she's doing something she shouldn't be doing. So this is not a place for women. And it's not. And if anybody wants to debate me on it, please call me up. We can talk.

We can get through it. I know the topic pretty well. Let's get to another question.

Oh, my goodness. This is a long one. Let's see. It says, Matt, the following email will likely be difficult to understand, however it reflects... Okay. It's a long email.

And the guy says it'll be difficult to understand. So what I do with those is I just pass. Love your show. Sense of humor on your website.

Thanks for your service. Question. I'm concerned about my small community church not following God's instruction and commands for the church. The pastor often asks women to give brief talks about various scriptures of the congregation.

And that he shouldn't do. Because what it is, if a woman gets up in the pulpit area and says, here's what the scripture says, let's go through it. Then she's in a teaching position.

She shouldn't do that. He's also employed a young lady who is doing a theological degree who teaches the children, writes her own songs for Sunday worship and also talks about scripture. So I don't have any problem with women getting theological degrees.

Why not? A good seminary, though, really wouldn't admit them into the Masters of Divinity program, generally, unless they just want that extra training and they recognize, no, I'm not going to be a pastor or an elder. I don't see a reason why they can't get a theological degree.

I think it's a good idea. I think most people should have theological degrees if they could. And teaching the children, that's fine. Write your own songs for Sunday worship.

I don't see any problem with that. And also talks about scripture. Now, what's the context of talking about scripture? Is she in the pulpit doing that?

Is she before men in the congregation talking about scripture and telling them what it means? Then she's overstepping the bounds. People may say, you're just being too particular. No, I'm not.

I'm not too much particular. You see, the thing is, we have to guard what the scriptures teach. And we can't just inch our way towards the abyss of ambiguity, which is next to the cavern of heresy. And so we've got to be careful. We've got to be careful.

I see fewer and fewer men taking leadership positions in the church when there used to be quite a few. You know, that's an important thing. And I've been doing a lot of thinking about this over the years, of why that's the case. And I'm not sure, but something has come to mind. And I've been thinking about it. And sometimes when I talk about something and I don't know what it is I need to say, then I kind of get through it. So what I do is read something and just talk about it a little bit. I think there might be something to it, but there may be not.

I'm going to see. Why men aren't doing their jobs. It says, nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife, even as himself. And the wife must see to it that she respects her husband. And the word there is phobeo, to respect.

Phobos, fear. In the middle phobeomai, particularly be fearful, afraid, terrified in one sense, but it also means awe. But here what it's saying is, because a word has a lot of meaning in different contexts, it's dealing with the issue of respect. Why is that the case? Because of what needs to be done to show respect. There's another rendering of it, respect and honor. I can't help but wonder. I could talk to a psychologist about this, because men in the church are failing to do their jobs.

I've got so many thoughts in my head. I don't know how to articulate them without getting myself in trouble. But when men are told to love their wives, they can do that. There's lots of ways to love your wife, to show her patience and kindness and protection and provision, to make her feel safe in the home, to hear her, to consider what she says, to tell her you love her. Give her cards and flowers every now and then.

Take her out for dinner. Just appreciate her. And women need that.

They need that sense of security. And it says, wife must see to it that she respects her husband. And I've talked to so many couples where the wife said, well, he's not worthy of respect. He's going to earn it. And the Bible doesn't say that he has to earn it. It doesn't say that any more than it says you have to earn his love. The command is to do certain things for the husband and the wife. Now, I think there's a relationship here.

We're going to do this. It's to love his wife. And she is to respect her husband. So one of the things I've told people is that if Jesus were there and a husband is to love his wife as Christ would love her, then he's to emulate that. And likewise, the way a woman would respect Jesus, she should emulate that with her husband. Now, I'm sure that right now that just by me saying that last part, that women ought to respect their husbands in the same kind of a way they respect the Lord. Not that he's equal.

Not saying that. But I know that women are just scoffing at that and saying no, and their hearts rebelling against it. And here's a question in the context of the fall. Consider the idea that maybe such rebellion in the heart is part of the curse of God upon the woman in Genesis 3. And your desire shall be for your husband, yet he'll rule over you.

And think about that. What does it mean to respect a husband? Well, it means to show him that proper appreciation, verbal, body language, etc., due to his office as a husband. And that's what you have to look at is the office of a husband.

That if you were to consider him in that sense, you're respecting the office that God has appointed and he happens to be there. Then what happens is men tend to rise to the level. And because, I believe, that people are under, men are especially under such heavy attack in our culture.

Masculinity is under attack. That they are acquiescing, they're getting tired of it, and they just sit down and find whatever. And men often give up and distance themselves from their wives and from churches. If they don't feel appreciated and don't feel respected and it goes on and on, they'll just sit down.

Okay, do what you want then. Men will do that. So less and less men, fewer and fewer, are doing what they need to do in the church. Maybe there should be a husband appreciation kind of a focus. Man appreciation is sometimes where they're valued and not ridiculed and mocked. You might then see men stand up to start doing the job. That's kind of a catch-22 because he should be man enough to do it anyway. But the reality is we men get tired of facing constant ridicule and negativity in all kinds of contexts, in all kinds of ways. It drains us. It does. Maybe that's one of the reasons that Christians, men in the church, aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing. Could be. Well, I could talk about this.

But there's the break. May the Lord bless you. Be right back after these messages.

Please stay tuned. Let's get to Tom from Raleigh, North Carolina. Tom, welcome. You're on the air.

Hi, Matt. I just got home from a trip to Spain. And I was looking at the cathedrals from the basilicas, which are very ornate, very spectacularly beautiful.

We don't have anything like it here in the United States. And at the same time on my trip, I read a book on the Reformation, which tied in nicely to the whole trip. And I have a number of observations and questions, but the first thing I want to talk about is what your thoughts are on the statues of the saints and Mary, and how they're extremely moving, but I don't feel like they drew me close to Christ. And the Reformers, when they went through the Reformation, they took them out of their churches. And I noticed that in my church, which is a Baptist church, I feel very close to God.

I'm totally focused on Christ when I worship. I'm just wondering what you think of the statues and so forth in the old Catholic churches of Europe. They're idolatrous. So I've been to France, and my wife, her mom was born, raised there, and so my wife speaks French.

And we've been to France and got the backwoods treatment from people who are not just in the tourist areas. So we got to see this stuff. And so I know exactly what you're saying. These cathedrals are tremendous. They really are. And the sound in them is just amazing. It really is. And you walk around and you see all these statues and stained glass, this and that, and ornate this and that, and you start to get the impression that the facility is the central focus and not Christ himself.

And I can understand that because back in the day they didn't have radio, they didn't have TV, and money would come in. They built these ornate places, and I get it. But when you have, for example, an apostate church like the Roman Catholic Church, which functionally replaces Christ with itself, where you've got to go to the church for salvation, the church for sacraments, the church for grace, the church for discipline, the church for authority, you know, all this stuff, then you have basically an idolatrous foundation. So, with that foundation of idolatry, all those statues fit perfectly and stand securely on that foundation. And so, though some of them are incredibly beautiful, it's like, how can anybody carve that out of stone?

How do you do that? It's just amazing, the talent. Well, I'm with you. It's too much. And the Bible says, don't make a graven image of the Lord your God or anything in heaven above or the earth below that you had bowed down before it. And they do exactly that. They bow down before them. And it's heretical. It's idolatry.

Yes, the people in Europe are interesting. Only a few old people will attend the masses. The young people don't attend them. The people are very secular, everyone I spoke to there. So they also resent the fact that taxes are collected, that they support the church through taxes, not through their own free will offerings, and yet it's those monuments that the tourists of the world come to see.

So it's self-defeating, and they are resentful of the whole thing. And yet that's what people come to see. Yeah, I'm with you. I agree. And I'd love to go to Spain. I've stepped across the border into Spain, but didn't have a tour. I'd like to go there and check things out. I want to go to Germany also.

Next year I'll be in Greece and Italy. But nevertheless, I'm with you. It's idolatrous.

It is. It's idolatry. Do you say you would tend to agree with the Reformers who sent those things out of their church behind the Reformation? Oh yeah, I'd take them out. Yeah, if I became a pastor of some big church and had all these idols, these statues in there, I'd say, okay, get them out. But they look so pretty. Get them out.

Just take them out. The house of worship is for the worship of God, and the focus should be on God, not on objects that have been carved that, so to speak, people use to help them. That reminds me, periodically here, I will listen to Catholic radio. And I just listen.

And I hear so much emptiness coming from them. One of the things that I find interesting as I talk about coming home to the Church. I've returned to the Church. And I have to go to the Church. And it's always about the Church.

And people just buy into it. When I was in Mexico a while back, I remember going into a church. Some friends and I were going shopping. There was a church right there. They said, go ahead. We'll shop. You go in there.

You know me. So I walked in there, and there were these statues all over Mary. And Mary up on the wall, and Mary this, Mary that. A woman was on her knees inching her way doing the rosary, inching her way towards the cross where Jesus was still hanging on the cross. And to the right was a big statue of Mary. So I speak enough Spanish, and I just approached her, and I said, look, this isn't going to help you. You need Jesus, just Jesus alone.

And she just, you know, just kept going. It's just so sad to see idolatry be what's accepted in the false churches, like Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism. Bad.

Oh, it's sad. Okay. So I'd like to transition now to discussion of the Reformation a little bit. Sure. And it was very interesting learning about Luther, and then Calvin, and then really the Puritans who came down, and they translated the Bible into English and had the Geneva translation.

The Reformation went into Scotland, and Zwingli died on the battlefield. But what I want to talk about is predestination, because I never knew that Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli, and pretty much all the Reformers came down on the side of predestination. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Absolutely true. And the reason is simple, because it's biblical. It's right there in Scripture. I remember when I was in a Lutheran college, LCMS, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, which used to be called Christ College Irvine, Irvine, California, and now it's Concordia.

And Dr. Rod Rosenblatt, a well-known Lutheran scholar, was a professor there. I remember where I was in the class when he said that God predestines people, and I raised my hand and said, No, he doesn't. He said, Yes, he does. And I said, No, he does not. He doesn't do that.

It's up to our free will. And he quoted me some Scripture, and, you know, tilting over the head, like, What? And I said, Okay. He was very gracious. He said, Why don't you just go study it? He says, I will. So I did.

And then a week later, we had the class again, and I raised my hand, and I said, I need to apologize to you because last week I said such and such. You were right, and I was wrong. That is what the Bible teaches. And he just smiled. He goes, Praise God. And we moved on.

But that is what it teaches. I had thought that only John Calvin had thought of a destination. We got a break.

Luther and pretty much all the Reformers took to that position. Can you hold on, Tom? We got a break, buddy, okay? We got a break. So hold on.

I want to hear what you have to say. You have a break. Let's take it on, Tom. I'm sure we'll get there. Okay. We'll be back at 877-2276. Be right back. It's Matt Slick Live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Alright. Thank you for listening. give a thanks to reform christian videos for five dollar rent in rumble and also mister kitt for ten dollars appreciate both of you guys if you guys want to support karm you can do that to go to karm dot org forward slash donate we asked five dollars a month hopefully that's ok and uh... let's get back to tom from raleigh north carolina tom you're back on here so we were talking about predestination and all the reformers uh... pretty much supported the idea predestination but i'd like to transition into talking a little bit about another branch of the reformers and they were the anabaptists the anabaptists were the people who read that dot as an infant who may have been baptized and they'd baptized as an adult when they became a believer and they would not baptized their infant and that created a big problem and the anabaptists were persecuted not only by the catholic church but also by calvin and by luther they were all opposed to the anabaptists now i feel sorry for the anabaptists because they were many of them were killed i'm a member of a baptist church and we trace our lineage now our history out of the movement of the anabaptists because we do a believers baptism i think that what they did back then was just simply wrong they did it it's a tragedy it is absolutely you know i'm a pedobaptist and you're a credo baptist okay yeah now what you know we go on the street corner witness together that's just how it should be and so there was too much going on back there a lot of people forget the context not that the context justifies things but at least it makes it more understandable the roman catholic church was part of the governmental system politically throughout europe it was in incredible control luther came in and with the the fire that just started the forced to burn down on all of that and so people were dividing all over the place there was military actions tied in with the the roman catholic church uh... the protestants became militant in some areas in their right of self defense and then they overdid it and then they became self-righteous in a lot of ways almost as bad as the catholics were doing the catholic church was going on killing people they started doing the same kind of thing what it teaches me is if you want to mess something up you just need two things just two people and time and that's it and so i've said that uh... the reformers they did a fantastic job but a lot of them really blew it in a lot of areas and that's just the way it is yeah it was messy i was surprised to read about surprised to read about many of the uh... effort they tried to create like a perfect city a city upon a hill uh... and then they had wars they were fighting the catholics they were fighting each other it was messy i never realized how messy the reformation was with the infighting and yet we come to a place today which i appreciate so much we have i know you don't believe in uh... in uh... baptism an anti-baptist position you take the position of infant baptism but my church we have a very solid gospel message we understand the gospel we don't have idolatry i mean we were so blessed as a result of what these reformers did going back to john huss i'm just very grateful for what what these people did in the fifteen and sixteen hundred yeah they did a lot and they did some tremendous work you know satan doesn't give up and he works through the reformers as well as the catholics in europe in the political system there was a lot of oppression there was a lot of evil that went on but doesn't mean that all of them were like that but it does mean that there were some atrocities of course with the the anti-baptist went through was bad and it should not have happened but it doesn't mean the reformers were wrong any more than when the catholics persecuted it means catholicism's wrong the ultimate issue is what does the bible teach and that's what i always try and tell people keep your eyes on scripture but yeah i've been aware of stuff like that and uh... it's it's bad news great well thank you for having the conversation matt sure man yeah history is what it is and it's unfortunate and you know i'm definitely a five pointer i believe in the baptism not for salvation and uh... you know we're going to go to the tribulation and i believe in the continuation of the charismatic gifts okay i'm a covenant list well if i know someone for the if they love jesus and they don't agree with all with those points what okay okay that's that's fine well let's just go forward that's my attitude i work with people like that and who have different views than i do and that's okay the bible says don't pass judgment of debatable issues so i don't pass judgment of debatable issues like that don't do that thanks for the call okay god bless buddy all right let's get over to give me a call 877-207-2276 877-207-2276 877-207-2276 Alberta from Georgia Alberta welcome what's your question? my question is uh... i don't suppose you meant to talk about the uh... Christ died for a past, present, future sin but i believe that once god was in my heart and Christ saved me then jesus applies that to my soul that he saved my past he forgives my past, present, and future sin i don't believe that applies to the world in general but applies to the individual once a person gets saved am i correct? well are you correct on that's what you believe? yes you're correct that's what you believe you said you believe that once Christ saved me that applies to my soul am i right or wrong? okay so let's work with it this way when jesus was on the cross your sin my sin all of it was future to him we don't want to say that my moment of existence right now that i'm thinking about is the dividing line that jesus then bore our sins up to a i'm aware of it right now that's just ridiculous he bore all of our sins because he can't save somebody or doesn't seem to be logically consistent to say that he saves someone if all their sins are not forgiven it wouldn't make sense so if jesus is on the cross then he bore the sin of his people this requires election if he's going to actually bear their sin he's actually going to cancel it that's colossians two fourteen that's what it means when people say he paid for your sins if he paid for them then they're paid for they don't exist anymore they're gone that's what it means to be paid for but people are inconsistent and they'll say we paid for them but they're still there as though they're not paid for but he actually paid for them and it's up to you to make it work for yourself and that's just illogical and unbiblical but it's what's taught in most churches but the how come then with the bible says in first john one nine if we confess our sins because he's talking normatively if we do that you know god forgives us now there's this issue what's called the now and the not yet the now the not yet needs to be spoken of and it needs to be taught along with federal headship and other doctrines in churches on a regular basis so the now the not yet is the condition where for example when god before the universe elected people that was his now but our not yet because we didn't exist when jesus bore our sin in his body on the cross first peter two twenty four uh... it was our not yet but his now when you go to romans eight twenty nine and thirty it says those of you he called he justified those who justified he glorified glorification is our future and yet it's not occurred yet and yet it's spoken of as a reality this is the condition what we call the now and the not yet it's really odd but it's something that just exists in scripture i don't know that existing in any other theological perspective the now and the not yet and it's necessitated out of the issue of christ atoning for us and yet we didn't exist and this is called uh... psa uh... penal substitutionary atonement penal means legal like a penal colony so the legal substitutionary atonement where christ actually bore our sins body and because sin is equal to legal debt according to jesus matthew six twelve luke eleven four this is what that is that is called the now the not yet so that's part of what goes on so when you believe that's when you just are justified when you believe it's not win the atonement is made effective it the effect of the atonement was accomplished by jesus on the cross that's where he can't listen that rome out collections two fourteen is not dependent upon your actions depend upon christ section and then when you believe that's when you're justified but get paul i mean john does say you know if we confess our sins he's faithful to just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness for john one night and he's talking about the conditional here if we do this we're going to be forgiven it's not that it's based on our confession but it's a normative requirement but then you have issues of people who can't really confess it because they're on the death bed and babies and things like this so he's talking normatively that's all that's going on and we are to confess our sins and yet they've already been taken care of hold on we've got a break we'll be right back after these messages ladies and gentlemen please stay tuned we'll be right back two zero seven all right buddy i don't know if we're on or not i'm not hearing anything don't know the music kind of quit or the commercials and stuff so i don't know we okay so we are okay i don't know what happened it happened so let's get back on the air with alberto let's see alberto are you there yes sir i'm right here alberto yeah i'm right here do you hear me okay keith you can tell me if they're on or not if we're having a phone problem or not so let's try it one more time alberto are you there yes sir i'm here do you hear me and uh... let's see can you confirm we're having phone problems or not having phone problems you'll know because no big deal just keep talking and stuff okay hey so can't get on with uh... uh... he can't hear me i can't hear him all right so i don't know why or what so how about this alberto why don't you call back and see if we can reconnect and get you right back on okay because uh... we have a bit of an issue i can't hear anything that goes on wait say something can you hear me let's try something i can hear you okay there we go now i know what happened okay it's all good it's all good so what do you got buddy what's up okay you were mentioning about uh... that's all good what you're saying uh... i think i agree with you sir are you chewing on something because i'm not okay go ahead i say how come church is saying how come church is not teaching this teaching oh well i find that most pastors but now not yet yeah i find that most i find that most pastors are not theologically very astute they had the basics the trinity the hypostatic union but they're not delving into very much these issues that are very important like federal headship and also the uh... the now and the not yet uh... and and other issues you get into the communicado ido matum justification imputation propitiation they should have the same down in their heads so much that when they're preaching you can just insert them into into uh... text so that they can ground everything for the with what the truth is okay normally quick question to send him into the elections i believe that the person and into the got elective uh... in christ but in his mind if he knows we're going to believe it but i think that that's what you chose our decision for yummy and when they reach is our decision uh... no he he predestined to he elects cuz the bible says he elects any predestined to the bible says he pretends some people can deny it but that's just what it is and uh... we still have free will and people like to object to say we don't have free will if that's the case was not the case that we don't have free will it is the case that we have free will people don't know how to work through those things they've been thought through them so i find overall that uh... that there's a lack of theological precision coming from pulpits uh... regularly and i'm not saying they're insufficiently preaching but i'd say just lack of precision in some areas okay alright quick quick question about the free will thing uh... god predestined the human race to spend eternity in two different places heaven or hell like a fire in heaven so where's my free will at to choose where i want to spend eternity at is god destined to two places the human being to spend why can't if i thought about free will why not just tell god okay i'm going to excuse to exist or i want to spend eternity on a certain planet by myself or you know where's my free will at free will is the ability to make choices that are not forced no one's stopping people from making free will choices people want to but people are born with sinful natures by the act of of uh... adam sin the many were made sinners that's uh... bromance five nineteen in adam all die first content fifteen twenty-two so that's just the nature of them were by nature children wrath of issues two three and because of that they're enslaved to send haters of god don't see for god don't do any good cannot receive spiritual things and because of that uh... with freely choosing to rebel against god and so they go to a little bit that's it you know but what i mean is that that i know that part that i don't think we're going to have to put up a quick look for you will have to say god i don't want to have been haven or hell we do have free will not because he could get you get that gotten not because it was watching which was it into a pattern or else we're not going to listen hold on hold on yes we have free will free will is the ability to make choices that are not uh... forced on you free will people have it is what i think that's better than what i wanted not they have free will the unbelievers at free will they choose all but my point is i know you're saying but my point you have to come up with one point i think he says not or something but god forced me to spend two different deaths to get to get the nation where you're not at it or else not he's not okay you're making this stuff up it's not what it says he's forcing the death of the arnold people who have been created to be over to get it to get to get the definite alberto you're not listening for it is reacting to that okay or that would have defined for me what free will this but we believe you have got that that that that at attribute that you know you can choose the direction you want to go to life or the option to reject or receive something but what can i say is okay wait wait wait stop stop stop stop stop i just asked one question define free will that's what would then we can examine your definition we always have to define our terms and then use the terms is your definition of free will sufficient yet see if you can see we have free will then i'm gonna ask well what is it i've already told you the definition the one that i go with and the one that i go with is based on god's nature that god uh... is free to do whatever he desires no one's forcing him and it's consistent with his nature the reason i say consistent with his nature is because god is holy and he cannot lie so he cannot do anything he has to act in a manner consistent with what he is so therefore free will is the ability to make a choice it's not forced on you that's consistent with your nature that way god is included in the definition of free will do you agree that jesus had free will did you and jesus came to do the will of the father he could only do we saw the father do so did he have free will if he was ordained by the father to do certain things yeah he summoned himself to do it there you go so now we have the case of jesus who had free will who came to do what the father wanted him to do what the father ordained that he would do from eternity past he was predestined he had free will so right there you are demonstrating that free will and god's sovereign work election predestination are compatible i agree with what you're saying but what i'm trying to say is that god created just two options for the human race to spend eternity at hell or heaven he didn't create a third option right i didn't give him i don't know where i didn't say i don't want to spend eternity in heaven or eternity in the lake of fire i want to choose from my free will where i want to spend that or my free will choose to exist okay that's what you want is what you want biblical that's my free will well hold on hold on hold on i asked is what you are saying there and asking biblical because the unbeliever the unbeliever the bible says cannot receive spiritual things 1st Corinthians 2.14 he is a slave of sin Romans 6 14-20 he doesn't seek for god Romans 3 10 11 and 12 he's by nature child of wrath Ephesians 2 so if that's what his nature is that's why he said free will is the ability to make a choice consistent with your nature that's not forced if the nature of the unbeliever is that he is in rebellion to god can't receive spiritual things then he's really going to choose that which is consistent with his nature he's going to continually choose to rebel that's why that's why jesus says you can't come to me and this is granted to you from the father john six sixty five right it makes sense alright okay alright but i want you to create not from the bible but my understanding saying that i choose to cease to resist give that option to god to respect my free will no no no just because you want to make a choice doesn't mean this is going to happen either free will doesn't mean that whatever you desire will occur i desire to be able to the uh... six foot five and really handsome and uh... look like i'm thirty years old and have a million dollars in the bank there's my free will choice it's not happening just because you can think of it and conceive of it doesn't mean that it's a reality free will is related to what our ability is but you have to understand the basics it's limited to our nature you can only choose to do what you can become aware of doing and you can only choose to do what you desire to do the unbelievers a slave of sin i hate her okay so he's going to choose americans i agree with you 100% alright man we're going to move on to one more call okay alright let's get to adam from egypt wow hey adam welcome here on the air it's going man you're in egypt wow okay don't think we've ever had a caller from egypt alright so what have you got man i'm calling right now from cairo cairo wow what time is it there right now it's one fifty seven a.m. one fifty seven a.m. cool well we've got about two three minutes left of the show so what do you got man yes so i'm not a classical first i'm a monophysite i wanted to know your contention for this like the one nature of Christ which i think the council has to discern monophysitism is false and the reason is is because if jesus is going to have two natures and the nature of the word and the nature of a human and each one necessitates to have a will this is called diethyla tism and if you're going to say that in the monophysitic position that the natures combined into one thing then you have a new nature that's neither divine nor human but a divine human in nature and that's logically impossible because the properties emanate out of the nature at the divine nature and the human nature both cease to be distinct then their properties cease and you don't have an incarnation oh no so what what what i would do here is provide an imperial relative identity uh... relations so i would say that the divine qualities and the human qualities are numerically the same nature but distinct aspects of the same nature so i would apply imperial relative identity here not absolute identity sameness relations for both the divine qualities and the human qualities and so we would get here uh... numerically one nature being fully divine and fully human yeah i understand and you're talking about personal identity relative identity transitive identity indiscernible of identicals and all this stuff we could get into that but if you have to understand something that the uh... we're out of time you know what we're just out of time you should call back and we can talk about this because we've got like five seconds ten seconds okay we could talk now at the beginning of the show though okay because we're out of time and get into identity issues alright well god bless man hey folks we won't be right back after these messages we will be back tomorrow and by the way uh... lord willing we'll be back tomorrow and teach a bible study tonight in a couple hours two and a half hours from now and uh... you can go to forward slash calendar for the information links on that and we'll talk to you then god bless everybody bye another program powered by the truth network
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