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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
March 1, 2023 5:48 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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March 1, 2023 5:48 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Difference between hell and lake of fire-2- Marriage -12-3- Women pastors -20-4- Tribulation and the 144,000 -26-5- Covenant -35


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. If you want, you can give me a call at 877-207-2276. If you want, you can also email me. You can do that by just addressing it at info at I can check out what you've got.

In fact, I'm looking there right now to see if anybody's emailing us. There you go. Let me just throw this out. You never know who's listening. You never know what the issue is. You might be listening to an expert or something like that. So I get Windows 11, and I've researched this.

There's a green tint on some of the programs. Maybe some of you out there have spent some time on that or know what the issue is. I've researched it. I'm an ex-computer tech, so I know what this troubleshoot. I've not been able to really solve that problem.

I don't know if it's a video card going bad or what. But at any rate, hey, maybe someone out there will go, I know exactly what it is, and they can help out, but it's not no big deal. All right, all right, all right. We have four open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. Okay, I think what we ought to do is just jump on the call. We've got one call waiting. Let's get to Rudolph from North Carolina. Rudolph, welcome. You're on the air. Yes, sir. What is the difference between hail and the lake of fire?

Well, it's a tough one. I've done studies on this, and I've got an article that I've written on it, the word study on the lake of fire. I'm not exactly sure how to answer it because it looks like death in Hades are thrown into the lake of fire as then casting out of darkness.

Now, is this metaphor or is it literal? So the passage, the lake of fire occurs, let's see, five times in the New Testament, and the lake of fire which burns with brimstone and of tormented day and night in the lake of fire. And let's see, death in Hades were thrown into the lake of fire, which is the second death, and people are thrown in the lake of fire and their part will be in the lake of fire that burns with fire and brimstone. The lake that burns with fire and brimstone, okay. So when I look at that and I compare it with death, Hades, the wicked, chaff, people of Sodom and Gomorrah, devil, and those who worship the beast, I find that there's several categories here.

I did some pretty good sense of research on this. What is thrown into the lake of fire includes death, Hades, the devil, the false prophet, and I'm hearing somebody talking in the background. So maybe one of the producers don't have their switch on or something. And also the wicked are thrown into the lake of fire and burned in the chaff. Anyway, hell is just a place of torment, and it looks like hell overall is the thing that's thrown into the lake of fire. So I'm not exactly sure.

It's just something I'm not exactly sure about because the terms are used a little bit interchangeably without specific clarity. Okay. Okay.

Yes, sir. Well, since the lake of fire is for the devil and his angels, and hell goes into that place, and Jesus talked about the rich man going to hell, isn't hell for humans in the lake of fire for a demonic spirit? And the people. People go into the lake of fire as well. Absolutely.

Absolutely. Well, it says the wicked, the immoral murderers, those not abiding in Christ, those not in the book of life, they are thrown into the lake of fire, Revelation 20.15 and 21.8. And this is also thrown into the fiery hell, as it says, which is Gehenna. And so hell is often translated as Gehenna. Gehenna was a place outside Jerusalem where there was a perpetual fire burning, and it just didn't go out. And this became a symbol of hell. So it was a refuse dump.

And because people would just continually throw stuff in there, it was always smoldering. And so that was an image of that fire that does not go out. So people, the wicked are thrown into the fiery hell. They're thrown into the lake of fire. They're thrown into the eternal fire. So all three of those are stated as where people are and that they're burned with fire. So it is a tough one. And those who are thrown into the lake of fire, okay, the wicked, the immoral, are also cast into, Hades is cast there into the lake of fire along with death and the devil, the beast, the false prophet, and also those who worship and receive the mark.

So those are cast into the lake of fire, which is also, the people, the wicked are thrown into the fiery hell, which is Gehenna, which is generally translated to be hell. So you see how it's not exactly easy to exactly say which is which. Okay? Okay.

Okay. Thank you very much. Have a good weekend and God bless you, brother. You too, man. God bless. All right. Thank you. Bye-bye.

Okay, that was Rudolph from North Carolina. If you want to get on the phone with me, all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276. We'll be right back.

We got to break too early. Let's get to Daniel from Alabama. Daniel, welcome. You are on the air. Hello, Mac.

Hi. I was in a group the other day on Facebook and I saw a discussion on marriage. There were, you know, it was a lot of confusing answers and I wanted to ask you, is there some marriage ceremony between two couples and they had all the ceremony, but they haven't registered the paperwork in the court. Are they considered married or do they have to go register the ceremony in the court for them to be considered married before God?

What determines that? The state does not give us authority to marry. That's something that belongs to God and his privilege. So when I perform wedding ceremonies, I tell the couple when I do premarital counseling, I say, this is what makes you married, is your vows to one another, is a covenant between God, between people, and with each other. That's what constitutes marriage. The state doesn't authenticate that. You could be on a desert island.

All three could be on a desert island. I could perform a ceremony. You are married because it's a covenant promise and with covenant sign, the rings, and things like that. So it's wise, however, to file with the state because we want to be in submission to the government, but they do not authenticate or validate our marriage. So what happens if you are doing mission work in, say, Africa and you meet someone and you fall in love with someone and they have a marriage ceremony that's not your traditional ceremony and you go through a village ceremony, and to them and to all the eyes of the culture of the people, you are married and you understand that to be the case. Well, then you're married. You come back to the states with your bride, let's say. Oh, suddenly you're not married because it didn't register with the state?

No, that's not how it works. But we should register because that's just what we should do because that's some of the requirements, but I tell the people, that's not what gets you married. It's your vows. And we tell them, we go over the marriage ceremony, and I tell them once you've committed to each other, you're already married.

And then what I do in the ceremony is I then say, now at the end of the ceremony I'll say, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. so-and-so. And that doesn't make them married. It's the presentation of them already having been married through that ceremony.

Okay. So that means that a couple, do they need a third party for them to get married, or can they just say the vows by themselves and accept? They should have a third party because it's a covenant. And a covenant is between people and between God. So it's a three-way covenant. So the couple, now if they're in a desert island, then they do the vows there.

Okay, it's good enough. They're in a desert island by themselves, all right? And that's all they got. But normally speaking, you have witnesses, and this is how it is. When marriage is in the Bible, they have a cultural context and people gather. And so the marriage is a union as well as a separation. It's a union between a man and a woman, and it's a separation from that man and woman from culture.

And what that separation entails is that no one else has the right inside of that marriage bond to certain marriage privileges, the privilege of seeing each other in the buff and relations and things like this. And so that's an exclusion of those outside that covenant bound. And it's an inclusion within those two people who are making the covenant. And usually, customarily, there is an officiate, someone who performs that ceremony that guides the ceremony. And it's not mandatory that it happens, but that's just the normal way it's done. And so though I'm searching in my mind while I'm talking about how it's done in the Bible, different cultures have different marriage ceremonies, and they're valid because the people are committing themselves to each other. But they're also done publicly. Normally they're done publicly because the community needs to witness their bond, and that's an important aspect of the marriage, which is why you'll have the tradition if anyone sees a reason why they should not be married, let them hold their peace, speak now or forever hold their peace, is part of that issue, the covenant bond, before the society. And so normally you want to have that, a public ceremony. And with an officiate is just the best way.

And it is. It just makes sense that way. That way the couple, it's just more tradition.

But could they do it just themselves? I don't like to encourage people just to say it themselves, and that's it. But I don't see anything in Scripture that necessitates a third party officiating. So I'm just saying I don't see it. It's best to do it as a public ceremony, as an official system, usually as an official member or somebody who's performing the ceremony, and with the community present.

It really is that whole communication and covenant aspect that demonstrates the necessity and truth of that marriage bond. Okay? Okay, thank you, Matt. Hope that helps.

Hope it helps. Okay? All right. All right, then. Okay. We got anything else? That'll be it.

That'll be it? All right. Well, good. Well, God bless, then. All right, man.

God bless to you. All right, yeah. I perform many marriage ceremonies, and so it's nice to do, you know, and funerals and things like that. I don't like doing them, and the reason I don't, I can explain why, is because they're really important, and I don't want to mess up, and so I really feel like the pressure's on. Say it right, don't mess up, because it's a super important thing for people, you know, and so I'm a little intimidated by getting up and, okay, say this right and do this right and stuff like that. But that's okay, you know, and people understand when things don't go right, and sometimes they don't. That's what happens in marriage. Sometimes things just don't go as nicely as you would like them to, and that's okay. You know, just praise God for the problems, for the issues of differences and things like that.

All right, all right, all right. Well, we have nobody waiting. Let me see if I can get us some hate mail, because it's a lovely Friday, and I love doing hate mail. Hate mail cheers me up, and there's the break.

Perfect timing. We'll come back and we'll get us some hate mail. If you have a comment or a question for the radio show, you can e-mail me, info at, and if you want to give me a call, all you've got to do is dial 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Welcome back to the show.

We're about 20 minutes after the hour, and if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. Welcome to Mike from North Carolina. Hey, Mike, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt.

This is First Time Caller. All right. Good. I have a question.

I love your show. Okay. Good. I have a question. I know this couple, and I've known them a long time. They're good Christian people. But they had recently, they've both been married at least twice, and I want to know if it's biblical, that now they both say they have went back and they now are preachers?

Okay, wait a minute. So, wait, they're both preachers? Yeah.

Now they say they are officially preachers now. The man and the woman. That's biblical. And the man and the woman. Yeah.

Right. Are they preachers in churches or pastors? No, yes, she is, but he's just a minister in the church, but she is the senior pastor. Yeah, that's very unbiblical. She is in violation of the Word of God. Okay. Okay.

That's the way I was taught myself. The issue is what is the Bible? Where can you find that scripture to back that up? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't know exactly where to tell them or show them. Okay, I'll show you where it is, but also you can go to my website and you look up the article, Should Women Be Pastors and Elders, and you'll find all the documentation right there.

But I'll go over it right now also. This is what Paul says in 1 Timothy chapter 2, but before I read that actually, I'm going to go to 1 Timothy 3 verse 15, because it's important. He says this, But in case I am delayed, I write, so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and the support of truth. So he's writing to Timothy so that people will know how to behave in the household of God. This is what he says to Timothy in 1 Timothy 2, 12, and 13. I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man but to remain quiet, for it was Adam who was first created and then Eve.

So God through Paul is saying, Nope, a woman is not to teach or exercise authority over a man but to remain quiet. The word quiet in Greek there is hessoukiia. And it means to keep it down. It doesn't mean you're absolutely silent, because you could become even more quiet, more hessoukiia. The word for absolute silence is sagao, and that's not there. So it's like saying, but to remain even more quiet about this issue.

Just keep it down. And he ties it in with Adam who was first created and then Eve. So it's not a cultural thing. It's related to the cross of Christ. Excuse me, it's related to the Adamic order of creation. Furthermore, it says, as he goes on in 1 Timothy 3, he's a trustworthy statement. If any man aspires to the office of overseer, that's the Greek word episkopos, which they get the word bishop, is a fine work he must desire. An overseer then must be above reproach, the husband of one wife.

So he's got to be a husband of one wife. Deacons, likewise, must be men of dignity. So this is what it says in 1 Timothy. Now when we go to Titus, Titus 1, he says in verse 5, For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains, and appoint elders in every city as I directed you.

Namely, if any man is above reproach, the husband of one wife, having children who believe. So the elder and the episkopos, or the bishop, are interchangeably used. They are to be, as it is in Greek, anermeoskonikos, or anjemioskonikos, a man or a husband of one wife. A woman cannot fit that bill.

And finally, when you go to 1 Timothy 5, 17, it says, The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching. The word elders in Greek there is presbutoroi, which is the masculine plural nominative in the Greek, which means it is the masculine gender in how the words are arranged in Greek. And it's not feminine. There's a word for the feminine form. It's not used.

And there's a neuter form, and it's not used. It's the masculine, masculine plural, elders. So the preacher, by definition, is an elder.

Elders are to be husband of one wife, men who do this, men who do that. She is in rebellion against the word of God. She ought not be a pastor. And if I was in that church, I would politely point this out to her, and then I would warn her about the violation of the word of God that she's under and that she needs to submit to God's word. And then she would say, No, thank you, not listening.

That's just your opinion. And that she will rebel against the word of God. And that's what happens. I've never heard of a single woman pastor. I've taught them, and others have taught them, what the word says. I've never heard of even a single woman pastor saying, You are correct. That's what the word of God says. I'm going to step down. Not a single one.

They always defend their position, and they dismiss the word of God because of their pride, their arrogance, their stubbornness. That's what I've seen. Thank you so much, sir. I love you, sir. Thank you.

Well, praise God, man. Thanks for calling. All right. All right. Let's get on the air here with Mario from North Carolina.

Mario, welcome. You're on the air, buddy. Thank you. Hey, man.

How are you, sir? Oh, I'm tired. Just one of those days.

That's okay. But the weekend's coming, and I only have a bunch of work to do this evening and tomorrow. That takes Sundays off.

That's one day we could get off. So, hey, people ask. Come and tell them. Yeah. So what do you got, buddy?

Hopefully, you get some rest. Yeah, I do a little bit. Yeah. All right.

So I have a question. I'm trying to get clarification on the sequence of the tribulation period, specifically around the 144,000 Jews. Okay. I'm not exactly sure what the sequence is, beginning with the rapture of the church and where the 144,000 Jews will come into play and where the great tribulation would come into play.

And where the great tribulation would start. Can you help me out on that? Well, what I can do is give you generic positions that different people have given, and then I'll tell you what I affirm. Okay. And what I affirm may not be right. So you always need to check what Reverend Slick on the radio says.

You got to check him again with Scripture, okay? So I'd be to see you going to somebody. Well, I talked to a guy who says this. You know, who's that?

Oh, a guy named Slick on the radio? You know, it just doesn't sound good. So you got to check it out. All right. So the 144,000 are supposed to be from the 12 tribes of Israel.

This is spoken of in Revelation 7. And we've got a break right now. So hold on. We'll be right back after the break, and we'll continue with this, okay? Hey, folks, two open lines, 8772072276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 8772072276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show. Let's get back on here with Mario. Are you still there? Yes, sir.

I'm still here. All right. So from what I understand, the predominant view in America, which I don't agree with incidentally, is what's called the pre-tribulation rapture. Now, I hope it's true.

I really do. I just don't believe it is. But nay, maybe I'm wrong. And so when I understand that at the beginning of this time, at the beginning of the tribulation, they will say the rapture occurs during the tribulation period 144,000 male virgin Jews will then preach and teach and perform the miraculous signs during that time. And then the antichrist will be revealed halfway through, and then at the end of the seventh tribulation, Jesus returns. I've got to sneeze. Hold up.

Wow, sorry about that. And then before Jesus comes back, the antichrist will be let loose, and there will be a war, and blah, blah, blah. And then Jesus comes back, and then there's a thousand-year reign of Christ. And during that period of time, things are really good. And then some say that's when Satan's let loose, because that's at the end of that thousand years. Some say he's bound before.

There's quite a bit of variations. So I believe, my opinion is, this is my opinion, is that we Christians go through the tribulation period. We're not going to escape it, and it's going to get bad, and we'll see the antichrist, who he is, and many Christians will be beheaded for their faith, suffer, and flee to the hills and things like this. There will be starvation and camps, and they'll be put in and things like this. And during that period of time, the 144,000 male virgin Jews will be awakened by the Lord, and they will preach mightily, either in Jerusalem, or it's going to be in Israel or all over the world, which I think it will be all over the world, 144,000 for this period of time, and many will be killed after their faith.

And then at the end of that seven-year period, the new heavens and new earth are made, and Christ comes back. And I believe, this is my opinion, too, that the first ones taken are the wicked, not the good. And I can show that from Scripture, too. A lot of people are surprised when I show it to them.

They go, that's what it says. At any rate, so there are a lot of views, and you need to take what I say with a grain of salt and check it out, you know. But there you go. Okay. Well, I really appreciate that.

Yeah, it's very complex, right? But I just want to get your opinion on this. I really appreciate very much what you do, and hope you get some rest. And God bless you and your family and your ministry.

Yeah, well, thank you very much. You know, God's gracious. Even at 66, I still have a sharp mind, and I can still do stuff, and I'm just thankful for the Lord to allow me to continue.

Well, past the age of retirement. So, you know, by God's grace, he gets all the glory. So praise God. Keep listening, all right? All right. God bless, man. All right. Thank you, sir. God bless you. Thank you. God bless.

All right. All right, let's jump over to Simon from Norway. Hey, Simon, welcome. You're on the air. Hello. Are you there?

Hello. Don't high click on the button. We'll give him a chance. Sometimes you have connections, problems from over there. Give it a shot, because he might be on hold.

Well, it could be expensive. I don't know if he's calling that way or how it's going to work. So what we'll do is we'll put him on hold, and then go over to William from North Carolina. Will, you're on the air. Yes, sir. Okay. Okay.

So what do you got? Are we on? You're on.

You're on the air. Yes. Okay. Okay. Okay. Real quick. Real quick.

Now, you probably got a real quick, easy answer for this. Oh, I don't know. What is the difference? Okay. What is the difference in an agreement or a contract?

And shoot, cat's got my tongue now. Between what? Like covenant and dispensationalism? Covenant, covenant, covenant.

Yes, covenant. Okay. Sorry about that. That's all right.

Okay. So between that and what? You said you want me to contrast, compare between covenant and what? Or just explain what covenant is?

And just a contract or an agreement. Oh, you want to know what covenant is? Okay. Yeah, the difference in a lot of people just say, well, covenant is just an agreement or a contract. But I think it goes deeper than that in my opinion.

Well, biblically speaking. Okay. I got some dogs barking. So I'm going to mute you, okay?

And I'm trying to get in the house. Okay. All right. I'll get them on mute.

So, we'll get back to them in a second. A covenant is a pact or an agreement between two or more parties. And the biblical covenant has stipulations with rewards and punishments for keeping or breaking the covenant requirements. And the covenant has a covenant sign biblically. Marriage has a covenant sign of the ring. Communion is a covenant sign. Circumcision is a covenant sign. And so the proper methodology in the Bible when you make a covenant with God is there's a sign associated with it. So, that's what that is.

And that's just what it is. And it is a contract. And there's different kinds of covenants. You can have a unilateral covenant where God makes it with Israel and it's independent of what Israel does. And so God is the initiator, the unilateral head of it and it can never be broken. Then you have a mutual covenant, like a marriage covenant, till death do us part. So, my wife and I are married until one of us dies, the first one who dies, then the other is no longer married.

It's just that fast. And so that's a covenant that's with two parties and certain conditions. And so when the conditions are fulfilled, the covenant is too. So, we have variations in covenants and stuff like that. So, I don't know.

You're back on the air. So, what do you think of that? Did that help?

That helped a lot. In fact, the word in Latin for covenant is testamentum, Old Testament, New Testament. It means covenant. It's Latin for covenant.

Yeah. And so God works covenantally. Now, there are people who are dispensationalists. And okay, that's within orthodoxy. I don't affirm dispensationalism that God works differently in different dispensations.

I don't do that. I just say, no, he works covenantally because it's based on his character, his essence, the nature of his speech, his word, which reflects who he is. And he covenanted with us and has covenant signs all over the place and et cetera.

In fact, get this. A lot of people do not know this, but the Ten Commandments, you've seen the pictures all over the place. Moses has got the Ten Commandments.

It'll be like you'll see one, two, three, four on one and then five through ten on the other or five and five. Right. That's wrong. It's just not how it works. The covenant, there are two copies of the covenant.

It's ten and ten. And the reason there's two tablets is because each party gets a copy of the contract of the covenant. That's how it works. If I write a contract with you, I don't just keep the copy. There's one copy.

It's me. I get it. I get a copy.

That doesn't make any sense. And so you get a copy as well. We don't split it down the middle, half for you and half for me. Each person gets the full copy. So the two documents, the Ten Commandments, I'll tell you a little bit more about it, but they both were in the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant was considered, the mercy seat on top was the footstool of God. So it's in the presence of God. And the other copy symbolizes being in the presence of man, owned by men, by people. So the double covenant copy signifies a covenant between God and man, and it's put in the holy place.

It's really serious. Furthermore, the pattern of the Ten Commandments is what's called the suzerain vassal treaty pattern of the third millennium B.C. The suzerain vassal. The suzerain is a big king, and a vassal is a small king.

And how the pattern worked of that time and that culture way back then was the big king would initiate a covenant with the lesser king. And they'd say, this is who I am, this is what I've done. And here's the conditions that if you break it, you know, this is a problem. If I break it, there's a problem.

But if you keep it, then etc. So notice what the Ten Commandments is. I'm the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt. So he's saying, this is who I am and this is what I've done. You shall have no other gods.

Don't make any idols. If you do this, then the punishment comes, the iniquity visited upon the fathers and the children, and showing loving kindness to those who keep the commandments. So it's a pattern that was unearthed by Meredith Klein, and he discovered this. And so the Ten Commandments are a pattern after this ancient suzerain vassal treaty pattern of the third millennium B.C., the Middle East. And each party got a copy of the Covenant documents, so it's ten and ten.

That's how it works. Okay? Okay, yeah. So, the next question is, is how can I get a copy of what you just said?

Well, if you send a $100 bill with a paperclip note to it, or what you can do is just go to YouTube and just download this show. You can watch it, and it's there. Okay? It's not a big deal. All right?

Go to the website CARM and look up Ten Commandments Covenant. See if I've written an article on it. I think I have. All right, buddy? All right, man. All right, Cub. God bless, man. Hey, folks.

Look, we're about to quartile. So if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right.

Welcome back, everybody. Let's get on the air with Simon from Norway, if he's still there or not. I don't think he is, though. Okay. But he did text me, and I heard a click.

I don't know if I just clicked it off right before he got on. But he sent an email, and a question on the radio show for now. Why do modern Bible translations omit verses from the New Testament? Well, the reason is, is because they've worked with older manuscripts. Generally what happens with the manuscripts, they're first written.

Imagine this. John writes an epistle. See, 1 John. And he writes this, and it's perfect. It's inspired. Well, that document needs to be copied.

So the copyist will go through letter by letter, not word by word, but letter by letter and copy and be very, very, very, very careful. It does happen occasionally when people are copying that they're tired. And they're focusing, and it happens. People get tired. They're sitting there. They don't have as much food as we do, as good lighting as we do.

Temperatures are colder in rooms and things like that. And fatigue can take them, and they can actually miss a letter, like the word ha. It's a single o, which is the word the.

And it's possible to miss, or a rough breathing mark over it or something like that. So let's just say that someone misses the word ha, which is just a single stroke, a single circle. And then he says, well, we can't use this as an official document, but we don't want to get rid of it, because it was costly to produce documents, time consuming. So then he might make a note in the margin, make a note to ha before, it should be ha anthropos, like the man, and make a note on the side right there. And so then he'll go on and finish the manuscript. That manuscript will be used for teaching, like what our equivalent might be at Sunday school, where it might be in a class. It's not to be preached out of necessarily, but it's a worthy document, a copy, but it's got a little bit of an error, and it's a side note. Now, let's say they use that one document for teaching, and they know this for 100 to 200 years.

And let's say there's a war someplace, or a plague, and everybody in there is wiped out. The document is sitting there, and sometimes what people do, they would put them in clay pots, because that's how they would preserve them. But what if they put them in a clay pot, and then everybody dies off, or whatever happens, and then 200 years later, someone comes in, and there does some rummaging around, and finds a clay pot, and finds that manuscript.

They don't know, necessarily, what's going on. Is that ha, the definite article of the word the, is it really supposed to be in the original, or not? And so they might continue to admit it, but they have that manuscript copy, or they might say it does belong in there. But then you have this copy with a slight variation.

So as time goes on, more of these kinds of variants can creep in. So you can get 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th century documents that were copied. And so, generally speaking, with this kind of knowledge, you can understand that the old, the newer the manuscript, the more potential for an error to creep in. Now we've got to understand, I'm not saying that this happens all the time, but you have to understand that all the manuscripts put together, they're like 99.85% textually identical, that these little copies of things like this that happened are exceedingly rare.

Here's another thing that could happen, is instead of the ha being omitted by a scribe who's copying it, what if the parchment, it gets old, and that single little letter flakes off, because the paper is just getting old, because the parchment was different than our paper, and little segments could do that. Well, then what do you do? Then you compare them.

So this is the kind of thing. So as time would go on, there's more time for these variants to creep in. So the further you go back in time, the presumption is, the more accurate to the original it is.

And this is why you will see, hold on a sec, I had to cough. This is why you will see Bible translations that are more modern, omit verses and certain comments and certain things, out of the Bible, the New Testament. And the reason is because, like for example, the King James, will be translated with 5th, 6th, 7th century documents, where the NSB might be 2nd, 3rd, and 4th century documents.

And so it's considered to be more accurate. And you might have a few variations. Some are significant, like the ending of Mark and then the comma of Jehanium, and the woman caught in adultery in John 8.

So these are the ones that are significant, that we need to look at. And this is why the newer translations don't include some of the stuff from the older translations, because some of the scribes would put notes in and make comments and start trying to add or correct something that they thought might be a copyist error, because sometimes some things in the Greek, they're not sure they understand it. And you might get a scribe who thinks he knows Greek, and he's trying to make it better because he's heard this is what his tradition has said.

That could cause a problem. So there's variations. And then sometimes what would happen is you'd get an original document, and it would be written in what's called a codex, like a page instead of a scroll. And you actually might have an instance where the scribe might go from left to right, and then when he goes back to the beginning of the next line, he actually skips a line and starts to copy.

And that might mean that a couple, three words were missed on this one line, and fatigue can happen. So real people really did this, and though the method was very particular and they were very, very careful about copying, sometimes these variants would occur. And they would keep these copies, and sometimes through history, people would find these later copies and go, what do we do with these? Are they originals? Do they copy the original?

What's going on? And so, like I said, the more manuscripts we find, not we, but the scientists or the archaeologists find, and they compare, they find that the older ones don't have some of the things that the newer ones do. So therefore they say it's more original. And some people say, well, this means that you're corrupting the Bible. On the contrary.

On the contrary, it's not a corruption. It's a purification. And so we can get into some more stuff about that. But there you go. I hope that answers that question. Someone says these verses seem to take away crucial spiritual tools and central gospel truths, such as Matthew 18.11, which is also missing. Yes, let me go to Matthew 18.11 and have it in the SB.

Let's see. Yeah, it's in brackets, and there's a note there. Early manuscripts do not contain this verse. Well, okay. Early manuscripts don't.

Later ones do. Why is it there? It might be that someone wrote in a particular manuscript, wrote that in a margin as a reminder to himself or something else that was put in with it or next to it, and therefore it was included in later copies of that manuscript.

This is why it's not exactly easy to say. So when it's in brackets, I won't preach on it. I won't use it as actual scripture.

I'll just skip it. I might say this verse is inserted here, manuscript evidence differentiation. If you have it in your Bible, we can talk about that. If you have it in your church, come up to me. I'll tell you about this.

Or it might just take five minutes and address it right there in the sermon so people understand. So there you go. Hope that helps. All right. All right. Let's see. Let's see. I'm going to do some hate mail. I'm going to do some hate mail because I need some hate mail.

Hate mail cheers me up. So let's try this one. I read that one already. Let's try this one. You said, my friend, you confuse me. No, I do not confuse you.

See, I love this stuff. You see, if someone says something and I'm confused because of what they said, well, you're confusing me. No, I'm not confusing you. You're confused. So they can't even admit it. Maybe, just maybe.

I'm speaking as clearly and coherently as I need to be. That's possible. And maybe it is also possible that I'm just not getting it.

That's certainly true. No, I do not confuse you. No, I do not confuse you or have been confused by pastors who taught you that Satan was in heaven when he was never in heaven, throne of God, the heaven you read in Revelation 12, which you have quoted, not in the King James, which is another error you are doing not reading the Bible in King James Version, that heaven is a firmament.

Man, I don't know what it is, man. I just enjoy it. I just enjoy hate mail and stuff like this because these people, they're not making sense. They don't make sense. These statements are just with assumptions and not understanding with the issues.

I wish they'd reread them a couple of times. Let's see what goes on. Thief, which he misspelled thief, is Satan. Murder is Satan. Dragon is Satan. Satan is devil, father of all lies. That doesn't say murder is Satan. That's not what it says. Anyway, all this was never in heaven.

Man, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Before the devil fell, he was in heaven with the Lord, and when pride was lifted up, then he fell. He was cast out. He said, did you not read what Jesus said when he said, thieves cannot approach heaven? So say to thieves, I can't go to heaven. Where did it say thieves cannot approach heaven?

People will say this. I'll talk to people online, and they'll say, thieves cannot approach heaven. I'll say, can you show me the verse for that? It's there. You know it's there. Don't tell me what I know.

I'm asking you because I don't believe that's in the Bible. Where is it? Don't tell me that. You know it's there. They read my mind. I'm telling you what you think.

Give me a break. Anyway, he says Satan is a murderer, and murderers are never permitted in heaven. Oh, man. God who said that in revelation has never changed, he has been the same, and his word has never changed. If he said that, he has forever said that.

Oh, man. Oh, look what he says. He quotes it. I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. He just quoted where Jesus said that he fell from heaven.

That's where he was at. And yet he said earlier that Satan was never in heaven. You know, so much heresy, so little time. All right.

So before you confuse your self-study heavens, heaven and all heavens sin, the Bible, you will stop coming to hasty conclusions. Oh, man. I don't know about you guys, but I like that stuff. Let me try another one. Let's see what we've got here. Hello from Minneapolis. I had a thought yesterday that I was normal. I wasn't. I eventually found out very early this morning that I had become an MPD.

A petite brown-haired white female was with the altar. This had also had happened this past year, or August of this year. I do believe that the time of the last days before the seven-year tribulation period here in Minneapolis is required to be in witchcraft. Whoa.

Okay. I didn't know that was in Minneapolis. When I was there, I wasn't required to be in witchcraft.

You know, I can see getting off the plane at the airport. Are you in witchcraft? No, you're required to be in witchcraft.

I am? Where'd you get that? It's right there over the concourse. It's witchcraft there. Okay, so let's see. The blue-collar side, oh, I already got that. In the summer of this one particular year, a construction company was constructing a high-story building near the downtown area.

All of the construction workers were in an altered state of consciousness while working. That's awesome. I love that because it's so ridiculous. You see, it gets me excited. My voice goes up. I get excited with stupidity.

I'm sorry, but that's what it is. So with all the workers on this one building were in an altered state of consciousness while they're working. Now, first of all, I want to say, well, is that safe? They're in an altered state of consciousness. What does that mean? Are they safe?

I put an I-beam walking, and they fall? And how does he know this? You see, folks, there is delight in being a Christian apologist. You can have a lot of fun.

Hey, there's the music. May the Lord bless you. Have a great weekend, everyone. And by His grace, we're back on the air on Monday. And by His grace, we'll talk to you then. God bless everybody. We'll see you. Bye. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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