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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
February 13, 2023 4:12 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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February 13, 2023 4:12 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Supreme Court Roe v Wade--2- Cremation--3- Loved ones passed, able to see us on earth--4- Mark of the Beast--5- Qualification for Pastoring--6- Oneness Theology --7- Heaven

Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. It's Matt Slick live. Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick live. Francis taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Everybody, welcome to the show. I hope the Lord blesses you today and by his grace, hey, we will get to you. And other callers.

All you gotta do is dial 877-207-2276. I want to hear from you. Give me a call. It'd be great.

And let's see. Why don't we just jump right on the phones and get to Cameron from Nampa. Hey, Cameron. Hey, buddy. How you doing, ma'am? Hello. Hey, I was just calling.

Oh, I'm getting an echo, though. Are you outside walking or? I know everybody.

Everybody had no camera. He's a friend of mine. You walking or are you inside? Well, no. Luckily, I'm driving home already. Okay.

But I just wanted to call in celebration of the early leaked decision by the Supreme Court looking like they're going to strike down Roe v. Wade, which, while it's not going to make abortion illegal, it would pave the way so that states, if they so choose, could make baby murder illegal. Yeah. Awesome. Awesome, awesome. And I heard about that.

It's not official. We'll see what happens. But people are up in arms because the baby killers want to be able to destroy human life. On different chat systems, this topic's coming up.

I tried to get into one, but I didn't have time to get into it because so many people had me talking. But it's a big topic. And yeah, I've written a lot about it, talked a lot about it. And it's just praise God, you know, praise God. But these liberals who want to kill the unborn for their own convenience, and then they stand on a moral high horse that they have the right of their own body while they're telling you to go get a killed vaccination. Yeah, that's right.

Hypocrites. Yep. Good. Yeah, so that's what my call's all about, just say praise the Lord for that.

Yes. I hope it happens. I hope they remove it and, you know, maybe God will start blessing this country if we start doing things that are godly instead of ungodly.

And then maybe we can stop this promotion of homosexuality, LGBTQ stuff in the schools to our kindergartners. Oh, man. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for. A turn for at least a time towards God instead of in obvious rebellion.

That's right. Obvious rebellion. And the left is having a meltdown over Twitter. And the left is really interesting, the far left, that is. They are tolerant only of their own view while they're accusing others of being intolerant. Their hypocrisy is just carried around in their little red wagon behind them and they throw stupidity out as though it's brilliant rational thought.

They are so full of hypocrisy and lies and I'm hoping, I'm hoping that it goes all the way. And I just hope it's there because I'll tell you, the right to privacy does not mean you can kill your, kill the life in you. Yeah, I talked about that a lot. No, no. Yeah.

What else? You don't, you shouldn't have the right to murder. And what else are you going to call it when, what is that which is in the womb? It's an innocent human life. And when you're going to violently destroy that, what is it? What can you call that other than murder?

Yeah. But then they'll say, oh, you know, life doesn't begin at conception. It continues at conception incidentally. And human life is right there.

Everything that's needed for that is right there. And I've argued logic with a lot of abortion pro-borts over the years and they don't have very good answers at all. They don't.

When you start cross-examining them, it falls apart. Yeah, it does. Anyway, good, man.

Glad you get enough work. Is that it? Yeah. Okay, good. I actually got off work at a normal time. That's weird. Well, good.

You go to my house and clean up because I'll have stuff for you if you get up early. It's a joke. Okay. Yeah.

Well, hopefully we'll be able to see you up in the mountains this weekend. That's right. Yeah.

Let me know when that's going to happen. I got to get up there. All right, buddy. All right. Talk to you later. All right.

Sounds good. All right. That's Cameron, a friend of mine. He's a good guy. He is a good guy. And let's see. You've got three open lines.

8772072276. Joe from Ohio. Hey, Joe. Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt.

This is Joe, first-time caller. I've got a question about cremation. As I walk this walk with the Lord, as far as how it's perceived in the Baptist Christian church, you know, my biggest thing when it comes to the rapture is it says the dead in Christ will rise first. And how is that when my physical body's gone? I know when you go to heaven, it doesn't, you know, your spirit is what goes to heaven. I know it's just your I'm just kind of wanting to get closure on the whole cremation.

If you could just fill me in on that, I'd greatly appreciate it. All right. There's no difference between cremation effectively and a person who died at sea 2,000 years ago and his body was consumed by the elements and the predators and the starfish and crabs. The body's gone. In cremation, the body's gone. People who are dead in the graves, the only thing left are their bones. And sometimes those are fossilized.

They're gone. God can certainly reconstruct, however way he does it, our bodies. And that's the issue. The it's our personhood that has continuity, the essence of what we are, and that can be placed in a resurrected body, not a problem. God can do that and he will do that. Cremation is not unbiblical.

It is not a sin. You want to be cremated? Be cremated.

No big deal. And so as far as rapture goes, in 1 Thessalonians 4, 16 through chapter 5, verse 2, it talks about when Jesus ascends or ascends, descends from heaven with the shout, the last trumpet, when the dead in Christ rise first, this means the resurrection that they who have died and have gone on be with him will be then united with their physical bodies. And then those who are alive remain, that will happen to them.

And then we'll all go, whoever, we, them, we'll all go to be with the Lord in heaven and we will forever have our glorified resurrected bodies. Okay. Great.

Um, and one more question. That's awesome. Um, like my grandma, like she's doing the works of the Lord right now, right? She's not just laying in a state of right.

She's doing the works of the Lord. Correct? All right. Okay. You mean is she passed on? Yes, she's passed on.

Okay. You know, and she's probably the only person I honestly can ever feel like that I feel like she is in heaven. You know what I mean? Like 100% like I just, because of how she lived her life in Christ and, uh, her commitment to everything she did always revolved around Christ. And um, you know how you have people that say, oh, she's looking down at you, blah, blah, blah.

I don't believe that. I believe she's busy working for the Lord Jesus Christ. Um, What do you mean working for, what do you mean working for? Um, well, I mean, you weren't doing his work.

I don't believe like, I always want to know people say things that go, well, what does that mean? Where is it in scripture? Doing the work of the Lord. I don't know.

Like the work. I mean, I guess, uh, um, I'm, I just mean glorifying the Lord and she's conscious and she's with, if she's a Christian, she's with the Lord and, and not a problem and enjoying his fellowship and presence and, and, uh, waiting patiently for others to join her. Right. You believe we can look down, uh, at the world, uh, as we kind of conceive it from heaven? Do you believe that that's the end?

We're in that kind of state? No, I don't. I don't either. I don't believe we can look down.

Right. Just think about it. I mean, you know, I live in a house. I can see across the house. I can see across the street and much further than that, you know, it's like, who's that walking over there?

So where people are gonna be looking down at all their friends all over the place, simultaneously, you know, different parts of the country. I just don't buy that. It just, nothing in scripture says that. So people like to say that, oh, there's looking down on us. Well, you know, I understand the sentiment and I go, that's good enough.

I don't, I don't worry about it. You know? Sure. Sure. Well, thank you, Matt. You're welcome. So, call back anytime. It's a pleasure. Yeah, I will. It's the first time I've ever called into a talk show.

I'm 43 years old. I've listened to him for years and years and years and I've never had really the call to do so. And, you know, I think about it when I'm at work and I'm like, I need to call Matt and talk to him about this because I've just often thought about cremation because I know it's just your body. It's just your physical body. Right.

You know, your spirit is what goes to heaven. Right. So, I just wanted to get your thought on it because I just value your opinion, so I thank you. Wow.

I don't know if your judgment's that good, but okay, good. I'll accept that anyway, you know. All right.

Well, I'll try to call again. All right, Joe. God bless, man. Okay. Thanks.

Hey, folks. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. I just want to also remind you that we have three online schools if you want to check them out.

You just go to, C-A-R-M dot O-R-G, And you know, I just don't like doing this, but I've got to start doing this more often is just to let you know that we stay on the air by your donations. That's just how it works, you know. So, if you like the show and you want me to stay on the air, you like it, then please consider supporting us. It doesn't have to be a whole bunch. Just go to forward slash donate and you can sign up. We even like, you know, just a little bit even just on a monthly basis, that really helps us make plans on what we can budget.

We know what's coming in. But one time or recurring is fine, you know, just forward slash donate. Okay. Good. Got that done with. All right. Let's jump on with Alberto from Georgia.

Alberto, welcome. You're on the air. Yes.

Good evening, Master. My question is about the mark of the beast with the 666. I think it's basically a mark. So I think it's some of the sum of the Greek numerical numbers, that's my opinion.

What do you think about that? Well, you know, I don't know what it's going to be. 666 is the number of the beast. What that means is that when you write a word in Greek, you are also writing numbers. And so a word has a numeric value. So the word for Iesous, which is Jesus, is 888. The word for fish, ichthous, has a numeric value of 1224. So the name of the Antichrist will come up with 666.

Six is the number of man because man was created on the sixth day. And it's a mockery of the Trinity and it's what it is. And so this mark, would it literally be the numbers 666? It could be. Could it be something else? It could be, the mark of his name.

The name is 666. Could it be the sum of all six numbers, the sum total, and it doesn't be a mark in the Greek? I doubt it, but it's possible because we don't know exactly what it is, but it's on the right hand and the forehead. Some think it's a spiritual mark, but not a physical mark. Some think it's a physical mark, some think it's both. So there's just a lot of conjecture in what it is. But if someone comes along and says to you, hey, we want to put a mark so you can buy and sell either on your forehead or your right hand, you say, no, thank you.

And then you learn how to survive without buying and selling because you don't take that mark. Okay. So yeah, but some people that some other churches believe with the church, they won't be here at that time period. That happens. You know, the preacher is, you know, they're not aware about that. I hope they're right.

I don't believe they are, but I certainly hope they are. You don't see in scripture where people just escape tribulation. They go through it. That's how it always is. They go through it and we're just not, you know, because we're Americans, we're going to get out of it.

It doesn't work like that. Anyway, there we go with the break. Okay, buddy, we got to take off.

All right. Hey folks, three open, four open lines. You want to give me a call? 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, if you want to give me a call, we have four open lines. I want to hear from you. All you got to do is dial 877-207-2276 and we can talk. All right, let's get to Steven from Greensboro, North Carolina. Steve, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. Thank you for taking my call. Sure.

For a sign of colors. Appreciate you taking time to visit with me today. My question is in regards to qualifications for pastor, specifically where it states in the Bible that the pastor must be the husband of one wife. No issue with women pastors at all, but my question is women pastors.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You have no issue with women pastors. You're saying it's okay to be women pastors? No, absolutely not. Okay, good. Absolutely not. All right, good. Okay.

Exactly. Yeah, it specifically states they must be, yeah, to qualify, you must be the husband of one wife. I've never met a woman that qualified to be the husband of one wife, so therefore my question is in regards to a pastoral candidate that's been divorced in the past. That's where our pastor search team is having some questions because we've interviewed multiple candidates. Well, we've interviewed multiple candidates and several of them have been married in the past, divorced, but one in particular was married at a young age before they became a born-again believer. That ended in divorce, they then remarried, got saved after they were on their second marriage, had been faithful to that spouse for over 20 years, and then they got saved and then they felt called to the ministry. Because they were married and divorced as an unbeliever, are they biblically disqualified from serving as a pastor even though that trait took place when they were a non-believer?

All right, let's go over some stuff, okay? So it says, Titus chapter 1 verse 5, to appoint elders, verse 6, if any man is above reproach the husband of one wife, having children who believe. Now, what if he's not married, he's never been married, never been divorced? The text says, a husband of one wife, now can he be a pastor? And having children, plural, I guess you've got to have more than one child, okay? He has to be a husband, that means he's got to be married and have at least two children. Now what do you do if he, the having, present tense, two children, and they, you know, may it not happen, but his wife and children die in a car accident, now he's single. The Bible says he's going to be a husband of one wife, having children who believe. Or what if you have a husband and a wife, Christians, they raise their children and godly ways, and then they move out of the house, let's say 5, 10 years after leaving the house, two of them become unbelievers.

Now is he, because children who believe, well I guess he's disqualified. How literal do we take things? Now some people will say, Matt, you know, you can't do that, and then also say women can't be pastors and elders, and yes I can because there's more argument there. But we're talking specifically about the issue of men. So there are differences of opinions that arise in this condition.

So how I look at it, I'll just give my opinion, what I've seen in scripture, and I'll tell you that there are people who disagree with me. So it does say if a man is above reproach, the husband of one wife, what it is saying in the Greek is, and it means a man or a husband of one woman, or generally it's a husband of one wife, and that's how it's to be. We could say he holds to the position of having one wife. In that culture at that time, you got married very early, often with arranged marriages. And so it was presumed that they could be, you know, they were married very early, and they used to have one wife. Now it doesn't say you can't have multiple wives one after the other, but of one wife.

That's present tense. So what do you do if a husband has a wife and she dies, and he marries another woman? Now is he a husband of one wife?

Well in one sense yes, and in another sense no. So of course I would say hey, he's perfectly qualified to be a pastor, but he's had a second wife, but if both those wives die, and then he has a third wife, well he's not disqualified. What if she can't have children, or he can't have children, and he's a husband, and he's a good, godly man? Can he be a pastor?

I don't see any reason why he could not. So what we're doing is we're looking at this, we're looking at it as being a normative thing. What women, can I be pastors and elders, that's a whole other topic folks that can go to Titus, I mean other things. I mean it can go to 1 Timothy 5.17, cross-reference it with 2 Timothy 2.12 and 13, the first men know this stuff.

But at any rate, so now we have to do this. Now we talk about this situation as a couple was married, a man was married, he's an unbeliever, he divorces his wife for whatever reason, and this actually matters too to some people. Did she commit adultery and he was trying to be good and she left him? Some say well then he's disqualified even then, some say then he's not disqualified. But then what do you do if he divorced her unbiblically? Well then he's disqualified.

How far do we go with this? So here's my principle. My principle is this, that what Paul is doing is giving us the normative explanation of men to be pastors. They are to hold to having one wife or be of one wife at least at a time. If they have children, they're to be believers.

That's it. It doesn't say anything about what they did as an unbeliever. Now Paul said his previous life as Saul, he counted all of it as loss, as dung, as gone. Well if I were on a committee hiring a pastor at a church and found out that he was divorced in his pre-Christian life, in my opinion, okay, you know what, it was sin, it's taken away in the cross of Christ, how have you been since then?

I don't have a problem with that. If he was a Christian man and his wife left him, would not repent, he sought reconciliation and to no fault of his own, not that he's perfect, but to no fault of his own, she left him, then I would say he's not disqualified from ministry because he was doing what was honorable to God. She's the one who left because the Bible says if a unbeliever goes, let him go.

And so he says, and you'll not be at fault at that, that's 1 Corinthians 7. Then what do you do if he was a Christian, now this is where it changes, he's a Christian and he divorces his wife unbiblically, just he didn't like her, that's it, done, I'd say he's disqualified at that point, that's where I would draw the line. And that's why we were just trying to get clarification because we have, of 6 or 7 candidates we've interviewed, I think so far only one does not have a divorce or previous marriage in their background, which has been eye-opening for me. Well what do you do if someone marries someone to keep her in the United States, doesn't consummate it, just does it as a favor to somebody? Right. And then legally divorces that person, that's it.

Does that disqualify you? There's all kinds of scenarios. Yeah, there's all kinds of things there, right, exactly. But for some of the members of the past 13 years, I've come up with something like that. There's a break, hold on, hold on, I want to hear your thought, hold on, I want to hear your thought, okay? I want to hear it.

Okay, cool. So hold on. Hey folks, we have four open lines, I want you to give me a call at the bottom of the hour, 877-207-2276, give me a call, I'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276, here's Matt Slick. All right, four open lines, I want you to give me a call if you want, 877-207-2276, give me a call, we can talk, let's get back on the phone with Steve from Greensboro. Hey Steve, welcome.

Yes sir. All right, so where were we? So yeah, so we were just discussing the qualifications, biblical qualifications for a pastor candidate in regards to a previous marriage, so I think your expounding on that was very, very helpful. The main source of disagreement between members of our pastor search team has been some of our members saying because of a previous marriage in their past, they were automatically disqualified as a candidate, and I took issue with that. I want to be true and faithful to adhering to the word as far as proper qualifications, but I also, again, going to your point, what happened in your life before you became a born again believer, that's sin that's in the past. So what has your life been since you became a born again follower of Christ?

What's your life now? And so that's where I think that helps to really clarify my position with the team in regards to some of these candidates. Well let me give you two things to think about, okay? One is the principle of erring on the side of grace rather than law.

It's just a principle, it sounds good, it sounds right, we could take it too far, but we want to be gracious, we want to be gracious. And 1 Corinthians 7.15 says, yet if the unbelieving one leaves, let him leave. The brother or the sister is not under bondage in such cases, but God has called us to peace. If that, 1 Corinthians 7.15, not under bondage, well then if that means that a person left his spouse, she left her spouse, the other one is not under bondage, he's freed. So if that's a free thing that happens, I think that it can be taken over into the issue of a person who is divorced for whatever reason, not whatever reason, but at least in this case the unbeliever leaves, commits adultery, won't repent, whatever the reason is where the Christian partner has tried to reconcile the other one leaves, but through their sin and rebellion, then I would say, according to the scripture, we can make the case they're not under bondage and they're free to be a pastor.

Right there. And divorce is not a sin. Like the woman at the well, just like the woman at the well, Jesus said, you know, go and sin no more. That's right. He didn't condemn or pass judgment, just go and sin no more. That's right.

But again, that was, you know, there's a little something else too. I'm looking for the reference, but God issued a certificate of divorce to Israel. So divorce is not automatically sinful. And that's a principle that's really important. Not all divorce is sinful for the offended party. If it's not always sinful for the offended party, then why would they be held responsible for someone else's sin in that case?

They're not guilty of it. So you know, these kinds of things. One of the points that was made was, so if we were to allow that candidate to come in when they're in a position of doing marital counseling, that could be a stumbling block. Why? Well, again, I've learned many more things in my life from the mistakes that I made.

There you go. Versus the things that is right. Because you could have a pastor, and it would need to be known that the congregation would have to know.

The situation of the divorce, and the elders of the church have come together and said they've accepted that it was when he was an unbeliever, it's covered in the blood of Christ, etc. And you move on from there. And then I could see him counseling someone, and he says, yeah, I know what it is. I know what it does.

I can tell you how bad it is. People will listen. We don't have to be perfect, but we do need to be above reproach. Well, above reproach means you're not the one, at the very least, you're not the one doing the bad sinful stuff that causes a divorce. Again, I'm not saying one person is perfect and never makes any mistakes. That's not what I'm talking about.

So in this case, he's the innocent victim. I knew a woman here in the area whose husband was committing adultery, and he didn't repent. She worked to reconcile the marriage and to go through counseling and to work it. And he refused to repent. And she came to me and she said, what do I do? He doesn't want to repent of this. And I said, well, you have gone through your steps that you need to go through, and you've done what was right before God.

You're free to divorce because he is unrepentant and continuing in his rebellion against God, even as God issued a writ of divorce against Israel for its spiritual adultery. He says, okay, we're done. And I said, keep a record of everything so that you can, when you go to the elders. And then, a godly man I knew a year later asked me about her and said, what do you know about her? I said, let me tell you, she's divorced, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. This is how I went through the process with her and everything, and I said, she's a good godly woman, and she'd make a great wife for you. So that was me.

I had no problem with it. And they're married. They're married.

Right. And a friend of mine felt that he was biblically unqualified for years to serve as a deacon, because unfortunately for him, his former wife left him for another woman and did not repent of her sin, even though he told her, we'll go to counseling, I'll help you through this, we'll go through biblical counseling. And she refused, and he made it clear, if you want this, you're the one that's going to initiate this.

I'm not, because I'm committed to making my marriage work, whatever that takes. She refused to repent, and so therefore, you know, they became divorced, and he felt for years that he was biblically unqualified. I would say he is still qualified to be a pastor. Yeah, it is, though, and his church has worked with him, and now he's a very, very strong deacon in his church, and is a wonderful servant of the Lord, and, you know.

It's a tough one. Okay, well that really helps to clarify, and I will make sure that we discuss the passage in Corinthians, and that will be very, very helpful. First Corinthians 7.15, it's worth looking at and comparing. And remember, also, it's better to err on the side of grace than law.

It's a principle. God is so gracious to us. He requires of us love and sacrifice and forgiveness, because that's what he's done with us, instead of the legality of law keeping. Not that we shouldn't, it's okay to sin, but there's that principle that he shows to us.

I think we need to show it to others, within reason, you know. Right. All right, buddy. All right, sounds good. All right, Steve. I appreciate your time. All right, God bless. All right. Thank you, sir. All right, let's get to John from Raleigh, North Carolina, whom we lost.

Maybe he was raptured. Let's see, Randy from Kentucky. Hey, Randy. Welcome. You're on the air. Yes, sir. There you go.

All righty. I was speaking with a young man. I called the other day and asked about the type of status thing. But his question was, I don't know why he don't call him, but I guess he just don't want to. John 17.3. Like, he leans more towards the one that's ideal, but he's like, well, what does a Trinitarian do when it has Jesus calling the Father the one true God?

There in John 17.3. There's lots of things you can do. Ask him, is Jesus God in flesh?

There's lots of things you can say. Okay, there's one of them. Is he God in flesh? Say yes. So if the Father's the only true God, and yet Jesus is God, are you saying he's a false God?

Okay. It's just a thought, because it brings up conversation. It brings up the point of what's going on when he says he's the only true God. Because if the Father's the only true God, then who's speaking? Because if it's God in flesh, as some of them say, I just had an hour discussion with the one this guy today, as a matter of fact, before the radio show. But then who's talking?

Is it the human nature of God, of Christ talking, and not the divine nature? Because if that's the case, then you deny the true incarnation and the hypostasis and union. And so there's problems. This is why I say ask questions, because what do they mean?

What's going on? That's one way to approach it, just as a conversation. But also, what I do, is also I'll say, okay, so because it says then that the Father's the only true God, that means Jesus is not God in oneness.

They'll say, no, he is the Father. Say, okay, well, after the break, I'll show you what I'll do. Okay, so hold on.

I'll be in a break. Hey, folks, please stay tuned. Three open lines, 8772072276. We'll be right back after these messages. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 8772072276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, welcome back to the show.

Three open lines, if you want to give me a call, 8772072276. Just want to let you know that we stay on the air by your support. So if you're interested in keeping the show on the air, please consider supporting us.

All you got to do is go to, C-A-R-M dot O-R-G, forward slash donate, and all the information you need is right there. Let's get back to Randy from Kentucky. Randy, you still there? Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

All right. So what I was saying with the issue of the only true God, and that I ask him, is Jesus God? And they're going to say yes.

Mostly they'll say yes, of course. And then is he the false God if someone else, the Father, is the only true God? No, he is the Father. Well, then why is it that in two verses later, he says, Father, glorify me with the glory I had with you?

So what you're doing is you're looking at the context. You're saying, you know, one person, you want to say Jesus is the Father because only the God the Father is the true God. And yet Jesus, just two verses later, says, glory Father, he's talking to the Father. So if he's talking to the Father, then who is doing the talking to the Father? Is it the Father talking to the Father?

That makes no sense. If he says, well, it's the flesh talking to the Father, because that's what some say, just the flesh, then it's not the divine aspect, it's just the flesh, then he's saying, well, then the flesh, the human nature, had glory with God before the foundation of the world, that doesn't make any sense. And so when you start asking questions about a text, you run into problems from their understanding where they're saying the Father is the only true God and Jesus has to be that Father.

It doesn't make sense then. Furthermore, you'll find out that the Jews spoke sometimes in ways that, well, literally weren't accurate. For example, in Revelation 19, 12, it says of Jesus, his eyes are a flame of fire and on his head are many diadems and he has a name written on him which no one knows except himself. Now this is speaking of Jesus. Well, that would mean then God the Father doesn't know the name.

But that's not the case. Why is it saying it that way? Or what about Jude 4, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ? Does that mean the Father is not our Master and Lord? The one that's going to come back and say, well, Jesus is the Father. Well, if he's the Father, then how could Jesus say glorify me with the glory I had with you before the foundation of the world? How could he have that existence as Jesus before he was Jesus? You see how when you start working with what they're saying, it falls apart.

It just falls apart. And so the answer is this. He was under the law, Galatians 4.4. As it says, he's made under the law. And for a little while, made Lord and the angels, Hebrews 2.9. And being under the law, he had to have someone he would pray to and call God, because he was man under that law. And in so doing, he called the Father the only true God. But he was not negating his own deity. He wasn't saying it's only true as if there's no other, because there is no other God. But he's not saying he is not divine or not God.

And in one second, come back and say, well, that means he's the Father. And then you go back into this loop I talked about where John 17, 5. And who Jesus was and stuff like that. I don't know if that helps or not, but there you go.

It does. Because like I was listening to this other gentleman, he was talking about there in John 1.1. He was like, well, see, this shows that there's only one God, but I'm like, how can you ignore the whiff there?

He was whiffed God. Yeah, exactly. I mean, if you pretend it's not there, it might work, but it's there. It's there. Try this. This is also really good.

In fact, I use this literally today. John 6, 37 through 40. John 6, 37 through 40. And I'll say to them, because it says, all that the Father gives me, who's the me? Is it the Father? Is it Jesus? The Holy Spirit? I'll just ask.

Who is it? And they'll say, well, it's Jesus. Okay. Will come to me. And so, although the Father gives me, that's present tense. But now Jesus, whom you say is the Father in flesh, is saying, all that the Father gives me. Does that make sense to say that he's the Father who gives to himself who's the Father? No, no, no, Matt, he's Jesus.

The person, the human. I say, okay, so you're saying, okay, all the Father gives me, that's Jesus. So they're separate? They're distinct?

Yes. Does Jesus have a will? Because it says, all the Father gives me will come to me. And the one who comes to me, I certainly not will cast out, for I came not from heaven, not to do my will, my own will, but the will of him who sent me.

So wait a minute. Now you've already admitted that the Father and the Son are simultaneously existing. And he says, as Jesus, not my own will, but your will, the will of him who sent me. How is it that he sent from heaven, if it's the human aspect or Jesus?

How does it work? Because that implies that Jesus existed in the pre-existence, in heaven, with the Father. But if that's the case, then you have two distinct persons.

But you can't have that in oneness. If you say it's only the human nature talking, well then wait a minute. You're saying then that it wasn't the divine aspect talking? Because he says, I came not from heaven? That's the divine aspect?

And I've had him do this literally. All the Father gives me, that's the human nature talking, will come to me. That's the human nature. And that all who come to me, the human nature, I will not cast out. Well that's the divine nature.

For I, Jesus, came not from heaven. Well that's the divine nature. So the divine nature came not from heaven not to do my will, that's the human nature. But the will of him who sent me, the Father, who's really himself, who sent me. Which is it, the human nature or divine nature? And you take this and you just start putting in the words, what they say with each nature, and it just falls apart.

They look bad. Because it does not make any sense from their perspective. That's just another way to do it. John 6, 37-40. Okay. Alright, do you have time for just one quick thing can I ask you, or do you have people online? Sure.

We've got two people waiting, but real fast, what do you got? Just real quick, do you know how people, they go, well it's the Jesus only bunch, they go, well it's in the name of Jesus. Like at times when the Bible refers to like, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, can the, in the name of, like, means in the authority of or in the power of, like if I came in the name of Matt Slick, and you know, I was doing something at Carm, then that gives you certain authority.

Or if my kids come in my name, they have my authority to tell someone else in the family, you know, what's going on. Yes, and go to Acts 4-7 for that. That's the answer.

Okay. Because they're exactly correct, and the support for that is in Acts 4-7. They're asking the disciples, by what power or in what name have you done this?

Then Peter, filled with the Spirit, said, in the name of Jesus, let it be known, blah blah blah. That's what it means. Right. Exactly correct. That's the scriptural support for it.

Acts 4-7. Okay? Okay. Thank you very much sir, I appreciate it. You're welcome buddy. God bless.

All right. Let's get to Todd from California. Todd, welcome. You're on the air. Hi Matt. How are you? I'm doing fine, by God's grace.

What do you got buddy? So I'm curious, where in scripture does it say we go to heaven, we actually go to heaven when we die before the resurrection? Oh, easy.

Sure. We know that Jesus ascended into heaven, and that's Acts 1, 9-11, he ascended into heaven, and that's talking about the third heaven, where he went into the heavens, okay? And 2 Corinthians 5-8 says, to be absent from the body, that's death, is to be at home with the Lord. That means we're with him in heaven.

So it's under the logic principle of the law of proper inference. If A equals B, and B equals C, then A equals C. So if Jesus is in heaven, and we're going to go be with him, then we go to heaven. Where do we get before the resurrection?

It says we all will be raised in the order, first believers in Christ. Yes, because those who died in the faith, after the crucifixion of Christ, go to be with the Lord in heaven. And when he returns, they'll return with him to be resurrected, united in their glorified bodies, 1 Corinthians 15, 35-45.

And then those who are still alive and remain on the earth, they'll be glorified without having to experience death, and ascended to heaven. So when Satan's contending for the body of Moses, why wasn't Moses present with the Lord? Because some people think that what it was is because before the crucifixion of Christ, people went to Abraham's bosom. It's talked about in Luke 16, 9-7, I've quoted it 100 times, and every now and then my brain glitches. Anyway, it's the story of Lazarus and the rich man, Luke 16, 9-31.

So that's what's going on. And it looks like before the crucifixion, the temple hadn't been cleansed, and the celestial heaven and the atonement hadn't occurred, so therefore, nobody could go to heaven. And so one of the theories is that at the resurrection, Jesus then, or before the resurrection, after the crucifixion, he went and made proclamation to the spirits in prison, and led cat to the host of captives, and cross-references over that are Ephesians 4, verses 8-11, and 1 Peter 3, 16-17, and 18.

And incidentally, the rich man of Lazarus is Luke 16, 19-31. Okay. All right, well, I appreciate the answer, Matt. Thank you very much. All right.

Hope you accept it, and believe the scriptures on that. Okay, good. All right, buddy.

Well, I've got some more things to study, and I appreciate it. Thank you. Okay, call back and we'll talk some more, okay?

That's good. Okay. All right.

All right. So let's get to John from Raleigh, North Carolina. John, welcome. You're on the air. Thank you, Sergeant Major. Thank you for your service. Your Bible studies, can you standardize the YouTube so that we can find them, or is there a better place that's organized that has links to the Bible studies?

Philippians, I think I'm still trying to find the last one, and the way they've got it, I don't know if it's because of you, a whole bunch of others, even though I say, Matt's like Bible study, and by the way, both April 29th, 2021, and April 29th on 2022, used the Trinity. Yes. I tell you what I'm going to do. I don't have Salesforce. I don't have Facebook because I refuse to. That's okay.

Is there a better way to get it? Well, I'll tell you what I'll do. Because you said this, because something else has been in the back of my mind, what I'll do is change, not change, but I'll alter the Bible studies page. I'll modify it and update it to the present material so that you can just go to the Bible studies page. So what you do is you just go to forward slash Bible study, okay? Let's see, Bible hyphen study, and let's see if it'll forward to the Bible studies page or have a list of stuff.

No, it doesn't. Oh, I'll fix that. And what you can do is on the left hand side is just go to the Bible on the navigation and then go to Bible studies and then that'll give the secondary page and I'll create a section in there of past Bible studies or something like that. And oh, there it is.

It's already there. The Trinitarian God examined in depth. That's on the Bible studies page. And then, believe it or not, I'm going to put the link for the actual video in there.

I didn't do that. But those are all my notes. Those are all my notes for the teaching of the Trinity I'm doing. Well, that's even better. Well, there's a lot there. You're going through it trying to get everything written down. Oh, it's all there.

I'll make it easier for people. Hey, yo, kid, check it. All right, buddy. We're out of time. God bless. We'll see if it works out for you tomorrow, okay? Hey, folks, we're out of time and the Lord bless you by His grace. I'll be back on there tomorrow and we'll talk to you then. Have a great evening. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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