The following program is recorded content created by Tommy Neumann. supporting the subject of ethical chat asuna, m.o.a We talked about all kinds of stuff in here, from atheism to Zoroastrianism, basically, and everything in between. You have questions about Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Unity, Baha'i, Islam. Let's see, atheism, evolution, UFOs, the occult, all kinds of stuff. We just talked about all kinds of stuff, so feel free to call. We talked about baptism, and let's see, Soteriology, Anthropology, Christology. I like big words, they're fun for me, I enjoy it.
That's called being a sesquibidilian, someone who likes big words. That's what you see, that's what you hear, and there you go. If you want to give me a call, we have four open lines, 877-207-2276. Let's just jump on the phones. Let's get to Alberto from Georgia.
Alberto, welcome. You're on the air. Are you there, buddy? Can't hear you. Hello?
You want to try it again? Amen. Hello. Okay, there you go. All right. So, what do you got, man? What's up, buddy?
Right here? Yeah, my question is, as I asked, chapter 2, verse 38, when the way it says, the baptism, then you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, it's the gift of the Holy Spirit, it's the Holy Spirit itself, or it's bigger than John, right after Pentecostal, as a subsequent baptism. Some people teach that once you accept the Lord, that is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, after Pentecostal sees that baptism comes after you get saved, then you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. So, it's a gift. Well, I'll tell you what, let me get in there, let me get in there, and let me get in there and give you an answer, okay?
It's really easy. In Acts 2, 38, it says, Repent, each one of you be baptized for the rest of your sins, in Jesus' name, of course. And you'll receive the gift of the Holy Spirit in the context of what's going on there in Acts chapter 2, it's the movement of the Holy Spirit, and they are speaking in tongues.
And this is what is going on in that context. What's interesting is that it says that, be baptized, right? The Holy Spirit is poured, that's how the Bible talks about it. The Holy Spirit is always poured, Isaiah 32, 15, until the Spirit is poured out upon us from on high. Isaiah 44, 3, I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and Ezekiel 39, 29, says for I have poured out my Spirit on the house of Israel. In Joel 2, 28, it says I will pour out, or pour my Spirit on all mankind, and in Joel 2, 29, pour out my Spirit in those days. And there's more verses.
There's a lot of verses like that. And so we go to Acts 2, 38, what's going on, it says, in Acts 2, 33, we need a little context, because he says, therefore, having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured forth, which you see both here and here. The pouring forth of the Spirit is what's going on in Acts chapter 2. And the manifestation of the pouring of the Spirit is speaking in tongues. And that's what's going on, because he's talking about it here, they're speaking in tongues and things like that. And so I believe that the pouring of the Spirit in this context is the movement of the Charismatic gifts.
Okay? Okay, what about the people who say about baptism? Some people say, well, there's Holy Spirit baptism, there's water baptism, oh, you're baptism into Christ, you know, you've been spiritual baptism, you've been baptism into Christ. You know, so what types of baptism are there, are there spiritual baptism in Christ, and is there Holy Spirit baptism, or is there water baptism? How many types of baptism are there in the Bible, 18 types of baptism? Baptism is used in different contexts, all right? So BAPT, B-A-P-T, has cognates, baptismas, baptizo, these are forms of the same root. And so baptism, Ephesians 4-5, one faith, one Lord, one baptism. We have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we have baptism with water, we have baptized into the death of Christ. So there's at least three different baptism forms right there. So it just depends on what the context is.
Okay? Yeah, because it's really important that people understand the context of things. So a lot of people in a lot of groups, cults in particular, what they'll do is they will say, for example, they'll say, baptism always means immersion. Well, no, it doesn't.
There are times when it certainly can, and there are times when it does not. So for example, in Acts 1-5, Jesus says, John baptizes with water, you'll be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now. Well, if baptism means immersion, baptized with water, John immersed with water, then you'll be immersed with the Holy Spirit. But that doesn't fit, because the Holy Spirit is always poured. So we have here in Acts 1-5, you'll be baptized with water, but you'll be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Is it the same form of baptism? Is it the same word?
Well, it is in the Greek, okay? It's the same word, you'll be baptized with water, you'll be baptized with the Holy Spirit. But the first one, some people say must be immersion, but the second one used in that verse can't be immersion. It means pouring, because that's how the Holy Spirit is given, according to the scripture.
So people don't do their research, and they then get their self in a tizzy when I show them things like this. No, baptism here, the second one, must mean the pouring. Well, if that's the case, does it then mean that John the baptized poured with water? Well, it can't mean that.
Well, why can't it? And so I ask questions about this and teach them, because if John was baptizing people, and it was by immersion, and all of Judea and Samaria were going out to him to be baptized, well then was he immersing people for two years, two and a half years? And that's like 200,000 people by immersion. That's a lot of work. I did math on it.
He'd have to be baptizing by immersion, you know, I think it was 12 hours a day, seven days a week for two years straight, and probably would need help. And it was like once every 30 seconds, it was ridiculous. So people don't do their homework on something like this, and they come up with these ideas and they think, oh, it's just what it means. But anyway, I'm kind of rambling a little bit. So I don't know if I answered that or not. Are you there? Okay.
All right, buddy, you there? Okay, thank you, sir. God bless you.
All right, man. God bless. All right, since nobody's waiting on the line right now, let me just teach a little bit about baptism. And what I like to do is look at what the scriptures teach, not what people tell me it means. So as I already read scriptures, I've written through my notes, where it talks about the spirit that's poured, and that's how the Bible talks about it. In Zechariah 12, 10, I'll pour out in the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication. So this is how the spirit is spoken of and prophesied as being given, by pouring. In Acts 2, 17, and 18, Luke is quoting, he's quoting Joel 2, 28, 29, anyway, that I pour out the spirit of all mankind and pour forth the spirit and they shall prophesy. And there's another example, the pouring forth of the spirit and they'll prophesy. This is a movement of the charismatic gifts, and it's a pouring of the spirit upon people.
That's what the scriptures teach, all right? In Acts 10, 45, all the circumcised believers that came with Peter were amazed because the gifts of the Holy Spirit had been poured out of the Gentiles also, for they were hearing them speaking with tongues and exalting God. And so this is the manifestation of the pouring of the Holy Spirit.
And it's really interesting. And so Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. That's in Matthew 3, 11, it talks about that. In Luke 3, 16, it says the same thing, you'll baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. So you see, you have to be careful and not assume that baptism always means the same thing in every context.
Let me do one more thing and then we'll get to the callers here. I'm going to go to Hebrews. This is just what the scriptures teach, all right? I think it's Hebrews 9, 10, let's see.
Okay. So it says, since they relate only to food and drink and various washings, regulations for the Holy, for the body, excuse me, imposed until the time of reformation. So when it says various washings, the Greek word is babitis mois. So it's from the cognate baptism. And what you do is you read and it talks about in Hebrews 9, 10, it talks about food and drinks and various washings, the Greek word is baptisms.
And so then when you go through and you read, you find out that what he's referencing is sprinkling and I'm just telling you, that's what it says. It says various washings and regulations, that's verse 10 of Hebrews 9. Then it goes on, but when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to come, he entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say not of this creation, and not to the blood of goats and calves, but through his own blood he entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. For if the blood of goats and bulls and ashes of heifers sprinkling those who have been defiled, sanctified for the cleansing of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ cleanse your conscience? So what he's talking about is the sprinklings of the blood in the Old Testament temple and all that kind of stuff.
And that's what he's talking about. It says in verse, earlier in the chapter, the holy spirit signifying that the way into the holy place, there you go, the temple has not been disclosed while the outer tabernacle is still standing, which is a symbol for the present time, according to both gifts and sacrifices which are offered, which cannot make the worshipper perfect in conscience as they relate to food and drink and various washings, regulations for the body. So the context deals with the Old Testament and the sprinkling of blood inside of the temple work. There it is in Hebrews 9, and that word for washings is babtismos.
And so when you start reading, you go, wait a minute, that's interesting, how does it work? And that word, babtismos, occurs four times in Mark 7, 4, such as the washing of cups and pitchers and copper pots in Colossians 2, 20. It says, Have you been buried with him in baptism? And that's the same word that is the root from washings. And then Hebrews 6, 2, an instruction about washings laying on of hands, etc. And then I went into Hebrews 9, 10. So I'm just saying that words be what they mean in context, and I shake people up, not on purpose, but I do when I talk about this and put things in the context like that, and people are like, wow, I didn't know about that. It's a shame that people don't know about it, that they've been Christians for years and years.
I think that churches need to be teaching a more thorough and in-depth study on this and other topics, and perfect timing for the break. We have one open line if you want to give me a call after the break, 877-207-2276, we'll be right back. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, welcome back to the show. Let's get on with Josh from Utah.
Josh, welcome. You're on the air. Hi, hello. Hello. Yes. Hi. Hello, thank you for taking my call. Sure.
I do have a quick question for you. One of my old friends, she's posting a lot about a Christian, I don't know if they're really Christian, but an organization called United Israel in Christ? Or United Christ in Israel, something like that.
Yeah. Do you know anything about that organization? Yeah, it's a black Hebrew Israelite cult.
It's a non-Christian cult. And it's one of the largest in the BHI, black Hebrew Israelite movement. And so they teach that the 12 tribes of Israel are all black. Judah is American blacks, Benjamin is West Indian blacks, Levi is Haitians, Ephraim is Puerto Rican blacks, Manasseh is a Cuban black, Simeon are Dominicans, Zebulon, Guatemala to Panama, Gad is a Native American Indians, Reuben is Seminole Indians, Asher is Columbia to Uruguay, Issachar is Mexicans, Naftali are the Argentinians, they're blacks and Hispanic. But white people are the devil. That's what they teach, white people are the devil.
So they wear purple and gold and thousands of adherents, it's a non-Christian, racist hate group. Yeah. Oh, okay. Thank you.
Because I tried to look at helping your website and I couldn't find any information, so maybe I wasn't trying hard to look it up. No, I just haven't released it. What I might need to do here pretty soon is just release some of my notes.
I have BHI, I only have eight pages of notes on them and there's a lot of areas that are just needing to be fulfilled. So yeah, there's just a lot there, white people are the devil. I've actually talked to some BHI who teach this and unfortunately these groups are raising racist people and people think only whites can be racist, no blacks can be racist too, anybody can be racist. And so I've talked to some of them, varying groups of BHI and so I'm a white man and said, am I the devil? Oh yes, you are, you're the devil. Because I'm white, you're an Edomite, you're descendants of Esau, so you're the devil. And I had them literally say to me that in the future I will be a slave to them.
It's like, wow. And there's a lot of variations and fragmentation of BHI. I could get a couple of guys I know on the radio and we can go through and probably should do that and just do a show on it. In fact, it reminds me, tomorrow we're going to have a guy on Islam, we're going to have an Islam thing going on, I forgot to mention that and things are reminding me about that. So yeah, we're going to do an Islam show tomorrow with somebody I know because they've got a conference going on.
I want to promote it. So I said, come on, let's talk Islam all day tomorrow. But at any rate, so BHI is bad news, okay?
Bad news. Okay, cool. Thank you, I hope you can upload those on your website so I can kind of help share with my friend. Yeah, there's very little that I have on it, but see what I have is, I'm scrolling through Black Hebrew Israelites and then beliefs and then the Bible, general origins of the varying groups within and then people. It's just not very much information, but I do have friends who are experts in it and we've contacted each other over the time, over the past few years about writing articles and it's just never gone anywhere, but they say they want to. So maybe they'll just knock on their door and say, hey, come on, let's get some articles written, that's what I need. Please help me out here, because they're the experts and why do we write everything? I'll just get the experts. All right? Okay. All right, cool. Thank you so much. All right, man. God bless, buddy. Thank you.
All right. Well, that's right, the Black Hebrew Israelite group, just a racist, false group that's fragmented and all kinds of stuff. They claim to be the truth and white people are, some say white people are the devil, some say white people are just misguided and not true Israelites, and only true Israelites can be saved and having black can be saved. And I call them out, I say, you're just a racist, and then they condemn me as being of the devil.
I'm like, oh, man, there's so much deception going on and yeah, they don't know who Christ is. All right, let's get to Carl from North Carolina, and we missed Carl. Let's now get on with, let's see, Reverend Jones from Durham, North Carolina. Welcome. You're on the mail, on the L, on the air. Hey, man, how you doing?
I'm doing all right, doing all right. Read your notes. And so I got a little sidetracked, but go ahead. Or the notes they wrote about you. I want to make you laugh because I called you last week on an issue about pastors and all, teaching.
I want to know when you do your hate mail, I got the biggest laugh out of the hate mail. I have never laughed so hard, but there's a lot of issues in the church that people don't want to talk about. They don't want to face the truth. And that's why the people are not gaining knowledge. I have one issue that, you was talking about baptism, and we were told that they were being baptized before the Holy Spirit came, and his clothing and tongs fell upon them, then those in the upper room.
That is not true. That was no water baptism, am I right? The baptism that happened there, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, was the baptism of fire, I guess you could say. Fire?
I don't get it. But it was not by water. That's right. That one, I don't believe it was. No, it wasn't by water.
Yeah. And it's a lot of baptism. I mean, the priests got a lot of sprinkling. They didn't try to drown a baby.
They sprinkled a baby. That's another baptism. Right. That's another one. Yep. Right. Yep. Yeah, I've been in the ministry for a long time, and I appreciate your show, and you're telling the truth.
People don't want to hear the truth. No. That's right.
That's right. So when do you do your hate mail, Friday? Fridays. I try and do my hate mail on Fridays, and so hopefully I'll do this Friday coming up, you know. But sometimes, sometimes a hate mail is not as entertaining as other times, but I like it. I like it. I'm weird that way.
I'm very surprised at the knowledge that people have of the gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Yeah. I really am. Well, okay.
I appreciate it, and I'll talk with you later. All right, brother. God bless. Okay. God bless. Whoops. Sorry about that. All right. Hey, we have two open lines.
8772072776. Leon from Utah. Leon, welcome in here. Leon, are you there? How are you? Yeah, I have a lot of noise in the background there, man.
What's going on? I have a lot of noise, okay? Okay. Yeah.
Yep. All right. So what does the Lord mean in Matthew 1, John 4, 2, and 3, where he says, well, I'll let you read it. Yeah, but by this, you know the spirit, every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is coming to flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God, and this is the spirit of the Antichrist, of what you heard, and it is coming, and now it is already in the world. Will we get back to the break?
We'll talk about what that means, because it's a very important center of scripture. All right. Hey, folks, please stay tuned. We'll be right back after these messages.
Two open lines, 8772072276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 8772072276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, welcome back to the show.
Two open lines, 8772072276. Let's get back on with Leon. You there? I'm here.
All right. So, what's going on there in those verses, by this you know the spirit of God, every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is coming to flesh is from God. It's not just saying, hey, that he was a human.
That's not the issue. They understood Jesus to be divine, and those who would deny that he is God in flesh are of the spirit of the antichrist, like the Jehovah's Witnesses would teach, and Mormons, because they teach that he's not the God, but a God, a different God, so they're not holding to it either, and so they are the spirit of the antichrist, and so every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of antichrist, so it's the confession of the true Christ. Now the context here, 1 John 4, also is dealing with the old time of Gnosticism. Gnosticism was a religious system where you had to have special knowledge in order to gain salvation and other things, and so the problem is that you had to have that special knowledge, and part of the Gnostic system was that God was too pure to be able to be associated with fallen, sinful, material world, so therefore it was not possible for God to become incarnate in a human body. So they had eons, and these eons were go-betweens between God, the true living God, whoever he was in their minds, and the earthly realm, and so it's like semi-demigods kind of a thing.
They were lower creations, and that's where the idea came in. So 1 John is dealing in part with the Gnostic heresy, saying by this you know the spirit of God, that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God. What he's talking about there is that very thing. Hey look, he's got in flesh, that's what they're teaching, so he's refuting that, and that's what's going on there. Okay?
Okay, yeah. I was like, well how do you know if somebody says, oh yeah, I believe in Jesus and I believe in God, okay. So mine I think was like, well if you do believe in Jesus Christ, you know, of Nazareth, confess that he is, you know, Jesus has come in the flesh, or you're of the anti-Christ.
That was my idea. I mean, how do you know if you believe in Jesus Christ? Yeah, well, see people will, you know, like the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses for example, you know, Christian scientists, they'll say, oh we believe in Jesus.
Well, really? Well, tell us who Jesus is. Well Jehovah's Witnesses, he's Michael the Archangel who became a man, and then returned to becoming an angel, which is logically impossible. In Mormonism, Jesus is the brother of the devil, begotten through sexual intercourse between God and his goddess wife who came from another planet. And this is what Mormonism teaches, well that's not the Jesus of the Bible. Christian science teaches that Jesus was simply a manifestation of the Christ consciousness.
And in Sight and Health with Key to the Scriptures, page 25, starting at verse, line 8, the material blood of Jesus was no more efficacious to cleanse from sin when it was shed upon the cross, the accursed tree, than when it was flowing to his veins, it was going about daily doing his father's work. So they're denying that he was God in flesh, or denying he is the incarnation. And so, you know, it's a cult.
And so there's lots of cults out there who want to appear to be Christian, have Christian words, but the definitions of the terms that they use are not Christian, and that's the case with that. And that's what's going on, and so... I've got one more question. Okay, go ahead. Sorry, I didn't mean to jump. It's all right, now go ahead.
My question, I've been struggling with this for a long time. A lot of Mormons and other people say that, you know, Jesus and Satan were brothers, and they say that God calls their sons, Satan came also. See, that proves that they were brothers.
I'm sorry, I didn't understand, because, hold on, it's a little bit muffled, so I didn't quite understand. What was the thing that was said? Okay, so I think somewhere in Genesis, he was saying that, the Lord was saying, he called both of his sons, and Satan came also, and they were saying that, see, that proves that Jesus is this, you know, that Jesus and Satan were brothers. I don't think that's definitely accurate.
I don't know of anything like that. So I'd have to see the exact verse, to see what they're saying, to see what they're saying as any merit. And usually what happens, people don't realize this very much, but I've heard cults so extensively over the years, they have their techniques and their methodology for destroying the truth of scripture. They think, let me just say this, they think they're true when they're really not. What they're doing is believing what their leaders have told them is the truth.
And so it's like saying that you're only as good and safe as the one you follow. And so Mormons, they follow their so-called prophet and restored gospel thing. The Jehovah's Witnesses, they do the same thing. Their prophet and restored gospel, they do the same thing, it's the same stuff. The same thing with Christian science. They have their gospel and the restored gospel stuff through their prophetess.
It's the same O.M.O. And people follow and they think that they're in a great group because they feel good. Things happen. There's a group of people that they go to and they have like-minded ideology. And so therefore, they're just confirming that the truth is in their religion or they are in the truth, et cetera.
This is just what happens. And so they don't really check and they don't really examine. In fact, in groups like that, they're not encouraged to do that.
Those groups never encourage their members to do any serious study because if they did, they'd have a lot of problems that they would discover. So you never find that out. What you do find is a true group, something that's true, will say, study. Look at the word. Study it out for yourself.
See what we're saying is correct. Look at the evidence because we're not afraid of it. But the cults don't want that.
They do not want anybody to study in depth. In fact, Mormonism, I know, for example, will penalize you if you start asking questions. In Jehovah's Witnesses, the same thing. You're not supposed to ask questions like that. Just believe.
That's demonic. Just believe whatever we tell you. Really? Yeah, because we're the true church. Really?
Where'd you get this? I was talking to some Eastern Orthodox people last night and I was asking them, you're the true church, right? Because they say, yeah, we're the true church, Eastern Orthodox. How do you know? Because we have this stuff that's traced back to the original from Jesus. How do you know? They just believe whatever they're told.
They don't study this stuff. Okay. Yeah. Hey, I found that verse. I know.
They take it on context. Okay, what verse? They were saying, now there was a day when the sons of God came to... What verse?
I don't know. Joe. The sons of God.
I think it's Joe 1-6. Yeah. Now, there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and they didn't aim also among them. Well, they're saying that to be their brother.
Yeah, that's because what they're doing is completely failing to understand the historical context. Let me give you an example of something. If I were to say to you, dude, man, yesterday I was out on the waves, man, I went over the falls and got hydro-coffined because some grimy got in my way.
Dude, it was horrible. So I just bailed. Now, you know, I'm just talking surf talk. So you wouldn't understand what it was unless you didn't understand the terms and the culture. And the same thing goes here. So the terms sons of God does not mean that God has a body of flesh and bones because he's exalted from another planet and he has a goddess wife. What the Mormons are doing is reading into the text and saying that's what it means. That's not what it means. It's talking about the angelic realm. That's the term that was used and that's how they were described. It says the Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men.
This is what's going on. It's the angelic realm. That's Genesis 6 talks about that. So they don't study. You know, Job 2, 1 talks about the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan also, okay, before the Lord.
Well, get this. This will really wreck the Mormons, for example, because the word Lord is Yahweh or Jehovah there in the original. And so if they say it's the sons of God, which means literally, literally God had relations and made spirit offspring, that's who they literally are, then why would they come and present themselves to Jehovah? Well, that's because they'd say, because Jehovah was the one in the preexistence who was more valiant, etc. Well, what the Bible says, Jehovah is Elohim in 1 Kings 8, 60.
So it doesn't say just there, but other places it says the same thing. Jehovah is Elohim. Jehovah is just the name of Elohim. Elohim is the word for God in Hebrew. What's the name of God? Jehovah.
Yahweh. See, they don't study. They don't care to study, but those who do, they end up leaving and at a great cost usually inside of Mormonism as an example. I've got stories people have told me. I could tell you one story a guy told me broke my heart, how the Mormons, what they did to his family, how they robbed him of everything. Maybe I'll tell it sometimes.
They won't ask me. Quite a story. Anyway, I've got to go, buddy.
Okay? God bless, man. Hey, folks. We have two open lines, 877-207-2276. They're right back. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right. I'm going to welcome back to the show.
Let's see. Let's see if Elijah's still there after a half hour. Hey, Elijah. Welcome back here. Hey, Matt.
Hey, Matt Slick. How are you doing today? Doing all right. Hanging in there, man. Hanging in there.
What do you got, buddy? Yeah. So I would like to know what do you think about my response was to this Catholic that I had a little discussion with today. So he said that the dead are not really dead. And so my response was, okay, if we use your logic, then that would mean that the people who are in hell are also not really dead, but also alive.
And also, I pointed him to the scriptures where it says that during the second coming of Christ, you know, the saints will be resurrected to glorify body and also the lost souls will be resurrected. Hold on. Let's back up. Let's back up. I'm kind of waiting for you because there's an initial problem in the statement. Okay.
The dead aren't really dead. Okay. So a circle is not really a circle. Okay. A square is not really a square.
The dead's not really dead. You see the problem? Right away. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what Catholics like to say. Yeah. Well, when they say the dead aren't really dead, what do they mean?
Here's the number one thing. You always must define your terms. Ask them what they mean by the terms.
What do you mean by, if you say the dead aren't dead, what does the term dead mean in that sentence in both places? You always, always ask for definitions. Okay.
Because it's just critical. Don't assume that they, or that you understand what they're intending. So ask what they mean.
That's the first thing. Okay. So anyway, go ahead. Go ahead.
That's really important. All right. Yeah. So, uh, I was just explaining to him how, you know, if, uh, he brought up, I think it was John 11, 26, where, uh, Jesus said, whoever believes in me shall not die. And he, he asked me what I thought about that.
And I said, I think it means that whoever believes in Jesus will not experience, uh, the second death. So, uh, uh, there you go. Yeah, and, uh, and, uh, he, he, uh, never really like had a response to the stuff I said.
It almost seems like he, he, uh, never heard of, you know, the stuff that I brought up. Good for you. Good. Yeah. Um, so, okay.
Like the word, uh, never die. Um, yeah, you're, you're right. You're on the right track. So you're doing fine. Okay. Good for you.
You're, you're right there for now. There's so much we can talk about, but yeah. Okay.
Yeah. And, and, and the reason why he was saying that is because he was, he was using that to justify praying to Mary and the saints. Well, they, they do this because, uh, they don't study scripture and believe that scripture is, is authoritative and true. They believe that, uh, the church is what interprets the scripture. So, uh, when John 11, 26, uh, who believes we will never die, the word in Greek, there's apothnesko or apothne, excuse me, apothne, apothane. And so it comes to the Greek, I believe, apothnesko.
That's correct. And it occurs 111 times and I've done a word study on this. You can go to Carmen, you can look it up, but, uh, so it, you know, words be what they mean in context and what the Roman Catholics are going to do, like a lot of false religious systems and what they're going to do is they're going to take a word and they're going to find a way to interpret it in light of their theology. And so therefore their theology governs the scripture, not the scriptures governing our theology. The Roman Catholics are susceptible to this kind of, of error. They do this all the time.
They make all kinds of mistakes when it comes to that. So you're on the right track, but you're, you're nailing them. All right. Um, one more thing, uh, since you, uh, I just sent you a video to your email is it's a very interesting video. I think you're going to like it.
It's about new archeological discoveries, uh, about Sodom and Gomorrah and, and these new archeological discoveries prove that the people of Sodom were involved in the India coast. Really? Yup.
You sent it to info at, right? Good. I'm going to check it out, man. You know, I appreciate it. Um, and we want to have an archeological section on Karm and just list out some of the fines and some of the verifications because they're occurring all the time. And so it's good to always hear.
I love hearing stuff like that. So I'm going to check that out. You know, I appreciate that. Okay.
Yeah, no problem. All right. Good stuff. All right, man. You have a good one. You too, brother.
You have a good one too. All right. Talk to you later, man. Okay. All right. All right. All right. Let's see who's next longest waiting is.
Look at that. Pearl from Rockville, North Carolina. Pearl. Welcome back. You're on the air. Uh, sir, I am Pearl, but I am from Virginia, not North Carolina.
Virginia. Okay. Sorry about that. Oh, it's all right. What I want to ask you, sir, is that are you, are you there? Yeah. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Okay. Um, when Ephesians three, one says that we are dead in sins and trespasses. What I want to know is, isn't salvation.
Yeah, I'm a born again believer in the precious blood of the lamb alone. I'm saved. But isn't it true that if I am dead, what can a dead thing do?
Nothing. So am I right in believing that God, the Holy Spirit has to come to me and unblind my dead eyes and unstop my dead ears and undo my dead thinking and take me to the very feet of the master son of God in the Lord Jesus Christ. Doesn't he have to do it all? Yes. You're absolutely correct. Did I hear you say yes?
Absolutely yes. Okay. That's good. That's good.
And I wonder why I've asked people before, what can a dead thing do? And another thing, we are all born with blood poisoning, aren't we? And that's why God had to give, we're born with blood poisoning. And that's why God, the father had to send his blood through Emmanuel to give us that analgesic to stop that blood poisoning so that we would live with him. That's right. And in that sense, yes, and the blood of Christ cleanses us of our sins.
That's right. But when he brings, let me ask you this again so I'll understand, because I know you know. When God the Holy Spirit does all he has to do to bring us to the Lord Jesus, doesn't he have to take the matchless son of God as our only salvation, or is it we give, we say yes or no? I'm not sure I understood the question, sorry. You don't understand the question? No.
Say it again. When God the Holy Spirit brings us, he has chosen us, and he brings us to the Lord Jesus Christ because we're dead, we can't do a thing ourselves, what can a dead thing do, nothing. Is it left to us to say yes I want him, or do we have will, has God given us a free will to say no? Free will is the ability to make choices that are not forced, but are also consistent with your nature. God is free, but he cannot sin, he cannot lie. His freedom is consistent with his nature. The unbeliever's freedom is consistent with his nature.
The unbeliever is a slave of sin, Romans 6, 14-20. In other words, dead. Yeah. Dead? Yes.
Okay. And so I guess what I'm asking is what can a dead thing do? And the answer is none, nothing. The Bible tells us the unbeliever is a slave of sin, a hater of God, he doesn't seek for God, doesn't do anything good, he's dead in his trespasses and sins, he's by nature a child of wrath, his heart's full of wickedness, he cannot receive spiritual things. So accordingly, his free will is going to act in a manner consistent with that depravity, with that condition. This is why Jesus... With that evilness. Yes.
This is why Jesus... That's why I'm saying, doesn't God the Holy Spirit have to believe within us? No. Hmm? No. No. He doesn't believe within us. Did you say yes or no?
No, no, no, no, no. He does not believe in us. No.
Okay. He doesn't do that within us. We believe because God grants that we believe, Philippians 1 29, Jesus has been granted to believe. But is it still though, sugar, isn't it still God doing it? No.
No. We are actually doing the believing because God grants that we actually do the believing. You said it again, God grants.
God grants that we believe, it's the air is passive indicative. So it's still him. Okay.
Let me try this again. Is it still him? No. Okay. God grants us belief. He works it in us.
He grants it to us. Is it still doing it all? No. Okay. You got to hear me out, okay? I'm sticking you to the wall now.
I want to know yes or no. Do we do anything? I'm trying to explain it, Pearl.
What can the dead thing do? Pearl, I'm trying to explain it. I'm trying to lay it out for you. I've gone through this a thousand times over 40 years, okay, trying to do this, all right? So I'm just trying to tell you, the unbeliever, I had to put it all together, the unbeliever can't do anything to get salvation of himself, cannot do it. So God grants him repentance, 2 Timothy 2.25, grants him the act of believing, Philippians 1.29, but he actually does the believing because God grants him the ability to believe. Jesus says in John 6.65, you cannot come to me unless the Father grants it to you.
So our believing and coming to Christ is granted to us by the Father. That's how it works. Okay. Okay. I'd like to ask one more thing that I would like to ask you.
Sure. In the Song of Songs, chapter 6, verse 5, the Lord Jesus Christ, of course, or Solomon there is in the place of the Lord Jesus, and he says to the bride, the little shalomite maiden, turn away from me, turn your eyes away from me, for they have overcome me. Don't you think that that means, I mean, what I'm saying is, if nobody can overcome God, and in my thinking, nobody can overcome God, nobody. And when he tells her to turn her eyes away from him, isn't he really seeing a reflection of his own eyes back to him?
No, I wouldn't go that far out of that section of scripture. Call back tomorrow, and we'll talk about the Song of Solomon and what it actually is. Sometimes you don't miss it, but we're out of time. Okay.
There's the music. Sorry, we've got to go. Thank you. God bless. All right. And sorry Joe from North Carolina didn't get to you, and David, oh boy, ran out of time. The Lord bless you by his grace. Back on here tomorrow, we'll talk to you then. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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