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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
September 1, 2022 5:00 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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September 1, 2022 5:00 am

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Matt discusses his most recent debate regarding the nature of Jesus..--2- If Mary was sinless, as Catholics claim, then why did she have to go through the ritual cleansing after childbirth---3- How does Jesus washing the feet of the disciples relate to sin and 1 John 1-9---4- Can you explain 1 John 5-17---5- Can you explain the Islamic view about Jesus not being crucified---6- What are the main differences that the Christian God and the god of Islam---7- Can women teach a children's class---8- There's a woman at my church who is conducting a -holy yoga- class. What should I do-

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The following program is recorded content created by Truth Network. Listen to me, Matt Slick.

To learn more, visit to learn more. Right as it's coming up, it stops. You know, the propellers stop and the engines turn off. It was like it was choreographed, you know, a director of movie. I want you to come up like this, right at this angle, and then it stops. It was like that.

I got it on my camera. It's really awesome. We had a good time. Now, Friday, I was in one of the most interesting debates I've been in a long, long time. My opponent was one of the most arrogant. Seriously, I'm not just saying it. If any of you heard a debate, watch it.

I want to hear your comments, see what you think as well. But one of the most arrogant, prideful, condescending, insulting debaters I've ever encountered, he would say things like, even a five-year-old could get this, Matt. You know, I mean, like, what? And he would constantly put me down and insult, and finally I just lost it at one point. I said, stop that, you know. I got mad at him. And, oh, man, I did. And he goes, oh, you can't handle it?

And I'm like, gee, he was like, how old are you? And it was really, it was bad. In fact, a lot of people said it was horrible.

This guy was so bad. Isn't that when you agreed, Laura and Charlie, do you guys agree with that, it was bad? Yeah, they're nodding. Of course, they're yes men, so they're not going to say that. I just insulted them. But, no, it was really interesting.

If you heard, you know, watching that debate, give me a call and tell me what you thought about it, because it was shameful. But, you know, here's something I've got to work on. I've really been working on always, no matter what, just keep your calm. It's hard with some of these people when they constantly interrupt and constantly, you know, you're having this discussion and you say, well, here's the answer. And then they just jump on you. Let me finish.

And then they do it again. Let me finish. You know, and this is how it goes. So it's been difficult sometimes.

I will admit that. But it's been fun. It's been fun having debates. And another guy who wants to debate me, a Muslim guy, and we'll see how that goes.

But what I'm going to do is I'm going to require anybody who wants to debate me, it's going to have to fill out a form, because I'm just done with this. If you want to debate me, that reminds me, I wasn't even laughing during the debate, because this guy, the debate was over the issue of was Jesus both God and man in his earthly ministry. And it took me 40 minutes, 45 minutes to figure out what his position was. And he was saying that before the resurrection, Jesus was only man.

And then after the resurrection, Jesus was only human, which is logically impossible. And it took, what, 40 minutes? I'm thinking 40 minutes before I figured out that that was his position. And I kept saying to him, what's your position?

What are you arguing? And he would say, it's so clear, even a five-year-old could get it. I'm like, well, you didn't get a five-year-old in here. Have him explain it, because I don't get it.

And so it was so awesome. And so people in the room, I'm texting, even in the room during the debate, does anybody know what this guy's arguing? And they're like, I don't know. So it was pretty funny. And I'm cracking up, I even said to him a few times, I go, dude, what's your position? What are you arguing? He goes, I've explained it. I don't get it.

What are you arguing? And so anyway, it was pretty comical. And then finally, I figured out what his position was. And I said, why didn't you say that to begin with? He goes, I did, but no, he didn't.

So it was pretty amazing. This guy, oh, man. And then at one point, he was so insulting, I almost walked, I laughed. He goes, you've got to stop this or I'm out of here. And I go, oh, you can't handle it.

He goes, I wouldn't if you leave. It's like this guy's a five-year-old himself. He mentioned five-year-olds a lot, so I was thinking, OK, that explains a lot. But I'm cracking up. I'm sorry, but I had fun. So Joanne says, yeah, he gave me a headache.

And let's see what else people say in the room if he heard it. I want to hear what you had to say. So it really motivated me to put up a form. If you want to debate me, what's your position?

And why do you hold it, and stuff like that. So I know the basics. At least I know what I'm getting into. But, man, you know, I want to say something, though. I debated Shabir Ali. He's a well-known Muslim apologist. I debated him months ago. And I'm going to say something about that guy.

He's lost, and he doesn't understand the truth, and he needs Jesus. But the guy was a gentleman. And he was articulate. At one point he said, that's something I have to study. I mean, I was like, this guy, he's got a humble attitude. I didn't say, oh, see, I proved you wrong. He didn't get this arrogant stuff. But I remember him saying that. He goes, that's a good point. I have to think about it.

I haven't studied it, so I don't know. OK. That was good. And so I at least have respect for him as a debater. Let's see what else.

He was good for a laugh, says Michael. That's for sure. Anyway, put some comments in there. You must be older than five to debate you. I was. I was cracking up like this during the debate.

It was so ridiculous. What are you saying? So what he would do is, I called it verbal carpet bombing. He'd just go in for a low pass, you know, and here's these verses.

You've got to listen to what he said, you've got to slow it down, you know, to get a recorder and just put it down like a quarter speed. So you get what verses were those? And he'd say, see, I just proved it. What? And he would be like, I think he probably quoted 80 verses. I don't know, referenced 80 verses.

And he would just throw these addresses together. See, that proves it. What? And I'm cracking up because it was ridiculous.

But I did get upset with him once when he was just so continually condescending and insulting. And so as they said after the debate, that's a debate to remember. And I wrote, I said, or forget. So anyway, verbal carpet bonbons, says Lana. Yeah, put some more comments in there, you guys.

You can write them out. I want to see what you had to say about the debate if you heard it. All right. How was that for an intro? All right, let's get to the phones here with Rudolph from Raleigh, North Carolina.

Rudolph, welcome, buddy. You're on the air. Yes, sir. How can Catholics claim Mary was sinless if her and Joseph had to go to the temple to offer to her the first name? Oh, yeah, that's a good question. It's a standard argument, and you do that for the cleansing. Why would she need to be doing that if she was sinless? And it's a good question.

And Catholics don't have a good answer. And I have an article on it as well on Karm. So, yeah, it's a real legitimate issue, good concern. So good for you. You thought that, and it's good. You got it right. So what's the answer? What I heard you say just now was, where's Santa? But I know that's not what you said.

That's my hearing. So what would be the answer to a Catholic? Oh, because it's ritual. I've heard them say, oh, it's ritual, and she's under obligation just to follow the Jewish law. That's all.

Not that she was guilty. Yeah. Okay. Okay, well, thank you. God bless you. Okay, God bless, Santa.

We'll see you, man. Okay, Rudolph. Oh, man, you know, it would crack me about that stupidity, that debate. So I'm still laughing about it. Anyway, you know, I might get a T-shirt, you know. If you debate me, you have to be at least as smart as a five-year-old, you know. Thank you, or something.

I don't know. All right, let's get to Alberto from Georgia. Alberto, welcome. You're on the air.

Yeah, good evening, my name is Slick. My question is, if Jesus tried to die for our past and past and future sins, right, and then when Jesus was watching the disciples, and he said, watching Peter, and Peter said, no, you cannot allow me to watch my feet, but Jesus said, well, if you don't allow me, you have no part with me, then Peter told Jesus, well, watch my whole body. Then he said, no, only my feet need to be washed. So the Hawk Command First John 1, 9 says, you know, if you commit sins, you know, confess all your sins. But I thought probably when I die from my past and future sins, why would I confess all my sins? Since Christ said, everybody has to wash your own feet.

Okay, so it's one of the longest questions I've had. So the issue of Jesus washing the feet, the feet were filthy and considered to be very impure and unclean, and that it was the job of the servants, the low servants in a house to wash someone's feet. And so Jesus is washing their feet, which is very shocking to them because it would mean then that he was lowering himself to the lowest position of servant in a household.

And he was doing this. And Peter goes, no, no, no, don't wash my feet because he's not that low. And he said, if you don't have any, you know, you don't let me do this, you don't have any part with me, then Jesus, I mean, Peter overreacts. Well, then all of me, you know, and I get it.

I relate to Peter. Okay. And so there's that, that's what's going on.

It's a cultural kind of thing. Now, when we go to First John 1, 9, if we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins. And so notice that John's including himself. He's just giving a generic statement to people. Look, if you confess your sins to God, he's going to forgive you.

It's just a generic kind of a statement is all that's going on. So we confess our sins and he forgives us and it's up. And then there's the question, well, if he canceled the sin debt at the cross, Colossians 2 14 says, then why should we confess our sins? There's a practical side of confessing your sins. You should, you should confess, you know, and, and, uh, you know, when I've sinned, uh, you know, Lord, I'm sorry. And, and, uh, you know, I, I did this wrong or that wrong. I go talk to him about it yet.

The now, the not yet theologically it's all taken care of. Okay. Good enough, Alberto. All right, buddy. Okay. All right, buddy. Hey folks, we'll be right back after these messages.

We have four open lines. Give me a call 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. We have three open lines.

Why don't you give me a call 877-207-2276. Let's get to Joanne from North Carolina. Joanne, welcome. You're on the air. Good evening, Matt Slick. Good evening.

Hello? I was being, I was being Alberto. Oh, okay. Cause it broke up a little bit, so I wasn't sure, but okay. How are you doing? I'm fine. I was calling about the, uh, so-called debate. He was pretty bad.

Yeah, he was. Um, you know what? It's not a good connection. I can't hear you. I can't understand you.

You could get a bit of a bad connection there. Well, it's not because I've got an accent. Every doesn't, they don't know who you are. So this is Joanne. She runs the prayer ministry on CARM. So, uh, you can always email us if you have prayer. She's the one who takes care of it.

It's prayer at But, um, this is what Joanne is. So yeah, so you watched the debate and, uh, I thought he was, I thought he was horrible. He was, would you agree? He could have talked about it.

He's horrible? I don't even know the word. He could have debated, uh, Reverend Pickler.

Isn't that his name? I wonder if I could do that, do a whole debate, doing the voice of ER tickler with the attitude voice of that'd be fun. Have a debate. Well, I'm going to get on stream yard if you don't, I'm going to get up and get my two cents in. I'm going to tell him I believe in women preachers. Oh no, you don't. Yeah. I mean, I just want to see what he's got to say.

I don't even think he could debate me. And I don't know if you knew this, but he was making faces and hand signals like a kid. You know, like you know how you put your hand finger up to your temple and act like crazy. This is crazy. You can't see me doing it, can you? When you said that, it will spit it out.

But go ahead. Oh, and he, oh, and his, the things, the hand signs, why the thumbs up, thumbs up. He was, he was one of the worst. He was arrogant, prideful, and seriously. And when I talked about, remember the communicatio idiomatum, you know, the communication of the property to the two natures.

No. But this guy, you know, it's a basic Christian doctrine, the communication of the properties, and I introduced it to him and he didn't even know what it was. And then what did he do?

He mocks it. He was making up words. What? You don't even know this? Well, when you said, okay, I'm done or whatever you said, I thought, do it, do it, be done.

And I might not have gotten as severe a headache if you would have just been done. He? Yeah, he was bad. You'd think he was a troll. You'd think he was a troll, seriously.

No, he's serious. He actually debates this and, you know, he doesn't know what he's doing. But you know what? You know, I told him, because there are certain logical things that are necessary to go through the Bible, the idea of continuity between Jesus being only human and then later he's divine. So you can't have that. That doesn't work. You lose continuity of personhood because the person emanates out of the nature.

If the nature changes, the personhood ceases. It's just simple logic. He didn't get that. So he didn't understand that. And he also didn't get the issue of then if he's not a man right now, we don't have a high priest, an intercessor. He hadn't even ever heard of that before. And that really, you could tell another wheel came off his cart at that point.

But there's a lot of things that, yeah, he's bad. I never saw that he had wheels on his cart. Yes, that is true. I'd like to say, you know, like he didn't have all his paws in the litter box.

His bearings needed some more grease. I said that that night. I typed that in that night and then I typed in so much heresy so little time. Yeah, that's right. That's right.

Oh yeah. And then when I wanted to leave because he was so arrogant and so condescending and so insulting, I go up and get out of here. He goes, see, you can't win. He would admit defeat. I won.

I won. Oh yeah. He was a kid. Well, where was he from? His accent, first of all, I couldn't understand. Oh, you don't have an accent, that's for sure. But no, I don't know where he was from.

No, I don't. Well, he's not a Christian, so what is he? I don't know. He's a cultist. He's a combination between oneness, Mormonism. I remember oneness, Mormonism, and New Age philosophy. Yeah. New Age, yeah. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

The light that was projected into Christ, like what? This just didn't make any sense. I mean, I've never seen somebody heresies in such a packed time, you know? But it was good. It was entertaining.

And it was, yeah. Because of him, I'm going to up the requirement. I'm sorry, what? Please do. Please up it. Yeah, I am. Yeah, I'm going to do something here. But yeah.

There's got to be some springing. And it was all here till after midnight, and they all had to be at work the next morning, and leave sick. So we didn't get to watch the after show, but it was just, I mean, I couldn't go to sleep. I was hollering at home at it. You're not the only one. I was hollering at television. Yeah, you're not the only one. I knew one guy said he almost threw his laptop out the window. He was yelling at him.

So it was an idiot raid. But anyway, we've got to get going, because you've got a dog barking there, and we're going to get going. But I sure appreciate it.

I'm trying to jump out of my electric chair that's caught on fire. That's all right. One dog was getting too close to the little 17-year-old, and she can't see, and she was saying, get away from me. That's how I felt toward that poor old man.

It really was kind of pitiful. We need to pray for him seriously. He needs a lot of prayer. Yes, for sure. That's right.

Everybody send that in to prayer at That's right. That's right.

That's right. I agree. Well, I'll talk to you later. All right. Well, God bless.

We'll see you later, ma'am. What's wrong with your lumbar spine? I have a fourth vertebra deformation.

My fourth vertebra, like you said, my lumbar, I mean, it's right in, but my fourth lumbar vertebra is deformed, so it's a birth defect. Is that why you've got your chair stuck? Yeah, that's why I have my chair the way it is, and I can't do sit-ups more than 15 or I stop breathing. Yeah. It's just been like that my whole life.

Yeah, and then it seizes up. I bet I could do a third of one. Well, I can do them, but yeah, I can't go very far. I never would have made it in the military.

Could not have passed the physical because of it. But hey, it's what it is. It's why I don't stand in one place very long. I have to sit.

This is what it is. Okay, we'll see you, Joanne. You know, we pray for y'all every day more than once a day. Thank you.

That's what's wonderful. You can just stop and breathe a prayer, you know? I appreciate it.

Whatever comes to mind, you can just stop, and I do that for Anique all day long. I don't do it for you as much. I'm sorry.

She needs it, that's for sure. Well, there's a break. We've got to go, Joanne. So God bless, and thanks for calling in by the debate. God bless. All right.

I can't stop. Okay. Hey, folks. Three open lines. You want to give me a call? 877-207-2276.

We'll be right back after these messages. Welcome back to the show, three open lines, 877-207-2276. Next longest witness, Adam. Then we'll get to Elijah.

So three open lines, 877-207-2276. Adam, you're on the air. Hey, brother. Okay. Yeah. Can you hear me? Yes, I can. Yes, I can. So what's up, man?

What do you got? Okay. My brother and I, we were reading through 1 John chapter 5 verse 17, and we got a little foot there. That was in your interpretation of it, and I can take your answer off the air.

Yeah. It'll be good to stay on if you want, but all righteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death, and there's debate about what it is. No one really knows exactly because the Bible doesn't tell us.

And so there seems to be... The main schools of thought deal with the issue of can you commit sins where you'll be physically killed by God. And yes, because in Acts chapter 5, Ananias and Sapphira lied to the Holy Spirit, and it killed them. Now, all sin leads to death, and the way to sin is death, Romans 6 23.

So we know that. So it seems as though what he's talking about is by committing certain sins, and you're going to die physically. God will take you out. God will do what he's going to do to discipline you, because he says all unrighteousness is sin. Okay.

And there is a sin not leading to death. So it's like, what are the options here? What is it it's saying? And we're not sure. So yeah. I'll just leave it there for now if you go ahead and comment if you want. Yeah. That's about where I was at with it.

I assume maybe that when it's like, you know, where all sin does lead to death, maybe it's a... I don't really know. That's why I called you. Yeah. Well, you know, I wish I had a great answer for you and said, oh, well, that means this because of the, you know, whatever.

But I don't. There, you know, we should be cautious of all sin, of course. But there is an ability for us as Christians to rebel against God, and I believe that God will deal with said Christians and if they get too far, too much sin, he'll kill you.

He'll take your life and just bring you home. So what would be the kinds of sins that would be that? And that's the question. Oh, okay. You know, that's why I said, you know, blaspheme the Holy Spirit and not forgiven in this age or the age to come.

Okay. And that's, you know, Matthew 12, 22 through 32. So but all sin leads to death, Romans 6, 23.

But there's a sin not leading to death and, you know, a sin, but, you know. So it's cryptic. Okay.

It's just cryptic. All right. Oh, okay. All righty, brother.

Well, I appreciate you. Okay. All right, brother.

God bless, man. All right. That was Adam from Kentucky.

Yeah, it's a tough verse, and there's different theories about what exactly it's meaning, and that's all I can do is go through the series. Okay. Let's get to Elijah from Pennsylvania. Elijah, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, man. How you doing today? Doing all right, man. Hanging in there. So what do you got, big guy?

Yeah, I'm calling because I saw your debate a few days ago. Uh-huh. Yep. Yeah.

So, yeah. I would say for the first, I guess, two hours of the debate, I didn't understand what that guy was trying to say. But I think towards the end, I think I finally understood, or at least I think I understood what he's trying to say, because he kept saying that since God, Jesus is omnipresent and that he was in heaven and on earth at the same time, I get that he was trying to say that while Jesus was in heaven, simultaneously that he had his divine nature in heaven, but when he was on earth at the same time, him on earth, he didn't have it on earth.

But then when he resurrected, while he was on earth, he got it back then. And I guess that's what he's trying to say. And also, he seemed confused about the part where he said two different realities.

That was whacked. Yeah. But I kind of understood where he was coming from, because I've studied the multiverse theory. Have you ever heard of that before? Oh, yeah. Yeah.

I've heard of it. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So I think he was kind of getting to something like that. He's all over the map. Yeah.

Yeah. So what do you think he meant when he said that the light connects Jesus in heaven to Jesus on earth? Is he saying there's some force that's connecting him or something? Well, the problem is that when he would say something, he wouldn't define his terms and could not put things together logically. And when I point them out that he wasn't doing this properly, he then said he would condescend.

Well, even a five-year-old could figure this out. But he wasn't able to define his terms. Like this idea of the projecting of the light, the light of God projecting into the body of Christ and all of us, what? It was New Age philosophy. And then what you said is oneness. Now, you're saying it, but what you said he said, that Jesus' divine nature was in heaven, but also was indwelling him on it.

That's oneness theology. And so, yeah, he was pretty bad. And I'm going to say this again, that because of how bad he was, I'm going to develop a form on Karm. Anybody who wants to debate me, you've got to fill this out.

You don't fill it out. I'm not going to talk to you. And there has to be a level of decorum that they have to hold to. It has to be much better than what this guy was doing. It was pretty bad. In fact, in the past year, I've had two debates where I won't ever touch the person, debate the person again, because not because they're difficult and their arguments are so good and they're so challenging.

That's not it. It's just because they're so ignorant about logic and truth and they're so arrogant that you can't even have a decent discussion. And so, I need to get that level raised a little. So, anyway, he surely challenged me. I got impatient with him once or twice. He was so insulting and condescending. Man. But anyway, go ahead. Yeah.

He reminds me of back when I was in high school, I saw a lot of people act just like him. But yeah, my second question would be this. I know I saw a debate, I think, between Anthony Rogers and Shabir Ali a few months ago. And Anthony Rogers brought up the fact that Allah deceived people into believing that Jesus wasn't the one who died, but somebody took his place. And then Shabir Ali responded by saying, well, in your Bible, and I think it was first or second Thessalonians somewhere around there where it says God will send a strong delusion. So my question would be, what do you think about that? Like is God sending a strong delusion, like saying that God deceived people too? Like I'm curious about that.

No. The point, what Anthony was talking about was out of Surah 4, 157 where it says it crucified him not. It was made to appear that he was crucified. So when you go to the Muslim commentaries, the Tashir, it says that Allah is the one who did this. So Allah by his direct hand, directly deceived. Now the problem here is inside the Quran in Surah 4, 82, it says that if there's any discrepancy in the Quran, it's not from Allah. So the Quran says that, that if there's any discrepancy, it's not from Allah. That's the definite discrepancy, so therefore it's not from Allah. Also what I'll also do is go to Surah 86, 5 through 7 where it says that a man's seed is formed in his chest. The same thing does not go with the issue of the Bible.

If there's an alleged discrepancy, I'm using the word alleged, it doesn't mean the Bible's not true because the Bible doesn't say the same thing that the Quran does in that sense. So there's also in the issue of causation and responsibility, there's the ultimate proximate and efficient cause. The ultimate cause is God creating the universe, the solar system, the planet, the earth. And so he's the ultimate cause of whatever occurs on the earth. The proximate cause is he can allow and permit a demonic force to go.

He can send an eluding influence, send you guys out, you can go do this. But the efficient cause is the actual agent that does the deceiving. And that's where the difference is. Because in Islam, Allah is the efficient cause of the deception. But in Christianity, God is not the efficient cause but the proximate cause. And what that means is in Islam theology, the efficient cause, Allah is the one who actually does the deceiving by his own direct hand. But in proximate cause of Christianity, God allows and sends the spirits to go and they do the deceiving.

So there's a difference in causation in effect. Hold on, we've got to break. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. Please stay tuned. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages.

We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. trigonometry, I can calculate how tall a tree is by using angles and distances, and that's because math works in reality. We know that. Well then, here's a philosophical question. Should we then not believe something where the math doesn't work in reality? So if I'm calculating the height of a tree using trigonometry, and the tree is only, let's say, 100 feet in reality, and my calculation says it's 2.5 miles high, should we believe it?

Well, of course not. And this is a real simple relationship trying to show that truth relates to reality. Truth relates to reality, and it does. And there's ways to find truth. So we can say, if something's not true, we ought not believe it. Well, this is all, so to speak, philosophical. Now we can get into the reason why truth exists, and it only exists because God exists, a true Trinitarian God.

So when we talk like this, we can say, okay, well this makes sense. Well, we're doing the same kind of a thing when we say proximate and efficient causation. Who are the agents?

Who's involved? What's free will? People think these things through, and they work with them. And so when I do my Bible studies, I actually will bring these kinds of things up, and I'll say, we're going to take a tangent. I'm going to teach you about efficient proximate and ultimate causation. And we're going to relate them to the ultimate will, prescriptive will, and the permissive will of God, or ultimate permissive and, it's going to be decorative, prescriptive, and permissive will of God. So I'm going to relate these, you know, these two categories to each other. We're going to take 10 or 15 minutes going through them. I have people tell me, they go, that's great stuff.

We never thought about those things. I go, it's good. Now, when we go to the scripture, you can see why these things are derived out of the truth of God's word, the proximate, efficient causation, et cetera. And so that's how I teach. So these things are relevant and important. Okay. That makes sense. Did you like have to like learn, learn all these different, like causation stuff at your Calvinist seminary?

No, no, no, no. I didn't learn this stuff in Calvinist seminary. I just learned this stuff by dialogue, debates, reading. If someone would give me a concept, like they'll say it's an abstract object and I'd say, what's an abstract object? I look it up. An abstract object is an object that does not exist in any particular time or place, but rather exists as a type of thing.

Okay. So that's what it is. Abstract objects are possible in actual patterns that are grounded in the arrangement of particulars or particles in the world. So these are from my notes on my philosophy outline, which is 52 pages long. And I have categories, analytic realism, belief, Cartesian problems, Cartesian scenarios. So these are things that people will introduce to me like a categorical imperative.

I'll be debating an atheist, right? And they'll say, well, it's a categorical imperative. I'll say, what's a categorical imperative? You don't know? No, I don't.

What is it? Well, I do my research. Categorical imperatives, unlike hypothetical imperative, tell us what to do irrespective of our desires. Morality doesn't say, if you want to stay out of prison, then don't steal cars. It says, don't steal cars.

We ought not to steal cars, whether we want to stay out of prison or not. So this is So I had to go and research it.

Well, there's problems with that. Now that I know what they call the categorical imperative, I can write in there and say, but it's just an arbitrary moral system. You ought not to. Why? There's a universal ought.

How do you justify the universal lot? So now I get these discussions like this with them. And I will learn and I categorize stuff and I have a lot of outlines. That's how I learn.

Okay. I need to do a video on how to do outlines. I need to do a video on what I do. I've taught a few people this and they've told me it's really helpful. So I just do outlines.

Yeah, I think I'll do that sometime. Okay. Yep. One last thing before I go. Oh, we got to go because we've got five minutes. Tell you what, we've got five minutes. Can you call back tomorrow? I didn't know it was this late.

We've got callers waiting. All right, buddy. Okay. All right. Sure thing. Okay. All right, Mac. Call back tomorrow. Sure. All right. Let's get to, let's see, Lance from North Carolina.

Lance, welcome here on the air. Hey man, how are you? Doing all right, man. Hanging in there, buddy.

What do you got, man? Good. Hey, I've heard you talk about the role of women in the church and I know Paul teaches that they shouldn't usurp authority over men or teach in the church, be pastors or preachers. But what about in a Sunday school setting for children? Um, are they allowed to teach inside the church body in that fashion?

Sure. They can teach children, young people. The, the admonition is not, is that they're not to teach men, uh, and have a spiritual authority for men in the church. That's what it comes down to. So the application of that can get a little sticky sometimes. What qualifies a man, how old, well, what if you have a 40 year old man who has, you know, he's got mental problems and he's, you know, he's equivalent to a 12 year old, you know, it's a gray area.

What do you do? And so, uh, it's that this is not chauvinism for those who don't know what the issue is. This is a very theologically specific issue that relates to propriety and some other things that, uh, go down the road with it. But nevertheless, yeah, they can teach women and other women and not a problem. And I would certainly allow it in the church. Absolutely. Okay.

We actually had, um, quite a way back. We had some people leave our church because we had some women that were teaching children in Sunday school classes, but their, their issue was when the Sunday school was together, there were other male teachers, and then they would share something in front of everybody in kind of a teaching role. So yeah, I was just, I don't have any problem with me. I'm a pastor. If I were a pastor again, and there was a woman who wanted, who let's say she had a certain skillset and it was a Bible study. Let's say she was a missionary with a certain group of people for 20 years.

And she had a lot of great insights into reaching out to the different cultures in a Bible study situation or a Sunday school. I'd say, come in and teach. She's not in the position of elder or, uh, and the teaching authority.

I would say this is one of the gray areas. I'd say, come in and teach. It's not a problem because you're not an elder, you're not a pastor. You don't have any spiritual authority over anybody. You're just informing and teaching out of the context of your expertise. And that's where I would draw that line.

That's just me. Right. Okay. All right. Appreciate it, man. Okay, buddy.

God bless, man. Okay. All right. Let's get to Kathy from Virginia. Kathy, welcome. You're on the air.

Great. Oh, I thought I was going to miss talking to you. Um, so I have a situation at my church that some woman is conducting what she's calling Holy Yoga. Um, and she's giving a seminar in September.

Um, I was in New Age for a long time, some years ago. So I'm very, very sensitive to this whole thing. We only have one minute. We only have one minute.

Let me jump in. Okay. No, it's okay.

No, it's okay. It's what you need to do is go to the elders and tell them that yoga cannot be taught and should not be taught in a Christian church because yoga, by definition, not stretching, yoga, stretching is okay. Yoga is a spiritual aspect that's associated with certain positions and energy transference, energy balancing, energy work, and things like that, that certain positions are supposed to help your body in energy balance. That's occultic, has no basis. And we have an article on it on Karm and you should go to the elders and tell them what's going on. She should not teach it. Could she teach stretching? Sure. Stretch all you want.

Stretching is okay. Okay. So, okay, I'll go on Karm and check it out. Yeah. And if you need help, I'd be glad to talk to the elders about it.

I'd be glad to get online with them and talk to them. The elders are all in agreement about this. The elders are all in agreement about it. About what? For or against?

They should be against it. We're out of time. Call back. Call back tomorrow. Let's talk about it, okay?

Because we're out of time. I want to know. Call back tomorrow.

Darn, I want to know about that. Hey, folks, we are out of time. Sorry about that.

Hard break, but that's what it is. May the Lord bless you. Have a great evening and by His grace, we're back on here tomorrow and we'll talk to you then. We'll see you. God bless. Bye. Bye. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-03 19:58:25 / 2023-03-03 20:17:10 / 19

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