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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
April 29, 2022 5:00 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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April 29, 2022 5:00 am

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Why did Jesus tell some of those he healed not to tell about him---2- Is there any reason, biblically, for a Christian not to share the gospel---3- What is hypostasis---4- What do modern-day Jews do for sin, without a temple---5- How do you share the gospel with someone who thinks they already have and know it---6- Why are abortion, homosexuality and CRT always so talked about only---7- What do I say to someone who uses John 10 and Psalm 82 to support the Word of Faith movement---8- Why was the Sabbath switched from Saturday to Sunday-

Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
Faith And Finance
Rob West
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
Faith And Finance
Rob West
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul

The following program is recorded content created by Matt Slick. Scripture is an inspiration authority. Atheism is incorrect.

Evolution doesn't work. Mormonism is false. Jehovah's Witnesses is false. Roman Catholicism is false.

Eastern Orthodox is false. And stuff like that. We talk biblical theology, a little bit of philosophy, politics. We talk about all kinds of stuff if you want to give me a call.

Four open lines. 8772072276. Let's get on the air with Buskman from Ohio. Buskman, welcome. You're on the air. Hello, Matt. Thanks again for taking my call, sir. Sure. No problem.

What's up, buddy? My question is, what, in your estimation, Matt, was the purpose for Jesus to tell some of the folks that he had healed not to speak of him? And I have a follow-up question as well. Yes, because his time had not yet come.

So one of the things, let me type these notes in, okay, for the later stuff. So one of the things they were doing, the Jews, they were seeing his healings and they were going to persecute him. And also with the healings, if you were to have people tell them, then everybody else would come on out.

And the timeline of God was not to have things happen in two years, but three years. This kind of thing. So it was, don't tell anybody yet, because it'll complicate things, that kind of thing.

That's what was going on. Very interesting. Now, we Christians in the 21st century, is there, and I want to phrase it like this, Matt, is there any biblical reason why a 21st century Christian should not share the gospel? Yeah, there's reasons not to share the gospel. I would say that if, I can think of all situations at all times, but if you say is there any reason, the gospel is hidden... Yeah, biblically, biblically, that I can look up in scripture. The gospel is hidden from those who are not God's people, God's elect. Mark 4, 10-12, Jesus speaks in parables so they will not believe and not be saved. Now, that's what God did.

He said if there's any reason, for us, that might be different. And so, I could think of an absurd kind of a situation, let's say, if someone says, you got your wife tied up with a gun to her head, say, if you just mention the word Jesus, I'm going to shoot. You don't do it at that point. It doesn't mean not denying Christ.

It doesn't mean denying Christ or anything. So, I can think of some extreme situations like that, for the safety of others, an immediate situation. But, normally speaking, you've got to tell people about Jesus. But, you've got to be wise, too. You'd be at work. You shouldn't be out there preaching and teaching all the time. You should be doing your job. You shouldn't be doing that. I do that, actually, Matt. I actually do that. You know, if you can't at work, do it. I've done it. I got in trouble once. But, you know, you do it.

You do what you can. And I felt a different style at work, so. I was going to say, I meet a lot of people at my job. And even just today, I met a wonderful man named Joe. And I believe he's a budding believer. He did mention Jesus Christ.

But we were able to, you know, I was able to encourage this dear man so much that I think he's going to keep coming back to the shop. And, yes, I've been in trouble for speaking it as well. And I have found the antidote to that, Matt. I would love to tell all your listeners. Colossians 3 23, do your work as unto the Lord, not unto men.

So when you do a fantastic job for your employer, they really, especially in today's climate, they really don't want to lose you because you do your job well. And I just do it as an act of worship to my God. And in so doing, you know, there's an opportunity that, hey, yeah, Bussman talks to pretty much everybody about Jesus. As a matter of fact, there was one man that came in and bought the whole shop, Pizza and Pop, and left a great card and remarked about me, the service that he received from me as a response.

And he was just blown away. Yeah, so I guess my question then would be, you know, if we're willing to go the extra, I, as one of your Christian brothers, have reaped even a nice little reward from our Heavenly Father, even on this side of eternity, for doing so. And my concern, I guess, because this will be my third question, Matt, I actually heard a pastor say, it was for a church event that was going to take place, don't share the gospel with the people we're about to meet. You don't have to share the gospel with the people that we're about to meet. And the premise was right before we were going to go advertise for a church-sponsored function to invite people to come and enjoy, and then hopefully they'll come to the church that sponsored it.

And that didn't sit well with me, Matt. Was I wrong? Depends on what the situation is. You know, one of the things could be, you know, don't preach the gospel to them because it'll be done later.

We want people in, we don't want to turn them away. You know, when you say, you know, is there a hard and fast rule in every situation, I wouldn't say so. I don't know all things. I think there's times when you want to abstain from certain things just for the sake of wisdom. So actually one of the things that happens with me now that I'm thinking about it is pretty frequently I'm on discussion forums and I will be there and I'll be talking to atheists. I don't always preach the gospel to them because sometimes what I'm doing is setting them up. Like yesterday I had a conversation with a guy, a really nice atheist.

We'd have gotten along fine. And I said, look, is it okay if I set you up and kind of trap you in something? I'm just trying to do that, you know? And he goes, you know, and it was, he knew it wasn't malicious. It was like, this is my intention.

I'm just being honest. And we went through this thing. I didn't give him the gospel, but we had a, you know, a 20 minute conversation.

He was very thankful to me for my politeness, my patience with him. And I think, you know, at the time, should I have given the gospel? Maybe. But sometimes you just don't think of it. And sometimes you're involved with something else and maybe that's the Lord just saying, not right now.

In fact, in the book of Acts, I think it was Paul who was prevented from going to a whole region to preach the gospel. Yeah. So, you know, there's timing, there's issues. And so I don't think that we need to push it. I think we need to be saying, Lord, is this an opportunity?

Should I do this right now? And then afterwards, you know, if you think maybe I should have preached the gospel at that time. Well, okay.

Maybe you shouldn't have, but you don't know. You know, it was God's ultimate plan and he has his reasons and, you know, we just do our best and mess up. If you follow me around, you'll see a lot of mess ups.

A lot. I do that as well. I can't wait to get to heaven where I don't have to worry about saying I'm sorry so many times.

Yeah. It's going to be a weird experience being in heaven. When my friends come up to me and they look at me, they're going to look at me, they're going to be confused. They're going to be looking at me like, who are you? You know, I'm going to say, oh, you don't recognize me? This is Matt.

And they'll go, oh, that's what you look like without sin. Oh, I didn't recognize you. That's a good line. That's a good line, Mr. Slick. Wow. Matt. You know, it's our desire to honor God.

And, you know, it's just, we're going to fail. But, you know, I'm so grateful that he uses broken vessels, broken vessels. That's what he uses. That's right. In fact, I have just, just out of reach, I can grab it, but I have a wine goblet from 330 BC, Southern Italy.

And, um, plus or minus 10 years, 330 BC. It's broken. And I love it because it reminds me of myself. It's a broken vessel, but I like the way it's broken. It's to me, it's an appealing look. It's weird. I think that's kind of a similar thing with God, us in his hands. He likes the broken vessels, different cracks, different missing piece, pieces and stuff like that. And yet in his hand, it's a beautiful thing because he values us.

So, you know, sure. Praise God. My final question would be this. If, going back to a pastor saying, you don't have to share the Gospel, do you think that might have an adverse reaction to the budding Christian or the non-Christian who came, happened to come to the service or whenever he said that? Do you think that would have an adverse reaction to them? In other words, they might come back and say, well, I heard pastor so-and-so say not to share the Gospel this time. So I'm not going to share the Gospel this time. Cause this, this time looks a lot like what pastor so-and-so said not to share the Gospel in.

Well, see, when you say it might have an adverse, you're talking about potentiality in different situations and the necessary answer is yes. It might, but you know, might it because people don't get the point because they're thinking something wrong or not hearing. We don't know. So I don't like to give a generic whatever sometimes I just like to say, well, you know what? We do our best. We mess up. Pastors can say what they say.

Go with the context and pray for the opportunity to share the word of God. That's what I say. Yeah.

And what is it? Mark 16 and Matthew 28 is the great commission passages. Yeah, I would. Yeah. Matthew 28.

Just go with Matthew 28 through 20. That's what I would do. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I've been doing, brother. Yep. That's what I've been doing. Sticking to that.

Yep. All right, man. Thanks so much for your time, Matt. Have a great rest of your show, sir. Okay. Thanks a lot, buddy. God bless.

All right. Hey folks, if you want to give me a call, three open lines, 877- let me try this again. 877-207-2276. Let's get to Randy.

I think it is Randy from Kentucky. Randy, welcome. You're on the air. Hello, sir.

Thank you for your time. And my question was, could I get a pretty decently simple definition of the word hypostasis? Has to do with the nature of something.

Yeah. It's the hypostasis representation. It deals with the substance, the true essence of something. So in the hypostatic union, it's talking about the divine and the human substances or essential nature. Okay.

Two of them. Just say hypostasis is another way of saying essential nature. It'll get you there. Essential nature.

Okay. Because it was confusing me when I looked at it there in Hebrews 1.3 that was translated as person. But then there was the other four occurrences when it was like substance and confidence. And that was just throwing my thinking. Well, so you're looking at, let's see, the radiance of his glory, representation of his nature, hypostasis.

Yes, see in the NASB, it says nature. And so what you're talking about, let's see, other translations. Radiance of glory, the imprint of his nature. And the King James says the image of his person. So yeah, you know, it's just, it's a difficult word to nail down in every instance.

Because words, I guess you know, have what's called a semantic domain, which means it has a range of meanings and different usages. And it occurs, the word hypostasis occurs, just so you know, let's see, make sure I get this right, 5, 2, 8, 7. It occurs 11 times. What? Oh, that's not Hebrew. No, no, no. I put the wrong number and the wrong search thing.

So I got the Hebrew equivalent, not the Greek. And it only occurs five times. Hold on, we'll get a break and then I'll show you. Hey folks, whew, how about that? We'll be right back after these messages. If you want to give me a call, we have three open lines, three, 8772072276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 8772072276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, welcome back to the show.

Two open lines, 8772072276. All right, let's get back on there with Randy. Okay, Randy.

So I put the search number in the wrong window. But yeah, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 times. And it's confidence, nature, assurance, and the NASB. And I have a dictionary, I can read to you about it if you want. Okay. It says to place or set under, in general that which underlies the apparent reality, essence, or substance, that which is the basis of something.

Therefore, assurance, guarantee, confidence. Okay. It's just one of them.

All right. Okay, so like when they were in the King James, it throws out person there for hyperspace. It becomes person because it was talking about the character of God. Is that why they went with person, you think? Or?

I'm sorry? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Well, express image of his person.

I don't have a problem with that one either. I don't use the King James, but he's talking about the underlying essence. And it works, you know, because he is a person, Jesus is. And the express image of his person, excuse me, and this would be in reference to, I guess you say, it would be the Father, because God, this is the question that sometimes is raised. God, who is God? Is it the Father, Son, Holy Spirit? Is it the Father only? Is it the Father and the Holy Spirit? And people ask questions. But the scriptures teach, they'll teach various things, and they speak in a singularity, in a plurality, in the mixture, as if God was Trinitarian. So you'll get these very clear statements and these statements that are broken up like this.

God, who at sundry times, and then Jesus being the brightness of his, that's the Father, probably is the reference of the Father, an express image of his person. And so, in later translations, we'll say nature or, yeah, I think it's just what it is, nature, yeah, nature, because it's more contextually accurate. Okay? Okay.

All right, yeah. That's what we've been discussing. We've been discussing the Trinity.

And that, you know, that, me and this young fellow at work, we just talk, we talk about everything. All right, well, let me tell you, tomorrow night I'm going to start a series of my home Bible study on the Trinity. And I'm going to be going in depth, and I mean in depth, it will not be over one night.

It will probably take two, three, four weeks, I'm thinking. I'm going to get into certain aspects of the doctrine of the Trinity that few people will even relate to that, to the doctrine of the Trinity. Because it's a very deep topic, and so what I'm going to be doing is, let me get back to the definition of, where is it, one of the many, no, that's not what I want in philosophy.

I've got so many outlines and stuff open. But I'm going to be going into the issue of God as a Trinitarian basis and the eternal nature of covenant, the eternal nature that God had, the eternal nature of static knowledge, and how is God in a static mind to be able to consider the issue of fellowship and contemplation. And I'm also going to get into the issue of nature of personhood and expression of love, and it's been the foundation of all truths. I'll get into the issue of what's called the one and the many, and go into why marriage is a relationship that is a reflection of the Trinitarian communion, and it's a covenant-based issue.

And so the Trinity does covenant relationship work, and the doctrine of election predestination, which occurs from the foundation of the world. I'm going to get into it very deeply. Okay, that sounds good. Will this be on that YouTube, like your YouTube live? I've listened in on that before. Yeah, it's going to be on my Bible study channel.

I think it's just either Karm or Matt Slick. I forgot which one I put it on. I think, because I kind of switched, that's why I'm going to figure out what's going on. What time will it be starting? Usually it starts at 9.30 Eastern time.

It's a little late, but we have, and I live here in Idaho, it's a two-hour difference, and people have to get off work, eat, take a break, then come on over. And the plan is... Oh, I go into work at 9 p.m., so that's fine. Okay, alright. So yeah, I'm going to be getting into God's name, the aseity of God, non-contingency, transcendent nature, sovereignty, immutability of, how to use this when discussing issues. I mean, I'm going to get into it, the perichoresis, the unity and diversity and divine simplicity.

Oh yeah, actuality, potentiality. That sounds good. That sounds great. Thank you, sir, and I'll probably run into you tomorrow. I appreciate that. Alright, man. Well, God bless, buddy.

Alright, thanks. Thank you, sir. Alright, let's get to John from Salt Lake City. John, welcome. Now you are on the air. Hi, Matt. Can you hear me?

Yes, I can. Matt, I've got two questions. My first question is, if you're a modern-day Jew who does not believe Jesus was the Messiah, you have no temple anymore, how do they expect, what are they doing for their sins? I don't understand, without a temple, what their plan is. They don't have it, you're right, that's correct, but some of them talk about different kinds of sacrifices, wave, grain offerings, wave offerings and things like this, so you don't need a legitimate actual temple in order to have certain things.

Some of them will point to that, but there's an inconsistency there, because ultimately those things are done within the covenant aspect of God's redemptive works, broken up in Leviticus 17, 11, where it talks about the life is in the blood, it's given for sacrifice, the atonement of sins and things like this. So a wave offering would only be offered under the broad concept of Yom Kippur, where the high priest would go into the temple. So they don't have that, and even if they did, it doesn't make any difference. If they had the temple and they're doing sacrifices, they're still lost, because they don't have.

Right, right, I agree. I've talked to them before and most of them don't really seem to care, so I just don't understand it. Yeah, that's right, a lot of them don't. They've been through a lot through history, and what are they going to do? A lot of Jews are atheists, believe it or not. Is there any attempt to build a third temple?

I mean, if you didn't believe in Jesus, that would be the logical next step, I think. Yes, they're working on various things. In Israel, from what I've heard, they're already preparing priests, they've already got their ashes of the red heifer, and they're training priests and they have instruments and some other stuff.

So I've been hearing rumors of this, that they are preparing for this. And archaeologically, the Dome of the Rock is in the Court of the Gentiles. So, archaeologically, the Court of the Gentiles, so the temple can be rebuilt.

And I've been to Israel, and I've been to Jerusalem, and I've seen the Dome, I've seen where the wall is. What do they call it, the wall? The weeping wall? Wailing wall?

Wailing wall, that's what I was looking for, wailing, thank you very much. And so there's several hundred feet between them, so there's room for things to happen. Okay, we'll see what happens. My next question for you, Matt, if you have time. Oh, we've got a break.

I'd like to know. Can you hold on? And we'll get to you after the break, okay? Sure.

Because there it is. Okay, hold on. Okay. Hey folks, we're on open line 8772072276. We'll be right back.

Please stay tuned. Hey, welcome back everyone, the bottom of the hour. Let's get back on with John from Salt Lake City.

Hey John, you're back on here. So my next question, Matt, how do you share the Gospel with someone who thinks they already know it, like a Mormon? Ask them diagnostic questions. Just ask them. Well, it helps to know Mormonism and say, well, what do you have to do to go to heaven? And all false religions teach, well, it's by the grace of God, and. It's always an and. And so, you know, if you go to 2 Nephi 2523, you say by grace through faith after all you can do, Moroni 1032, if you deny yourself of all ungodliness, that is God's grace sufficient for you. You can ask them, are you doing that?

Are you doing everything that you need to do? Just ask them. Polite. Don't challenge them in a snotty tone.

And you just need to ask them. And then if you disagree that works are also included, how do you say that kindly? Do you know what I mean? Well, what I like to say is, I'll say, look, and I'm talking to Mormons who might be listening to this, you know, for real, because it's in Salt Lake City here in several stations or a couple of stations, I think. And the issue is that all of what we do is touched by sin. And we're just not good enough. And so, because we're not good enough, the works that we do are not good enough. And I'll ask them, I'll say, I'll say, you know, is it true that in Matthew 27, I think it's 52, it says that when Jesus was crucified, the temple veil was torn in two, and it was torn by God.

Yeah. Well then, what does it symbolize when God is the one who destroys it? Well, it symbolizes there's no separation between God and us by works, because the high priest had to do works to go find that veil. So why do the Mormons put it back in the temple? Why do they put back in to the temple what God destroyed? What I'm trying to do is get Mormons to think.

I wanted to see that there's a problem. Now, it says in the book of Alma 11.37, you cannot save them in their sins. That's what it says in Psalm, Alma, Book of Mormon, 11.37. And then, like I already said, in 2 Nephi 25, 23, saved by grace after all you can do. And I ask them, are you doing all you can do?

And they'll say, well, we're trying. Oh, so you're not doing all you can do. Because if you can, doing all you can do, all that you can do, are you doing everything? Well, no. Well then, you're not saved, are you? Your sins are not forgiven.

And it says in, like I said, in Moroni 10.32, it's conditioned here. Yea, come unto Christ and be perfected in him and deny yourself of all ungodliness. And if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness and love God with all your might, mind, and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you. So it's saying, this is what you have to do. And that's a problem, okay?

It's a real problem. And so, when you look, look at D&C, Doctrine and Covenants 82.7, it says something very interesting. And this is from their own writings, okay?

I'm going to read it to them. Because what it says, it says, the miracle of forgiveness is available to all those who turn from their evil doings and return no more. Because the Lord has said in a revelation to us in our day, go your ways and sin no more. But unto that soul that sinneth, meaning again, shall the former sins return, saith the Lord your God. Doctrine and Covenants 82.7. Now wait a minute. If D&C 82.7 says all the former sins come back to you if you sin those again, and Moroni 10.32 says that you have to deny yourself of all ungodliness, love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, then is God's grace sufficient, then there's no hope for the Mormon. There's no hope. Because if he doesn't obtain perfection, then all the sins come back upon him.

Wow, that is great advice. In fact, it says in Gospel Principles, 1997, page 253, those who receive forgiveness and then repeat the sin are held accountable for their former sins. And then Mormon missionary discussion F, F as in Frank, Uniform Setting System for Teaching Families, 1981, page 36. In order to remain forgiven, we must never commit the sin again. So, Mormonism has what we call the impossible Gospel. And this is the case when people teach an insufficient God, who is not able and does not take care of everything necessary for us. And all false Gospels are because of false gods, where they teach that you have to make up what God can't do or you have to show him from your works, your continued works. And all false religions teach that. Only in Christianity does it say Romans 4 and 5, for example, to the one who does not work, but believes in him who justifies the ungodly. His faith is credited as righteousness. So I'm going to say this to the Mormons out there.

If you're feeling the weight of your sin and your inability to live up to what the Book of Mormon just tells you, what all your church tells you, but yet you're supposed to have some testimony. Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth, Matthew 28, 18. Jesus says, ask me anything in my name and I will do it. That means pray to him. In fact, in 3rd Nephi, 1918, they did pray unto Jesus, calling him their Lord and their God. So even in the Book of Mormon, they pray to Jesus. So go to, not through, to Jesus. Address him specifically and ask Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins. Because if Jesus is real, the real Jesus of the Bible is prayed to. And I give you the verses and the scriptures. Then that means you can pray to him and receive forgiveness.

It's not your works that are going to make it. Not your baptism, not anything, because all of those are filthy rags. So here's a visual I like to give to people. Picture, if you can, a dirty slope of a hill full of muck and mire and mud. And you're on your knees and you're crawling up to the precipice, or not the precipice, but the top of this small grade. And you realize at the top is the cross of Christ. And you won't bring your eyes to look there, because that's where God in flesh, his blood is running down his feet, his back, the wood into the dirt. And you approach and dare you glance at even a drop of the blood in the dirt. You don't look any further.

And this is where you need to be. It's all of him and the holiness of his work. And then you hear the footsteps of someone slowly with their heads bowed, walking up to the cross. And then they gently nail to that cross with respect, their own works, a list of their good deeds. And then they walk back and bow down. And what they're saying is those who add works to the work of Christ are saying my works are on an equal level of the sacrifice of Christ.

And that God will save me based upon what Christ has done and what I have done. Which of the two are arrogant? The one who walks up to the cross and puts his own works or her own works on an equal level of Christ and saying God will accept me based on him and what I do. Or who's more humble?

The one who looks down and says, No, I've got nothing. But to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly. His faith is credited as righteousness. Faith in the true Christ is what saves. And all false religions because of a false Christ have a false gospel. And in that they all walk up to the cross, even in their own humility.

And they nail their own works and efforts to the cross, their own sincerity and say together I'll be saved. That's a problem. All right, John. Thank you, Matt.

That's powerful. I appreciate it. All right, brother. Thanks for calling and asking all of that.

It's good stuff. All right. Thank you.

God bless. All right, let's just jump ahead. Let's see the next longest waiting is Rick from High Point, North Carolina. Rick, welcome. You're on the air. Rick, I did hit the button. I hit it. I'm looking.

It's right. It's ready. I'm waiting for you. Hello. Good, Matt.

How you doing? There we go. Now I'm hearing you. All right. Okay, buddy.

What do you got now? Okay. I'll go through it because I got it written down real quick. Number one, I'm Rick Harris from High Point, North Carolina. Okay.

And I am a senior system black male. Okay, listen, I get the first one. As far as homosexuality, abortion, and the CRT thing. Now I'm not Republican or Democrat.

I am an independent, but it's very evident that those three topics have become a political nightmare. Whoa. Hold on, brother. Rick, you got to hold on. There's the break. Got no choice.

We got to take this heartbreak. And we'll get back to you after this. Okay? Because I want to hear what you got to say, man. I like it when you call. Hey, folks, we'll be right back and talk to Rick from High Point, North Carolina. Please stay tuned. We'll be right back. Welcome back to the show. Let's get back on with Rick from High Point.

Rick, are you still there? I sure am. The problem I have with the homosexual after party, like I said, I don't agree with it or abortion. And the CRT thing, I already know what that is because I was raised in the deep South.

You're not. But it's sort of like you start, those are not the only sins. Okay.

And it seems like those are the three that just constantly come up. It's sort of like you put pit and sin against sin. And it, I don't know, it just bothers me sometimes because with the abortion thing, there's actually a legal right that a woman has to choose. Now, I'm not saying it's right because I don't agree with it, but she does by law have that right to do that. I want your opinion. Christians need to resist the murder of the unborn and protect the innocent. They do.

I agree with all of them. And so just because women claim to have this right to kill the life in them and they say in their hypocrisy, my body, my choice, what they're doing in that is seeking independence from God and determining their own righteousness. They're defying God and they're moving in their idolatrous ways. And as a such, God then judges their heart and are given over more to the depravity of their heart and mind to believe in the lie. And so judgment upon them is there because they kill the life in them.

So this is an evil. Now, if you're a Christian woman, you've had an abortion come to Christ. And if you're a Christian woman, it's at the cross of Christ and forgiveness is there and it's there. And I know, I know we're talking here. I've got some stuff in the past and blah, blah, blah, but this is the issue. It's not your body and your choice unless you have four arms and four legs and two heads. So, yeah, that's another thought. Okay.

The next one. Uh, I heard, I heard of late pastors, well-known pastors when they talk about identifying your loved ones in heaven that you won't be able to do that. Is that true? How would they know? Bible doesn't say you can't. It doesn't say we're going to be able to or not be able to. It just doesn't say anything like that. First Corinthians four, seven, four, six actually says, do not exceed what's written.

So you know, when they say something, show me in the word of God where it says that. That's all I'm saying. Show me.

If it's not there, don't, don't teach it. That's it. Okay. Okay. In your opinion you know, were you ready to identify people that you passed on that you love when you get to heaven? I'm sure I'll recognize people in heaven. Okay. We'd be raised in the same body we died in. As long as they're saved, we'll know, we'll know who they are. And I expect to occasionally meet my wife in heaven when I make reservations to go to the higher levels where she is because she's going to have a great deal of reward for putting up with someone like me.

So, you know, you know, set up the, set it up to go with us here. Okay. Now this was, I've heard a lot of late about the spread of the word. I'm, like I said, I'm born again for a lot of years now. I don't really go out and promote spreading the gospel probably like I should. But now I, some people say, well I choose not to be a Christian. I don't want to be a believer. And I get that and I don't push.

But now Matt, I do understand for a lot of people who, who choose not to become Christians because today's Christians set a bad example for them. Some do. Do you agree?

Oh absolutely. That's why I tell people, don't look at people. Look at Jesus. Don't look at how the preachers are. Look at Jesus.

You know, he's not the blonde haired, blue eyed, Caucasian surfer dude. He's not some guy who's there to help you out for a couple of weeks and give them a try. And don't look at Bob or Frank or Martha or Jane down the street to see what they're doing as far as Christians or that preacher that fails. That's not Christianity.

Look to Christ. That's what I tell people. Okay. The 144,000. Who are they?

Bob and Frank and George and I get a long time to list off the name of 144,000. So if you want to hold, I'll give you the list. You know what I mean, man. Oh, okay. Oh, okay.

That's what I mean. Okay. That was good. That was good. Yeah.

Pretty slick. Huh? So, um, male, Virgin, male, Virgin Jews of the 12 tribes. All right. So there you go. All right, buddy. That's what it says. You know, not been defined with women.

They are males and stuff like that. So, okay. I got to get going.

Cause we got callers, wait or moving. Okay. Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. All right, Rick, you're out here in Idaho, buddy. You've got a place to stay. I like you, man.

We've called a lot of times. Okay. Let's get to Nate from California, the people's Republic of California. Hey, Nate, welcome. You're on the air.

How are you, Matt? I'm hanging in your mouth. I know you love California. You what? I know you love California.

Hey, I grew up there, you know, Southern California and all over. As a matter of fact, I forgot you said that. I'm glad. That's right. I don't know if I'm glad or not, but you know, Hey, I've been here in Idaho for almost 18 years and I would not go back to Cali. No, thanks.

Nope. Um, I will leave here if I had the money, but at the moment I can't. So don't complain. Just give the life to the Lord. I have a problem with this person who believes that Jesus died for us. Then we're saved by faith, like the faith movement, that it's weird, you know?

So what's your question? He also said not to, that we're God, little God. You said we're little gods? Thank you.

You said we're little gods. Okay. Okay. Yeah. And I told them and I told them and I told them, no, no, but you know, and he also got mad at me when I said that.

Hold on, hold on, hold on. Let's talk about this. Okay. Cause he had a question to deal with this.

All right. So I know that I know what they're going to say. They're arrogant, they're deceived. They are idolaters when they say they're little gods. And you ask him, where does it say that we're gods? And they generally go to John 10 34 when Jesus says to the Pharisees, to the Jews, I said, you are gods. It's not written in your life that you are gods. And so what they'll do, they'll often say, well, yeah, we'll see that that's Jesus saying they're gods.

And I, and I just ask him, if you don't mind, isn't that a question? Are you a little God? No, there's another scripture say, is that written? Uh, I said, you are gods, right? John 10.

Yeah. He says there, has it not been written in your law? I said, you are God.

So it's a statement included in a broader question. And John 10 34, but he's called quoting Psalm 82 six, which is an imprecatory. And it's a song. It's a song, a song of condemnation. And what Jesus is doing is pronouncing judgment on them for their denial of who he really is. It's not about them actually becoming gods. And also when people say they're little gods, these so-called Christians, I say, really, you're, you're a God.

Really? Can you walk on water? No. Do you know all things? No, but you're a God. How are you a God? Tell me how you're a God. And I want them to defend how they're little gods. What does it mean to be little God? Can you tell me?

For him? He says he's just a little God. Um, for them it means Christian. No, it doesn't. Christian does not mean a God. Yeah, that's what he says.

For them it's just a Christian, you know, just a small person. Ask him to show it in scripture. Okay? Ask him to show it in scripture. Which question?

Ask him to show whatever he says and asserts in scripture where Christian means little gods or that we are little gods. Okay? Okay.

Yeah. May I ask one more question? Well, we've got some calls waiting.

We're showing short on time. Call back tomorrow, okay? All right, buddy? Roll it fast.

Roll it fast. I hope you don't mind. Okay. It's because he meant, I mentioned this, um, cause he's against, um, like choking, don't know the Bible, the 10th command do not kill, you know? But then I told them, if somebody came into my house and tried to my left, you know, with a knife, one of my family members, it says, it says, don't tremendously kill him. It says, don't murder or defend myself. It says, don't murder, not kill killing all murder is killing, but not all killing is murder. Killing is a lawful taking of life.

Murder is not according to God's law. So he doesn't understand his, his, what he's saying. You always need to define your terms. Okay. Okay. Last thing.

No, no, no, no, no, no. Lately. We got to go. We got other callers. Wait. Okay.

Just want to give them that time because we're almost out of time. Call back tomorrow. Okay. I'll try.

I'll try my heart. Okay. Thank you very much. Thank you. Okay. Sounds good.

Alberto from Georgia, Alberta. Welcome. You're on the air. Yes, sir. The question is, what do you think that the penitent is a Roman Catholic? Well, we need to deny the Lord.

If we need massive persecution, we'll come to the United States. What? I didn't understand your question. Can you say it?

What's your question? What person is a Roman Catholic? What person is a Roman Catholic?

Would they not Jesus Christ if massive persecution will come to the United States? I have no idea what a percentage would be in that situation. Okay.

All right. Because the majority of them really don't serve the Lord in the first place. Well, your question is, your question, your question was what percentage?

So I don't have an answer to that because I don't know the percentage. So we got another question. Well, the question, another one I got is the one you said earlier, the gentleman that you'd be hypocritical. For example, if I live right, people accuse me being, well, you're so righteous. If I don't live right, oh, you're a hypocrite.

So either way, the world could, if I need someone to accuse, to accuse a person. You're not responsible for them. You're responsible for yourself.

Don't live your life based on the criticism of someone else, which goes for all of those who don't want to go on social media or someone yells at them with social media types in all caps or says something negative and then they cry. Grow up. Okay.

You don't live your lives based on what someone else says about you. All right. So don't worry about it.

You live according to Christ. That's what you got to do. Okay. All right. All right. Okay. All right. Thank you, sir. All right. All right, better. God bless. Okay.

Let's get her to our last call. Rick from Ohio. Rick, welcome. You're on the air. Hi.

Hi. My question is, well, not simple for me. It's probably simple for you guys, but in the Old Testament, the Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday? Saturday.

Okay. How did it get to Sunday? Did the Catholic church change it to Sunday?

No. It was done right away. You can go to 1 Corinthians 16, 2, and you can see where they're worshiping, gathering, doing things on the Lord's Day, the Lord's Day, the first day of the week, which is Sunday, the day that Christ rose from the dead. In the Old Covenant, they worshiped on Saturday, but with the death of Christ, the Old Covenant is abrogated. So now we follow the New Covenant rules. And in the New Covenant, we have freedom to worship on any day. And so the church met on the day of Christ's resurrection. Okay.

That's what's going on, sir. The early church did that. Very early church. And it's in the Gospel. It's in the Corinthians and stuff, and Acts also.

Okay. So that is the true day now would be Sunday. The true day is the day that you worship on. The true day is the day that you worship on. Romans 14, 5, let each man be fully convinced of his own man.

One day regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Let each man be fully convinced of his own mind. Okay. Okay. Okay.

So I guess what confuses me then is maybe when they were confusing... Can you call back tomorrow, because we're out of time, and this issue of the Sabbath is worth getting into a little bit more detail. We have more time tomorrow. Okay, buddy? All right. All right. Thank you.

All right. Hey, folks, hope you enjoyed the show. It was an interesting one. Some good stuff.

We'll buy quickly. And I hope you enjoyed it. May the Lord bless you, by His grace, back on the air tomorrow. And we'll talk to you then. God bless everybody. Good night. Your program powered by the Truth Network.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-04-25 13:33:27 / 2023-04-25 13:51:50 / 18

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