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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
July 27, 2021 12:37 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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July 27, 2021 12:37 am

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Questions include---1- Will we know and recognize our loved ones in heaven---2- What do you think about people calling Jesus a socialist---3- If someone was saved but then openly rejects Jesus, what does that mean---4- How do you deal with Genesis 5-3 in response to the -serpent seed- doctrine---5- A caller wanted to discuss white supremacy and racism.--6- What do you think about books like -Heaven is for Real----7- What is the difference between Calvinism and Lutheranism---8- Did Christ die for Hitler's sins-

Truth Talk
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Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
Renewing Your Mind
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Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick

The following program is recorded content created live. The following program is recorded live. The following program is recorded live.

The following program is recorded live. Thank you for listening. Thank you for listening.

The following program is recorded live. Thank you for listening. Thank you for listening. Thank you for listening. Thank you for listening. Thank you for listening. that we will know. I don't think we're going to be ignorant because what if a person's married to his or her wife, he's a Christian, she's not a Christian, he goes to heaven, is he going to be unaware that he was married when he was on earth and knows that she doesn't make it, for example?

I don't see that as being a reality. Okay, Matt. Thank you very much. You have a wonderful weekend. Take care, brother. You too, brother. God bless. All right. That was Anthony from Oklahoma.

Let's see. Let's go to Jamal from North Carolina. Jamal, welcome. You are on the air. Good to talk to you, as always.

It's slick. God bless your program and what you're doing. Also, your wife, all your loved ones. Got a two-parter, if I can try to squeeze it in. Let's do one at a time, then. Let's do one at a time. Okay. All right.

I'll try to start off with an easier one at first. I kind of talked about it last time, or a previous time that I called, and I kind of want to rephrase the question a little bit. I keep seeing these things online about how Jesus was a socialist, how he believed in free healthcare and feeding the poor and all that. I wanted to see what your thoughts were on people calling Jesus a socialist. People want Jesus to be what they want Jesus to be, and it's very common. People will find varying things, and they'll say, hey, he was this. He was that. He's like me.

He's like what I want. I can tell you, Jesus was not a socialist. The way they have socialism now and the Marxist ideology, democratic socialists are actually Marxists. There's no way that Jesus would affirm any of that. The reason I know that is because of what the scriptures say. Now, remember, the Bible is inspired, and Jesus, God in flesh, inspired the word. What does the word teach us? It teaches us a representative form of government. In Acts 18, 21-22, Deuteronomy 1, 13, it says choose wise and discerning and experienced men from your tribes, and I will appoint them as your heads. That's self-governance. If your brother sins, go to him.

By the mouth of two or three witnesses, every fact may be confirmed. You have the right to go to your people, your friends, in and out of the church and get things settled. The right of private property. You shall not covet your neighbor's house. Acts 20, 17.

There's more verses. I'm just only giving one representative one. The principle of liberty and freedom. It says in Galatians 5, 1, it was for freedom that Christ had us free. Therefore, keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

Capitalist principles. Matthew 21, 33-41. This is the parable of the landowner leaving servants in charge of his vineyard.

He owned the vineyard and required proper treatment of his people and his property. And you can go to Matthew 25, 14-30. Also, witnesses and a fair trial. In Deuteronomy 19, 15, a single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of any iniquity or any sin which he has committed on the evidence of two or three witnesses, shall a thing be confirmed.

And the right of self-defense and the right to be able to own weapons. Luke 22, 36, Jesus said, sell your cloak and go buy a sword. There is absolutely no way Jesus was a socialist. The Bible does not teach communism.

It does not teach socialism. In fact, most people are so woefully ignorant of biblical governing theology that I can say this, that it was the Puritans, the Calvinist Puritans who came over from Europe to America. And what they did is they asked the ministers to go through the scriptures and devise a governing system based upon the word of God. And what the ministers found is some of what I've said from scripture and other principles, which is why we have the government that we have today, because what they did was the forerunner of our present governmental system. For example, the doctrine of total depravity teaches that men are basically bad.

Marxism, for example, the stupidity of Marxism says that man is basically good. And the problem of society is society itself and the governing system. And the system has to be torn down and rebuilt. So the way to do this in Marxism is to cause division between varying people, blacks and whites, the rich, the poor, the legal, the illegal, whatever it is.

And they cause division and problems. Well, the doctrine of total depravity is woven into the system of our government because we have three main areas of government. We have the judicial and we have the, thank you very much.

I was thinking of the word for the presidency and I couldn't, it was stuck on that. We have these three branches because they're not to be even, they're to be odd numbers because two out of three. And the idea was to have godly people in those places. So what they could do is hopefully with wisdom, govern appropriately. And I just got to say this, unfortunately what we have now for the majority of the people in our government are people who are socialists, who lie repeatedly, who are not there for the betterment of the people, but the betterment of themselves.

And in that case, that's why I recommend everybody read the Declaration of Independence. Now what I just said, what I just said, they will use against me if they want to take me to a FEMA camp later if the leftists take over that far. And what they're trying to do is what Marxists want to do is destroy any dissenting people. They want a one party system and they will do whatever they can to get power to be able to keep control. Why do you think they're opening the borders? Because the people come in illegally, notoriously vote socialist because they don't know any better. So that's why they're having them come in and they're going to give them rights. They're going to give them all these benefits that the people who've worked here don't get.

And the Democratic Party is the party that supported the KKK and it supported slavery in the 1800s. And it's just, oh yeah, people need to do their research. Most definitely.

Thanks for all that. It's one thing. Would that be on the quorum website?

Cause I was trying to type the scriptures down as we're talking about it. So would that be on the website? Yeah.

Yeah. Hold on. I'll find it for you. I'll tell you what it is after the website.

I mean, after the website, after the break. Okay. Hold on. Hey folks, three open lines. Give me a call.

877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show.

Oh, that's really interesting. I just saw you do something on the stack. Sorry folks. Okay. Sorry.

Get back over here. Okay. Let's see.

Jamal got totally distracted. That was cool. I can't explain it. Okay. There you go.

All right. So if you want to find the article, all you got to do is go to CARM on the left hand side, you'll see the menu, go to secular issues, go to government, and then you'll see the article on socialism at the bottom. And I go through what is socialism and I document it's, for example, Venezuela and socialism, how bad it is. It is so bad. Oh, it is so bad.

Socialism and Marxism are responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people in the 1900s alone. Exactly. Yep. So anyway. Thank you for that.

The second question is, I don't want to, you know, step on any toes here. Just something I wanted to ask. I know you believe that. Okay. All right. I know you believe that once they've always stayed. Correct.

Okay. The question I wanted to ask was, what about somebody openly rejects Jesus? You know, they, at one point they were saved and they say, okay, well now I don't believe in Christianity, excuse me, at all. Are they still saved? They were never saved to begin with. They went out from us because they were not really of us. For if they had been of us, they would have remained with us.

But they went out so that it would be shown that they're not really of us. 1 John 2.19. Okay. Now God is the one.

All right. God's one who makes us born again. 1 Peter 1.3. Now if theoretically someone could lose their salvation, there's problems. It would mean then that God has to make a person unborn again. It would also mean that Jesus paid for their sins and they still go to hell.

But how could he pay for their sins and they still go to hell? It makes no sense. And there's other issues. Okay. Because you can think about this. Now think about this. Imagine the theology or the idea that you could lose your salvation. We have a guy who's going to be saved at 30 and he becomes an atheist at 50.

Let's just say that, okay? And he dies at 70. So for the first 30 years of his life, he's an unbeliever. Then he's saved for 20 years and then he's lost for 20 years, dies and goes to hell. So when Jesus saved him, did Jesus forgive him of all of his sins? Well, the answer has to be, well, yes. Well, the question then is if he died for all of his sins, he paid for all of his sins, then that must mean he paid for all of the sins even after he rejected Jesus?

Well, yeah. But people would say, well, no, no, he didn't. He didn't die for those sins. Well, then if he didn't die for those sins, then how could the person be saved with all of his sins without all of his sins being paid for? That is because Jesus did say, or I'm not sure if Jesus said it, but I've heard it, that he has paid for all past sins, present sins, and all future sins.

I did hear something like that too. Nothing says that, but it does say, for example, in Colossians 2, 13, when you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, he made you alive together with him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was also to us, and he has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. The certificate of debt is a sin debt. So he did this at the cross. So if a man is born in this century 2,000 years later and he is saved and gets unsaved, did Jesus cancel out his sin debt or not 2,000 years ago?

You see, it raises problems to say that they lose their salvation and it becomes incoherent to hold that position when you apply scripture and logic to the situation. Okay? That is interesting. Okay. All right.

Well, thank you for your time and thank you for explaining that. Amen. God bless.

All right, you too. God bless. All right, let's get to Nelson from Bakersfield. Nelson, welcome.

You're on the air. God bless, Matt. Well, just a follow-up from last time when I called, I was hearing about that one preacher preaching the serpent's feet doctrine. So I took your advice and I called him. I challenged him in that verse.

Okay. And he basically told me that he right away jumped to Genesis 5-3 because on that verse, as you know, it says, Adam was the father of Seth. And this one it says, and Eve conceived. And so he takes that, that she conceived from the serpent. And then I asked more questions.

Hold on. And he said, excuse me? Notice what he did, what you said he did. You brought up Genesis 4-1 and he immediately went to 5-3. He was setting scripture against scripture. Exactly.

I noticed that. That's what you have to do is say, well, let's look at 5-3 later. But can you please tell me what 4-1 means? Because it says the man had relations with Eve and gave birth to Cain. Does it mean that the man, this is what I'll do, I'll say, does it mean that Adam had relations with his wife Eve and she conceived and gave birth to Cain? I just repeat it.

And if he says no, I just read it again. And a lot of times what you do is you, he's probably familiar with a verse, but I'll quote a verse and people say, well, that's just your interpretation. They don't realize I'm quoting a verse. So anyway, 5-3 just says, when Adam lived 130 years, he became the father of a son in his own likeness, according to his image and named him Seth. It doesn't mean that he and Eve did not have relations and produce Cain.

So this pastor could not argue his way out of a wet paper bag with neon signs and pulleys, pushing him out with the bag greased and open on a downhill. Okay. Yeah. So I kept asking him questions, uh, cause I kept going back to right there that Adam, the man had relations with Eve and I kept, I kept drilling that and he kept going, but she conceived. Oh yeah.

I mean, it's from them being together. And so then I asked other questions. Uh, he basically, I asked him a question. He said that there's only one God and he kind of interpreted like a modalist. So I asked him, this is the father. And he said, he said, yeah. And so, and then I, that's when I quoted him, uh, Deuteronomy 6-4 about, uh, and then I, uh, and I referred to them that, and he, how can I say, he kind of got to like, like it really threw him off, like, whoa, I never heard this before.

And then, so everything that I said, referring to the Hebrew, what it says in original scriptures, he basically said, that's in Spanish, of course, that's all, basically, it's all garbage was to tell him, and he just said, wow, this is just a moment. Okay. Hey folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay with us. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody, welcome back to the show. Nelson, are you there?

Yes, I'm right here. All right, man. So, uh, yeah. So he's a heretic all around.

Okay. Oh yeah. He says someone else predicted that 2026 is the end of everything, and then the tribulation begins, and, and so much other stuff. It was, it was weird, because I was going to ask you as well, because I would think this is a, some kind of heretic doctrine, of course, but the, the oneness, they believe the, the moralistic situation, but he kind of thinks that they like, but his issue is that he says that Jesus is not God. Yeah. He's, he's a, he's a false prophet, false teacher, false everything.

And, uh, he needs to be Stanley rebuked. And, uh, that's what it is. Yeah.

He's, he's a complete heretic who's teaching damnable doctrine. All right, buddy. So, okay.

Well, thank you very much, man. I just wanted to just, uh, let you know the update on that. Okay. All right, buddy. Okay. Okay. We'll see you. God bless. Bye.

All right. Let's get to Rick from High Point, North Carolina. Rick, welcome.

You're on the air. Rick. Hello, Rick.

Um, let's see. Are you there, Rick? I want to talk to you.

Yes. How are you doing today, sir? I'm doing all right. I'm doing all right.

What do you got, buddy? Okay. All right.

Uh, I would just listen to the conversation, you know, the gentleman will have it on the socialist on, on the government socialism per the Bible. And a lot of times I've greeted you, but I'm, I'm going to tell you one of the problems I have. I listen to you basically every day, but I do distribute you over half the time. And that's okay.

We can do that. But it appears to me that most of the people that call in, and this is my opinion, of course, seem to need approval from Matt slick. I sort of compare you to Oprah. People will say, well, Oprah said, and like, that's okay.

Cause she said, well, when people say Matt six says it, it's okay. But I'll listen to you talk about the right wing, right wing, uh, the conservatives on and on, Danish, the leftist liberals. And it appears to me that through your conversation, one would be easy to say, we already know you're Republican. That's fine.

I don't, the two, or you say you're not biased, which I don't, I don't believe you are. Okay. That's true. But it's just like, I've heard you say people can make the Bible fit whatever they want. And just because it's the Matt slick version doesn't mean that's the only way it is. And I agree.

That's why, that's why, that's why I give people the scriptural references and say, go check it out for yourself. So what's the issue? You disagree with me on something?

What is it? Yeah. My issue is I listen to you talk about, about black versus white. And I heard you say just the other day that you don't know what evil white race, either racism or white supremacy.

Now I know you were kidding when you said that because I know you believe that it has to be such a thing as a white supremacy, but you appear to say that you didn't. No, no, no, no, no, no. Hold on. Hold on.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Define white supremacy. Define it. Well, if you look up from today's side of what I think is people who basically the white race is supreme.

They've had white supremacy on TV. Wait, wait, wait. Okay. One thing. Okay. Define. Okay. I'm talking about TV. Define it.

What is it? Well, Supreme means, means better than someone else or above all. So if you're a white supremacist, you are better. Or if you're white in some, in some cases, I'm not saying all people, it's just like, it's just like, so then hold on, hold on, hold on, wait, wait, stop. Okay. So the white supremacy is the attitude that those who are white are better than those who are not white. Right.

And I personally know of a lot of white people that I grew up with. Stop, stop, stop, stop. One thing at a time. Definitions. One thing. Would you agree with that definition? Of what? Wait, wait, wait, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

Dude, we got to get something down first. You always define your terms. If I was debating this publicly, I'd say, what does it mean?

You can't argue something if you don't know what it is. I just told you what it meant. White supremacy means a person of a Caucasian race.

Some of them mean that they're supreme or better than another person of another race. So then we would say then it's the attitude that those who are white are better than those who are non-white. Right. Yeah. Okay.

I didn't say all white people are like that though. Wait. One thing at a time.

So once we get a definition down, then we can tackle it. Okay. So are there white people who think that the white race is better than the black and the brown and everything else? Of course. Of course there are. Are there black people who think that the black race is better than the whites and the browns and everybody else? Of course there are. Of course there are. So then there is such a thing as black supremacy, not just white supremacy, correct? Of course it is. Okay.

Good. So everybody's equally sinful. Now what people will say though, is they're going to say, well, yeah, that's maybe true. Technically, Matt, but you got to understand Matt, that the culture of America was developed by white people who oppressed blacks and plus oppressed Asians. And they have built America up on the back and the toil, the sweat of those who were oppressed. That's what they're going to say. And I'm going to ask them questions. I'm going to ask them questions. That's true. I'm going to ask them questions, document it, show it to me, show me that that's the case. Okay.

You could understand. Was not America built on the back of black people? Was it not?

I don't know because how many, what you mean you don't know? Slavery was a joke then. It wasn't real.

Rick. I recently read a statistic that something like 2% of the population owned slaves back in the 1800s. So if that's the case, can we then say that the, that America was built on the back of that 2%? Is that, would that be the correct thing to say at that point? You see that at that particular time? Yes. Yes. Did you know that there were white slaves also in America? Yes. Did you also know? Yes, I did. Okay, good. And did you also know that there were blacks who owned black slaves in America?

Yes. And I also know that most of the slaves that came from Africa were slaves actually in Africa, owned by black people. That's right. And who was the one, who were the ones who caught the slaves in America? The other black people?

Well, the British bought them to America. No, no, no, no. Didn't you hear that? You did not hear what I said. Slavery is wrong.

I'm not approving it. I'm not justifying it. I'm saying that a lot of the blacks themselves, in Africa, caught other black people and gave them the slavery. Largely because sometimes they were just bad people and they wanted to get rid of them.

And sometimes they were corrupt, they wanted to get money. So it happened. I agree. I agree. I'm just saying, look at everything. It's not just white supremacy because, the reason I'm saying this is because you've got to be careful because it causes division and it can cause resentment. And when resentment, excuse me, when resentment is not resolved, it leads to anger and anger leads to murder. Right.

This is what we've got to stop. If it's true that 2% of the population owned slaves, black slaves in America, which is wrong, flat out wrong. Okay. I condemn it. Okay.

Well, you can't say then that America was built on the back of slaves because that would mean 98% of the people were doing the work. You see it. Okay.

You don't have these questions are never asked. It's just, well, I'm glad we can talk about it. Yeah, of course we can. You know, now I'm doing one question now for you. Sure. Okay.

I'm sorry. No, go ahead. Tell me, tell me your opinion on the insurrection at the White House. It wasn't an insurrection. When they stormed the Capitol. What was it? It was, it was, uh, what was it? Well, I don't know what I would call it, but the word insurrection is something to what was okay.

Let me, let me do this again. I don't know what I would call it, but I would not call it an insurrection because that is something that the left is using to justify an abuse of power. There are people who were just there at that protest.

I'll call it. It was at the very least a protest. They were just there and they're in jail and they didn't do anything.

So what they did was okay. Then when they, when they went into, went literally into the white, into the, you know, into the, into the white house and stop and Rick, all the destruction that they call Rick, Rick, you got to understand something. This is where specificity is always necessary during discussions. Questions have to be asked.

The left doesn't ask the questions. Let's just say there was 1000 people who were involved in this protest. Let's just say it was 1000. It was more, but let's just say 1000. Let's just say that 100 people of the 1000 went into the Capitol. Let's just say that.

So then would you say then then you have to, your wording is important. Would you say those people who went in, that was the whole, that was, that group was wrong. The whole group was wrong. You see, it misrepresents the facts.

This is what the left does. We've got to be careful. Hold on.

Okay. We got a break. Hey folks, we'll be right back after these messages, please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Let's get back with Rick. Hey Rick, you still there? Yes, I am. Okay.

One more thing. Can you define insurrection? Actually, I don't know. No, I don't know the legal term. I don't. So if you'll give it to me, then okay. No, I don't know the legal term. It is. I'm looking at, I looked it up.

Okay. Just to get a good dictionary thing because we basically know what it is, but let's get to formal definitions. The act of rising against civil authority or government restraint, specifically the armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state.

That's not what happened there at the Capitol. Another definition is the act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government. I think that could be used because the word insurrection has a variety of meanings. In one sense, it's an armed rebellion. Another one, it's not. Now, did they want to rebel?

You know, I have my own opinions about it. I won't say it on the air, but what about the riots that were happening all over the place where violence occurring, people are dying and weapons were being used against the police and against the civil authorities in varying areas. That was insurrection and yet the news never calls it that.

And what the news calls January 6 is insurrection. Their hypocrisy is there and their hypocrisy is the servant of an agenda. Their agenda is socialism and societal control. And inside of that societal control, their control markers are needed. And one of the signs of the social of control are wearing masks. We don't need to wear masks. We don't need to wear these things. If you've been vaccinated, you shouldn't have to wear them.

Plus I've done studies. The virus, the COVID virus is smaller than these paper mask, cloth mask things people wear. And it's basically useless, but they want you to wear them anyway and have certain distances. It's a means of control. It's cult like. There's all kinds of stuff going on. I do disagree with you just on one thing. Just on one thing. There were two cases that I saw on the news, national news, the window left is right.

It's all on that. There were people that literally have died of the Delta variant that has already been vaccinated white and it was still dying. If the vaccine is so great, you don't need to worry.

In fact, get this. I had it. And I had a friend who stayed at our house for a week. I had a friend, he had COVID he went and got tested. He had it. And he was, we were doing stuff together the whole bit in the house. I didn't get sick again. It's been through my family.

So, so, so it is a virus. Uh, okay. Now, tell you what, Rick, look, I tell you what, cause you and I could go out. I liked what you, you know, man, I could talk to you all day long. I could talk to you too.

You're the only person that I enjoyed and disagree with. That's fine. I don't mind, but we got four callers waiting. So, but Hey, call back Monday. Let's, let's go at it again.

A little bit. Okay. Okay.

Look at some statistics. All right. Enjoy your weekend, buddy. You too. You too, brother. God bless. All right. Bye-bye. Okay.

Yeah. I like Rick. Uh, Nate from California. Nate, welcome. You're on the air. How are you? I'm fine. I hope you understand the way I'm speaking.

That's okay. Um, thank you. Um, I would just like to know why do, um, people buy the books from, I forgot their name, their, the author's name that they're called. The titles are the man who went to hell and came back. I'm also also the one who, who, um, went to, uh, went to heaven, um, in a car accident that he had, came back and also a little boy, the little kid who, um, believes that he went to heaven.

Yeah. Uh, so what am I, what do I think about those? Um, I don't know if they're legit, um, because the Bible says the second Corinthians of 14 verses two through four, it says that I know a man, whether in the body or out of the body, I do not know what such a man was caught up to the third heaven. So it's possible for a person to go to heaven and be back that the Bible says so. So can it happen? Biblically speaking, I don't see a problem with it.

Nothing in the scripture, uh, the first Corinthians 12, I believe it is. Yeah. 12, uh, two through four. So, uh, so anyway, um, so I think it's possible. Now each one I think would have to be examined in particular to, to see by the legitimacy. Okay. Um, I'm surprised I'm against all of them.

I truly am. Um, but let's skip that. I would like to, um, know if you don't mind about Luther versus Calvin, what's the difference between them? The basic difference between Lutheranism and Calvinism is, uh, in the area and the extent of depravity and the extent nature and extent of the atonement. Now I went to a Lutheran college and I learned the theology there and I went to a Calvinist seminary. So I've got a good, uh, smattering understanding of both.

So they're very similar in a lot of areas. Reformed theology or Calvinism would, would, as it has a deeper doctrine of total depravity, where the individual is completely incapacitated and cannot, uh, come to Christ on their own unless it's by the incredible grace of God. Lutheranism basically says, says the very same thing, except not quite as much of an emphasis. They further more teach that you can lose your salvation, but it's difficult to do.

You have to really work against Christ in order to lose your salvation. But Calvinism would say you can't. And where Calvinism would say that, uh, Jesus only legally bore the sin of the elect, though the sacrifice is sufficient to save everybody. Uh, he legally only bore the sin of the elect where the, I believe the member correctly, the, the, um, Lutherans are, uh, they hold it to the position that he legally bore the sin of everybody and it becomes efficacious upon belief, which is what most Armenians believe, which I deny the efficacious nature of the atonement is not based on us.

It's based on the work of Christ on the cross where the sin that was canceled for Colossians 2 14. So that's a general difference. I understand you then.

I'm for both of them. Okay. Is it bad to say that you're a Protestant? Yeah, I'm a Protestant. Yeah. There's lots of divisions in Protestantism and that's good. It means to protest against the injustices, theological and social injustices of the Roman Catholic church in the 1500s.

That's what the Protestant means protest. Okay. Okay. How about this?

Last one, last one. Um, I apologize. Um, but always like you're saying, you're apologetic, things don't apologize for everything. Um, but, um, can, how can a child be saved if he is baptized and you know, from the Catholic church? Well, Catholicism is apostate and it's doctrine of salvation is, is in baptism as ex opera operata, which means by the doing it is done that the, the, it actually removes by the act of baptism removes original sin and all sin up to that point, which I absolutely deny flat out deny, uh, because it's apostate. So that's what their view is.

They're just flat out wrong. The Bible does not teach that that's an invention of the Roman Catholic church. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Well, I have also because, um, I never said that I never seen anywhere in the Bible where it says that Jesus was born, when he was born, he was baptized, you know? Right.

He bled, they, they would come back with his, in a different covenant system and things like that. There's, there's ways they could get around it, but then you have to, you know, I know how to stop those arguments, but Hey, we need to get the other callers. Okay.

Cause we got them stacked up. All right, buddy. I understand. Thank you for your questions.

They were great and God bless. And please, um, pray for me to, um, cause I'm epilepsy. Can it's hard.

It's hard. All right, Nate. Um, so I said your name because people all over will be praying for you. All right, Nate, with epilepsy, pray for Nate folks. And you can also email us at the prayer at email address and people pray for you there too.

Okay, Nate. Thank you so much. God bless and have a great weekend.

When you're doing entire family. You too, man. God bless. God bless.

All right. Let's get to Martin from Virginia. Martin. Welcome. I've been a half hour waiting.

Sorry about that, but here you are. Hello. Hi. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. I should say Matt.

So for us, I also kind of, I turned to a family member through Facebook. Okay. Okay. Well, I appreciate that. So what do you got buddy?

Are you there? Um, go ahead. Yeah.

Um, so we had an earlier color that had a, uh, one saved, always saved. It raised a couple questions and I'm still letting you answer one of them. And I try to call back on Monday about the other one, but, um, so Christ did die for our sins. I mean, that's clear.

I totally agree with that. Did, did Christ die for like, like Hitler's sins too? Well, what is it? We always have to define our terms was, and I asked this, uh, what does it mean to die for someone's sins?

What does that mean? Well, biblically, it means that Jesus bore our sin in his body on the cross. First Peter, two 24. He can bear our sin because sin is a legal debt because Jesus says, our father were in heaven.

How would be the name? Forgive us our sins. Forgive us our debts.

He said these. And so sin is transferred to him. Well, the wages sin is death. Jesus died. So that's how he paid for our sins by dying. That means the sin debt is taken care of and it's canceled.

Right? So then the logic requires us to think if he canceled the sin debt as Colossians two 14 says by dying, then can you go to hell if your sin that has been canceled, even if you don't believe in it, because you got a problem because how can someone go to hell if they, all their sin has been paid for and canceled by Jesus? Correct. Well, you got to believe, but not believing is also a sin.

So, well, so, so is Hitler in hell? I don't know. Uh, I would assume so. Uh, but it's always possible. I would hope so myself, but God's grace is above what we offer.

Yeah. We don't know if he repented the last minute or two or whatever, but the blood of Christ is sufficient. Save even Hitler, even Stalin. But what we see him in heaven, I doubt it. I don't believe it.

They, I kind of doubt it too, but you're right. God's grace is above what we can comprehend. All right. Listen, I'll call you back on Monday about the, uh, from scripture about once they've always saved and let you grab one more call. That sounds good. I'd love to talk about it. Okay.

All right. Let's get to Bob from Salem, Utah. Bob, welcome. You're on the air.

Hi. Um, there's a reference in the, in the new Testament where some, uh, converts come into the church and they ask the, uh, apostles, um, is it proper if we pray to the savior? And I'm just wondering if you could help me find that reference. There isn't, there's no verse that says that, but it is possible to pray to Christ. You go to first Corinthians one, two for everyone, everywhere who calls upon the name of the Lord. The phrase call upon the name of the Lord is from the Hebrew call upon the name of Yahweh. And it means to pray and worship to him and it's applied to Jesus.

So yes, you can pray to Jesus. I had to go through that really fast because we're out of time. Call back Monday and I'll go do it more slowly. Okay, buddy. Sorry about that. All right. That's remember first Corinthians one, two.

Sorry about that. Matt from California. What was the Trinity doing before it created everything? A fellowship with members of the Trinity. Hey folks, have a great weekend. We'll talk to you on Monday by God's grace. Another program powered by the truth network.
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