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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
April 9, 2021 4:00 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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April 9, 2021 4:00 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Questions include---1- When did God make the laws against incest---2- What, biblically, is a eunuch- Does that have anything to do with homosexuality---3- Are homosexuality and abortion the only things-sins that should matter as a Christian or conservative---4- Can you be a democrat and a Christian---5- Do we have to sell everything to be a Christian---6- How exactly do we make disciples---7- Why do we have to hate our parents to follow Christ---8- Can you be a freemason and a Christian at the same time---9- Have you heard of the idea that only minority groups the true Israelites---10- What do you know-think about Psalm 119 ministry---11- How will we see-perceive the Trinity in heaven---12- What's the best way to talk to a homosexual person about Jesus-

Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
The Daily Platform
Bob Jones University
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. Your host, Matt Slick, if you want, you can give me a call.

All you got to do is dial 877-207-2276. And, as usual, hey, we're going to Israel, Lord willing. So far, we are. And you never know what's going to happen in the world, but we're planning to go in March next year. And even though it's April Fool's today, hey, we're serious. And if you are interested, just check out

C-A-R-M. And you can, you know, get all the information you need. All right. I think that's, you know, we've got a lot of stuff you could talk about. A lot of stuff's happening in the news and theologically as well.

But we've got callers coming in. That's always good. I teach a Bible study tonight. I'm going through the book of Jude and enjoying it. We're some good verses now.

Verses 6 and 7 and 8. Oh, yeah. Good stuff. And I've been doing some eschatological examination on some things, messing people up, as I usually do. You know, I'm quite good at it. My wife says I'm good at irritating people and being obnoxious.

So, you know, hey, you got to use what you got for the glory of God. All right. Three open lines. 877-207-2276. Let's get to Carl from Orlando, Florida. Boom, we lost.

We lost. Like I said, if you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276. We have four open lines. Give me a call. Let's talk to Rick from High Point, North Carolina. Rick, welcome. You're on the air.

Welcome to you, Matt. I'm calling again. First off, can you hear me?

Yes, I can. I hear you fine. Okay. I enjoy talking to you even though we disagree a lot. That's okay.

You're still the man. Okay. I want to talk to you first off about incest biblically. Did it come after the flood? That's a good question. You know, I'm not so sure. I've never been asked that before. That's a good question.

I'd have to look into that to see. Did it occur after the flood? Well, I'm sure it did. You know, I know it did, but I mean, was it sanctioned at that point? When was it that God put the rules in about not doing that? I think it was after the flood because he put it in the Mosaic law. Yes, that's right.

So it did happen after the flood. Yes. Okay. Okay. I figured that. And you know better than me, but the only logic I had was in the Old Testament, kings had two, three hundred wives, four or five on the concubine.

So I know it didn't matter then. You know? Okay.

That's a lot of sandwiches. The second one here. Go ahead. I'm sorry. I just made a chauvinistic joke.

So I'm probably going to get some. I know. I know. All those wives. So I'm in trouble.

Wouldn't it be something that was like that now anyway? Okay. Okay. As far as a eunuch.

Yeah. As far as a eunuch and a hermaphrodite. Now I do know the difference, I think.

But the difference, I want to know your biblical difference. To my understanding, a eunuch was a man who chose to be castrated to work for the queen or the women. Is that right? Yeah.

They could be chosen for that or they were volunteered for it. But yeah, it's a procedure dealing with the genitalia removal of those so that the masculinity would not progress. Okay.

Now you're going to know where I'm headed with this. Now you have heard the term hermaphrodite, right? Yeah. It's just people who were born with genitalia that can, so to speak, go, go either way. Right. Either way.

Okay. Now, now this is where I'm going to try to confuse you if I can. Does any of this have to do with homosexuality? Well, the homosexuals like to say so, but homosexuality is an attitude and it's an attitude of the heart of a fallen heart. If someone is born a hermaphrodite and there's some genetic abnormality that results in ambiguity in that physical sense, which I do know occurs, but not very often. If they use that as a justification for homosexuality, then they're not being logical.

A category mistake in that there are two different issues and you can't port one over to the other. But homosexuality is a rebellion against God, even though they may not acknowledge that, but it is. It's a rebellion against the created order.

Just an attitude. That is why, that's why when homosexuality became a prevalent thing in Sodom and Gomorrah, then they condemned it. And then Lot and his family left other than his wife. So, so that's when it was really condemned and it was condemned from then on. Am I right? Well, it was, uh, it was definitely condemned in Sodom and Gomorrah issue, but, um, you know, it's, it's also condemned when it says in the garden of man, not to be alone and created a, God created a woman for the man.

That's how God created things. So that's against homosexuality right there. Okay. Now here's the one that we're going to differ on a little bit opinion wise. Okay. Okay. Now of all of the scenes that we listened to the right now, first off, uh, I used to be a Democrat. Let's get this out of the way. I'm independent.

I know about the conservative, the far right and far left, and there's a big difference. I'm bothered so much now because politics needs to be so much into Christianity. I don't like religion.

Religion's a joke, but Christianity to me, this is what I am. It seems like it's always come forth front because the two major issues out of all of the sins that the Bible talk about that we should grow from is always homosexuality and abortion. Now, are those sins are those two things which, which the fault would be far right. Condemns a lot more. And that's fine. I'm against, I'm with you on that.

I'll bring it with you on that. But is it, it, are those two on the standard that the conservative movement has to talk about so much the rest of them, those in that weren't worse than the other? Those are not the only ones. Biblically speaking, uh, the Bible actually teaches, uh, against socialism and against communism. It actually does. It speaks about biblical representation. It speaks about the right of self protection. And a lot of these things are woven into the constitution. In fact, the early fathers of our country understood the depravity of man and that's why they developed three branches of government. It was never intended that the people who would occupy various roles like judges would be there for the rest of their life and that politicians would go in and make it a career. The idea was understood. You'd go in for one or two terms and then you went back to your farm or back to your family because you went into serve.

You went to largely to serve God. But anyway, it's not that way anymore. Now the politicians, uh, I believe they have a mental problem and I'm not just saying this to be mean. I believe there's a mental condition. I'm going to read articles about the issue of what happens to the physical brain when people get in power.

The brain actually alters and it becomes problematic and I believe there's a, there's actual problems. I mean, just, just, just in a way I do. So, uh, biblically speaking, we're to talk about against drug abuse, pornography, abortion, homosexuality, socialism, drunkenness, uh, you know, violence, all these things, which our society now is promoting and because of it, uh, the judgment of God is coming. All right. And this is the ultimate question that I'm gonna let you go.

This is what I see my opinion in my mind. If you're a Democrat or, or, or the people call them liberals. Now I'm not a Republican, I'm not conservative, but I'm a Christian. But when you heard the media and yourself sometimes talk about, uh, uh, talk about these issues, it appears to me that the far right seems to be that if you're a Democrat or liberal, you can't be a Christian. Well, that's a lot because I am a Christian, but I'm not a Republican. I agree with you. You can be a Democrat.

Oh yeah. You can be a Democrat and Republican and be a Christian. I'm just saying, I see the radio is a true Christian should not vote for anybody who is pro homosexual, pro-American, pro abortion, pro socialism, uh, things like that. You know, pro pornography, of course not because those are things that are against God and we can't submit the word of God to our politics.

It's our politics that need to be submitted to the word of God, which is why preachers should on occasion when necessary speak from the pulpit politically. Okay. Uh, one last one.

I thank you so much. I don't know how, I don't know if you have a podcast, do you? Well, no, I don't.

I'm actually thinking about doing one and uh, yeah. Oh, I wish you would for one reason. I'm a black American, but this is what's so weird. I grew up in the South.

Okay. And in North Carolina, I mean the deep South, I'm familiar with the Klan. They live in the neighborhood. I had to go to segregated schools, call the N word every day where I thought it was my name. But surprisingly enough, when I began my professional career, I was always the only black in the room because of the trade I chose, which was structural engineering. And, and this, my own peers don't really like when I say this, most of, most of my friends are white folk. I get along with them very well and I don't get along with the new black culture for one reason. You keep talking about the black lives matter and I get it. They do.

I'm talking about in real. Now the movement, I want you on that. I wouldn't give them 10 cents. But the problem I have with the black lives matter is, and pick black people here in high point, cross groups by me if you want to. I'm not backing down. The problem I have with it here in here in the world today is if you're going to talk about black lives matter, then talk about the black on black crime that's happening every day in these big cities and gangs and drug and with people with drugs.

Talk about the black people killing their own black people then if black lives matter. Okay. You said it. I'm done.

I'm glad you said it. That's been an issue. And a lot of people have talked about that. Incidentally, I wrote an article back in August of 2020 on black lives matter. I went through and analyzed what it is they said, what they taught, and it is a very dangerous organization.

It is very dangerous. Absolutely. It says all black lives matter no matter whoever they are. And I've got quotes that they're talking about. They want to dismantle cis-gender privilege.

In other words, you know, I'm born a male and I believe in being male. Oh, that gives me privilege. We've got to dismantle that. This is the kind of stuff that they're talking about. Making space for transgenders against man-centeredness, dismantled patriarchal practice, disrupt the nuclear family, support of queer affirmation. And then I updated that they modified their site and I have quotes and there's other stuff. And the co-founder Patrice Concolors on the BREATHE Act, and in the BREATHE Act, which she is absolutely for, eliminate federal programs and agencies used to finance and expand the criminal legal system, make recommendations to reduce the Department of Defense, abolish mandatory minimum sentencing laws, ending life sentences, abolishing three-strike laws.

It goes on and on. Repealing laws, decriminalizing drug offenses, removing police, armed security, metal detectors, etc. from schools and governments. Abolishing state gang databases.

If they get into gangs, no, we don't want to have the cross information about how bad they are. Because I'm only reading this only half of it. It is a bad thing. The BLM is bad.

It is bad. Now, do I care about black people? Of course. I don't care what color you are. I just care. Hey, you're a good person. That's all. It's not a black skinned people matter.

It's people. That's it. Treat them all the same.

Treat them all fairly. That's what I do. Thank you so much, Matt. You enjoy your day. Thanks for calling, man. Appreciate you, buddy. All right, buddy. Bye-bye. All right.

I like that guy. All right. Let's get on the phone with JT from Virginia.

JT, welcome. You're on the air. All right, Mr. Flick.

I appreciate you for taking the time out to listen to me. Can you hear me? Sure, I can. Yes, I can. I have a question.

It's been bothering me recently in regard to the Bible verses and the Gospels. Can you hold on? We've got a break coming up. We'll get back to you after the break. Hey, folks, two open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. I'll be right here waiting for you. It's Matt Flick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Flick. Welcome back, everybody.

We have two open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. There you go. So let's get to JT again. All right, Mr. Flick. There you go.

Are you there? My question was about the verses in the Gospels where God is referring to, Jesus is referring to the young rich ruler and the other folks. And the main one that's really bothering me is when he's saying you have to give away all of your possessions, is that something that we as Christians have to do in order to get to heaven or whatnot?

Okay. So the rich young ruler had asked Jesus, what good thing must I do to enter the kingdom of God? So he's appealing to his works. What Jesus often does is he speaks to people in the area that they themselves want to be judged by. And so he says, okay, go sell everything.

And he says, he went away sad. He couldn't do that. He talked about the law, but what does the law say?

Do this, do that. So what he was doing was condemning this man for what he was not able to do because he wanted to live by the issues of the law. Okay.

Makes sense. And so we are justified by faith alone in Christ alone. Romans 3, 20, Romans 3, 28, Romans 4, 1 through 7, Romans 5, 1, Galatians 2, 16, 2, 21, Ephesians 2, 8, 9. There's all kinds of verses that talk about us only being justified by faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, not by any works and false religions add works of salvation. So you've got to cooperate with God in order to be saved and cooperate with God by doing good things or not doing bad things in order to stay saved. That it's up to you and your goodness.

And this is false doctrine, which is sometimes taught in a lot of churches. Okay. So as believers, what, what are we supposed to, I know, you know, Jesus said, go and make disciples of all the nations go to the ends of the earth.

Yeah. What are we supposed to really be doing? Like, you know, making disciples. Different people have different abilities. You know, I'm here on the radio, I have a large website, do lectures, et cetera. Well, somebody, I have a friend, for example, who's a mechanic. And what he does is he helps people do work on cars so that they don't get ripped off. And, uh, he, he serves God that way. I know another guy who, um, does doors and windows and he does a good job for the Lord. Uh, he does always good work and he's trustworthy and he gives a fair price and, uh, he won't drop the hint every now and then, you know, at church, this at church, that he's trying to be a witness. So there are different ways of doing that. It can involve a mom being at home all the time, raising kids, if that's what happens or a dad, the same thing and being at work and giving the employer a good days, a good day of work and yet the right time when it's appropriate, sharing the faith about the Lord.

So it can be all kinds of things depending on the people and the good things that they have. Okay. Okay.

Thank you for that. I've just been reading like different articles online and it's kind of hard to like, you know, if it's like Catholic, um, yeah. Stay away from the website or whatever.

Yeah. Stay away from Catholicism. It's not even Christian. Okay.

It's seriously different for me a lot. And I'm like, do I have to do all of this to be believing or whatnot? No, they, they add works to salvation. And this is why the Roman Catholic church is apostate. And so at a paragraph 2068 in the Catholic catechism, it says that you obtain salvation through faith, baptism, and the observance of the commandments. Well, the Bible says that we are justified by faith apart from the works of the law, apart from the observing the commandments, Romans 3 28. And so that's just, that's just, I can go into it a lot, but the Roman Catholicism is not a true Christian organization.

It is a pseudo religion because it adds works of salvation and promotes the idolatry of Mary among many things. So just stay away from that. You won't get saved in Catholic by believing official Roman Catholic theology. All right.

Okay. So if I were you, you know, I'd just read Romans chapter three, four, and five, read Romans three, four, and five, and just study what it says. You'll see that justification. I'll explain what justification is biblically. We sin by breaking the law of God.

First John three, four. So when we sin, we have a legal problem before God and by the law, there's a punishment. The punishment is death. Romans six 23, the Rome is death. And so we had to be justified. That means we have to be declared right before the law. And we receive that justification by faith, not by faith and works because we aren't able to keep the law because the standard of the law is perfection. Romans three, 10, James two, 10, Deuteronomy 27, 26 talks about these things. So, um, justification means to be declared legally righteous by God, uh, according to the law. And we received this righteousness or righteousness.

That's not our own, but the righteousness comes from God by faith. That's Philippians three, nine. Okay. So it's three, four, and five. Okay. All right. Um, when Jesus was talking to the disciples about the possession topic, um, why did he say, if you don't do this, like you're not my disciples, like hating your mother and your father.

Yes. What it meant was in comparison to him, you hate your mother and your father because the guy said before him said, I need to go bury my mom and dad or very, very my parents. And that was an idiom in that culture to wait for the LA died. And then you, you buried them.

Then you were able to be free because you had to, you're obligated to take care of your parents. And Jesus said, let the dead bear the dead. And he says, you don't worry about it. God will take care of these things. You need to come follow me because he's more important than anybody else.

That's the point. Okay. All right. Thank you so much. You're welcome so much. All right, man. God bless. All right. Let's get to Carl from Orlando.

Carl. Welcome. You're on the air. Hey man, what's up man? How you doing? Oh, I'm okay man.

Hanging in there. What do you got buddy? I got, um, so I think like last week I had called you.

I got two port question last week. I'll call you. But like a minute, we didn't talk that much. It was about, um, one of my friends believe that, you know, you can, you can be a God certain man and still be a free Mason. That was one question. My other question was, let's get to that. Let's do that one at a time. Can you be a free Mason and a Christian at the same time?

Yes, you can. Uh, the higher up you get into free Masonry, the more secret oaths are required and rituals. And so it's doubtful that a true Christian could remain in, um, in that very long and stay in it. So, but there are the levels, there are branches of Masonry where people can kind of describe this without approving of it. People can be in it and still be saved because they don't really understand what's going on. And so they can still be saved.

It's a technicality, but normally speaking, no, we shouldn't be involved with a free Masons any hold on. They got a break. Okay, buddy. Hey folks, be right back after these messages.

You can hear the music. We have three open lines. Give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven section. We will be right back.

Welcome back to the show. We have three open lines. Why don't you give me a call? 877-2-0... Excuse me. 207-2276.

Let me try it again. 877-207-2276. Let's get back to Carl. Hey, Carl. Hey, what's up, man? Okay, buddy. We're back.

What do you got? Yeah. So you're saying that you cannot be a Freemason and be a goddamn man. There's levels of awareness of people that have knowledge and ignorance about varying levels of Freemasonry. I recommend people don't get involved with Freemasonry, but it doesn't mean that someone who is a Freemason automatically is not a Christian, because there are organizations within it where you're just a club, and so that doesn't make them a non-believer. But in the higher levels, there are oaths that are taken, and in the real upper echelons of some of the aspects of Masonry, it gets into some demonic stuff. At that point, any Christian who approaches that would say, well, no, no, no, no. You can't do that. So there's some just issues there. I can't just say, no, you can't be it, or you can't be a Christian and be one at the same time.

Technically, you could, even though I recommend that people not join or get involved with Masonry. Okay? Okay.

All right. My other question was that one of my friends, he's heavy, and so I guess, well, he basically believes that the Israelites are black people, they're minorities, you know, black, Spanish, like Dominican, and stuff like that. He believes those are the Israelites, those are the true Israelites, and all the other race, I guess, doesn't matter, and things like that, based on the story of, this is the story in Genesis, with Abraham, Jacob, and based on that.

Right. It's called black Hebrew Israelitism, and it's false. Well, he doesn't consist of black, like, black Hebrew, like, he just believes, like, just in general, like, minorities are the true Israelites, from, you know, it's, yeah, it's racist, it's a racist thing, is what it is. The Jews, I mean, if you look at the Jews, go to Israel, the people who know their ancestry for 2,000 years, their ancestors have come back into the land, you know, I'm not saying, you know, Caucasian's a true, proper race, I'm not saying that at all, I'm just saying, they don't look like, you know, blacks or Asians, you know, they're caucasoid in that, they're just descendants of what Israel was. So what?

But no, it's not a, it's not the case that the true Israelites are just the minority groups. Okay? Right. Okay. Okay. Yeah.

So that's all, that's all when it's enough. Okay. Because he's heavy into, you know, he was referred to, you know, black people are the chosen ones, because they're from the Israelites. He's racist. Abraham, and Jacob, and Isu, and, you know.

He's a racist then. If it's, you see, I would never say white people are the chosen people, see? I would say the chosen people are, you know, there's two senses. One is the elect from this foundation of the world, Ephesians 1.4, but the other is the people of Israel. And the people of Israel could be multicolored.

Who cares? But if I were to say, no, the white people are the chosen race, that's racist. But if they say the black people are chosen race, then somehow it's not. Well, it is.

So it's racism. All right? Right. Okay. All right. Somebody has to stay away from that, right?

Yeah, just stay away from that stuff. You know, it's, there's, I like to tell people there's only one race. It's the human race. We're built differently. We look different.

That's it. There are sins that have been committed by one group of people upon others. You know, the blacks were enslaved a lot, but a lot of people don't realize so were the whites. They were enslaved too, and not as much in, at least in America, but it's, it's a truth. And okay, you know, what do we do? Uh, we, what we do is we learn what 1 Corinthians 13 says, love does not remember a wrong suffered. And if we are to look back at any of our own ancestors and say, this other group of people, whether it's a skin color or a nationality oppressed my ancestors, therefore that other group of skin colored people or that other nation, whatever it is, has to be punished.

It's ridiculous. My ancestors are from Germany and, uh, you know, I could go back further and further in history. I could find out what the Germanic people were persecuted by other tribes. Well, I paid you, you know, I could make a case, Oh, you know, you always, you know, this is what happens when racism rears its ugly head.

We started becoming divided and resentful. I'm going to read something here. This is, uh, important.

Let's see. It's Ephesians. Oh, I think it's Ephesians four.

Yes. 4 31, uh, there's something important here. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other just as God in Christ has forgiven you. And it says this, let bitterness and wrath and anger, uh, be not, not be among you. When people perceive that they are wronged, whether it's a, an actual wrong or just a perceived wrong, not really, they weren't really wrong. They just think they were, it doesn't matter. People perceive that they've been, uh, they've suffered injustice.

They get bitter or they get resentful and we could say resentment is not as bad as bitterness. I would say they've resent what's happened and I'm, I know, I mean, my last name is slick and I used to wait at six, seven, excuse me, at six feet tall, weighed 117 pounds and I moved 26 times before I was 12 years old. And I went to 12 different elementary schools.

I didn't start having to stop having nightmares of being murdered till I was 35. And guess who it was, guess which race it was that were the people who treated me the worst. It was the white people that I was hanging around with all of them because that's where I was in Southern California. And I telling you, I got treated so badly, but it wasn't because they're white, it's because they're morons, they're idiots. And so I had to let the, my, my resentment against these bullies go so that the bitterness wouldn't follow so that, so that anger wouldn't rise so that I could be free when we're wronged. What we do with it is important. Do we let it go or do we hold onto it and feed it so that bitterness rises and anger follows that because when anger gives rise, it leads to murder and murder can occur in our hearts as well as by our hands. This is why God says, forgive, let it go. If I were to have remembered all these things and purposely dwell on all those people that did all those bad things to me, and I mean, I was traumatized, what's it going to do?

Learn to live and learn to forget and learn to move on. And I don't look at anybody by their skin color. I look at them as, are you good person or bad person? Are you a bully? Are you a moron? Are you unrighteous?

That's all that matters because they're the same everywhere. And I know I'm getting around here, but we've got to learn as a group, as people to let things go and to unite as people, not be separated by skin color or ancestry or what you perceived was done wrong by anybody. Learn to let go, learn to forgive, learn to move forward. We all have to do that in all areas of our lives. Not easy, but that's what we got to do. All right.

Like I said that, but that's what it is. Okay. All right, man. Thank you, man. All right, man. God bless. Talk to you again. All right.

God bless. Folks, we have four open lines. Give me a call. 877-207-2276. Give me a call.

Four open lines. We've got a break coming up, so you can call then too. Let's get to Sharon from South Carolina. Sharon, welcome.

You're on the air. Thank you, Matt, for taking my call. My question for you is, the 119 ministries that is, I guess, an outpouring or an outgrowth of the Hebrews movement, do you have any words about this, thoughts about this? During the break, I did some research on them, and I can't tell you if it's good or bad. When I go to their home site, there's no statement of faith, and that really concerns me. Whenever we have a site that does not have a statement of faith, I can't trust them, because I don't know their teaching.

Often when someone doesn't have a statement of faith, it's because they have some aberrant views they don't want to be manifested. So let's see. Here's another link.

Let's see if this is it. It seems to be very driven by the Internet and Facebook. I found it. It's driven very much by YouTube, by teaching, and Facebook, and it appears to be that they have to keep the entire law, and to walk as Jesus walked. Tell you what, we've got a break, and I found their statement of faith, so I'm going to look to another place, and I'll go over that during the break, and then we'll come back and talk.

I want to hear what you have to say about it. I'm happy to. Okay. Hey folks, we have four open lines. Give me a call.

877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Welcome back, everybody. If you want to give me a call, please do.

Four open lines, 877-207-2276. All right, just reading one last thing on this website. Okay.

Interesting. All right. Oops. Let me get back to Sharon.

Hey, Sharon, are you still there? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. All right. Okay, so I want to hear what you have to say, and then I'll make my comments after I get to just look for a few minutes on what the site teaches.

But go ahead. What were you saying about it? I actually don't have a great deal to say, other than I was quite a little taken back by precious people that I know, that when they were speaking of celebrating this Festival of Unleavened Bread, and then we were just talking about that, and their very strict adherence to Saturday as this topic, and then when I try to gently bring up that the law, that what we are, to keep all of the commandments, to break any part of the commandments, is to break all of the law, it just didn't seem to take into account the imputation of our salvation through the cross. Let me ask you, did they require Saturday as a Sabbath keeping for issue of salvation?

Yes. You had to be saved? You had to keep a Sabbath keeping?

No, they say not. But what she says is, what they seem to say is that if you are to, in our salvation, in our salvation, what Jesus did on the cross, that we are going to be compelled, we are going to be obedient to all of the Torah, as well as all of the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament. So they teach, or they teach that you have to worship on Saturday? Not as a part, not as a, not for our salvation, nor any of those things for our salvation, but as Christians, as the two commandments are summed up in, you know, loving the Lord with a heart full of mind, and to love one another and others as we love ourselves, that sums up the commands, that they take it to all of the New, all of the Old Testament practices, of picking and choosing. So like the Festival of the Unleavened Bride, I said, that is wonderful that you celebrate that.

You know, well Jesus did, he certainly didn't celebrate Easter, he celebrated this, this is what we celebrate, because we're commanded to, it's commanded of us to do that. So you know, these are just very forceful, it's almost body language, and that's just how it was being said, just being cut off when I was talking about, you know, mercy and grace and holiness, and it just, and when I spoke about Paul and something in Galatians, it was just boom, it was just, well here's the thing, just there was a tension that I didn't want to pursue, because these are good people, and I didn't want to hurt our relationship. So I looked, there we go, so I looked at their website during the break, I spent a few minutes on it, and I'm pretty adept at scanning through things pretty quickly, and discerning a lot. Now I went through their statement of faith, and I couldn't find anything heretical in the statement of faith.

It's not very well, it's not very sufficient. I think a statement of faith should affirm and deny and be more involved, you know, what does it say about baptism, what does it say about security, what does it say about the physical resurrection as a glorified body, you know, they affirm that. And so what's good there is, it says, our desires and prayers that Jesus become the greatest desire of every heart through the study and application of scripture. I love that statement, that's an awesome statement, and it says the founder teaches a weekly Bible study for women and enjoys every single minute of preparation, study, and teaching, so that's good too, teaching women. We believe that, this is what it says though, we believe that for the statement of faith, we believe that for salvation of the lost and sinful people, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. I agree, but what's not there, and this concerns me, is it doesn't say justifications by faith alone and Christ alone. So because that's not there, I don't know if they affirm legalism or if they affirm baptismal regeneration and they don't want to publicize it. This is why I'm saying that statements of faith need to be precise. Because otherwise, what does it mean? And oftentimes, I'm not saying this is the case with them, I don't know, but oftentimes what it is, is they are hiding things by not being sufficiently clear. That's very frequently what happens in a lot of these sites.

But it could be that she's not doing that, not intending it, it's just the level of understanding that she knows. You know, okay, I would certainly have recommendations for a statement of faith. Maybe I should write an article how to write a statement of faith. But here's questions I don't know if they affirm women pastors and elders.

It doesn't seem like they did, but nothing said about it. So I don't see anything cultic about it from what I've seen. I see nothing cultic in the site.

I would have to interview somebody just to make sure. Everything, what little I've read is that it is an offshoot of the Hebrew Roots Movement. Hebrew Roots Movement, that would be very interesting if it is.

Hebrew Roots Movement, which they said that there are many up. I just forgot today, but I remember, it was just because I was busy, and I thought this would be a good question to bring up to Dr. Michael Brown, because he had his thoroughly Jewish Thursday thing is today. And it was today, and I just missed it.

He was probably a good person to ask, I don't know. But anyway, thank you so much. Well, I appreciate it. I also went to the Facebook page and looked, and I couldn't see anything. I was looking for heresy, didn't see any.

That's good. When I just Googled that and exposed, it was just 119 Ministries exposed, it was thing after thing after thing by different people, but I don't know who these people are. I couldn't say that I knew who Pastor Michael Hogart was in speaking of this ministry. You do some research and send me an email with links and some stuff, and I can write a, maybe try and contact him and write a little piece on him.

We have a whole section on karma where we're going to be doing individual ministries like this, just doing a quick assessment, whether they're in Orthodoxy or out. Yeah, I know there was some talk about blood moons, didn't even know what those things were. Well, I don't know.

A name by a name, Mark Blick was the name. I don't know. I'll tell you what.

I just don't know. So write me an email, the email's on CARM, info at, and put some links together and I'll take a look. Okay. Thank you, sir. Thank you for your continued good work. Well, thank you.

God bless you and your wife and daughters. Appreciate that. Bye-bye. All right. Okay.

Let's see. Let's get to Sharon and let's get to Matt from Dallas, North Carolina. Matt, welcome. You're on the air.

Hey, Matt. How you doing, man? Doing all right. Hanging in there. All right. So what do you got?

I got a question. When we get to heaven, will we see Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit, or will we see him all in one, or? The Bible doesn't tell us, but except that it does say that, speaking of God the Father, he does an unapproachable light who no man has seen nor can see. That's 1 Timothy 6, 15, 16, 17. So most probably we'll never see God the Father.

And plus, we look at this, there's a couple of issues. What does it mean to see God? So what would it mean, for example, to see a soul, a human soul? Can we see a human soul?

We don't know. What does a soul look like? Is it blue? Is it spotted? Does it have stripes? Does it oscillate? Can we see through it?

Is it even visible? We don't know. And so God is spirit, and we know what spirit does not have. Luke 24, 39, does not have a body of flesh and bones as Christ has. He speaks about his own body.

We know what spirit is not, but we don't know what it is. Since God is spirit, John 4, 24, we don't know exactly what he will look like. Now in Acts 7, 55 through 60, Stephen had a vision, and he saw the glory of God. He didn't see God with a glory of God, God the Father. So what would that look like? The light?

Let's say that was just emanating light that was just spreading everywhere. Let's call that his glory. Well, that would be seeing the glory of God, but not seeing God, particularly since God, the Trinity, indwells the entire universe, as well as, so to speak, outside of it, all over the place. How do we see God?

So the question is, it's a great question, and man, I don't know how to answer it except to say, I don't know, probably not. Can't see his actions, you know? And Jesus is enough. Jesus is enough. He's expressed representation of the nature of God, Hebrews 1, 1, 2, 3 talks about.

And so we need to focus on him, okay? That's the only way to know God, is to know Christ through him. Yep, it's going to be 12 years this Mother's Day that I've been saved. Praise God, man. Praise God.

12 is a good number. More to go. Good, man.

Praise God. Yep. Okay.

Well, man, I'm going to speak to other callers, all right, man? Okay. Well, thanks a lot, man. You're welcome. All right. God bless.

All right. Let's get to Mitchell from Charlotte, North Carolina. Mitchell, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. How you doing? Doing all right. Hanging in there. What do you got, buddy?

I'm trying to be quick. What's the best way to talk to a homosexual about Jesus? Because I know it can be kind of touchy because the first thing they say is, you know, well, Jesus, you know, I'm homosexual, so Jesus doesn't love me. And I was wondering what scripture can I give? Well, you can go to Matthew 5, 43 through 48.

He loves all people in a generic sense. So when I talk to homosexuals, you know, I don't say, oh, you're going to hell. You know, I just say, I just try and be their friend and get to know them a little bit. And I want them to see Christ in me. And then at the right time, we'll talk about what sin is.

That they, like anybody else, need to trust in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. And that's what I focus on. I don't focus on homosexuality anymore.

I'd focus on anything. I would just focus on, you need Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins. If they say, well, is homosexuality a sin, yes, it is.

Just yes, it is. And you need to be forgiven of that. And God's going to call you and have requirements of you to repent of your sin. And if they're not willing to do that, as Luke 14, 28 says, you know, pick up your cross daily and follow after me. No, that's 14, 28, count the cost.

And if they're not willing to count the cost to follow Christ, then they're not going to be Christian. You know? And not just say it lovingly and kindly and things like that. Okay? Okay.

That's what I do now. Thank you so much. You're welcome. So much.

God bless. Hey folks, tomorrow is a good Friday. And so we're not having live radio tomorrow. So it'll be off tomorrow.

It'll be a replay. And by his great grace, the Lord will let us be back on there on Monday. And we'll talk to you then. May the Lord bless you. Have a great weekend, everybody. Have a great weekend. God bless you. Talk to you later. Bye. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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