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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
November 20, 2020 3:00 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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November 20, 2020 3:00 am

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Questions include---1- Matt mentions that the radio show on Friday, 11-20 will be dedicated to the KJVO movement, with Luke Wayne as a guest.--2- Why was there a war in heaven---3- Is the world, as it is today geographically, in any Bible prophecy---4- Why isn't the Book of Enoch in the canon---5- Does the Bible teach specifically on abortion- How can I best explain to someone who wants a direct quote about the word abortion---6- Did anything happen before Genesis 1-1---7- What did Jesus mean about the law in Matthew 5-17---8- How can I discern God's will for me---9- Where did the nephilim come from---10- Are there any books missing from the King James Bible-

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Renewing Your Mind
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Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
Kerwin Baptist
Kerwin Baptist Church
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Truth for Life
Alistair Begg

A previously recorded Matt Slick Show. And I'm glad mine's kind of over.

It's like Charlie who we were talking about with the show. You know, a lot of stuff happens on weekends for us. Anyway, hey, look, if you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877-207-2276. And if you are interested in participating in a chat room, that's easy to do.

All you have to do is just go to C-A-R-M dot O-R-G, all going to yawn. Oh, and right before the show I took a sip of tea. It went down the wrong pipe, so I'm still clearing my throat and coughing from that. You know, of course it's going to happen right before the show.

Had tea all day today and one more sip and there you go. But that's all right. Hey, look, we have nobody waiting right now, so I want you to give me a call. 877-207-2276 this Friday, just letting you know. We're going to have a guy on, Luke Wayne, he works with us at CARM. And we'll be discussing the King James only controversy, the King James only stuff for the first half hour. And so if you've got comments, questions, he'd be the guy. He wrote well over 100 articles on the topic. And so there you go.

He's kind of like me, a little bit imbalanced. We get on a topic and we just write about it and research it. I wrote 180 articles on annihilationism. Could have put it in another 20, but I think I covered it.

And he's got I think 140 or so on King James only. And so that'll be that topic. All right. Five open lines. Give me a call.

877-207-2276. Sorry about that. Clear my throat again.

That T went down the wrong pipe. All right. If you want to learn your theology, I do recommend that you study theology when I talk about this kind of a thing. I take it very seriously. Studying the word of God and studying the theological principles that God has laid down. Over the years, talking to people for 40 years about theology, about the Trinity, the deity of Christ, hypostatic union, justification, imputation, propitiation.

I study Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Islam, Baha'i, studying Christian science, all kinds of stuff. And comparing it to scripture, I've learned a great deal. And by God's grace, I've just learned a great deal. Went to college and then went to seminary and learned even more in both places. And over the years, been doing a lot of debating, a lot of teaching in a lot of different ways. And, you know, I'm just grateful for the opportunity to be able to serve God.

So having said that, oh, yonder yawn coming on, man, I think it's from the coffin and all the tea. And so what I did was I wrote some schools because it is on my heart to equip Christians. One of the things that the pastor is supposed to do is provide equipping for the Christian church. The Christian church obviously needs it, particularly in our time now. You know, it says in Ephesians 4.11, he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints for the work of service to the building of the body of Christ, verse 12.

And that's what we're supposed to be doing. That's what I want to do is I want to equip you, help you to understand the faith. You know, I know there's a lot of people out there who don't agree with a lot of the things that I teach, and that's okay. If my teaching and your disagreement causes you to go to the Word and study it more and become better equipped, then good. Unfortunately, some people become stronger Catholics, stronger Mormons, stronger atheists, they will say because, you know, what I've taught. Well, that's just to their detriment and they're not being honest with the Word of God.

But it does happen. Nevertheless, if you are interested in some good theology, learning some stuff, you want to learn about the basics of the Christian faith and how to defend your faith, and even how to think more critically, you can go to the CARM School, C-A-R-M dot O-R-G, and on the right-hand side you'll see the link for the schools. It doesn't matter what page you are on, but you can go to the home page as well and check it out. And I do recommend that you study the Word of God. If you don't use the schools that I've developed, you can just get a basic commentary or systematic theology on what it is that the Christian faith really is about.

We need it. You need it because you need to be grounded in the truth. It's what the Christian pastors are supposed to be doing to equipping the saints for the work of service.

So let me ask you a question. Is your pastor equipping you for the work of service, for the building up of the body of Christ until we all attain a unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God to a mature man, to the measure of stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ? Is this what your pastor is doing? Do you feel as though you're being equipped for the work of service? Or are you being babysat and coddled?

Just something to ask. What church do you go to and is your pastor equipping you? Now, it's one thing to give a sermon once a Sunday for a half hour, 45 minutes, to give a sermon about the sermon topic.

That's good. But the issue here is are you being equipped for the work of service? Is that what equips you? Unfortunately, for a lot of people, they don't realize that equipping means midweek Bible studies, having time for the pastor asking questions, have him teaching you and the elders teaching you as well. That's what is supposed to happen for the work of ministry, for that being equipped. So ask yourself, is that happening in your church? And if it's not, find a new church or ask the pastor to start equipping you per Ephesians 4, 12.

That's what the Bible says. And if he refuses to do it, then go find another church. If he's just babysitting you, we don't want that. All right, let's get on the phones here. We have three open lines if you want to give me a call.

877-207-2276. Angie from North Carolina, welcome. You are on the air. Hello, Matt. Can you hear me? Yes, I can. You're coming in loud and clear. Okay.

All right. So my question is if you could help me understand why there is war in heaven. Well, can you have a verse for that? No. I just listen and I hear that there is war in heaven.

Is that incorrect? Well, it depends what they mean by that. You've got to understand that there's a lot of bad teachers out there, a lot of ignorant pastors who just never went to school, never really studied theology, and people like them and they become pastors and they start teaching and they grow and things like that.

They've never been trained, but there are a lot who have been trained. But nevertheless, war in heaven, what is meant by war in heaven? See, there's three heavens to begin with. There's the first heaven, the lowest heaven, is where the clouds are and things like that. I guess we lost her. Turn that off.

And force her to call back if you can. The second heaven is where the moon is, the stars, the sun, things like that. And the third heaven is a dwelling place of God. So what is meant by the idea of war in heaven? Do they mean that there's a celestial battle within our realm that we're talking about here in the earth realm where demonic forces are in our lowest heaven there with the clouds and moving back and forth? What is meant? Is it in the celestial realm such as the stars and the moon?

Is that where they're at? There's a war going on. Do they mean that there's actually a war in the presence of God? And you see, each one of them would have difficulties to explain, but the higher you go, the more difficult it becomes. See, some say that there was a great rebellion in heaven and that a third of the angels fell and they were cast down to earth.

So we have to ask questions. Can anybody or anything actually war against God? When you think about it, all God has to do is just wave his celestial hand and they don't exist anymore. That's how powerful he is. So how could there be a war in heaven if it's the third heaven, the dwelling place of God?

How could that be possible? It wouldn't seem as though. So if there was a battle of some sort in that realm, it was because God allowed it and be under his control. So when we say, you know, is there a war in heaven?

Well, these are the questions we're going to ask. If it's in the celestial realm of the sun and the moon stars, maybe. Maybe there was an angelic battle going on there as well as here on earth. Now, I wrote a novel called The Influence and wrote about six, seven years ago. And in it, I describe angelic warfare. And what I do is I describe it here in this realm where between buildings and in rooms and things like that, that there's a war, that there's fighting between demonic forces and angelic forces, good forces. And so that, I think, is within reason to say that that is a reality. We don't know to what extent it is. So when people say a war in heaven, we have to understand what context we're talking about.

Now, they might be going to Revelation. It talks about varying battles, varying things like that. And we would have to look at the context to see what was going on.

And that's what I would ask that anybody would teach that on TV. Go to the scriptures and exegete the scriptures. And don't read into the scriptures what isn't there. Now, there is talking about war in Revelation 6, and it talks about the war on earth. So what war are they talking about in heaven? Now, it does mention this in Revelation 12, 7. The war in heaven, Michael and the angels waging war of the dragon, the dragon and the angels waged war.

They were not strong enough, and it was no longer a place found for them in heaven. So when we read stuff like this, again, it's the question which heaven is being spoken of, because in Jewish cosmology, there's three heavens. The highest is where God dwells. The second highest is the celestial realm, stars, moon, sun. And the lowest heaven is really where the clouds are and the wind is and things like that. So that's what we have to ask.

And we get more into that because there's a lot of questions to ask, and then the answers can affect where we go with the understanding of scripture. If you want to give me a call, we have four open lines, folks. 877-207-2276. Let's get to Julius from Alabama. Julius, welcome. You're on the air. Yes, sir. How are you doing today? No, I'm doing all right. Having a good time being able to answer questions.

I'm doing okay, by God's grace. What do you got, buddy? I want to ask you, this is a lot to answer at one point, but what would you say we are in Bible prophecy? You mean America? Is that what you mean?

Yes, sir. Or the whole world, I guess you could say. Well, the world is in Bible prophecy. Israel, of course, is spoken of, and a lot's going to happen in the future with Israel. As far as the United States goes, there's really nothing spoken about in the Bible about the United States, except to say generically, it's included in God loved the whole world, all the nation groups. But it does say at one point that all the nations will be gathered against Israel. So that would include the United States if we are still viable as a nation.

I say that because the way the leftists are, the radicalists are, and the way the moral relativism is, the corruption in our government and in the media and schools and businesses and stuff like that, I don't see how we can last much longer. So there needs to be something different to happen. So, who knows? Well, thank you.

That was very delightful. Okay. All right. Well, God bless, buddy. Thanks a lot.

That's Julius from Alabama. You have four open lines. Folks, if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276, give me a call. We'll be right back after these messages. Welcome back to the show, everybody. Hope you're all enjoying.

We have three open lines, 877-207-2276. Let's get on the phone with Isaac from Iowa. Isaac, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. How are you?

Doing all right, hanging in there. So what do you got, buddy? Yeah, I've got a question. I'm sorry. The audio's bad. Can you hear me?

Yes, I can. All right. So I was recently teaching a series on why we believe, what we believe for our church's youth group. And I was looking through, part of it was about why we believe the Bible, and I was looking through the biblical canon, and it's something I've been studying recently. And I was wondering why, I was looking into this a little bit, but why is the book of Enoch not included in the canon? Because if you look in Genesis 6, the story of the book of Enoch about the fall of the Watchers, that's included in Genesis 6, and it seems to be consistent with the book of Enoch. So I'm just curious, why would that not be included? I've heard a few arguments, but I haven't heard anything solid so far. It's not included because it's not scripture.

It's simple. It's not inspired of God. Okay, that's it. The Christian church never recognized it as being scripture. Furthermore, there are at least 20 other books mentioned in the Bible. The book of Wars, the book of Jasher, Chronicles of David, the book of Kings of Israel, the book of Jehu, an angel's book.

I mean, there's a lot. Just because they're mentioned in the Bible doesn't mean that they're scripture. Furthermore, Paul the Apostle quoted pagans. It doesn't mean that the pagans are scripture. He quoted Epimenides in the book of Titus. It meant Menander and 1 Corinthians.

That's the argument that I've heard about Epimenides. But all that Paul said in the book of Titus was that cretins are quoted and one of their own prophets says cretins are evil beasts, lazy gluttons, and always lying. But that's just a quote, right? He's not quoting it as something solid.

And it's quoted in Jude, right? Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Back up. Back up. Back up. So Paul quoted that quote and he said it was true, right?

Yeah. So the unbelievers can have truth and the unbelievers can be quoted. It doesn't mean that the unbelievers are inspired of God.

It's just that simple. So the book of Enoch is not intended to be scripture. The Christian church did not consider it scripture. The apostles did not consider it scripture.

Just because it's quoted in Jude 14 doesn't mean that it's inspired any more than quoting other books in the Bible are inspired. It's just that simple. Do you think it should be in the canon? I don't know. I guess... Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Hold on.

Hold on. Do you think it should be in the canon? You said it's either yes, no, or I don't know. And you said I don't know.

If you don't know, that means that there's some reason why you would suspect that it should be in the canon. Yes, sir. So let me ask you a question.

Do you think that you sitting here today have better understanding on what should be in the Bible than the early church did when it knew about the book of Enoch and rejected it as scripture? I do not. Okay. So then let me ask you a question again then.

Should the book of Enoch be considered scripture? No, I don't think it should be. Okay, good. Okay. Because you said I don't know, which that was important to address that.

So now you know it's not supposed to be scripture. Yeah. Part of my follow-up... Could I ask a follow-up question? Sure.

Is there enough time? Yeah. Go ahead. Okay. So I also wanted to ask, are you familiar with Michael Heiser?

Yes. So I began reading The Unseen Realm, and I guess the reason I would ask about the book of Enoch is it's fresh on my mind. I was reading about the biblical canon, and so he's been able to reference that a bit, and the biblical authors reference that. Reference what? And then he also has a book called Reversing Herman.

Wait, wait, wait. What's that? They reference what? The book of Enoch? He references the book of Enoch.

So what? In the book, The Unseen Realm, he talks a lot about the Jewish culture, and so he goes back, and he doesn't say it's scripture, but he does insult the book of Enoch, and he has an entire book, I guess, written on it. I haven't read Reversing Herman. But there are other books.

What are you talking about? There are other books that are worth looking at as far as ancient culture goes. It doesn't mean they're inspired.

Look, you have to understand something. God intended certain books to be in the canon, and he intended that certain other books not be in the canon. And he was certainly capable, and certainly is capable, of communicating what he wants in the canon to his people, the Christian church, through the year, and the Christian church, has rejected the book of Enoch as being scripture.

Period. So when you read other scholars, and they reference other books, like the book of Enoch, well, that's fine. It's just still not scripture. No big deal. I would agree with that.

I would argue that the book of Enoch should be included. I just was curious your thoughts on it. So thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Okay. The thing I'm concerned about is that you said you didn't know at one point if it should be in or not, and that really concerned me a lot. The reason is because it means that you're listening to some other teachers, and they're confusing you. And what happens is when people start becoming confused about the word of God, and they'll say the book of Enoch probably should be in, for example, well, then what other books should be in, and what other books should be out, because now they are sitting in judgment of the word of God. And it basically leads to heresy. You have to understand God, the sovereign King of the universe, brought His word into place.

It wasn't just a bunch of people. They're the ones with the authority, and they're the ones who did it, and maybe they made some mistakes, and God's will wasn't done, and certain books were removed, and certain ones weren't in because God sat up there. He's strumming His fingers on His celestial desk, and He's going, uh-oh, what are we going to do now? Because what that essentially is when people say that the book needs to be in there, it is to say that God's will is not accomplished when it comes to His inspired word, and that's accusing God of failure. So this is a serious issue. Right, and I would never do that, and I fully affirm the 66 books of the Old and New Testament.

I've simply been trying to wrap my... I guess I'm not debating whether or not the book of Enoch should be included, and I wouldn't argue for it to be included. I guess I was calling with the intention of trying to understand, trying to wrap my head more around the process. I've been listening to Michael Krueger and James White and trying to understand the biblical canon a little bit better, so I would never question God's sovereignty and the biblical canon being formed. I know that I'm looking at the canon from a theological perspective, not just historical, and so I don't question that.

The 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are exactly what God has planned for them to be, and it's God's revealed will. So, yeah, I apologize. I misspoke there.

That's all right. Really quick, the book of Isaiah has 66 chapters coincidentally, 39 and 27. They're slightly different.

They match the Old Testament. It's interesting. Take a look. We've got to get going, okay? God bless. All right.

That was Isaac from Iowa. Folks, you have three open lines. Give me a call, 877-207-2276. Be right back. All right, welcome back to the show, everyone.

We have two open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. Teresa from North Carolina. Welcome, you're on the air. Teresa, are you there? Hello. Hi.

You're on. I'm hearing you. Can you hear me, Matt? Yes, I can. Yes, I can hear you. I'm driving in the woods, so I'm from North Carolina.

My name is Teresa. Okay. And I'm asking about abortion.

All right. So I'm against it, but I'm trying to educate people on why it is wrong, and they want direct quotes from the Bible where Jesus spoke of abortion. They're asking the wrong question. What they say where Jesus spoke against abortion is wrong. Yes.

It's a misplaced question. Does the Bible teach against killing the unborn? Does the Bible teach about killing? Well, it says, Thou shalt not murder.

Right? And that's Exodus 20, 13. Right. You're not to murder. Now, ask them a question.

In the commandments. Exactly. Right. So ask them a question. But they don't take that for what it's worth, should I say. They argue with me. Okay. So let's ask them a question.

Ask them. Say, is it okay to kill the life in the womb? Because that's what it is, the life in the womb. Ask them, is it okay to kill it? And if they say yes, for what reason is it okay to kill it? Would you do this to a cat, a kitten? Would you do it to a baby panda? Do you want to kill it? Would you go to a zoo and take a pregnant panda and kill the baby and the mother there? Is that okay?

Do comparison and see what they say. If they hesitate for a second, well, no, then they're hypocrites. They're hypocrites.

Exactly. And then you call them out on it. And that's where I try to.

And I don't want to get argumentative, but I want to teach them. Get argumentative. Get argumentative. You have to. Okay. Okay, well. So here's more. There's more. And you had said?

There's more. Okay. So ask them, is it human? Is the life human? And they'll say, well, no, it's not. Because if it's human, you can't kill it.

That's what they're going to say. So it's not human. They say, okay. Right. Then you have to ask them, at what point does it become human?

Tell me when this life becomes human. And if they don't know, then why are they going to kill it if they don't know? Because they could risk killing a human. So they shouldn't do it that way. If they give you, say, three months, why three months? And they'll give whatever reason. Why is that the right reason? They won't be able to defend anything at this point.

And ask them. No. Okay. How about one day before birth, is it okay to kill the baby in the womb?

And what are they going to say then? Yeah. Well, I've had people say yes.

And I'll say, so one day before it's okay to kill it, right? Yes. I've had people say yes. Okay. Well, then let me just ask this. That a day before that, even, that they do a cesarean and they deliver the baby. So it's human, right? Yes.

Well, what happened? What changed that it's human versus not human from the womb? And it's a very difficult question for them to answer because all they're going to say is location. That's right. If it's in the womb, it doesn't deserve to live. If it's outside the womb, it does.

Well, then it's just, you know, it won't be much longer before the Nazi principle of you're not human can be extended to those outside the womb and start killing them, which has already been proposed. I know. I believe that. Yeah. You're right. The left is evil.

The left is getting way evil and you have said something and I tried to convince her, educate people. He said, always on your views and opinions, be consistent with scripture. Yes. Now here's another question.

Here's a question. It says, behold, that you will conceive in your womb and your bearer's son, you shall name it, call him Jesus. So Mary was prophesied would conceive Jesus in the womb. So, Jesus right there at the conception of the movement of the Holy Spirit upon Christ, upon Mary, and she's pregnant.

Ask them, is it okay to abort at that time? Yeah. Okay. Here's another question.

You can ask them. Wow. You've given me a lot of, okay. Here's another one. Okay.

I want to hear it. Okay. Let's just say they say it three, four, five, six weeks, it's not human.

Whatever they want to say. Well, let's say it's at four weeks, it's not human. Okay. Is it okay to take that living thing that's not human somehow and transport it into the womb of a dog?

Is that okay? Because if it's not human, it shouldn't be any big deal, right? That often causes problems with them trying to answer that one as well. Yeah. They get them confused.

Oh, boy. Even though they're already confused. And another thing is what happens in the womb that causes the nature to change from non-human to human? Particularly if the egg and the sperm that come together are by nature human in DNA. Life doesn't begin at conception, it continues at conception.

Right. So at conception, is it not human? And if it's not human, then what is it? Not just what is it not. Yeah. What is it?

What is it? Because they can't tell you what it isn't. If you don't know what is something else, whether it's human or not, you can't say what it is.

Well, I would love to have a debate on this in public with the drill boards. Oh, you're awesome. You're very good. Yeah. I've never taken me up on it. I love listening to your show. Oh, good.

No, because they wouldn't win. But I thank you for giving me such great information. And I know it's in the Commandments, thou shall not kill, it's plain and simple right there. But like you said, it's at conception. Life continues.

Posing those questions at them. When does life, right, it continues at conception. It continues.

It's awesome. There's no life from non-life. It's human and it continues. Right. And if they say it's not human, then it's okay to transfer it into a dog.

If they say it's not human, then what is it? Okay. I've got a section on this on CARM. I've written on this, okay?

I'm very, very, very, very staunch against abortion. Okay? All right. Okay. Where is that? Is that online? My website,

C-A-R-M dot O-R-G. Okay. I will go on then. Perfect. All right. Thank you so much.

You're welcome so much. Okay. Bye. Okay. Thank you. All right. God bless. Okay. Let's get to Rod from Des Moines, Iowa. Rod, welcome. Yes, Mr. Slick.

Thank you for what you do. My question is Genesis 1-1. Is there anything that indicates in the rest of the Bible that there was anything going on before Genesis 1-1?

Yes. For example, Ephesians 1-4. Just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world. So, the election of the people for salvation occurred before the foundation of the world.

All right. And then when it says the foundation of the world, does that mean the universe and everything in it? Probably. Because God created the universe in seven days or six days. So, it probably is a phrase or it's a kind of a phrase for when one thing represents another.

I don't know. But it's representative of it. Also, Genesis, excuse me, John 17-5, now Father glorify me together with yourself with the glory I had with you before the world was. When he was praying with all the apostles. Right.

Okay. So, there's at least two verses right there to talk about things that were before the world was made. And, you know, it doesn't ever say, you know, before the universe and the stars were made. It says the world and I think the world is just representative of everything. You know, the creation, created order. Okay, okay.

Well, thank you so much, Mr. Swick. I hope you get the opportunity to in public debate abortion. I really do not worry about that. But they won't ever do it. The radical left will never do that because it would mean exposing their error.

It would mean that they could not defend their position and they never want that publicized. Yeah, I know. I kind of laughed there. I wasn't laughing at the situation.

I was just giggling about. That's what they do. They won't let the truth come out. No. They hide.

Yeah, they hide in darkness. Yes, sir. Okay.

Well, thank you so much. Have a good day. God bless. Bye-bye. You too. God bless.

All right. Let's get on the air here with next longest waiting is Eric from Richmond who we just lost. And if you want to give me a call, we have three open lines, folks. 877-207-2276.

Scott from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. What do you got, buddy? Yes, sir. I got a question that Paul talked about a bit. People bantering back and forth over whether we should keep the law or not, the law of Moses. Which part of the law? Sure. There's three divisions in the law, the moral and the law.

I'll go ahead and finish my question and then maybe something you'll find worth talking about. Okay. In Matthew 5, 17. Yes. And then Luke 16, 17.

They not that have come to destroy the law of the prophets have not come to destroy, but to fulfill very, very less guarantee to heaven and earth to pass one jot or one tittle to otherwise pass from the law. Okay. To all be fulfilled. Tell you what. Let's take a break. We'll come back and we'll talk about it. Okay. All right. Okay. Hey, folks. We'll be right back after these messages.

We have three open lines. If you want to join, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Welcome back to the show, everyone. Let's get back on here with Scott from Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Scott. The other. Right. So you're trying to reconcile some verses? Is that it? Well, I may be wrong, but I'm trying to get the greatest reward I can.

And I know you don't have to keep the law, but Luke 16. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait.

Hold on, hold on. You're trying to get the greatest reward you can? Are you talking about reward from God in heaven? Service of God, yes.

Service of God in the most rewarding way for me and Him. Well, I've got some advice for you, then, on that. Now, you've got another question here about the other scriptures, but I want to talk about this really fast, okay?

Okay. If you want to have that reward from God, then the first thing you need to do is get on your knees and ask Him to put you where He wants you to be, to speak what He wants you to speak, to do what He wants you to do. You pray it all the time. You pray it daily, because it doesn't matter if you have written a hundred books and have spoken in front of a million people, if that's not what God wanted you to do, because the reward that He will have for you is what you do in accordance with His will. And so you ought to find His will. Sometimes the will of God might be that you sit and pray and intercede for others. It might be radio. It might be a pastor.

It might be a doctor, a mechanic, a waitress. The will of God for us changes, of course, because of different times or different situations or different conditions. So, for example, the will of God right now for myself is to help take care of my wife and her health problems. That's the will of God.

And so I'm to do that. Now, 20 years ago it was to help raise the children, and 10 years before that was to finish seminary. So different times have different wills that are manifested by God. So what you need to do is be praying constantly for the present time that you're in to be able to know the will of God.

It doesn't mean that we have to have a celestial revelation and the clouds part and a beam of light comes down. We hear this angelic music, and then we know the will of God. Sometimes also the will of God is not knowing the will of God. And that's an interesting statement, but sometimes the will of God is to not know the will of God because sometimes what he wants you to do is to move forward by faith. We don't want to be so stricken by not knowing God's will that we don't do anything. Sometimes what God wants us to do is to not have that clear understanding and definition of direction, but what we have at that time we seek to honor him with, and we do our best to honor him.

And that's good, and that's okay as well. And so the idea is to be seeking the will of God constantly. And when you don't know the will of God, which happens a lot, just do what you know is the will of God. Be honest, be truthful, be faithful. That's always the will of God, and you do that in the situation you're in.

Do that to the best of your ability. And then when you get to heaven, there will be rewards. But I'll tell you, all the good stuff that we do that can only be done by the grace of God, and all those rewards that we have are nothing compared to the eternity of the presence of God that we're going to experience. And we will lay all those rewards before it's thrown, because they belong to him anyway.

So at any rate, if that helps you. The other workshops related to that, Luke 16 verses 16 and 17, it says the law and the prophets were until John. Since that time, the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. And the last verse, and it is easier for heaven and earth to pass than for one tittle of the law to fail. And God's word can't fail. That's right, it's just what God proclaims, what God prophesied, what God teaches will never fail.

It's always going to be true. Jesus came to fulfill that law, Matthew 3.15, and to fulfill all righteousness, and Matthew 5.17, as you mentioned earlier. And so that means that because the Bible is about him, John 5.39, he came to fulfill all of that, and none of it will pass away, period, until everything's done. And when it says pass away, it can't be that it passes away and ceases to be, for it will always be wrong, for example, to murder, to lie. We're talking about fulfillment of what the Scriptures teach, in relationship to Christ and who he is. So the covenant, the new covenant, is with a new set of commands, about the same commands as that were kept by David and people like that?

There's a yes and no to it, because with a new covenant we don't have to keep the priestly, the sacrificial system that's been abrogated in the New Testament revelation. Okay? That's clearly tough. Okay. All right. Okay. All right, buddy. All right, well, I appreciate your time.

I know that the boss of all talked about it, not to get it into fights over, not talking about you and me, but just in general, not to get it in quarrels about keeping the law. Yeah, in quarrels and various minutiae and details, so we'll have to argue those things. There you go. Good stuff, man. All right. All right.

Well, God bless. Okay, bye. Okay, bye. All right, let's get on the phones with Dave from North Carolina. Dave, welcome. You're on the air. Thank you.

Thank you, Matt. I have a question. Are you ready? I think you're ready. Read it, but I will repeat it.

No problem. I listen to you in the discussion about the enough book. I read it, and I know that it's mentioned in Genesis 6. Did you ever see the skulls of the giants that are around all the world? You mean giants?

Giant skulls that are hundreds around the world. Are you ready, Pombres? Pombres, yes. Yeah, I see. You say hello.

Okay. I've heard about it, yes. I've mentioned it in the book of Enoch. Those are supposed to be the songs of the fallen devils. The Nephilim.

And the Nephilim, yes. And they are real. They exist.

More than that, I always question myself, who and how built those temples, those stones that weigh tons or maybe thousands of tons, and they put it into pillars, and all the monuments that there's no way that can be handmade. Well, we all know that. We don't know that because there are ways. You don't know that. That's true. Nobody knows.

Nobody can prove anything how they will build. You know. Well, okay. Do you have a question? My question is, did you believe in those scopes that appeared in all around the world, United States and Mexico?

I was checking every place in the, in the Middle East, you know, around the world. And let me tell you. Most of the things that are happening.

But I want to think that most of the things that are happening around the world. We're almost out of time. We have another person. Okay. Okay.

Go ahead. I want to ask you, did you believe in those things, that those scopes that made sure five times or six times our normal age? Yes. They were Nephilim and Creole. Yeah, I believe it. That they were Nephilim and very big. And what exactly? And from whom comes the Nephilim? The fallen angels that had relations with women.

The fallen angels. Yeah. Okay.

Contigo. And I agree with you that the Book of Enoch is the truth book. No matter what, who decides to do not include in the Bible. It's not inspired, but it's interesting information. Okay. It's interesting.

That's true. Thank you, man. Very nice.

I love your show. Okay. Thank you, somebody.

A smart guy. I don't know about that. God bless you. God bless you. Okay. God bless. Goodbye. Good night. All right. Let's get on with Earlene from Richmond, Virginia. Earlene, welcome. You're on the air.

Hi, Matt. My question is, are there any books that's missing out of the King James Bible? No.

And if so, how many and why? No books missing out of the King James Bible. Okay. Okay. Well, that's a simple, easy answer right there. Now. Okay. That's all I wanted to know.

However, when the first King James, in fact, were translated, they included the Apocrypha, but not his scripture, because it was worth translating, since they were old historical documents, though they were not inspired. Now, Friday, we're going to have Luke Wayne on the air here, and he knows a lot about this kind of stuff. You could call up then and ask him.

He's the expert on this kind of stuff at CARM. Friday, Matt. What time?

At the same time. You know, I started an hour ago. Okay.

An hour ago. Okay. All right.

Because we're almost out of time. All right. Okay. Thank you. Thank you, guys. Bye. Hey. We have no callers waiting, folks.

We have about one minute or less in the show left over. I hope you're having a good time listening, and may the Lord bless you this evening. If you are interested in checking out the site, please do. C-A-R-N dot O-R-G. And we also have a Spanish version of the site. Miapic. M-I-A-P-I-C dot com. Miapic.

Dot org, actually. Miapic. M-I-A-P-I-C. We also have one in Portuguese. Defend the OFE dot B-R. And then we're going to get one in Swahili also. And we're working on one in Turkish and maybe something in Russian.

And Georgian also. We've got some things working. But just letting you know, you can pray about all of that. And also, if you want to support us, we could certainly use that. All you need to do is go to forward slash donate. We ask $5 a month.

Not very much. And it is helpful because enough people do that. We can make a budget. We can hire people.

We can get more websites going in different languages with boots on the ground in those different countries. May the Lord bless you. There's the music. Got to go. And by his grace, folks, we're back on there tomorrow. We'll talk to you then. See you. God bless. Music.
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