July 10, 2022 4:00 pm
July 10. Welcome to the Man Talk Radio Podcast, with your Hosts Will Hardy and Roy Jones Jr. This week the discussion is about How to reduce Prescription costs and Roe vs Wade being repealed.
Our ministry is devoted to breaking down the walls of race and denomination so that men, who are disciples of Christ, may come together to worship as one body.
Dana Loesch Show
Dana Loesch
Dana Loesch Show
Dana Loesch
Dana Loesch Show
Dana Loesch
Dana Loesch Show
Dana Loesch
Dana Loesch Show
Dana Loesch
Dana Loesch Show
Dana Loesch
Welcome to man talk a ministry sponsored by TAWCMM talking and walking Christian men's ministry where we're devoted to breaking down the walls of race and denomination and to point men to their God assigned roles.
Now here's your hosts Will Hardy and Roy Jones Jr. This is another episode of man talk and we'd like to welcome you to the broadcasts and so Roy what's on your mind today? Well it's um you know we've heard a lot in the news lately about prescription costs so let's let's talk a little bit about that. I think it's important for our listeners to have opportunity to save money and for to understand that we've got about what's going on in the current economy so let's I want to talk a little bit about where the best to find the cheapest prescriptions for our listeners. Well you know prescription prices are you know the pharmaceutical company makes up a great deal of of what they come out with but they also want to charge for like formulations and the complexity so I think if a if a prescription medication is a higher cost to make depending on the complexity of the reactions that they have to do and things like that that's where the cost comes in because they build all that back in the price that's why you initially if you recall some of these drugs that they came out with for like age treatment and things like that I mean they were unaffordable they were like one injection was like 700-800 dollars yeah you know and so over the course of time however you know you get all the manufacturing companies they discover what these prescriptions and ingredients are and then they go out and make them their sales. Yeah you're you're right the formulation cost has to be factored back into initial sale and I think that's why the it's good that the government provides patent protection on a lot of these things for the first initial several years to recover those costs and then as other folks you know use their recipe and get the data access rights and that sort of thing so they can use what's already been researched as their own formulations basis then cost obviously start to come down but oftentimes we'll see that things are held up basically the umbrella keeps the prices up and that's what's good about these mail order companies many of them are starting to provide other options for the consumers that they don't just have to go to the pharmacy they've got some options where they can go to a Costco if they're looking for options within or Walmart or whomever but this mail order opportunity presents some really favorable costing for the consumers.
And so what's some of the details involving mail order? Well like for instance you know we'll jump to the one that everybody's familiar with is amazon.com has a pharmacy set up as well so they got astravastatin which is one of the common cholesterol drugs right it's it currently sells for $14.60 on their website costco.com is $13.99 costplusdrugs.com is three dollars and ninety cents geniusrx.com is four dollars and fifty cents healthwarehouse.com is nine dollars and ninety cents honeybehealth.com is three dollars ro.co slash pharmacies nine ninety and scriptco.com is 54 cents which is kind of crazy when you think about obviously it's probably a loss leader to get people to come in because that's such a common cholesterol drug. So well you know and then a lot of these pharmaceutical companies they use the data from other they basically buy that data from other companies you know to get their products registered and and pull it through but you know you probably want to look into some things like exactly what the raw ingredients are because you could be buying a lower level raw ingredient even though it's passing the specification you could get into a situation to where you know you could get yourself in trouble with respect to where that raw ingredient comes from you know and again all these things supposed to be tested but if they're coming in at the very low end of the of the of the spectrum then you have to ask yourself the question they're barely getting in there and and typically pharmaceutical companies they try to hit for at least the mid-range or above right you know whatever specification the government might you know ask them to be at in order for the drug to be registered. That's a good point Will I think if you look at the active ingredients and then what the inerts are and so forth on a particular recipe then and compare label to label so with the food and drug administration being involved there has to be a certain standard that's met right so there will be people that may be using lower quality or it could be a china main ingredient versus a domestic produced main ingredient for the particular medicines and that hence could drive the cost down and it could be a quality issue if you're not careful and I think that would be where you'd look for online reviews because people have shot these other pharmacies out they could say yeah great quality no issues or maybe there are some issues that have popped up using some of these pharmacies. And of course you have to be careful with the reviews as well because what you get into is you get into a situation to where there are people who putting reviews out there which are not true so you know they and some of these individuals might be working for the company in which the drug is being produced so you just have to do your due diligence when it comes to research and looking up to various things because you know if you go off in the review which I have at time when I buy something off amazon and then I find out that you know there were 10 reviews that I read that were above a margin but then you had that one or two which said don't buy this particular product and then all of a sudden I get it based on the eight or nine reviews that I read and then I get it home and then I find out well those one or two reviews that were on the lower level there were more true than the two review or the 10 reviews that I read earlier. Right, but one of the things I didn't mention as we started Will was the source of this information was out of Consumer Reports which is an unbiased group. That's a good review. They basically are out saying look these are the things we've checked this is so from a pricing standpoint it seems to be that they've done their work and I need to check and flip back through as you're probably hearing me roll the pages but and look and see if there was some other data as well within within the article but it's a great start to the conversation because we're in the middle of a high cost environment you know cost for everything is going up groceries going up prescriptions going up gas is going up everyone's looking for any possible way to save money so this is just one opportunity not everybody's got prescriptions in their house which it can be a little bit frustrating sometimes when we listen to the current administration they want to help all Americans and one of the things they tout is reducing drug costs well not everybody's using drugs you know in terms of prescriptions so but this is one way if you are indeed on prescriptions and have high cost of medicines each month especially for those on fixed income great great way to to look to save some money absolutely and we know you know God can work through medications you know we yes you know we're living in in this time in in our time and so all kinds of miraculous healing although it does take place God works through different means if you look at the for example the healings that Jesus performed you know he didn't heal everybody the same way in one instance he spit on the ground he put clay in a man's eyes right and then he he asked him you know what do you see and then he asked another man who was blind from birth and the man he touched him and the man said well I see men as trees walking and then Jesus touched his eyes again so he did it twice he didn't just do it one time although that first time you know absolutely yeah you know so we can see just by this and I mean the man at the pool of Siloam is another example you know here he is sitting down there and Jesus asked him and he said well you know I'd love to be healed but every time I every time the angel come down and stir the water somebody gets in front of me you know and gets into the pool so and I mentioned this is because you know we have folks out there who say well I don't need medications and things like this but I say that God can work through any and every means that's available and he's not limited we put limitations on God on what we do and I know of cases Roy where there's individuals who were on medications stopped medications and passed away as a result so I think you know we need to be we need to have an overall understanding picture that number one God is not limited and number two if we as God's people understand the method in which Jesus healed another another instance for the example the centurion you know son he was sick and and unto death and and he told him he said well your son's going to be healed but as he was walking the centurion was walking to his house all of a sudden he said to the servants the servants came out your son is healed your son is healed and the servant said well what time was it basically and they told him the time and he remembered that that was the exact moment in which Jesus said your son was healed so you know it's just a blessing in which God is able to do things by all kinds of methodologies he's not limited we are the ones who put limitations on God yeah that's great great great illustration Will that it does go beyond God sometimes he does use medicines sometimes it's his healing and I think people need to be mindful that we've always said that God's given some people some great talents out there in terms of doctors and development scientists who've come up some great great medicines to help the whole healing process so great illustration folks we're getting ready to take a break just want to give you a quick an update on our next breakfast coming up July 15th at 6 30 a.m we'll be at our host site FCC First Christian Church in Kernersville North Carolina breakfast starts at 6 30. Got a speaker coming in this Friday that's going to speak about Albania he's been a pastor there for 14 years and continues to serve God and just looking to reach other people hope you can join us and we'll be right back here in just a few moments okay and so we're back now from our break and we just like to thank God and we hope that if you're in the area of High Point Winston-Salem Kernersville that you can stop by and listen to this fantastic powerful speaker who is doing a great work for the Lord amen you know it's it's just a blessing I think all around when you have a person who was in an environment that was very hostile mind you and then able to become born again and in I think he said Roy that he grew up in that Muslim environment he did yes so you know that that in it of itself I think put him in a probably a tumultuous position you know as a believer yeah and individuals of course sought him out but you know God is able to to do all things and keep all things according to his will amen talking and walking Christian men's ministry would like to invite you to our monthly men's breakfast held every first third and fifth Friday of each month you enjoy fun fellowship in the word of God as we break bread together the meetings are held at first Christian church 1130 North Main Street Kernersville North Carolina we start promptly at 6 30 a.m and have a hard stop at 8 o'clock a.m come join your hosts Will Hardy and Roy Jones Jr. Well Will let's move on to the next topic you know we've had a lot going on and I think we haven't spoke a lot about the Rogue versus Wade we I think we were getting ready to start into that here a few weeks ago and let's talk a little bit about that I think it's something that our listeners are certainly very interested in and it's very polarizing for some folks in the country as you and I have talked about many times on the show that we need to be vocal and even our many times on the show that we need to be vocal and even our men's groups that we need to take a stand against abortion and you know Will one of the things that I've heard so often is what about the rape and what about the incest as it relates to abortion and you know we understand the normal and this is within amongst believers right that they say well we understand we should eliminate abortion but what about those cases of rape or incest or major birth defects and you know we know that by statistically speaking out of the 63 million or so abortions that's occurred over the last 50 years roughly just every 50 years I think next year it was 73 when it was first enacted that less than one percent it's like 0.007 percent I think are rapes and 0.006 percent 6.2 percent are given ballpark numbers here are from due to incest those those proportions of abortions that are performed so Will what as a pastor and leader of people and just certainly follower of Christ on your heart how would you speak to the the listener out there that says kind of on the fence if you will that they understand it's wrong shouldn't be doing it but yet they're kind of leaning towards this exception that well you know we really need to cover the exceptions and how do you speak to that well I think when any time when you have a situation where an individual was raped or you know have some incest involved within you know an interaction between two people like that and the individual conceives with a child that is a horrible horrible horrible act number one and no one absolutely no one deserves to be their their body to be invaded like that in any manner agree totally if it's if it's not consensual but my I would ask that person who come to the point of ready to abort or thinking about aborting that child does the child deserve this right does the child deserve this even though it was a horrible horrible horrible act there there is life inside you so you're making a choice for life that's in you and I always go back to this Roy when I speak about council some women who may have you know thinking about doing things like this and I asked them I said you know there are so many women in this country who are unable to conceive yes and they would love to love that child and in fact there are there are organizations who actually will pay yeah for that woman to carry that baby full term and then give it up to adoption to a you know a family who would love that child cover all medical expenses absolutely then they give a stipend if you will to the young lady to get on a fresh start to try to help her get through the process and that's a good response well I think if I may build on top of that one thing that comes to mind when when you speak with any person years down the road that's had to make that decision about abortion again please take it we're not being judgmental if you've been in that situation and you've had to make a decision we're talking about a holistic approach to our society that says it's okay and we know that it's not so again we're not being judgmental if you've had to make a decision because God can help you through that but one of the things that comes to mind will is that if a person has been raped that's a wound a very very deep wound on a lady right extremely deep and only God can help heal that the second thing is at some point down the road they're going to come up with a if they choose to have an abortion the second wound is going to come from that abortion it may not be in the moment of the abortion it may not be in the month of the abortion it may not be a year down the road but at some point it's going to come back to their consciousness that oh my goodness I've aborted a child the child didn't do this and then there's another one that the person has to deal with because there's just no way that around that when it surfaces only God knows but it will come back so that's my thinking is that part of the healing process I would hope that God would show and hope that folks would seek God out in that event that they've been raped to say father what is it and how can I get through this but let's provide a child to another family let's not create a second wound you know they've already dealt with they've already dealt with the wound itself in terms of the rape and then they've so getting through that and if they can just say okay it's going to be a nine-month deal if we end up with a baby they've got a nine-month journey then they go out and they try to put that child in someone's care that will take and raise that child and that's that's that would be a really good thing for them to to explore and I know with these agencies now there should be more and more opportunities now that the Roe v Wade has been overturned for states to start you know governing whether or not abortion is going to be legal or not and then for other entities like churches the ones that are dealing with adoption of children independent agencies should start springing up to help place these children because that's been one of the arguments for many many years from the pro-abortion folks is okay you know what do you care about them while they're in the womb but who's going to care for them when you come out of the come out of the once they're born right so how are they going to be cared for you're just going to leave them on the doorsteps who's going to pick it up and run with it and see and I think that's when the organizations and doing your due diligence comes in Roy because there's so many avenues that a person can take if they find themselves in that situation you know so many churches so many organizations that's out there and I think for the most part that's the the first option they come to is what repercussions am I going to get as a result of this child that maybe my mother father you know don't know about right what are they going to think about me what are my friends going to think about me you know so they keep it a secret as long as they can and then they secretly go and and get the abortion right so I think for the most part it's the repercussions how people will view them you know futuristically or going forward and then how is my close friends going to view me you know so peer pressure has a lot I think to do with a lot of decisions that are made when it comes to this so you know as believers in Christ we have a responsibility you know to life and and as that responsibility is given to us as God has given it to us to give to others then we speak the word of God and we speak the word of God only and and see and when you do that it takes away any opinion that you might have in reference to the thing so if you speak the word of God only when it comes to situations like that then and if a person get upset then they have to deal with the word of God and not necessarily you that's all the time we have for this episode join us next week when we will pick up the conversation in progress as we conclude today's show tawcm talking and walking christian men's ministry are building a community of men to be servant leaders in their home communities churches and work environment check us out at our website for upcoming events and regular scheduled meetings don't forget to send us an email for topics that you would like us to visit in the future thank you for joining us today on man talk visit us at tawcm.com
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