Adrian Rogers was a motivator, an encourager, and a leader of the faith. He was also passionate about presenting scriptural application to everyday life circumstances, and you'll hear that in today's message.
Now, let's join Adrian Rogers. that built his house upon a rock. I read here Matthew chapter 5 and verse 17. Jesus said, Now the Lord Jesus said of himself, He's the one who can take the pain out of parting, the sorrow out of suffering, the sting out of death, the gloom out of the grave, and can give you a hope that is steadfast and sure. And so today, I want to talk to you on this one word, fulfillment.
And my friend, if you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ, not only are you not fulfilled, if you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ, you are deeply ignorant. I heard of a college professor one day who wanted to go fishing, and he hired a fishing guide, and they were out in the middle of the river, and the college professor was quite full of his knowledge. And he asked the fishing guide, he said, What do you know about biology? He said, Well, I know very little. He said, Oh, that's too bad.
He said, You've missed most of life. Then he said, What do you know about geology? He said, Well, I don't know much about geology, sir. He said, Oh, such a shame. Then he said, What do you know about history? Well, he said, Sir, I haven't been a student of history. Oh, he said, Too bad. And on and on this went as this professor went down the litany of his achievements in the realms of intellectualism. About that time, one of them thought he got a bite, and he jerked the rod a little too hard, and the boat tipped and turned over, filled with water and started for the bottom.
The guide with long powerful strokes was making his way to the shore, and he looked back and saw the professor coming up for the third time. He said, Professor, what do you know about swimming? He said, Nothing.
He said, Well, too bad. My dear friend, I want to tell you, you can know about biology and the study of life, but if you don't know Jesus, the giver of life, you're still woefully educated. All I have to say about you is just too bad, I'm sorry, for you. Or you might know geology and the ages of the rocks, but if you don't know Jesus, the solid rock, the rock of ages, if you cannot say on Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, I just have to say to you, too bad. If you knew history and all about history and don't know Jesus in whom we live and move and have our being, I would just have to say to you, I'm so sorry for you.
Too bad, how sad you've missed it all. If you knew astronomy and how the heavens go and not know Jesus and how to go to heaven, I feel sorry for you. I want to say that the wise man is ignorant and the strong man is weak and the rich man is poor who does not know the Lord Jesus Christ, because Christ is the center and the circumference of all that you need and seek for. He did not come to destroy. He came to fulfill.
He came to meet the deepest longing of your life. And I want us to think of the Lord Jesus Christ and how he fulfills today. Now Jesus said, Think not that I came to destroy the law and the prophets. I came not to destroy, but to fulfill. And then he said, Verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth shall pass, not one jot or one tittle shall pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Now think about the Lord Jesus Christ today and I want you to see first of all how the Lord Jesus fulfills the scriptures prophetically.
He said, I have come to fulfill the prophets. Did you know the key to understanding the Bible? People say, Well, I just, the Bible is a closed book to me.
It's a mystery to me. Well, let me give you the key that will unlock the Bible. The key is a man, a person. The central figure of the Bible is the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Rosetta Stone that helps you to understand all of the rest of the Bible. Jesus is the key that unlocks the door to the mysteries of God's word. If you read the Bible and you don't see the Lord Jesus Christ, go back and reread the Bible. Let me give you some verses in Luke chapter 24 and verse 27. Here's a wonderful verse.
It took place after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is on the road to Emmaus. I have walked that road myself, but two weary and forlorn disciples have come alongside the Lord Jesus.
At least he's come alongside them. They don't recognize him in his resurrected form, but they're having a discussion. And the Bible says that Jesus opened the scriptures and he showed himself to them in the scriptures. And it says this, And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.
Oh, what I love to have a tape recording of that. Can you imagine the Lord Jesus for seven miles, a seven-mile Bible conference. Jesus is expounding, not just mentioning, but expounding in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. Now what does that tell us? The scriptures that he was talking about, he said Moses and all of the prophets. Friend, that's the Old Testament. Never get the idea that the New Testament is about Jesus and the Old Testament is about something else. Friend, the Old Testament, all of it, is about the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said in John chapter 5 and verse 39, he said this, Search the scriptures.
By the way, that's something very wonderful. That's a command of our Lord Jesus. Are you a Bible student? Jesus said, Search the scriptures.
For in them ye think that ye have eternal life. And then Jesus said, These are they which testify of me. And I want to remind you again, when Jesus said that, the New Testament had not yet been written. There was no New Testament except in the heart and mind of God, but Jesus said the Old Testament, the scriptures, these are they which do testify of me.
And you know what the apostles said in Acts chapter 10 verse 43? To him give all the prophets witness to the Lord Jesus Christ. When you study prophecy, my dear friend, it's not about some thing per se. It is about someone, the Lord Jesus Christ.
And so when you open the Bible, you meet the Lord Jesus Christ. In Genesis, Christ is the seed of the woman. The very first prophecy, Genesis chapter 3 verse 15, it says, The seed of the woman shall crush the serpent's head. Who is the seed of the woman?
The virgin born son of God. In Exodus, you read the story of the Passover lamb. Well, the Bible tells us in the New Testament, Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us. In Leviticus, you read of sacrifice after sacrifice on smoking Jewish altars. And in Leviticus, Christ is our high priest and Christ is our atoning sacrifice. In the book of Numbers, we read where Moses took a rod and smote a rock and out of that rock there came forth water.
The Bible says that rock was Christ and from his smitten side, there comes the water of life. In Deuteronomy, Moses prophesied that there is a prophet who is to come, a prophet like unto me. Of course, that prophet is the Lord Jesus Christ. In the book of Joshua, Joshua was standing there and he met a man and that man identified himself as the captain of the Lord's host.
Who was this captain of the Lord's host? That was a pre-incarnate appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Judges, as those judges delivered God's people, each one of them prefigured and typified the Lord Jesus who is the deliverer of God's people.
In Ruth, as we see Boaz as he redeemed Ruth's inheritance, Boaz is a picture, a type, a prophecy of Jesus Christ, our kinsman, redeemer. In the book of Samuel, as little David is anointed, it's a picture, a prophecy, as David is a type of the Lord Jesus of David's greater son, the Lord Jesus, the anointed one. In 2 Samuel, rather, as the king is enthroned, what a picture, what a prophecy you have of the enthronement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In 1 Kings, as the glory of the Lord filled the temple, it speaks of the Shekinah glory of our Christ who fills the temple of our hearts.
In 2 Kings, we see the royal seed as it is preserved and that is a picture of Christ who indeed is the royal seed. In 1 Chronicles, he is the glorious king. In 2 Chronicles, he is the Lord appearing to Solomon to give him wisdom. In Ezra, Jesus is pictured as the Lord God of our fathers. In Nehemiah, he is the restorer of Israel.
In Esther, as Esther went there before King Ahasuerus, Esther is a picture and a prophecy of the Lord Jesus who intercedes for his people and who is our advocate. In the book of Job, Job said, the old venerable patriarch, I know that my Redeemer liveth and in the latter days shall stand upon the earth. And Job, through the eye of faith, pictured and prophesied the Lord Jesus, the daysman who would lay his hand upon us both for there is one mediator between God and man, himself man, Christ Jesus. In the book of Psalms, we see Jesus over and over again. The second Psalm speaks of the Son of God who is indeed the king. Sweet singer of Israel, David, spoke and he said, the Lord is my shepherd.
And of course, he was speaking of Jesus who said, I am the good shepherd. In the book of Proverbs, we have the wisdom literature. And over and over again, Proverbs speaks of wisdom, but Christ is the wisdom of God. And Paul tells us that he, Jesus, is made unto us wisdom. In Ecclesiastes, the writer of Ecclesiastes is wondering about the enigma, the riddles of life.
The answer is there's one and one only answer to the riddles of life, Jesus Christ, who gives significance to life. You turn to the Song of Solomon, the Song of Songs, and what's that about? It's about a heavenly bridegroom. Who is the heavenly bridegroom?
The Lord Jesus Christ who loves his church. Open the book of Isaiah, Jesus Christ just steps out of the pages of the book of Isaiah. Isaiah tells us he is Emmanuel, God with us.
Isaiah tells us he's to be born of a virgin. Isaiah tells us he's a wonderful counselor, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. In Jeremiah, we see the Lord Jesus as the divine Potter who is shaping our lives.
In Lamentations, we see the Lord Jesus as a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. In Ezekiel, we see the Lord Jesus as the glory of God. In the book of Daniel, you see the Lord Jesus as a stone cut out of a mountain without hands. Isaiah speaks of the sure, swift, sudden second coming of Jesus Christ. In Hosea, we see a prophecy of the Lord Jesus.
He's the child called out of Egypt. In the book of Joel, Jesus is pictured as the hope of his people. In Amos, Jesus is the judge of the nations, for the Bible says the Father judges no man, but he hath committed all judgment unto his Son. In Obadiah, he is the Lord of the coming kingdom, for Jesus shall reign where the Son doth his successive journeys run, and his kingdom spread from shore to shore, till moon shall wax and wane no more. In Jonah, as Jonah went to Nineveh, he pictures Christ going to the Gentiles, and as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, the Son of man shall be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. And what a picture of Jesus we see in Jonah in Micah. Oh, in Micah, he is Bethlehem's babe.
Micah told us where he would be born, who is to be a ruler in Israel. In Nahum, we see the Lord Jesus, who is the stronghold in the day of trouble. In the book of Habakkuk, he is the Lord in his holy temple. In Zephaniah, he is the king of Israel.
In Haggai, he is the Lord of hosts. In Zechariah, we see the Lord Jesus riding upon a coat prophesied coming into Jerusalem, riding there upon that coat. And in the last book in the Old Testament, in the book of Malachi, he is called the Son of righteousness, and it says unto you that fear my name shall the Son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings, and some golden daybreak Jesus will come. Friend, all the Old Testament's about Jesus. It's about Jesus. You open the Bible and it speaks about Jesus in prophecy. You find the Lord Jesus, the Bible says, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And if you read the prophecies and you try to find the meaning of the third toe on the left foot of some beast in Revelation and you don't see Jesus, you missed it all, friend.
You missed it all. We have a son who lives in Spain. The wonderful thing about today's technology is we can pick up a telephone and call our son. Now, that's an amazing thing. There are about five and a half billion people on the face of the earth, and yet we can pick up a phone and call our son who lives in Spain.
How do we do that? It's just by the process of elimination. Every number you punch on the phone just eliminates so many people. In the first place, when you pick up the phone, you eliminate everybody that doesn't have one, right?
Now, let me tell you, do you want me to give you the Lord Jesus' phone number? How of all of the billions of people who have ever lived, there's only one person who could have fulfilled the prophecies. Jesus said, I came not to destroy the prophets.
I came to fulfill them. For example, when I pick up the phone, first of all, I know that I have to be dialing the number of someone of a certain race, because Genesis 3.15 says that the Messiah will be the seed of the woman. Now, that leaves out all other created beings, whether it be angels or intelligences, wherever they are, the Messiah has to be a man.
He has to be the seed of the woman. Then, not only of a certain race, but a section of that race. You know, there were three great sections of the human race that came out of the ark, the sons of Ham, Shem, and Japheth. But the Bible tells us in Genesis chapter 9, verse 26, that Messiah is going to come from a section, a descendant of Shem.
So we've greatly eliminated a lot of other folks who cannot answer the phone. And then we find out that Messiah is going to come from a nation of that section. Not only is He going to be a Semitic person, but He's going to be of the seed of Abraham. He's going to be a son of Isaac. In Genesis chapter 12, the Bible makes it very plain.
So we have now a race, a section of that race, and a nation of that section. But God is not finished yet. God says the Son of Man is going to come from a tribe out of that nation. And we find out in Genesis 49 that He's going to be of the tribe of Judah.
But wait a minute. God tightens the focus a little bit more. We find now that there's going to be a family in that tribe. He's going to be a son of Jesse.
1 Samuel chapter 7. But now not only is He going to come from a certain family, He's going to come from a certain woman in that family. And she has to be a virgin. Isaiah chapter 7 and verse 14, she has to be a virgin.
And now we've tightened the focus a little bit more. And this virgin has to give birth in a certain place. Micah chapter 5 and verse 2 says He has to be born in Bethlehem. But not only does He have to be born in Bethlehem, He has to be born in Bethlehem at a certain time. And in the book of Daniel, the prophet of Daniel gives the time when Messiah would be born. And the Bible says that Jesus came in the fullness of time. You see, He had to be there at the right moment to answer the phone when it rang. He came in the fullness of time. This is an incredible thing for all of the billions who have ever lived. There's only one who can pick up the phone, the Messiah, the Son of God.
You see, a certain place at a certain time of a certain woman, of a certain family, of a certain tribe, of a certain nation, of a certain section, of a certain race. And the focus just gets tighter and tighter and tighter until Jesus steps forward who has fulfilled the prophecy. Don't tell me the Bible is not the inspired word of God. Oh, my dear friend, and don't tell me that Jesus is not the Messiah. There are over 333 precise details that speak of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ's prophecies. Peter Stoner, who's a mathematician and a scientist, wrote in a book called Science Speaks, and he takes the probability that Jesus could have fulfilled these prophecies by accident or by chance. But he doesn't take 333, he just takes eight of them. And then he tells what the mathematical probability would be of any individual fulfilling these prophecies, just these eight, by sheer chance.
We're not talking about the miracle that it would take to fulfill them, but just the chance that any individual would fulfill all eight. And he says that possibility is 1 in 10 to the 17th power. When I looked at it on the page, that was a lot of zeros, friend.
Just went across the page to start counting the zeros out. But I can understand that, but he gave an illustration. He said this.
Now, this is a scientist, a mathematician speaking. He said if you were to take the state of Texas and cover the state of Texas two feet deep with silver dollars, and I'm sure they would like that, but if you would cover the state of Texas two feet deep with silver dollars and mark just one of those silver dollars and then blindfold an individual, after having you stirred those dollars and mixed them, and let him walk as far as he can into the heart of Texas, let him stir as long as he wants, and let him reach down and pick up one silver dollar out of those billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars, that's the chance of these prophecies being fulfilled by chance, just eight of them. But my dear friend, there are 333 prophecies concerning the first coming of the Lord Jesus, and Jesus said, I didn't come to destroy the law and the prophets.
I came to fulfill them. How would you like to be commissioned to paint a portrait of somebody you've never seen? That's what the Old Testament prophets did. I mean, 20 to 25 of these prophets, not seeing many times what the other had painted. They paint their part, another paints his part, and when you're finished, you have a portrait, a word portrait of the Son of God.
It's an amazing thing. They talk about his ancestry, his birth time, his forerunner, his birthplace, his birth manner, his infancy, his manhood, his teaching, his character, his preaching, his reception, his rejection, his death, his burial, his resurrection, his ascension, were all written centuries before he ever got here. He said, I didn't come to destroy the law and the prophets.
I came to fulfill it. Jesus prophetically fulfills the Word of God. Secondly, Jesus practically fulfills the Word of God. You see, not only did he fulfill the prophets, he also fulfilled the law. Now, the law speaks of the righteous demands of God upon humankind, and we have all failed. There's only one who has fulfilled the law, and his name is Jesus. Jesus fulfilled the moral law of God, and Jesus kept the moral law of God perfectly, so perfectly that he could look at his accusers, his enemies, and challenge them to say, which of you can convict me of sin? Sin is the transgression of the law, and Jesus kept the law perfectly.
He obeyed in every point. But not only did Jesus fulfill the moral law, Jesus fulfilled the ceremonial law. All of these Old Testament ceremonies, they are all about the Lord Jesus Christ. My dear friend, they all center in the Lord Jesus Christ. They're all shadows and pictures of the Lord Jesus Christ. The tabernacle, for example, was a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ. You know, when the Bible describes God creating the stars, and there are billions of stars, limitless space, planets and suns, all out there in the black velvet of a stellar night. You know how the Bible describes that? Five words.
He made the stars also. That's it. But when God describes the tabernacle, he takes over 50 chapters, talking about a little tent out there in the wilderness.
Why? Because the ceremonies that took place in that tent and the picture of that tent was a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the Bible says the Word was made flesh and tabernacled among us.
That's what it means. It dwelt among us. The Word is tabernacled. And that tabernacle, with all of its hangings and all of its sockets and all of its foundations and all of its tapestries, all of it, all of the furniture, was a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And he fulfilled that all. My dear friend, those things were shadows of the One who is to come. And the people who are still living in the Old Testament dispensation, they're chasing shadows. I don't need a high priest today. I've got one in heaven. His name is Jesus. I don't keep the Old Testament Sabbath today.
That's Saturday. Christ is my rest. My dear friend, I rest in Him. He is the believer's rest.
I don't have to have a smoking altar with a burning sacrifice because the blood of Jesus, God's Son, cleanses me from all sin. I, my dear friend, have Jesus Christ to fulfill the moral law of God. He has fulfilled the ceremonial law of God.
He is the embodiment of what the shadows speak of. And my dear friend, He has fulfilled the judicial law of God. The law of God judicially says the wages of sin is death. The soul that sinneth it must surely die. Without shedding of blood is no remission of sin. That's the judicial law of God. And Jesus fulfilled that also. You see, why were all of those Old Testament sacrifices? Did they save? Of course not.
It's impossible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sin. All they did was to get people ready for the sacrifice that was to come for God's perfect Lamb that one day would come, the Passover Lamb that I spoke of. There was a Russian psychologist. His name was Pavlov. You remember him? I studied about him.
You did when we were in high school. Pavlov worked with a thing called conditioned response. He got some dogs and put them in a pen, and before he would feed his dogs, he would ring a bell, and then he would feed the dogs. The next day he would ring a bell and then feed the dogs. And every day before the dogs were fed, he would ring the bell. After a while it came to where when Pavlov would ring the bell, the dogs would begin to salivate and to drool.
Why? Because to them the bell meant food, and the ringing of the bell said that food was to come. Every Old Testament sacrifice was God's conditioned response and the ringing of the bell of those sacrifices meant that sin brings death.
The wages of sin is death. And that's what God was doing. He was giving a conditioned response to his people to get ready for the coming of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. And John the Baptist saw him and said, Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. He's the one who fulfilled the legal law, the judicial law of God. That's the reason I love Galatians chapter 3 and verse 13 that says Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law having been made a curse for us. You see He took my sin and paid my debt. God doesn't just overlook my sin when He forgives me.
My sin has been paid for by the Lord Jesus who has fulfilled all the demands of the law. He fulfilled the moral demands of the law. He fulfilled the ceremonial demands of the law. He fulfilled the judicial demands of the law. And therefore Jesus and Jesus only is qualified and fit to be the Savior of the world.
Thank God for this. And now the Bible says in Romans chapter 10 and verse 4, For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth. Hallelujah. Only because He fulfilled it my dear friend.
He filled it up full. You see Jesus fulfilled the law for us and now He fulfills it in us. I want to say one last thing my dear friend about our Lord Jesus Christ. Not only does Jesus prophetically fulfill the Word of God, and not only does Jesus practically fulfill the Word of God, He fulfills the prophets. He fulfills the law. But I want to say that Jesus perfectly fulfills the Word of God. Now look in verse 18.
Jesus said, For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, One jot or one tittle Shall in no wise pass from the law, Till all be fulfilled. Friend, He is watching over His Word. Now when He says, Verily I say unto you, That means pay attention.
That's His exclamation point put at the first of the sentence. Verily I say unto you, It means truly I say unto you, Assuredly I say unto you, Without the shadow of any doubt or peradventure, No stutter, no stammer, No equivocation, no qualification, Truly I say unto you. Now, friend, that's Jesus speaking. Truly I say unto you, Not one jot or one tittle will fail from the law, Till all be fulfilled. Do you know what a jot and a tittle is? That speaks of the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet and iota, the smallest little marking, a little subscript, just a little point.
He's saying, listen, it's not just the words that are going to wait or the thoughts, but even the smallest little marking, not a jot, not a tittle, not a iota, not a iota, will fail from the law, till all be fulfilled. Did Jesus Christ believe in the inerrancy of the Word of God? You better believe He did. Did Jesus Christ believe in the infallibility of the Word of God? You better believe He did. Did Jesus Christ believe in the immutability of the Word of God?
You better believe He did. Not a jot, not a tittle shall fail. Now, friend, if you call yourself a Christian, then that's Jesus is your Lord, and if Jesus is your Lord, the view of your Lord concerning the Scripture must be your view. Jesus and the Scriptures rise and fall together, and we're talking about the Old Testament, and that's where the critics today have come to level their artillery straight from hell against the Word of God.
They start in the Old Testament. But Jesus said concerning the Old Testament, the law and the prophets, that means all the Old Testament, Jesus said not a jot, not a tittle will fail from the law, till all be fulfilled. Well, the people who say, well, Jesus, you know, He was just a creature of His time.
Well, my dear friend, let me give you this. If the Old Testament isn't without error, then you must say this about Jesus Christ. If the Old Testament had error and Jesus didn't know it, He was not omniscient. If the Old Testament had error and Jesus did not know it, He was not omniscient, and therefore He could not have been God in human flesh. But on the other hand, if the Old Testament had error and Jesus did know it and pretended there was no error there, then Jesus was a fraud and a charlatan, a dishonest person. Jesus believed that the Bible is the Word of God, the Old Testament and the authority of Jesus Christ and the authority of the Bible stand together and the Word of the Lord and the Lord of the Word are inextricably interwoven together. And when you accept the authority of Christ, you must accept the authority of the Bible. And when you accept the authority of the Bible, you must say it is the Bible that presents the Lord Jesus Christ, the Bible is His book, and the same Bible, the same Bible that so accurately has portrayed the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is the Bible that points with a fiery finger to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And Jesus said, not a jot, not a tittle shall fail from the law till all be fulfilled. Now, Jesus is the great fulfilling and today if you have a longing in your heart, He came to fulfill that too. You say, pastor, what's wrong with me? Why can't I be happy?
What am I searching for? Why doesn't it bring joy? I thought marriage would do it. I thought money would do it. I thought maturity would do it.
I thought travel would do it, but I'm still empty. Friends, all around me are trying to find what the heart yearns for by sin undermined. I have the secret.
I know where it is found. Only true pleasures in Jesus abound. Jesus is all this world needs today. Blindly they strive for sin darkens their way.
Oh, to pull back the grim curtains of night. One look at Jesus and all will be light. Friend, He is the one. Jesus is the one. He didn't come to destroy. He came to fulfill. And I want to say it again.
The wise man is ignorant, the strong man is weak, and the rich man is poor. Who doesn't know Jesus, the great fulfiller? Today I want to help you to receive Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.
Today I want to help you to open your heart and trust Him. Pray like this, Dear God, I know that you love me and I know that you want to save me. Jesus, you are the Savior of the world. I believe you're the Son of God. I believe that you paid my sin debt on the cross. You fulfilled the law for me. You paid the debt I owe.
Thank you, Jesus. I believe that God raised you from the dead. I believe you have ascended to heaven. And I believe that you want to come into my heart to live. Forgive my sin and save me. So, Lord, I open my heart.
Come into my life. Forgive my sin, cleanse me, save me. And, Lord, take control of my life.
Begin to make me the person you want me to be. Thank you for saving me, Lord Jesus. Just thank Him right now by faith. Thank you, Lord. Just say, save me, Jesus. And then say, thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord.
I don't look for feeling. I just receive it by faith. Thank you for saving me. You're now my Lord, my Savior, my God, and my friend forever. Lord Jesus, help me now to live for you and never, ever to be ashamed of you because you died for me. In your name I pray. Amen.
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