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Dr. Brown Takes Your Questions and Calls

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
December 2, 2022 5:20 pm

Dr. Brown Takes Your Questions and Calls

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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December 2, 2022 5:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 12/02/22.


The following program is recorded content created by Truth Network.

Michael Brown, delighted to be with you. Full minds are open. We've got a few lines open right now. The sooner you call in, the better chance I have of getting to your call through the show. So, 866-34-TRUTH, 866-348-7884. Any subject of any kind that ties in in any way with anything we ever talk about on the broadcast, anything ever write about, preach about, any questions you have, any rumors you've heard, you want to get Truth out of, let's talk about it, 866-34-TRUTH. You're also free to call if you differ with me, want to challenge me on something, not offend it, no problem if you do. As long as it's a conversation we can have on live Christian radio, then by all means give me a call.

Okay, one quick note. God willing, tomorrow I leave for India, my 28th trip to India. I absolutely love being over there with some of my dearest friends and colleagues in the world.

Scheduled to return a week later, so just about as much time spent traveling as there in India. And then we've got some special broadcasts prepared for you next week. You don't want to miss a single broadcast.

We won't be live, but trust me, the interviews, we've already recorded them, are amazing. We've got almost an entire debate to play for you on Thoroughly Jewish Thursday. We've got great questions we're answering on Friday, so don't miss a day.

And if you think of it, pray for grace on the traveling and grace on my time there in India. All right, we start with our buddy Eddie in Madison, Connecticut. Welcome to The Line of Fire. Dr. Brown, great to talk to you today.

Hey. Dr. Brown, we had a hot topic this week with the Trinity, which always causes a lot of fireworks and a lot of talking, and I said that if we just had the Torah and we read the Torah from Genesis to Malachi, would we see a clear picture of three, of three in one? And that's how it started, and one guy said the illustration, I think you might have said in the past, with the egg, here's one egg, but you've got the shell, the white, the yolk, all the same, but the one egg. But then a scripture hit me, Dr. Brown, which caused trouble, where I said, well, wait a minute. If everybody's the same, doesn't it say in the New Testament you could say a word about the sun, that'll be forgiven you, but if you say something about the Spirit, you ain't going to be forgiven. So I said, well, wait a minute, that's two different things. One, you get forgiven, the other one you don't get forgiven. So how could it be the same? And that's how the trouble started. Got it.

Okay, so two issues. First, if we only had the Old Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures, could we see the Trinity? Certainly, not with the full clarity of the New Testament, but we see God who is hidden, who no one can see, who creates the universe, who fills heaven and earth. We see where God comes down in human form and mingles among us, as in Genesis 18. And then we see the Spirit of God beginning in Genesis chapter 1, verse 2, that references the work of the Spirit of God.

And then elsewhere in the Old Testament, where the Spirit leads, where the Spirit teaches, where the Spirit can be grieved. But we know there's one God and one God only, that's the emphatic message. So the Father is not the same as the Son, meaning the identical person, or the Son the same as the Spirit.

It's one God who is Father, Son, and Spirit. So are Father, Son, and Spirit all the same in terms of deity? Yes. All the same in terms of eternity? Yes. All the same in terms of being all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect, etc.

Yes. Are Father, Son, and Spirit identical in terms of function and aspects of, we can refer to their identity. Obviously any word we use, person, identity, character, those are human words to describe God. But the Father is different than the Son, the Son is different than the Spirit, the Spirit is different than the Son and the Father, at least in terms of function. So because the Spirit has a certain role on the earth, to blaspheme the Spirit is especially severe. And that's what Jesus is talking about when he is doing ministry by the power of the Spirit.

So it's Mark 3 where this is explained. And the religious leaders accuse him of driving out demons by the power of Satan. He said, you've crossed a line with that.

So it was because of the nature of what the Holy Spirit does, and he is the one that glorifies Jesus and then Jesus glorifies the Father, it's especially severe when you reject him. He's the one that's actually bringing the word. He's the one that's carrying it out.

He's the one that's bringing the message. So that complete rejection of him is what puts you in that especially dangerous ground. But obviously, if someone dies denying Jesus and refusing him as Lord, they're lost. If someone dies rejecting God and saying, I don't want you in my life, they're lost. But it's a particular sin against the Spirit that Jesus says is unforgivable because of the way he works. So one God with different functions, and because of that, we relate differently in that regard.

And the one thing I'd say is this. The key thing is, I love God. God is working in my life, right?

One God. And I come to the Father through the Son by the Spirit. I mean, you could make it technical like that, but I'm just having relationship with God. I'm communing with God.

I'm pouring my heart out to God. So he wants us to come to him as Father through what Jesus did and who Jesus is. He wants us to do that because it's important for us to relate to him as Father, as the source, as the one who has everything we need, the one that we come to as a child would come to a Father. But Jesus is also called our friend. And we have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. So I'm communing with God. I'm normally talking to the Father. Sometimes I'll speak directly to Jesus, but I'm not making the separation like, oh, Spirit's over here, Father's over here, Son's over here.

So let's think of one God, but the way he works in this world, there are clear differentiations between Father, Son, and Spirit as well. Hey, thank you for the call. I appreciate it. 866-348-7884.

Let's go to Steven in central New York. Welcome to the Line of Fire. Hello, Dr. Brown. I had a question about the prophets who predicted that Trump would win a second term after the first term. Supposed to avoid accountability, those prophets turn around and say that all prophecy is conditional and that the conditions were not met, so Donald Trump lost.

Well, how would you respond to that? So let me say three things to that. Number one, there were people who emphatically said he is going to have eight consecutive years. It's done. It's assured. It's going to happen. I guarantee it. So the people who spoke like that have moved beyond conditional prophecy.

That's the first thing. And there were people who definitely did that. I documented that.

Some I called out publicly for that very thing. So if you go beyond that, if you guarantee it, if you say that it's going to happen, I'm sure of it, et cetera. And even after it was viewed that he lost the elections and people are still saying I'm guaranteeing it, you watch and see Biden's not going to be inaugurated. So they've moved beyond conditionality and therefore they were wrong and they need to repent and recognize their error and get accountability and restoration.

That's first thing. Second thing is even if there were conditions, they were not stated plainly. In other words, it was not if we will pray, if we will humble ourselves, if we will fast, if we will do this, that he will be elected. Rather, it was no God showed me that he will be in for four more years. In other words, they were saying God already showed me what would happen. But let's just say that you can say that all prophecy, if you just make a statement, is still conditional. The Lord says Donald Trump will have four more years in office, you know, eight consecutive years. And theoretically, even when you say it's all conditional, based on Jeremiah 18, that when God says he's going to bless the nation and the nation sins, instead of blessing, he'll judge. If he says he's going to judge them and they repent instead of judging, he'll bless.

The fact is the conditions were met. In other words, we prayed like I've never seen prayer. There were prayer meetings all over America. There were prayer meetings all over the world. There were Christians praying day and night for God to have his way in the elections. There was fasting after the elections. There were prayer tours in different cities and prayer videos watched by the hundreds of thousands. I never saw so much prayer in a concerted way as right before and right after the 2020 elections for Donald Trump.

And for God to have his way in the elections. So even there, the conditionality argument doesn't work. But as I said, for the first two reasons, it breaks down already. Because some guaranteed it would happen even after the vote counts, and others simply said it is a fact. God has showed me that this is the reality that will take place. So, unfortunately, there's no loophole. Look, it's one thing if you speak to someone and say, hey, I see you're launching this new business, the Lord has shown me he's really going to prosper and bless your business, right? And then you walk away from the Lord, you renounce him, and you use the business for illegal purposes, and the thing collapses. Okay, well, they didn't meet the conditions.

Fine. But, you know, this is a pure cop-out and nothing less than that. People say, well, maybe 2024 he'll be re-elected. Even so, that's not what we were told. We were told he would be the president in 2020.

He would have eight consecutive years, et cetera. So these are false prophecies that need accountability, that need repentance, that need understanding of how they got off, why they got off, and then take paths to get on the right track. So that's as blunt as I can be about it, sir. Okay, thank you very much.

You are very welcome. Let me remind you of something, and then I'll get back to the phones. When these prophecies were coming forth, I said in advance, listen, if this is God, wonderful, let it be. If not, then let's understand what's happening.

No one's throwing you under the bus. After the elections, when people were still proclaiming, I said, okay, so either you're right or wrong. We're going to see very soon.

The inauguration's coming. Either you're right or wrong. And there's no wiggle room.

Don't play with this. Don't try to change it and move the goalposts and all that. So I addressed all that in advance. I said, if you're right, you're holding on courageously. You're believing when all the evidence is against you.

God bless you. We commend you for your courage. And as a Trump voter, I hoped they were right in one regard. On the other hand, I said, if you're wrong, then you've got to humble yourself. You've got to do the right thing. You've got to acknowledge your error. This is bringing reproach to the name of Jesus. This is making the things of the Spirit into a mockery.

It's hurting the body as a whole. It's damaging our witness, and on and on. So you need to humble yourself. When Jeremiah Johnson, my younger colleague and friend, did that very thing, humbled himself and repented for prophesying falsely, he got horrifically attacked for it. I mean, thousands of people stopped subscribing to his newsletter. People stopped giving him money. He got death threats. Why? Because he said, I repent. I was the one that said, no, you never repent.

You hold to your word and you just speak it. There's a real sickness in the body. There's a real problem.

It really needs addressing. Go to if you haven't gone there. if you want in-depth understanding. Get my book, The Political Seduction of the Church. I've got two whole chapters dealing with the failed and false prophecies. Hey, if you've got a question, post it on YouTube or Facebook.

We'll try to take some online questions as well. It's The Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on The Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks for joining us on The Line of Fire. Let's go back to the phones. Starting with Douglas in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Thanks for calling The Line of Fire. Hello, Douglas.

All right, so Douglas asked a question, but he's not here to ask it. Why do people say they're apostles today? The same reason that people say they're pastors or evangelists or teachers. In other words, they believe God has called them to do apostolic work, which to them is not higher or lower than pastoral work or other service. In other words, it's just another expression of ministry.

They recognize that the 12 apostles in the New Testament were unique, but that others in the New Testament, like Barnabas, are called apostles as well. So they're emissaries. They are spiritual fathers. They are pioneers.

They are foundation layers. They are movement-birthers. They are church planters with multiple churches and things that become movements.

So they have a certain function in the body. So they recognize it as a calling, and they identify themselves as such. Now, some say, well, why do that? Why say Apostle Joe?

Good question. But you have to say the same thing for why say Pastor Joe or Evangelist Joe. In other words, it's no different if you believe these things are for today than it's no different. You could say by calling us apostolic or by calling us pastoral, right?

It's the same thing. That's why some people would use that. Now, are there people who falsely call themselves apostles? Sure, but there are people who falsely call themselves teachers and pastors as well, right?

If you don't believe these things exist today, that's a separate issue. But those who do believe what we call fivefold ministry or fourfold because the pastor-teacher would be two aspects of the same, those who believe they're for today, it's not a big deal to say, oh, we recognize you have an apostolic calling. Okay. We recognize you have a teaching calling. Okay. We recognize you have an evangelistic calling. Okay. This is another aspect of calling and ministry.

Let's go to Stephanie in Ball Ground, Georgia. Welcome to the Line of Fire. Hi, Dr. Brown. How are you?

Doing very well, thank you. So I know that the Levite tribe was the priestly tribe and Jesus was of the tribe of Judah. Yep.

And I'm just curious how that works out. Yeah, so the Messiah had to come through the line of Judah, through the line of David, because the Messiah was first and foremost a king. So the kingship was through David and because of that through the tribe of Judah. But he was a priestly king. He functioned in priestly ways, but not as a traditional Levitical priest. He functioned as a priest of a different order. So Hebrew 7 emphasizes that, that he functions as a priest like Melchizedek, who is a king and priest, and in Psalm 110 it says of the Messiah, you are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. So someone from a different group, someone outside of the tribe of Levi, someone who was not functioning as a temple servant, but rather someone who had a higher function as a priest, that's who Jesus was. So he didn't go into the temple and perform priestly ministry there. He didn't do those things, but as a high priest, he ultimately offered himself for a sin. So he is a king who is a priest, and because of that he comes through the tribe of Judah, but he performs his priestly functions by divine calling, not by lineage. And again, the best thing to study on that is Hebrews, if you go through Hebrews 7 through 10, that's the clearest section in scripture that addresses that, but Hebrews 7 in particular. Okay, thank you very much, I appreciate the clarity on that.

Yep, you are very welcome. If his calling, his primary calling, was to do priestly ministry in the temple, then he would have had to be the tribe of Levi. But his priestly calling transcended that. Alright, let's go over to Fred in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Welcome to the line of fire.

Hello, Dr. Michael Gao, this is Fred. I have a question about Hebrew Israelism and the rise of antisemitism in America. Is it mostly coming from just this weird cult, Hebrew Israelism? Because I'm seeing Kanye West and Tyree Irving, and it just seems like it all just kind of happened all at once. Is that all because of the Hebrew Israelism, or is there just some weird hatred of Jews? So there are two sides to it. One, it appears to have happened out of the blue. It appears to have just happened, but these things have been rising and fermenting for many, many years in different cultures and backgrounds.

So it looks like and feels like it happened out of nowhere, but it's been building. So in terms of black antisemitism, so I'm speaking very, very broad, wide terms, there is the Hebrew Israelism which has been growing. But remember, before that, there was the Nation of Islam, which is also laced with antisemitism in many cases. And the Riz Farrakhan has often been accused of being an antisemite, rightly so. So you've had these different influences in the black community, not the entire black community. I'm not saying blacks are antisemites any more than whites are antisemites.

That's not the point. We're talking about blacks who are antisemites or whites who are antisemites. Where does it come from? So what happens is that you have these different streams that feed in. So Hebrew Israelism is a more recent one. Nation of Islam is one before that.

So you've got these different streams feeding in and then the thing grows and festers and gets worse. That's one thing. The other thing is that there was a time in America where black and Jewish relations were much closer and were much better. And that there were even prominent Jewish leaders like Abraham Joshua Heschel and other rabbis who marched side by side with Dr. King. And a perception of Jews and blacks being involved together as minorities in America and wanting to see, American Jews wanting to see freedom and equality for black Americans.

But those relationships have largely broken down and there's probably been guilt on both sides in that regard. In other words, you might have Jewish communities side by side with black communities and animosity both ways. And many of the local blacks might have felt the Jews were just separating themselves, were acting in a superior way.

Why do they seem to have it better than we do? And then many of the Jews may have acted in a superior way, etc. So things go both ways. So social dynamics, friction between blacks and Jews, which like I say can go both ways, can contribute to the negative feeling. And then anti-Semitism is always there under the surface. So all you have to do is have successful Jews here or you have a bad business contract with a Jew, it's the Jews. A Jewish person gets a scholarship ahead of you, it's the Jews. So it becomes generalized and then demonized.

But these are some of the factors that's fed into it for sure. Alright, let's see here. Christianity on YouTube. So it's the resurrection of the dead after the millennial reign or before. Also Jesus said we won't even desire marriage just like the angels. It doesn't say we won't desire marriage, but we won't be marrying or giving in marriage. In other words, we're not going to be marrying, we're not going to be having children in the world to come. And so we're not going to have lustful sexual desires either. If we've been married to someone in this world, obviously there's a special relationship in the world to come. But things are different because it doesn't function in the same way to procreate.

It's not a sexual relationship, we're not bringing children into the world. As for the resurrection of the dead, the resurrection of the righteous, the first resurrection is before the millennial kingdom when Jesus returns and sets up his kingdom on the earth. Then at the end of the millennium is a final judgment where those whose names are not written in the book of life are cast into the lake of fire. That is the second death and the final resurrection. So the righteous that died during the millennium will be resurrected at that time but will enter into eternity. So the main resurrection of the righteous, the one we're looking forward to, is in conjunction with Jesus returning before the millennium. The general resurrection of all the dead is after the millennium. And let's see, Sakari on YouTube, are the curses of Deuteronomy, ah, okay, tell you what, I think we've got Cedric on the phone here, so let's take the call.

Is this the same one just posted on YouTube? If this is Sakari, hey, welcome to the line of fire. How you doing?

Doing good, thanks. Yeah, so I was just asking that question right there, are the curses of Deuteronomy 28, are they over, are they done with or are those still in effect today? Right, so do you mean for the Jewish people or for Christians in general? Well, just for the people who the covenant was made with because the curses were supposed to have fallen upon the children of Israel and their descendants. Right, so on the one hand, there's a new and better covenant that has been made through Jesus. On the other hand, the Jewish world does not recognize that and is still living under the Sinai covenant. So for the Jewish world, there's no reason to say that the curses would have stopped. In other words, that Jewish suffering over the centuries being scattered around the world, suffering terrible things, obviously Satan's tried to wipe out the Jewish people as well. But there's no reason to think that those curses have stopped and if there would be national repentance, that blessings would be restored as well. So yes, I believe that they still continue over the Jewish nation. God can work in mercy, in other words, when he brought Israel back out of the Babylonian exile, he said it's not because of your righteousness, because you're still sinning, I'm doing it for my name's sake. So he brought the Jewish people back to the land, not because of Jewish righteousness, most of the founders of the Zionist movement and the early pioneers were not God-fearing people, were not Torah-observant people. Many of them, in fact, were actually atheists. But God in his mercy brought them back and Israel today is not righteous, Israel stands by God's grace today. But the suffering over the centuries, the scattering, the attacks on us, it's the unfolding of the curses for disobedience, tragically.

And that's another reason we pray for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. I've got a break, but thank you for the call, thanks for posting on YouTube and making the effort to call as well. We will be right back. It's The Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. All right, I'm going to open some answers, some social media questions. I'm going to go back to the phones, 866-34-TRUTH.

But first, I've got a personal request. If you don't get my emails, would you take a moment to sign up for them or really want to get you in our welcome program to share more of my own life story background with you, to share more of our burden with you, and then to let you know how we can serve you, how we can help infuse you with faith and truth and courage, how we can develop health, spiritual health and strength in your life. And make sure that you know we have special resources available or new videos released or when we're coming to your area to speak or where a new book is coming out that you'll be the first to know. And every week you'll be updated on latest articles and videos so you don't have to constantly track them. We'll let you know about them.

So would you do that? I would love to be more deeply connected, and there's only so much I can do talking through this radio mic with you. This way we can be in much more contact and we can pour into you more, and you can know how you can stand with us, what we can do together to amplify this voice across the nation and glorify Jesus in a nation-shaking way. So go to,,, and just click to receive the emails, and we'll put you in our welcome tour. We'll send you a free mini e-book on how to pray for America. So let us pour into you, and let's find out how we can better connect, all right?, sign up for the emails. Travis asks on Facebook, how do we stir up the gifts of the Spirit, as Paul told Timothy? Yes, so it is something that we're called to do.

There are numbers of ways to do it. One is that we read the Word and meditate on the Word in areas that relate to the particular gift that we want to stir up. So if it's a faith-related thing, we're constantly reading faith-related passages and things that build our faith. If it's a healing-related, we're reading that. If it's relating to prophecy, we're reading that meditating on it. That's one thing. Second thing is, are there promises God's given you? Are there things he specifically spoke to you about?

Review those. A third thing is to be around those who operate in these ways or be in environments where this happens or watch videos or read books about others who have operated in these ways. And as you do, something stirs and new faith rises and new confidence rises, and then do what you know how to do.

Step out when you know how to step out. I don't mean that you go into a hospital and say, I'm going to try this out and shout through the corridors of the hallways, everyone here is going to be healed in Jesus' name or I'm a false prophet. No, you do that, you're going to fall flat on your face and bring mockery to the name of Jesus. But let's say God's used you in healing in the past, but it's been more dormant, so you read the word about it. You remember, you go back to old testimonies in your own life, you read stories about others used in that, and then someone calls you, hey, could you come over? I'm really sick. It's like, yeah, let's pray.

Let's ask God to heal. In other words, you step out in those things without making promises or proclamations, and you start to stir things up in your life. Let's see, this is a question from Benjamin.

Thank you for your donation on YouTube. Do you have any advice on how to discern from knowing what is authentic versus false in the charismatic movement? Sure. First, everything is tested by the word, and if something is blatantly unscriptural, you reject it. In other words, if someone says, well, Jesus told me the Spirit's here, you don't need the Bible anymore, you walk away from that in a heartbeat. If someone says, well, the Spirit says you have to come through me to be blessed by God, you walk away from that in a heartbeat. But there are other things that are not explicit in the Bible. In other words, why does someone fall? Why does it shake?

Why is this? Well, the Bible doesn't explicitly address that, so how do you know if it's real or not? So first, you test things by the word. Second, you look at financial practices and character. If people are extorting money from you, if they're trying to take advantage of people, if they're using prophecy to raise money or things like that, that's an unbiblical practice. You walk away from that. If things the person's advocating are contrary to Godly character and lifestyle, you walk away from that. You look at the overall fruit of a ministry as best as you can.

What kind of fruit is it bearing in your life? Is it drawing you closer to the Lord, more into the word, more into Godly living, more in a heart for the things of God? That's the way that you judge things.

Those are the most basic fundamental ways that we judge and examine things. And then get my book, Playing with Holy Fire, where I give you signs of abusive leadership. This is charismatic or not charismatic, but especially in the charismatic movement.

Playing with Holy Fire, you'll find that to be helpful. All right, I had to cut off Cedric with the break, but sir, you had a follow-up question, so please go ahead. Yes, so I was just going to ask about, in Luke 21 and 24, it says that Jesus told the Jews that they were going to be carried away captive into every nation. How do you demonstrate that happening? Well, tragically, it has happened. Jews have been scattered around the world for centuries and kicked out of country after country because of being Jews. You know, the anti-Semites say, see, look how evil they are. You know, they got kicked out of different countries because they weren't Catholic, they weren't Muslim.

They didn't conform to the practices. But we can trace it. In other words, we know who the Jewish people were in the first century. Yeah, we know who they were historically in the first century.

We trace the literature, we trace the movements, and we can trace the scattering of the Jewish people all around the world. Yeah. Right. Now, I was asking that because Jesus said they would be carried away captive. I mean, that they would be carried away as slaves into every nation on the earth.

So I'm just trying to figure out when you guys would be carried away captive into all kings. Yeah, it doesn't say that they'll be slaves in every nation. But they were carried away captive. They were carried into slavery.

If you read the first century history, that has happened. Yeah. So they were carried away captive? Yeah.

To all nations? Yeah, carried away captive. So that's all I was asking. I'm just trying to figure out how.

Like, what nation took you guys and carried you into all nations? So hang on. Hang on. Are you trying to say that this applies to blacks or Africans? I'm not saying it applies to anyone. I'm trying to just figure out how you guys fit into that prophecy right there. I'm really not putting anybody on it. Got it.

All clear. Well, who else is it speaking of? We know who the Jewish people were in history. We know who they are through history. We know the attacks to wipe them out. But it doesn't say that they'll be slaves in every nation. They'll be carried away captive.

I'm sorry. Which is what happened. Here's the other thing, though, sir. But here, we do know for a fact, we do know for a fact that the Jewish population in the first century in Jerusalem was not primarily African. If there were African Jews, that would have been a small minority. So we know that for historical fact. And we know for historical fact that from Jerusalem that African slaves have not been carried to, say, Japan, for example.

Okay. So we know that. But all nations in the Bible does not have to mean every single nation on the planet. It doesn't have to mean that. There is no people group of any kind that has been enslaved in every nation on the planet, to be totally clear. It is a general speech, meaning all around the world.

And that's exactly what happened. Study the history of it, though. It's sad. All right. Thank you for the call. Let's go to David in Germantown, Ohio.

Welcome to the Line of Fire. Hi, Dr. Brown. Hey. I really appreciate you taking the time today. Thank you for your ministry and your program. You're very welcome. Really quickly, I know you're very busy, but thank you for your labor on the commentary of the book of Job. I got that about six months ago. It's been a blessing to my ministry.

Wonderful. The question I had for you was in relationship to Job chapter 42, 7 through 10, where God spoke to Eliphaz and began to correct them. Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. But he does not include Eleki in that particular chapter. And from what I can tell, he doesn't include him in any of those areas of, quote, correction.

I just wanted to know your thoughts on that. Yeah, so it's part of the character of Elihu, who appears out of the blue, not mentioned earlier, and then disappears. So in that regard, as I explained about Elihu, he is an Elijah type of figure. Interestingly, there's only a difference in vowels between Elihu and Eliyahu in Hebrew. So even though Elihu and Elijah are very different names in English, in Hebrew they're almost identical.

So Elihu and Eliyahu, it's really basically a difference of a vowel there. So he is an Elijah type of figure, a forerunner, who appears and then disappears. He's here, he prepares the way for the revelation of the Lord, and then he's gone. On the other hand, he demonstrates the limitations of human wisdom. Because his words still fall short, his words do not ultimately answer things. So even though on the one hand, he rightly rebukes both Job and the friends, he does repeat some of the errors of the friends, but it's his role to be this Elijah, John the Baptist type of figure, who appears and disappears. He's here, and then he's gone. So that's part of his role, but he's not just a forerunner who prepares the way for the Lord. He also prepares the way for the Lord by demonstrating the limitations of human wisdom.

So if you look again in the introduction where I have a section on Elihu, read that again, and that should clarify why he's not included there, just in terms of the nature of his role. Perfect. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. You are very welcome, and thanks for your gracious words.

We work hard on things like commentaries, and so glad to know that pastors, leaders, others are using them and profiting from them. I appreciate it. Let's just see here.

Back over on Facebook. Let's see. Shalom. Secular Hebrew refers to Jesus as Yeshua. Well, Messianic Jews refer to him as Yeshua. Just the modern secular Hebrew name for Jesus derived from Galilean Aramaic. This is the name he would have been called by Aramaic-speaking Jews during his time on earth.

Okay. Yeshua is certainly the biblical form, and it ends with an ayin, and then you have what's called the non-syllabic glide vowel that makes a final guttural like that more pronounceable. So say the Hebrew for spirit is ruach. That is a non-syllabic glide vowel called the pata for tivim. It is to elide your way into saying the ach rather than just ruach.

It's ruach, or tablet. Instead of saying luch, it's luach. So instead of saying Yeshua, which is difficult, it's Yeshua, which makes it more pronounceable. Now, there are scholars who claim that in Galilean Aramaic by the time of Jesus that a was dropped, and Yeshua would have been the pronunciation.

But that cannot be proven. For sure, Yeshua was the original pronunciation, and in rabbinic literature, he's called Yeshu, and that final ayin is dropped. It's clearly a derogatory term there in rabbinic literature. And ultimately, it's seen as an acronym, standing for Yimach Shemovitz Yichrom, may his name and memory be obliterated. It is just common to modern Hebrew as the way people are used to it.

It's not derogatory when an average Israeli says it's a secular Israeli, but Yeshua is the accurate original pronunciation and the one we try to recover. Thanks for the call. We'll be right back. . Thanks, friends, for joining us. And if you don't have our app, download it. What are you waiting for? Thousands have.

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Bryant in Louisville, Kentucky, welcome to the Line of Fire. Hey, Dr. Brown, appreciate you having me. Just two quick inquiries for you. First one is, have you ever experienced anti-Semitism in person in the church?

I know you've had it online, but in person. And the second, if the Jews had accepted Yeshua in the first century, do you think Gentiles still would have, or do you think it would have remained a Jewish-only thing and the Gentiles would have seen it as too Jewish if the Jews had accepted Yeshua? Yeah, so the first question, overwhelmingly around the world for over 50 years, I have been experiencing love, special love by Christians because I'm a Jew, because I'm a Jewish believer.

In fact, Yesupadam in India, one of my closest friends in the world, and God willing, tomorrow I leave for India for my 28th trip there to be with Yesupadam and his team. He is convinced that the reason his ministry has been so supernaturally blessed worldwide is because of his joining together with me as a Jewish believer. So the anti-Semitism I may have experienced in the church is the rarest of rare. I have wished for years I could take rabbis and Jewish colleagues that don't believe in Yeshua with me around the world for them to experience what I've experienced, this outpouring of love and respect and grace, overwhelmingly. Now, on YouTube and social media, I'll run into anti-Semites all the time, some of whom are professing Christians.

So it's out there, there's a plague that's out there, but my own experience has been beautiful, wonderful. As for the hypothetical, if you want to say, in Acts 3, so after Jesus rises from the dead and the disciples are now preaching him, so he had to die for our sins, and Peter beginning in Acts 3, 19, repent, turn to God that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refresher may come from the presence of the Lord, that he may send the Messiah whom the heavens must receive until the time of the restoration of all things spoken of by the prophets. If there had been massive repentance of the Jewish people theoretically, then that would have brought with it a wave of salvation to the whole world. How it would have happened, God knows. But in theory, that would have happened, and it wouldn't have been too Jewish because this would have been salvation for the nations.

But that's all in theory. God foreknew what would happen and how it would work its way out and use the Jewish rejection as a way to bring the message to the Gentiles. But thank you, sir, for the question. I appreciate it.

Let me just go back over to Facebook. Aaron is an Armenian, can you exegete Hebrews 6-6? It seems that this verse is saying that losing salvation is possible. Whoever gaining it back again is not would love to hear an explanation of the passage. I've actually been asked about it many times, as would be expected, Hebrews 6-4-6, because it seems to say that if someone falls away, they can never come back. The best way I understand it is speaking to Jewish believers who thought they could have salvation and forgiveness outside of Jesus if they fell back into Judaism and the temple writes, that he's saying as long as you are crucifying the Son of God, there is no repentance. As long as you are in the state of rejecting him, there is no salvation.

There are no sacrifices that work. Check out the ISV, so go to Look at Hebrews 6-4-6, but put in the ISV, the International Standard Version.

The translation leans in that direction, and that's my understanding. Mitch, why do Jews only address God as Hashem, the name, and refuse to say the actual name? Does this even apply for them during prayer? Also, why do most Jews online write God, G-D, and not the O? So, that's out of respect and reverence for God. That's a Jewish person saying his name is too sacred to pronounce. By New Testament times, that was customary to say Lord instead of saying his actual name.

So, this has been something that's been part of Jewish tradition for millennia. Saying Hashem, the name, that is something personal, though. In other words, when a Jew refers to Hashem, that's God in a special way to them. They're not referring to him as the name. No, Hashem is the new name, right? And it's something that is precious and meaningful to them.

So, that's why. Now, in prayer, they will still not say the name Yahweh or however they would have pronounced it. They'll say Adonai instead. They'll say Elohim. They'll say those things in prayer. But if they're just talking to you casually, they'll pronounce those differently.

They'll say Elohim instead of Elohim, so they're not actually saying the name as considered to be too sacred. Let's go to William in Wilmington, Delaware. Welcome to the Line of Fire. Thank you, God bless. I apologize, Dr. Brown. I told the screener one question when I thought about another one. Go ahead.

Go with the other one. That's all right. So, is it okay to say that I was led to Christ or I led him to Christ or we lead people to Christ? Is that okay to say? Because some Christians don't like—they don't say that you're correct.

Right. It's perfectly fine to say that we had that role. By God's grace, we were able to lead this person to Jesus. We're not saying that we saved them. We're saying that we led them to Jesus who saved them.

Jesus does say, follow me and I'll make you fishers of men, right? So, in that sense, we are out catching people by sharing the message and showing the love of God to them and seeking to bring them to the Lord. So, you know, there are people who don't like to—they don't like it said that anyone led them to God because they know it's God who saved them sovereignly and they want it to be known like that. Maybe a better way to say it is, thank God I was able to help lead this person to Jesus.

Insert that word. So, we fully understand it's God's grace. He's the Savior.

He's the only one who does the work, right? That we are just vessels. But sure, you could say, hey, praise God, we're able to lead 20 people to the Lord in this missions trip. Everyone understands what you're saying.

You were able to introduce them through the gospel to Jesus. In that sense, nothing wrong with it whatsoever. All right?

All right, you are very welcome, sir. Absolutely. Micah, do all people have a sin nature from birth?

Yes. There are some Christians who say, no, it's only when you're actually sinned. Well, why does everybody sin?

Because we're fallen. So, we have a sin nature from birth. We're not fully held accountable for things until we come into an age of understanding, right? So, a baby is still in a state of innocence even though that baby's—you know, a one-year-old can disobey a parent or something like that, or a two-year-old.

But they're not held accountable as an adult would be. But yes, sin nature from birth. Let's just see. Okay, Jason, we've asked several people this question. No one has a good answer.

If you could answer it for me. Matthew 25 to 10, virgin bridegroom. Are we the virgin bridemaids in the last days? Are we the bride or are we this wise virgin that are part of the bride of Christ? We are the bride, and this is a parable to talk about readiness. We are the bride, but this is a parable about readiness.

So, we apply the lesson of the parable. We're not trying to break down every person in it, every character in it, you know, or is everyone bridesmaids, is everyone virgins? That's not the thing. What about men?

Let's talk about women there. So, that's not the issue. The issue is, just like we're not a female bride if we're men, but the bride is the body. So, it's a parable about the return of the Lord and readiness. And the return of the Lord is likened to a wedding, but the emphasis is not the wedding part. The emphasis is the readiness and who's ready, who's not, because he's coming at a late hour.

So, it's the application. So, no, we are not the literally the bridesmaids as opposed to the bride. We are Messiah's bride, right, Ephesians 5. However, the parable is to illustrate a point. So, you don't want to break a parable down to go beyond what it's trying to teach.

It's illustrating a point about being ready and not being lax spiritually. Alright, let us go to Derek in Baltimore, Maryland. Welcome to the line of fire.

Hi, Dr. Brown. Thank you so much for making yourself available for people like us in the body of Christ. My joy, sure.

And I feel bad asking such a simple question, but I guess because I'm struggling with it, that's why I feel I need to ask, and I'll have better questions in the future that I definitely want to ask. But when it comes to marriage, I definitely accept the word of God. You know, when God is put together, let no man put a son there. And, of course, I guess I can't say for sure that I know this is the case in this person's heart. But if your relatives marry someone that you don't really believe, that no one around you really believes is something someone God wanted you to marry and they're really dangerous.

As far as their behavior, but also in using you and not believing. We don't really believe that He loves her and all that stuff. Even though, and there has been fornication adultery as well, but if you're willing to forgive, in my understanding, I believe that's okay. Of course, if you're willing to forgive and you feel like the person is offended.

But in this case, the person hasn't. Are we really supposed to support this marriage as a family, or how are we going to apologize? So, hey, Derek, it's a great question. It's an important question. I need to apologize.

I have to apologize because time is short. Do whatever you can to see the marriage made whole. Do whatever you can to pray for both parties. Do whatever you can, if there's blatant sin in one heart, to pray for repentance and to appeal to that person to repent. But if the one person is going to break away, if they've committed adultery, fornication, if they want a divorce, break away, you can't stop it.

Sometimes we try so hard, but you can't stop it. And if that's the case, there can be life for the person that was divorced on the other side of that. So you do your best to see reconciliation, restoration.

But if the person is determined to go on and sin and they leave, you can't stop it. So, hey, I wish I had more time. If you need more, you can always write to us. Hopefully we can be of help. The blessing of the Lord be on you. Pray for me as I leave for India tomorrow.
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