This is the Truth Network. All right, let me see now, Nick. Nick, Nick, Nick. This is Christmas Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, I think. All right, I think there are four Eves in this particular Christmas Eve that we're enjoying today. That's the way I always celebrate it. Christmas Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve.
And before you know it, right, he'll be here. And so anybody that knows me knows how much I love Christmas and I love Christmas shows. And so we are here today with one of my Christmas favorites throughout the year, Angela Barker. She is an author of both the book, Friendship with God.
And then she has another little booklet, which is actually a real keepsake, called Meekness. And so welcome back, Angela. It's so good to have you on.
Thank you for having me, Robbie. And with this being the Christmas season, I want us to take a moment to open up the gift of Jesus. So any of our listeners, if you haven't received Jesus into your heart, all you have to do is say this prayer with me. Dear God, I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord.
I believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead. Holy Spirit, come in me and live with me. Thank you for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Romans 10, nine says it's that easy.
And it is that easy. And so wonderful to have you on today, Angela. We also have Maura Poole with us and she wrote a really cool book. So Maura, welcome to King of Pursuits. Thanks for having me. I'm glad to be here.
Oh, it's so exciting. And your book, very cool, is Candy's Secret Friends. Now, does candy have anything to do with Christmas? No, but she has a lot to do with Jesus. Well, you could roll with it as a candy cane, you know, however you want to, you know, however you wanted to go with that.
But I love what you did, right? Maura is a doctor and she works with children. And so give us a little idea of what, how God put it on your heart to write this. Well, I felt inspired to spread the message of Jesus through my art, mainly because I illustrated this book too and wrote it. And I felt like the best way to kind of spread Jesus' message through my art is through children's books.
And also I have it, I have a lot of patience. I deal mostly with adults or teenagers, but sometimes children, but that's not my specialty. But I do see what happens when the children grow up, when they've had childhoods in which they have maybe a relative or people bullying them at school or a strange uncle or grandfather who's too grumpy or something like that. And they tend to blame themselves for everything and their self-esteem really hurts.
So the message of the book is that somehow don't blame yourself for what other people kind of try to put on you or the way they behave. Yeah, that is so awesome. Again, we've got two wonderful authors with us, but you know, Nick, it is Kingdom Pursuits and you know, it is Christmas, so you know what's coming. Speaking of Christmas, right? It's time to have a little shenanigans. Oh, yes it is.
It definitely is. So Maura, I don't know if Joni told you about this part of the show, but you know, you have an opportunity to answer some Christmas riddles, you know, just to get you warmed up and Nick, are you totally prepared? I know Angela's ready. And so, you know, anybody kick in if you think you know this one, all right? So what's everyone's favorite breakfast in the North Pole? Hmm, hot cocoa? Close, they love that. It might be their- Hot cup of eggnog. Yeah, that's one too, but you know, what do you think?
Maura, you got one? I have no idea. I know what you're thinking, mistle toast.
Ha. Very nice. Mistle toast, yes.
And this isn't oldie, but it never grows old to me. It's that what sentence did the man who stole the advent calendar get from the magistrate? What sentence did he give him after he stole that advent calendar? What do you think? Hmm. Calendar? Close, do you think you got that one, Maura? I don't think so. 25 days. Oh.
Okay. That'll get ya. And for those of you who just listened to this very special episode of Christian Car Guy Theater, how did Scrooge win the football game? How did Scrooge win the football game?
Nick, you got an idea? How did Scrooge win the football game? Yeah, I gotta add a little Christian Car Guy Theater on this one, see? It was Guido Gaskett who played the ghost of Christmas, and he was actually the ghost of Christmas passed. That's how he won the football game. The ghost of Christmas passed.
Oh, passing the ball, oh. Mm. So, and this one is also, you'll like this one, Nick.
I think you can get it. Why is a Christmas mummy, or, no, excuse me, why is Christmas a mummy or Snoop Dogg's favorite holiday? Come on, now, why is a Christmas, why is Christmas, why is Christmas a mummy or Snoop Dogg's favorite holiday? Well, the mummy's all wrapped up like a gift.
There you go, they love gift wrapping. Oh, oh! Oh!
Everyone. That'll get you right every time. Oh my goodness. Now you do that, yeah.
You have the best dad jokes. And of course, I know you've been warned about this, what's a Christmas tree's favorite, favorite candy? Christmas tree's favorite candy, huh. Candy canes? Close. They're sort of like that, and they are, you know, candy, like with a K, just saying.
But, did you get that, Mora, anyway? It's what is a Christmas, favorite candy? Christmas tree's favorite candy, it's ornaments. They like those mints to eat the ornaments. And a candy cane qualifies as an ornament. I don't know if you've ever thought about that. Oh, I didn't know that. Okay.
Makes sense. Which, by the way, seeing that it is candy in the name of your book, it also has a J that looks like Jesus, it's a shepherd's hook, right? It's covered with the stripes that were on Jesus' back.
And of course, its main ingredient is it's white, and it's pure. So, you know, one of those things, candy canes, very Christmasy. So, how did the Christmas tree get ready for a night out? I know you're wondering, how did that- They get all dressed up. Close. They did get dressed up, but- Put on extra lights.
They spruce up, that's why it's Christmas. Oh. And you knew at some point I would end this torture with this one. How do you, what do you get? No, what do you get?
I know you're wondering about this, Nick. What do you get when you mix a Christmas tree and an iPad? Christmas tree and an iPad. A Christmas tree and an iPad. A very happy seven-year-old. You do.
Yeah, you do. Or a pineapple. Pineapple. Oh, that's a good one.
Pineapple. And you did know at the end of that, you know, that I would have a riddle you could call in and win today. And so, we are gonna go with one that we think is pretty open-ended and very simple because we want a lot of people to win today because we have a lot of these meekness books that Angela wrote and we got Friendship with God that Angela wrote that we wanna give away. All you have to do and call in and tell us what is the reason for the season, simple enough. What's the reason for the season? And if they can answer that one, Nick, tell them what they'll win. Well, you already told them what they'd win, so tell them to call.
Why don't you give us a call at 866-348-7884 if you know the reason for the season. Give us a call and you'll be winning one of her booklets and possibly a Date the Word calendar. Oh, we have Date the Word, oh yes. And you can really date the word this year with the Date the Word calendar. You could be dating it every day.
Nothing like going on a date with the word. Anyway, call us with your answer, 866. What's the reason for the season? 866-348-7884, we'll be right back with a whole lot more. It is Candy's secret friend and the friend with God will all be here, thank you. You're listening to The Truth Network and ["The Truth Network Theme Song"] Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom and so blessed to have with us today Angela Barker.
She is the author of Friendship with God and Meekness as well as Maura Poole is the author of Candy's Secrets which both these books are readily available on Amazon and they have websites and all sorts of stuff. We'll get to that in a minute. But I'm so excited because we lit up the switchboard with folks that want to tell us the reason for the season and I'm a bit challenged, Nick, because my computer fried and so you're gonna have to answer them for me but I'll talk to them, obviously, tell them.
Well, just put the first one on and. Yeah, so we have Jane from Wake Forest, North Carolina. Jane, you were on. So Jane, before you answer. Yes, Robbie, good morning. Good morning, Jane, I'm so glad you called and I just want to tell everybody else that's holding on, be sure and hold on because she has the same answer you do. I still want to talk to you very, very much.
I'm so glad you called. But Jane, what's the reason for the season? Jesus Christ's birth. Yeah. Yeah, I like there's a sign like whose birthday is it anyway?
Yes. And you know, one of the things I've been thinking about all year and I'm gonna probably think about it all year again next year is what am I gonna give Jesus this year? Right, like. Wow, that's really a lot of wisdom there. That, you know, God is so much fun to think about because when you are wrapping a present, whatever that may be and you think about God wrapping that present of Jesus clear back before time began, you envision the person's eyes opening up, lighting up and when they begin to see what it was that you've given them. And so it's kind of really unbelievable when you think about it that God, when he was wrapping this present for us, was picturing your eyes, Jane, the day he would open it.
How cool is that, right? Wow, thank you, Robby. It's really a blessing you shared that with us. Oh, thank you, Jane. Thank you for calling in and you're a winner. You'll be dating the word all year long, just saying.
Because you'll have that Dr. Carson. Kingdom Pursuits is such a blessing. Thank you so much and you all have a Merry Christmas. You too, Jane.
Thank you so much for calling. We got Caroline is in Charlotte. So Caroline, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning.
Good morning, good morning. So Caroline, what's the reason for the season? Jesus the Christ is the reason for the season.
Isn't that neat? And then it really is sort of an advent situation where we get to celebrate. Have you been celebrating all December? Yes, pretty much, but today especially. Today especially, why?
Because my 62-year-old husband, except that Christ at 905 is one of us. Yes! I think you excited, Angela, with that one. Oh my soul. Wow, at 905, it's only been a couple of hours.
Yeah, it's a newborn. Well, we are rejoicing with you, Caroline, and would you mind sharing the story? It's a long story and I've had it someplace, but I've been with me in my church. We've been praying with him for him for a long time, and this morning I was about to do my quiet time.
He usually goes out to state cells and stuff on Saturday morning, so usually he's gone when I wake up. But this morning, for some reason, he stayed home, and I read a little bit of my advent this morning, and it was by John Piper, and something he said just really took a hold of me, that Jesus was, he told, I think it was Pilate, that he was born, for this reason he was born, and for this reason I have come, not that he was just born like that, but that he was just born like a human. So something about that really struck me, and my husband was just laying there and scrolling on his phone, and the Holy Spirit just said ask him, ask him what his position is with Jesus. And so I spent probably maybe 45 minutes showing him scripture and talking to him and ask him, you know, what is your position?
Would you go to heaven today? And at first he said yes, and I asked him, are you sure? And so he went out of the room, he said, well, let me think about that for a minute. And he came back and I said, well, are you sure? He said, no, I said, well, you need to be sure. He said, no, I'm not. I said, do you want to pray for Jesus to come into your life and you make him Lord, and he said, why would I not?
So we prayed this morning and night. What a story, Caroline. Do you know deep, deep, deep down in your knower that you know that you know, that is amazing. That is, I was like, wow.
You know, that's the reason. Yes, he does. Yes, he does. Oh, you made my day and I'm sure he made yours. God, he had a special present for you today, for sure.
And for generations to come, right? Yes, amen, amen, amen, forever and ever. Well, once again, I am so honored that you would call us and share that, Caroline. Thank you. You have an amazing day, okay?
Amazing holiday, I know you will. God bless. Thank you, yes, yes, God bless you.
Thank you. And we got Ms. J is in Greensboro, North Carolina. And Ms. J, I know that you're probably dancing somewhere based on what you just heard out of Caroline, right?
You know me so well. I'm like the heavens and I are just praising him, so I am. It's like the ultimate gift right there. But of course, Jesus is the reason for the seasons. His love is greater than anything else that you can ever purchase. But I have, that's what I think Jesus is, Jesus Christ, which is the believer. And so I'm wondering, have you got a poem, a song or something for us this morning?
I mean, this is Ms. J. I mean, we can't let you get off the phone without something. Okay, here we go. Unto us a child was born, unto us a son was born, unto us a son of God was born, a son of man was born, a son of peace, a son of joy, a son of love, unto us was given the word of God that became flesh unto us. He walked among us and taught his truth of kingdom and glory and consequences. Unto us he showed his patience of love, enduring our hurts and pains and sorrows. Unto us he grew up obedient to the spirit of truth and what was taught those days. Communicating is the way of the love of God's ways.
That's beautiful, as always. He did, I'm sorry, he did what no other man could do. He became our sacrificial lamb without spite of blemish, who died and who rose again, for our sins past, present and future. Unto us worthy of his resurrection, now ruling over death, life and all souls. Unto us he advocated and paid the blood price for a deep mystery. He was foretold.
Yes, God knew exactly what he was doing, the self-existing one, when his words became flesh. He gave to us a hope and an expected end. Unto us he was given a redeemer, a king, that shall reign victoriously forever and ever. Amen and amen. And amen. Oh, Ms. J, you made my day.
I'm, you know, we're gonna send you out a date the word, and a meekness book. And I, you know, we'll come up with something else out of the kingdom pursuit to praise what we make for always, and certainly something for Caroline and her husband. Oh my goodness, what a glory that is. What an amazing God we serve. Well, thank you, my dear friend. I know it was long, but as the Spirit led me, I was just, wow. And I just wrote that like, I was writing that when that guy was giving his life to Christ, her husband. Oh, I'm not surprised.
Not one, one bit. You have it amazing. God bless you, Ms. J, we love you. Have a great week.
Yeah, I know it's gonna be a great week because Christmas is involved in it. And so, Ms. Maura, is this your first book? Yes, it is. And I know that this book for you, Angela, was your first book, Friendship with God, right?
Yes, it was. What a courageous thing, right? Did you feel God like tugging on your heart there, more of it, like you need to do this? Yeah, as I said, I'm a psychiatrist, and actually, Maura Poole is a pen name.
It's not my actual name because I'm a psychiatrist. So I did, I felt like he wanted me to share some of the insights I learned from treating people who suffered from different things in childhood and how God can help them through challenges while they're children so that they grow up knowing God and not taking everything too personally or too seriously and having a real faith and friendship with God early on. And I love the fact that you took those, and by making it a children's book, right, simplify the message, like the simpler you can make it, which is one of the reasons I love this book, Meekness, that you did, Angela. I looked at it the other day as I was writing something to somebody else, and I thought, you know, this booklet just says it so easy. I mean, how many pages is it?
Whooping, 10. And it's less than the actual book because Meekness is actually the first chapter in friendship with God. Yeah, and it's a little booklet, so it's only, what, three inches tall, and it's only 10 pages. You can get the idea that it'll probably be two pages of a regular book. Amazing stuff when you get it down.
If you can't boil it down, you know, then obviously God said make it easy to understand. Well, we'll be right back with a whole lot more Kingdom Pursuits. I am so blessed. If you just feel like calling in and sharing something, you know, by all means, I love it.
866-348. You're listening to The Truth Network and ["The Truth Network Theme Song"] Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And today we are more than blessed to have with us authors Angela Barker, author of Friendship with God and Meekness and Morepool. And she wrote Candy's Secret Friends.
Again, a wonderful children's book. As she talked about, she's a psychiatrist and, you know, kind of neat to distill some of the wisdom that she has gleaned in being able to practice, you know, her form of medicine and then, you know, distill some of what, you know, because as parents, we need to know those things. And it's amazing how many of those things as an adult that you had happen to you as a child. You really need Jesus to go back in with you and revisit some of that stuff. And I know in your practice, right, Mora, that's a big part of what you're doing is bringing light into those, I've heard it said you're as sick as your secrets. If I already said what?
I've heard it said that you're as sick as your secrets. Oh, okay, I didn't understand what you said. Yeah, no, I think people do bring Jesus, like that's the point to try to pray and talk to Jesus about what's going on. And I think it's important, like I think one of the people on the ads mentioned something about emotions. And I think emotions are important and Jesus kind of uses emotions to help us navigate things. But we also have to balance our emotions against scripture and church teaching.
So together with those three things, God guides us, I believe. It's not that we have to hide our emotions. And also I have a message for parents, which would be don't tell your children that they say, I feel whatever. Don't tell them, oh, you shouldn't feel that way.
Don't feel that way. Because people feel the way they feel and we're not responsible for our emotions. We're just responsible for what we do with our emotions. And that's where God comes in to help us figure out what to do with this emotion that was stirred up by whatever situation, past or present.
That's beautiful. And really a Christmas marriage, a message in a lot of ways. As the Christian car guy, I like to identify that as when you all of a sudden get angry or sad or some emotion comes up and you really don't yourself understand why that's happening, it's like a check engine light going off that tells you you need to check under the hood, right? Exactly, exactly.
And for some of us, if it just keeps going off and we can't seem to check under the hood on our own, right? You need to seek somebody, a psychiatrist or a pastor or somebody that would help you bring some light into that situation, would you agree? Yes, and God, I think that's where God comes in also. Oh, by all means, he comes in first. Exactly, and he helps you figure out what's the best way to do, to handle things.
So I do step by step if you really listen for his voice. Oh yeah, and Angela, that's a big part of what your book is, right? Is pushing into that friendship with God is, he's gonna come after those emotions because you're his friend. Exactly, and I think also it's important to realize that while we have emotions, there's also choices that we make and God is love.
It's not just a quality that he possesses, God is love. And love, while it is a feeling and it's a wonderful, wonderful feeling, love is not just a feeling, love is a choice. And in my book, Friendship with God, Ruth made the choice to love Naomi, just like Jesus made the choice to leave everything in heaven to come to us and be with us and walk with us and give his life for us. Now, don't you find it interesting, Angela, that the Bible's a fairly long book, 66 books, and we have to get through it.
You guys, I know, are going through it. You started back in Genesis again in this Bible that you're doing, but you have to wait till the fourth chapter of 1 John, which is almost at the end of the book where finally he says it twice in that chapter, God is love. It's like, in case you didn't get it through the other 63 books of this Bible, no, here you go, God is love. And so that begs the question, which it asks, how can you say you love God and hate? Your brother, you can't.
Right. Yep, if you love those, you can see. How can you love God who you've never seen? Right, and so as you push into that friendship with God, he's definitely gonna push you towards being a brother and sister of other people, and I've seen that so much in your family, Angela.
We got your parents here with you, and we met at a subway in Asheboro, North Carolina, on a Sunday, because that's where Tammy and I often go to eat after a church in Asheboro, and we're both pastors, right, your dad and I, and he's a pastor of, what's your dad's church? Word of Faith. Word of Faith, and I wish everybody could see the joy. That's one thing about radio is you don't get to see the joy that's on the other side of this mic right here between Angela and her parents, and that's a Christmas message, and my guess is, Maura, are you feeling some joy over there? Mm-hmm, yes, yes, it's always joyful this time of year. Yeah, he.
Because of what, no, because Christ did, you know, make this sacrifice, he came to earth to help us, and then he died to redeem us. Yeah, it's. So, no, go, I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. My boss, he loves to say that happiness has to do with happenings. Joy, right? It's interesting when you do a deep study of the words involved, both in Old English or if you go to Hebrew, you're gonna find that it has to do with a light, a reflection of light.
Oh, that's good. So you shine as a result of your reflection of the light, regardless of your happenings. As a matter of fact, because as it gets darker, guess what happens?
The light shines brighter, right? And then sometimes, right, when you see that deep joy in somebody in spite of their circumstances. And I read this, or actually, Pastor shared with me, and that does encouraging prayer right after the show, James Banks. He said that when we take joy and worship from our most painful situations, it's like we take Satan's weapon and use it against him. Right, I would think of that as spiritual peace. In other words, sometimes even though terrible things are happening or you're in a situation that's very challenging, God sometimes gives you a sense of spiritual peace, and then that helps guide you in the choices that you make about how to deal with the situation. So joy and spiritual peace, to me, are kind of similar.
That is so good. And it goes with our Advent calendar, right? We throw hope in there, and we got the whole package. We had love, we had peace, we had joy. And you know, what would you, when I say hope, what do you think about, Angela? I think of the literal meaning of hope. I think it means, if I remember right, confident expectation. So it's actually the complete opposite of the way we use hope in English and in America. When we say we hope, a lot of times we actually mean, well, we wish, we wish this would happen. But Bible hope, the meaning of the hope in the Bible, is confident expectation. So it's almost like, okay, someone calls you and they say, I'm gonna come to your house at this specific time. And you're not wishing that they're gonna come to your house. You have a confident expectation they're gonna show up.
So you have a confident expectation that God is gonna show up for you and help you in the areas that you need help in. The beauty of that, the word in Hebrew is takava. And the first time you'll find it is in the book you quoted earlier with Ruth and her two daughters-in-laws. Yeah, and you'll also find it very much connected to the red strand that was thrown out the window for Rahab, right? So there's a lot of connections there with hope. And we got so much joy, love. Oh man, it's a regular Advent season. We'll be back with more Kingdom Pursuit. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom.
And certainly you can hear if you've been listening today that we seem to have a passion for Christmas, a passion for each other, a passion for so many things and for children, it certainly is an idea of Christmas. But we have with us Angela Barker, she's the author of Friendship with God and Meekness and Maura Poole who wrote Candy's Secret Friends. And so Maura, if somebody wants to get Candy's Secret Friends, how do they go about doing that? Well, it's on Amazon. They can get it from Amazon very inexpensively. And there's also, I have a website,, M-A-U-R-A-P-O-O-L where they can get a free ebook. The parents can just to see if it's right for their children, because I don't think it's healthy for children to read eBooks. It's much better to have paper that they can touch and things like that. So this way the parents can view it first for free and just see if it's worth buying or not.
Wow, so and again, it's totally okay. I was looking it up just to see Candy's Secret Friends on Amazon, just so you'll know, because you need that last. And by the way, I've seen Amazon deliver stuff when it comes to books that day.
I've given people Bibles and they had it that day. So yes, paperback version, just 12.99 on Amazon. And it says that they can still get it before Christmas, according to Amazon, I'm looking right now. Says they'll get it Monday, December 23rd at the order right now, 12.99 on Amazon. Candy's Secret Friends. Well, what about Friendship with God? Where do we get that, Angela? It is also on Amazon.
And I think it's also on Barnes & Noble, although I think it's a little bit easier to find on Amazon. Friendship with God, let me, you gotta talk for a minute so I can look it up. All right. Well, Candy's Secret Friends, you were talking about that a minute ago and about helping kids. And I think that's really, really important and vital. I wrote Friendship with God in a way that's easy to understand so that I feel like anyone from like an upper elementary age range could read it. And because the friendship with God is for any age. And I also am really encouraged that someone else has wrote something for kids because I think if people reach for Christ at a really early age, it sticks with you.
And I know that my parents really poured into me when I was younger and I am who I am today because of that. And I just think it's great what this other author is doing and I think that's wonderful and how God is using both of us. Okay, so good news, $11.34 will get you Friendship with God. Okay.
Unless you called in earlier, we've got those going out. But Friendship with God, only $11.34 on Amazon. You got to put, because there's a couple books like that, you have to put in Angela's name, Angela Barker. Angela Barker, like Bob, only, this is her great, great, great, great niece. Yes, great, but Angela Barker.
Yep, think of a dog barking. And she too can get you that book. If you go on Amazon, you can have it by Monday, December 23rd.
There's still, right, time and you can get it before Christmas right there. But any time you get a book on Amazon or even Barnes and Noble or wherever, especially with new authors, this is their first book. Please, please, it means so much.
It does. If you'll just go on and rate the book, even if you hate it, at least they got a rating, right? I mean, rate the book and then write something that would encourage, because again, they stepped out on faith, believe me, they did, and put themselves out there and were obedient to what they felt like God was doing.
And so it's really a golden opportunity for us, if we buy those books, to encourage folks like Maura and Angela today. And so, Angela, we just got a couple minutes left. Have you got any last words you would like to share with our audience?
Oh, last words. Well, I think I'll close this thing with prayer of salvation again, because that's the best Christmas gift of all. If you don't know Jesus, you can know Jesus today if you believe in him in your heart and speak this with your mouth or something similar to this. Dear God, I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord.
I believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead. Holy Spirit, come in me and live with me. Thank you for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
Maura, how about you? I think she said it very well, Angela Barker. I have nothing to add to that, that's great.
And I would encourage people to get her book. Yeah, isn't it neat? I'm always so grateful for the blessing that we can really give each other this Christmas. There's other people that do what you do, whatever you do. And it's a wonderful opportunity for us to fight up against anything that might be envious in us or anything else and just go about blessing. And I've thought about blessing this morning a lot. And I heard this just yesterday from Dr. Carson that Oral Roberts said blessing has to do with having God thoughts. And that part of the reason that Jews have won all the Nobel Prizes and whatever is that if you have God thoughts, they're amazing thoughts.
And so if you can just yourself, and I studied it in Hebrew deeply and I could give you all the scholarship behind this, but I would agree with that. If we could get to that place where we had God thoughts for everyone, it would be that love that you're talking about right there, Angela. Thank you, Maura. Thank you, Angela. What an amazing time we had today on Kingdom Pursuits, especially because you're listening and you get to join with us.
We love it, we love it, we love it. Now stay tuned. You got so much truth coming at you on the Truth Network. Encouraging Prayer with James Banks followed by Masculine Journey. It's time to man up with Nikita Koloff. This is the Truth Network.
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