This is the Truth Network. Good morning, and I'm filling in for Robbie this morning. Robbie is out on a men's retreat, a great weekend.
I know they're having a great time. I'm Jerry Mathis, Raised Body Shop and Record Service. This morning in the studio, first of all, I want to say this is Saturday before Thanksgiving, so we're gonna kind of hit on Thanksgiving a little bit during the show, but I am blessed this morning to have Mary Kay Rath in the studio with me. I'm gonna let her introduce herself, and then also got Mark Flint with Pulliam's Barbecue, and let him introduce himself, and we are gonna just just have a good time. We're gonna pull us, it's gonna be one of those shows where we just pull our seat up to the table and just have a little bit of discussion and stuff, and talk a little bit about your businesses and stuff, because I think it's so important to make sure that as a Christian, when we run our business as a Christian, that we get that out there and let people know it and stuff, and then also how that's a platform for so many different areas that in the ministry that we work through and stuff, and you don't kind of sometimes you people don't see how all that is really interwoven and it is.
Alright, Mary Kay, introduce yourself. Mary Kay Rath, you already said my husband Dan and I are part of the real estate world with Alan Tate, and we've been doing that for about 23 years. Wow, and speaking of that, and also I think the Dan Rath group of that is a family business, has grown into a family business, hasn't it?
It has. We have a daughter, Katie, and a son-in-law, Phillip, that also help us, sure do. Cool, and now I'm gonna tell you, if this morning as I talk I'm thinking about hot dogs and barbecue and stuff, there's a reason for that. Mark, introduce yourself.
I don't have no hot dog and egg sandwich with me today. I'm Mark Flint, I own Pullions Barbecue, been in business since 1910, and been blessed with the good Lord above, been in business that many years, and to be able to function as we have to keep things going, and it's just been the good Lord's will that we continue on forward. Yeah, and what I want to really talk about this morning as I sit there and start preparing and stuff, and I'm thinking, you know, for one thing, in front of me are two people that I know aren't just, who don't take Christianity for granted, and also they live it. I mean, it's, you know, it's great to be a Christian. It's easy to be a Christian on Sunday morning if you're going to church or a Wednesday night or whatever it is, but then, because I have so many conversations with people in business who, well like, you know, I don't want, you shouldn't ever bring your faith into your business and stuff, and it's usually those who, they're having that conversation, have very little faith, or none at all, and they don't understand the power in it, but then also on the flip side of it is, there's a balancing act, I think, where you want to make sure that you show Christ in everything you do, but it's not out there where you, people can get the feeling of, you know what, they're just using that to promote their business, because I go to, and Mark probably knows this, I probably may have told him, I used to go to NACE, used to be on the board for, like, a couple big companies and stuff, and they would always have this one guy that was on the circuit that would come around and talk about building your business, and he would sit there, and it was a, like a two-hour breakout session, and one of the things he always did, you know, kind of after having to sit through it so many times, I felt like, you know, I knew the next word he was gonna say and stuff, but then one of the things that I knew he was getting to, and it always made me cringe, because he always talked about how to build it up and be part of the community. A lot of great ideas, be involved in youth sports clubs, be involved in things that's going on in the neighborhood in which you're in, and you know, that that yard sales or whatever, just being involved, but then one of the things he always really stressed, find a large church in your community and plug into it, because those people are going to need your services as much as anybody, and he would go into this thing about how to use that as a part of your your business model, and I always just thought, man, that's the biggest turn-off I had, but that made me go back and always thought, man, what a balancing act it is, because, and I'm gonna listen, I want to hear your take on this, how do you show Christ in everything you do, and try to bring that into your business without making it offensive to people who may not quite understand, and it can be offensive to people who are Christians also.
So I'm gonna throw that question out there, I'll give you that just a second as I was talking to kind of chew on that, because I want to just hear your take, because I'm, that's something I'm always interested in hearing. Well, Mark and I were just talking about that as we waited for you earlier, that it is, in my opinion, impossible to separate any part of my life from God, and the Great Commission is to love others in His name, so we both, Mark and I, said we're both, we both love people, just to love them and help them, and I think I would do that no matter what my source of income was, or whatever industry I was in, that's just who God made us to be, to love people and help them, but in, treat them the way we want to be treated, with kindness and respect. Yeah, and I do the same, I mean, I love people, I mean, I don't consider anybody a customer that walks in that door, I consider them a friend, and if they have, do have issues, I'll listen to what they've got to say and try to guide them in the right direction, and I mean, I don't, like you talking about that guy, don't go and just ram it down their throat, but I listen to their problems, I guess maybe I ought to be a psychiatrist, huh, but hey, I listen to their problems and talk to them, and I do it in confidentiality, I mean, I don't go out after I've talked to somebody and brag about, I've done this for this guy, I've done this for this lady, or whatever, I just, I love them, I'm a people person, just like Mary Kay is, I just love to hear people, and if they do have an issue, maybe I could help them through Christ, or whatnot, to make things better in their life. I think people can feel when you're open and you're gonna, I think listening is an art that has been lost in society today, and I think people are, will gravitate to somebody who will listen, and then when you do that listening through the perspective of a Christian, I mean, it gives you the opportunity to share with people and stuff, because I can, I know I've been up at the, at Pulliams, at that counter, and somebody will walk in, and Mark will be, Mark will greet them, I think he knows everybody walks through the door up there, but I can't tell you how many times the next word is, well, do you know about Mary Jo being, she hadn't been doing well, and stuff, and it's their wife and stuff, and when you're selling a house, sometimes when you sit there and you're, I can imagine there's people who are, I'm looking for a house, but the reason I'm looking is because of. Sure, sure, there's every human being that we cross paths with in life, there is a reason, I think a purpose that is higher than we'll ever figure out, but they, everyone has a need, even if it's just to speak and be heard, or is there something else we can help them with? Everyone's unique and everybody has different needs, but you have to listen to them first to find out what that is, and as Mark said, and then go forward and help, we can all help, so I think when you lead, this is the truth network, when you lead with truth and you are open to hear and to listen and watch what God has in mind, don't think of them as a customer or client or business, anything, they're a person, help them.
That's right. Yeah, and I think as Mark said right off the bat, he doesn't see anybody as a customer when he walked through the door. When my next question would be, okay, if I'm looking to buy a house or I want to grab a hot dog this afternoon, what would make me, what would draw me to the wrath group? Okay, I'm gonna let you, I'm going into a break, we're gonna come back, as a matter of fact, Mark and Mary Kay get a second to think about that one, so again, this is a call-in show. If you have a question about how to get the best hot dog in town, or what I need to do to prepare my house to sell, or what should I be looking for to buy, give us a call. It is a call-in show.
Number is 866-348-7884. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits. We've got in the studio Mary Kay and Mark, and we've got a, the question I threw out there, give him, everybody had just a chance, a little bit of time to think about it. If I'm looking to buy a home or to sell a home, why would I think I need to give the wrath group a call? That is an excellent question. I would say what makes us different from everyone is that we go way above and beyond to help all of our clients, whether that is stage in a property and getting it ready for market, cleaning the property out, decluttering it and organizing it. We go above and beyond to help. I just came from helping a client choose carpet, paint colors, those kinds of things, so we go above and beyond. But more importantly, I think, is that we look at each one individually.
There is no cookie cutter client. Everyone has different needs, so they may need to know how to get their credit up there or something else before, long before we ever start helping them with their actual property. So it's, we've worked hard to build a reputation of integrity and we lead with our faith and that integrity all the time. So if that's important to someone, I would say that sets us above.
Yeah, I would hope that would be important to everyone. And Mark, I'm gonna tell you something about Mary Kay. Mary Kay and Dan, when they say go above and beyond, I know of homes they went into and basically transformed the home into a living facility that had a lot of issues prior to that to get ready to put it on the market. And then the people say, you know what, this is the, and this is the perfect house for me and I don't want to put it on the market. And they put in a ton of work and stuff. And that's where I would struggle.
I would have a hard time with that, but they, I've seen them walk away with a smile and say, well, that's what God told me to do and move to the next one. And beyond that, when I said that our workplace and our business sometimes are our foundation for who we are, I'm amazed at what Mary Kay does at Pinedale Christian Church. I mean, one thing, if you're in the listening audience, you're in Pinedale and you have teenage girls, you need to get plugged into, they do a girls retreat in January every year.
My daughter, which is now 32, 33, I better make sure, she's 33, and you know, I know how important having these girls get away and stuff in that time that they have at that age and how it can help them in the future, but that's just one of the things. And if you're in a church in the listening area, man, give Mary Kay a call about how to get that started in your church because these kids, not just our girls, but also our guys, need to have Jesus brought into their lives and stuff because the messages they're getting outside of that is just, to me, it's just horrifying. Also, women's ministry, she teaches on Wednesday night, every Wednesday night, women's ministry, which is at Pinedale, has just grown leaps and bounds over the last few years and that's because of the heart and the effort you put into it and stuff and I just, I just thank you for that. I mean, it's just from a, as an elder at that church, I'm saying thank you.
Well, you're welcome. Mark and I were talking earlier about what teens and young people face in the world now and it's changed so much from our generation. The world is shouting to them all of the untruth. We better be prepared as a church to speak the truth to them and give them a sense of there are rights and wrongs and where to find that truth. Absolutely. Well, you know, I'm a member of Papa Springs and King and we've got a strong youth group there.
I mean, that makes a lot of differences as far as, you know, bringing them upright and getting them in the sight of the Lord and learning how to pray and I mean, it's just, it's just tremendous what a good youth group can do. Yes. And of course, I can look over here at Mary Kay and see the halo over her head because she just, you see that sunshine, you know what I mean? You can tell there's a lot going on there too. I can. A lot.
I don't read people but I can tell that she's. Thank you. Really. I pay them both well if you're listening. Speaking of paying well, the earlier show I was doing was Mark Garrow was in here and he was just telling Mark the story about first time he'd gone to Pulliams to get a hot dog was, he always kids me, he goes, you know what, you're the only person I do stuff for free.
I get paid for everything I do and he's kidding but one one day after the show I said okay today follow me and we would go up we drove up to Pulliams and I go in there and introduce them and I said I'm buying your hot dog and drink and stuff so I said now you're paid now now we're done for the rest of the rest of your life so all good. Yeah, that's right. Mark, you should tell the address because about now everybody wants a hot dog. 4,400 Old Walkertown Road. And the old green and white building. Been there a while. Since 1938. Okay if I'm looking for, today I just want to get a hot dog's barbecue, why would I choose Pulliams? Well I like to, people come in and say it's the best in every, which I really do appreciate that but I'm all for the independent person anyway you know for any independent type business because we struggle so much worse than a than a one of these franchise places but I just like the fact of being able to like if Mary Kay coming up there there might be somebody that I'm talking with that I'd love to introduce her to that might you know they might need Christ or they already have Christ but just the fact of being able to introduce people in the business itself to learn I mean it you know to me it's not so much about the food as it is the the fellowship and introducing people to other people yeah and I've told this story many times when I've had part of my love for Pulliams is one I love the hot dogs I love the food I love to go up here in the fellowship and all that but also is the memories because I I grew up and that was where mom and Ray we would go that was used to be open on Sundays and we'd go and sit in the gravel parking lot back at the stumps and stuff or sometimes every station wagon opened the back and sit there and watch the planes of Smith Reynolds take off and land and I love that it was just a lot of memories and stuff and I I could go up there and it's not unusual for somebody to walk in the door who will want to share that story you really I haven't been here in years I can remember when I was coming up here my dad brought me up here and we would sit outside and it's just that's just just awesome I think as part of and I've said this also I think with our youth and we talked about youth how important it is at Pinedale how important it is at Poplar Springs and how important it should be in all churches but I think we were losing the that personal connection as adults with our kids and stuff you sit there and and we've all been in restaurants and you sit there and there'll be a table and mom and dad and three kids and that means there's five phones open and they're texting with somebody and not even communicating with the people that the table with that's right so I've often said you know and get your kid go in a car drive up to a place like that and just say we're not going to turn the phone on we're just gonna eat a sandwich a hot dog or whatever and and just just talk we do not talk and as adults too many times I think have got to the the the feeling that they need to be their child's best friend and we just need to be their parent and you know Jerry if anybody when they do come in one thing I like for them to do too is we do have that little container of those crosses yep that are stamped out in aluminum people come in and says can I have one of these Lanier cashier so my even myself might say here let me get you a small bag you take plenty and give them out to your friends and tell them about the good Lord but those things are really been really great to have there on the counter for people to take put in their pocket pocket book whatever I think we should always be ready to share mm-hmm whenever the opportunity arises I love that you do that I love that you do that you know Thanksgiving is coming up this week Jerry you're talking about the telephone and how we're all addicted to it mark and I were also talking about that earlier if my children or family are listening they are all coming this year which is a rarity in my home all the grandchildren and children will be there they will not have their phones at the table for Thanksgiving no put them in the basket let's talk to each other you know we're growing up as kids I mean it was really tight with grandma grandma you know that big family on Thanksgiving and Christmas there wasn't no phones around back then I mean we we ate went outside and played and then came back in for another helping that's right you work that off you got more room you got to eat more things were more less complicated back then as you say is you know the phones and well and I think also we we've allowed the world to just just kind of saturate us in a way and stuff and sometimes I think where we're able to connect with God and I think this is why it's important to have that time where you pour yourself away from everything and just say if it's in a lot of people say you didn't have a prayer closet or a room in the house I'll tell you where my prayer closet is is in my car because that's when I have most of the time I'm by myself and people can probably come up and pull up beside me and think there's a nut guy what's this guy who's he talking to you know there's nobody in the car and I'm just because I'm having that that's that's my time we need to make sure that we have that and I think that's something we also talk about our kids we need to make sure that's something we kind of instill in them because they're too much connected to the phone and to the computer and to the internet and to Facebook and X or whatever the now we're sounding old yeah right absolutely all right we'll be back in just a moment Kingdom Pursuits again it is a call-in show 866-348-7884 you're listening to the Truth Network and hey welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits before we move on I just want to make a couple quick announcements on something and bring up one of them Mary Kay was just speaking during the break and talked about the ministry of single moms and stuff and it made me think about Jesus labor of love is a ministry that that we do and Robbie envisioned this and it has grown into something that's really touching a lot of lives and stuff and where it's kind of expanded now for others that are in need of help people just don't realize how important transportation is sometimes until you don't have it and stuff and there's so many single moms that have have been helped over the years that with kids that are are not well or grown grown kids that are just struggling with health issues and stuff they didn't have transportation was loading up in a bus and going and we have those at church too and it's and you see that and you just it just breaks your heart but through that ministry of Jesus labor of love we've been able to to repair a lot of cars over over the years I give people cars when they become available so my plea every time I get the opportunity is if you have that vehicle out in your driveway that's just sitting there that you're not driving it doesn't have tags on it and you may think well that that's not much of a car somebody would be blessed to have it so I just encourage you to be praying about that if you have that vehicle sitting there that you'd like to donate perfect place Jesus labor of love you can go on to Christian car guy radio website and the link to Jesus labor of love and and volunteer to just be on a prayer team or to donate a car or maybe it's just taking some funds that you have that you want to go to a certain place I always encourage people to not take money from your local church if they're doing God's work but if you have some extra you want to make a difference in somebody's life Jesus labor of love is a great opportunity so Mary Kay I'm glad you brought that conversation made me think about it right because it certainly is a need another thing I want to mention if you're in the Winston-Salem area December 14th Jason crab will be in concert at Pinedale December 14th with his the miracle of the manger tour which is his Christmas tour if you're in the area band if you've ever heard Jason crab the great opportunity so you can go to Pinedale Christian Church or Pinedale dot Church and buy tickets are Jason crabs website and purchase tickets that's December the 14th Pinedale Christian Church in Winston-Salem and I'll be there as the prayer counselor yeah that's just another one of the the hats Mary Kay wears in all of our concerts and events she heads up the prayer team and don't once a month on Thursday nights during celebrate recovery do celebrate recovery on Thursday nights want some I think now it's just once a month we're doing the service and it's it has a name and I'm trying to think what we call it but however changed yeah but it's an opportunity where it's just really just just come in and it's just prayer and praise and just an opportunity it's amazing how many people come in there who just are hurting that people never even knew about and stuff so as goes back to what was talking about earlier just being open to people and let them bring their their concerns and the hurts to you and being that being just that open door for them and that's that's important in our businesses and and in our everyday life as I said that's part of our business is just a foundation of gives us an opportunity to serve and then go back to as I said we're fixing to go into Thanksgiving season and I tell you what last hour I read this passage from Jeremiah and it's one that you really wouldn't think much of is a Thanksgiving verse but to me it truly is and I'll explain it and I'm read it real quick blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord whose trust is the Lord he is like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream and does not fear when the heat comes for its leaves remain green it is not anxious in the year of drought for it does not cease to bear fruit as a Christian we need to make sure our roots are connected to the stream and that stream is Jesus Christ and that's what we ought to be thankful for and I'm going to go into that is reading because I'm someone sticking Jeremiah is Jeremiah 29 for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans of welfare not fear not evil to give you a future and a hope that is something we should be thankful for so I'm gonna ask a question this Thanksgiving we reflect back what is a what was it what was your favorite Thanksgiving or the most memorable Thanksgiving you've ever had and okay last hour our mark and Bob both pointed at each other so who's first I can't think of I remember one when our oldest granddaughter was two and I had purchased a pumpkin that was on the table as the decoration and the pumpkin looks like it's carved although it's artificial and it says we give thanks to God and she knocked it off the table and broke it and she cried and cried her little heart was just broken because she had damaged Mimi's pumpkin and it gave me such a perfect opportunity to explain what the pumpkin said and we're not gonna worry that it's broken that it is what it represents is we are thankful to God and we have so much to be grateful for and every year since then she's now 14 every year when I put that repaired pumpkin up I think of that moment where I was allowed to speak truth to my two-year-old granddaughter and I've tried ever since but I think just being with family and sharing the memories and reminiscing even the chairs that are empty because some have gone on to heaven just sharing the memories the tears the laughter that's that's what I love the most of course the food but I love being with the people that's pretty much myself as far as you know I've not really got any memories of the anything you know going wrong with the turkey or well I guess I could say one of the family members one time did the deep-fried turkey and that caught the whole pot on fire when they put the frozen turkey down into the hot bowl and peanut oil burned I can remember my wife's uncle doing all that which was experience but it's really it to me it's all the memories of being able to be with family and you know say in prayer and blessing the good Lord for the things that he's done to come about and it's just overwhelming and I miss that especially when you've got loved ones it's passed away you know it's just you know the getting together and you just don't see that much anymore you know it's it's hard it's hard to get families together just like yourself saying you're gonna be blessed that you're gonna have all yours there because that's that's sort of hard to do this day and time because they're all going their different ways yeah yeah and I'm gonna go back to that past as I read in Jeremiah and I just want to just just just hit on one thing because I think the bit you're talking about with the empty chair and stuff that how many families are going through that and stuff sometimes we don't understand when I read that passage and I always read that passage reminds me of the fact of that if I'm connected to the stream if I've connected to Jesus Christ I can weather the storm I can weather the drought does it mean that that that is still not hot and it's still painful and it's still tough it still is I mean and that that's why to me that's a Thanksgiving verse because of having Jesus Christ that's really for me that's what makes the difference in in all the trouble I face and stuff because we're all gonna face things we're all gonna have times that we're feel like we're in the the middle of the desert and the drought is sucking the life out of us but if we're connected Jesus Christ it gives us that hope and it goes back to when I read Jeremiah 29 God's plan is all good for us and that plans been in place long before there was ever time and he declared it over each of our lives so when the drought comes the sorrow the pain the the hurdles of life we're not nowhere does the scripture say that we're we're not gonna experience that but when they come we have a firm foundation and we can remember that that plan was declared over and always remember they can't go always do the thing don't don't get yourself down be optimistic when it comes a good Lord but don't look at the bad side of what's happening to you know where I might be it out of nowhere I hope is we're back in just a moment Kingdom Pursuits you're listening to the truth Network and truth network calm welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits I'm Jerry Matheson studio with Mary Kay and mark and the question was what was your most memorable Thanksgiving what do you remember most about Thanksgiving and I have a follow-up question as we're going into Thanksgiving season again as I said there's so much we need to be thankful for we're thankful as a nation and what Thanksgiving means but really as a Christian we should be thankful every day we should be giving thanks every day and and there's this the world we live in and there's so much so much heartache out there so much sickness out there so much turmoil out there and the thing is as a Christian we're not shielded from that but we have that Jeremiah talks about the hope and it isn't the hope in what we face today and what we see today in the world we live in today it's in the hope of eternity and that's where God wants us to keep our focus in our eyes at and so next question is what do we have to be thankful for today we'll say what we got me thank for today is the the freedom of being able to to be a Christian and and be able to spread the word I mean there's a lot of countries that will you they'll put you to death for that you know what I mean so that's one thing we still got to be thankful for is that we can go and and worship the Lord and his house and the freedom to do that without having any kind of turmoil yeah this but this country has got plenty of problems but I just really I shake my head when I hear people talking about well I would just soon move to another country I don't know that they've ever they've never if they've left this country they've left it and it's sort of like when I go to Jamaica every your own mission trip or admission trips or you go to Haiti or something people who will say well you know that's not a not a mission trip because I mean because they've they've seen all the the brochures of the the sandals and the resorts and stuff the real life living in those countries is a lot different we have so much to be thankful for a good friend of I know mine Mary Kay's Derek and Yvonne Masha Monday who who will sit there and are still connected with the Zimbabwe and the mission there their their village they came from but what they have to face every day and the the challenges they have in front of them and how the country is the pressure it puts on on the villagers and the the citizens of that country you just need to just take a bit of that to realize just how much we should be thankful for this country and stuff and it's not perfect but that also means that means as a Christian we've got a lot of work to do we need to make sure our voice is being heard okay Mary Kay you've had a little bit of time to think about it so I told you when you said you're gonna ask that question we don't even I don't have enough time to say what I'm thankful for first I would agree with Mark my relationship with Jesus Christ is what I'm absolutely utmost most thankful for and then my family and the friends I when I say family I don't mean just biological I mean my church family and the people that I do life with on a regular basis so and our health I would say I'm very grateful health change is on a dime I learned this year lungs are really important so I would say my health also absolutely things we take for granted yeah well before we get wrapped up I want to take the opportunity also as we talked about and I wanted to take the opportunity to make sure that promote Christian businesses so Mary Kay how would somebody get in touch with the wrath group and give us every up every every way we could do it because everybody who's somebody listening may not use the normal way that I normally would but they may do it through another avenue and there's plenty of avenues well you could Google us I think everybody relies on Google but it's Dan wrath is who you should Google and the rest of us are on his team with Alan Tate and it's Dan dot wrath our a th not the W that's the wrath of God although we are but Dan dot wrath at Alan Tate calm and the phone number would be three three six five seven seven one one two one if you want to talk to me and pray or want to talk about girls ministry or women's ministry or anything my number do you want that one also three three six six two four one three seven five give me those numbers again okay nobody would had they didn't if you didn't have your pin grab it real quick okay your chance all right it's Dan dot wrath at Alan Tate calm and he is three three six five seven seven one one two one and I am three three six six two four one three seven five you know the next two days don't call Danny's on the golf course he'll be home tomorrow okay mark if I'm looking to get a hot dog we're in the water am I gonna find for you well we just come up come up to 4400 I walk with town road in Winston-Salem just but Smith animals Airport if you'd like to call me for any purpose of Christian or need to talk about something that's fine you call me at three three six seven six seven two two one one and I can work out some things for you know to talk we and discuss any kind of problems you may have at the same time like Mary Kay I'd like to say pine Dale if you've not got a church to go through pine Dale popper Springs up there in King we've come see us I mean we've got all kind of fascinating type of programs the kids all the adults that would be glad to have you absolutely and again Jason crab pine Dale Christian Church December 14th if you're not in church find you at church this this Thanksgiving season give thanks to our Lord and Savior in which without him we're in a fallen world and I don't know how people face everyday challenges without Jesus Christ in their life this is the truth network
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