This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion.
Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into Kingdom Pursuits. Now, live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. Well, this should be one interesting show. I'm really glad you tuned in, and I'm excited to hear what we have in store for you today.
These should be some pretty deep subjects. So first off, we have Lynn Eldridge. She is the author of a book called Perceptions, Healing from Distortions of God, Self, and Others. So Lynn, welcome to Kingdom Pursuits. I've met you at the NRB a couple times, right? Yes, and it's been a lot of fun.
Thank you for having me on again. Yeah, I'm excited. And this book is like the title.
It's got a lot of longer title. I'm trying to grasp what you had in mind there when you say distortions of God. Well, it was a little bit of a journey for me to understand. I didn't understand why I had such negative viewpoints in most of my relationships, whether it be with you, because you remind me of. Actually, it started when I was a little girl when I just made a judgment against my mom, because she was mean. She probably punished me for something I needed punished for, but I made a judgment. And then a third-grade teacher took my work and was criticizing me in front of the whole class, so I made another judgment. And then my good friends in high school turned on me and started bullying me, and I made another judgment.
First it was women are mean, and then it was all women are mean. And then I didn't realize that when I'm making judgments, bitter root judgments, based on Hebrews 12.15, it defiles many in the way I see you and everybody else, because obviously I made judgments against others. But the most bizarre thing to me was I was raised in the church, graduated from Bible college, left the church as a defeated Christian, which is not too moron, but I never once in my life knew what a judgment, a bad judgment was, because Jesus said, if you judge, you'll be judged. And what you judge, you do.
And I didn't know the difference. So I went to a conference in Toronto, and I heard a woman say the difference between a good judgment and a bad judgment is the emotion or negative thought tied to it. If it's negative, it's a bitter root judgment. And it defiled many. So not only did I judge my mom, but then I started judging all women.
And you kind of see that in our political brain. You've got to be a little bit careful of all that, because if you despise one of these little ones, right? You end up with a millstone around your neck. That won't be good.
That won't be good. You can see that what Lynn's conversation is going to be deep, but then also to add to the equation, we have Gene Bennett. And he, too, is an author. And his book, a little bit different title as well. And also, it's interesting to me, a longer title. It says, we did not deserve the crapper. The prison we entered, but never fully left.
Again, I'm sure that as you hear that title, I happen to know the crapper does not actually what you may picture in your mind, is it, Gene? It kind of sort of is. It's both metaphorical and physical.
But, yeah, it was based in Baghdad. And I cannot believe the coincidence, but I cannot believe I actually brought along my buddy's New Testament dictionary, and I have it open to all the definitions of judgment, which is really wild, because when you're down range, you're making command decisions and judgment calls, you know, diagnoses and assessments. Wait a minute, for those of us who are not in the military, when you're down range, what does that mean? That's when you're in a war zone and people are wanting to shoot you and blow you up. So that means you're a target. Oh, oh, I was putting it mildly in.
So when you're down range. When I was in the prison, I had, there was a separate. When you said you were in the prison, let's back up. I was a prison guard. Was that place called the crapper?
Well, it was called Camp Crapper, but we called it the crapper, because it was kind of a play on words. So you were a prison guard in Iraq? Yes. And who were the prisoners? Oh, wow.
Oh, wow, yeah. We were a minimum security transitional prison. So they were from every walk of life. We had European prisoners, we had Iraqi prisoners, we had prisoners from all over the Middle East, some of which actually spoke better proper English than we as the prison guards did. And we had Sunni Muslims, we had Shiite Muslims.
We were the only internment facility in all of Iraq to house juveniles. And yes, the juveniles murdered each other as proficiently as the adults did. So we're getting the picture that this is gonna be an interesting show, right? Are you getting that picture? But in order to lighten it all up, you know, Robbie. Robbie has to have Robbie's riddles. And so, you know, speaking of perception, right? Now the fun begins. Oh, yeah. Lynn knew this was coming. Because, you know, we gotta play some shenanigans before we get into all this, you know, because, again, you know, in his presence is fullness of joy.
So we gotta get a little joy back going on here. So speaking of perception, Nick, and again, feel free to jump in here, Gene or Lynn, why did the Cyclops walk into the bar? Wait, can you repeat that?
Hold on. Speaking of perception, why did the Cyclops walk into the bar? I have no idea. I get that.
I have no idea. Really? Well, if he's a Cyclops, right? Bad depth perception.
He walked right into the bar. Ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh, wow. Yeah, there you go.
That's a Dan Bodd looking guy. Yeah, still there you go. So what happens, here you go, here's your question, Nick, what happens when you start to lose your sense of touch and depth perception? Touch and... Yeah, you can't, you don't have any touch or depth perception.
You can't touch, you can't put your finger on it. Oh, you, exactly. Oh, yeah? That was cool.
I just picked you up. Nick, you're learning. I like that, that's really good.
You can't put your finger on it. Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. All right, this is the part I knew you'd like, Nick, because you were eating a bowl of this this morning. The Scots are updating the perception of the traditional Scottish fare. So oatmeal porridge will now be known as what?
Oh, wow, oh, wow. You know, they're working on the perception of the traditional Scottish fare. So oatmeal porridge will now be known as, you're going to like this, a Highland smoothie.
Highland smoothie, yeah, yeah. Wow. Very nice.
And it is smooth, it looks smooth as it was going down this morning, I was just saying. So you knew at the end of those shenanigans, we actually would have a riddle that you could call in and win. And so, as you might guess, we have that for you.
So here you go. What's the case, the first case of bad depth perception in the Bible? The first case of bad depth perception in the Bible. If you know the answer to that riddle, you call us at 866-348-7884.
What's the first case of bad depth perception in the Bible? 866-348-7884, and if they guessed that right, Nick, tell them what they'll win, this is exciting. Oh, yes, you'll be winning, you'll be winning. You'll be winning a prize from our Kingdom Pursuits prize vault. If you know the answer to Robbie's Reelos, give us a call at 866-348-7884. That's 866-3423. And the prize vault is loaded up with all sorts of interesting new goodies from that gospel back scratcher to numerous books and goodies that I've been giving over the years. So you call us 866-348-7884.
What was the first case of bad depth perception? I'm gonna obsess over it. Don't I, don't, you can't be a winner if you're on the show, so. No, no, no, I'm just gonna obsess over it. All right, well, believe me, there's always more than one good answer and nobody has ever had an incorrect answer, have they, Nick, in the entire time you've been on the show. Never, never.
Never, ever, 866-348-7884. So when we come back, we've got a whole lot more coming with we did not deserve the crapper and perceptions, healing from the distortions of God, self, and others. Oh my goodness, we're loaded for bear, but we need you to call us, 866-348-7884. We'll be right back.
You're listening to The Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom today. We are blessed, blessed to have with us Gene Bennett. He's the author of We Did Not Deserve the Crapper, The Prison We Entered But Never Fully Left. And I imagine you've got a few of those in your life. I know I've got mine and it's a great book.
I know I've got a few of those in my book. I'm gonna read it to you. I'm gonna read it to you. I'm gonna read it to you. I'm gonna read it to you. I'm gonna read it to you.
I'm gonna read it to you. I know I've got mine and we're hoping Jesus can help us, which goes in perfectly with Lynn Aldridge's book, Perceptions Healing from Distortions of God, Self, and Others. And Lynn, I couldn't help but notice you were speaking about bitter root judgments. You know, some of the worst you can possibly make, because it messes with the fifth commandment, is we have a tendency to make bitter root judgments attended a conference on that, and what they showed was beautiful. I'll never forget it. They showed, you know, when you throw one golf ball, you know, you throw that, you sow the seed of bitterness, right, and you sow that one. You will reap so many golf balls, and they illustrated it by this whole tub of golf balls coming at this guy, you know.
You sow the wind, you will reap, or we'll win, but unfortunately, how many little kids knew that? And so, you know, your book is so timely from my standpoint, especially, you know, when I connect it to Gene's story, I met Gene at man camp, Nikita Koloff, and Gene are good friends, and so he attended man camp over there. I was staffing that man camp, but Gene was actually baptized at man camp, how cool was that? This was just a few weeks ago, so I was really excited to have him on to talk about this book, because I know that he's been in the middle of that healing process that you've been talking about, you know, since I've known him, but really, when we think about it, right, Lin, we are all, if anybody doesn't think they're in the middle of a healing process, they don't understand sanctification.
Right, exactly. And so, I'm curious for you, how did you start to unravel your judgments? Well, like I said, I didn't even know they existed, you know, any time they've got a negative emotion attached to a judgment, it's a bitter root judgment, and then I was conceived out of wedlock and wasn't quite expected or wanted, and my parents had to get married and they didn't want that either, and so it was a war zone, and it was the way I was raised, you know, it was finger pointing, anger, criticism, only because they didn't know better, you know, I'm not trying to throw them under the bus, they're not the same person, and thank God I'm not either, right? But there's so little, talk about dishonoring parents, or dishonor at all in our society anymore, it's kind of like a lost word, but when it's against a parent, oh my goodness, that's a double boomerang, not only is it a sowing and reaping cycle, but then, huh, dishonor, God does not like that, and for good reason, you know, my parents should have probably killed me and stuffed me in a trunk somewhere, but we're to honor people, maybe not honor the actions, or the behavior that we are to honor the person in the offer of God, and that's it. Yeah, but interestingly, in your title, I think you kind of nailed it, because it says, distortions of God first, before you, because right, as you begin to judge your parents, to some extent, that's a, because those first five commandments have to do with God himself, so to some extent, we all see our parents as God to some, right?
Right, and so I end up fast-forward at 30-some-odd years old in a treatment center, and it was not a Christian treatment center, but they said, write down your definition of God, and I'm writing, he's angry, judging, punishing, condemning, which is what I thought of my most influential parent, and she looked at me and said, is that God, or is that you? Mm. Mm. Oh, wow, I love that question. Yeah.
Right? This is gonna get so interesting. Oh, I promise you, this is gonna be so interesting. Oh, that's really good, Lynn. Talk about a truth, Brom, you know, what you judge. Oh, yeah, wow.
Jesus says, what you judge, you do. Oh, wow, here we go. So any time you're irritating me for some unknown reason, the unknown reason is within me, what about you is bothering me, because I'm judging what I don't like in you, and now I've gotta go, oh, crud, because we see everybody with the mirrors of our own heart.
Mm. Oh, no. Well, now you've started preaching.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Lynn, let me tell you. And meddling. That's just, that's, yeah, meddling, preach, all that, it's just, man, that's right between the eyes right there, Lynn, that's really. Right, and you'll likely marry what you've judged. Oh, I'm in trouble.
Whether it's real or imagined, you will see how you've married your mother or your father, and they're looking at you like you're crazy, because they don't understand where you're coming from, or you're coming from your past, and projecting it onto the one in front of us. I do, I shouldn't be saying you. That's okay, you're hitting me right between the eyes, and it is me. You know, obviously, it's all of us, to some extent.
It's all of us. So, moving over to Gene for a minute, is yes, you're. Oh, Lynn, you have no idea what I'm about to unload.
Go ahead, unload, go ahead. Oh, no, I don't mean this in a bad way, but this is about to get spicy. I wrote in my book about. Don't get too spicy, it's Christian Radio Station. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Properly spicy, properly spicy. Okay, I wrote in my book about my upbringing, my father's a Vietnam vet, I'm Iraqi freedom.
Iraqi freedom PTSD and Vietnam vet PTSD do not, do not, do not mix. Now, okay, do you remember those Pyrex frying pans? Oh, yeah. Those glass Pyrex frying pans?
Yeah. They make a very distinct sound, and because the handle is long enough for you to use both, grab them with both hands, they make a great melee weapon. I'm not joking, I pointed a squirt gun at my drunk Vietnam vet father as he was having a flashback, and needless to say, my relationship with my natural father has utterly ruined my relationship with my heavenly father. Okay, so my mother, after my father smacks me for pointing a squirt gun, a loaded squirt gun at my father and said, your attitude sucks, you need to go AAA, she winds up, she swings.
It made a ding, ding, ding sound as she slapped him fully, fully in the face with it. And yeah, the spiciness in the family and my upbringing was off the charts. So for my judgments, I'll throw a few of them at you based on what I just told you. And I wrote about that in the book, where my mother wound up, swung, and basically took my father's head off with a Pyrex frying pan, okay? And he lived to tell about it, apparently.
With fewer teeth, but yes, he lived to tell about it. And yes, they eventually finally got divorced so they wouldn't kill each other, and I'm not being figurative. Okay, so here are all the judgments that I kinda, that were negative, bitter root judgments.
First of all, all women are insanely violent when you make them angry. All fathers are all the horrible things you described when you talked about God. God obviously hates me if he gave me these two idiot parents that beat the crap out of each other. Well, can we back up one second there? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So now referring to your idiot parents as idiot parents, probably not a good idea, just based on what we just told you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly, exactly. Now let's just- We wanna honor them even, yeah, okay.
Oh, and here's the thing, there's, okay, but God, I'm like, God, can we just lower the standard to me not just going off on them and being evil towards them in the most horrible way, you know? And okay, so let's go to Baghdad, where something happened where I wrote about in the book where because the non-commissioned officer that ran behind my back rocketing up the chain of command, letting them know what I said in confidence in the guard shack that we were in, even though he was a known narc and everyone hated him because he was a known narc, but I didn't really know that, know that, I just heard it. His word, because he outranked me because he was still technically a non-commissioned officer in the unit, technically in good standing, his opinion took higher precedence than mine. And I basically got hung out to dry and called a traitor because I was a new guy to the unit. I was what's called an individual augmentee.
I was just transferred in. So it was a classic case of better the devil you know than the one you don't. And then my attitude became, I'm always gonna lose. My opinion's always gonna matter less.
So I would always withdraw, but with an incredible amount of bitterness, you know, man, we're not even gonna get into my experience as a single Christian man, dealing with married Christian women that I viewed to be the most judgmental, stuck up human beings I'd ever come across in my life. You know, because again, we're going- You don't have a problem coming out and telling how you really feel, do you? No, here's the thing, when you write a book, Lynn, you'll be able to attest to this. Once you write a book, it's gonna rip out the filter between your brain and your mouth because you're gonna view the filter between your brain and your mouth as an obstacle to the most authentic content possible. And once you rip it fully out and you finish the book and you're like, you know what, I'm just not in the mood to put it back in. I'm just not.
And it's not an anger thing, it's an exhaustion thing, so. That's good, that's good. So we have Ms. J, who's got an answer to our riddle about what's the first case of depth perception in the Bible. So Ms. J, you're on Kingdom Pursuits, good morning.
Hey, good morning, how you guys doing? Can you hear me? I hear you, and unfortunately, I hit that right as we're going to a break, Ms. J.
But you're the perfect person to lighten up the mood just a little bit right now. And so, when we come back, we have Ms. J with the first case of depth perception in the Bible. More with Jean Bennett and Lynn Eldridge and their books.
By the way, if you go to, you can see their books. Obviously very helpful stuff. I'm sure we all can relate to what they're talking about.
We'll be right back. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion.
I'm sure you're hearing that today. He takes your passion and uses it to build a kingdom. We have with us both Jean Bennett, the author of We Did Not Deserve the Crapper, the prison we entered but never fully left, and Lynn Eldridge, and she wrote the book Perceptions, Healing from the Distortions of God, Self, and Others, both those books, you will find on Amazon, but you'll also find them at If you go there, you're gonna see the both covers. You can just click on them, order them right there, find out about the authors, et cetera, et cetera. Again, I can't ever emphasize enough how valuable it is to an author, especially a new author. Somebody had written a lot of books to go on Amazon and rate that thing and tell them what you thought, good, bad, or the ugly, man. I mean, it means so much to get feedback, I can assure you, and so, obviously, buy the books if you can and then give them a rating and let them know what God thought of that, but before the break, we had Ms. J, and Ms. J has got an answer of what, so that she can win a prize from the Kingdom Pursuits Prize Vault.
What's the first case of bad depth perception in the Bible, Ms. J? First of all, I gotta make you guys laugh. I'm gonna sing a little bit of Elvis. She's just a hucka-hucka burnin' love.
Just a hucka-hucka burnin' love. And then you say, Jesus, and then you say, Stevie, you said, Elvis has left the building and he's taken my youth with him. So my perception of growing older and retirement is something that I'm dealing with now, and it's got a big cry of help on there, but he left the building and my youth is going with him and I'm looking at myself, when did I leave the building? So, into senior, you know, into the senior hood. I just wanted to share that.
I love it, I love it, and you can sing, too. I know, I know, Ms. J. So, the first taste of, I said all that, guys, because I'm dealing with the retirement and trying to figure out things and moving into the A, B, C, Medicaid thing and all this crazy, and my perception of it is like, it's so deep in debt, you know? So, that's why it's that part. You know, but the first- Yeah, wouldn't you like to meet the guy that wrote the Medicare book? Like, there's part A, part B, part C, and part D. When, as a matter of fact, when did that change, though?
I mean, I thought using that Medicaid and that was just it. Now, we've got compartment eyes. I see myself as a retirement, now going to one of those little pods where they're pulling up, picking it up, and putting you in, she's in compartments. It's all there, but anyway, getting back to our actual question, what's the first case of bad debt perception in the Bible? Okay, I think it had to be Adam and Eve when whatever the perception of that, they thought that the serpent was bringing it to them by the unknown and all this great things they were gonna be getting, and it ended to the great fall.
Yes, we fell. That's exactly, I knew you would be exactly right, and you gotta admit, she had no idea when she handed that to Adam, that predicament. You know, when I get to heaven, I wanna see an instant replay, I just do. Like, I wanna, because Adam was in that moment of, do I betray God or do I betray Eve? Because if I leave Eve in this state, then what happens to her if I do? You know, there's just a lot of questions that only God can answer. It was a moment, but he had bad debt perception because, oh my goodness, didn't we all find it?
Well, he completely abandoned the concept of accountability by throwing her into the bus from a leadership standpoint for one and for two. Oh, to your point, for me, Medicaid is nothing but the VA for normies, so I feel your pain there and my body, you don't even wanna know all the joints and ligaments. I got a rehab just to stay walking, so I'm with you.
I know that. Well, thank you, Ms. J, as always. You're amazing and you keep up the great work out there.
We're looking forward to it. Thank you for your call. God bless, bye-bye. Bye.
All right, Lynn, getting back to you. So again, you went up and you began, I love that question. Oh my goodness, what a great question.
And so in your book, tell us how you kinda walk people through this process, because my goodness, what a great question, how do you see God and then, whoa, is that God or you? Right, and like Gene was just saying, he expected when he walked into a place to forget their exact words, but to be second voice or not wanting to be. Always to be lesser, it's like you're always gonna lose because you're always the bad guy, yeah. Oh yeah.
Right. Well, I learned about bitter, rude expectations. And what I expected every time I encountered my mother, I actually got.
And so there were like self-fulfilling prophecies. And so until I learned to confess, repent, forgive, renounce, every agreement I made against my mother, our relationship didn't change. And I didn't realize that even I was living for, like my mother couldn't give me the love and nurture that she didn't have to give back then, right? And so there was a little part of my heart that was still angry from being five years old that demanded that mama show up and give me what, you know, the love, encouragement, support that God intended, right? And I didn't realize, I was still expecting her to show up and I was still angry about it at the age of 50 something. And so when I, you know, I asked a mentor of mine, I said, do you think my mother and I will ever have a relationship? And she goes, why don't you just learn to love her where she's at?
And I burst into tears, like a five-year-old, ran from the room and realized, oh my goodness, I'm still stuck there in my thinking. And so I just learned to ask God to forgive me for even expecting it and to, you know, I expect to bless my, I expect when I see my mom or whatever situation I'm going into, the greater one lives in me now. I get everything I need and it's from Jesus. And so I, you know, I can't make an expectation or a demand on you to supply what I need.
That's wrong and it won't work. So today I take authority over the atmosphere and I expect great things to happen today. Instead of the other shoe to drop, I expect goodness and mercy to follow me instead of all hell to break loose. Or, you know, and I just take authority and I forbid the kingdom of darkness to operate against me or through me. Yeah, I think that's a critical understanding that, like you said, those bitter root expectations.
We are building evidence on the case that we think we needed to make. Okay, now I gotta jump in and kind of validate what you just said. All right, Gene, I knew you would jump.
Oh, I'm as old as I am, it's a miracle I can do that. But anyways, when my brother died, I wrote about my brother dying and the meanest thing my ex-wife ever said to me was you would have been better off being raised by a literal pack of wolves than your actual parents. The most horrible part about that is I could never be mad at about her because it's like, it's true. I mean, my father's a Vietnam vet who would drink and he'd have flashbacks and I'd have to bob and weave. And my mother was just, she was so domineering and dominating conversations that I had in the process of being the dutiful good son, I would just clam up and walk away so I wouldn't bite her head clean off.
And it only got worse after I became a veteran because there were certain things that happened in my family that I probably wouldn't ever be able to talk about until both of my parents are dead because I would say things I could not take back. But now my father and I had a conversation about this in May of 2000 when my brother died, my father was doing CPR on her. I walked in, my father told me to go get help. Your father was doing CPR on your brother. My father was doing CPR on my brother. My mother was standing behind my father freaking out. And my father, I said to my father, I said, why did you call out to me and not mom? And he said flat out, I knew I could not count on her. That's why I reached out to you. So that put the judgment in my mind that women are just to not be trusted in crisis situations.
They're just not good enough. So you just, the man just does that. They handle that. So we have like a living example of all this right here before. So we had no doubt in all our lives when we think about it. So we'll be right back with a whole lot more Kingdom Pursuits. Again, go to to find out more about Lynn's book. It's called Perceptions or Jean's book.
We did not deserve the crapper. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build a kingdom today. We're so blessed to have with us Jean Bennett and Lynn Eldridge, both authors of very intriguing books. And so this last segment's kind of short. And so we just got to kind of get to it. Lynn, what did you want to get said today about your book that might intrigue people that you haven't had a chance to say yet?
Well, there's a loaded question. Well, I think that the scripture about honoring your parents is just any place where there's something going way off track in your life, whether it be finances or relationship. I challenge myself to go, where is this coming from? You know, where in my path that I maybe create the sowing and reaping cycle, especially when judgments come back to you. And so I have learned that I'm responsible for my feelings and I'm responsible for my health, my finances, my emotions, my everything, and any more finger pointing and judging you for being my problem's gotta go.
And maybe we'd have unity in the church again and maybe even in our country. Oh yeah, absolutely, that's wonderful stuff, Lynn. Again, her book, I can tell you, man, I'm gonna order two copies just right away because I mean, we all, man, we could use this book and studying these concepts and taking a harder look at our own lives and asking God to come in there and help us, right? Because you don't get healing without him, right? Jesus knows where this stuff is and he can help you dig it out, right? And the biggest misconception is time heals all wounds. No it does not, Jesus does.
Oh yeah, oh yeah. So Gene, same question, like, you know, people are thinking, why would I buy this book? Okay, here are all of, well, as best I can remember, all of my biblical principles in my book. Habakkuk 2 2 is in the dedication, which is basically the equivalent of a street sign.
You know, it's make it simple enough for if they're driving down the highway to be able to read it and follow directions without even having a problem. There is, I admittedly take the Song of Solomon out of context, but it's to make the point of just, what is this love thing we keep that Jesus wants us to do? Because we're not seeing it in the world and we're not gonna see it again in the world, ever, because we're just, it goes back to the old Seventh-day Adventist adage, which is not true, obviously, but there's a sentiment behind it where it says, where he said, if Jesus doesn't come back soon, he's gonna have to apologize for what he did to Sodom and Gomorrah. And the final part about, biblically speaking, as far as my book is concerned, and Lynn, you're gonna like this, it's about Nebuchadnezzar in the wilderness, when God, my anger as a veteran is like Nebuchadnezzar in the wilderness, it's mindless, it's savage, and it's animalistic, and it completely destroys your ability to think critically.
Okay, so those are the big biblical. The other thing about, or I'm gonna, just real quick, Matthew 18, verses 15 through 18 has to do with God's three-step process to reconciliation. If we don't start wrapping our mind around that, we're not gonna reconcile. Unity will not come without proper biblical reconciliation.
We don't do that, we're done. The other thing about my book, it's the classic what not to do from a leadership standpoint, from an interpersonal standpoint, and I've reaped that in the process of defending my guy's content that are in the book. I have made enemies, because when I went from, when I went from, when I went from writer to promoter, all the people that I aggressively defended my guy's content to are there waiting for me. The book is intended to be a launchpad for some other projects to help veterans fight their isolation issues, because isolation is a stone's throw away from suicide, and I've had to talk guys down from suicide before, and it's a scary experience. So the plan will be the book, a cookbook and a writer's guide to help veterans and first responders and the like process their stuff, and what I'll simply refer to as a hybrid brick oven smoker as a form of what I will simply lovingly and jokingly refer to as penance, as a Yankee for not learning how to use a smoker the first year that I moved down here, but it turned into a labor of love, a very expensive, heavy labor of love to where it's gonna, the cookbook will get you from your man cave into the kitchen, and then the smoker gets you from the kitchen physically out of the house, and the cookbook I've written, I'm gonna find a chef to work with so they can class it up, because it's got nowhere to go but up, and what it'll do is it'll get, what the Christian community ultimately needs to do is take the book and the other stuff and go full small unit tactics, full small unit organizational to support the war fighter, because my intel guy told me World War III is not imminent, it's already started, and because we're America, we're always gonna have technological superiority to start out, but we've gotta support the war fighters, because in the long term, they're gonna take a beating if we're not properly supporting them when they get back once the full on force on force aspect of the war begins.
All right, well, I hate to jump in, but the time is, but again, the books are there at We do not deserve the crapper, and Perceptions, Healing from Distortions of God, Self and Others, like wow, great stuff, guys. Thank you so much, Lynn. Thank you, Gene, for being with me today, and now we gotta thank you, listeners, for joining us here on the Truth Network. You got so much truth coming up you got. Encouraging Prayer is coming up right after this, followed by The Masculine Journey. They're fixing to go off on boot camp, and then it's time to man up with Nikila Koloff. Oh my goodness, so much truth coming at you on the Truth Network. Thanks for listening. This is the Truth Network.
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