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Secrets Of The Earth Revealed

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
August 24, 2024 2:15 pm

Secrets Of The Earth Revealed

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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August 24, 2024 2:15 pm

Robby talks with author Jacqueline Johnson 

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Hello, this is Matt Slick from the Matt Slick Live Podcast, where I defend the Christian faith and lay out our foundations of the truth of God's Word. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network.

This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into kingdom pursuits. Now live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. Oh, we've got a show lined up for you today. I'll tell you what, I couldn't be more excited about it. And you went to completely different extremes as God often puts together for us things you would never put together except on kingdom pursuits.

Because again, here's where people take their passion and use it to build the kingdom. And first up we have Jacqueline Johnson. She is the author of Secrets of the Earth Revealed. And I gotta tell you, having talked to her before this, you know, getting ready for the show this week, she is a very, very, very amazingly biblical deep thinker.

I think you're gonna really be excited to hear some of the secrets that she may share. But just to add, you know, to the whole, I don't know what to say about it other than just to go, okay, well, next up we have Tom Sefton. He's actually one of Tru's own. He works mostly for WSJS, but he often, he'll kind of recruit me because he is the king of the pro bull rider, right? I don't know what you call it, convention, what do you call the pro bull rider, all these events that we do?

PBRs, Professional Bull Riders, Professional Bull Riders. Yeah, and one of the things that they do every, I've had a chance to do it for years, they have Cowboy Church. And so not only do we promote the pro bull riders events, which one of them, by the way, is coming up September 22nd, and then there's another one in Charlottesville the same weekend. And also in Mill Springs.

And then in October there's one in Mill Springs right outside Asheville. Which, oh my goodness, if you've not been to that, it's an amazing place. It's beautiful. And so, you know, we've got a lot to share.

We really, really do. So first off, Jacqueline, welcome to Kingdom Pursuits. Thank you, Robbie.

It's great to be here. I really, really, I hate my conversation with you got cut short, but I also thought, man, the listeners need to hear some of what you're sharing. That, you know, immediately when I said, you know, as soon as I heard the title of the book, Secrets of the Earth Revealed, you know, I said, well, what are some of the secrets of the earth? And I'm trying to remember what you started out with, but I remember I was just totally engulfed immediately.

Yes, yes. It's really fascinating. One of the things that I say in the book is that man wants proof of God with his eyes. He wants to see God physically, but God actually gives proof to his heart. Because the heart is a wellspring, a treasure of goodness.

It's an unlimited storehouse of wealth and power and knowledge. The heart is actually the seat of love. But the eyes are the wells of desire. So when God wants to reveal himself to us, he reveals himself to us through the heart of love.

So we know God from the heart, and he reveals all the secrets about himself to our hearts. Yeah, that's amazing. And like I said, it just, you just go, wow, because I've heard for years, and I believe it's very true that the major theme of Genesis, the book is, is you can't believe what you see. Right? Because clearly Jacob put on the hairy arm treatment.

Tamar dressed up as a harlot. In other words, story after story after story in the book of Genesis, right? The coat of many colors got dipped in blood. He wasn't dead.

In other words, there's so many stories that are there in Genesis, including obviously this tree that you're going to eat from. What they saw was not at all what was true. But what they heard, you're right. And interestingly, Robbie, may I interject?

Yes, please, please. That's what you're here for. In the earth, we have this motto, this unbelievable motto that we've adopted that says seeing is believing. And we have been ingrained in that so much until when God gets ready to reveal his heart to us. We say to him, I'm sorry, if I can't see it, I won't believe it. And God is saying to us, I don't want you to see it. I want you to have faith. I want you to have spiritual eyes. That's why I have allowed your physical eyes to dominate your life. When I come to you, I'm coming to you through your spiritual eyes, not your physical eyes.

That's beautiful. And so, you know, Tom told me the other day, because we were talking about bull riding, right? And you got up and I said, well, you won't know more about bull riding than anybody I know. And what did you tell me?

You're the king, you go cowboy coat, cowboy church. No, no, what you told me is, man, I stood up next to one of those bulls. Oh, that's yes.

Well, you know, in going with what Jacqueline says, the scene is believing is when you travel and you get to see places like Montana, Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Canyon, Arch Land, you're like, wow, this is amazing. And then going by these pure animals that weigh 2000 pounds that are just like massive. And these human beings get on there and try to ride them. Right. What you told me is I stood up and went, there's no way in the world I would get on.

And by the way, there would be no way in the world that I would get on there. But last year at Cowboy Church in Mill Springs, you know, there was a guy there from ESPN. And after I gave, you know, my sermon or whatever you want to call it, he came up and he wanted to video me about some parts of my story that I'd shared. And what he told me was that as he interviewed at these bull riders, because they were trying to win this thing, this million dollars, if they could ride this bull.

And he was, the question he would ask each of them was, why in the world would you risk your life for a million dollars? And he said the first one, when he said it was his faith, he believed that this is, you know, that God was in this and God was going to protect him and all this. He said, when the first one told me that, I just thought, well, he's a religious nut. But then the second one told me that, and the third one told me that, and the fourth one told me that. And he said, I just couldn't believe, I just, every one of them had that.

And then I heard your story, you know, which was how I was saved from, you know, one of my many escapades and my Jeep accident, all this stuff. And he goes, it was your faith. It was your faith. And like you said, Jacqueline, faith comes from what?

Jacqueline Woodson Right. And hearing God, you know, really God is a father. One of the things, the highest attribute a man, a male man can have in the earth is being a father, being called a father. There are many things about heaven that we don't understand. When it says there are gates of pearls, or there are streets of gold, we kind of understand the streets of gold, but there's a river of life.

There are many things about heaven that we don't understand. One of the things that God did was God made sure we understood what a father is. So he called himself, he is a father, and he called the male man, also a father. So we have a clear understanding of who God is supposed to be. We know the difference between a great father and a not great father. And we understand God, because God actually wanted us to understand that part of him. He wanted us to know who he is.

He didn't want to leave that a secret. Darrell Bock Wow, that's a beautiful insight, because, you know, that whole idea of father is one of the places that Satan attacks wholeheartedly. In cultures where they've taken away the idea of fathers, you know, it's just been massive slavery. Joyce Wanhainen Not only that, check out our prison, because the men who are in prison today, they will tell you, I was never fathered. I probably was smothered, which I call, that's what mothers do, that's what we do.

We smother. I was never fathered. And when a child, go ahead. Darrell Bock Now, I was just going to say the story of, you know, Hallmark cards that, you know, one nun was looking for Mother's Day cards for all the inmates. And there were so many requests that they, you know, Hallmark had to send thousands and thousands and thousands. So they got all ready for Father's Day.

And I think they were like three takers in the whole prison system because of what you exactly say, you know, the lack of fathers. So as you can tell by the music, we got to go to a break. And yes, we do have a riddle coming up on today's show.

So we are going to do play shenanigans when we come back. And so much more from Secrets of the Earth and the pro bull riders. Yes, they're coming together here on Kingdom Pursuits.

Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And so fun today, we have Tom Sefton. He is with the Pro Bull Riders Association. They got these events, right, and PBR. And they are coming to the Greensboro Coliseum on the 22nd. They're coming to October 7th to Mill Springs. And if you happen to be in Charlottesville, Virginia, or that area, it is also on the 22nd. We got Cowboy Church, which is the part I get to play in all those. Very fun.

Cowboy Church. And that's coming up there as well. And we have Jacqueline Johnson, who is the author of Secrets of the Earth Revealed. And she has an amazing website, by the way. And all that is all linked at So if you go to, you can see how to get her book. And you can see about Secrets of the Earth.

Of course, you know, we certainly want you to make it out to the bull riding events. But you know it is Kingdom Pursuits. And on Kingdom Pursuits, there comes a time where you have to play shenanigans. So speaking of secrets... Oh, yes, it is. Now, you've probably never heard shenanigans, Jacqueline, but it's just something we do to make sure the listeners, you know, get a chance to call in and win.

And so, you know, if you have these answers, just jump right on here. Nick will always help me out. And Tom or Jacqueline, whoever thinks they know. So guess how I got fired from Van Camp's top secret kitchen recipe facility. How I got fired from Van Camp's top secret kitchen recipe facility.

You got any ideas, Jacqueline? I said, oh, as well. I heard that.

Well, that's pretty good. What do you think, Nick? I don't know.

Why would you get fired from there? It was top secret Van Camp's facility for, you know, coming up with those recipes. I spilled the beans. That'll get her done, right? That's a good one. I thought you were going to say you spilled the ragu.

Oh, yeah, no. So do you know the secret to a hilarious pizza joke? If you want to tell a hilarious pizza joke, do you want to know what the secret is?

I can tell you, Nick is going to be thinking about it. What do you think it is? You got to have the right kind of sauce. That's true. Cheesy. That's also good.

But that isn't the answer. What do you think, Tom? I've got no sauce.

It can't be cheesy. Mushrooms. It's all in the delivery. Oh, good one. Good one.

There you go. So, you know, what is the secret? Life as a priest. You know, if you're a priest, you also have a secret life. Don't let your mind go off track here.

This is Kingdom Pursuit. Oh, what do you think, Tom? Well, I knew a priest once in his secret life. He had a Harley-Davidson. Oh, there you go.

Well, most of them, it's their alter ego. Oh, that was a good one. Yeah, I knew you'd like it. And this is my personal favorite, although it is hard. I'm going to be amped up and just impressed if somebody can get this particular one, right? So I got an email with an offering for the secret to reading biblical maps backwards. What do you think that was?

The pass. Starting from Genesis. It came from, yeah, like Genesis, from Genesis to maps, but it came as an email, and when I looked at it, it was the secret to biblical maps spelled backwards is spam. I was trying to figure out biblical backwards. With all that said, you knew we would actually have a riddle, that you could call in and win today. And so we have a special prize for you today if you were to call in and win this riddle, which, by the way, is a little bit hard. But nonetheless, the riddle is, what's the secret to good Bible reading? What are the directions?

It has to do with directions to good Bible reading. And if you can answer that, Nick, tell them what they'll win. Robbie is a special one today. So if you know the answer to Robbie's riddle, you will have, you will get two pairs of tickets to this Thursday Wake Forest versus North Carolina A&T football game.

That's right. It is Wake Forest football season, y'all. Let's get ready for it. This Thursday, and all you got to do is tell us what's the secret to good Bible reading. It has to do with the direction that you go when you're, you got good Bible reading.

I know, you know, Victoria, I mean, Jacqueline may know the answer to that, but you can't give it away because we need people to call in and win at 866-348-7884. And so jumping back into our bull riding adventure, like, man, you've been to how many of these events now? So I got addicted to the rodeos about three years ago when we did Cowboy Church. And if anybody wants to see Robbie, he'll be doing Cowboy Church at Greensboro on September 22nd, and then out at Mill Springs on Saturday, October 5th. And he does a fabulous job. And, you know, the Bull Riders Association is such a wonderful organization.

Good quality people. We have the, we have the Michael Jordan of PBR that lives right here in North Carolina, Jerome Davis. And was he paralyzed or something? He was. He was. He won three straight national champions as a bull rider.

And then when he was thrown from a bull, it's tough because they don't fall far from the bull and the bull stepped on his back and he is paralyzed today. However, he's far from letting that slow him down because isn't he the captain of the Cowboys? He is the coach of the Carolina Cowboys. And when he's not doing that half the year, he has his own rodeo in Archdale every Wednesday.

And if you're in North Carolina and you want to go see a local fun family rodeo, I don't know what the website is, but just pull up Jerome Davis on the internet and you'll pull up his ranch and it'll give him times. It's wonderful. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So I have a question for the bull riders.

All right. Can you be trained to do it or is it just out of emotion that you do it or? So from all these riders that I have met, it is a passion when they see another individual riding in there.

And I'll give Jerome Davis when he saw it in high school as a young man, he was like, wow, I want to do that. And yes, there is training. You ride smaller bulls, older bulls until you get to these young bulls and they just go at it. So it took him, I think he did it prior to high school. In high school, he went to a college in Texas.

Can't remember the university. And then he went from there to the PBR and became a rock star in the bull riding world. Yeah, I'm not surprised that, you know, it's not something you just want some kid jumping on those animals that, you know, you've seen them. I mean, they're huge and they're fierce.

And when you watch the event, you can tell it. I mean, this is, you know, real bravery and action, but it's amazing. It's an amazing thing when I tell people eight seconds. You know, when you think of eight seconds as one, two, three, these guys and there's girls that do it too, they got to stay on this 2,000 ranging mad bull for at least eight seconds.

And I think it's for them, it's an eternity. Well, you know, it's interesting that biblically, and I know Jacqueline probably jump in on this, I'm very interested in her comment, but the number eight is the miracle number. Yeah, there's eight verses on every letter in the Hebrew language in the 118 Psalm. And the eighth day is the day that a Hebrew boy would be circumcised, or a Jewish boy would be circumcised, you know, and kind of offered up to God. And if you think about it, the temple was cleansed on the eighth day, and Jesus came in on the triumphal entry, but it was the eighth day that he was resurrected. And so it's the idea of all that is that you got seven days are always a cycle, seven days of creation, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, you do everything you can possibly do to learn how to ride a bull, but then on the eighth day, it's going to take God, right? So the eighth day is like, you did everything you could do, now hang on, let's see what God does. And it'll really be something.

And so I think about eight seconds. Yeah, that's really profound when you say that. Because if all the words are true, and like you're talking about the Jewish numbers, and all of that, if God has no word to say, numbers, and all of that, if God has laid that as a foundation in the Word, can you imagine setting your face before God for seven days, and then on the eighth day, God takes over?

It is so true. And the really neat thing, because I could go on and on, actually, because I just love it, is that the eighth letter in the Hebrew language is the letter Het. And when you see that letter, it's a miracle letter, because what it really represents is our union with God. And that's a miracle.

Like, the only way that could happen is Jesus would have to die for us, cover us in our sin, in order to be able to make that happen. And so whenever you see cool words like hesed, like you've heard that H sound because it is the letter Het, and that word for surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, that's a Het. And it begins with that letter. So we're going to get into some very deep secrets when we come back, and we're going to get into a lot of bull.

However, all that works. And we need your calls. Like, somebody out there has to know what's the secret to good Bible reading, direction-wise. Nobody's ever lost on Kingdom Pursuits. We've got Wake Forest tickets up for grabs.

All you got to do is call 866-348-7884. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And so fun today we have with us Jacqueline Johnson. She's the author of Secrets of the Earth Revealed and Tom Sefton with the Pro Bull Riders coming to the Greensboro Coliseum Sunday, September 22nd. And that's going to be an amazing event as well as Mill Springs on October 7th. And also in Charlottesville, Virginia, if you're up there in Richmond. It's not too far from Charlottesville.

You can go over there on September 22nd as well. So, Jacqueline, I'm really curious. Like, you know, it takes tremendous courage to write a book, to, you know, go through all it takes to get it published and all that stuff. How did God come after you to do this?

Oh, that's a difficult question to answer. One of the things, though, that I've always been curious. I've always been a curious child. And when I began to think about life, and I wanted answers, and I think one of the reasons that led me to begin to think about life and its context was because there was a lot of pain. Growing up for me, I grew up in a pool of pain. And it didn't seem to be getting any better. And there came a point in my life when I said to the Lord, okay, I guess this is the way it's going to be.

This is life. Okay, all right, then I'll embrace the pain. And not only will I embrace the pain, I'll also help the pain.

So if you think life was bad, now I'm going to begin to self destruct. Because I'm not one of those persons who can tolerate defeat. So if I'm being defeated, I will turn and begin to defeat or help that which is defeating me. So I'll be on the winning side.

Crazy thoughts. But with all of that, God came and He began to show me that that is not what I want you to do. I don't want you to embrace the pain as if it is normal.

And I don't want you to continue to live in pain. And that's when I became curious about the Lord and curious about life and curious about my mind and what am I doing in the earth. And that curiosity led me because of God, not because of me, but because God is holding me back to Himself. And I started reading the Word. And when I started reading the Word, I began to find that the answers are actually in the Word of God. So if I'm understanding by Him, it's kind of like one of the secrets is there's a purpose. There's purpose in pain.

Darrell Bock Right. And so did you dig into that one in your book? Dr. Anneke Yes, absolutely.

Absolutely. Let's take, for example, Adam, which is the first man in the Bible. Adam was thrown into this boxing ring with Lucifer.

And he was supposed to be defeated. And most of the times when we read Adam's story, sometimes I don't think we even think of the pain he must have endured being kicked out of his home, out of the garden or recognizing that he was actually being duped into the greatest life that would offset everything for the entire world. Adam had to carry that load of failure, that bondage of failure. But Adam became very smart. Adam did something in the midst of his pain. He pulled on the heartstrings of God until he got God to release forgiveness to man. And as God released forgiveness to man, one of the things we realize is that now God washes man's feet because he wants to show us how much he forgives us.

Darrell Bock Wow. That's an interesting way to look at Adam's life as, you know, I've always thought that the whole idea of the secrets of the earth, very elementary, I guess is a good way to put it, because, you know, so much of what Jesus taught on was the parable of the soil and those kind of things. And Adam was made from the soil. And his name itself in Hebrew is out of the word Adama, which is, you know, I thought I would have called him Dusty in English, not Adam. Because that's what Adam means, you know. And so, you know, the idea that he would breathe life out of his very nostrils into Adam, and certainly then he falls into a deep sleep and his rib comes out of Adam. And so Eve coming out of Adam means all mankind came out of Adam in a way, right?

Right, right. Darrell Bock And so as he fell, it says Eve was duped, but he wasn't. Eve Loewe You know, that's a sweet way of looking at it. Darrell Bock Well, it says, I'm trying to think of the verse. I think it's in Galatians.

Eve Loewe Yeah, it's in Peter. Peter talked about it. He said the woman was deceived and not the man. However, he realized that Adam was given the authority. So whenever we give our authority to someone who misuses it, or to someone who uses it against us, we are the ultimate failure. Adam failed because he gave his authority.

He handed it over to the woman. And she abused that authority. Well, I wouldn't say abuse.

That's a strong word. But she misaligned her purpose. The good instincts of Eve were never tested. Someone came along to her and said to her, Oh, you are so beautiful. And all of a sudden, Eve fell out of her mind because nobody had ever stopped to talk with her before.

The devil stopped to have a conversation with Eve and promised her something she didn't know she had. And again, nobody had really validated her. And that's the same thing we see in our lives today.

When we are not validated, anyone can come along and abuse the treasure that is in us. Darrell Bock Oh, I love that word, misaligned her purpose. And so as I transfer over to bull riding for a second, right? Or, you know, there's a whole rodeo that goes on, because I've been to it. And one of the things they've got to do is rope these calves in such a way that they get the front and they get the back, but they always seem to miss the back legs, right? That's the hard one, whatever that's called the person that rides in the back, you know what I'm talking about?

They're there. If I'm correct, they're called the ropers. So it doesn't matter if it's the front or back, they're just a bull roper. Darrell Bock Whatever they are, if you watch the competition, you know, it's one thing to get the front legs, it's another thing to get the back ones.

And so, you know, they got their stronger player on the back. But, you know, when I think about poor Adam, it was, you know, and Eve as well, is that, you know, they were after something that was above their pay grade. And I find it fascinating that you said that they were, you used an interesting word, you said that God knew they would fail, essentially. Evelyn I believe that God set up the kingdom, his kingdom on failure. I don't believe it had anything to do with Adam, per se.

Adam was just the vessel or the tool that was used. I really believe God set his kingdom, started the world on failure. And my opinion, or what I've written in the book, when you look through the word, you begin to see that it's the start over that God did, God started again. And most of the times when we fail, then we fail, then we fail, we give up, we lose hope. And when we lose hope, we're actually just broken and become weak. Spiritually, we become weakened, and we can't do anything. However, what God did when God failed, because God gave his authority to Adam, Adam gave his authority to the woman, the woman gave her authority to the enemy, and the enemy says, I'm keeping this, this came right from God.

When all of that happened, what God did was God started over again to prove to us that perfection comes when we don't give up. Darrell Bock I love it. I love it.

The author is Jacqueline Johnson, The Secrets of the Earth. Of course, the Bull Riders event coming to the Coliseum on September the 22nd. We got one more segment of Kingdom Pursuits, a whole lot more deep secrets coming at you. But you haven't guessed my secret, and you need those Wake Forest tickets. Announcer You're listening to the Truth Network and Darrell Bock Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom, and certainly you can hear that from our folks today. We have Jacqueline Johnson.

She is the author of Secrets of the Earth Revealed. And Tom Sefton, he actually works for the Truth Network, and he's promoting the Pro Bull Riders event, PBR coming to Greensboro September 22nd, as well as Charlottesville, and then on October 7th to Mill Springs. But we got Scott.

Very, very exciting. He's got an answer to my question. Scott, what is the secret to good Bible reading directions? A good bark is better than anything, right? Tom Sefton I love your show this morning.

Sorry about the dog bark in the background. Boy, it takes a lot of courage to get on them bulls. But I really don't know any secret. I just think getting to know each character and the stories, you know, like Ruth and Boaz and David and Goliath and Peter and Hot First Life and, you know, just I think just trying to immerse yourself in the essence of each story. I love that.

That's what makes us come alive. That's way better than the answer I had, Scott. So by all means, you're going to get the ticket. That's awesome.

Mine was a little more, you know, just doing your show. No, no, no. I love the dog. So my answer was, you know, because it had to do with directions. Don't put it down.

But it fits with you, right? As you're studying those characters, don't put it down, right? I bet you no one's walked by your house all morning until you got on the phone, right? Thank you, Scott. You have a great weekend, my friend. I appreciate you calling in.

God bless. So, Jackie, what did you want to get said today on the show that you haven't had a chance to say? Oh, I want to talk about something that happened last night. Last night, I was invited to teach a Bible study. I'd never been there before. They just went and at the end of the Bible study, they had sushi. It was tuna that was brought in.

The fishermen just caught that day yesterday. And I've always been interested in sushi. Wherever I go, Canada, wherever, we always search out the sushi, the best sushi restaurants, and we compare them and what they taste like.

So, I was always a fan of sushi. But last night, I got to taste the specific part. There's a portion in the tuna, and it's not all the parts of the tuna that you can use, but there was a specific part that the chef and he was fishermen and the chef as well.

And he cut that part for me. He placed it on this platter on this plate with the little trimmings and everything. And I was kind of hesitant because it didn't have all the things that when you go into the sushi store, it has the cream cheese, all sorts of things. So, I was a little hesitant.

And then I put the raw fish, fresh, raw, caught that day from a specific part of the tuna. I put it in my mouth, and it felt like chocolate. Felt like it was melting away in my mouth. And all I could say was, huh? Huh?

Really? And that was when I knew that all I'd been having was counterfeit. All the other sushi places that I had ever gone to was a counterfeit compared to my experience last night. And now I am beginning to think, am I ever going to go back to the ever going to go back to the sushi store and buy sushi again?

I don't think so. Because I want this experience again. And this is something that God wants us to have with Him. Many times our experience of God is only what we've been taught, what we've been shown, what someone else has preached, how we conceive God. These perceptions are really not true. God wants to be a Father who was and expose the love He has to us.

Everything else that we've ever had is a semblance of the true, not the true until you actually begin to hear the secrets of God Himself. Darrell Bock Yeah, from the author. Right.

That is amazing. Tom, same question to you. You know, I know it's, but I mean, you know, a hard act to follow right there, I would just say. You know, you just got a minute.

But tell us something that you, why you think people ought to come out. Tom Scott Well, I'm a, Jacqueline, if you don't mind, have you ever had bluefin tuna? Jacqueline Lees I'm not sure what was the tuna last night. Tom Scott Most of the tuna that we get in the United States is yellow. And the bluefin is what the Japanese spend hundreds of thousands of dollars. They'll buy one fish. And they're talking about that.

Yeah. And one time I'm a huge sushi person. And I had bluefin. And when you have it, it's such a wonderful taste.

It's tough to go and get yellowfin again. But we... Darrell Bock The point is still to get back to, I would say, Tom, that when you, I love the thought, that when you get the real thing, when you taste the real Word of God coming from God himself, like, once you have that taste, you got to go back. And what I said, you just don't put it down until you can get back to that place where, oh, oh, oh, God, I want more of you. And it's only found right through pushing into the Scriptures and pushing into him.

I couldn't agree with you more, Jacqueline. Her book is The Secrets of the Earth Revealed. It's there at Again, Pro Bowl Writers event coming up September 22nd. I would love to see you at Cowboy Church on that Sunday. Or if you want to come out to Mill Springs, that's on October 7th. And that's a Saturday. You'll see that. And of course, Charlottesville will be much more truth coming at you on the Truth Wind Network.
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