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Man Up In The Kingdom

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
August 31, 2024 2:19 pm

Man Up In The Kingdom

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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August 31, 2024 2:19 pm

Robby talks with the russian nightmare now devil nightmare Nikita Koloff 


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Hi, this is Nikita Kolov from the Q&A with Kolov Podcast, where you, the listener, get to ask me the questions, where you get a personal phone call from the Russian nightmare. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a moment. Sit back, enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into kingdom pursuits. Now live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. Yes, it's Labor Day weekend, and so what can I say?

I have prayed long and hard to discover. When you think about labor and you think about the idea of God taking your passion and using it to build the kingdom, I don't know if you're aware of this, Nik, but up in Russia, they have these labor camps, right? So, you know, straight, coming to you straight today from Russia is my good friend and champion, many, many, many time wrestling champion, Nikita Kolov.

Yes, the amazing, he really is. So welcome, Nikita. Robbie, let's clarify. I'm technically in the salt mines of Siberia. Okay. And there's some labor up there, right? It's tough. It is.

They require quite a vast amount of salt that has to be mined in order to meet your quota. So, yeah, it is a lot of labor. Yes. But you end up with this incredible size and neck that, man, I mean, and biceps and triceps and all those other kind of muscles that I can't think of, it's just amazing what it did, what it produced. That's right. That's right. A lot of labor.

A lot of labor. And, you know, I don't know about you guys today, but I am personally just, I don't know who your English teacher was, but they're just outstanding. Like, I heard you back, you know, in the 80s, your English has come so far. Well, you know, good English tutoring, so I'm grateful.

I'm grateful for tutors. So, so a couple of weeks ago, so Tuesday, can't make this stuff up a couple of weeks. Well, I'm in the sound booth of the church.

I'm speaking at and we're queuing up some videos and, you know, some of the old wrestling highlights and a little clip of my testimony with, with, with staying the rest of the icon, staying the wrestlers thing. And a guy walks up and he says something to me, Robbie, and I respond to him and he gets his dead pan looking on his face. I'm like, you okay? He goes, you, you just like shattered my childhood. I'm like, oh, I'm so sorry. He goes, until right now, I really thought you were from Russia.

And I'm like, oh my gosh, get on the internet or buy my book or something, something. So again, if you're not, and I can't imagine you wouldn't be, but if you're not familiar with Nikita, we want to make you aware that number one, he's got a radio show on the truth network called it's time to man up, which is absolutely outstanding. His passion is Jesus. Let me just tell you that as we go forward, but certainly it's time to man up is, is an amazing event that happens every day, every Saturday at 1230. And then he also does man camp, which is having been to two of them now and on my way in October to a third, it is an intense week chasing after the heart of God and nothing quite like it that I can imagine that you could experience in so many different ways because of Nikita's personality and because of, of the opportunity to just to meet God in the, in the wilderness. And then he also does, it goes to many, many, many, many, many churches and he does man up intensives and he does dinners.

Now describe what all you do at the churches now, Nikita. Yeah, so, and by the way, little sidebar footnote. I know you've never stepped into this, as we called it, Robbie, the squared circle, the wrestling ring. However, in a sense, you are in one sense, you're doing that today as you and I quote tag team on the show today, little do they know at 1230, you and I did a special labor day show on the man up show.

That's true. So they're not only going to get to hear you and I today, they're going to dial it at 1230 to the man up show and get to hear you and I all over again, but we're going to have some fun and talk about what it means to labor, what, what labor day means. And so anyway, all right, little side note there. And there's nothing like his questions.

Like if you've never listened to Nikita has these questions for me that were way rival, but you know, I've been thinking about these questions he asked for me. And so you might guess that I have some stuff for him coming up here in a minute or two. I'm probably going to do that in the next segment, but again, moving on to the, what you do at the churches.

Yeah. So, so just a variety, obviously I'm very focused on men in 2006. I went to my own camp down in South Texas, and that's what really inspired me to get involved in men's ministry. In addition to, at that time, preaching and evangelizing on Sunday mornings or, and, or revivalist crusades and those sorts of things. And so, you know, I've been involved, Robbie and facilitating and organizing over 80 of these camps now. And so grateful to have you on, you know, come coming in and staffing and teaching at those camps, but that's the entree and the dessert with the cherry on top. So what I do is go to local churches. I do these one day met up intensives on Saturdays and then stay over preach on Sunday, typically. And then if I've already been to the local church and done that, I'll follow up in a year or two with, with a man up dinner. So it's like a steak dinner.

So instead of the full-blown intensive, we narrow it down to a three hour dinner with a teaching. And then that's evolving starting next year, Robbie, into the man up breakfast, the man up breakfast. And so I can really come in and build a strong relationship with these churches, uh, by doing the man up intensive, but then following up with the man up dinner, following that up year three with the man up breakfast, and then maybe coming all the way back around in year four and just repeating the process, building relationship with the pastors, building relationship with the communities. Like, like we did, you know, at your church, Aspero over in Aspero. So yeah, we did. We had Nikita, uh, at West Aspero Baptist Church here in June and, uh, we had a man up lunch.

That's right. We went to Magnolia 23, just Nikita, Tammy and me. But, oh my goodness, if you've never been to lunch with Nikita in a public restaurant, I can't tell you the number of people that got selfies with Nikita and it was the most amazing thing. I, I bet you almost everybody in the restaurant and there were probably a hundred of them that day, um, got a picture that was probably a little bit of an exaggeration, but it wasn't that much because you, you had a lot of pictures taken, um, including the orders, including the orders of the restaurant, right? Yeah.

The owners, everybody wanted in on it. It was the biggest Nikita fan fest I've ever seen in my life. You and Tammy got to experience it live and in color. Oh, it was. So it's, you know, but what's, what's a neat thing is to see, you know, what God does when he honors, you know, people that are out there chasing after his heart and, and, and he's done that in so many ways over now, decades, right?

Since you actually stepped into the squared circle. Yup. Absolutely.

Absolutely. Let, let me just mention real, real quick for people who, who, you know, may, may not dial into the whole show today. Hey, go to,, click on learn more. You can click onto the man up show. You can click on the truth radio. Click onto the, to the man camp link and learn more about it. And, uh, hey, if you come in October, you get to hang out with Robbie and I in October down in a little town called Royston, Georgia.

But, uh, yeah, I'm grateful to be beautiful. But let me say before you go any further that for those who are like me and cannot spell, um, I had a lot of trouble with Nikita's name as it's K O L O F F. So that's, right? That's it. Simple, simple, simple.

You can connect with me on social media. They do all kinds of things there and, uh, and follow me look at the bookstore and everything. But let me just tell you about today's show. We are fixed to have some fun when we come, you know, all these questions that Nikita has asked me over the years, if we've done these holiday specials, uh, together, which I'm always so honored that he would have me, uh, which he had me just on Thursday, we recorded a show. So this is my, I told him I get to playback is fun, you know, so we're going to, um, turn them out as fair play. And it's coming at you here when we come back.

And of course, you're going to have a chance to call in and win. And so you might say, speaking of Russian eight, six, six, three, four, eight, seven, eight, eight, four. When we come back, we're looking forward to a lot more with Nikita Kolov.

You're listening to the truth network and Today we have Nikita Kolov. You know, how does God take your passion and use it to build the kingdom? And if you've ever been around Nikita for any length of time, you would know he has a passion. And one of the interesting passions that he really, you know, it's just a mentor to me and many, many, many others is the idea of excellence for Jesus. Like he, he, he does, likes to do everything excellent. And obviously how he became, you know, the champion that he is, is, is, is attention to detail.

Is it attention to excellence? And so I, I really, um, I think you can get a lot out of, out of his leadership, whether you bring him to your church, whether you come to man camp, whether you listen to his radio show, it's, it's really remarkable to me, um, the people that God puts in our lives and your connection to the truth network and listen to this show. You know, this is somebody I couldn't recommend higher that, that you get to know. And I know that Nick, you would share my opinion as you now get a chance to record his show quite often, right? Absolutely. Love recording with Nikita. But those who knew him as a wrestler, he was, and he still is the Russian nightmare. And so speaking of Russian, this is your chance, Nick, to, uh, plays shenanigans.

Yes, you do this. And so here we go. So speaking of Russian and feel free to and feel free to jump in here, Nick or Nick, Nick and Nick, Nick and Nick, Saint Nick's, we got here today. So if you only had five words to describe the entire history of Russia, what would they be?

Five words to describe the entire history of Russia world history. What do you think? So that's, that's my first question. Yeah.

That's your first question. Okay. So five words. All right. Let's take a, you know, I got to, I just, you know, been learning how to count the five in English. Yeah. I stopped you.

I think we probably know. No, you haven't, but zero down to five. You said five because it has changed. It has changed the course of history, but that's seven. So Russia has changed history. That's six. I got it down to six. Russia has changed. Well, that's four actually.

Here's mine that I think is probably the closest. Okay. And then things got worse. Okay. All right.

And then things get worse. Okay. So you gotta be careful when describing the dangers of Russian roulette. Oh yeah.

Yeah. You better use caution there. Why, why do you, you know, why do you need to use caution when describing the dangers of Russian roulette? What do you think?

Well, the reason you need to use caution, I mean, if you spin that chamber, uh, you know, it can be, it's a matter of life and death. I'm thinking there. So, yeah.

Well, the problem is that you go on and explaining it, it goes in one ear and out the other. That's brutal. It's brutal, right?

It's yeah. So you don't want to do that. So what problem might you have with Russian nesting dolls?

I mean, how do you, how do you pronounce the word a Nikita Matryoshka or something? Well, which the Russian nesting dolls, we call them in English, but how do you think? Ah, there you go. So what is the problem with those? Do you think? Well, it can be a surprise as to how many there actually are. Like you, you, you open it up and you think, you know, it's one or two and it could be 10. Yes. Well, here's the, here's one of the things you got to think about is they're so full of themselves.

I would agree again. It's a mystery as to how many you're going to actually get. So these last two are just little Russian groaners, but what do you call a Russian that enjoys programming? Ooh. Ah, I just had the answer and it's, it, it slipped my mind. Computin.

That's what you call it. Computin. Computin.

And my personal favorite on the entire list. What do the Russians say when they lose their internet? Oh, uh, yeah. Here's the Russia net go to show. No good. No good. You're very close. Inner net.

That was really good. So at the end of that, you know, we would have a riddle for you to call in and win. And so Nick can't give this one away because he probably knows you can call it.

If you've got it. What are you, what do many think Russia is called in the Bible? What do many think Russia is called in the Bible? And you may be right.

866-348-7884, 866-34 truth. What do many think that Russia is called in the Bible? And if you can answer that, right, Nick, tell them what they'll win. Absolutely. Yes. You will actually be winning two pairs of tickets to wake forest versus the Virginia Cavaliers game on Saturday, the seventh at 7 PM.

If you know the answer to Robbie's riddle, give us a call at 866-348-7884. Go Deeks. Go Deeks.

Yes. We got demon Deacon tickets. And interestingly, we already have Clay, who old friend I haven't heard from in a long time. So glad he's calling in today.

Clay is in Durham, North Carolina. So Clay, have you got an answer for us or I'm just glad you're calling in. Well, I just would like to share. I need to apologize for not, you know, being a contact getting center a bit through a bit. I was telling the wonderful man who's answering the phone. What I've been through, I had a bit of help.

I helped her several weeks ago, but I'm all right. So I'm there leaving that most of y'all know the movie Reagan came out last night. I went to see the pre-screening a few weeks ago. And it's, it's a wonderful, wonderful movie.

I really and highly suggest everybody goes to see this movie because there's a lot to learn about Reagan and also some of, you know, what Russia was about. Nothing against you, brother Nikita, because I've known you for years and I know your wrestling background, man, because I will tell you what, I fought with you. I didn't think you were a bad guy. Came in and, you know, so I have nothing against that.

I know that you're a godly man now, and I really get thanks to the Lord where you are with art and what you do, you know, just following you because I can, I can tell stories about wrestling, but, uh, man, I I'm so thankful that you shared not that long ago about when we, you know, COVID was around and we, uh, will conference and you share what actually is essential. So, um, if you, Clay, I hate that you're kind of, you're kind of the connection you've got, you're kind of fading in and out. So I'm going to put you on hold and let Clay try to get you in another line and see if we can't get you more clear. Okay. Okay. All right.

Thanks. All right. Meanwhile, we got, um, we certainly have Blaine is in Virginia. He's got an answer to what do they call Russia in the Bible, Blaine? Yeah, I believe it's, uh, Gog or Magog, correct? You may be right. I've read Revelation a few times. Yeah. Yeah.

And, and it's in Daniel too and, and, and several places. And so I'm just interested, Nikita, what do you have to say about the whole Gog and Magog thing? You guys were like the evil people coming from the North, right? Yeah. Yeah. It was like, like, well, back to the wrestling days, you know, I was like during the cold war era, you know, people loved to hate me back then in the wrestling world. And, uh, uh, in fact, I was, I was voted number one, most hated guy in wrestling at one point.

And, uh, of course, you know, with everything that's going on in our current culture, you know, the, you know, people have different perspectives on it, but the book of revelation talking about what's, you know, coming down from the North, when you look at a map, uh, it seems pretty crystal clear that eventually, you know, there's a team up with, with Turkey and Iran that that's, that's gonna lead into the coming back of Jesus, which, uh, I am, uh, uh, awaiting patiently awaiting his return. So. Yes, sir.

I agree. Blaine, have you had a chance to meet Nikita? Yes, I have. I actually called in and won one of his eight by tens here a while back with one of his trivia questions. Ah, all right. I told him, I used to watch him when I was, uh, when I was young, I used to see him when he was wrestling, when he was in the old mid Atlantic NWA days.

That's amazing. You must be in like Richmond or Norfolk or where are you at? I'm in, I'm in Salem. I'm near Roanoke, Virginia. Y'all used to come to Roanoke for regular.

Roanoke Civic Center. Come on. I remember it well. So do you, like I said, I live. Go ahead, Blaine.

Go ahead. I live in Salem. I'm just, it's, it's a little incorporated city in Roanoke County. I may be six miles from the Roanoke Civic Center where I live. Come on. I bet you, I bet you have a treasured memory from the Roanoke Civic Center, don't you, Nikita?

Oh yeah. Well, I mean, I, I saw them, me and my dad would go over there when they came over. They'd come over about once a month back, back when I was a kid and I used to see them. Now this was a little bit farther. Nikita didn't start till I was probably a teenager because I'm not, I'm not a young man.

I'm 54 now, but I do remember seeing, seeing him often and I watched him pretty regular on television back at that time. So Nikita, you know, one of my favorite, my personal favorite stories have been, I've heard a lot of them because I produced a radio show for a lot of years. Well, well, we'll get to that for Blaine when we come back. You stay on with us and hopefully Clay will call back in on a better line. And we've got so much more coming up when Nikita Koloff, it's time to man up on Kingdom Pursuits.

We'll be right back. Darrell Bock Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom and certainly does that with our guest today, Nikita Koloff, the host of It's Time to Man Up, and certainly his man camps and man up intensives and all sorts of wonderful events that he can have at your church. And and like, like he was saying, he, he did a man up intensive at our church for the men. I know he would love to do it for your church. I know it will make an impact.

And again, we had a couple guys from our church immediately sign up for man camp and I'm looking forward to that as we will be going down there this fall. I think it's, I know it's around the 15th, isn't it Nikita? Nikita Koloff October, October 20 to the 25th, little town called Royston, Georgia, home of baseball player Ty Cobb.

Darrell Bock Yes. And the beautiful thing about that time of year in Royston, Georgia is the leaves are changing. That's a great time to be outside. And let me just say when we say that's a week to chase after the heart of God, and you go in there on a Sunday, and you're there till Friday. And I would have to say that a good percentage of the time, you will be alone with God. In the wilderness, they're around with questions and things to take to God, books to help, you know, probe your heart to, you know, create in me a clean heart and those kind of things.

It's just an amazing opportunity to go deeper. And, you know, really, the things that I changed in my own life, you know, some of the people that know me well know as from the time I went to man camp until today, I think I lost 62 or three pounds from, you know, obviously, what God wanted me to do and ordering my steps as far as what is eating, but with Nikita's help, and some discipline ideas that they gave me in both exercise, which I haven't, you know, worked in the Russian salt mines yet, but I've, you know, a few things, but, you know, things like that, financial things that he goes in, all sorts of things that you just wouldn't guess, but certainly, you know, one of the big things is just creating me a pure heart, oh Lord, right, Nikita? Yeah, and Robbie, thank you, and it's, you know, for those who are out there listening, you know, you're a lady out there listening to the show today, and you got that special man in your life, you know, just encourage them, don't browbeat them or try to push them towards camp, just encourage them, they have your blessing, but, you know, when God first gave Lex Luger and I the vision for these camps, you know, it centers around spirit, soul, and body as you're making reference to, so we address all those areas, what it looks like to be healthy spiritually, of course, but also emotionally, and mentally, and physically, and, you know, so there's a variety of things we do there from, you know, we have fellowship, we have food, we have worship, but we have some fun along the way, but most importantly, you know, the objective is for guys to come and disengage from the distractions of the world and center their gaze and focus, in a sense, Robbie, be like Mary who chose the better thing than Martha according to Jesus and just came and sat at his feet, and so that's an opportunity for what men get to do is come and sit at the feet of Jesus for, you know, for a few days and just pursue his heart, and the four, you know, you asked me about five words about Russia earlier, Robbie, here's the four words I hear the most come noon on Friday, that was life changing, so what men come and experience at camp for many men, can't say 100% across the board for many men, is that was life changing this past few days. Yeah, and, you know, it seems like, man, this is a large investment of time, I only get so much time off a year, everybody faces that, and no doubt there's a lot of ways you can invest your time with your family, vacations, all sorts of things, but let me just say that your family, in other words, if you're really headed, you know, I imagine that, you know, when I'm not dead in 10 years, you know, my family's gonna get a lot more out of me because I'm still alive, you know, or, or, you know, spiritually if you're dead, right, you know, your family's not getting a lot out of that either, if you're really, you know, having trouble with addictions or whatever that may be, and certainly, you know, I've experienced all that too, you know, there's just all sorts of ways that you could be dead, which isn't really helpful for God, you know, because apart from me, you can do nothing, and so it is a large investment, I get it, and I struggled with it, you know, the first time, and I still struggle with it to some extent every time I go back, but I never, like you say, Friday afternoon, you're like, man, man, my heart needed this, and one of the other things that clearly if you have a chance to see that God at work, like anytime you see God at work in somebody else's life, and you see somebody that you just saw them just struggling, oh man, you could see them on Monday, you know, they're just going through some horrible stuff, and you hear what's going on in their lives, and then you see the look on their face when they're leaving Nikita, it's miraculous, and it's God. It is, there's a visible change, a lot of wives see their husbands when they get home, or you know, that significant man in their life, and go, they don't even have to say a word, they can just see the changes in them, Robbie, and your testimony is just one of many people go on the website on and see, and click over to the man up link, and they'll see tons of testimonies, whether it's, whether it's, and you're right, I mean, if you're not taking care of yourself physically, yeah, I can lead to premature death, but certainly, you know, or spiritual, spiritually dead, I mean, men come from a variety of backgrounds, so let me say too, while we're talking about it, you know, guys have paid it forward, so if you were in the military, or you're a first responder in law enforcement, a pastor, we want to bless you, and so we have scholarship money available, because the one thing we're not, Robbie, I've heard all these, it seems like all the excuses on the planet why they can't carve out a few days and dedicate them back to God, but one of them I'm not going to allow to happen anymore, and that's money. Well, I'd love to come to that camp, and you know, I just don't have the money.

All right, well, we serve a big God, he'll figure it out, you'll figure it out, and we have scholarship to help you figure it out, so there you go. Yeah, yeah, and so, you know, just watching God at work and the other men alone is worth the price of admission, believe me, in so many different ways. Any time I can see, you know, when you're there, when God's at work, you know you're in the right place, and you know, I experience the same thing that we have, Masks on Journey, boot camps that we do, same kind of thing. I love the idea of God puts it on our hearts to invest in men, and biblical manhood, and so when you went to your first camp, I know from your own story, can you kind of describe what you thought a man was versus when you left?

Yes, yeah, absolutely. I can distill that down concisely, I believe, because when I came back from my first camp in March of 2006, I actually boarded literally a bus on my birthday, I was turning 47, and when I got back home, again, my pastor, Jay Stewart, looked at me and I didn't have to say a word, he says, where do I sign up for that, because I can see the changes in you without you speaking a word. Then he gave me an opportunity, Robbie, to speak on the platform the following week before a thousand plus people at the time, or the Refuge Church, and I said this, I said, you know, for 46 years I was a male, but for the first time in my life, I've become a man, I've stepped into manhood, the way God describes it, biblical manhood, the way God describes it, not the way the world describes it, because there was a teaching there on biblical manhood that I've implemented a lot of those things into our One Day Manup Intensive on Saturdays at churches, and that's the appetizer, that's the appetizer, but it so impacted me, Robbie, and gave me a whole different perspective on masculinity and manhood, the way I now emphasize the way God describes it versus how the world describes it, and they are two totally different perspectives. Yeah, and you made a great point that when he comes to your church, which like I said, he came to our church, it was to Ashboro, that he lays it out what biblical manhood is, and you know, if you've got some pull at your church or whatever the situation is, it's, K-O-L-O-F-F dot net, and so we've got one more segment to come back with Nikita. So stay tuned.

I can hardly wait to hear what comes next. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. Maybe you've got a passion for wrestling. Well, you've turned to the right show today.

How does God use that to build the kingdom? Oh my goodness, as he used it through so many wrestlers, when you think about it, and so honored to have Nikita here with us, Nikita Koloff, one of the frontrunners, I guess, along those lines, but I want to mention some other things you may not be aware. Nikita does, I am aware, and it's so amazing, if you are a wrestling fan. Even if you're not a wrestling fan, it's absolutely hilarious and wonderful stuff. Nikita has a podcast, right?

It's the Man Up podcast, and the Man Up podcast, yes, it has his Man Up show that he does here on The Truth Network. But there's also the thing that he does called questions with Koloff, where he turns the tables on you, the listener, and you get to call in and ask him the questions, and oh my goodness, the questions that he's asked. But if you'd love to hear the old wrestling stories and stuff along those lines, or maybe you've got questions about what it was like to be in the ring with Sting, or with Nature Boy, Ric Flair, whatever it is that you may wonder, oh wow, the questions with Koloff is one of my favorite personal things that Nikita did. I learned so much about so many things I didn't really know much about, but how Christ fit into that equation, because in the middle of all those stories, they had a life in wrestling, but many of them aren't alive today, Nikita, but some of those are in the arms of Jesus.

There are, there's a number of guys that I had some sort of role in, a small part in, you know, and hopefully leading them to the foot of the cross. Uncle Ivan, Uncle Ivan Koloff, Road Warrior Hawk, Road Warrior Animal had made a decision, you know, he's one of the more recent that had had passed, and yeah, many of those guys have passed at too early an age, but so I'm grateful, you know, that I've had a small role in that, and the Q&A with Koloff is a fun show because, you know, people, it's not just wrestling fans, people from all walks of life and backgrounds, you know, like, would like to be on that show, and again, they can just go to, direct message me and say, hey, I'd love to be on Q&A with Koloff and ask you a few questions, and speaking of wrestling, Robbie, I gotta say this real quick while we're talking about it, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, believe it or not, I'm gonna be probably up in your neck of the woods, Robbie, I'm gonna be in Mount Airy at Vectors Memorial Park, Special Enforcer, mixing it up with some of the wrestling fans, and some people might remember the name, the Barbarian and Lody, Lewis Moore, Ty Tyson, are all gonna be there tonight, Bell Time 730, doors open up at 630, I'm gonna be there signing autographs, and I get to be a Special Enforcer tonight, Robbie, and mix it up in the wrestling world once again, I'm not gonna be in the ring, but just for clarity there, you won't see me in tights unless just go on YouTube, that's why you'll see me in tights on YouTube, but Robbie, I do that, just so our listeners are here, I still do that, I do that because I wanna be salt and light out there in that world, and that's why I still do autograph signings and go to some live events like tonight in Mount Airy, so yeah. Yeah, that's so cool, and another thing I wanted to mention before I ran out of time, which we're almost there, is Nikita has these Man Up Minutes, and those Man Up Minutes he also does on Facebook and Twitter and all these different things that all are just packed full of wisdom, and you know, you need to be aware of those, and are those at your website too? Yeah, they can go to my website, click on it, follow me on, I'm old school, I still call it Twitter, I refuse to call it X, oh I just did, okay, anyway, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, yeah, I try, Robbie, every day to put just a little positive message out there to encourage people, sometimes challenge people, and then we turn that into literally an audio with your help and Nick's helped into the Man Up Minute, and you know, you keep talking about doing a lot of my story, last year you were in studio for, I'll never forget, like we did the, we're going to turn my life story, Nikita, A Tale of the Ring of Redemption, into an audiobook and narrated in my own voice, and we got through the first four chapters, you look at me and go, wow, that took three hours, and you go, that was amazing, like how many chapters you got, 12? And I go, 38, Robbie, and you're like, okay, well, this is gonna take a while, and, but I'm getting a lot of great feedback, and those who just don't like to read a book, but will listen to it in their car or something, and one more thing I want to say, Robbie, but we run out of time, because there's some guy out there going, oh, I'd love to come to that band camp, but I, you know, October 20th won't work, and, well, then you go to, and you sign up for Robbie's Boot Camp, November 21st, if you can't make it to the band camp, October 20th, I want to encourage you to go to Robbie's Boot Camp, November 21st to the 24th, because you will be, or, or do both, but if you want to really deep dive into your relationship with Jesus, do both, but Robbie's Boot Camp is every bit as impactful as Nikita's band camp for the record. Oh, I'm honored that you would say that, they are both like man. Well, I hate we gotta go, there's a lot more of us coming up in about half an hour, so stay tuned, a lot more truth coming at you on The Truth Network, thank you for listening, and especially on this Labor Day weekend, God bless.
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