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Give ’em Jesus: The Only Soul Winners Handbook You Will Ever Need!

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
February 3, 2024 12:58 pm

Give ’em Jesus: The Only Soul Winners Handbook You Will Ever Need!

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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February 3, 2024 12:58 pm

Guest host Jerry Mathis is joined with Fred Hege and Michael Griffith 

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Hi, this is Nikita Kolov from the Q&A with Kolov Podcast, where you, the listener, get to ask me the questions, where you get a personal phone call from the Russian nightmare. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a moment. Sit back, enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion.

Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into Kingdom Pursuits. Now live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. Well, this morning, Robbie is not with us. I'm Jerry Mathis, raised body shop and record service and on Christian Card Guy Radio known as the Christian Body Shop Guy. I'm filling in for Robbie this morning.

And I'll tell you what, I'm really excited about this morning. And before I even get going, I want to make sure that I get this number out because this is the call-in show. And if you have any questions or comments, we'd love to hear from you.

The call-in number is 866-348-7884. I have two people sitting in this studio with me and one I know fairly well, Fred, but I'm going to let y'all introduce yourselves and then we're going to kind of dive into some things that's going on in your life. And then I'm going to come back with a question.

Tell me what your Christian want to get you to this point. Go ahead, introduce yourself. Jerry, my name is Fred Havy, and beside me here is my brother in Christ, Mike Griffith, who's become a dear friend of mine in recent years. Yeah, and Fred just introduced me, Michael Griffith, and my walk with God. I was raised in the church. My mom and dad, I lived a half a block from the church.

We'd go all the time. And February the 11th, 1976, Dr. Charles Page at Lawndale Baptist Church, I gave my life to Jesus. He had tutored me and mentored me, and I gave my life to Jesus on February the 11th, 1976. And I'm not going to tell you a tale between then and years later, and years later, I fell away from God. And Dr. Reverend Wendell Calder was at a faith church. I was sitting on the back pew, and he said something to the effect of, are you serving a little G God, or are you serving a big G God?

And the light came on. I thought, you know what, I'm not serving God with the big G. I'm serving God more with the little g, other things instead of God. And you know, I went down, and I rededicated my life to Jesus some years ago, and I told God, I'm going to live for you with a capital G, and the little g's are going away, because I can't put them in front of you anymore. And my life has changed since then. I became a Gideon.

That's how I met Fred. We've been witnessing together for six or seven years, and God has truly, truly blessed that ministry, and he's blessed me, because I turned away from the little g's and gave him the big G's, gave him the honor and the glory, him being the big G. Wow. Amen. That's all I can say. Thank you.

Thank you. Fred, what got you to this point? Jerry, I grew up in a denominational church.

I was like Mike. I was in church every Sunday. I went through catechism, that type thing, and considered myself a follower of Christ. But it wasn't until the Jesus movement, back in the late 60s, a young evangelist who went to North Davidson High School was riding the roads broadcasting the hellfire and damnation message of the gospel through the treetops and the airways down there in Arcadia. And it wasn't until one afternoon when I heard him blasting that message of the cross through the airways that I really realized what salvation was all about, what it cost, and what it really meant to me. Amen. You know, I'm glad you brought up that Jesus revolution, that movement and stuff, because I know you're a product of that. And just real quick, and I'm not going to hang on that very long because I've got other things I want to get into and stuff. But you know, the movie came out and I thought was very successful.

And I think it probably shed a little light to the gospel of Jesus Christ in a lot of areas where there was darkness and gave opportunity for people to hear that message. Everything and everyone I've ever talked to tells me how accurate that is. And I think that's something that needs to be said more and more because God can move in some mysterious ways and God can use people that you think, well how, what is God going, we think so many times we think we're Moses. I mean, you know, God get that.

Not me. I don't speak well. You know, you need to get, you pick, you're asking the wrong person. God's on a, God may not call the equipped, but he will equip those that he calls. Amen. And I think we need to make sure that we understand that as a Christian. And the opportunity that we have, we have a platform.

We all talked about that a little bit on the last hour. As a matter of fact, Fred, one thing he didn't mention is, I said, I just got finished with the Christian car guy radio show. It's carried by a lot of these stations.

Fred was a car guy from way back when also. And so he knows that world also. And this morning, if you'll go to Kingdom Pursuits on the website, you will see on the banner that scrolls, that scrolls across, the Give them Jesus book. And, and we're going to talk a little bit about that and the tool that it has been for Fred and David, for all those that have been involved in it. I know Lanell talks about how this has been the opportunity to be able to, to reach people and get people to at least just stop and listen long enough that you can get that message across. So I just encourage you to go to that website. It has that. And also on there, you can look and it has a way that you can purchase it.

I think it's through Amazon. You may want to mention that more than because you have more knowledge of how they can get this book because I went through it and stuff. It is a great tool and it does give you practical resources. I mean, I think so many times we try to make, we make sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and his love and his grace.

We make it harder than it needs to be. That's right. So I encourage you to flip through that.

And also sometime in the next bit, Fonda Bryant will be calling in and talk a little bit about her suicide prevention. There's also, if you scroll across, you'll be able to get that information also. But Fred, as we mentioned the book, what made you decide to write this book? And I know that, I know you, both of you with Gideon's involved there and stuff because I'm amazed. A lot of people think the only thing they know about that is when I go to a hotel, I pull out a drawer and there's a Bible in there. But it goes a lot deeper than that. Well, Jerry, I was taught that the way you do evangelism is to let somebody else do it.

I was taught that you hold the pastor accountable, that he only works one or two hours a week, that you hold him accountable, and you hold him to some strict standards. But nothing can be further from the truth than that. And Jerry, for 48 years I was the world's greatest failure.

I promise you. I never led one person to Christ. I didn't know I didn't know how to share my faith.

I was never prepared. But at 48 years of age, I decided that I couldn't live with that guilt one more day. So I went that morning, enrolled in Piedmont Bible College and studied some evangelism and personal witnessing up there. And everywhere I went after that, I heard people telling me that they didn't know how to share their faith either. And not being able to share my faith, when God was bringing people explicitly to me for the express purpose of sharing the message of the cross with them, and failing time after time after time, I could not live with that guilt one more day.

I just couldn't do it. So that's what prompted me to go to Piedmont Bible College. Well, as these people, other people were telling me, I don't know how to share my faith either.

Well, the reason we don't know is because nobody ever showed us. David Jeremiah has a segment where he tells about he didn't know how to share his faith. Dr. James Kennedy didn't know how to share his faith. They graduated from seminary and still weren't adept at sharing their faith. So I decided that if other people don't know how to share their faith, then they're living with the same guilt, burden of guilt, that I'm living with that I can't handle anymore. So they must be struggling with the same struggles.

So that's what prompted me the right to book. 95% of the body of Christ have never led one person to Jesus. 95%. Wow.

That's a staggering number. We're back in a moment. If you have a question, just give us a call at 866-348-7884.

You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits. I've got Mike and Fred in here. And we were just talking, just touched a little bit on the book, Give Him Jesus.

And I know Fred gave me just that. I know we talked about it on Amazon. You can go on Amazon and get it. Go ahead and tell me how, how, if I want to order this book, what's the easiest way to do it.

And also then we're going to kind of dive in. You also mentioned something else on the, during the break that I did not know about that y'all also had a YouTube video out there that sort of just reenacts the book. So Mike or Fred, either one of you can share with me on that and also how to get to the YouTube.

And then also how do I can get the book ordered. Fred came to me, it's probably been eight months ago, and he said, I want to do a YouTube video. And he said, I want you to be in it with me. And I was honored that he, that he said, I want you to be in it with, with him, but I was going to be the witness-ee. And Fred was of course, since it was his book and he is magnificent at leading people to Jesus.

So he was, he was witnessing to me and it was so real how that YouTube video, how it progressed about the chapter two. And then about, he would stop, Fred would stop after we would, uh, act. Fred would stop David and explain what had just happened, which I thought was an amazing touch. And it was like, like Fred, you said it was what, 13 and a half minutes. And it was just an amazing, and it's not me and Fred will say, it's not him. It was a God thing.

God put that video together. And if people buy the book, okay, I think that's fantastic. But people go onto YouTube, they will get basically what the book said. But let me tell you something. When I got that book, I was hooked and witnessing in the witnessing places that I go, homeless people in different places, I've had to refer to that book to actually get me out of a bind witnessing to people.

So give them Jesus. That book is well, well known. Okay. It's well, well written. And that name right there is exactly what it will help you do.

Give people Jesus that don't know who Jesus is. Absolutely. Jerry, I think that's probably enough said about the video, but I can tell you this. While we were filming the video and we did take after take, because we had various and sundry, different angles that we were filming them from a distance, close up, blow while we were being ripped. You one thing, just come at the video. A lot of people think video, you know, it's probably poor quality.

David Wetherly for those in this market will know was the Fox eight news was the main camera man and four time anyone, enemy winner. And so that's who filmed it and produced it. And so the quality, I haven't even seen it, but I know the quality.

I know the quality that y'all would want, but I started to know the quality that he would put out there. So I'm excited to be able to watch it. Go ahead. I'm sorry. While we were filming, I noticed a lady that walked up and she looked like she might be a grandmother. She had a small child with her. And while we were shooting the scripture, to give them Jesus scriptures, I noticed that she stayed there for several takes on that scripture. And we had a little prayer team there with us. And when I saw her standing there, I got the attention of one of our prayer support members over there. And they went over there and were able to share the gospel with her and lead her to Christ there.

And during the filming of the video. Amen. And want to see the video. How do we just, how do you get to it?

Give them, give them Jesus with dashes in the middle. Just go to YouTube. You can go to our website. You can link it from the website.

And another thing we're going to do is we're going to do another thing. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Go ahead. The way, the way I found it, which may be easier is give them Jesus in the search bar. And then I, all I did was put the only soul and I couldn't, I didn't need to get the winners before.

And I think it's your picture. I hope it's your picture, not mine, but either my picture comes up or Fred's picture comes up and then you can click on it that way. So that's the way I do it. Give them Jesus in the search bar and then the only soul and it comes up.

Yeah. Another thing you can do is listen to us and go to Kingdom Pursuits and go to our website. And it has, uh, on the, on the, on the banner has Fred's information and also a copy of the book. That's also a way that you can get to it. And I think, you know, now with the internet and stuff, you can probably put Fred Hagee in there and it's on a, you can scroll down and find it that way.

If I am not wrong, I would almost venture out to say that, but yeah, give them Jesus is a simple enough way to do it and stuff. And again, so for an order of the book, we can Amazon or we can go to your website also and order the book directly from you. And now we're going to talk about a little bit about the stories about it.

I know we've talked about the tool that you're using and that's the book and also the video on YouTube practical use for it. I mean, well, Jerry, when I became a witness for Christ, I was so scared. I cannot tell you how scared I was to meet my class requirements of sharing my faith between class sessions.

I went to the old marketplace mall down here and there's a smoking section in the back, back there close to the woods. And I would go down there and share my faith because I was afraid I'd see somebody I'd know. I was so scared and so nervous, but Jerry, the way I became a witness for Christ, I got trained under a share Jesus without fear.

Okay. And that is a really good book. I cannot tell you how, how much I liked that book and I would endorse and encourage that book, but I read that book and I'd share my faith and things just didn't quite come to me for a while. And I'd stop and I read the book again and I'd share my faith and I'd stop and read the book again. And I probably read that book, especially the personal witnessing chapters in there three, four, or five times. And all of a sudden I developed a skill set that I had tailored to fit me, my personality type. And that's what I've geared my book to do for everybody to be able to take that book and adapt their own personal witnessing skill set to meet their personality types.

One size don't exactly fit all, but the methodology does. And the book's designed to help you get comfortable sharing your faith, get you out of your comfort zone. 95% of the body of Christ have never led one person to Jesus. So that's what the book's all about. But if you go buy the book and read it one time, probably won't do the job for you. But if you buy it, get your scripture source, share the, give them Jesus scriptures over and over and read and share and read and share. All of a sudden you will become personal witnessing intentional.

You'll be looking for places and people to share your faith. It becomes second nature. It becomes a part of your DNA.

It becomes a part of who you are. Absolutely. And, you know, as you said, and I think Michael probably agree with this, there's a time when you first do what you are, Moses. It needs to be the preacher. It needs to be a missionary. It needs to be somebody. It don't need to be me. Anybody but me. Yeah.

Anybody, anybody but me. We went to the bus station four and a half years ago, four or five of us. And at that particular point, I was green. I hadn't witnessed very much. And I in engaged the guy and, um, he was deaf. Was he deaf or blind? He wouldn't, he was deaf. He was there. He was deaf.

And I thought I'm new at this. Ain't no way I'm gonna ever lead anybody to Jesus. He's deaf. He can't hear what I'm saying. And so I was doing the very best I could. And I had the little testament and I was just failing, Jerry.

I was just failing. And my buddy stepped in and took over, led the guy to Jesus. My buddy here sitting to my right, Fred led him to Jesus. And that day, Jerry, I caught a vision. And I'll tell anybody that my vision was God is going to allow me and put me in a position to witness to someone. And he's going to give me the words to say.

And I saw that from my brother. And from that point on, I promised God that I was going to be bold, obedient, and available. Now, sometimes I fall and I'm not as bold, obedient, and available as I need to be. But I told God I'm going to do my very best from that particular day on. And I've done my very best to be what I told God I was going to be.

Yeah. God will give us the words. God will give us the strength. And God will equip us. And I always say that. And we sit there and I think the initial thing is stepping out and being available is probably, of course, you can be a strong Christian, but just sometimes you feel like, well, if they ask me a question or if they challenge me on this, I don't know what my next step needs to be. I think his book gives you an opportunity to kind of give you a foundation for that. But then the biggest thing is being available.

Go ahead and do it. You may be going behind the marketplace or the mall or the store somewhere where the smoking section where nobody's a know me here. So if I really fall on my face, it ain't going to no harm done. You know what I mean?

But it's just doing it. And then all of a sudden, when you start doing it, you start going, God will encourage us. God will give us strength and stuff. And I think both of you will attest to that. You know what? I know I never feel like I'm equipped to ever do what God calls me to do.

I'm always humbled and honored and feel like He can probably do much better than me. But I'm just being available. That's right.

That's right. Jerry, not only will God provide the strength, the wisdom, but He'll also provide the opportunities. He will send people your way. Jerry, I want to bring to your audience attention on another statistic. In a recent survey by the Barna group, a group of people were asked, would you be willing to listen to a presentation of the Gospel from somebody who is passionate about their faith? A resounding 70 percent said, I'd be willing to listen.

You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits. I'm Jerry Mathis and I'm here with Fred and Mike. And we've been talking a little bit about, I mean, the root of it is sharing the Gospel, using whatever platform we have to introduce people to Jesus Christ.

We've got a call from Thomas in Winston who has a question. And the question is, and this will be for probably both of you, the question is, what is the greatest hurdle to have to overcome when talking to people, and I guess it's talking to people about Jesus Christ? What do you think is your biggest hurdle?

I think my biggest hurdle is probably a little hesitancy or apprehensive. Am I going to say the right thing? Am I going to upset this person? So every now and again, when I feel that hesitancy, what I do before I even get out, Jerry, is I just say, God, I'm going to let go and let you. You just tell me what to say. But I'm hesitant because I don't want to say the wrong thing and upset anybody. And one other thing I don't want to be is too overbearing and run somebody off, Jerry.

I don't want to do that. So I pray, and I pray again, God give me the words to say. Yep. Thomas, are you with us? Yes, sir, Jerry.

Hey, I think that was a pretty good explanation to what the hurdle is. Any other questions and stuff for Fred or Mike? Well, I was wondering if he thought the cell phone was an equally daunting hurdle. Well, is it OK to share a real quick testimony about what he just said? Yeah, this time. Yeah, one time. Yeah, go ahead.

It would just be real quick. We took a trip way, way out of town, and we were on the streets. And this guy came up to me, and he was on the phone. Now that you mentioned being on the phone, he was on the phone with one of his friends. And I asked him if he had a New Testament, right?

And he said, no, but I'd like to have one. And now he's still on the phone. And this guy that he's on the phone with, they're not talking anymore. He's talking to me. And I asked him if he had a minute, if he wanted to get off the phone or he had a minute to read a couple of scriptures in the back, like John 3 16 and Romans 3 23.

I just wanted to get him in reading the back cover. And he started reading. Well, when he started reading, he invited his friend on the phone to start reading.

And they read the back cover how much God loves them, that they're sinners, that they're not righteous, that it's a free gift, both of them. And now he's on the phone. And I asked the guy that was face to face with me, I said, would you like to make a decision for Jesus?

And the guy said yes. And the guy on the phone also made a decision for Jesus. So yes, I don't think the phone in that particular instance was a hindrance. But I will say sometimes the phone is a hindrance, because if you're witnessing to somebody, they could be looking back and on, back and forth to their phone and all that kind of stuff. But in that particular instance, the phone that I had in my back pocket paid big dividends with both of those guys. Eternal home.

Absolutely. Jerry, I want to speak to the first question. Going back to the 70%, 70% of the people that we face each day that we pass on the sidewalk that we walk past in the hall at work, the halls at school, 70% said they would be willing to listen to a presentation of the gospel from somebody who is passionate about their faith. They're looking for some enthusiasm. They're not looking for somebody that's spiritually dead, mired in a pew somewhere. They're looking for somebody that's passionate about their faith. And 70% said I would listen.

My second point to that would be this. Always have your scripture source. Always have your scripture source on you, because that opportunity to share the gospel will come when you least expect it. It needs to be at your front door. It needs to be at your back door. It needs to be in your vehicle. It needs to be in your work vehicle. It needs to be on your desk. It needs to be on you.

It needs to be a part of your attire, who you are. And as soon as that opportunity arises, get to the give them Jesus scriptures. That's where the power is always. That's what they're looking for. They don't really care about you. They're looking for a peace and a hope and a joy and a comfort that they don't have, and they don't know where to find it. And you're God's answer.

Absolutely. And I've got Thomas on the line. And I want to just real quick, I know a guy named Thomas also. And where I first got this book was, this Thomas gave it to me during a Wednesday morning prayer breakfast.

And in the meantime, over the last couple of weeks, I know waitresses have got one. And I wonder if you happen to know that same Thomas that I know, Thomas. Well, that might be my twin, Jerry. I've got a good Thomas and a bad Thomas, but yes, I was thrilled to give that book out. I've actually read the book twice and Fred's right.

Oftentimes, if you read it twice, it'll really stick with you. Absolutely. Well, thank you for calling in, Thomas. And we will hope I'll see you tomorrow at Pinedale. Yes, Lord willing. See you there.

All right. We've got Laura on the line. Laura, can you hear us? Laura, can you hear us? We may have lost her.

Fred, real quick, I'm going to take a moment just to, I was thinking Fonda would be calling, but it must have got tied up on something. So I'm going to make mention over the past few months, I have really promoted the suicide prevention training that she does. She does it live where you can bring her in and she'll do it. Also, she does it online.

And when she does it online, it's free, which is a great opportunity. And I suggest that everyone take his training because of, man, mental illness and suicide is so rampant. We all know one answer is that people need to have Christ. And that gives them a hope that the world just doesn't give you. But also, there's a lot of Christians that are also committing suicide. And as hard as that is, and as sad as it is, they get to that point where they just don't see that tomorrow can be better.

And it's tough. And so I'm going to just mention real quick that she's doing her training on Saturday, February 17th, from 12 to 2. If you'll go on Kingdom Pursuits, you can scroll across the banner there and it has all the information there for that. Or you can also just get in touch with her and it's Fonda Bryant. And you can also just put that in and it'll come up to her website.

I encourage everybody to try to do that. As a matter of fact, I know Fonda is on the line, so we'll be getting back to her in just a moment. She'll do a much better job of saying all that. And we've got Scott also on the line. Scott, can you hear us?

Yeah. Good morning, Gary. Hey, good morning to you. Good morning, Fred. This is Scott Barton, and I just want to thank Fred so much for that book.

I've personally used several, given it to people that I encountered in the emergency room where I work, and also some homeless people, and they've really enjoyed it. At least they said they did, and I actually caught them reading it too. When I came back to check on it, one guy was kind of down and out, and I went back later in the evening to pray with him, and I saw he was reading the book. A lot of times when you give somebody a book, they'll say they'll read it, and they have every intention, and they may, but this guy was reading it every time I checked on him.

So I decided just to let him go, and it was time for me to end my shift. So I just want to thank Fred so much for that book, and I need some more copies, so I've got to be online and order some. So thank you for everything you guys do, and Fred, thanks for the book. Scott, thank you, brother.

Just keep giving them Jesus, okay? God bless you, brother. Y'all have a wonderful weekend. Bye-bye. Hey, Scott. Hey, Scott's getting off the line. I just want to just say that Scott is also involved, and he is not just involved. He is a big part of the Jesus labor of love ministry. That's another thing you can go through the website. Go down and find that, and that's an opportunity to give to the community and to help somebody and point them to Jesus Christ. We'll be back in just a moment, and Fonda will be on the line with us and kind of promote her training that's coming up, and I certainly encourage everybody to get your pen out so you can get the information down. you're listening to the truth network and welcome back to kingdom pursuits uh great morning this morning having mike and fred in the building and uh on the air and live and talking about just giving jesus i tell you what a great book great opportunity to to be able to reach people for christ also on the line brent i don't know if you have ever met fonda bryant but this is a good dear friend and boy you talk about somebody with a heart she's experienced this so it's not just somebody who's who's got a book and and read it from a book and goes out and does this she lives this every day and fonda good to have you this morning good morning jerry and i must apologize i got sidetracked but i i'm here now and i appreciate you having me on so good morning well good to have you and i know that you have a a very very very special uh training session coming up and i i'm just always encouraged because of i mean one thing you're willing to do these online and they're free and the public needs to make sure they take advantage of it but this is celebrating 29 years 29 years of i'm gonna go ahead i'm not even gonna go down there i'm gonna let you explain that and then also tell us what the dates are and how they can make sure they get registered and get on and and be able to get some we were talking off air this is an area that i think is so neglected in so many ways and we were just talking as a friend we all know that went to pine dale that had struggled and struggled in two weeks ago committed suicide and it just broke my heart when they called me that night and told me but it's out there it can be it can be in our own home and it can be our next-door neighbor our co-worker we just don't know fonda i'm turning the floor over to you yes um but thank you uh yes i am going to be having this month is a very special month for me but it's also a very hard month because i'm reliving trauma because coming up on february 14th valentine's day a day of love and and count cards and flowers and candy i will be celebrating my 29th year as a survivor of suicide and i know for people that's an uncomfortable subject it's not a warm and fuzzy subject but we have to deal with it we have to talk about it because the only way we're going to prevent suicide is by having these uncomfortable conversations that are going to move people to action because anytime i share my story i know it's going to do two things it's going to inspire people but it's also going to trigger people and when it inspires people the first thing they'll say to me is how can i help you fonda what can i do and the first thing that comes out of my mouth is you need to get educated because suicide is the most preventable death of all death all death if people would just get trained on the warning signs and 29 years ago coming up on 29 years ago i had no idea i was struggling with clinical depression depression is the number one disease that can cause us to die by suicide it's also the the most debilitating disease in the world it feels like when i'm really struggling that i'm i'm i'm in molasses and everybody from the south pretty much knows what molasses is it's bigger than honey it's thicker than syrup and when you're struggling with depression i swear to you number one you feel it because it's a physical condition but it's you're extremely tired you don't want to do anything you can't concentrate you're just trying to make it through the day but people don't always understand that because in their minds we don't look sick we don't look like a person with cancer or any other physical disease but let me tell y'all something we're struggling and if we don't get the help that we need if we don't put in the work every single day just like with diabetes or um or uh hypertension people think oh if you just take a pill well if you take a pill and then go eat a half a cake that's not helping you if you take a pill and eat six pieces of fried chicken that's not helping you you have to make a lifestyle change and that's what having a mental health condition is you have to make a lifestyle change because if you don't you run the risk of going down that slippery slopes and never coming back so 29 years ago my aunt spanky who is a hero in my eyes and always will be she recognized the signs when i call and told her you can have my shoes she called me back she said are you going to kill yourself i said yes and she went into action like a superhero and saved my life and when she did that i recognized that it's a big difference between mental health and physical health mental health people don't have the empathy and compassion for us they don't because they think we're bringing on ourselves that we're crazy we're nuts we're psycho we got to change that because that mentality almost killed me 29 years ago and it's still killing us now find it find it find it i don't want to i hate to interrupt with you but i want to make sure you get real quick that how to how to take the training because we are bumping into this segment is the last one no no because i'm gonna get you back so we can tell that story more in depth and everything to get the training what do they need to do because i want to give fred the last 30 seconds it ain't much time to wrap us up okay well you can reach out to me at fonda f-o-n-d-a n-c underscore the number 40 at the training is going to be saturday february 17th from 12 to 2 o'clock pm there is no registration but you have to be on time and take the entire two-hour training to get your two-year certificate qpr booklet and resource card and i urge everybody to take the training because anyone can save a life you don't have to be a professional to do so thank you fonda fred wrap us up take us out of here jay what i've learned through the years is this on a day when nothing goes right when everything goes wrong i got 10 hundred phone calls to return and everything's going wrong if i'm prepared and i've got my scripture stores i'm good enough on my worst day and on your worst day and on mike's worst day amen that's all i can say amen go on look to scroll through the the banner get information on fred's book also all the information on the training coming up hope everybody has a great day and hope to be able to hear that you have been in church tomorrow this is the truth network
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