Hi, I'm Joanne McNair, Memaw with It's Storytime Memaw, an answered prayer for stories that point children to God on the Truth Network for kids. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds.
Enjoy it, share it. But most of all, thank you for listening to the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into Kingdom Pursuits.
Now live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. And yes, we are live today on Kingdom Pursuits, and I love to pursue the Kingdom on Christmas Eve Eve. Like, don't you just love the idea of Christmas Eve Eve? Yes. You can even picture Adam saying that to Eve on the 23rd of December in the year one.
Yes. It's Christmas Eve Eve Eve. And there's one other famous thing, since I have so many cool people lined up today on our show and they're all in the audience, one of my good friends and longtime friend, we have Dr. Duane Carson, and we also have Rick Powers with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes with us.
But we should say that one of us here was actually born on Christmas Eve Eve, and that would make today his birthday. And so for the first time ever in the history of Robbie's Hobbies slash Kingdom Pursuits, for those of you who have listened a long time now, it used to be called Robbie's Hobbies, we're actually going to sing, Nick. So somebody here can carry a tune, and I know it's not Dr. Carson, so don't sing for yourself. But I can tell that Rick really could, and I'm thinking Nick can, because you got that radio voice, okay? So we're going to put it in the key of Robbie, okay?
Key of Robbie. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, Dr. Carson, happy birthday to you. I hope you're all singing along in the car out there on this wonderful Christmas Eve Eve, because I know you're out there shopping and doing everything wonderful. Oh, I have to say this is a first for me to have someone sing to me on the radio. Wow, thank you guys.
Yes, of course. Happy birthday, Doc. Now, it is not the first time, because once you found out that singing, or when he found out when my birthday was, he had the world's greatest happy birthday singer sing to me. Now tell us that story, Doc.
Oh, I had Dr. Ed Gomes from Liberty University. He and I are the best of friends, and years ago, he decided that he wanted to be the best at singing the worst happy birthday rendition. And some point today, he's going to call me, and my ears are going to hurt, and I will need some aspirin afterwards, because I'm going to have a headache.
And did you get a headache on your birthday? Oh, man. When he calls, it's unforgettable. Amen. That's what we wanted.
Unforgettable birthday. He makes that. He makes that. But part of the reason that Dr. Carson here with Rick is that you two have a passion for FCA, and if you hadn't heard of FCA, it's a really wonderful organization, but I will let Rick describe what in the world is FCA.
Okay. Thank you, Robin. FCA stands for the Fellowship for Christian Athletes. It is in our basically local and national high schools and colleges, and it's a student-led organization regarding leading student athletes to Christ. And it's one of the last or one of the only organizations, including Young Life, that is in our school system. And we also have in our area a lot of influential coaches that are leaders of the Fellowship for Christian Athletes and groups called huddles.
It's like a team, and also it's young men, young women, student athletes that are either following Christ or have been led to Christ through the Fellowship for Christian Athletes. Yeah, that's so amazing. I have a nephew, and for those who know me well know my brother came to Christ at a Mass on a Journey boot camp a year before last, and he brought his grandson. So that makes him my grandnephew, actually. And it's a cool story how he came to Christ, and he had told his grandson that he was going to see a bear when he got to North Carolina. And, you know, it was a very long story, but to get to the punchline, when my brother actually received Christ in the car because he was under such conviction, on his way back from North Carolina, they stopped. He had to pull over. He was crying so hard.
He asked my grandnephew to pull over and drive, and as they shut the doors from sitting back in the car, cue the bear, it walked their car right in front of him. Well, almost immediately he got involved in FCA and started a Bible study, huddle, right there within his football team. He was a senior this year and so excited that he has been picked to play in the Allstate game, I guess, of Tennessee. An Allstar game?
State Allstate? That's a great honor. It is, and I'm very excited for him. But anyway, that's all there. But, you know, Nick, there just comes a point in time where we have to do some shenanigans, you know?
So, speaking of athletics. Now the fun begins. Now it's time to play shenanigans. Oh, and it is time to play shenanigans. We have so many shenanigans, you know, because it's Christmas Eve Eve, that it might go on into the next segment, but that's okay because I love all the shenanigans. So, I'm laying out a real softball on the very first one because I want Nick to get one, okay?
So, here you go. This is an old joke, but it's still, you know, it just never gets old. So, what sport, now, Dr. Carson, pay attention. What sport does the Kool-Aid man play?
Nick, think about it. What sport does the Kool-Aid man play, you know, speaking of athletics? The Kool-Aid man, you got to kind of... You got to go back a little bit.
You remember him? Oh yeah, big time. He's got a big smile on his face, usually. Big smile. Oh yeah.
We drank gallons of his cake. Yeah, think about, what is he, Nick? I don't even know. I want to say wrestling because he's strong and he just goes into walls, you know.
Do you know? He plays football. Oh man, this is the style.
I thought it was easy. He is a pitcher. Oh! I started saying swimmer, but it was...
It was baseball. Oh man. I like that. I missed this one by a mile. Literally. There you go.
Okay, you guys didn't do so well. This one's pretty easy too. What sport is played by angry French people? Lacrosse. Correct.
Woo! We have a winner. Rick got one. Lacrosse. All right, and you did not know this one, I bet, but the Grim Reaper is also quite an athlete. Which sport does he play?
Golf. I like that. He can hit them.
There's no doubt he can. I like that. That isn't the official game of the Grim Reaper. You know, since we just did Guido Gasket, it's sort of that, you know.
Axe throwing? I don't know. Oh, how about it? Dr. Carson, it's your birthday.
You should know one. I don't have it. Sickleball. He plays a little sick. Sickleball. Sickleball. The newest game for people to get great exercise.
There you go. If you went back to the original Olympics, it featured a very unique sport. Actually, that's still played in the Olympics today, but it was played by unique people and that both Plato and Socrates were involved. You know, they were Greek and all that. So, what sport did most of those ancient philosophers participate in? Oh, I would think they ran marathons.
They probably did. Quizball. I like that. Quizball, yes. Quizball.
They actually were known to throw the discus. Oh, I like that one. All right, another layup. All right, what's the difference between a clown and an athletic rabbit? The difference between a clown and an athletic rabbit.
This one's actually a bit difficult. You really have to think, but one is a little bit funny and the other is a little bit funny. Now, here's your chance. As I told you, we wouldn't make it because I had so many shenanigans. I have more shenanigans when we come back, plus a whole lot more from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, my good friend, Dr. Carson, who might you know, is Date the Word. We're going to do a lot about that. But most of all, you're going to have a chance to call in and win with this great riddle that I have at the end.
I'm excited about sharing it. We'll be right back with a whole lot more Christmas Eve Eve edition, Dr. Carson's birthday edition of Kingdom Pursuits. You're listening to the Truth Network and truthnetwork.com. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom today with Dr. Carson and, I wanted to say doctor, but it's actually just Rick Powers.
It's just Rick. And he's with the FCA Western Triad Division of the FCA because it is an international organization, is it not? Yes, it is. And so they do really amazing things. So we were speaking of athletics, doing a little shenanigans when we left our hero, and we were going to get to the riddle here in a minute, but I had so many ones that I just, you know, if you want to get my joke music going again, you know, I just love it. It makes me feel so much, you know, timing's critical. Timing is.
When it comes to this whole thing. So you may have wondered always, I mean, you've probably wondered this for a long time ever since you've told me, Rick, what is Robbie's favorite sport? Especially what's my favorite sport to watch?
I guess baseball. Well, I'm a personal, what I love is origami, you know, especially reverse origami. You know why I love reverse origami? I can't wait to hear this. It's because you can watch the action unfold.
Next on the Robbie Hit Parade of his favorite sports is this new sport of blindfold archery. You just don't know what you're missing. It'll come to you in a minute, Nick.
It really will. You just don't know what you're missing. All right. And this one I could not finish without telling this joke. It was just hilarious. And asking you because you may know. It may be just common knowledge that I did not know it up until this morning what Sarah Palin's favorite water sport is. Sarah Palin's, you know.
Robbing for apples. The Alaskan. Water polo. Close. Not water polo? No. You're going to like this.
It's parasailing. Another one right over my head. Yes, and you knew at the end of all that I would, in fact, have a riddle. And I do have one today that you can call. Here's the riddle.
Yeah, it's coming. So, and I've always loved this. This is another one that hopefully is easy. You know, if need be, Google it, okay?
Get ready to call in at 86634. Tell us, Peter, James, and John were sport fishermen. They were sort of athletics, right? In a funny way, they were also musicians at the same time. What instrument, what musical instrument did Peter, James, and John play? And they played it well, specifically, you know, on a particular side of the boat.
Peter, James, and John played what musical instrument? 8663487884 is the number you call in and win. And if they can do that, Nick, tell them what they'll win.
Absolutely, yes. You'll be winning a prize from the Kingdom Pursuits Prize Vault. Just call in at any time, and we will get you on the air. Yes, it is the Kingdom Pursuits Christmas Eve Eve edition of the prize vault, and we're going to get to that. All I have to do to tell us what musical instrument that Peter, James, and John, the sports fishermen, played 86634. That's just one of my favorite old jokes.
8663487884. You're going to love it, Nick. Do you know what it is? Don't give it away, but I'm just wondering, do you know what it is? No, I'm thinking about it right now, too.
Because I played musical instruments. Oh, this one. I guarantee you, you probably never played this one. Oh, maybe.
She might have. I don't know. Do you think you know?
Rick? I don't know. You know, don't you? I've got an idea.
Yeah, you've got an idea. I gave them so many clues, you know? 8663487884, so undoubtedly, Rick, how did you get involved in FCA? Well, the way I got involved in FCA was back in high school in 1973.
Wow. I was in a little place called Beulahville, North Carolina, which is near Jacksonville, Camp Lejeune Marine Base, and that year we had a new high school football coach. His name is Owen McAllister, and Coach McAllister brought the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, or FCA, to our high school. Subsequently, I had the experience of going to summer camps at Black Mountain, the Blue Ridge Assembly, and we went to three camps in high school and also had an opportunity to go to three camps in college as a college student leader for huddle for high school kids. And basically, besides having the blessing of growing up in my home church with Christian parents, the FCA really influenced my life and my friends' lives, so I was able to continue from high school to college.
And in adulthood, I'd be able to serve on the Western Triad FCA board now. Wow, wow. And so is there a story, right, that, like, your coach invited you, but something like, man, I mean, I was in high school, and at that point in time, I'll be honest, I wasn't particularly interested in anything spiritual, and I can't even, you know, imagine.
So what flipped your switch? Was there a girl involved or what? Thank you, Robert. There wasn't a girl involved. But I got to say that Coach McAllister was a good example of a Christian man. He was a good leader, didn't use profanity, led by example. Also, we went to the same church, and he was— Oh, so you were a Christian coming into the fellowship for Christian athletes. I was.
I basically accepted Christ when I was 11 or 12 years old at a spring revival at my home church. And basically was able to build upon that with the FCA. And it was, I look back at it now, and it was kind of like building blocks as we get older, from there into young adulthood and also into being a parent. And, you know, it's an example of, you think about how our teachers and our coaches, both my parents were schoolteachers.
Really? And the way they have such a positive influence on our lives and the lives of our student athletes and our students in general. Because I've heard the old example that, you know, you probably can't remember who won last year's Mel Academy Award or who was last year's Super Bowl champion, but you can remember who your favorite high school teacher was or your favorite elementary school teacher was or your favorite coach and the example that person set and that you admired. That's good. I like that. And how about you, Dr. Carson?
What led you into the FCA? I got to tell you, I know a lot of people that like watching sports. I don't think I've ever met an enthusiast like, oh, my gosh. You know, he's always, he's flying somewhere to go to some game. Like, really? And he's going to do that even racing.
I mean, it's just a year. Racing is a great sport, yes. No, I just mean, it just seems like, you know, people that like football don't also necessarily like track or, you know, you just seem to be an open invitation of any sport like, man, Dr. Carson, this is his deal. I think the Apostle Paul would be right with me.
Really? Because you look at all his writings. He loved athletic competition, and that's part of the Christian life. We talk about having to need to endure as you run. The race that is Christian, where did he get that from?
Or Apollos, if he wrote Hebrews, where did he get it from? Well, he's watching these guys run these races. So were you an athlete in school? I want to be. Oh, and that's probably everybody's story to some extent, except Michael Jordan. I was on the football team, but I joked that I was in guard and tackle. I said at the end of the bench, I guarded the water bucket, and I tackled anybody who came down there. But I did get to be on the football team my junior and senior year.
I loved it. And I wasn't part of FCA, but I did have one of those moments where there were a lot of profanity going on with our coaches. And one of our coaches stopped practice and said, I got to apologize. I'm a Sunday school teacher. And here I am using profanity with you guys. I am so sorry.
And I am not going to use profanity on you anymore. And it just made a big mark. I can still see Coach Seale making that statement to us. And I got involved with FCA more because of being at Liberty, working with students who wanted to become coaches. And then we got involved from a standpoint of trying to support financially and then being an advisor.
So I'm on the board here with FCA here so we can just try to give some advice. And we're involved by giving verses from Date the Word because now we have a verse for every number that goes from 0-0 all the way up to 99. And if there's a listener out there who wants to give a Bible verse to one of their players, call in. Robby, that number is? 866, which by the way, I'm shocked that nobody has called yet about my riddle.
The musical instrument that Thus Hypals played. But anyway, 866-348-7884. 866-34. True. So, you know, you're a young athlete. They need a Bible verse to go with their number. Like Michael Jordan. He would have Colossians 3.23.
Here's a man that will always be playing with enthusiasm. Right. And what's Colossians 3.23 for those of us who don't have it memorized? Well, it says, Whatsoever you do, do it heartily, enthusiastically, as unto the Lord. So if you're number 23, Colossians 3.23, call in for other numbers.
This is what we do with FCA. 866-348-7884 will get you your, you know, son, grandson, whatever you got. You know, they got a number. We would love to supply them with a Bible verse for that. And we'll be right back with a whole lot more with Rick Cole, and hopefully you Riddlers out there will call us.
Or to get one of Dr. Carson's Bible verses. We'll be right back. Oh, welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom, and no doubt that's happening within the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, both with Dr. Carson and Rick, not Cole, Powers. And very fun. I'm so excited that we have Angela, who has called in to tell us, you know, what about Peter, James, and John?
What musical instrument did they play? Angela, you are on Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning! Good morning, and Merry Christmas! Yes!
Merry Christmas, Angela! You know, it's so fun, the 23rd. I love it. I love it. I'm going to guess the organ.
Oh, I love that. And tell me your reasoning on why Peter, James, and John played the organ. Well, they were fishermen, correct?
Absolutely. Okay, so they probably had to row, row, row their boat. Oh, of course. And they can play the— I can say that wasn't it. That could be it. That could be it. See, I have never had a wrong answer on Kingdom Pursuits, and that's why I love your answer, because you put thought into it. I would say, since I wasn't there, that possibly they played more than one instrument.
Absolutely. And so I'm going to say, you know, that it would have been cool to see what an organ looked like back in those days, you know? It could have been. But I can see that there aren't just 40 people calling in with the answer.
I thought it was really easy, actually, Dr. Carson. You said you knew, and it is your birthday, so we want to give you a chance of— You know, Angela's completely right. She's absolutely right in Robbie terminology. But what other instrument might they have played? The harp.
Oh, well, tell me your reasoning on that one. They were multi— They're fishers, harpoons. Oh, harp. Oh, that's good, Nick. That's pretty good. That's honorable mention.
Okay. I got an honorable mention on my birthday. See, what they actually played was the castanets. Oh, castanets. Okay, you like that one, don't you, Nick? They played the castanets.
Of course they did. Yes, on the other side of the boat. I said it earlier. Thank you so much for playing, Angela. What are you up to on Christmas Eve? I am working.
Probably shouldn't be on the phone. Oh, well, tell your employer we're appreciative for your participation today. And where do you work? I deliver the mail.
Least we could do is give them a free, you know, shout-out. You work for the U.S. Mail? Yeah, I'm delivering the mail, so we're pretty busy today. Oh, my goodness, you are. We're going to let you get back to that and drive safely. Thank you, Angela. God bless you, and have a wonderful Christmas, okay? All right, you also. Bye-bye.
Thank you. How fun, right? The old castanets joke.
Castanets. So, Rick, if somebody says, man, I really like the idea of the FCA, what would they do to get involved? Great question, Robbie. You can be involved as an adult. You could support the local FCA huddle of your high school.
You could reach out to us online. You also could be a volunteer, and we have supporters of each local huddle. What does that mean to be a supporter of a local huddle? Well, a supporter of a local huddle, we have volunteers. There are a lot of different events that they have. In fact, this past year, they have gathered the poll for all the Christian, basically, students at a high school, and have a devotion in the morning. We also have, at each high school in the fall, has a Sunday night program where they have speakers, and come and can volunteer and help with that.
There's many ways, and it's really to be supportive is what it is. Right, and all you have to do is, we've given you the link at KingdomPursuits.com. It's the Western Triad FCA, and the link's right there, and obviously you can get all those answers, but we're very excited. I am very excited because we have Joanne also in Ohio, and so they're very much in participation today.
Joanne, you are on Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning. Good morning, Joanne.
Good morning. So, we're in Ohio. I should have asked Angela where she was at in Ohio. Where are you at in Ohio? Swanson, which is Northwest.
Oh, wonderful. I like Northwest Ohio. It's nice and cool up there. You get four seasons, too.
Yes, you do. I went fishing up there a few weeks ago. We had such a wonderful time. We got snow and everything on Lake Erie. It was beautiful. So, yeah, it is really, really a neat state. And so, you have another answer.
I'm so excited. What would your answer be to the musical instrument, James and John and Peter? They were excellent at it. They were sports fishermen, so they played the lyre. Oh, there you go. I think I've played that instrument. Especially Peter. He was particularly good at it, I've noticed.
Right, right. You know, when you get cornered, Jesus, I'm your guy right here. This is me. He had a problem with playing the lyre.
I don't know him. That's funny. That is really – oh, man. Joanne, I'm going to have to find something special in my prize vault for you. That is just one of the greatest comeback answers of ever all time on Kingdom Pursuits to do it on Christmas Eve, Eve. That's just wonderful. What are you up to this Christmas Eve?
I am Christmas shopping. I was in my car and I flipped channels and there you were and I heard that and thought, wow, okay. I went through the list of the symbols and all the different things that they played back then and I – lyre.
Oh, yeah, sports fishermen. Very good. It was a great answer. It's a great one. Absolutely great thinking.
And just goes to show you, you know, every question has lots of good answers. So I'm so grateful for you calling in today and you, too, have a great Christmas, Joanne. God bless.
You, too. Yep. Oh, since I got you, are you still there? Yes. Okay.
Have you got any children, grandchildren, anything playing sports? Um, a couple. And if you know any of their numbers, we'll try out Dr. Carson's ability to come up with a Bible verse that they could go by.
No, they don't have numbers. It's more for fun. I don't even know. One plays baseball but not on a school team.
Like T-ball or something, right? Okay. I understand. No, older than that, but they don't have numbers, no. All right. Well, we got to throw one at his way anyway since we got you.
So, you know, if they don't have a number, then that makes the number double zero. Uh-huh. How about that Bible verse, Dr. Carson? I do Psalms 100 on that. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Shout triumphantly to the Lord.
He's not even playing the lyre. I know it. Shout triumphantly to the Lord, all the earth, because we shout when we win, so shout to the Lord. Oh, that's good. That's awesome.
That is awesome. Thank you, Anjali. You're Joanne.
Joanne. Thank you, Joanne. Have a Merry Christmas.
You're welcome. Go Bucks. Bye-bye. Bye. Bye.
I like it. Go Bucks. What Bucks? Ohio State Buckeyes.
Oh, oh, those Bucks. Are they playing in some kind of bowl game or something? They're in the Orange Bowl.
The Orange one. Playing Georgia. Really? Is that like the runner-up bowl? Oh, that's rough.
That's rough. That's rough, probably, because Michigan's playing in the big one. Oh, they should have never lost to Michigan. Oh, I said that word, didn't I?
They're playing Alabama, actually. Up north. Yes. For all you that are Ohio, I used to live there in Columbus, so I've learned some of this language. Yeah, well, my sister lives and worked for the University of Michigan for many, many, many years. So every year, she sends me some type of U of M memorabilia. Right. And I think the first college football game I ever went to in my life, right, she had all this stuff, because my sister's a bit older than me, and so she had me and my dad come to that stadium right after they put the first artificial turf down.
Wow. Right? And they played the Minnesota Golden Gophers.
And I remember just sitting up in the stands laughing hysterically. Who would name their football team Gophers? Like, really? Gophers. Gophers. Apparently the Minnesota Gophers. So I probably upset all sorts of people out there between the Minnesota Gophers, but you know who's a Golden Gopher fan?
Nikita Kolov. And I've asked him that question myself, like, what's up with the Gophers, man? He didn't even rush and tickle me. We'll be right back with a lot more Kingdom Pursuit. Stay tuned. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuit, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And today we're so blessed to have good friends with us.
Dr. Carson, whose birthday it is, by the way, on Christmas Eve Eve, and Rick Powers, not Cole. And you know, Robbie, I was the best Christmas present my mom ever got. I'm sure that's true. Many of us.
Bundle of joy. Yes, absolutely. Wonderful. So have you guys got something coming up with the FCA that people need to be aware of? Yeah, we do, Robbie. In fact, let me add one other thing from our last segment is that also, we're always looking for qualified people who like to volunteer as board members to contribute with their time, their talents and treasure and obviously in their contributions monetarily. So we appreciate that.
Also trying to spread the word. But no, we started here this last quarter in December. We started basically a champions lunch for local businessmen. And I think it was the first Friday in December, I believe, Dr. Carson. We had Dave Rowe, who lives in the area. And Dave Rowe was a Super Bowl champion defensive lineman for the 1975 Oakland Raiders. He played. 76.
Was it 76? And he played at Penn State for Coach Joe Paterno. And if I remember correctly, he was one of his first student athletes that won a Super Bowl. And Dave did a great job talking about his testimony and that, as Dr. Carson has alluded to, you can win the Super Bowl, but. But if you lose your soul, what does that profit you?
And you've got to have a safe soul. You know, one of the most powerful testimonies I've ever heard along those lines, and I'm trying to think of the name, was a defensive back for the Panthers. He probably was, you know, Hall of Fame, All-American, you know, that kind of defensive back for the Panthers.
But he can't not remember his name. But anyway, he gave his testimony one year at the Winston-Salem Rescue Mission banquet. And he talked about the year that they lost the Super Bowl. And he said, you know, you've worked your entire football life to get into the Super Bowl, right?
And if you remember, that thing, they lost it, you know, and could have won by, right, just by a field goal. And he said as soon as it was over, they literally took a rope and pulled us off the field. And you looked up at the scoreboard, there was nothing you could do to change the score. And he said at some point in time in your life, it's over. It's over. And they're going to pull over, and you come off the field.
And there's no, you can't change the scoreboard. And it was like, you can't leave this life on the wrong team. You know, and it was so powerful.
Well, when Dave Rose spoke to us, he told about how when they were playing in the Super Bowl, and they were winning big, I think it was like 32 to 14, and Coach John Madden called him over. And he said, he was a big man, so he always called him big guy. Hey, big guy, do you want me to take you out?
And he's like, what do you mean take me out? Well, the game, I mean, we've got it won, so you could, if we could bring you out and everybody would cheer for you. He said, Coach, no way. I've been watching the Super Bowl for 10 years. I've been waiting to get to this moment. I'm not coming off of the field until the game is over.
And as I heard that, I thought about as Christians, we should never want to come out of the game of life until God takes us home. No matter what age you are. I just turned 63. Give your very best to the very, very end. And so we're having champions, champions lunch.
It'll be February the second. More details would be on our website, Western Triad. And we're going to have Skip Brown. You want to tell about that? Yeah, Skip Brown will be our speaker. Skip is on our local board. A lot of us here in the North Carolina area and Atlantic Coast Conference area will remember that Skip Brown was an All-American guard in basketball.
Back in the late 1970s. Skip's got a great testimony. He's been very influential in our community and regarding FCA and also in the business community. So all you have to do to qualify to come to this luncheon is to be a businessman? Or a person, a business person.
A business person. And you have to register. So is there a women's FCA?
Well, good question, Robbie. It's basically, it's non-denominational. But it's also, we have gender equality also in regards, it's for men and women, boys and girls. So they have girls' huddles?
Yes. Well, they're basically co-ed. They're co-ed. Oh, the huddles are co-ed.
The huddles are co-ed. See, I learned something. And it's a great way for guys to meet girls that are believers and get, you know. See, when I look down at the table at Cracker Barrel, I always see my name right down there on the line. If you don't get four left, it says, just plain ignoray moose. There we go.
I love that, don't you? Good laughter. All right. Well, again, you can find out more about FCA. If you can't remember Western Triad FCA, you can just go to kingdompersuits.com. Look at the link there.
Find out more about that. Thank you so much, Rick. Thank you so much, Dr. Carson. Always fun. And we get to have dinner with you guys tonight, too. We look forward to it. It's a birthday celebration. Thank you. And you guys can be celebrating Christmas Eve, Eve, because up next is an amazing and encouraging prayer.
Christmas, it's his fourth installment, it is, of Christmas prayers, followed by a masculine journey that's out of this world about Christmas movies. And then it's time to man up with Nikita Koloff. It's all happening right here on the Truth Network. This is the Truth Network.
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