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Maoz Israel

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
December 2, 2023 2:02 pm

Maoz Israel

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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December 2, 2023 2:02 pm

Today Robby talks with Shani Ferguson as she shares her story in Israel. 

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Robby Dilmore

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Share it. But most of all, thank you for listening to the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into Kingdom Pursuits.

Now, live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. I often stand amazed at what God provides for us on Kingdom Pursuits. And today is certainly one of those days as we head into the time of year where we celebrate our Savior's birth. Much is going on in the world, especially in Israel. And so he has blessed us today with some really amazing insight, in my view, with Shanee Ferguson, with her organization—I'm gonna try to say this without messing it up—Maoz Israel, making believers strong in Israel. So how did I do, Shanee? I'm very impressed.

The maoz is definitely a hard word for Americans to say. So, and you're actually in Israel today? I am in Israel, so I would say good morning to you, but it is pitch black here in the evening. Oh, okay. Well, we appreciate you taking time to be with us today. As we know, there's a whole lot going on, and we're so grateful for your organization, what they're doing to make believers strong in Israel, which kind of leads into my very first discussion point for you is that, from what I understand, you guys are Messianic Jews? Am I right? Yes.

Yes, we are. And if you could kind of explain to me and everybody else, you know, we're curious, from your perspective, you know, what's the difference between a Messianic Jew and perhaps a Protestant or some other form of Christianity? Right, we generally say evangelicals over here. So the difference is, and it's a larger discussion, but if I try to sum it up, Jews were essentially, you know, in Jeremiah the Lord says, I'm going to make a new covenant with Israel, with the house of Israel. And so when Yeshua Jesus came to earth, he came to offer a new covenant to the Jewish people. That's why it's called the new covenant, because we already had one. And in light of that, as Jews, we accept him as our Messiah. Now, into this Jewish covenant was always the intention of the Lord to be reunited with all of mankind. And so when there was this new covenant, there was the offer to the world in Acts to also engage in this covenant. And those are what we call Christians or Gentiles who are grafted in to the Jewish covenant of the Messiah. And so that's why we call ourselves Messianic Jews, essentially just to establish the fact that, as Jews, we've accepted the Jewish covenant.

And that is separate than the Gentiles who are grafted in. Now, sometimes people, they don't really understand the importance of this separation, but Christian history, and it's just, it's a very, very wider story. But at least in Israel, it's important for us that it's clear that we, as Jews, are accepting a covenant that was offered to the Jewish people.

Darrell Bock Yeah, that's absolutely beautiful, Shania. And I understand, you know, from, I guess, most evangelicals, the word covenant doesn't have the weight that what the Jewish people experience when it comes to that word, because they, you know, they got the first one. And, you know, so much of what, you know, that they experienced in Mount Sinai when they received the law and whatever, you know, as a result of what God offered them is really, really holy and set apart and amazing. And so the weight of you taking on the second covenant.

And so I'm curious, just, you know, and I know we got a lot to talk about Israel, but we got some time to do it. But I love the foundation of what you're talking about, and I think it is really important that when Jesus at the Last Supper, right, he was celebrating a Seder meal to some extent, right? And so— Shania Right, it was the Passover. Darrell Bock And so when he offered that cup of wine, and he said, I'll make you a new covenant in my blood, is that, from your perspective, the covenant we're talking about, the second one? Shania Yes, that was the covenant that he was offering the Jewish people. And it's an interesting conversation I have with a lot of Christians, because I think you're just kind of, you grow up and you hear certain things, and you just kind of assume that that's part of the Scriptures, you know, like, oh, you believe in Jesus? You converted to Christianity, you know. And if you read an Acts, when Peter has that, you know, very famous dream on the rooftop in Jaffa, and he comes to Cornelius, it's— Darrell Bock Right, the lowering of the shrimp.

Shania It's a fascinating—yeah. Someone's like, oh, that's when God said, you know, you can—Jews can eat shrimp. And it's like, no, that's not what he said. He was actually saying, don't call unclean what I'm calling queen. He was talking about the Gentiles, because up to that point, Jews wouldn't have anything to do with Gentiles. And then immediately Cornelius comes, and it's like, Peter needed that affirmation from heaven to go into these Gentiles' home. And even when he did, even in Cornelius, who essentially was chosen because he loved the Jewish people, and he cared for them, and he helped them, he's chosen to be the first Gentile offered into the New Covenant. And so when Peter gets there, he's like, oh, I had this dream. And, you know, Cornelius is like, I have these angels, and they told me to call you.

And he's like, okay, so what do you want to know? Like, it didn't even occur to him to offer him the gospel, because it was only for Jews at the time. It was only for the people of the Covenant. And so it's like this monumental moment in history, where Peter's offering to Cornelius, and then the Holy Spirit comes in. And then when Peter goes back, and he's talking to his fellow other, you know, Jewish believers, and the disciples, they're upset.

They're like, what do you mean? You offered the New Covenant to a Gentile? And he's like, he tells them the story, and it says, and they rejoice because they realized in that moment, oh my goodness, the Gentiles can get on on this too. It was like this really incredible moment in history. So I know it's lost over, but it's, yeah. Oh, I can see your passion for it, and I can see why.

It's gigantic, and it's huge. And in operating where you do, right, it's a very unpopular view, because most of the Jewish people don't think God ever changes, so the idea of another covenant is repulsive to them, right? Um, you know, we've had more than we have the Abrahamic Covenant. I don't think the idea, I mean, in Jeremiah it says I'm going to make a New Covenant.

So the idea of the New Covenant isn't as important. I think a lot of it has to do with misunderstanding, not being educated, having a Christian history where Christians would come and say convert and worship the, you know, three gods or die, and so they said no, we don't. So they have this instinctive aversion to what they think is Christianity, um, lost and, like, centuries and centuries of violence against the Jewish people by Christians. I mean, kind of like how you think of, you know, extreme Muslims today hate Jews, you know how that's kind of like a clear understanding that people have?

That's how it used to be with Christians. So even when today, um, or I would even say like 20 years ago, it's a evangelical Christian would come up and be like, oh, we love Israel, you know, like, we're praying for you. They'd be shocked. They'd be totally shocked, like, what?

We thought you guys weren't gonna kill us. Like, historically, you know, Christians don't study church history as much as Jews do. Jews study history is what we do, you know? So, um, yeah, it's, it's one of those things that I think just happens from lack of knowledge and, you know, I like to say, you know, Christians would say, oh, you know, the Jews rejected Jesus, so the gospel went to the Gentiles.

Well, how did the gospel get to the Gentiles if the Jews didn't take it to them? Right, exactly, exactly. I couldn't agree with you more. So, to the, actually the, you know, certainly what everybody, is on everybody's mind, you know, tell us, um, you guys have been very, very active in this season. God has really, um, opened some doors for you, I would imagine. Can you kind of share with our listeners a little bit about what's going on there?

Yeah, it's, uh, it's definitely been an incredibly difficult time. Um, this is my fourth, I was born and raised in Israel. I know a lot of people hear my accent and they say, you don't sound like it, um, and they can do special accents for you, I promise.

But, um, I, I grew up speaking English and Hebrew and so I don't have any accent in your language, but, um. Unfortunately that music means we've got to go to a break, Shanee. Again, you can see we have got so much for you and Shanee doesn't know I've got to do my jokes, but I know I've been gone for two weeks, so we kind of get to those in a minute, as well as your opportunity to call in and win. So we've got all that coming up, so stay tuned. So much more Kingdom Pursuits coming at you.

You're listening to the Truth Network and Well, welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom, and we are more than blessed today to have Shanee Ferguson with us with, I'm going to try it again, May-ohs. May-ohs. I'm getting the Z. May-ohs. Okay, we got it. Making believers strong, which may-ohs means strength in Hebrew.

Amazing. And, you know, what an amazing ministry you have. But in just the essence of good taste, I don't think I want to do my jokes after we talk about all that's going on in Israel, so I'll do—you don't know this, Shanee, but I have this section called shenanigans that I always do on my show, so listeners can call in and win if they can answer my riddle, which I have a pretty cool riddle today, along these lines.

And hopefully these jokes aren't in too bad a taste under the circumstances, but whenever you're ready. Speaking of Israel, Nick. Yes, it is. And at the end of this, we will have a riddle for you to call in and win. So, along these lines, because I got to always hear my other music that I get to hear in the background. There it is. So, and feel free to jump in on this, Shanee. Nick, of course, these are for you. You know, how do you know when an orange comes from Israel? How do you know when an orange comes from Israel?

Do you know, Shanee? Oh, wow. That seems really deep. It's yummy.

They're awesome, by the way, but it's when they're really tangy and Hasidic. Ah, yeah. That's pretty good.

That's pretty good. And I bet you know this one, Nick. I'm thinking you do, anyway. Why does Google love Israel? Why does Google love Israel?

Yeah. Have you heard that one, Shanee? We invented the Intel. It's because Israel's leader is not N'Yahu. And one of my personal all-time favorite jokes about Israel. How does an Israeli camel hide itself? You know, it's there, it's got to get hidden.

How does it do that? Yeah, you should have thought it quicker. It's camel camouflage. Nice, nice. That's actually very good.

And helps you get over the hump, actually. And of course, you don't want to talk about original sin too much, you know, especially you know, in Israel. But when you do, you know, in Israel, what they call that?

The original sin? Yeah, you Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv, Eve. Okay, okay. All right, now here comes the actual riddle that you can call in and win today. And I'm very excited to share this, especially with Shanee on the phone.

If you want to switch to my, you know, there you go. Here comes the actual riddle to call in and win. When Jesus answered, what was the first commandment, actually in the book of Luke, was when he was asked that very specific question. He had a very Israeli answer to it, actually.

His answer has Israel in it. So what was Jesus's answer when he was asked, what was the first commandment? If you can call that, if you can win, you can win if you call that. At 866-348, you can tell I'm not warmed up yet. It takes a while.

You know, I've just been back, you know, a short while. But 866-348-7884, 866-344-TRUTH. When Jesus answered, what was the first commandment in the book of Luke, it has Israel in it, and it is real. Okay. But what was his answer? Not many people quote the beginning of it. They just quote the end of it.

866-348-7884. So getting back to what was really, I'm dying to know, like what we started to get into before the break, Shanee, is, you know, what you see going on in Israel, how we should be praying, you know, what would you want us to know that would be helpful for the people here in America. Right, right. And I do want to say, I know you kind of jumped from war to jokes, but you should know that in Israel, laughter is how we stay sane during difficult times, so it is entirely appropriate.

Oh, good. Yeah, actually the things we laugh about are like, we don't need anybody to know we're laughing about this. It's just what you do to stay sane.

Anyone who's ever gone through a really, really difficult time will find that your sense of humor is a bit. Anyway, yeah, so the, you know, it's, this is the worst time in Israel's modern history, certainly the worst in my lifetime. I've been through four wars. Of course, military operations, we can't even count how many because those happen every couple of years.

But my first war, I was three years old, and my dad fought in the Lebanese war. Then there was the Gulf War, then the Second Lebanese War, and now this. And the reason this one is so terrible on so many different levels, and it's really just a larger conversation, but just the intensity of it, of October 7, the hostage situation that is seemingly never ending, and the attacks from literally every border that we have from Gaza, from Lebanon, from Syria, from Yemen that aren't even on our border, and the weapons smuggling from the Jordan border.

So it's very much we feel honed in on every side. And the international pressure, obviously, is incredible in terms of the lives of Jews being threatened outside the country. So it has given an opportunity for believers to help and serve in this country in a way that before we haven't, like I was saying earlier, the history of Christians and those who claim the name of Yeshua, Jesus, is very dark in the minds of Jewish people.

And so a lot of times when, as Jewish believers, we've tried to engage government officials or city officials, they've been very, very skittish. And so this particular time, because everyone is just so desperate, and this is so jarring and so traumatizing, we have had open doors all over the place. And one of the things that we've been able to do is engage the city of Ranana, which is the city northeast of Tel Aviv. It's near the green line, which means they're just a few minutes from Arab villages that are hostile. And they have absorbed thousands of the evacuees. There's been Jews evacuated from the southern border near Gaza. Hundreds of thousands of Jews evacuated from northern border.

And they've just fled to hotels and hostels and gone to live with friends or family elsewhere in the country. But there's almost no place in the country that hasn't been fired on with rockets, hasn't been attacked by terrorists. We just had a terrorist attack in Jerusalem, the entrance to it.

We live just outside Jerusalem, so it's an area we go by all the time. And they almost claimed that. So that means that they have people in this country with citizenship that are part of their organization. And so all these evacuees and all these displaced people, everyone with their life, in just complete question mark, we have come and said, you know, asthma owes, we've said, hey, we're Messianic Jews, we want to serve, we love our country, and how can we help?

And of course, some of my team are actually been called up as reserve, so they're fighting in the war. But as an organization, we've had an outpouring of Christians from overseas saying, how can we help, we don't want to just pray and sit here, we want to do something. And so they've been giving, and we were able to come and say we can help in there. City of Ron Ana said, we met with the mayor, he said, we want to build a school for those who have been evacuated from down south, they're going to be here, potentially for another year, maybe more, because the fighting is going to go on for so long. We went up to Nazareth, which is actually in Arab City today, but it is an Israeli Arab city. And they've received evacuees from the northern border. And we went to Tifat, which is also in northern Israel. And there's just kids from all like villages all over the country that are displaced.

And we said we want to help. So we've gotten them educational equipment, printers, papers, books, I don't know if anybody has ever been, you know, I think quarantine might be the closest thing that people can relate to. But just that displaced feeling where you don't know what you're going to do and you don't know how long it's been the last and you're stuck somewhere where you aren't usually supposed to be a lot of these families don't know if they have homes to go back to.

A lot of these areas are closed military zones. So someone will just come in and say, hey, let's build a school, we're actually going to have the school up before Christmas. We're really excited about that, because that is essentially us offering these families a sense of normality. The the trauma factor is huge right now on a national level.

I don't even know how to describe it. Because it like, is there such a thing as a whole country that's been traumatized? Is there like a study done on an entire country that that is in the state that it is right now because of October seven. So we have these children that experienced October seven, and they're in these hotels. And we're going to offer them a school where they can study and they can be with friends. And there's going to be a bomb shelter right there. In case we have rockets there, and their families are nearby. Because taking care of this trauma factor is significant, is important right now. For people who are familiar with PTSD, and it's absolutely huge. You know, you don't know this, Shani, but I work with Lantern Rescue.

And we've done a whole ton of interviews with the people of Ukraine, that a lot of them have been misplaced. And it's interesting the things that God has provided as far as animal therapy and stuff, because they have the exact same problems you just described up there as well. So I'm excited.

The music says we got to go to another break. But you can tell God is hard at work in the midst of this. And you can rest assured, He's got a job for all of us. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom, and we're beyond blessed today to have with us Shani Ferguson with May-Oz.

Did I get it right this time? Israel. Ma-Oz.

Ma-Oz, I'm eventually hot. Don't get it. Don't get it. It's all right.

It's all good. So I'm very excited, because we have Orlando, who's in High Point, who he thinks he knows when Jesus answered what the first commandment is real. And it has Israel in it. What did he say, Orlando? Well, I think it's the Shema. It's the same thing when they asked him what is the greatest commandment. You couldn't be—that was a great answer, Orlando.

I'm very proud of you. Shema Israel, right? Yeah, Shema Israel.

Yeah. And then he said— That's the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength. And you should love your neighbor as yourself. The Lord God is one.

Ahad, right? So, Shani, that's the beautiful understanding of that. And they're so connected, right? They are.

They are. And I think that just takes us right back to the very beginning, where Yeshua came, Jesus came to earth, and he was speaking to Israel. And he said, this is the commandment addressing Israel.

Your God is one God. And you know what this is? This is the statement. This is the verse that every Jew on this planet that knows anything about their history knows. It is the first thing you learn.

It is the most spoken. It is the greatest statement. It's what soldiers, when they take an action and they know they're going to die, like they're jumping on a grenade, they say that scripture. Hero is the Lord our God. The Lord is one.

Oh, I know. And there is an absolutely beautiful video on YouTube of the Shema, that there was a group that did a song that had to do with the poor Jews that were in Germany. And as they were going to the ovens, essentially, they were singing the Shema on their way to dying, right? Because this is at the heart of who they are.

It is. And I think any time we experience this persecution, and you should know that as much as this is horrifying on every level, the way anti-Semitism is rising, it's like this in every generation. We sing about it, that in every generation someone rises up to try to kill a Jewish people, and our God comes through and rescues us. It's literally what we do for an existence, is hang on to our God for survival.

Darrell Bock Yeah, and I just like, I'm so grateful that God has, you know, essentially raised your ministry for such a time as this. And this season, as you couldn't have hit the nail on the head better, because the trauma of every single person worrying every minute that they could die, you know, as they were hearing those sounds, that we have no way of understanding in this country. As a missile is coming overhead, is that the sound of an anti-missile that's going after that missile, or is that the sound of a missile that may actually hit the ground? And, you know, will I have time to get to a bomb shelter, and to live under that is worse than living under COVID?

Rachel Teagle Yes, I think COVID, you could kind of close yourself in your house, and, you know, as long as you're there, the threat is a small virus. But, you know, you're right, there are explosions on a regular basis. Sometimes they happen, and there isn't a siren because it's actually the iron dome blowing them up in the sky. So even I live an hour away from Tel Aviv, and I can hear when the iron dome takes out rockets in Tel Aviv. We went down, down south actually near Gaza to help with the harvest and something maybe your listeners aren't familiar with, but there's been an agriculture crisis in the country because Hamas, you know, attacked our food supply, not just our people, you know, ripped open chicken coops and everything, and essentially took out all these villages down south where most of our agriculture takes place also up north. But we went down to help with the harvest because we didn't, we had a huge lack in labor. And so Israelis have been going down, volunteering their time, doctors, lawyers, high-tech workers, take off time from work and go down and harvest because if we don't harvest, we won't have food. But you can hear the explosions in Gaza the whole time.

And it's just, I want to say, like, I grew up and, you know, my mom said, you know, every region has its problems. We have terrorists, they have hurricanes, you know, like everybody's got their problems and you just learn to deal with it. But I think it's just something that we have such a strong confidence in the God of Israel that we know we're going to win. We know we're going to win this war. We always win the war. It's just, we can take heavy hits, we can take serious losses, but the Jews always survive because their gods said it would be so.

And that's the end of the story. So with that confidence, we take our step every day. You know, my daughter was just drafted into the army this week and she turned 18, now belongs to my nation and my nation's history. And we're super proud. She's going into combat.

They've shortened the training because they have, you know, need for soldiers in this war. But it's just, I do it with, you know, I send her out with confidence knowing that this is just the price we have to pay to be Israel. Darrell Bock What's her name, Shani? Shani Yeah, I-L-L-I-T, elite. Just like the word elite, like e-l-i-t-e is spelled differently.

Darrell Bock Right. So we can pray just real quick, all of us. Like, Lord, thank you for elite. And I thank you for her courage. I thank you for the call on her life. And I ask that you would just bless her, bless her, her ministry right there in the army in Israel. And I pray that you would put your hands of protection around her. I pray that you would catch her mother's heart through what I know has to be a traumatic time in that. But Lord, we just pray that you would bless the works of her hands, that you would make your face to shine on her and protect her as she's in this struggle. And Lord, on all of our hearts, would you please give us a burden for what it is that you would have us do either in prayer or financial gifts, whatever that you may put on our hearts for this ministry in this time. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. So Shani, along those lines, how, people that wanna give financially, how could they do that for you guys? Shani Okay.

Well, you know, as you can see, m'oz is a difficult word to say. And so what we actually did for the war efforts was we got And that's the easiest way to get into the war relief efforts. Darrell Bock Israel Needs Me. Wonderful. Shani And from there, obviously, the whole website's available to them.

We have 45 years of stuff that we've been doing in this country. It's very fascinating. Darrell Bock Yeah, their website is spectacular. And there's also a link at It's under actually... Yeah, it's under Israel, m'oz Israel. And so again, Darrell Bock And you can see from the beginning what all they've been doing and what they're still doing and how you can link up with that, how you can pray for them and all that.

And we still have another segment, but I wanted to get that out. When I heard about your daughter, like, oh my goodness, I have no sense of one of my children, you know, going into such a thing where we know that the enemy, which is essentially Satan, has taken no prisoners when it comes to punishing Israel for all they've brought to the world. Shani Yeah, well, we don't take any prisoners either. Darrell Bock Well said, yeah, that's true.

Shani We always... I had some friends that were like, I don't know how this is going to come across, but hold our beer. We've been dealing, like, for thousands of years with people trying to destroy us, and it just hasn't worked. So it's not a fun thing. We don't like to do that. We like to raise our families. We like to create.

We like to invent. If you know anything about Israel in general, that's what we like to do with our time. But if you're going to come and threaten our families... Darrell Bock Right.

Well, we got to go to another break. We will be back with another segment again with Shani Ferguson and Announcer You're listening to the Truth Network and Darrell Bock Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom.

And I know that his passion has always been for his people, whether we're grafted in or whether they're the seed of Abraham, however that works out into your life. We've got such a wonderful treat today we've had with Shani Ferguson, and we're going to just say I could do that, you know, with complete confidence. Announcer You could do that all day. Darrell Bock And so, wow, Shani, I am so honored that you would take the time for the Truth listeners today. And so we got just one little segment left. I want to make sure you get said anything else that you wanted to get out to our listeners today.

Shani Ferguson Sure. First of all, it's a privilege to be on here. I appreciate the opportunity to speak to people in the U.S. I know the news is fascinatingly focused on issues that aren't necessarily issues we're dealing with here.

But first of all, I want to thank Christians in the U.S. because we've never had such an outpouring of support as a nation, as a ministry, but also as a nation. And I really think that, you know, I wrote on my Facebook a few weeks ago, I said, if you ever wondered what you would have done if you were alive in the time of Nazi Germany, it's what you're doing right now. How you're responding right now is the same mode. It's the same atmosphere. It's the same uprisings and interactions and people supporting and against. And how you're responding right now, whether you don't care at all, whether you're actively doing something, that's where you can place yourself back then.

And I, first of all, I appreciate it. Second of all, I would encourage those who haven't spoken up, who have some sort of like, well, you know, I could, it could affect my, my political standing, or it could affect my job or whatever. Because Esther was, was spoken and given a moment in time where she could use her influence in a way that would change the world and a way that would put her down in history as an epic woman of strength. And she made that decision. And her, her uncle Mordecai said, God is going to save the Jewish people anyway. The question is, do you want to be a part of, of it? Because you might actually be in danger if you don't step in and use your influence right now.

That's how he explained it to her. But who knows if God put you in this place for such a time as this. And that's what I would say to Christians, wherever they are, and whatever sphere of influence they have, they are there for a reason, not just for fun, not just for fame, whether you're known or unknown, your circle of influence is significant for this time in history, history being written right now, the Jewish, the Jewish history is long, the Jewish memory. We tell our stories from generation to generation. We wrote the Bible, like our history is down in print, because we remember it so well. And we tell it and we hold significance to it. So how Christians behave today, doesn't matter. And we will tell about it in the future. That's one thing that I encourage in terms of praying because a lot of Christians have asked how to pray.

I'll say it short because I don't know how much time I have. But first of all, for the people in Gaza, it's a very, very complicated position that they are in because Hamas has set up their entire militant, terroristic organization in such a way that in order to take them out, you have to get past or through civilians. They do it on purpose because they know that Israel cares about life and they know that we don't want to hurt anybody. And so they, on a regular basis, if you ever see their leadership, they walk around with children in public because they know that Israel won't take them out as long as there's children standing there. So trying to remove them from our borders because we can't have them on our borders when they threaten us the way they did on October 7, trying to remove them is a very painful experience for Israel as much as it is for Gaza.

And so the prayer that I have is kind of how Abraham saw when he spoke to the angels about Sodom and Gomorrah. Can you rescue the righteous? Can we rescue the righteous? I just explained to you what an innocent civilian is uninvolved is, it would take too much time. It's not how the West understands innocent civilians. They don't function that way in the Middle East. If you notice, there's no protest in Arab countries, these pro-Palestinian protests, because nobody in the Middle Eastern countries would buy that nonsense.

They're all doing it to fool the West. So I would just say, pray that God would rescue the righteous in Gaza, the clearest kind of simplest focused prayer that I can have for them. Darrell Bock Yeah. And let me jump in here for a second and just tell you that it's so easy. Darrell Bock You just go, Israel Needs Me, I just actually did it while she was talking, and go to, and then it says Emergency War Relief Fund, right? Join me in supporting that, right? Like, what an opportunity God gave us in this particular moment. Ask God what he would have you do, right?

In prayer, what he would have you do financially for Israel in this moment, because we all are esters. And so, oh my goodness, Shani, Shani, I can't tell you what it means to me personally, right? Shani Yeah, yeah.

Darrell Bock Absolutely. Shani Thank you. Darrell Bock You are so gifted to speak for the messianic Jews everywhere. I am so honored that you would be on, and you made things so clear for me. Thank you so much. And for my listeners, we thank you. And now, you guys listening, you get so much treat because you got Encouraging Prayer with James Banks coming up, followed by Masculine Journey. It starts here now at 12 o'clock for those in Winston-Salem. And again, I am so grateful for all of you that listen. Enjoy The Truth Network. Thank you again, all of us. God bless.
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