This is Rodney from the Masculine Journey Podcast where we explored manhood within Jesus Christ. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Sit back, enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together, we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into Kingdom Pursuits. Now, live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. Wow, what a show we have lined up for you today on Kingdom Pursuits.
I can't even be more fun than to have one of my best friends with me. So we have Andy Thomas here with the Masculine Journey. And we also have Eileen Koff, which we'll get to her in a second. But Andy is, if you listen to this network regularly, one of the hosts of Masculine Journey Radio. And of course, if you listen to that ever, you would know that we have a boot camp coming up. When is it, Andy? November 16th to the 19th. Yeah, and as I would tell you, it's boot camp E-V-V-V-V-V-V, right? I mean, it's coming up Thursday night, this Thursday night.
So you got plenty of time to go to and register. But we're definitely going to be sharing about what I know for both Andy and I, of all the things that I can say I experienced on the other side of my salvation. Nothing has done for my heart, you know, what boot camp did.
And what continues to do, because I do it twice a year, at least. Yeah, I remember when you, you know, when I first met you, this was just one of the many things that you did. And I knew you as a Christian car guy way before Masculine Journey and all. And what really got me about it was just the fact that you do say that this is probably the thing that brings your heart alive more than anything, any of your other ministries or connection points or anything.
Because it was kind of the foundational, maybe the fuel that drove a lot of other stuff or fuels that, I guess. And you can hear, if you listen to any other shows, he bleeds out the masculine journey onto those other shows. Yeah, I guess, you know, it clearly is. Because so much of what you will experience at boot camp, you'll have a chance to go in and then you get to share it with us, right? And you think of all the guys that are in the ministry now, most of the voices that you'll hear on the masculine journey, you know, came as a result of either Truth Radio or some connection with what we do.
And then after several boot camps, like man, I mean, this is the place to be. So part of that, in order to make it to boot camp, you have to get organized. And so, you know, we're very blessed, especially this time of year, if there's ever a time we need to get organized, we have Eileen Koff with us. And she's the author of Getting Organized, God's Way. So Eileen, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning.
Be with you. Yeah. Yeah. What a courageous thing to write a book, Getting Organized, God's Way. That's not my way. I understand. That's not like all the other books that you have on it either.
I'm sure it's, I'm guessing it's not. But actually, from what I understand, you've got a gigantic planning background as well. Yes, I do. I began my professional organizing business in 1998, way before it was cool. That was way before I was organized.
And it still is. So Eileen, you've never heard my show. Andy has, I'm sure. But you're fixed to get a little example of what goes on. We call them shenanigans. And so speaking of getting organized, I have some jokes for you. Okay. Oh, great. Great. It is time to play shenanigans. Yes. So along those lines, we have our music. You know, there you go. So I don't know if you thought about this, Andy. Nick, feel free to chime in here. But why don't your heart, lungs and intestines get mixed up? You know, you got your heart and your lungs, your intestines. Why don't they get mixed up?
Got any ideas? Eileen? Why they don't get mixed up? Right. Well, I guess because God put them in order. Sort of.
See, truly, they're organ-ized. Yeah, of course. All right. Yes, yes.
Here you go. So here's a little hint for all of us. How do you know how to organize a selfish secret Santa?
So there is a way to do it. To organize a selfish secret Santa. So you got any ideas on that one, Andy? Have you put this together for anybody? Eileen, you know, the selfish secret Santa, have you organized that?
I can't even pronounce it. Here you go. Here you go. You might want to write this down because this might be really fun. You put your own name on ten pieces of paper and have everybody pick one. And my understanding is it works like a slot machine.
I don't know who's brain came up with that, but I want to talk to you. That's organized, right? Yes. So you may have guessed this.
My wife would tell you that, you know, I actually have Eileen's book on how to get organized God's way in my house. You know what my problem is, Andy? You can't find it.
I don't know where I stored it. Yeah. There you go.
That's the whole problem. So I know you're going to love this one and feel free to use it at any time you want to, Eileen. And you may have already, you may have already known it, but do you know what you call an organized superhero? Oh my goodness. Yes.
I've heard this before. Mr. Impressive? Yeah. It would be Mr.
Impressive. I think he's that too. You got it, Andy? No. Captain Planet.
Captain Planet. Yes. I definitely think I'm going to use this as a chapter. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There you go.
You definitely should have that. So at the end of my shenanigans, we always have a riddle for you to call in and win today. And so a little biblical, you know, riddle for you.
So again, we've got a special muse there for you to go. In the book of Proverbs, what did Solomon call the disorganized person? So in the book of Proverbs, what did Solomon call a disorganized person? If you know that, you can call us at 866-34-TRUTH, 866-348-7884. And if they guess it, Nick, tell them what they'll win.
Absolutely. You will be winning a great prize from our Kingdom Pursuits prize vault. And the prize vault is open wide today. Let me tell you how wide the prize vault is open. Not only will you receive a copy of the wonderful, amazing book by our own author, Getting Organized God's Way, but on top of that, and there's more, Johnny.
There's way more. You will get a free masculine journey boot camp, $199 value. All you have to do is call in today.
And this is for this boot camp. It's coming up next Thursday evening. You only have to take Friday off. So you come to dinner Thursday night, and the boot camp starts, and then you come all day Friday, all day Saturday. All those meals are included.
All the stuff is included. We will be fishing. We will be shooting. We will be shooting each other with Airsoft, if possible, if you've always wanted to shoot Robbie. If that's been a dream of yours. You don't like my jokes. You're like my wife. You're like thinking, this has got to go. This is your opportunity. Come play Airsoft, Andy.
Maybe that's why you bleed masculine journeys. You've been shot so many times. So all you have to do is call in at 866-348-7884. In the book of Proverbs, what did Solomon call the disorganized person?
He had a word for it I kind of liked. 866-348-7884. Yes, we want to give away this boot camp if you've been wanting to go in. I would point out as well, Andy, has anybody ever guessed wrong in the history of kingdom pursuits?
I don't believe so. You have great guessers. You're a shoo-in with whatever you come in with. I believe we can make it work.
866-348-7884. So if you've been wanting to go to a boot camp, here is your opportunity. And believe me, we will have so much fun. My brother's going to be there. And you know what, Andy?
You'll verify this. He's the one of us that has a personality. I think you both were gifted in the personality area. Yeah, you guys are fun together to talk about your childhood. Childhood shenanigans and all sorts of levels.
My poor mom. So 866-348-7884. We're going to have a lot more on Eileen's book, Getting Organized God's Way, What a Good Thing to Do This Time of Year, as well as a Mask on Journey boot camp. So much more, Kingdom Pursuits, coming at you. Stay tuned.
You're listening to the Truth Network and Well, welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And today, how fun. We have Eileen Koff with us. She's the author of Getting Organized God's Way, No Better Time to Do That.
And then a couple weeks before Thanksgiving, Andy Thomas for the Mask on Journey, with their boot camp coming up actually this weekend, starting November 16th through the 19th Sunday. And we're giving one of those away, by the way, $199 value if you call in and guess our riddles. So speaking of that, we have Grateful 66, who thinks she may have the answer.
And I'll bet she does. So Grateful, you're right. Yes, it doesn't have a humorous twist to it. I just lacking wisdom. There you go.
You couldn't you couldn't be more right. He did lack wisdom, along with the many other things that are made to I still do, obviously. And so did you have somebody we could give the boot camp of some man in your life?
Father, brother, sister, significant other. Well, what about me? Yeah, yeah, it is. OK, never mind. But we do have a book for you. You do have somebody. OK.
Yes. So I'm going to put you back on hold. And Nick will get your information so we can get up with him to see if he wants to come. Plus, you have the book coming, Getting Organized. I love it. I love that. I've got to write that down. I'm not going to remember jokes. How did the organs keep from being confused?
God had an organ knife. That's right. I love it. You all give so much joy and I appreciate it.
You just don't you don't have any idea. Oh, we appreciate you. And we're so grateful that you called in and went and you won. So. All right. Thank you so much. Thank you.
I'm going to put you back on hold and away we go. So. All right, brother. God bless. So. Again, there are other answers and I've checked with the judges and we may have another boot camp to give away. If you happen to have need of it, then we have one and we would love to see you out there. And it's at Carolina Bible Camp.
And like we said, it's coming up this Thursday. And it changed my life. It changed yours, Andy. And not in the way that you thought, because at the time you were struggling with your marriage. God had something else for you.
Yeah. This there was there was that. And that's kind of what got me looking. But there was always this thing in my heart where I felt like, you know, it wasn't my dad kind of wasn't in my life as in my adolescence. And even though I knew he loved me, he was out of state and I didn't get fathered well in a lot of different ways. And I was looking for something. I just felt like an incomplete man.
Maybe the term sometimes you hear is an uninitiated man. And I just I felt like I didn't carry a lot of God's strength. I'd been all around the gospel and and all. And it had changed my life. But there were still some I think probably it led me more to anything to really find God as my father. But the whole the whole the book I read really changed my life. And then to know that you can go.
This typically goes these boot camps started in Colorado, where the authors from, and they brought everybody there. And I had but I found one right here in my backyard after reading the book. And when I did, I found a bunch of friends in the ministry.
And actually, I never have missed a boot camp since all this started. And I became I got part of the ministry now. And it truly has changed my life. And it really filled in those things. And I think the reason I stuck with it, I thought it was going to be one and done or a few and done. And I did move on to something else or whatever, like I had it in a lot of things in my life.
But it changed my life so much I wanted to not only continue to be changed, but also to invest in others and help them see find the life that I found in it. Right. And we've seen it time and time and time again. So I got to see we do have another caller coming in. In the meantime, I want to get back to Eileen, because we got to find out how to get organized God's way. I mean, everybody, everybody wants to know, Eileen, is there a Reader's Digest version?
No, I'm just kidding. Well, I like what you said about, you know, the answer was to gaining wisdom, you know. And that's what prayerfully this Bible study, it's not just a book here. It's a study, because transformation really takes place in a group.
Oh, I love that. You're right. It's a community, right? Yeah, it's a community, because what we are lacking sorely is wisdom in our disorganization. And that was perfect, because the world has taught us, you know, the complete opposite of what God says.
And we don't even recognize that. And gaining his wisdom through biblical, through the scripture on why he is a God of order, and how he expects his children to understand that. And as they gain that wisdom, like you said, like your other guests said, you know, a book can change your life. This study is a practical application of the things that scripture says. In other words, one example is when he gives Joshua the lamb.
He says, the lamb's yours, Joshua. You're going to get it. But not in one day, because if you take this thing all in one day, what's going to happen? All the wild beasts and things are going to come back and devour it. Well, it's the same thing in organizing. If you decide, okay, I'm going to do this in like one weekend or one sitting, what's going to happen?
All the wild beasts and the clutter is just going to come right back. So taking it from a practical… I've experienced that wild beast. Yes. Amen. And so taking it from a real practical application, looking at scripture as to how do I live my life? You know, it's not just by talking. It's not just by, you know, speaking it, but it's by doing it. We're not just hearers of the word.
We are doers of the word. And that's what this study is to actually get you not just listening, not just, you know, talking about it, but actually how God is looking at you as to how are you living it on your day to day in your sock drawer? Yes, I do talk about your sock drawer. Oh, my father would be proud. My father was one of those, oh my gosh. I never, every single, like I inherited his closet.
He would be ashamed if he saw it today. It's, but he was like, man, I mean, I can picture the whole thing, but I have to like, man. So you were, in other words, you were a planner, you did all these things as a profession. And so when God opened up his word to you, you had to be like, oh, I know that.
I mean, like you got to see this stuff like, I can imagine it was like light bulbs going off like crazy. Absolutely. Yeah, well, early on before I actually wrote the study, I was the education and devotion director for a group I have found called Faithful Organizers. And we're organizers, professional, Christian professional organizers all over the United States.
Really? Yeah, and we got our website. And so I was their education devotion director for many, many years, from 07 to 015. And every month I would write a devotion on, you know, on what God says about getting organized. So that kind of was the, you know, impetus for me to put all of these things together and create a Bible study on this. So yeah, I've been doing this, you know, looking at, so when you said, you know, when you're writing this, when you're looking at scripture, don't look at it through Eileen's viewpoint.
Look at it through a professional organizer's point of view. And that, and like you said, the light bulbs just went off like crazy because there is so much in scripture. I mean, did you know that the tabernacle in Exodus, there are more, there's more, what would you call it, there's more description in how to build a tabernacle.
Oh, the details are phenomenal. And the details in that, it's ten chapters. And there's only two in creation. Yeah, because even, you know, and I don't know if you know this Eileen, but it's an absolutely beautiful thing, that the tribe of Dan was the last to leave. And the word Dan means judge, right? And the reason they were the last to leave was their job to judge the area to make sure that nobody got left behind.
And so it was organized in such a way that like here comes this group, the cleanup group, right, to make sure there's no lost sheep. Well, that word Dan, the word Dan in Hebrew makes up the letter Tav, which is the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet. And if you look at the first, excuse me, the last verse of the 119 Psalm says, we like sheep have gone astray. The last verse meaning Tav is the last letter in the alphabet. This is the last verse in Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible. And what does it say? We like lost sheep have gone astray, right? What's it telling us?
That God is so organized, man, that he's taken all this stuff and put his stamp, which is kind of what the Tav means, of organization on all of that. It's beyond anything of our wildest dreams, isn't it? Yep, for sure. Hey, if you don't mind me jumping in here, too.
Please. This organization thing has been something on my arm. I think it's cool that I ended up on this show because my garage is a mess and it's been a mess and I don't throw anything out and that's been a big problem for it.
I've been, I've shuffled boxes for years and stuff. But going back to, you know, she mentioned the tabernacle. There's also the temple.
I was reading in Chronicles today, or this week, about the definition of what they did. And God just didn't set up, like in the temple, just a place for the sacrifice and the Ark of the Covenant and all. There was rooms prescribed for organization for where they put this. And you can imagine with all the sacrificing and stuff, there's a lot of equipment. There's a lot of gear and stuff like that. That needs to be done.
And he prescribed, you know, these rooms for them. Oh, we're having fun on Kingdom Pursuits. I hate we got to go to a break, Eileen. But I'm here. I'm so excited to hear about your community. I know everybody is like, man, how do we get this book? How do we get more information? We're going to get to all that.
And we got one person that hasn't gotten their boot camp yet. And you're knowing you should call and tell me what if Solomon called this person. You got to tell us 866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH. We'll be right back.
You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And how fun today we have, as you've heard, Eileen Koff.
She's the author of Getting Organized God's Way. And we're all hoping to bite off a little piece of that before we end up Thursday. Andy Thomas with us, my good friend with Masculine Journey Boot Camp, which is coming up again this Thursday. And speaking of that, we have Ray Fisher, who's calling in from Willow Springs, who got an answer for our riddle, I hope. So, Ray, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning.
Good morning. So, what did you think Solomon called the disorganized? He said, go to the ant, though, sluggard. I like that.
Sluggard, yes. And later that was coined in the movie Back to the Future. That's so wonderful.
So, Ray, I'm hoping you can make the boot camp. What is it? It is coming up. It'll start Thursday night, and then it goes on all day Friday and all day Saturday. This is coming Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and then it's over at noon on Sunday. It's the 16th through the 19th. What time is it? I mean, where is it and what time? Oh, it's at Carolina Bible Camp, which is in Mocksville, North Carolina, not terribly far from Winston-Salem. And like I said, it starts about four or five o'clock.
If you give Nick, our producer, your email address, we will get you more information than you can read on the subject. And again, you don't have to commit to it right this minute. You can talk about it, pray about it, whatever. We will just assure you that you will have life changing is the way that most people would describe it. But most of all, it's about what God's going to do that weekend, because you're going to have a chance to spend time with God maybe like I know I never had prior to a boot camp.
And God will be the one that makes the difference. And so when I look at the priorities of my own life, you know, I want to give God precious time. And I think it's really worth it. So I hope you'll come, Ray. Yeah, it may work out. My wife and I are taking her brother's widow back to Tennessee on Thursday. But then it lasts through Sunday.
It's over right at about 11, 12 o'clock on Sunday, yes. But if you need to leave early or if you need to come late, whatever you need to do, just, you know, obviously we would love to have you. I'm going to put you back on hold and then… So you're going to email the information to me? We sure will.
I'm pretty sure I can do that and look forward to it. Oh, me too. I'm going to look forward to meeting you, Ray.
God bless. So we're going to put you back on hold and we are moving on to Miss J, who would very much like to answer the riddle. So Miss J, you are on Kingdom Pursuits now. So what would your answer be to go to the ant, you sluggard?
You know, this really got me because there's so many places in it. But I'm thinking about Proverbs 7. I believe something about the beginning of the wisdom, it's to fear God. Right. You know, the knowledge.
And that has to come first. And just like when Solomon was setting up the holy temple, he put out the tribes. I believe he was the one who put the 12 tribes on there and told them how to do it. It was organization, you know, throughout. But the beginning, they had to fear him. They had to know who he was when he was going.
They were going into the holy places in there. Nothing can. I'm going to ask Eileen in a second, Miss J, but I'm pretty sure that learning to prioritize is a secret organization. And if God is priority, I think then things kind of fall together after that.
Then you get your organs organized. You know what I'm saying, Miss J? It's just how it goes, you know?
And I think your heart's like key to the whole deal. Jethro was saying something to, I think it was Moses. He was telling him when he saw him, trying to acknowledge how he looked. Oh, you're exactly right. Yeah. Absolutely. He was telling him, you know, listen, you've got to put some assignments in place, you know, and pick the people there, you know, and pick the head over there and let this bring the real heavier ones to me. That's exactly right, and it's amazing.
He went on to Beverly Hills to really, you know, become a millionaire. Delegate, Moses, delegate. Delegate, yes, delegate. Thank you, Miss J. You have a great day.
We're going to get you the book. I got it. God bless. I love you.
Thank you so much. Bye-bye. All right, so getting back to Eileen, I hope. We don't want to lose Eileen.
This is critical, this husband. So, Eileen, I know that Andy, me, and everybody on the planet would like to know, those of us who are box shufflers, right? What do we do about that? Oh, I love that question because just let you know you're not alone. I mean, like you just said, you know, you're just like everybody else. So I always say when I'm doing my speaking that there is no judgment here. The world has taught us the exact opposite of, you know, what God says. And either, you know, generationally or through the TV or through everything else, the world has bombarded our brain and, you know, it's not your fault.
And I always say when I'm doing my speaking, I'm a person that's just holding up a stop sign. And I'm just saying, okay, now, what we do is, you know, how we think is what we do. But how we think is predicated upon what we believe to be true. So if we believe that more stuff is going to make us richer or, you know, it's going to make us better, then we get more stuff. And that's what the world has infiltrated our brain in thinking that materialism is going to make us happy.
And we know that God says absolutely the opposite in so many ways. And so this is the year, this is the time of the year of Thanksgiving. And let's break down that word, thanks and giving. And so when we have all those boxes, you know, all over the place, let's think about this for just a second. Everything that you have in those boxes in some form or fashion was made by God. I mean, you got the stuff because God gave you the income to be able to buy the stuff.
The stuff could be, you know, made by hand. It could be all kinds of things that you have literally in the purpose-driven life. Rick Winter says everything belongs to God. Everything belongs to God. And how are you taking care of what he has given you? He's looking to see, are you honoring and respecting what he has? Are you just shoving it away as, you know, because you think, you know, someday I'm going to need it when, you know, that someday just never happens.
I am. Eileen, I just want to say some stuff real quick because this is just too good to be true. First of all, that is genius. I mean, it's just genius.
Thanksgiving, like, yeah, I mean, what an opportunity to give that stuff that's in that box to somebody that actually would cherish it and love it. And the genius of that is absolutely unbelievable. And let me point out that Eileen is a speaker. Okay, and she will come to your church or she will come to your group and there she will share such wisdom as like, this alone was worth the price of me coming to the studio today.
I mean, oh my goodness, this Thanksgiving idea is just absolutely astounding. That's wisdom and a half, isn't it? Yeah, when she was talking about shuffling boxes, I was like, oh, here we go.
She's stepping on top. And then she said she didn't judge me. That's right, that's right.
She eased the pain. Yeah, well, you know what? I judge myself enough just on doing that because I've been through the same thing of shuffling, you know, every time and again. Man, this is so awesome, but I did want to get the word out for you, Eileen, that one of the things that she does, besides her book, Getting Organized God's Way, which is at, you can order it right there. If you want to go to the boot camp, if you didn't get a chance to call in, you can go to, and there you can, you know, get your own boot camp.
We'd love to see you. But we're going to be right back with one more segment with Eileen and Andy. And, oh, my goodness, if you didn't get it, this was worth it. Man, this is some of the greatest wisdom I've ever gotten on this show.
Like, just unbelievable. Thanksgiving, just think how much thankful people will be of all the boxes that you have to give them. That'll be awesome. And you're going to be happier as a result of your Thanksgiving. Wow, that's awesome. I'm so happy.
You're listening to The Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion, which, if that's for getting organized, I'm very proud of you, and uses it to build the kingdom. And how fun today, I'm telling you. I'm just blown away. We have Eileen Koff. She is the author of the book Getting Organized God's Way. And that book, by the way, as we mentioned, is at Kingdom Pursuits, And as always, I want to point out for authors, okay? Like, you'll see there's a link right there at Kingdom Pursuits where you can order the book from Amazon.
But if you do that, please, please, please go back and leave comments and share and all that stuff because all that means the world to other people is there. And not to mention, you know, Eileen poured her heart out of that or whatever author, right? They poured their heart out there. It means so much to them because they stepped out in faith. If you'll just say something, right, that I, you know, whatever you got out of it or any feedback would just be awesome because, yeah, you're stepping there, out there in faith. And so, again, I am so grateful for Eileen and what she's doing. We only have a short time in this segment.
And I want to, Andy, you drove a long way to be here this morning. I wanted you to chance to share what God's put on your heart about this boot camp and, you know, why you want people to come. Well, I just encourage men to come.
I think Ray that was on, just so you'll know what to expect a little bit. It's just, it is a stay-over camp, but people in the area sometimes can go home and do it. But we do a lot of different stuff. What we do is we just go after the heart of man, or actually God does, and we're just kind of trying to facilitate that.
We're taking our stories and integrating them into the book that we're kind of basing this on, Wild at Heart. But it really is life-changing. It gets men to really focus on their heart, not seven ways of, you know, improving your life.
It's not a prescription per se. It's something that really allows you to understand your masculine heart, kind of what's happened to you and kind of where you go from there and how to invite God into that. But we also have activities, so it's not just all these talks and you're overwhelmed with that. We shoot, we have Airsoft, we have some other things, have a campfire, bonfire, if things are good with the way it's been dry around here. But anyway, it's just a great time, and I don't know that I've ever heard of a guy that didn't come, that didn't really enjoy it and said, man, I'm really glad I came. A couple other details that, yes, there are cabins, but they're not like a lot of camps that you go to where you're in a room with 60 guys or 20 or 10. Usually there's enough room for you to be in a room by yourself. There's plenty of bathrooms. You're not sitting there trying to figure out how you're going to get a shower in the morning. The accommodations are really terrific.
The food is out of this world good from my standpoint, and it's pretty much all that you can eat. But then after each talk, or most talks, there's a chance for you to go out and get alone with God, and that's where really the rubber meets the road. Because when God, and so many guys that I know, and you know this too, have heard from God for the first time out there in those covenant of silences, and that changes everything, because it changes their prayer life. They know they can hear from God, and you came from boot camp with a different prayer experience than when you went.
Yeah, definitely. And the thing is to truly hear from God, because God will change your life. What we tell guys a lot of times is this isn't where you have to come and share anything. If you choose to share your story around the campfire or whatever, that's fine, but that's not the intent of it like a lot of retreats can be, so feel comfortable in that way too.
And I was terrified to go the first time, and guys like Robbie reached out to me and loved me, and you won't feel uncomfortable. We'll let you be who you are. That's really the intent, and we're not going to force you into being something you're not or anything. Right, and so Eileen, we just have a minute or so left.
I hate I've used up your time, but what did you want to get said that you didn't get a chance to talk about today, Eileen? That, you know, like I mentioned at the beginning, that transformation, changing of our lifestyle, changing of our mindset, changing of the way we have lived our lives, really only works in a group setting, and that's why it's a Bible study. That's why I want to see this in a study in churches so that people who are dealing with this issue, which is about 90% of us, can get together and really see that they're not alone in this struggle, that they can talk, they can become accountable to each one, you can have accountability partners.
It's really a beautiful thing in a group setting. And what I really love, what your other guests just said, was that when you go away to these things, and you experience the peace of God, you hear from God, well, that's what organization does in your home versus when it's disorganized. When your home is filled with shalom, which is God's peace, and I have an acronym on how to get organized with the word shalom, then you can hear him on the day-to-day. You don't have to go to these places on the day-to-day because you can hear him when there's peace in your home, not just when you're going out and being around nature. That's what God's order does in your life, is bring that shalom where you're sleeping, where you're cooking, where you're gathering with your family. That's beautiful. And so that is truly the overarching thing of the study is to bring God's peace, not just out when you're going with this wonderful event that's coming up, but experiencing it every day so that you can hear from him.
There you go. That's Eileen Koff. She's the author of Getting Organized God's Way. And again, Andy Thomas with Masculine Journey,, and her book, Getting Organized God's Way. Now we've got to run. You've got so much truth coming at you. The Masculine Journey starts here now, shortly. Right now it's Encouraging Prayer with James Banks.
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