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Salt, Light and Kids

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
October 21, 2023 1:49 pm

Salt, Light and Kids

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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October 21, 2023 1:49 pm

Join Robby as he chats with author Steve Hines about Salt, Light and Kids and parenting well in today's culture. 

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Share it. But most of all, thank you for listening to the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into Kingdom Pursuits. Now, live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. Oh, I am excited about the show that we have for you today on Kingdom Pursuits. We have with us Steve Hines, and Steve Hines is author of Salt, Light, and Kids, Parenting Well in Today's Culture. So, welcome Steve.

Thank you so much. Good to be here. Boy, we got a great connection. You sound like you're sitting right next to me. That's good. Good. It is awesome.

Doesn't happen all the time. So, where do you live? I live in Nashville, Tennessee.

Ah, that's where my brother lives. That's awesome. So, is this your first book or have you read others, written others? It is my first book and quite a God story how it came about, but yes, it is my first book and just published it not that long ago. What a courageous thing. So, you know, it's really cool when God gives you something and you on obedience, right, take on something that was probably so far out of your comfort zone you couldn't even imagine, right? It was quite an interesting story, Robbie, and I can give you the cliff notes version, if you'd like to hear it, but it was one of the biggest God stories. Oh, I want to hear the whole thing, but we've got to do a little something here on Kingdom Pursuits. Our listeners are expecting.

And so, we're going to get through this and then we'll get on to the story. So, speaking, and you might have guessed, you know, this is like fodder for me. So, speaking of salt, speaking of salt, yes, yes, it is. So, speaking of salt, are you ready for this, Christian?

I hope you are. My son told me when he was a teenager, you know, our relationship dad, you know, he said is it's kind of like my Himalayan pink salt lamp. Can you guess what he said? Tell me. I don't have a guess, Robbie.

I don't think it's working and I feel nothing. Exactly what I feel like whenever I see one of those lamps. Anyway, I think you guys can have a good shot at this. I'm really counting on you, Christian, because this is right up your alley of, you know, you have the skill set.

But, of course, if Nick or Brandon, you know, feel free to jump in as well as, of course, you know, Steve. Anybody, you know, this is a pretty easy one, but what do you call a gun that shoots salt? Oh, gosh, a gun that shoots salt.

Am I overthinking it? Yes. Salt gun.

Something simple. Yeah, it is an assault rifle. And did you hear about the guy that was addicted to salt? I didn't. Tell me about him. Did you hear about him, Steve? I have not.

How about you guys, Brandon, Nick? I have not. I understand he was cured. That's funny. I love it.

Oh, I got to tell you, I do love these today. So, did you happen to know that the oceans are comprised of minimally carbonated saltwater? Yeah, I believe that. Yeah, so what might you conclude from this information? Got any idea, Steve? I'm going to let you go first. Yeah, I don't.

I'm sorry. Yeah. What do you think, Nick?

You got something? I'm already thinking too hard on this. It's going to go all the way in my head. Well, let me just say that some might conclude that the earth is flat. Oh, salt, soda.

I get it. It's flat. Minimally carbonated.

It's carbonated on a flat earth. That's a good one. That's a good one. I would have never got that. I would not have got that either.

That's so funny. I bet you got this one, though. I'm hoping for you guys.

You guys, you can get one. And on this scale, you know, that's a good score. So why did the Romans pay their soldiers in salt? Maybe you knew that. I don't know. Is it a joke answer or the biblical answer? Oh, no. It's definitely, well, it's both. Okay.

I could probably get close on the biblical answer, but on a joke, I'll have to. Oh, gosh. I don't know.

So they would be seasoned veterans. Oh, it's so good. I feel so bad.

I know. And on this list, this is actually my favorite. I've waited. I've kept the best of my, you know, then we're going to get to the biblical one. But then, and it too is quite humorous, but what's the opposite of Himalayan salt? I know you've concerned yourself with this before, Nick.

What is the all the opposite of Himalayan salt? Hurry up, stand in pepper. Yeah.

He shoots, he scores. Pulled it out on the fourth floor. Yeah, you did. That's how you finish that matter. So.

Yeah, that's right. Why the Bible school, while the school, Sunday, I'll get it. I'll learn how to read eventually. While the Sunday school teacher explained the story of looking back and turning into a pillar of salt, little Johnny raised his hand and he said, my mommy looked back once while she was driving and she turned into a telephone pole. So who in the Bible, and don't answer this one, Steve, because we're looking for callers to call in and win hopefully your book or some other book. All you have to do is call us at 866 and tell us who in the Bible actually was turned in to a pillar of salt.

866-348-7884 is the number called in and tell us who in the Bible actually was turned into a pillar of salt. And if you know that, what do you think, Nick? You want to tell them what they'll win? Or we'll go with Brandon. They don't exactly know what to say, but what they're going to get is a wonderful prize from the King of Pursuits Prize Vault.

Including if your choice of a t-shirt, always you could be styling and profiling in a Truth Network t-shirt, or you could get the book of choice, which today happens to be, I know you're wondering, salt, light, and kids parenting well in today's culture. So we're the end of the shenanigans. We will move on. I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. So Steve, now we can get into your story, which I'm very interested in while they try to figure out how to turn the music down.

It just doesn't have the same impact, you know. I'm still kind of relishing that I got that last. I was impressed. I really was. Take that in.

Okay, I'm ready. So like, man, how did this happen? As far as the book goes or me getting that riddle? I don't know.

No, well both, but you can just go with the story behind the book. Well, interesting story, Robbie. I've been an entrepreneur my whole life.

I just turned 60, and so I've been in a lot of different business things and kind of have been over the last couple of years coming to a crescendo of, you know, it's time to do something else. And so for the last year and a half or so, I've been kind of praying and waiting on the Lord to give me an answer, which typically comes in a whisper as to what I do next. And about a year ago exactly, maybe even a year ago to this day, I was sitting in the car with my, at that time, one-year-old granddaughter, and she was taking a nap. So I was sitting in total silence, which you know how valuable naps are for little kids. So I was glad to be the guy to do that. And so I was sitting there literally in total silence, and the Lord spoke to me, probably the loudest he ever has in my 45 years of being a believer, and said, I want you to write a book on parenting. Never had any thought or even an iota of a thought about writing a book, much less writing one on parenting. And I sat there wondering if I heard what I think I just heard.

And it was maybe not an audible voice, but it just as well could have been because it was just so loud. And I sat there and there was no doubt that's what God said. And so that was really surprising because the things I'd consider doing were nowhere even close to the story of writing a book.

So I went home and started writing that day and had the first draft in about a week. And it was a really great experience. Well, we have to go to a break. That is quite a story. We're going to get more into that. A whole lot of salt light in kids.

Plus we have John in Richmond who happens to think he knows who was turned into a pillar of salt in the Bible. And if you have another answer, we'd love for you to call us at 866-348-7884. And boy, we're loaded for bear. We're with our assault rifle today.

You know, just saying. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom.

And so fun today we have Steve Hines with us. He's the author of Salt, Light, and Kids, Parenting Well in Today's Culture. And I one time interviewed the Kendrick brothers who wrote many amazing, unbelievable Christian movies. And I asked them, you know, where did they get these ideas for these amazing movies? And they said, Robbie, we like good ideas, but we only go with God ideas. And so as you heard at the beginning of the show that this book, Salt, Light, and Kids, it was a God idea.

So my guess is just based on that information, I'm already totally sold because if God wants it written, then there's going to be some reasons behind that that we may not understand at first, but it's really, really cool. But next I've got to get to, we have all these wonderful callers that are calling in today to answer my riddle. So I will tell both of you that, you know, if John gets this, Marcia, please, please, please stay on the air because I definitely want to talk to you.

And we want to get to your prize as well for calling in. So first up, John, I understand you feel like you know who in the Bible was turned into salt. Lot's wife. You are correct. And her name was? Zura?

No, sorry. That's not right. Right. Mrs. Lot. Can you go with Mrs. Lot? Mrs.

Lot? Yeah, I don't think her name is named. Yeah, then we don't know.

So I just thought I'd stump you with that one so that, you know, but no, I don't remember that part. You're exactly right as far as it was Lot's wife. But my question to you and into a minute to Marcia and maybe even to Steve is why? Because honestly, I know a lot about it, the story, and I've studied and studied and thought about it, but I would love your take on it.

Why do you think God turned her into a pillar of salt? Sure. I think it's the same principle as Jesus when he said, once you put your hand on the plowshares, don't look back. Same principle, looking back to the old life, not focused on God, focused on the things of the past. Oh, that's good. I like that, John. I had not connected those two passages.

But somebody told me once that, you know, you want a commentary in the Bible, read the Bible. That's right. You know, that's well played. Yes. Good answer.

Good answer. All right. I'm excited to take Marcia. Thank you for calling, John. We'll by all means get you out. Whatever you choose there from the Kingdom Pursuits Prize, while we're moving on to Marcia.

So Marcia, you are on Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning. Good morning.

How are you? I am excited because often people have answers to my riddles that I never would have thought of. And so I'm very curious. First of all, what was your answer going to be?

Well, John beat me to the punch. It was going to be Lot's wife. So do you know her name?

Do you know her name? I don't think what they told us. Did they in the word?

No, they didn't. But it is Mrs. Lot. I think Mrs. You know, she ended up being lots of salt.

That's for sure. But so how about you, Marcia? Have you ever sat back and thought, like, gee, why did he turn her into that particular thing?

Like, he could have done a lot of stuff to make the point. But why salt and why a pillar of it? Well, now you stopped me. I was going to go with John's answer. She turned from the plowshares, but she was disobedient. And then when I was listening to him and thinking about it, I was like, yeah, if it's just disobedient, I would have been salt decades ago.

Yeah, turning back to our hand from the plowshare, we'd be salt too. Let me give you a little more information, okay? Because I've studied it at length. And I have a lame answer.

I'm not really happy with it, but I have a lame answer. You see, salt in Hebrew is milah. And that word is very much connected to a covenant promise. Because the actual circumcision is referred to as a Brit milah, which is a cut of a promise, okay? And the idea of a pillar, the Hebrew words as they're functioning and the root there would be to take a stand. So in a way, he's standing on the promise, right? And I almost have a sense of Mrs. Lott.

Did you promise not to turn back? Like I said, it's a little lame. I'm not completely happy with it, but I'd love to hear, you know, I actually had never heard the turn it back from the plowshare idea, but that's so good. I love it. It is. It is for sure. Well, I am so grateful. Pardon me?

I'm sorry. The word of the Lord is so perfect and we need to just feed on it as much as possible every day that we live. I could not agree with you more and it is the joy of my life. Amen, brother. It just is. It's what wakes me up in the morning and I'm looking forward to it and thank you. And you know what else?

I love to share this show with folks like you, Marcia, because I love to laugh and I love the concept of the idea of somebody like Steve. God gives them an idea. They've never written a book.

You know, if I had my choice, it would always be authors with their first book because, you know, God gives them this idea and they step out on this platform of faith that they can fall, you know, and great risk to do stuff. Have you got anything like that in your life, Martha, that you heard God telling you, well, you need to do this and you stepped out in faith like that? Yes, I married my husband.

All right. Is he there? I married my sweet and you know what? He is always before I would pick, well, I picked my first husband because I picked him and he was a wonderful man. We were married 30 years, but it wasn't until the last, I don't know, six years of his life that he turned his life over to the Lord.

And that was great. But then I was perfectly fine not being married after many years of taking care of a person at home with Alzheimer's. And I looked one day for no reason and I said, Lord, if you want me to get married again, I do it.

But with no real conviction. And then this sweet man, I would never have been, you know, attracted to starts talking to me at church. Who is this guy? Well, God showed both of us after a courtship. He said, you know what?

You're supposed to be married to each other. And we have had the most profoundly blessed life of the Lord in church and being a witness to our stubborn grown up children. He's just wonderful. So yeah, that was a wonderful surprise. That is wonderful. And it's wonderful to hear your story today. And I'm so grateful that you called in.

You know what? Obedience pays off. The Lord blesses the obedient. He's just such a wonderful leader.

Yeah. My boss is the owner of Truth Broadcasting's parents taught Sunday school at the church. I attended for many, many, many, many years. And they were famous for saying, obedience brings blessing.

Disobedience brings conflict. Thank you. Thank you, Marsha. You have a great afternoon. And I am very excited because we're going to move up to Randall and Randall has some ideas on salt.

So this is what I'm looking for. A salty conversation with Randall. So Randall, you're on kingdom pursuits. Good morning. Good morning.

What have you got for us? No, I'm talking about Leviticus talks about to season all your offerings with salt, right? So in the New Testament, Jesus said, you are the soul of this world, right? And we are living sacrifices.

So we are to live up and be salt and light in this world. You know, I think somebody ought to write a book about this, about kids, you know? That's a good idea. You know, I don't know why somebody, oh, oh, wait a minute. Yeah. But no, that's great.

That's absolutely great, Randall. I mean, and so why do you think God made, you know, Blot's wife, Mrs. Lot, turn into a pillar of salt?

Because of the covenant of the salt in the Old Testament. You have to stand on your promises. And apparently, you know, you're going to stand. But it's really a neat thing, too, when you think about it. As you know, this was a perfect solution.

I don't know how it was a perfect solution when we get to heaven, but we do know God did it, and it's got to be perfect. And that is kind of a neat thing to kind of chase after it, to go, wow, I wonder how all that works. But I'm so grateful that you called in today, Randall. And for that, we are going to give you the keys to the Kingdom Pursues Prize Vault to pick something. We're going to put you back on hold, and they're going to get something for you, Randall. Thank you so much for calling in today. All right.

God bless. So, Steve. Yes, sir. Why do you think... I mean, you wrote a whole book on the subject of salt. I know you've studied it a lot.

What do you think? Well, I got the riddle right, so I don't have to answer this. Oh, okay. You don't have to. You really don't.

No, I do. Relative to Lot's wife, I mean, I do think it all goes back to the disobedience. God said, don't turn around, and she turned around.

I don't know why he decided salt, and a pillar of salt at that was the punishment. But I do believe the concept of disobedience versus obedience, which we talked to with the lady just a little bit ago. That's a tough concept to get our hands around for sure, but it's an important one.

All right. Well, I know that you guys have wanted us to dig into this book, so I'm so excited to find out some of the content of this book. It's called Salt, Light and Kids, Parenting Well in Today's Culture. And so when we come back, we're going to let you know how to get that book and all about it. So stay tuned.

You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And today, we are talking with Steve Hines, who has a passion for parenting well in today's culture. And as such, he was the author of the book Salt, Light and Kids. And so Steve, I've noticed over the years that when God gives somebody an opportunity, I guess, to study and write a book, that he often has a great big old surprise in store for them that he's wrapped up with a bow. And in their research, they're like, oh, I did not know that. Oh, man, if I'd only known this when I, you know. So I am curious, like, is there something in your book that really just kind of took your breath when you understood what God was getting at?

Steve Hines Probably a lot of things, Robby. I think if I had to say one thing in the research I did that my eyes were really open to, and this is kind of a, I guess, a foreboding subject, but just seeing what Satan has done in our culture to our kids and to adults over the last 10 or 15 years, particularly with the start of social media, it kind of mirrors that. And just seeing how successful he's been in desensitizing our minds to what's really sinful. And if you think back to when we were young, there were, you know, it would be very difficult to find anything on TV that was even in the least bad. And you look at now with what's on streaming and so on, and just the soft porn. And you think about what he's done with language, you think about what he's done with drugs and used to just taboo and that was it.

And now there's, you know, a lot of states that legalize drugs and things like that and open air drug markets and cities. And so just seeing, taking a kind of a 30,000 foot look down at how successful Satan has been at desensitizing the generations alive today to sin and at what young age that he's doing that. I'll tell you one quick story.

That's very apropos for me. I have a five year old granddaughter and a few weeks ago I was sitting with her watching Trolls, which is a big kid show. And she turned to me and said, that boy right there in the show had a baby. And I said, Oh, what are you talking about? God has made it where girls have babies and boys are the dads and the fathers.

And she said, well, that may be what you think, but that boy had a baby. And it just hit so home to me at how at a younger and younger age, kids are being confused and attacked by the, by Satan. And just how we have to be more than ever diligent, kind of like what the, during the break, the pastor was talking about. We have to be very diligent with our, with our children and our grandchildren and be aware of the schemes of the evil ones. So, but there were so many things God just gave me a fresh viewpoint on. Interestingly, I kind of wrote the book since I'm, my kids are grown from thinking about my two granddaughters a lot and what they're growing up in.

And, and it was very sobering to really put all that pen to paper and put it into, you know, a book form. So quite, quite sobering thoughts on what's going on today. But there's hope and there's always hope, of course, greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world. And so parents can take heart.

God can do measurably more than all we ask or imagine, but there are challenges we have to be aware of as parents and grandparents. Oh, I couldn't agree more. And so from a standpoint of salt and light, how do you, how do you weave those into the book?

Yup. And a great question. When I first started writing the book and when I say first, I mean the first two hours, because like I said, it was, it was a pretty, it was, once I got the first draft done, there was a lot that happened after that. But the first draft came pretty quickly and I started off writing it almost more from a salt of the earth standpoint. You hear people say, he's salt of the earth, which means upstanding and honest and hard working and trustworthy and all those things, which I think a lot of that is, is missing in society today. But pretty quickly God said, no, it needs to, it can be about that, but it also needs to be about Matthew five when Jesus says you're the salt of the earth and light of the world as the earlier caller talked about. So I weave both of those concepts together because I think they're hand in glove with each other.

The things that the, the worldly definition of salt of the earth would be defined as really bleeds into us being salt of the earth and light of the world and proclaiming the name of Jesus. So, and I write it, people ask me, you know, what the philosophy is, the book written about, and it's not written about any, it's basically the story of my wife of 36 years and I journey, the good and the bad, which there was plenty of both with our two kids and what we learned all along the way. We did teach a lot of parenting, small groups and things like that. So, you know, we had experience in, in the subject, but like I said, never had done a book, but it's just our story and kind of what we learned and what we hope people learned in that with a, with an altar call to Jesus, the Lord put on my heart that there needs to be a chance for people to accept the Lord somewhere in this book.

So that's kind of the big ending of the book. That is, that is cool. And I'm so happy that, that, that you took the challenge and, and you went and did that. I do the Christian Car Guy radio show right before I do Kingdom Pursuits. And we happen to be talking on this subject about kids and both my guests are actually co-host Jerry and I, you know, have raised children and have grandchildren.

I'm a little bit older than you, but not much. And I was reflecting like, you know, I drug my kids to school and youth group and, you know, everything that I could get them to when they were younger. And I was trying to think of what turned out to be the most effective now that I've looked back over the years, as far as, you know, things along those lines, as far as church. And as I thought through it, I went, wow, you know what, what really ended up being the fruit of, of, and I did not see this coming that I think I'm wondering if you have something about it in your book was that their peer groups, their friends, their bedrock friends from church camp and those kinds of things are still their friends to this day. In other words, they don't have a relationship with one of those Sunday school teachers. They don't have any relationships with the preachers or anything like that, but they, they had someplace to go that would be fun.

That wasn't going to a wild party. They had a place where they felt like I belong here and I'm accepted and appreciated and loved in their peer groups because of their friendships. And that was fruit that lasted like to this day, every, all three of my children, which now, you know, my oldest is 34, have got what I would call bedrock friends. That kind of person you could call at three in the morning and they're going to come over and do something that are still in very much in their lives. Like my one daughter's getting married here in a couple of weeks and her, whatever you call brides, what's the chief of the bridesmaids. You know, it was a girl that she, yeah, totally went to Sunday school to Sunday school with, went up through school, you know, all that stuff.

Every camp, you know, it was church that brought them together and they're still together and same, same way with my other daughter and my son. Right. Made of honor. Right. By the way. Okay.

Yeah. I definitely talk about that and there's a whole chapter on friends and then there's a whole chapter on the dating boyfriends and girlfriends, but relative to friends, show me your child's friends and I'll show you your child. And with our family, we had some good things relative to that.

And we had some bad things relative to that. And it's just so interesting to mirror my, my kid's behavior relative to who they're, they were hanging out with. So I think it's really important for parents to put kids in a position to be able to develop some of those positive friendships. And I also think it's important, more important than ever to be in a position as a parent to guard against some of the not positive friendships.

All right. I, I love this subject because man, I mean, that's the next generation. I mean, it's so critical to write the word of God going on and on in your own posterity. So we got one more segment coming with Steve, stay tuned and we will be talking more salt than light and kids. Parenting well in today's culture. We'll be right back. You're listening to the truth network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom.

And today, how fun. We're talking with Steve Hines, his book, Salt, Light and Kids. And if you happen, and parenting well in today's culture, and if you happen to miss the beginning of this show, clearly he felt God called him to do this book and those are the best kind.

I know that God has something for us. All we're sharing what he wanted to get across was Steve's book. And so Steve, I know one of the things that everybody's interested and I'm interested in. What's the best way, I mean, what way would help you the most to get this book? Would you rather we went through Amazon or what? Amazon's the easiest for sure. It's available on all the different online platforms, but Amazon is pretty much where everybody goes and it's available in paperback and audio and Kindle. So that's what I would say would be the best way. That is awesome. So if you go to Amazon and you just put in the author's name, Steve Hines, or you put in Salt and Light and Kids, any of the above, and you're gonna get this amazing book. And again, we'll have it up at Kingdom Pursuits. I always prefer to find out kind of on the air the best way to do it.

Because some people have them at their website and they have different ways that they wanna do it. But I agree with you that if you can get it to raise up on the charts on Amazon, then that's absolutely huge. And so I think it's amazing for those of you listening, if you can go encourage somebody that walks out in obedience and does something like this, and then after you get the book and read it, here's what is even more encouraging, is go back and make comments, right? And maybe even email Steve and tell him what you liked about the book, what you didn't like about the book. And by all means, rate it five stars or whatever and give somebody else a chance to read it. Those comments mean the world to somebody who's taken the time to do something like this, to encourage them to go on and write the next book or go on to make the next edition or whatever.

Again, if you go to Amazon, you find the book, then go back and tell them how you liked it and what you thought about it. And again, I can tell you every email or anything like that I get from a listener, it makes my day, man. I mean, I was just like, right. I love glorifying God with what I do and I know God is commending me, but man, every once in a while, somebody's got to be Jesus with skin on and it sure makes it enjoy. So where is God taking you on this adventure that you didn't think, man, I didn't think I'd be up to doing this kind of stuff? I had no idea I'd be doing radio shows on Saturday morning, which has been a blessing for me, even on the day Alabama was playing Tennessee, which is the main course for today for me, Roll Tide. But just seeing him these last couple of months, really working on letting me be an impact for the kingdom and talk to people. I had somebody read it that was not a believer, and she told me, I'm not a believer, but I was blessed by it. And so my hope is she's brought into the kingdom from it. So just seeing him do his work through what he let me know.

What a great idea. So you got a friend out there that's struggling with parenting, who isn't, right? And they're an unbeliever, rather than throw them a book on the Bible or something, if you struggled there, hand them a book on parenting that says Salt Light and kids, they don't know. And the next thing you know, wow, because the best possible thing they could do as a parent is chase after God, right? Because of all the things that I did, I think a lot more is caught than taught.

And I pursued, and my family all knows, I get up at stupid 30 to go study the Bible, and I'm always talking about God and this and that and the other, because I love him. And so that kind of thing, my daughters were looking for a husband that was like their dad, right? And my son wants to be like that.

And so there are things that they modeled, I wish they didn't. But I know that, man, that is a great idea. You know somebody that you could share this book with, so go ahead and order three or four of them so that you're armed and dangerous with anybody that, oh, you're struggling with kids, man, this book meant the world to me.

So that's really a great idea, Steve. And what an encouragement that was, man. To what, did she really, did you feel like she was going to come to faith?

It's a work in progress. It was the God opening door to me to have further conversations with her. So yes, I'm believing she's going to end up in heaven right now. Let's all just pray for her right now.

Lord, we thank you for Steve, and we thank you for the door that you've opened in this lady's life. You know her name. And so we just pray that those seats would begin to take root and they'd go deep down and that they would touch you and that she would come into your kingdom so that she can truly be the mother that she wants to be. You have all that stuff for her in store.

Lord, help her to open her heart, only you can touch it and we're trained. Trust in you to do that. In Jesus' name we pray.

Yes. Amen. Thank you. Was there anything today that you wanted to get said in this few seconds we got left that you didn't get to say? I just want to say how much I appreciate you and what you're doing for the kingdom and using your platform that people don't know how much time that takes. So thank you for your impact and your love for the Lord, Robbie. Oh, thank you, Steve. This was really fun.

I had a blast today. I hope you did listening because man, you're the ones that make it all work. And now stay tuned. You got so much truth coming at you on the Truth Network. You got the masculine. Oh, no.

Encouraging prayer next with James Banks followed by masculine journey and then Nikita Kolov. It's time to man up. So much truth coming at you on the Truth Network. Thanks, Steve. Thank you. Bye-bye. Bye. This is the Truth Network.
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