This is the Truth Network. This is Andy Thomas from the Masculine Journey Podcast where we discover what it means to be a wholehearted man. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy Radio Show.
I say this calls for action and now. I can't say that as well, you know, as I'd like to, but understand right here. Oh, Israel, you God wrestlers, which I hope you're like that.
You get a chance to wrestle with him sometimes. Understand what? Understand that God is one, achad, right? That idea of oneness. And that means so very many, many, many, many things. But with that comes the question, have you longed for oneness? Not just with Elohim or Yahweh, but with each other, right? It's a fascinating thing.
That's the idea. The question I'm asking you today, 866-348-7884. Have you longed for oneness? Shema achad. So you heard from, I guess it's Misha Goetz and Shay Wilber, the Shema prayer. It's Deuteronomy 6-4, but you may know that the Jews, one of their commandments that they do, which I think is excellent actually, is they recite that every morning when they get up and every night before they go to bed.
I mean, the very first thing they do when they get up, the very last thing before they close their eyes. And there's more to it than just what you just heard her singing. But it's a spectacular idea that we are a witness to this, and this is a big, important deal.
So I hope I can connect all the dots that God has connected for me. But in Hebrew, when you look at that verse, the Shema, the Deuteronomy 6-4 verse, there's something really unusual about it that they did in the text when they wrote it. The very last letter in the word Shema, which sometimes translated here, but actually could probably be better translated and understand. But the last letter of it is an iron, and that iron is gigantic. Okay? So here's the word, and then the last letter is gigantic for a very important reason.
All right? So here's Shema, and that letter is gigantic. Well, then Ahad at the end, that the Lord is one, that ends in a dalit. Well, that dalit, if you look at an actual Torah scroll, which by the way, I have one at my website, if you go to today, you'll notice that's interesting. The very last letter, this iron, is gigantic, and the last letter in the word Ahad is a dalit, which is also gigantic, which is telling you something very important, obviously, and this is the way the Holy Spirit told Moses who wrote it, I guess. That means witness. Like, we are the witness that God really is one, and when people see our unity, God, I mean, Jesus pointed it out. How will they know you're His disciples when they see your unity, right? The oneness that is within you, and it's really a spectacular idea. I don't know, you know, that you wouldn't get that insight unless you actually had studied that passage, and you know, there's wonderful rabbis that go to great length to explain why that is a giant iron at the end of the word Shema, and why that is a giant dalit at the end of the word Ahad.
You can hear the D sound, and you can hear the A sound. Well, the word Yeshua, okay, just to give you another reference, of that letter iron is at the end of Jesus, okay? It's the last letter in Jesus' name, and it's the idea of casting a vision, right? This vision is for oneness, okay? But it is also that you saw, and you're a witness for Jesus, like John the Baptist who cried out in the wilderness, right?
And there's a little bit more to that. I might teach on a little bit later, but right now, I just want to get the basic idea out there that God is one, and your unity with Him, you know, creates this opportunity for you to have friendships like you never had in your life. You know, my story is, before I came to Christ, I came to a Sunday school class, and all these people were really nice to me, and I had no understanding of that. Like, why are these people being so nice to me? Do they want to buy a car?
Right? Being a car salesman all my life, I thought there was some kind of ulterior motive why these people were being nice to me, right? I didn't understand, right, that they really did care about me. Like, what was up with that? And the more I did that, the more I realized they really did love me, not because I was a car salesman. It wasn't for the Robbie Dealmore discount.
It wasn't because they cared. It was because they actually, you know, they actually, my wife had surgery this week. I wish she could have experienced all the prayers and people that poured into her life this week in amazing ways. But there was another event that happened this week that wild at heart, which you may know, I love this ministry, and this ministry is about being an authentic man, and they started an initiative called Fires. And the idea is for men to get together at a campfire and share authentically, no preaching, no teaching, just kind of sharing your story in a safe place where you can truly be yourself.
That's the idea of it. And I started two of them, actually, one at my church, which we did this week. And next week, actually next Wednesday, is going to be and I'd invite anybody to come. And it's also at my website, Wild at Heart Fires. You can see where it is and whatever anybody in this area, or if you want to go to Wild at Heart Fire, wherever you are in the country, believe me, the link is there and there's probably one in your area. But the idea is we sat around the campfire that immediately noted these men as they began to tell their stories, that they all longed for a deep friendship.
And many of them, in spite of the fact that they were very much in Christ, had yet to discover the freedom of being able to share their story intimately and not hold back so that others could share their story with them, Jerry. You know, and it's sort of that movement that right now at Pinedale, we do a men's alliance meets on, I think, Thursday night, same principle around the campfire. They have a big fire pit.
But before that, they do exercise stuff, push the big tires and do the rope thing. And then they gather around the fire and just share. And when we first implemented that and it came out and was presented, I thought on Thursday night, this is going to be one of those things. Nobody's going to attend.
Nobody's going to be interested in that. Well, I mean, first night, 20-some men were there. And that thing has continued to grow over the last couple months. And it just amazed me. I'm not part of it, but I mean, I can just see God working at that where He's getting men to sort of knock down the barriers and just open up to each other. And God can do some powerful things when He works through us in that manner. Right, right.
And therein is just a beautiful idea. You know, when you look in your own life, you know, you probably always hoped you'd have that kind of friend that you could call at two o'clock in the morning. Or you hoped you had that friend that really you could share anything that was really going on in your life. You may have heard it said, and I believe wholeheartedly you're as sick as your secrets.
Right? What is it that you really can't share with anybody? Why, you know, what's up with that? And you need a friend. Obviously, you have God who's your number one friend. He's the real Akkad. I mean, He's the real one.
But it's a picture of something that we get the chance to experience here on earth as we are a witness of that in our own ways when people see us, right? We're becoming more like Him. As we become more like Him, we become more unified. We don't become more isolated.
Yeah. When you look at the scripture in Genesis, why did God create man? It's to be in communion with him is to have relationship.
Go into the New Testament in Acts. What's the first thing we learn? How men, how humans need to have communication, commune with each other, because that's what the New Testament church was. That was the root of it.
It is the root of it. It is the idea of loving one another and loving one another well. And so what's your story? You know, what does this bring out in your heart?
We would love to hear it. It has everything to do with the car business, because, you know, just this week, Jesus, labor, love, I had people reach out to me, one to offer a car up, right? Like, how amazing is that? That kind of love? Just a really nice Chevy Equinox. It kind of blew me away how nice this car was that they were donating.
And I'm just like, oh, my goodness, look at that kind of love. What's your story? 866-348-7884, 86634 Truth, Moore Akkad, Shema Akkad, and all that. We got somebody calling in from 4 to 1030. But best of all, we got you calling in. We'd love to hear your story.
866-348-7884. We'll be right back. Shema Akkad today. Understand, God is one. It's a very unique, beautiful idea. And I hope that you're into experiencing that in new and fresh ways, both with God and, you know, with each other.
And of course, we would love to hear your story along those lines. And oh, by the way, you know, if you wonder, what does this have to do with, you know, cars? Well, here's what it has to do with that person that you were driving alongside of that got you so upset.
Shema Akkad. Understand that, you know, I remember this, Jerry, but man, I bet it was 20 years ago, or along those lines, I had Dr. Driving on. And this guy was a psychiatrist. Was he in Hawaii? He was in Hawaii.
Don't ask me how I remember that. But that's exactly where he was. And his deal was that driving is a team sport. And so when somebody, you know, runs that red light or whatever, they missed their block, right? And you're on the same team, right? And whatever that just happened, that they just cut you off, man, they made a mistake.
And it's okay. What would you do if you're on the same team and the guy missed the block? Well, you'd step in and you try to block for him, you know? And that's the idea of Shema Akkad in its own way is like, how can we, right, help our brother, however that may look and love him well, you know, when things aren't where they're supposed to be. So this idea of fires, again, if you go to, you'll see the fires specifically. You know, the one I'm hosting, I would love, love, love for some listeners who want to come up to the Stokesdale area of North Carolina in my actual neighborhood. And we're going to have the fire right there on the lake, because I live on Blues Creek Lake. And so how fun this Wednesday. And the address is there, it'll be 630.
Of course, you can just email me, text me, whatever you want to do. If you want to come, I would love to have you. But anyway, the idea is, and I don't know if you've ever thought about that, but if you were, if you could just take that time traveler back to the tabernacle itself, and you were to show up there at 630, okay, any particular night you want to. And the very first thing you would see is essentially a fire pit, okay? It was a big, they called it an altar.
But if you came into the, you know, the very outer court there, guess what's there? I mean, this giant barbecue. For lack of a better word. I mean, here is this giant fire, and what, at night you'd see the fires going up, you know, and during the day it would be smoke, okay? Yeah.
I don't know if you put all that together. But as all that's going up, there's a certain amount of sacrifice that comes with sharing your story, right? And so gathering around a fire is actually kind of a God's idea.
And a beautiful idea, because men love to get that smell on their clothes. And, you know, it's a lot going on when you see guys really longing for that oneness. And there's so much here that I could, you know, I don't know. And you say, I think human nature, we long for that. Do we, does everybody, do I sometimes shelter back from that?
Of course. But that's what God, that's part of what God instilled in us, in our human nature. Our DNA is to have that connection first with our Lord and Savior, but then with other humans, with other people, other people we work with, family members. There's people that live in the same house that have no connection, a very deep connection with people that live under the same roof that they live under. Right. Right. And there's a deep connection that I wanted to get a little bit into.
And again, we've got somebody from Ford coming in. But if you read Deuteronomy 6-4, actually it reads in English, Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord. So all those words in between the idea of oneness and God is huge. Because actually, and you don't hear them say it, when they say the Shema, they won't say Yahweh.
I mean, in other words, it's that infallible name of God that they're afraid, you know, that the earth's going to shake and all that at that name, which is YHWH. Okay. That's the word when they say Hear O Israel, the Lord, that's Yahweh, our God, Elohim.
Okay. Those are the two words. You hear them say Adonai rather than say Yahweh because they won't say that. I mean, that's how powerful they feel like that name is and that name is. And then the way the verse ends, it doesn't, it says the Lord our God is one Lord, but it doesn't go like that.
That's just the way that we understand things in English. It ends with the word Akkad. It ends with Lord one.
Okay. And that Lord meaning Yahweh. Again, the Yahweh is in there twice.
And it's a double witness to the idea of who this is. And so this is the really deep part for those who want to dive for a while with me. Okay, here we go.
Get ready to dive. The Yahweh, the Yehud-Heh-Vov-Heh. Okay. When John the Baptist was the original witness, right, about Jesus, that he came to witness, right? And if you look at 1 John chapter 1 verse 15, what it said was, right, that he who was before me is after me.
And you know that whole little line there? Well, it relates completely to what the angels say in Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, the one who is and was and is to come. Well, the word was and is is almost identical to the middle of Yahweh. In other words, there are two heys and a vov between the word Yahweh. Well, the word was in Hebrew or is in Hebrew is also two heys with a Yehud in the middle. So, to an extent, that idea of was and is, is of course the idea of God. It's I am. He is then, he is now, and he will be coming.
Right? And when you look at the way that John did that, the way he wrote out what it was that John the Baptist said, and you've often wondered about that. He that was before me, you know, has become, I'm mistranslating it right here.
I've got it in my notes somewhere, but yeah, he says, he that cometh after me is preferred before me for he was before me. Okay. When you look at that in the Greek, actually, you're going to find that it ends up with protos. It's that word is guess what?
Ahad. Right. So, what I'm saying is, here he comes, the one, okay? And it is the one. And they all connect there together in that beautiful package for us. So, speaking about number one, right?
From what I understand, four trucks have been number one forever. We're going to find out more about that when we come back, but we need your calls. 866-348-7884. 866-34-TRUTH. You're listening to The Truth Network and
Shema had today on the Christian Car Guys show, understand that God is one. And we have that opportunity to join with friends and get to that point of total community that maybe you long for your whole life of those deep friends, friendships that you always wanted to have. And it's available to you. And it's even available to you like, like I said, I'm going to be at that fire. We're going to put it on at the lake. It's going to be beautiful this Wednesday night.
Or you can look at where the fire may be in your area at any particular time. And we have this little thing that just, that's just to me is really neat. I don't know if I've ever told you this, Jerry. But within our own band of brothers, the guys of the masculine journey that I walked together forever, we have something called a broken arrow. And what a broken arrow is, is we all are on a text string together, right?
Because we're like, when somebody's got trouble, we all got trouble, right? You got all this band of people that's ready to come alongside of you and lock shields. And so the movie We Were Soldiers, they had this idea of a broken arrow that if the enemy has overrun your position, like in their case in Vietnam, you know, the North Vietnamese had totally overrun their position. And what they do in that case is they call in an airstrike on their own position. In other words, if the enemy is amongst you, right? And so in that movie, they show what that looks like to call in an airstrike on your own position, like I'm overrun, I'm overwhelmed. And so within our band of brothers, right, this is the kind of friends that I think everybody wants to have.
And it's available to you, right, if you're willing to risk it. But, you know, if you got that situation, like, oh, man, you're caught in some struggle with sin, or you're caught in some struggle with your, you know, your daughter just ran away or your wife just left you or whatever it is, you know, the enemy has overrun your position, you can call in an airstrike. And all of a sudden, the Akkad of your friendships comes into full view when all of a sudden you have people that come alongside you when you're fighting a battle that you can't win by yourself. Yeah, you know, the human nature sometimes is that we kind of withdraw and stuff in situations like that where, you know, God wants us to have that band of brothers or people that we can relate to and be honest with and share our deepest thoughts and our deepest sins or our deepest struggles. Because if we don't have that, it gives an avenue for Satan and sin to just come in and just overwhelm us.
I know people who don't have people that they can connect with and don't have people that they can feel like they can share with and they kind of isolate themselves. And then once something happens, what happens? They sort of drift further into that dark place in their life. And as you've been talking, you know, it's kind of one of those things where, you know, that's what God created us for. That's why God created man to start with, is he would be in relationship with them.
And then he wanted that to continue on while we are in relationship with him throughout time. And as you connected all of the dots earlier, it all goes back to one God, the creator of it all. And once we understand that, we're able to grow our relationships with other people. But if we don't have that relationship with Christ and with our Lord and Savior, it's hard to trust other people. If we don't even trust ourselves with the one who created us, it makes it hard for us to trust other people, other people who are also walking.
They may be walking or have walked that same path you have that can bring so much knowledge and comfort and encouragement in a situation that you never even knew was out there. That's so awesome. Well, the good news is we do have our caller from Ford. We're going to find out about the 150.
We got a little phone issue on my end, but I know that our producer, Carmen, can put him on for us. So welcome, Mr. Bell. I understand we got big news on the F-150. Good morning, and thank you so much for having me on the air this morning to talk about the new 24-mile year F-150 that we just revealed.
I really appreciate the opportunity. Oh, we're excited. I mean, if something's new on the F-150, I mean, talk about number one. You guys have been number one forever in pickup trucks, and so I'm guessing this is going to be the new number one, right? Well, we've been the truck sales leader for 46 years, and we do that. About to get the hang of it. We do that.
Oh, yeah. It's all about listening to the customer, paying attention to the customer, and learning how they use their truck and continuing to improve that for them. And the 24-mile-a-year truck continues to do that with some great new features, innovations, and designs that we're bringing out to market. So tell us about them.
Sure. Well, you know, probably our biggest story for 24 is our new tailgate, our pro-access tailgate. We're really excited about it. So, you know, we watch customers, we work with them, and we've learned how to use their tailgate. So in addition to the normal function, we've actually put a door in the middle of it that'll let you get to the bed and save 24 inches of reachover. So if you're loading things in, you can do it through the door, and that door is designed to actually work while pulling a trailer.
So nobody has anything like this. We put indents in it so that you've got a trailer on behind you, and you want to get your gear out, you know, for camping or boating or whatever it is. You can still do that really, really easily, or crawl up in the bed of the truck.
We've got steps in there, you know, on the bumper, and under the bumper, we've got an accessory step, really to make it easy for you. So that's our biggest story we're really excited about. But there's a lot of other great things coming for the new truck as well. We've got, we've standardized our 12-inch touchscreen. We've got a new 5G modem in it, so if you use it as a hotspot, it's much faster. Plus, when you get our downloads to update your software, it'll be much quicker for you. We've got a new heads-up display that will actually have different screens for different usage. So if you're off-road or pulling a trailer, it's got slightly different screens in it to give you the information you need. So some great features that way, Blue Cruise, hands-free technology for driving on certain sets of the highway.
We've improved it. We've got a new version that actually changes lanes for you without having to put your hands on the wheel and better lane centering. So a lot of new features and technology coming with the truck, but also the design has been freshened. So new front-end, back-end, wheels, interior colors, things like that changing.
They're really, really fresh in the truck and make it look great as we head into 24-mile a year. So, wow, and the heads-up display is kind of like an Air Force jet, I guess, where you can look in the windshield and see the stuff. Is that the idea?
That's the idea, yeah. You don't take your eyes off the road when you're driving down the highway or any road, right? You're looking out the windshield, and in there, just in a small piece of it, you see the speed that you're going, the fuel range and gas tanks. So just those basic, that very basic information so you don't have to look away at all.
You can keep your eyes on the road when you're driving. Wow, and the trailering thing, right? I mean, people that pull trailers know that's a struggle backing up or making sure you've got a wide enough area to turn with. Obviously, there's all sorts of struggles with the whole idea of trailering. So you guys are planning ahead on that as well.
Yeah, so you know what? Like I said, about 75% of our customers tow a trailer, but there's a batch of them that do it a lot, and there's a batch that don't do it a lot. And so we put a lot of towing technology to the truck over the years to really make it easier for customers, right? We like to call it towing confidence. We want to give you confidence to go anywhere and do anything you want to do with that trailer and that truck. And so we've got technologies like our ProTrailer backup assist system, which takes the hardest part of trailering, and that's backing up the trailer.
It makes it easy. You actually steer the trailer with a small knob on the dash. So instead of thinking backwards and turning the steering wheel a lot as you're backing up, just small movements on this knob make it simple. Plus, that system now has what we call ProTrailer hitch assist, where you actually will back the truck up to the trailer to line up the ball on your hitch with the trailer tongue. So it makes it simple. So we try to look for those features that really help customers make the truck a better tool for them. We know that they buy a truck to do truck things. We want it to be the best tool in your toolbox, basically. Well, I don't know about you, Jerry, but I've backed my truck into many a trailer trying to get the ball on it. You know, that's just it's easy to do in my industry.
I have a lot of people who struggle with backing to come to the doors. That's right. It adds to your business. Yeah. Absolutely. So I don't want you don't want a lot of bumpers get tore up. A lot of trailers get tore up. You know, just that simple thing, you guys, I mean, makes a huge impact on, you know, making your life better.
Because when you mess up something like that, you feel like such a putz, you know, like, man, I can't even back up a trailer or man, I can't even hook it up, you know. And so that's that's wonderful stuff. I'm so grateful for you guys sharing what you've got. And so how soon will these be in the showrooms? Well, we will be shipping them. They should be on the other showrooms the first part of the 24 calendar year.
So January, look for it. And of course, you probably can go in and start preorder and those things pretty soon, right? The order bank is open now and you can actually go to to find all the information on it, as well as our our our configurator, what we call the building price system.
So customers can go in and kind of spec out the truck they like and and pick those options and see what it looks like. That's wonderful. Well, thank you so much for calling in and sharing today.
Again, How awesome is that? And we thank you for you guys always give us the updates. We really appreciate it. God bless. Well, thanks for thanks for having me on. I appreciate it. Thank you.
You're welcome. And OK, so we got a lot more Ahad coming in spite of the fact that I can't see the phones. Our producer can. So you call us 866-348-7884. You're listening to the Truth Network and Truth Network dot com.
Shema ha ha. However, you say that understanding God is one today on the Christian Car Guys show and we are so excited we got some callers, but we need your story of what does this mean to you? Maybe I said something that sparked some interest about a fire or something along those lines. But I understand we had some we do have some phone problems, so I didn't see some calls that came in earlier.
So I understand there was an anonymous caller called in. We would love to have you call back because I apologize I didn't see the calls, but we got it figured out now so we can get you on. And speaking of that, we got Clay on in Durham.
And Clay, you're on the Christian Car Guys show. Good morning. Well, hey, brother, how are you? I'll just briefly share. I had a little minor surgery yesterday that, you know, I won't go into great detail, but I was here listening. Brother Jerry, God bless you, brother Jerry. Nice to hear your voice. Good to hear you. I will give thanks to the Lord that Truth Radio is back on a 105.5 here. You know, after so many days and a couple of weeks after, you know, being able to call you and text you and let you know that there was no broadcasting.
But I give thanks to the Lord that it's back on. You know, y'all were talking about fires. I know a couple, about two or three people that have bonfires get together. And, you know, all I could do was think about what a fire or a bonfire means. It's just like if you think about that, what does a fire do? A fire creates moments. A fire is a created thing. It talks about that in the Bible.
But the one thing that it do, it brings burning. So all I can do is think about a burning sensation to be able to be digestively fed God's Word. You know, Monday we just did our thing regarding Bible study fellowship and we're doing the gospel study of John.
And I'm burning up to do that study this year because I got a shirt about two and a half months ago from a store. And it's got the way, the truth, and the life. And that comes from the gospel of John chapter 14 verse 6. And so, you know, I had a little procedure done back in April and they found some stuff. And one of the things that was taken care of yesterday, I didn't share it with too many people.
I know that people pray. But, you know, I give thanks to the Lord for what was shared with me about the doctor. I give thanks for Dr. Moore and Dr. Kesley yesterday because they are a man from the Bible study that I go to on Thursday to share with me that Dr. Moore is a big blessing and he has a burning for Jesus. And, you know, I just, it was a rough night last night, but you know what, I got excited and I got this burning up feeling about hearing you on the radio this morning. I'm like, I'm just so thankful to the Lord that I can hear truth radio because I have really been a big time advocate for you guys. You know, I will never go away from listening to it. I will never go away from sharing my story on how I found it.
You know, a good old boy having four country stations and finding truth radio and that's all I listen to now. All right. Well, thank you. Clay, I am so grateful. And why don't we pray real quick for your recovery.
Is that all right? Yes, sir. All right, Lord, thank you for, Clay. And I thank you for 105.5 being back on again and the work that went into that. And Lord, we just pray for his quick recovery. We know you're in the healing business and you'd love to heal. And we pray you'd heal, Clay, that he would feel your presence even as he listens to 105.5. And we're so grateful for him and all the ways he supports us and by telling others about us. And we thank you in Jesus' name.
Amen. Well, thank you, Clay. We got another caller we're going to get, but thank you so much. God bless.
Have a blessed one and quick recovery. All right. And we have another caller. I don't have any information on him, but I know that. Carmen, who is it?
Or if she can. It's an anonymous caller. All right. So we're glad you called back.
You had a question for us. How did you know it was me who was anonymous? Because my producer said your anonymous caller is back. And so I knew it was you, but I'm not sure who anonymous actually is.
I believe the jig was that, hey, just thank you so much. I'm right in line with this last caller. Forgive me for his name. Absolutely. We leave it on. I leave it on here station 24-7. And we're so blessed. Even a couple of pastors are on the radio.
I was like, yes. Yeah, that's wonderful. As far as a spire and obviously, you know, and definitely what one little spark, one little spark, one little tiny light, one word. What is the right time, which he gives us that unctioned and the people to come across. He sets it all up, you know, and all we're to do is just simple or try to make it harder. But it's just trust and obey, you know, just just simple faith, simply believe. And well, that's beautiful. You know, as you say that, you know, I can't help but relate that, you know, that the opening letter of the Shema is what we've been talking about is a shin. And that is a fire, literally. I mean, you know, that's the idea is, is that when you're going to obey, you've got a fire in your belly, right, that you want to do something that you feel like God's put on you.
And so that whole idea is very much along that line, exactly like what you're saying. That little spark, that little word you got from the Bible this morning or wherever you got it begins this fire that actually ignites the second letter, which is a m, which is essentially Jesus. And so since he's in your heart, it kind of ignites that that spark. It's really a beautiful idea to get his vision, which is that last letter, which is the I am. Right.
Yes, sir. As far as people in our lives or in my life is with believing and my first real experience was with his whole is with Jesus himself was that the church I've been going to for 10 years in November, and I am incredibly blessed. I can't hardly catch my breath. His spirit is that strong. And it's real because I wouldn't have any of that Jesus stuff. And I tell you what, he's real.
Yes, he is. Some of that spark has sound like you've caught the spark. But the thing that for us as followers of Christ is sometimes we need to be that spark for others. That's right. That's the witness part to tell what is done in your life.
And you can start the spark or you can help God start the spark because only he's got that he's got the match. Yeah. But anyway, thank you so much for calling in. And we appreciate you calling back.
And I would say the jig is not up. I honestly don't know who you are, but I am glad that it's you. Okay. I mean, that's a good way to put it. Okay. Being born and named anonymous.
It was in from the start, right? I love that. Thank you so much. Thank you.
Bye bye. That's cool, isn't it? Right?
Yeah. And so, yeah, we want to remind you again, if you want to get in on one of these fires, if you go to, there you can actually see the Shema with the giant iron and the giant dollard. But you can also click on the link to find a fire near you, including mine, which is going to be, again, this coming Wednesday night at 6.30 up there at Blues Creek Lake if you happen to be in North Carolina. Yeah, I feel bad.
I've got something I have to do on Wednesday night, so I'm not able to join you. But, man, that sounds like that would be just awesome. You said you got the information on the website, so. Yeah, and also, two of my son-in-laws are going to be there. Wow. And so I'm excited about that. And, you know, how fun. We can share the fire, however that works. Or you can share a fire in your area right there at Again, the Jesus, labor, love, all that stuff, which God is doing through the Christian Car Guy show, it's all there at And thank you, Jerry. It's always such a joy to do this show with you, my friend. And remember, slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went, and he could back a trailer up, too, from what I understand. Got all done in 33 years.
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