This is Sam from the Mask on Journey Podcast, and our goal with the podcast has helped you to try to find your way in this difficult world. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the Truth Podcast Network. Together, we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into kingdom pursuits. Now, live from the Truth booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. Oh, am I excited about this show today. There's so many different aspects of it and things that are going to be a little tough to hear and some things that are going to be wonderful to hear, but nonetheless, God's at work in all of them. And it's so fun to have, see, I guess, what God lines up for this show. And we certainly have that today. Our first guest is Luke Rosenberger, and he is the Associate Executive Director for Pregnancy Network, and they've got a Walk for Life coming up Saturday, September 16th.
2023, but the Pregnancy Network, what an exciting resource that is. And Luke, you've been there a couple years, and this Walk for Life is a big event every year, right? Absolutely is. It's an event where the community comes together from all across the area, churches, individuals. It's really a day of celebration as we are dependent upon individuals and churches and the generosity of others to fuel the mission. Our mission is to empower women to face their unplanned pregnancies without fear, and there are so many people that are very passionate about this ministry and our organization, and it's just a wonderful day of gathering together. Yeah, so it's an opportunity for all of us to put your feet to your faith, right? I don't know how they word it, something like that. Yeah, absolutely.
Anyway. Next up, I have an old friend. I would describe him as the Michael Jordan of cricket. In other words, if you were to look up, you know, cricket players that made a big difference in Pakistan, you would find my good friend Rashid Akhter, but right now, Rashid's, you know, he's got an orphanage. We've had him on the show many times, but Rashid has had a disaster, and for those of you that may not follow, it's been going on in Pakistan, but they have had some horrible weather while we've been getting heat waves and all that. They've been getting rain and all sorts of stuff, and there was a horrible flood, right, in your area, Rashid?
Yes, very, very bad. A lot of things have been destroyed, and especially the people, those who live close to the coastal area, and they have a big trouble. Everybody, those who live in the coastal area, close to the coastal area, and about that kind of things, but God is always in control.
So what actually happened, Rashid? Well, because the prediction was not right, what we were thinking and what we were asking, and thank God we have those almost a little over a month ago. A month ago, we have a, what you call that, a storm, or the bad cyclone. We call a cyclone, you people call a storm, and that was 156 miles per hour.
So it was like a hurricane, actually, and it came in, and so you got tons of rain, wind, and from what I understand, lots of... Mud sliding. Right. Yeah, that kind of stuff took place, and that was really, really, very horrible, and thank God, a little earlier, 10, 15 minutes earlier, that house, and the things have been completely destroyed. Right, and so Rashid is...
In that area where I am living right now, that's the house, and I thank God I can conduct easily Bible study and prayer meeting because houses are a little bigger. You can say I'm greedy on that, and less amount, but finally, that kind of things took place, but anyway... Yeah, I get it. Thanks for the prayer, thanks for the love, and really appreciate, and thanks for having me today, this show, and Mr. Wilson is around. I wish Alan was, but he couldn't, as it turned out, Alan is a good friend of Rashid's that lives here in the area that often is connected with what's going on with his ministry. Rashid has an orphanage there that got washed out with that, and a school, and all sorts of things, a church that are all in need of repair, and all those things, but Rashid understands my bad taste, and so he won't mind that I'm going to hit with...
It just comes time. Speaking of disaster, right? Now the fun begins. Now it's time to play shenanigans. Yes, it is, and you're going to think this is really bad taste, Christian, but I can't help it. I just saw that word disaster, and it opened itself up to so many bad jokes that I just had to run at this.
That's a good one. So I took my dog to the vet yesterday because he ate some Scrabble tiles. I don't know if you heard about this, but oh my goodness, after looking at the x-ray, you know what the vet said, Christian? I have no idea.
He said, this spells disaster. Have you ever wondered why women and children are evacuated first and when there's a disaster? Have you ever wondered about that, Phil? Well, it's so men can think of a solution in silence. No nagging wife, right? Yeah, there you go, and this one particularly bad taste on my part. What does a dairy cow with mastitis refer to as by most people? A dairy cow with mastitis, if you wonder about that.
I don't even know what mastitis is. There you go, Phil, you'll know in a minute. Utter disaster. Oh, there it is. There you go, and to wrap up the shenanigans part of the shenanigans, I took my granddaughter to a classical music concert. You know, it was a disaster.
You could probably guess why. Because it's classical music. Way too much sax and violins.
No, classic music. Come on, Rashid, that was a little bit funny. You can laugh, okay.
I do laugh, I do laugh, and I'm laughing here. Okay, all right. So, now at the end of that, you knew you'd get a chance to call in when today with what I think may be the easiest question I've had for a while, which arc disaster in the Bible? Which disaster in the Bible caused two bees to be forever remembered actually in the archives?
Oh, wow. What disaster in the Bible caused two bees, or not two bees, to be forever remembered in the archives? Hmm, 866-348-7884, 86634 truth. If you want to call in, and if they do that, Christian, tell them what they'll win. They're going to win one of the fabulous prizes from our Kingdom Pursuits Prize Vault.
There you go, and it's loaded for bear. We've got all kinds of books. We've got t-shirts.
We've got, oh, we've got swag is what Stu calls it. So, if you think you know what disaster that might be, 866-348-7884, 86634 truth. So, getting back to Luke quickly, who's this executive director of Pregnancy Network. Luke, you were in pastoral ministry before you went to the Pregnancy Network. So, I'm curious, like, you came to this new job, and here you are. And at what point did you sense God telling you, this is why I have you here? Can you kind of tell that story?
Well, yeah. So, like, as far as, you know, it's like, let me give you a little bit of a lead up to it. You know, so I was in pastoral ministry for about 18 years. I served in some various roles in student ministry and then in lead pastoral ministry. But I had an opportunity to come along to the Pregnancy Network, and what I really saw was, like, this is an organization that is showing the grace of God to people who are in need.
I mean, you know, pastoral ministry, I had that all the time with preaching the word, with counseling, with leading Bible studies, with just having one-on-one or group conversations. But here we have, you know, we have an organization that's consistently coming alongside of people in their time of need, showing them the grace of God, showing that there's hope, that there's people here within the community that love them, that care for them, and it's an organization that I want to be a part of. So, I'm excited to hear the answer to my question when we get there. Sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're also going to hear a lot more from Rashid in Pakistan.
Maybe we'll even get into the story of him and the cricket, how he played cricket, not how he did that. And, of course, we need your call, so you can call in and win about this disaster with the two Bs, or not two Bs. I cannot remember what it is. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom, and we certainly have poster children for that today. We have Luke Rosenberger, who's the Associate Executive Director for the Pregnancy Network.
Their Walk for Life is coming up on September 16th. And then we've got Rashid Akhter. I can never get his name exactly right, but anyway, he is, in so many ways, a minister in Pakistan. He runs an orphanage and a school and a church all there in Pakistan.
And they've had a disaster that I really was not aware of. And when Rashid let me know about it, of course, I wanted to get him on and share what was going on with that. But Rashid, I know everybody that's listening does not know your story a little bit. So, you know, if you'd take a minute and talk about how you were once the greatest cricket player that Stu talked about, and God had other plans for you.
Exactly. I was, well, the people called me, still they called me. You was a good player.
And the other day, it reminded me of one of the English players. He said that you play in both ways. Cover drive and the straight ball very well, and you play the glorious shot. He used the word glorious, you know, and that make me a little happy.
Make me very happy. And I never say I'm good, but I try to do my best. But I play a lot for the English county. English county I play, and as long as I can.
So God has the purpose and plan for me a different, but meanwhile, I was a searching piece. Right, so essentially, you grew up in Pakistan, but the best cricket players get to go to England to play professionally, right? Yes. No, I play for Pakistan too, but in English county, you get more money. And when you are a worldly man, you look about the money, you know. Right.
Show me the money. There you go. And I was playing over there in England, and thank God for that. But anyway, God has the different purpose and plan for me, and God called me. I can't forget that night when He, when I saw myself, I was in the very bad situation in the sinful life, you know. And God has saved me with His glorious hand, and He brought me into the Bible college, and I did that. Right, there were some English missionaries that reached out to you, right?
Yes, that was a Dutch missionary lady, and she come and she say, God want to heal you, but you have to come to the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. And I said, my time is here, and I got to go to play English county. I contract with them, and I was in a hospital, and I said, well, let's make a deal with God, and here we go. So I said, well, I repent, and she asked me, I mean, those days and that time I didn't understand that, but I did it. Anyway, I did it, and thank God that day to, until now, I am, I never look back, never ever. Even I have to leave the, leave a cricket, because the reason, because in Pakistan, it's a big racism against me, against me. But I left, because I choose the better part. So essentially, once you converted to Christianity, the people in Pakistan no longer supported you being a cricket player for them, right?
Yeah, mainly it's the cricket team that never supported me, but the people still, people still love me whenever they see me, and they ask me a lot of questions, but I thank God, God is good, God is good. I just thought I'd give people a little background to this story so they would have some idea of how, you know, God placed you in that ministry there, and there's lots of stories along those lines. But moving back to the pregnancy network, you know, you were in, as you were talking about, pastoral ministry for all those years, and now you've found yourself over here, and obviously you've got all this experience that God's been teaching you, and how to care for people, how to show them the grace of God, I heard you say that. So how did you get an opportunity to feel like God was, or did you hear from God in some way, or how did that exactly happen where you went, okay God, this is where, this is where I need to be? Well, I mean, I think that oftentimes I can feel like I, well, I've had a pro-life stance for my entire life, but you ask yourself the question, like, what am I doing about it?
Is it just a political box that I'm checking and that I'm concerned about, but like not actually doing anything about? And so I saw it here as an opportunity where I can actually get off the sidelines and get involved, have a part to play. You know, I saw, you know, we've seen a number of stories. I mean, if you were to go to our YouTube channel, you can look at client stories all day long of women who have come in, and here they are, they're in an unplanned pregnancy, moral judgments aside of how she got into that position, but here she is, she's in a moment where she needs some help. And I saw it as an opportunity where I could play a part in it. I don't do anything client-facing, I don't do anything with the women who are coming through our doors, but what I can do, and I can take my experience of being a pastoral ministry to then go sit down with a pastor, to go sit down with people in the community and to talk to them and to motivate them and to share with them, here's the mission of our organization and we'd love to get you involved. We'd love to have you play a part in making an impact in your community as I know what it's like.
I mean, I know what it's like, I told you before as we were talking offline about my family, I've got five kids, I've actually got five daughters, and I know what it's like, the pressure that I feel when, oh man, my wife is going to have another baby and all of the things that come along with that when you're prepared for it. But here there are so many within our community that are not prepared for it, and I was like, I want to play a part in doing something to make a difference. Yeah, and there are some people that are really creative in making a difference from what I understand.
So share with our listeners some of what you see going on there. So the Walk for Life, as we've been talking about, it's going to take place on September 16th, and what it is, it's a celebration of what people have been doing leading up to the Walk for Life. It's a fundraiser. Our goal is to raise $75,000, which would empower 50 women to face their unplanned pregnancy without fear. And so what people are doing leading up to that event are doing all sorts of different things. We've seen people do bake sales.
We've seen youth groups do a car wash. We've seen kids selling their art. Something that I did last year, I ran for the Walk for Life. So leading up to a couple weeks before the Walk for Life, I spent a weekend running. I ran four miles every four hours for 48 hours. So started on a Friday afternoon at noon, ran four miles, and I did it again at 8, and then midnight, and then 4 a.m., and then 8 a.m., and just all the way until Sunday morning at 8 a.m. And I'll be doing that again. I'll be doing that again on September 8th, 9th, and 10th. And it's an incredibly long weekend, but it's worth it because people are in need, and I get an opportunity to play a part in making a difference in the lives of people here in our community.
Wow. And so how many miles total is that? Forty-eight miles.
Forty-eight miles. So you don't want to push it to 50 this year? I mean, just two more miles and you could hit the big mouse? Yeah, I could.
Maybe I would. I mean, if I'm not slacking. I'll tell you what, those 4 a.m. runs, oh, man, those are super tough. I don't even want to think about it. It's worth it, though. It's worth it. It's a crazy long weekend.
I mean, and my wife and my girls, they put up with it for the weekend, but the community support that comes behind it is incredible. And the other thing I would think is I bet you could feel God's pleasure when you run. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, it's not just for, you know, we know, I mean, so Scripture tells us that bodily discipline is of some value. You know, there is some value to exercise. I think it's important.
I went running this morning. I think it's good. But when you can use that for a greater good, yeah, I think that God blesses that. Right. And so, you know, it's really a tragedy what's going on in Pakistan. And, you know, I almost feel bad for making light of it in any way, shape, or form, because people have literally lost their lives, right? You know, I understand hundreds of people, actually. Yes. And some people are, a lot of people are missing.
They're missing their parents and mother or father or the both of them are missing. And, well, that's the way. And we can pray. We can pray. And this moment I can't take more people, you know, more kids in our orphanage because we don't have that much room. And in this moment we need to raise, we need to raise $5,000 because I personally, in my home, I don't have a refrigerator for the last month and a half.
And it's hard to live like that, you know. Oh, it's unthinkable with all that you got. New stove and bed, I got it. And I need office furniture and a couple of desktops.
And that's the kind of stuff I needed in my office. And I look forward to people can help us so we can raise that. And please, we can run in our office.
Right, right. When we come back, we'll have ways that people can connect with that. We can certainly be in prayer for that. And we'll have more on the Pregnancy Network. Plus your calls.
There could be somebody out there who knows what disaster we're talking about. 866-348-7884. We'll be right back with a lot more Kingdom Pursuits. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom. And very fun today we have with us Luke Rosenberger with the Pregnancy Network and their Walk for Life coming up Saturday, September 16th.
And it's going to be heading out of Two Cities Church. And registration starts, well, I suppose you could register now. Yeah, it's already underway. Yeah, absolutely. So I put that up at where you could just see there's a great big banner there where you can get all the information and obviously get registered. As he mentioned, as Luke mentioned, they've got a goal of $75,000, which would empower 50 women.
And you can imagine what it would be like to have this going on. And you've got an unplanned pregnancy and you don't have the financial resources. And everything I've read in resources, I mean, in statistics say that most women want to have the baby but financially can't face it. Well, yeah, I would say there's a number of factors that get in the way. Sometimes it's finances where it's income, it's just not there.
When you're thinking about taking on a child and the responsibility of that or even multiple children. Sometimes it's relationships where they may not have a supportive partner. They may not have anybody that's surrounding them that's saying that they can do it. It may be a young lady that has a future. She's like, I'm looking towards my future and I don't see how I can accomplish my goals, my dreams, and my desires with a child in the picture. And it's so incredible where we've had so many conversations where there's nobody saying that they can do it.
And it's just like these blinders that are in front of their eyes. But as they have some conversation, they get that support. And they say, well, yeah, this is not what I was planning, but man, I can do it. I mean, women are so strong. I mean, I've got a wife and I've got five daughters. My ladies are strong.
I know there's so many women that are so strong. They can do far more than just here's what's right here in front of them. You know, when you think about it, you're certainly helping the 50 women. But for those children, they feel like that's absolutely huge. But actually, there's at least 100 grandparents, way more than that, and all the fathers out there.
Because if you've ever interviewed anybody, and I've interviewed plenty of post-abortive folks, that I mean, it's traumatic as it can be on certainly the mother and certainly the father, but also the grandparents and even brothers and sisters. And so, you know, that 50 people that that $75,000 is going to impact, it goes like, you know, to generations and generations, and it's absolutely huge. And all that's going on in Pakistan as well. Like the folks there that we can be praying for, for Rashid, for his orphans, and for, you know, obviously the folks at your church, Rashid, as well as... Amen.
Yeah. So I wanted to, how could people best connect? You know, I know it's not the easiest thing in the world to connect with your ministry, but what if you got set up so that people that want to get involved can get involved, Rashid? Well, I had the nonprofit organization in the U.S. and that I connected with on the go ministry.
It's in Springfield, Tennessee. So when you gave, or you can write a check, check that's the best way I can say that, and put it underneath all the way for Rashid. And it's go directly 100% to our ministry here, you know, in Pakistan.
So they will provide you text deductible receipt and that kind of things. You need it and we will happy to give you, you know. And that's the best way we can connect over there. And you got the whole complete address. And would you mind to repeat that?
Yeah, please do. It's on the go ministry, is what you said? Yeah, on the go ministry.
And it's Springfield, Tennessee, PO Box, I can't remember that, 9... Well, nobody, it's okay. I think if we got it on the go ministries, is it Keith and Joan Cook? Does that sound familiar? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so it's actually, simple enough. Right. And then obviously donate now, it comes up right across the top.
So it's, and then when you go to donate now, make sure that you mention that it's Rashid. And spell your last name, is it A-C-T-E-R? No, A-Apple-K-King-H-Harry-T-Thomas-E-Edward-R-Robert, actor.
One more time. Actor, A-Apple-K-King-H-Harry-T-Thomas-E-Edward-R-Robert. A-Apple-K-King? No, A-Apple-K-King-H-Harry-T-Thomas-E-Edward-R-Robert. Okay. Or you can use the only first name and that's fair enough. Yeah, there are not a lot of Rashids out there, but if they attempt with A-K-H-T-R, you know, that'll give them some idea.
That, you know, there aren't hundreds of those out there. But anyway, very good, Rashid. And always, you know, when you listen to Rashid, you don't necessarily get a sense of all his story, right?
And Rashid, you went through a whole lot. If you wouldn't mind sharing a little bit of what happened between you and your mother when she found out you turned to Christianity, right? Your whole family turned their backs on you. I used to live by my own apartment and she used to come each and every evening. And she come, she never talked to me. And she come and one day I just grab her hand and I say, Mom, if you don't need to talk to me, then don't come because it's hurt me.
And honestly, it's hurt me. Right. But to give the background of that, she was coming to see you, but she couldn't talk to you because you'd converted to Christianity, right?
Yes, yes. And she said, you commit a sin and you are a sinner. And rather than to you go to prayer and five time I say, Hey, when I was a Muslim, I never pray. Not a five time, even one time I never prayed, you know. And I was not willing because I'm searching a truth.
And I like to know the truth. And thank God, slowly, slowly, slowly, my mother understand that. And my mother one day, she said, he don't convince easily this boy. This my boy never convinced easily and he always have to have a solid something.
So then he can, you can convince him. And I was, I was, and then she said, what is the good in this religion? And I said, I brought a lot of things.
I brought a lot of things from Quran and their Hadith. And I told my mother, I said, this is the wrong thing. I mean, when you married with a 45 year old man, married with a nine year old girl, six year old girl, married a nine year old, then you go to bed with her. And I say, what do you think about?
This is the age of the kids to play with the toy and candy and all kinds of things. But it's not right. And my mother think about it. And she say, you are quite right. You are quite right. And then he said, I'm a prophet of Arab.
So what, you people are not Arab. So all those kind of things, when I talked to my mother and she said it. And I said it, these say that.
Right. And so the good news is, I know, because I know the story that she eventually did come to Christ. And what a wonderful thing that you were restored to your mother. And when we come back, we're going to find out more about this pregnancy walk. You're going to be involved in that and see what ways you can support it, as well as reconnect with Rashid.
We'll be right back. Music You're listening to the Truth Network and Music Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And for some of you just heard from Adrian Rogers that marriage, which is definitely true as well. So we're so blessed to have with us today both Rashid Akhter with this Pakistan ministry that he's involved in and Luke Rosenberger with the Association. He is with the Pregnancy Network. And so, Luke, you got this coming up on September 16th.
What did you want to make sure you got said to everybody today? For anybody else that would like to join in, we'd love to have them. Go to our website,, and go to our partner section and get signed up. We'd love to have you there to support the ministry, as a ministry that we provide free services, free pregnancy tests, free ultrasounds, free STI testing and treatment, teaching. We do a lot of education, pregnancy classes, parenting classes, resources, mentorship. There's so many things that are going on, and we'd love to have just the support of the community, as it's the generosity of others that really fuels the mission.
And we'd love to have them participate. The basic idea of the Walk for Life is you go there, you register to walk? Is that what you do, and how far do you walk?
So it's a two-mile walk. There's a program that starts at 10 o'clock. We share a little bit more about our ministry.
We recap what people have done over the course leading up to the walk. And it's just a great day where it's a large gathering coming together who are like-minded and want to make an impact in the area, and we'd love to have as many people there as possible. And so how much is registration? It's free. Everything is free. Everything is free as far as for your participation. Now, I mean, if you're a fundraiser, we'd love to have you fundraise.
As you fundraise, four different things. As you increase in amount, there are incentives. Like, you can earn a T-shirt. You can earn a backpack. I mean, you can find it all on our website, the different incentives that are available. But for you to participate and come out, we'd love to have you. It's a free day.
It's a free day. But if you so desire, you could probably donate, right? Absolutely. Absolutely. We'd love to have your donations. As I said, it's your generosity that really fuels the mission. And their prayers, obviously. For sure. For sure. I mean, because this is not an organization where it's like, all right, hey, well, you just turn it over to the Pregnancy Network.
We'll do it all. I mean, no, we need the support of the community and praying and serving and giving. And so one of the connections, one of the reasons that you got involved, right, as a pastor, is to get other churches involved. Absolutely.
Right? And how could other churches be involved? So, I mean, if they want to get involved, I mean, they can reach out directly to me. My email address is lrosenberger at Send me an email or call us. I mean, you can find our number online and give us a call. Reach out, ask for Luke, and I would be more than happy to sit down. What would a church, what would they actually be doing in order to connect?
What would your hope be? Well, I mean, a fully active church is a church that's praying, serving, giving. You know, we talk about that. So how do they serve you guys? So, there's a number of things that can be done, whether it's face-to-face with a client. You know, there's some training that goes involved with that. Sitting in an appointment with a woman who is his— So, you have church volunteers that are actually doing that?
Absolutely, absolutely. We have church volunteers that are doing a lot of different things, whether it's, you know, it's face-to-face with clients or behind the scene doing administrative work. We're coming with a group. Oftentimes we have a youth group or we have like a small group that comes in and wants to serve, or we've got like maybe a ladies' Bible study. What does the youth group do when they serve? What do they do? It's a lot of different things, a lot of administrative tasks.
Sometimes it's cleaning. Sometimes it's—we do baby bottle campaigns where the youth group will come in and they'll count the change that has come in. Writing thank you notes.
I mean, we want to show our appreciation for our community, so writing notes, you know, handwritten. So, it really falls into lots of different categories. My church, I'm involved. I'm a member at Two Cities. We had the young kids put together different packages for women who would be coming and receiving our services.
So, like the list of things to do and to serve is— It's endless. Yeah. So, if you want to get connected, you just do that.
It's at Yeah. Reach out and I'd love to connect them. Yeah, absolutely. And we got, again, Rashid is in Pakistan. We've heard about this disaster, which is—the way that I got the word was essentially he was wiped out. Everything Rashid had, his church, his orphanage, his office, as he's describing, even his refrigerator, like he's got nothing. And obviously, he's out there ministering to people.
And so, as he talked about, you go to On the Go Ministry and that', If you just go there, you'll see, and then under the donate button, you just put that you're going to donate to Rashid, right? And so, Rashid, how would you want people to pray for you right this very minute?
What's your biggest prayer need, Rashid? The needs of the kids because we need books, bags, and uniforms. That is very important for the kids—I mean, school supplies. School supplies, yeah. And again, as you mentioned, with all these new orphans, right?
Because as the parents are gone, you've got new orphans coming in, right? Right, right. And we need that kind of things, and we need the new water purification machine, you know. Right, because water is huge, absolutely.
Yeah, the water is very dirty, very, very dirty. Right, we've got to go, Rashid, I'm sorry, but again, it's And there you connect to Rashid or, again, Pregnancy Network. Well, we, as always, are very grateful for you listening today, and you've got so much truth coming at you. You've got, wow, an encouraging prayer comes on next, followed by The Masculine Journey. Starts here now at 12 o'clock, and then it's time to man up with Nikita Koloff at 12.30. So much truth coming at you on The Truth Network. Thanks for listening.
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