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Ancient Peruvian Health Secrets

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
June 24, 2023 12:39 pm

Ancient Peruvian Health Secrets

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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June 24, 2023 12:39 pm

 Today, Robby speaks with Tim Eaton from Newtra Medix. Listen as he shares some great health tips.


This is Darren Kuhn with the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we search the ancient paths to find ways that God brings light into a dark world and helps set men free from the struggles that we all face on a day-to-day basis. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it.

Share it. But most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together, we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into Kingdom Pursuits. Now, live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. You know, I get a chance every year to go to the National Religious Broadcasters' Convention, and when I do, I meet so many amazing, wonderful people that I would otherwise not get a chance to meet.

And I met a man by the name of Tim Eaton there, who had been previously a missionary pilot, and he formed a company called Nutramedics. And so, absolutely amazing stuff. And if we could put Tim on so that I could, is he there? All right. Very good. So, welcome, Tim. Good to have you on the show. You want me to call in on the other line?

Oh, no, this line is fine. You sound great. Okay, very good.

Very good. So, we got to get it together, a little connection problem this morning, but we're so, we're actually on the air, Tim. So, so good to have you on with me today. And so, tell our listeners a little bit about Nutramedics, or better yet, may, why not start back where you started with your story?

Well, hi, Robbie. Good to hear your voice. Thank you for having me on your show today. Well, my story, I guess, can go way back, but I'll go back to when I was a missionary pilot in Peru. I was there for about five years, mostly in the 80s, and I was just, had the privilege of serving God as a missionary pilot and mechanic there, and just loved it. And I was excited about how God was using me to further the gospel in the Peruvian Amazon, and then I met my future wife in Peru. My wife is actually from Peru, and we met, and we prayed and talked a lot about whether we were going to be staying in Peru, and we decided to start a business up here in the U.S. to send as much of the prophets as we could down to Peru to some ministries that we were very passionate about. So we made a commitment to God right from the beginning that we would give a minimum of 50% of the prophets to these ministries in Peru that were furthering God's kingdom, primarily to rescue kids.

There was a lot of terrorism in Peru back in those days, and a lot of orphans, and also training and supporting national pastors in Peru. So we once again made a decision to start a business and give at least 50% of the prophets to those ministries, but we hadn't decided on what that business would be. So we talked and prayed and thought-wise counseled. We even thought about a Peruvian restaurant for about a day.

That didn't last very long. And we thought about some kind of aviation-type business, interpreting, translating, because my wife and I are both bilingual, English, Spanish. But after prayer and a lot of thought, we landed on medicinal plants from Peru, and that was 30 years ago. So that's how the business Nutrimetics started. So you're working out there in the jungle back when you were a pilot.

Which one of those got your attention first? Like, wow, what is this stuff and what's going on with that? Well, great question. We were actually, myself and some other pilots, we were on a survival trip where we would learn how to survive in case we went down the jungle. And so a tribal group was with us for about three or four days, and they would show us what berries we could eat, what we shouldn't eat. And one of the things they showed us was how to find a source of pure drinking water. And not a good thing to just drink standing water somewhere, but they took this one woody vine that was all around this part of the jungle, and they cut it, and the water would just run out of it. And it was kind of an interesting taste, but it was pure drinking water.

You wouldn't get sick. And they began to mention that, yeah, we take the bark from this vine and we make a tea with it, and we use it to resolve all kinds of health issues that they had in their village. So that was my first exposure to this particular herb called cat's claw. And once again, that was back in the 1980s. And it wasn't really known up here in the US at that time, but that was the herb that we actually ended up starting with.

Really? It was called cat's claw. I don't know if any of your listeners have heard about it, but it became very popular in the beginning of the 90s, and we actually became the number one importer or seller of that herb around the world during the 1990s. So if the products, you know, fast forward for a second, all the way up to today, we're in Neutromedics. Whoa, we're going to get to that in a second. Of all the products, are there some now that you still have cat's claw in or are they in a lot of them?

Well, it's a good question. And it goes back to about 23 years ago when God blessed us with a very rare type of cat's claw that we call Samento, S-A-M-E-N-T-O, which has actually been our biggest seller since the year 2000. And it's a rare type of cat's claw that has a more wider range of medicinal properties than a traditional cat's claw that many people have heard about. And that is actually an ingredient in several of our products. It's in Glucometics, Relaxmedics, Moodmedics, Vitalmedics.

It's also a standalone product that we sell called Samento. Oh, wow. Well, then I've been taking a bunch of that stuff because they're very cool. When I was at the NRB, you know, they were so gracious. I mean, it's unbelievably gracious to set me up with a lot of these products that I've been using ever since. And even more astounding to me personally was they said, well, Robbie, you know, for those who don't know, I am a recovering diabetic and have other issues. And certainly there was a thing with my liver that I was concerned about. And so they set me up with this call with this Dr. Cowden, which took place. You know, I haven't actually talked to you, Tim, since I had that consultation with Dr. Cowden, who gave me an hour of his time, at least, as he went into all sorts of different things that I found so helpful. Like, I had no idea, I really didn't, how critical your liver is to your health.

And, you know, Dr. Cowden has been a great friend and helped through the years. Well, unfortunately, Tim, I know you can't hear the music in the background, but we got to go to a break. So when we come back, we will have Robbie's riddles. The shenanigans will begin. So you haven't heard this, Tim, but I have to do my jokes.

And of course, you'll have to laugh hilariously. When we come back, you won't want to miss that and a whole much more on Nutramedics, which I know you're going to be very interested in. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And today we are so blessed to have with us Tim Eaton with Nutramedics.

I met him at the NRB and oh, my goodness, what they're doing for the kingdom. Oh, there's so much to talk about. We could go on and on. But of course, you know, we're talking about medics here. And so if you're already speaking of medics, right. Yes, it is time to play shenanigans.

I know you guys are excited to do that. And so, you know, Tim, feel free to jump in if you know any of these answers to these very difficult riddles here. All right. So this may be an old one, but I do love it. So what kind of a medic, you know, since we're talking about Nutramedics, what kind of a medic was Dr. Pepper? You know, Greg, what kind of medic was a Dr. Pepper? Oh, I don't know. Tim, you got any idea?

I have no idea. Christian, here you go. This is your chance to shine.

Hey, are you ready? Is it this one? No, no, Tim. He is a physician.

A physician. Ah, there you go. Oh, that was a good groan. I like that, Tim. That's the best groan I think I've ever heard on my show.

All right. That's funny. So, you know, I went to see my medic slash doctor and he told me I was going deaf. You know what I told him, Greg?

What did you tell him? I don't know. That's difficult to hear. That's how you're supposed to laugh, Tim.

Not groan, okay? Anyway, this one's a little tricky. You can get it, Christian, though.

I know. I think he got this one. What did the patient say when the medic told him that he was afraid that his DNA had been reversed?

That's a super long question. Yeah, what did the patient say when his medic told him, I'm afraid your DNA has been reversed? And?

The right. Oh, I knew you were going to get it. I believe you. Wow. Yeah, you hear that A and D?

That's the DNA reversed, yeah. That was good. I like that. Did you have that one too, Tim? That was good.

I liked that one. So, you know, why do medics hammer your knees to test your reflexes, you know? Have you ever wondered about that, Greg?

Tim, anybody? Why did the medics hammer your knees to test your reflexes? Because they knew you were going to get a kick out of it.

Ah, you're right. They get a big kick out of it. They get a big kick out of it. And the last, before we get to actually the money riddle, here we go. And this is actually my personal favorite.

It's just kind of, you know, you may groan, but I really like it. So, you know, the cat went to see his medic, his doctor, you know? And of course, you know, his cats would, you know, doctor said, how you feeling? And he said, meow. And do you know what the doctor said, Tim? I'm waiting. I want to know. He said, I know, but where?

Me, ow. Okay, yeah, there you go. Okay, got that one. Thank you. At the end of those shenanigans, you knew I'd actually have a riddle for you to call in and win. And so here you go.

And this one's a little tricky, but I feel confident we'll have a lot of winners today. And so here you go. So what medic slash doctor in the Bible, what medic slash doctor in the Bible was centuries later told by Obi-Wan Kenobi to use the force? That's great. I love it.

What medic slash doctor in the Bible was centuries later told by Obi-Wan Kenobi to use the force? 866-348-7884, 86634 truth. And you can call in and win and you can actually talk to Tim if you want to. But tell them, tell them, Greg, what they'll win if they can get this. They're going to get one of the greatest prizes out of our prize vaults.

The prize vault is completely full. And I happen to have your choice of a bottle of product from food nutrimedics or the book, a book, or, you know, I still have this classic gospel back scratcher. It's got all the I wouldn't mind that myself. It's got all the colors, you know, the red, the white, you know, all that. So you could lead people to Christ while scratching their back. You know, your choice from the prize vault.

We do have, I do have and I would love to send out some nutrimedics products for you. Or, again, a book from the prize vault or the classic, you know, gospel presentation back scratcher. Oh, and the lines are lit up.

They must love those prizes. And so we're going to, we're going to get to those callers in a minute. But we've got to get back to Tim. And so I should, before I get back to Tim, completely mention that at, you know, where this is Kingdom Pursuits you're listening to, and at, I have a whole feature article today on nutrimedics with links to their site and all sorts of ways, if you're interested in their products and all sorts of different things that they do to help with your health. Because, you know, as we talked about, number one, I mean, you don't get this stuff just that, you know, not everybody's going down to Peru and picking it up for you. And number two, 50% of every dime you spend is going to go to these and other, now you've got other ministries that you guys support, right, Tim?

Yes, yeah, we started in Peru and then it has expanded through the years to ministries throughout the world, yes. And so I think it's so amazing how God has blessed you with so many amazing products. And I will tell you that the one that we have found the most immediate results was for my wife, that due to some other things going on with her situation, her doctor didn't want her to take her sleeping medicine anymore. And so we were at this conference, you know, and my wife had had trouble sleeping ever since she'd gotten off her medicine. And so they have their own version in an eyedropper bottle of melatonin and they told me to have her put five drops of that stuff under her tongue right before she goes to bed. Oh, I mean, even last night she was like, I can't even believe how good I sleep since I put this stuff up.

I mean, this stuff is amazing. And so we're so grateful to you guys for these products and, you know, ways to think about your health that really you never had thought about before. Well, I'm glad your wife's sleeping better. A lot of people don't sleep well and there are some solutions, we have several solutions, you know, for that. Relax medics is great for sleep, melatonin, a lot of people have their melatonin deficiency.

So we have another one called Baboona, one Amantia. So there's a few products in there that help people get a good night's sleep. And, you know, my wife and I take, I think, the two relax medics and melatonin almost every night. And, you know, I don't wake up until the alarm goes off and a lot of people my age, they're waking up several times during the night. So sleep is essential.

Good sleep is, good deep sleep is essential. And another one that I personally really enjoyed and I never would have tried it had it not been for Dr. Cowden. You know, he asked me about when my normal routine is and people that know me well know I have this coffee drink that I put turmeric and all these different things in. And he asked me about that and I, but I told him that I put Sweet'N Low in it because that's how I sweeten my coffee. And he goes, oh, no, no, no, no, no. I thought I gave him a coronary when I told him I use Sweet'N Low.

Oh, that's going to hurt your liver. And I, you know, like, okay, okay, okay. And he said, in your package, and he knew I had it. He said, there's a bottle of Stevia and it's not just regular Stevia.

It's, you know, that they put this, packaged it in such a way that it'll, you know, do the trick. And he said, you won't need but a few drops of that stuff. And he said, it will make your coffee more delicious than ever. And, you know, I can't even believe how much better my coffee is with Stevia in it than it was with Sweet'N Low. I mean, that stuff, you know, and again, I haven't ever had any other Stevia. I just know the Stevia that came from Nutramedics is like, man, it's off the hook. Good stuff to sweeten your stuff with.

Yeah, it's, I use it all the time. I put it mostly in iced tea myself or lemonade to make lemonade. But a lot of, you know, most of our products are sold to, we primarily sell to healthcare professionals, doctors and naturopathic doctors, medical doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors. So many of the consumers that buy our products, it's as a recommendation from their healthcare professional. So there's all, many other medicinal benefits to taking Stevia as well.

It's blood sugar support, joint support, et cetera. And there's no fillers or anything. There's just a pure liquid extract of Stevia. So some of these other products out there have fillers and things in them, and that can be a problem. But it's a great product.

So just being the ignorant person that I am, I'm really curious when you say it's a pure extract of Stevia, well, we're going to go to another break. And I am shocked. The person that called in, they got disconnected or something. So by all means, somebody out there knows which doctor in the Bible was later told, centuries later, by Obi-Wan Kenobi to use the force.

I mean, this is not hard, guys. We got bottles of stuff for you or books, whatever, 866-348-7884. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And we are so blessed to have with us today Tim Eaton with Nutramedics. Oh, wow.

I mean, I just can't even imagine all the people out there that are benefiting from these products in so many different ways while the prophets or half the prophets are going to the kingdom of God. It's just an amazing idea and all that's going on with it. And so we're so glad to have Tim with us today. And also I have Tina in Lynchburg, Virginia, who has an answer to our riddle today.

So Tina, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning. Good morning.

I am so grateful that you called in today. So wonderful to hear from you up there in Virginia, right? Yes. Yeah.

And so do you listen on 93.7? Oh, wonderful. I love it. I just discovered it. Have you guys just come on? You're right.

We bought that station within the last six or seven months. Oh, I'm so thrilled. I really love it. Thank you. Yes. Yes.

And we're so thrilled that you're listening. And so I bet you've got an answer to which doctor in the Bible was later called on by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yes. And I'm really surprised that I'm the one that called in because this is very easy.

I would have thought somebody would have called me for me. But Luke. You are. Use the force, Luke. There you go.

I think it might have been a different Luke, but you know, we just thought it kind of went together. Yeah. A little riddle. Yes. So what do you do there in Lynchburg? I just take care of a little girl from our church, the church secretary, a couple of days a week. I have kids that are in the home still and are one child in the home still. So I'm just a mom at home. Yeah.

You have the most precious job of all. You're a mom like man. And believe me, having watched my wife raise three of them. That is a full-time beyond full-time.

Yes, it is. My daughter is getting ready to launch out a little bit more. Well, again, they already left once, but just to be here with her, you know, when she's in her home, I can be available.

I'm not out all the time working. Right. It can make her a meal when she needs it.

You know, she's breathing in and out. It's just a blessing. It really, really is. And we're so glad. I'm so glad that you found us and that you're listening. And of course, we're going to put you back on hold so you can tell, Christian, which prize you want.

You definitely won. And I'm so grateful for you listening and for what you're doing with your family, Tina. God bless you. Yeah. God bless you.

And I'm telling other people about your station. Oh, that's awesome. Thank you. Thank you. Have a great afternoon. Bye-bye. Yeah. Thank you. All right.

Well, that's fun as always, Tim. Getting back to your products, you know, one of the questions I have is which of your products are you the most excited about? Well, another good question. I am actually most excited about a product that we have called Glucomedics. And it is a combination of Cemento, the very special type of cat's blood I mentioned earlier, with our stevia, which once again is a very, very, very powerful stevia with a lot of medicinal benefits. And we combine those two products and we began working with universities doing research. And just last year, some of that research was published in peer-reviewed medical journals. So, you know, your listeners can do a search for Glucomedics and find that research. You know, we have to be very careful about how we talk about our products.

We use the words around here at the office. We say FDA-friendly. So, we can't talk about medical claims or disease conditions, but Glucomedics is helping a lot of people, provides metabolic support, blood sugar support, and a lot of people are really getting great benefit from that product. And so, once again, your listeners can look it up and learn more about it because the information is out there and been published. But it's just really helping a lot of people.

And it's one of those four products that has, combination products that has cemento as the core ingredient. That's just cool. And, you know, that's one of those that you all provided me with. And I was wondering why it was sweet. It's so delicious to drink.

I mean, you put it, you know, it was interesting. Dr. Cowden was, he was really big on water for me. So, I had a real misunderstanding, apparently, on how to drink water because I would just drink all my water in the morning so I could get it over with. Yeah.

That's a good point. You know, we should be sipping water all throughout the day to stay hydrated. Right. And you can chug a gallon of water in the morning or at noontime and still be dehydrated.

Yeah. That's what he pointed out, that your cells, you know, they need that constantly. And it might flush out your kidneys and help your kidney stones, he said. But other than that, you're not really, you know, getting your cells the opportunity to detox. So, you're taking all these products to help you detox.

And, you know, you need to be drinking the water. So, interestingly, all the Nutramedics products that I've been using, with the exception, you know, there's some other ones, but for the most part, they come in an eyedropper, really nice, by the way. Yeah.

They come in little droppers, either one or two ounce liquid droppers. And so, if someone wants to take one drop or someone wants to take 30 drops, it's really easy to dose for children or someone that wants to work up on a dose, et cetera. Yeah.

You can take it with three to four ounces of water, which was what Dr. Cowden said you should be, you know, drinking about every 15, 20 minutes. And then, you guys even have an app that if you turn that on, it reminds you every so often to drink. Yes. That app is for one of our protocols called the Cowden Support Program, which was designed by Dr. Cowden and our team many years ago, about, I think, 17, 18 years ago, with improvements along the way. But a lot of people are taking that that have complex health challenges.

Let's just call it that here for the radio. It's just really helping a lot of folks that, once again, dealing with complex health challenges. So, you had mentioned earlier when you were telling your story of how you and your wife came upon this company and you prayed and asked God to show you the direction. So, you guys, you know, obviously took a big risk, you know, to change your career path and all this kind of stuff. But I'm very curious, like I'm certain that at some point in time, very shortly after you got into it, you saw God do something. Maybe somebody's health was changed or maybe something happened and you went, okay, God, now I see why you had me do this. Can you tell us that story?

That's another good question. You know, we had no money. I was a missionary and so I had no savings and we launched this business 30 years ago with no funding and we were looking for a company that would grind up this bark from this vine into a powder so we could put it into a capsule and all, matter of fact, all I had was, back in the day when there were phone books, I had just an 800 number directly of toll free. I was even, we didn't have money for phones. I understand. I've been there. 800 numbers. Right, right.

And so we found this facility up in, I think, Minnesota that would be able to grind this really fibrous bark into a powder to put in a capsule for us. Well, hang on to that thought. When we come back, we've got to go to another break, Tim.

I'm sorry. But when we come back, we're going to hear more on, you know, how God confirmed that this was something that he was in. And I'm excited to hear that story as well.

And again, we're so grateful for you listening today. We've got so much more coming up on Kingdom Pursuits. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom and having fun today with my friend Tim Eaton with Nutrimetics and their company, which sends 50% of the profits of all these wonderful health benefit products to Kingdom building missions around the world and ministries like that.

And so when we left our hero, Tim, he had, you know, kind of changed his career path. And like so many of us have been there where we didn't know where our next dollar was coming from and using the 1-800 number, you called this company up in Minnesota that you were hoping could grind the bark that you wanted to make the cemento, I guess, out of into a capsule. So what happened? Well, there was a gentleman working at that facility that was very intrigued by this herb he'd never heard of. He found a little bit about it in his research.

This was pre-internet, I think. And so he decided he was going to make up a little tea and drink it and see if it would help him. So he did that. And a health issue that he had been struggling with for about 20 years was resolved in just about two weeks. And so he wrote an article about it. He submitted it for publication in the journal, and it was published. And that's what just started the explosion of the sale of that product. Oh, wow.

Really? So we didn't even know he was doing this. We didn't know he made a little bit of tea and wrote an article and submitted it. And so it was really the first big driver of the sales of the first product we began selling in 1994. We started the company in 1993 and began selling cat's claw in a capsule in 1994. And so did everybody start making tea then instead of using the capsule?

No. Some people wanted the tea. We actually sold in a tea-cut form. But most people wanted to take a capsule, or we started making a liquid extract. So we were, I think, the first company in the United States that began selling cat's claw. We had our own brand back then, and it became very popular.

Wow. Well, getting back to a question I asked before the break a couple of breaks ago that I never got the answer to, I was still curious. So stevia, you said it was an extract of pure. What is stevia? Well, stevia is a plant that is found and grown in several countries around the world. And we make an extract of the leaf of the plant.

And we don't add anything to it. We make a water alcohol extraction of the plant. And then the alcohol pulls out certain nutrients.

The water pulls out certain nutrients. And that's what's in the bottle of stevia that you're taking or you're using. But there's many other brands of stevia out there, many good ones. Some of the ones like in the packets, there's all kinds of other fillers or ingredients in there. And so ours is just the stevia extract of the whole leaf.

And some of the stevias out there are fractionated extracts or powders just of certain components. But ours is everything we do is with the whole plant, just the way that God created it. Right, right. So we just unfortunately just have a couple minutes left. But I'm curious, what did you want to make sure you got said today that you haven't said? Well, thank you, Roddy. Well, you know, I would really like to encourage Christian business owners to really take big steps of faith. And, you know, number one, realize that, you know, nothing is ours and everything is God's and we're just stewards of what He's entrusted to us. So in this case of business, you know, we don't just say, but we believe this is God's company and we're stewards. And so I think when we do that, then we can take these big steps of faith and be really generous givers. You know, without God, we're nothing. And I just want to encourage Christian business owners to maybe take that leap of faith and step of faith and be generous givers. Jesus gets all the credit for everything good that happens at Nutrimedics.

I'll take credit for the mistakes. But that's one thing that's really on my heart is, you know, so many times we get nervous or fearful or whatever. And we're afraid, well, if we give that much, is there going to be enough to live on or pay employees? And I can tell you that we've done 50 percent plus since the beginning, and God's always met our needs and supplied us with abundance. Wow. Oh, that is awesome, Tim. Well, again, we want to remind you that if you go to, you can see that big Nutrimedics tab right there. You can see it's already linked to a website.

All those products are available right there at Or if you want to get up with Tim, however that works. But we are so grateful that you listen today. The listeners are what make all this possible. And so we're so grateful for you. We want to tell you that you've got so much truth coming at you. You've got Nikita Koloff comes on at 1230 masculine journey at 12 o'clock. And right now, stay tuned for encouraging prayer. This is the Truth Network.
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