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Man Up

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
June 17, 2023 12:35 pm

Man Up

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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June 17, 2023 12:35 pm

 Today's episode was recorded live from the Man Up Conference with Nikita Koloff in Fort Mill South Carolina. Listen as guest host Jerry Mathis brings in some great guests with great stories.


This is Andy Thomas from the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we discover what it means to be a wholehearted man. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. . Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together, we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into Kingdom Pursuits. Now, live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robby Dilmore. Welcome to Kingdom Pursuits this morning. And Robby is, as a matter of fact, as I'm sitting here right at this moment, he had just finished up speaking during the conference at the Man Up Conference in Fort Meale at the Morningstar Ministry campus.

And a lot of great things. It's been a great weekend, a great week. God is certainly moving. But Robby had just spoke. And if you didn't know right now, I'm just lifting him up in prayer.

They have safe travel. He is heading back to the Winston area as he will be conducting the wedding for his daughter today who will be getting married. So he has had a busy weekend. So just lifting him up right now and that God will bless that.

And I know that they were certainly blessed, the men and women and the kids in there who heard him this morning as he spoke. This morning, I've got a first guest. As I said, it'll be a little different because of my people rotating in. It's Sharon. And I think I'm going to let her introduce herself.

And then what? I think you work here. I'm sitting, I think, across from your place of employment. Tell us a little bit about it and introduce yourself. Yes.

Good morning, everyone. I'm Sharon and I moved down here from Boston. And I do work down here at a gold shop, gold and silver shop called Kingdom Talents, which is right next door to where the Man Up Conference is being hosted at Morningstar. And so I have to guess that since you moved here and you're working on the campus of Morningstar Ministries, it's more than just a job.

Yes. Actually, I had no idea that this would be a door God opened for me when I was down here. I worked in an entirely different area up in Boston and colleges and community college for a number of years called Student Ministry, but have been part of Morningstar in terms of conferences for years. So got the call from God to move on down here and had met the owner actually at conferences throughout the years. The owners are from England, Martin and Janet Powell, and they used to have a music star in England called Kingdom Talents, which was a music shop. Martin is a world class musician, actually clarinet concertoist in his 20s for the Royal Academy in England.

So the Lord had moved them here about 12 years now ago, I think, but they had no idea they would be opening another Kingdom Talent shop, this time focused on silver and gold instead of the music business. But Martin and I did meet through music. I was classically trained.

My mom was a classical violinist. And so that was actually through music, through doing Kingdom music that the door opened to get to know Martin and Janet and begin to work in his shop. Wow.

So amazing how, you know, when we listen to God, God has things in store for us that we had no idea. And I know that last night, Nikita says, oh, you got to get Sharon on. And then Robbie also said, you got to get Sharon on. So I got her. But when I said something last night, what was your reaction? It was I had to go drag you in over here. Yeah, well. So it's not that bad, is it?

No, we're good, Robbie. Thank you. Tell me a little bit about Kingdom Talents and you said you're in gold and silver. And if somebody like that and I'm looking across from right across from me where the entrance to the business is, roll over your IRA and that what how can they get in touch and what's the what's the value in doing that? Yeah.

Best way to get in touch is just go to the Web site, It's the easiest way to remember. And I think especially in this time and age, we hear a lot about the economy and a lot about the I see gold and silver ads pop up all the time when I'm watching YouTube or something else. And I think people are looking for a tangible asset right now to invest some of their holdings. And we usually look at it in terms of what percentage of your wealth do you want to protect? It's and the owner always says, when is the best time to buy fire insurance? And the answer is before the fire, whenever that is. So I just think we've had a great run with the stock market all these years.

But anybody who's older than the current generation realizes the numbers aren't adding up and there are some signs of the economy not looking so good. So gold and silver have been around since the beginning of time. God says the gold and silver is his. And so we believe there's a special blessing on that. Yeah, absolutely. And we sit there and as I was sitting here and then we're talking and we just go about that. And so, again, how would be the just go on the Web site and.

Yeah, on the Web site. So if you're familiar with bullion, we're just we're a regular bullion metals dealer. We we can sell you any of the regular bullion that's out there for silver, gold, gold, eagles, Canadian maples. But the Lord put the vision in the heart to manufacture a talent, just like in the Bible, the parable of the talents and investing that. And so there's a one ounce silver talent that has a picture of a dove on it and on the back kind of map of the world and kingdoms of this world. And then the lion is the design for the gold one ounce talent as well as well as the tenth ounce talent. And so just even symbolically, every time I read through the Bible now and hear mention of silver or gold, you learn about the redemption of of God with the silver talent and the purification and the glory of the Lord and the coming dominion of the king with the gold talent.

But but they're they're hidden. You know, it's in the bullion market. You can choose to have a mint mark on your coin or a dragon or Trump or whatever else you like.

But a lot of people like our coins, not just for the precious metal value, but because it's just a nice dedication to what they want to do, which is steward their wealth and protect it for the kingdom. So, yeah, you can go online, you can see pictures, the coins, you can see prices, has our phone number on there that you can place orders. And if you call, you usually get me.

That's more reason to just call. OK, so let's go back a little bit. Yeah. Just step back because part of Kingdom Pursues is where we're answering God's call to lead us into ministry. As I said, I felt like this was a ministry move as much as it was a career move.

What about that process? What did you think 10 years ago you'd be doing today? Goodness, 10 years ago, I probably thought I would be serving internationally, you know, in a different country, but in in the business world, because I had been in education for quite a while in the intersection of education and business. And so I feel like God brought me down here to Charlotte is a very rich spiritual climate. I've lived in the north all my life. It's very, very different up there. We have a lot of religious freedom down here and just family orientation and other kinds of things that aren't part up there.

So I feel like this is actually one part of the country I hadn't spent much time in. So I feel like he brought me here to the spiritual mountain and to start to make that connection between the family and business mountains, stewarding their wealth, leadership, culture, things like that that are going to be important. So I don't know fully what is next for me, but yet it's been a very interesting transition being down here and much more of a focus on the kingdom. Yeah, absolutely.

And, you know, we sit there and think about that and, you know, the gold and silver and part of it, as you mentioned, you know, people can invest in a lot of different areas. When you're able to do it through a Christian aspect and a Christian slant to it, man, it's a great opportunity. Sharon, great having you this morning. I know you have to run across there and get the door opened up and open for business.

Go on the website and give Sharon a call. Thank you. And we're back in just a moment. Kingdom Pursuits, I'm Jerry Mathis. We'll be back in just a few moments. I hope you'll join us. Thank you.

You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits. I'm Jerry Mathis, and we're live at the Man Up Conference at Morningstar Ministry campus. And I tell you what, a lot of great things going on. And one of the things that I was just excited about seeing was and this is one of the themes is fatherhood of this conference and stuff is where I really think we live in a nation where we have not as fathers.

And I also say as grandparents and as aunts and uncles and just parents in general have not really been engaged with our kids. And I think that is really we're kind of paying the price for that. This morning, I've got Papa Tom with me and also Bill Nugent with me.

And we're going to kind of bounce back and forth. Papa Tom, I think you're first up here. We're going to get a little bit of introduction of yourself and a little bit of what ministry are you involved in?

Well, I retired from the financial services industry back in 2020, and I came to this area in Charlotte, North Carolina, and God moved me from financial services as an industry into media. And the first thing he introduced me to was writing children's books. So I'm writing children's books under the title Papa Tom's Tales, a grandfather's bedtime stories. And the theme and mission statement that he gave me was Malachi 4-6, which is at the end of the age, I'll bring the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to their fathers. And I never usually don't use the last part of that verse, which is I'll smite the land with curse. And as that becomes unpacked to me, that's a story of relationship and connection.

And for the first time, I started realizing the biggest problem in America right now is fatherlessness. And that scripture, Malachi 4-6 deals with that. And I was just listening to a session with Sean Smith there, and he unpacked another piece of it where he says, I'll smite the land with the curse. What is the curse? And the curse is the spirit of being an orphan, an orphan spirit. When you're not connected to the father, you have an orphan spirit. And the orphan spirit is, spiritually speaking, we are not connected back to the father. And two or three months ago, the Lord revealed to me Malachi 4-5, which says, these will be the days of Elijah. And it's the second coming, a premise for the second coming is the spirit of life is the spirit of prophets.

And spirits of prophets are there to usher in this connection to overcome the curse, which is the spirit of orphans. And so that evolved into doing podcasts with Charisma Podcast Network out of Orlando, Florida. And that evolved into, about a year ago, becoming a radio talk show host on WSIC News 105.5, 105.9. I know you're at 105.7 down here, but we're at 105.9 up in the Statesville area, so the northern part of Lake Norman. And through the ownership of that radio show, radio station, WSIC News Talk, I actually met Stu Epperson Jr. at a coffee shop in Winston.

He didn't need coffee, believe me, he didn't need coffee. But his good friend, it turns out, is Mark Sanger, who owns the station. And through Mark Sanger, the connection I had was to Stu Epperson Jr. So I had met him before he gave a speech yesterday, and that was the connection for me sitting here today.

Well good, I'm glad to have you this morning. Also I have Bill with us, and Overcomer Ministries, right? Overcomer Ministries. It's Overcomer Ministries, and it's a ministry over the internet.

You know, you can reach the ends of the earth from your desk by going over the internet. I send out articles once per month to opt in email lists and articles on apologetics, which means defending the faith. Defending the Christian faith and showing the support for the Christian faith, so miraculous in fulfillment of prophecy. And my background is that I was raised Roman Catholic, went to Catholic parochial school, became extremely devout as a little boy, as a Catholic little boy. But I developed an interest in dinosaurs in the second grade, and I studied dinosaurs, and I was exposed to evolution. See, all the books about dinosaurs, all of them, the secular books that were available at the time, they all taught from an evolution perspective that life happened by accident, that it was, that it just undermined God as creator. Evolution says we evolved from apes and have no souls, basically.

That's implied or explicitly stated in the books on evolution. And then in the fifth grade, I went to transfer to public school, and I was an atheist within a year, less than a year. I was taught evolution in public school, fifth grade, science class, and I bought it hook, line, and sinker. That the whole thing happened by accident, and it destroyed me for years.

It went into drugs and to rebellion and into depression and so forth for years and years. I finally came back to the Lord in college, part of it, because I saw that the complexity of life is such that it could not happen by chance, by accident. And a lot of my apologetic articles are written against the Darwinian evolution myth, and it is a myth. And I also teach about UFOs and ufology. That's a major thing of deception, that I take the position that UFOs come from the spirit world. They are not metal spaceships from other planets.

That's called the, what I, the view I take is the interdimensional view. It's that UFOs are demonic entities. They bring deceptive religions like Scientologies and other cults, UFO cults. They teach religion, these abductions, so-called abductions that take place. They are taught things about religion and philosophy, and it's against Christianity.

It's demonic in the UFOs. But I attack evolution by saying that, one, it's impossible for the first living cell, the first bacteria, let's say, could not have formed by chance in the primordial ooze of the early Earth. If you look at the one million long DNA chain, that bacteria has a million nucleotide base pairs in its DNA. For that million chain to happen by chance, it would never happen in a trillion years if the whole universe was primordial ooze.

That's just the first step of evolution is the, from non-life to life. That could never happen. Even the proteins are, this typical cell has over 200 proteins. And the average protein, the smallest proteins are 400 nucleotide base pairs. That could never happen. They all have to be precisely sequenced for a functional protein.

That could not happen by chance. Also, I say that genetic mutations is, that's what the evolutionists say, that favorable mutations in evolution, replication errors in the DNA, supposedly cause life to advance into more complex forms. Well, mutations are destructive errors. They shuffle and delete base pairs.

They don't bring or add base pairs to the DNA to form a more advantageous life form. Yeah, I think if we sit there, and I'm talking with Papa Tom's, I don't agree with this. As we were all growing up, you start, you know, in schools, that's what they were teaching and stuff. And it was always, you know, from an elementary level, when I start looking at that, the first thing is there always has to be a missing link somewhere to make any of those theories even come, you know. What's always that? Well, I can tell you what that missing link is, a missing God in that whole thing. But we sit there and we talk about it. You read a, Papa Tom has written children's books. You've talked about just going to school and what we, as you're going through school, what we're being taught and stuff, brings me back to where the culture we live in today, what our kids are being taught, how important it is.

That's what I love about this conference, is the fact that fatherhood was one of the main things, that one of the topics that's being talked about is, we need to make sure that we are parents with our kids and stuff. We shouldn't leave it to school systems and society to educate. Well, to a degree, yeah, we do.

But as far as breathing faith into them and God's Word, that's our responsibility. I want to mention something. I was raised Roman Catholic as well. Oh, really? Born in Brooklyn, New York.

We're up on Long Island. I was the oldest of eight children. And I now, I currently have six children and 15 grandchildren, four of them in heaven already and 11 still on the earth.

I'm expecting God for more. So being a father and father, father-ness, father, the aspect of father-ness is something that's been very important to me in my life. As I mentioned, I was raised Roman Catholic, went to Catholic school, went to an all-boys Catholic school in Long Island called Chaminade, and then later went to George Kennedy University, which was founded by Jesuits, actually. And one of the thinking processes of education that came out of the Jesuits is, I'm not going to teach you what to think.

I'm going to teach you how to think. And they kind of violated that over the years, I think. They kind of violated that over the years, I think, because they wanted to go into another process of actually telling us what to think. That aside, when you get back to evolution, you get that to the point of thinking, there had to be an uncreated being. There had to be something that existed before everything existed.

It just follows from logic. And so the uncreated being had to exist in order to create things. And one thing the devil can't do is he can't create anything out of nothing. But God can. And he speaks it into existence by the word of his mouth. In fact, he keeps everything, according to the scripture, he keeps everything together by the power of his word. And that could be a Hebrew idiom that says, the power of his word and the word of his power. It goes both ways.

And everything continues to exist that way. So yes, I'm in total agreement and understanding of what it is, because we don't understand God as Father. And we don't understand that the God who is our Father is a creator.

Yes, absolutely. Jesus didn't come as a rabbi. Then Jesus didn't come as a teacher. We hear that he comes as a carpenter. But if you actually look at that Hebrew word for carpenter, you know what it really means? Builder. He's a builder. Or, you know, somebody who works with stone, not just wood, but stone, anything to build something. So why was his occupation of his father, Joseph, a builder? And that was what Jesus was taught.

And that was just an example to others. Nothing is left, you know, per chance, for happenstance. Yep.

Well, I'll be back in just a moment. Kingdom Pursuits. We've got Bill and Papa Tom. And I'll tell you what, great morning and a great conversation as they're talking about growing up in Rome and Canada. I went to Catholic school and... You did? Yep, Catholic school. Three Catholics. Well, I was always Southern Baptist. My brain was always in turmoil, believe me.

Be back in just a moment. Kingdom Pursuits. You're listening to The Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits. We're live at the Men Up Conference in Fort Mill, South Carolina, at the Morningstar Ministries campus. And two great guests with me this morning. I really enjoyed just diving in and hearing your background and stuff. Before we go into anything else, I do want to give the opportunity to make sure you tell us a way to get in touch with you and to link up with you through the radio station or websites and online.

Bill definitely has a online presence. Sounds like. One of the things as we're moving in and as I said about this conference is the fact that I think sometimes men haven't been parents.

And I think a lot of the issues we see with this younger generation is the fact that sometimes we've dropped the ball. And I'll share the story. One of the things that my daughter, when she was growing up, loved competitive cheerleading. Did it for years and years.

And I don't particularly care. I mean, no, I love cheerleading. And over the course of, for 10 years of school, she did competitive cheerleading. We traveled all over the country. Then she cheered at Liberty University. So I was cheerleading's biggest cheerleader. But we were able to be in the car.

Me and Myra, her mom and stuff. And we were able to not only just talk about what was important to her, but what would be important to her moving forward in life and stuff. And be able to, you know, let our relationship with Christ be transparent to her and stuff. And so many times we miss those opportunities. And I know that Papa Tom here has written books, say children's books and stuff. And I'm sure you see it as a parent and a grandparent.

And Bill has also, when you start looking at what our kids are being taught. It is scary. Yes. That's what the enemy uses is fear.

Absolutely. Each one of the books, which will be 12, I've written three of them already, deals with a certain fear the child's likely to have. The first book deals with the identity, not knowing who you are. The second one deals with gender dysphoria. And it really deals with the spirit of confusion.

The third one is the spirit deception. But evil is always trying to attack us with fear. That's why he's trying to control, that's how he controls us. Through fear of somewhat of all of his various forms. And you know from scripture, the perfect love casts out all fear. So where do you get the perfect love from? God the Father. And that's the solution in every one of the books.

Yeah. And how would, if somebody wants to get the books, or wants to hear your radio show, tell us how you do that. Well, the radio show is 105.9 FM in the local area. But if you want to listen to it and the podcast and so forth, it's And then on Facebook, you can find, Papa Tom's Tales. So between those two locations, you can find the video podcasts, or the books, or whatever. And you also get the books on Amazon, by the way. I'm relaunching the books again on Amazon in another week. So you'll be able to pull those down and trust that you'll enjoy them.

It'll be effective in New Portland. There's 24 points of biblical truth in each one of the books. And there's one or two things that God has revealed to me, revelatory things that I put in the books that most parents probably won't follow.

Okay, we're looking forward to that. Bill, what about you? What's going on in the ministry and how do we get in touch with you? You can get in touch with me through my website, ministry website, which is, that's b-n-u-g-e-n-t dot org. That's Nugent, it's spelled just like Ted Nugent.

I was going to say, you play the guitar? Oh, I got to take that up. Yeah, he's quite a guy, Ted Nugent. But yeah, And I have the articles on apologetics, Defending the Faith. I have articles written about, as I've mentioned, against evolution, showing the scientific flaws of that theory, which are many. Also, I write articles about UFOs, ufology explain where they come from. They are not metal spaceships. They are from another dimension. And that's even secular ufologists are coming around to that, seeing that these things are not metal. These things are something from demonic realm or spiritual realm, they would call it, and they are malevolent.

They are not for us. They teach deception, the demonic UFOs, that is. Are you saying, Ted, that, I'm sorry, I couldn't, Bill, that the aliens are actually demons?

Yes, yeah, the demonic realm. These UFOs, they show no chemtrails. They show no means of propulsion. They shoot along and take angular movements that are physically impossible. Even a solid metal ball would be blown to pieces if they went at 10 times the speed of sound or whatever they clock them at, and take 90-degree turns instantly, things like that. And they appear in various forms, lights in the sky.

They appear with lights below the ocean surface. There's all kinds of weird manifestations that would be physically impossible, even if our advanced understanding of physics would show that it would be impossible. So it's not physical. It's from the other realm. It's from the realm of spirit.

I agree with that. And I also, if I may add something to it, the prophets are saying that there's going to be an event, that the Kabbalah and the New World Order people are going to event, which is going to be this, oh my God, as the aliens are going to be coming down to us to cause fear again, drive us into a place of, you know, we need security, so we're going to give up our freedom to the Kabbalah and these people because they're being scared. And what you're talking, which is really interesting to me, because right now we're in a time where that is sort of taken back to the, moved from the back of the theater to the front of the theater in a way, where it's a subject that's being talked about a lot.

I mean, you turn the TV on and stuff. So what kind of feedback are you getting as people, as you're speaking on this and of course having not just the scientific backup, but also spiritual backup? I get a lot of response from the articles. And it's interesting, I get a significant amount of response from India, the Hinduism, and I teach on the fact that modern science arose in the 1600s. Everything that all the technology we're using now, cell phones, jet propulsion, all of the basic fundamental breakthroughs of science occurred in the 1600s by Christian men like Robert Boyle, who changed alchemy, medieval alchemy to modern chemistry. He was the founder of chemistry.

Then there's Blaise Pascal, there's Sir Isaac Newton and physics and laws of motion. All of these happened in the 1600s. And that came out of the, because the Bible was available to the entire continent of Europe in the 1500s, a century before. That the Bible was read in the churches almost 24 seven in the mid 1500s.

It was by order of King Henry VIII and the other. They ordered the Bible to be read. The people were largely illiterate. They had to go to the church and hear somebody read the Bible and the Bible was the only book. They had no magazines. They had no novels.

They had no travel literature. The Bible was it, no newspapers even. And so the continent of Europe became Bible literate in the 1500s, 1600s. And it revolutionized the thinking of the people. They had a biblical worldview that God is transcendent.

He's above his creation. He's not infused throughout his creation like the Hindus say and that he is not a pantheism. God is everywhere in everything and you don't do experiments in a pantheistic mindset because Hinduism teaches literally that the physical world is an illusion called Maya or illusion. So they didn't do any science in Hinduism.

So the Indian people who read my articles when I discuss that and I've discussed that in several articles, they were fascinated by it. I know they're Christians already, the ones who get the articles, but they want to reprint the articles and so forth and distribute them there. And because they see, of course, they're Christians because they believe in forgiveness of sins and receiving Christ as Savior and receiving eternal life. That's why they're Christians in the first place. But they see the connection between the Bible and other things like science and the industrial revolution and modern society and so forth, modern science and technology. And that really fascinates them. They're very industrious people and they're very high-tech now.

India is really producing a lot of high-tech people, but they see that it comes out of the biblical worldview. Guys, we're going to be right back in just a moment. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits again, I'm Jerry Mathis.

And real quick, we're going to just, kind of cause I don't have this short segment, going to dive in a little bit. I said, what kind of feedback is your, people picking up the books that Papa Tom is writing and stuff and the parents are sharing them with their kids and also on the radio show and also what's going on in the ministry. We are certainly in a society that even, we talked about a little bit about fixing, go into what college-age kids, but what is happening even in the elementary schools is frightening. Evil is going against the children.

Obviously we had for years, and the enemies tried to kill the children before they were born with abortion. Now he's going into taking over the universities, but as you said before, it's going earlier and earlier at the elementary schools. I think the biggest thing he's promoting, the biggest evil he's promoting is this whole transgender thing to the children in the elementary schools.

I've heard reports of somewhere around 25 to 30% of the girls, young girls in elementary schools are now testing with the transgender thought process and anti-puberty blocking drugs and things like this. You know, it's again, the force behind it is fear and transgender is simply a tool to attack the children. And the end game for that is the devil can't reproduce. When God first created a ban, he said, be fruitful and multiply.

So human beings can multiply. The whole LGBTQ world is in the image and likeness of Satan because Satan can't reproduce. So he wants to impose upon human beings, take away our ability to reproduce. That's why the whole agenda to mutilate our genitals of the children to stop them from reproducing. It's crazy, but it's evil. And that's where the attack is on our society right now is against the kids. Yeah, Satan is using that to destroy the family.

I mean, that's, you know, no doubt about it. And, you know, as I said, my daughter is an elementary teacher and, you know, what these kids need to be able to learn, they should be learning how to, they should be learning how to write their name, spell their name, simple math, learning how to read. Instead, we're more worried about teaching them that it's all right if maybe, you know, it goes off the railroad tracks.

I mean, it is just unbelievable. Political indoctrination is basically what it is that they're doing now. Critical race theory is a misrepresentation of American history, showing it solely through the eyes of, through the lens of racism. And it doesn't show any of the positive that after the Civil War, when the black universities were founded and funded by whites from the North who wanted to educate the black newly released slaves. And that was a glorious thing. And ever since then, and the evangelism among the African Americans, even overseas in Haiti and Africa, that white missionaries brought the gospel to black America and blacks overseas and in Africa did wonderful things for African American people. Now, there was racism. Back in the 1970s, they taught about the racism in America.

It was never hidden. We learned about slavery. We learned about what some of the Jim Crow laws and things that happened after slavery. But we also learned about the good, about the people who crossed the color line in a positive way throughout American history. Now, this critical race theory is just so totally negative and alienating between the races to bring resentment and hatred between the races.

It's to divide and conquer us. You're a student of evolution, right? I've come against evolution showing the scientific flaws of evolution. In 1859, we've had racism for thousands of years. In 1859, under the origin of species, Charles Darwin, for the first time ever, he applied racism to color of skin. He divided the human race into four colors, white, yellow, red, and black, and began to discuss that the black people were closest to the apes and therefore they were not as evolved as the white race was.

And that was picked up by Cecil Rhodes. It was picked up because he's anglophile, which he believed that the English should rule the world and that America should come back onto the English. This whole thing germinated out of that 1859 evolution. In his book 1872, The Descent of Man, which is openly racist, it was a follow-up to Origin of Species, The Descent of Man showing, like saying that blacks were closer to the apes of Africa and things like that. And just very condescendingly speaking of Africans and Asians too.

They believe Asians evolved from orangutans, which is an Eastern ape. And so that was, gave great fuel to racism. But Satan just, yeah, Satan knows, I mean, Satan will use the tools that's in front of him that we allow him to.

And that's one of the tools he has. You know, granted there's always racism. And do I think that everything has always been equal? Absolutely not. But do I think that we are inherently a racist nation?

No, I don't. We've repented of racism, not perfectly, but we've repented of it. I'm going to look at the cross. Jesus died on that cross because all lives matter.

And that's what we need to make sure he knows. Great morning this morning, Papa Tom. Again, real quick, how'd he get? What's the radio show? 105.9 FM. Bill? This is the Truth Network.
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