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Kingdom Pursuits Jokes From Last Saturday - Garden Humor

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
October 31, 2022 4:41 pm

Kingdom Pursuits Jokes From Last Saturday - Garden Humor

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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October 31, 2022 4:41 pm

Kingdom Pursuits Jokes From Last Saturday - Garden Humor


Rachel speaking of garden All right, so here we go I'd love to do this part of the show you guys maybe have never heard it, but it's okay We'll get to it.

You gotta you gotta enjoy some of my humor. It's my chance here So speaking of garden, you know someone added to my soil allotment this week of Rachel and you know what that led to What the plot thickened? Nice garden plot. Yeah, so My neighbor saw me kneeling down busy in my garden and asked me what I was doing I was putting my plants in the alphabetical order and I said really? I don't know how you find the time and I said well it it's right next to the sage Here's one for you Frank since this is a good one for kids kids Beach Club Why is the Incredible Hulk such a great gardener? You have to think about it. It might come to you got any ideas Frank He's got this he's got this huge green thumb And again for you know, it is Halloween Eve Eve just saying okay, it's the Eve before Halloween Eve Oh, what do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by it's the net diameter?

I bet you've heard that one Come on now Bill have you heard it? Yes. Yeah, you get up. You get a pumpkin pie. You are correct And you know for those who are in the Garden of Eden Eden Have you ever wondered what the guard the trees in the Garden of Eden drank?

Have you ever wondered about that Bill? Any ideas what the trees the Garden of Eden drank? I Know the river that they drank from but I don't know what they drank root beer And of course if they were hanging out in the garden and they they had the cross between the four leaf clover and the poison ivy After they've sinned, you know You know what happened there Rachel? I don't want to know. No, you don't a rash of bad luck Anyway You knew I'd eventually get to my ritalin I'm here and I've got another one of those riddles.

It may not be solvable, but I think it can be but let's see how You can think like Robbie this morning. So why was Barnabas a cheerleading herb? Why was Barnabas? Why was Barnabas a cheerleading herb? You know, you might think back to my whole Gardening and time and sage anyway. Why was Barnabas a cheerleading herb?
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