Ah, Portugal. There's so much to do, but so little I feel like I have to do when we are here.
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Services are provided by Vanguard Advisors Inc., a registered investment advisor. So speaking of angels, right? Yes. All right. So yes, you know, we got to tell these.
So just bear with us here, guys. So I know you've wondered this one, Carmen. I mean, why am I saying that again?
I don't know why I want to call you that. How do angels light a candle? Have you ever wondered about that, Kim? How do angels light a candle? You know, I don't think I ever have.
How about you, Cecil? Have you ever thought about how angels light a candle? Is it in your book? Nope.
That has never crossed my mind. Well, I can just tell you it's with a match made in heaven. So, yeah. And along those same lines, you might wonder, you know, why angels smell so good.
Why do they smell so good? Yeah. Have you thought about it?
I have not. Ah, Cecil, you gave it your best shot. The only thing I could think of is because they're made in heaven. They are made in heaven. They smell good.
There's no doubt about that. But they're also, they're scent from God. So, you know, that's a little play on words there for scent. Anyway, and my personal favorite on my list today of the only three, which is what's a good name for an angel that always looks up his instructions on internet, on the internet. If you, you know, this particular angel is known for looking up things on the internet. You got any ideas?
No, but I have a feeling it's going to be a good one. How about this one? I know, Cecil, you should have this one by now.
I think you know the trend. I'm going to go with messenger angel. Messenger angel. I like that. That would be good.
That would be good. This one's actually Emmanuel. Yeah, there you go. So now you know all the angel puns that I could get.
So at the end of that, you know, I would actually have a riddle. So which angel in the Bible didn't read the menu because he wouldn't pick a side? You know what I'm saying? You know, my wife, when you go to the restaurant, she doesn't always pick sides. You know, the person says they're right there, you know, on the menu. But anyway, this particular angel, which by the way, the story doesn't have anything to do with a menu. It has to do with this particular angel.
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