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So Much Passion

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
June 25, 2022 1:46 pm

So Much Passion

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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June 25, 2022 1:46 pm

Today Robby is joined by so many guests including Jaime Johnson with Cross Fire, John from Energize Ministry; As well as the ladies from the Hope Center sharing what brings them passion for God and how His love is an amazing blessing.

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This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into Kingdom Pursuits. Now, live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore.

Wow is all I have to say. We are loaded. I can't remember a time that we were so loaded for bear on Kingdom Pursuits. How, right, how does God take people's passion and use it to build the Kingdom? Well, apparently He's got a whole lot of passion out there because we've got so many folks today that God has done that with, and I'm so excited because most of them I've never met before.

But the first one I have met before, so we've got Jamie Johnson with Crossfire. They've got some basketball camps coming up. Jamie, welcome to Kingdom Pursuits. Hey, Robbie, thanks so much. Randy and I are glad to be here on your program today.

So excited. So you guys, like, there's basketball camps and then there's basketball camps, right? So Crossfire... That's right.

Crossfire might have something to do with not just, you know, the idea of crossing somebody up when you're dribbling, right? Yeah, and Randy, and I can kind of tag team on this, but I've got an incredible teammate in Randy Shepard with other players that minister with us that are basketball go-getters, and it is more than a crossover. It's about sharing your faith in Christ. Yeah, it is so cool. What an amazing thing.

So we have them as well as with Energize Ministry, one of my favorite ministries. I've been knowing these guys since they came into being. But we have a newest, their newest member is, John, let's see if I can say it right, McKeon?

That's right. McKeon. McKeon.

If you say it fast together like that, McKeon. Okay. So John, welcome.

And so how long have you been with Energize? Well, officially, just this, since this past Wednesday. Well, that's official. You're officially there. And so officially, what do you think? I'm interested in your view. What is Energize Ministries?

Well, we're here for recreation, refreshment, and encouragement, specifically for pastors, because oftentimes they are the ones that are not being noticed because they are pushing themselves out to make others noticed and refreshed. And like a sponge, you have to refresh the sponge so that it can give out and be squeezed for the sake of the nourishment of others. Wow. I haven't heard the sponge thing, Andy. That's good. That's good.

I like that. Very good, Jonathan. Or I'd like to call him Jonathan. He may get that name when he gets in heaven.

His name's actually John. So also, we have Sharon and Brooke from the Hope Center as part of R3's ministry, right? And they're in Kernersville.

So Sharon, tell us a little bit. What in the world is the Hope Center? It's to serve the community with food and clothing and just help them with their needs. And we also have counseling there. So we're just trying to serve our community the best way we know how. That's so cool. And doesn't that supply hope, which is kind of like the name for it?

So if you might have guessed, Sharon, Carmen, speaking of hope. Alright, there I am. I'm back. It's time to play shenanigans now that I can hear myself again. No fun when you can't hear it.

It's just mimes on the radio just never go good. So anyway, I don't know if you knew this, but I hope to be a millionaire just like my dad. You know, he hoped to be one too.

You liked that, didn't you? So I don't know if you knew this, Jamie, but 20 years ago we had Bob Hope, Steve Jobs and Johnny Cash. Now we have no hope, no jobs and no cash. It's all gone.

You know, it's just, you know, there you go. And so, you know, Sam told me, he's in the studio too, Sam told me he never wanted to get addicted to skiing. You know why, Carmen? No, why?

Because it's a slippery slope, all skiing. That was good, Rocky. You weren't worried about that, weren't you, John?

See, I called you John, even though I want to call you Jonathan, out of my heart. So this one's a little risky. It would, it might have to go on after hours if we were doing Mask of the Journey, but I'll say it anyway. I hope the guy who invented autocorrect, I hope he burns in hello. There you go.

It's yeah. So with all that, you know, I'd actually would have a riddle, which is coming so that you can call in and win today. And I'm very excited about my riddle.

Actually, it makes me laugh. So who was, and I think it was nationality was, he was finished. But anyway, it was an axe borrower. He borrowed an axe in the Bible. Who did he use to get that, get that axe to float that axe head? Which person in the Bible, he used this guy to get his axe head to float. I think he was finished. You know why I think he was finished? He was from Helsinki. Helsinki.

Maybe it was act sinky. But anyway, if you could guess that, Carmen, tell them what they'll win. They'll win one of our marvelous mystery prizes from the Kingdom Pursuits Prize Ball. So just call in if you know. 866-348-7884 is the number to call in to win. 866-348-7884.

If you can tell us who this axe borrower went to when he was down in the water, you know what I'm saying? 866-348-7884. And getting back to, we haven't even talked to Brooke yet. So Brooke, you're with the Hope Center as well. And so Brooke, how did you get involved with the Hope Center? Well, I actually got involved before the food pantry was open.

So I really have to give Sharon a lot of credit because it was so infectious just being there and seeing her passion for the Hope Center and what she wanted it to become. And so when the food pantry opened up and we started getting more and more families in the community that really we saw were in need post-pandemic and during the pandemic, I just really felt passionate about fighting for the community because I feel so, I feel like food is connection to your family and we're giving that to them. We're able to help them connect with their families, connect with their neighbors and their loved ones. And we're also able to connect with them. And you know, Jesus was all about that because He is the Good Shepherd, right? Right.

And if the Good Shepherd is going to get the sheep to lay down in the pasture, the first thing he's got to do is make sure that they got green pastures, right? They got to have food. And so what a wonderful way to reach the community and you know, what a neat, neat thing. And so speaking of the community, we got Crossfire Camps coming up. So Jamie, tell us what do you guys got lined up this year? Well, I'm going to jump in and Randy can follow me. We've got some half-day Robby Camps full-day overnight that we do locally. And Randy started that whole thing going before we came together with Crossfire back in 1991 or so. And we've been able to use camps for the last 30 years, Robby, to reach 23,000 plus kids, ages six to 18, boys and girls from beginners to guys and girls that play college level ball. And so we have some half-day full-day overnight that you can find on where they can come for a half-day and learn ball handling drills.

Randy's incredible with that. And he can share more about that. And if you go to the full-day overnight, we have more time with the kids, Robby, so we can do a lot of five-on-five and shooting drills and different instruction with that time frame that we're allowed. And it's just been a blessing to use sports, like the Hope Center uses what they do and clothing people, feeding people. And what was mentioned by Jonathan, what he does to help people. We're all a team, but sports is a great platform to connect with people that maybe aren't going to church. And our heart, and Randy can add to this, is just to share Christ using sports as a platform to make sure they know that they must be born again. And I am so grateful, Jamie, that you too feel like his name should be Jonathan. It shouldn't be John. And so Randy, we haven't heard from you.

Tell us about your passion for basketball. Well, right about the time I said that, the music came on. I'm sorry, Randy. We cut him off, so you're going to have to wait till after the break to hear from Randy and find out who the Ax Slayer was.

He's going to be back when we come back. 866-348-7884. We've got so much more. Kingdom Pursuits, Hope Centers in Kernersville, Energized Ministries. Oh my goodness, what an opportunity to invest in pastors. We'll be right back.

You're listening to The Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And, you know, one of my favorite ministries out there really is Energized Ministries since I've been around them, and they're refreshment, and they have all these R's for pastors.

Recreation, but essentially the idea is, you know, to take care of these people that are taking care of the pastors all around the country. And we got John. John's with us. We got Randy and Jamie Johnson with Crossfire, and we got Sharon and Brooke with the Hope Center, which is an extension of the R3 church there in Kernersville. And so we left our hero, Randy.

He was jumping in, and I had to cut you off, Randy. So go ahead. Yes, we definitely have a passion for basketball. We're based in Asheville, North Carolina, as you know, and God has called us to use that sport more so to be evangelists. We've been blessed to go to 68 countries, 47 states. God allowed us to start the basketball camps in 1990 when I finished playing at UNC Asheville and Jamie finished at Gardner Webb.

It started as just a dream, a prayer request, and the Lord is blessed now. We've seen, 32 years later, 23,000 young people come through the camp with thousands giving their life to Christ. We're not in numbers, but every camper represents the soul. And with the role models that are out there today, unfortunately, the pedestals are kind of empty. And by God's grace, we want to use that pedestal to be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. You know, the Bible says in Mark 1, 16 through 18, Jesus said, come follow me, and I'll make you become fishers of men. And by God's grace, we sought to do that and been able to share the gospel from President Barack Obama to President Clinton to Michael Jordan to Kobe Bryant to LeBron James to an inner city kid in Winston-Salem at Winston-Salem Christian School to Asheville to the summer camps and rescue missions, prisons.

We just love to share the Lord, brother, and appreciate you having us on today. Yeah, and what a neat way to do it, because so many children, you know, their passion is basketball. And so what a way to reach them where they are, that they can, you know, go after what they're going after as far as, you know, learn how to shoot and dribble and all that stuff.

And at the same time, learn about real live, you know, offense and defense, so to speak, how that works, you know. So Sharon, I am very, very curious. I am. It almost sounds like you kind of had the vision for this originally, right? So how did you get the courage? Did you just like go up to, I happen to know Mike, they call him Mike G because his last name is Geanopolis.

And so is it an attempt to just keep that short? They call him Mike G. So how did you go up to Mike and tell him, pastor, I got an idea. Well, basically, I had been working at a closed closet in another church. Oh, really?

Yes. And I had done that for about five years, and they closed it down. Oh, wow. And so I left the church and went to, I had her always heard about re3 from our mission board and everything. So when I left the church, I went to re3, and then I talked to Mike. And so that vision, you know, that passion in me about closed closets, you know, came about. Which did you ever think? I did know because Really?

When my time from switching churches and I was heartbroken over there, you know, I lose my closed closet. Really? Yeah, because you're the people. That's a passion. Right, right. And so on the way home from my mom once a day, driving along, God told me, he says, you will have closed closet in the Walkertown, Kernsville area.

And that is exactly what he did. Yeah. And it just had to wait till the right place came about. Yep. And so where is your Hope Center? It's on Ohala Road, 3801 Ohala Road, just past, you know, Sheets and Walkertown.

Oh, wow. Oh, I know where that is. Yeah. So we're right there on the borderline of Walkertown.

You really are on the borderline. Easy to get to. Yeah.

And I had one there in Walkertown. So it's just And so people bring you stuff? Oh, yes.

And that's kind of what you're hoping? Mm hmm. People will bring you a lot of stuff? We have lots of stuff. We always have stuff left over. We pack up stuff from season to season.

So I've got a closet full of fall and winter clothes ready to go out. And so you do clothes and food, but you're more the clothes and I take it that Brooke is more the food. Correct. Okay. So And during that time, I was also working at the Sloan Project, downtown Winston-Salem till Hope Center came available. That's spectacular.

Which I work both of them now. And so John? Yeah. Sometimes referred to as Jonathan. So John, how did God put it on your heart to think about Energized Ministries? Well, so my story with Andy goes back a little bit. This past winter break, he came in with Pastor Disaster Relief, a subsection in Energized Ministries to Kentucky when the tornado hit, and I have family been out in Kentucky. So I was in there and got connected with him and wanted to help out. And so I spent a week or so with him helping families who were devastated in churches, devastated by the tornado, get things in order. So you were at a church and you heard that Andy was going to Kentucky and you signed up? Well, okay. So it actually goes a little more back because there was at this point when I lived in North Carolina and my family knew him and everything and we knew him and their ministry and when it was starting up.

And so connections go all the way back. And so my mom got connected with him when he was coming into Kentucky, found out they were coming in to help out. And so do you live in Kentucky now?

No, no. It's a funny story. I lived in five states.

So I live in Florida currently. But you went to Kentucky with Andy? Your mom's family is from Kentucky. Yeah, my mom's family is from Kentucky. That's why.

Okay. Now we'll put it together eventually. But so anyway, you get to Kentucky and like you see, did you see God show up in Kentucky? I mean, we just kind of meet a ton of people who love the Lord and help them out. You know, we're supposed to help one another out when, you know, your brother suffering, you suffer with him and you build the body up lego by lego. So have you got a story in Kentucky that like you knew, okay, this is where God showed up right here.

We went to do this and then all of a sudden you saw something. Oh, yeah, Pastor Bradley. So there was, right, that was in Dawson Springs. Yeah.

So Dawson Springs. That was like when there were a main section in Kentucky where a lot of the tornado hit and his whole roof was collapsed, I believe. And so we got to help because they were pouring themselves out to help others in donating, you know, all the essentials and whatnot. And so, but they're in the midst of that, their roof was like completely messed up. And so there was people out there helping the roof. And then I was in there, they had like a upper level in their church. And so there was a lot of stuff they had, but it was completely unorganized. And so I got to work with some other people that I had never met before, just really organize that stuff so that they could take what they needed and distribute it. And the process just goes so much smoother because there are so many people in need. And so it was really cool with that and got to really help them out.

And that was very encouraging for them and for us and mutual edification. And so did you picture yourself, you know, six months later on the radio talking about energizing? Is that something you ever dreamed?

Not a single day, but here we are. And that, yeah, so that's just, you know, that's what I thought about for Sharon, for Brooke, you guys probably never thought, wow, you know, God's going to take me on this adventure. I'm going to go places I never dreamed of, but that certainly has happened for you, Jamie, right? You guys have been all over the world. Yes, we have. Rand and I have been to Israel, Australia, different Olympics and places where we can do basketball clinics, play things overseas and share our faith.

So we've had lots of opportunities open and people around the world like music and they like sports. So we're able to draw that crowd. I heard that one of our guests, you know, being involved with pastors, I'm a pastor's kid, my dad died three and a half years ago. And like Randy, we grew up in the church. So we know that people are not going to come to church. And if I were not living a holy life, I wouldn't go to church either.

I might go to the bar or wherever. So this platform is the same overseas as it is here. We can use sports, which is an international language, to reap a lot for Christ. Yeah, isn't that cool?

It's a dunk shot. That's what I would say. Yeah, we don't replace the church. We come alongside the church as evangelists.

And once they make a decision, we want to get them plugged in the local Bible, believing church, where they can grow. So it's a team effort. Yeah. And Randy, are you on a speaker phone or are you on regular phone?

Because your phone is, it's not coming in as good as Jamie's phone, that's for sure. Anyway, you can. All right. Can you hear me better now?

I think so. There's just a bit of a echo in the background. Do you happen to have your radio on? Nope.

I've done this quite a few times. I'm all squared in, buddy. I apologize.

Sometimes our system is just trying to hone in, but that's all right. Well, getting back to Brooke, because we didn't get a chance to Brooke in this segment. So Brooke, how about you? How did God put it on your heart to do something like this?

Well, during the pandemic, when we first shut down, it just, just this feeling of fear with just my neighbors. And I would go and check on them and see what they needed and how they were doing. Would you really? Yes, absolutely.

Absolutely. So you knocked on their door? Yeah, I would knock on my neighbor's door and be like, what do you need? I'm going to go to the store. What can I do? What can I help you with? What can I make you?

What can I, like, I love to feed people. And I think this is where that comes from. Oh my goodness. That's a passion. You should be on King of Pursuits. It's like perfect. No, I'm just kidding.

All right. I'm shocked you axe sinkers out there. Nobody has called in. 866-348-7884.

You know who got that axe head to float? 866-348-7884. You heard what Carmen said. It's a mystery gift.

Who knows what you could win? Call us. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to King of Pursuits where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And we're so blessed. We really are loaded for bear today with John McKeon with Energize Ministries, Randy and Jamie with Crossfires Ministries, and Sharon and Brooke with the Hope Center.

And so how wonderful is all that? And we would point out that during the break we had a discussion about the axe situation. Now the axe, you know, I hope I didn't confuse people with the whole idea about Finland. Finland is not involved. I was just making a joke about Helsinki, okay? The idea of the axe, there were some prophets.

And I will say that this particular prophet doesn't have a book named after him, okay? But he was involved in getting this axe head to float because this poor dude, he borrowed this axe. And while he was chopping, you can imagine he swung back and the axe went, whoop, went right in the water. But in those days, man, it took a lot of money to buy an axe head. And so he was in deep weeds. And he didn't have the money to pay for the axe. And so this very helpful prophet comes along and floats the axe head, you know, like big deal.

Like, wow, can you imagine? That's supernatural. So we're looking for supernatural stuff in the show today. I know you are.

That's why you tuned in. But getting back to our hero, Brooke, when we left our store, I'm still sitting there like you went door to door during the pandemic to your neighbors. How many doors did you go to? You know, I don't actually know how many neighbors I went to. Yeah, absolutely.

Yeah. Because, you know, everybody was nervous to go to the store. I was happy for them. I was happy.

A lot of our neighbors are retired or not able to get out. And so I wanted to make sure, obviously, everybody had what they needed. And that was kind of where, during that time I was praying, I was like, if I had the opportunity to really fight back against food insecurity, but also just to love the community that needs this kind of thing where they need food, or they need clothing, that I would, you know, take that opportunity.

Yeah, absolutely jump at it. I'm, I'm a mom. And that's what I want to leave my kids with too.

I want to show them that, you know, connecting with the community. You observed this need and you put the lasso on her. She was so gracious to take over that part of it. Really? Yeah. She has a good passion and we work well together. Yeah, I can see that.

It's really spectacular. Of course, one of my favorite verses that I live by is Matthew 25, 40. When we served, the King says, when you serve the least of the brothers and sisters, you serve Jesus Christ. Right.

And again, That is my passion. Oh, we can see that is the Hope Center. It's on Ohalo Road in Walkertown, dressed on the other side of the sheet. So that's easy to remember if you're, if you're in that area, which I know if you're in Virginia today and some people are in Ohio and they're thinking, what's the sheets? Well, those are gas stations in North Carolina.

Right, Jonathan? Is that what they are in Florida? No, I don't think I've ever seen one in Florida. They have great food too, man.

They have hot dogs really cheap. Yeah, we just tried one, not but yesterday. So Jonathan, in your, since you've been there since Wednesday, tell us, I would love to know, man.

You're what, 17? Yeah. Yeah. So how cool. God's starting to put a love for you for this ministry.

And what do you, what do you sense God has on your heart that you're going to get a chance to do work in there? So I'm here for, so my internship is, it's actually an internship, two weeks. It's an internship? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, how cool.

Yeah. So two weeks, one here, one there. And really, so we've gotten to do some, two VBSs already, Vacation Bible Schools, and indirectly assist the pastors and their load and, you know, giving to the kids because they're, you know, pouring themselves out into that and have a bunch of volunteers, of course.

But there's just so much going on. What have you actually, so you've gone to two VBSs. What was your, what were your duties in these VBSs? Well, one of them I'll tell you was, is, well, you know, at VBS, there's a lot of young kids and they want to get in the driver's seat and push all the buttons.

So you got to guard it with your life. We took the bus, the massive energized bus, and I gave them a tour. Andy gave a speech, encouraged them to pray there for their pastors.

Be the one to do that. How cool. Yeah. And then handing out bands, handing out these pamphlets that they can go through.

And yeah. That is really, that's spectacular that you get a chance to do that. And so I'm wondering, Randy, if you guys got a story of a child or something that just comes to your mind that I know the listeners would love to hear how, you know, because you guys have those evangelistic opportunities, kids coming to Christ. Is there one of those stories where somebody came to Christ, you never would have guessed in a million years?

Oh, yeah. At our overnight camp, which is for middle school, junior high, and high school from seven or eight different states. So those in your listening audience who are up here in Asheville, they can come to overnight camp. But we've had a lot of kids come.

Parents would say, you know, they're just not into the Word. They're just not into the Lord like we want them to be. But they'll come because of the basketball, and then they'll make a decision for Christ. We get a call, we get an email that, hey, my son's a different kid since he came to camp, and we give the praise and glory and honor to the Lord. Our coaches, about 20, 25 of them, are all sold out to the Lord. So we're going to teach them everything they can learn in basketball and at Duke or at Carolina or Wake Forest Camp, but we're going to share God's Word with them every day. It's kind of a Christ-centered spiritual basketball boot camp for Jesus. So there have been a lot of stories, a lot of emails, and we do some kids from single-parent families. We don't turn away any campers if they have legitimate need. And some of these kids have come from the inner city, gone back into their high school, and then able to be a witness for Christ during the school year, which is our goal.

So Jamie, how about you? Is there one particular face, you know, the actual story of a young man that stuck out to you in the ministry? Oh, we've had several that Raymond and I could go back to. We've got some in ministry that have come through our camp or our basketball program, like Sam Smithson, who played basketball at Western Carolina University and now married and loves the Lord, 6'10". You've got another one that Tim Lewis is a part of our ministry, came to Christ, and outside of the Lord's will, obviously, he was in a bad situation, and got caught in some bad stuff, and came to Christ, played college ball, and is now coaching with us. We've got another two brothers, the Woods brothers that Randy can tell you this, I'm going to let him jump back in, who are both doing ministry. Randy, why don't you talk about the two Woods guys who came?

Yeah, Jeremy's own staff down in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and his brother's own staff here in Asheville, but they came as teenagers. We're off the path in middle school, and the Lord touched their hearts, and now they went through high school as influencers, and then went into full-time ministry. So we just praise God, brother, like these other ministries, that God lets us use what we find in our hands. If it's a basketball, if it's a hammer, if it's a spoon, a cook, a Christian, ballplayer, whatever it is, that you use that platform to share the gospel like these ministries are doing, it's awesome.

Yeah, I love it. And so, how do people sign up if they want their child to go one of these camps? Where do they need to go?

What do they need to do? Yeah, they can go to our website at We have a half a day option in Hendersonville next week. We'll have about 120 young people, six to 12-year-olds, a week off, and then Asheville will have about 140 at ACA, Asheville Christian Academy, the following week, six to 14-year-olds, and probably for the audiences listening today, our overnight camp we have at Morris Hill University, ages 9 to 18, air-conditioned dorms, all-you-can-eat food, three gymnasiums.

And just go to the website,, or you can call us at 828-255-9111, and we can give you all the details. And it's not like a BBS camp, brother, it's like an intense basketball camp with Jesus every day. So kids that are trying to play college ball, it'd be a great opportunity for them to learn skills if they want to advance.

All our coaches have played Division I, Division II ball, so we'll take the beginner right up to the college prospect, and we'd love to have them here in Western North Carolina. That is awesome. And again, Crossfire is pretty easy to remember. It's got the cross in there, you know. Oh yeah, God gave us that name. The cross is our salvation, fire is the Holy Ghost, and then fire is a basketball term, so He gave us that about 30 years ago. Yeah, I've been with Stu.

He uses that term quite often. Fire, fire, fire, anyway. Amen, thank you for having us. So we'll come back, oh yeah, we're going to be back in a minute with more Kingdom Pursuits, and we got John is going to share how to get up with what you could do with Energized Ministry, as well as Broken Shan with the Hope Center, part of R3. We'll be right back.

Oh, and if you happen to think about the axe. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion.

And boy, we're hearing that today. So wonderful. Like, I always just feel like the poster child of getting to see all these different amazing people that God gives them these visions.

Like, I'm trying to still imagine Brooke going door to door like, you need anything? That's just awesome, man. It's just awesome how God gives people this passion for basketball or for recreation because, you know, here's Energized Ministry, right? The guy likes to do jet skis and four-wheelers and all this stuff, and he turns it into a ministry. Like, when he originally told me this idea, it was like, what?

But oh, what God has done through his faithfulness and those passions that he's given him, it's more than spectacular as you think about it. Now, for me personally, I have a passion for riddles and for my jokes. Anybody that knows me knows that. And so I have Ann who has an answer for me. Ann, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. I'm hoping you can tell us what the answer is to the prophet that made the axe float. Yes, hello.

Hello, Ann, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. Yes, in fact, it was in my reading in my one-year Bible yesterday, the daily reading, you know, June 24th, it was Elisha. Elisha. And the guy dropped the, you know, as you said, he borrowed the axe, and he said, oh, it was borrowed. And then he made it float.

Iron does not float. Did you think he was from Helsinki? Immediately, that's what came to me. So the never-ending debate, is it Elisha or Elisha? You know, you got Elijah with a J and Elisha with an S. Right. And the never-ending question. But this one is the Elisha character, the one that had the 12 oxen that he.

The second one. Right, it is him. Wonderful. Thank you, Ann. It makes me feel so better to know that somebody out there, you have a great Saturday. God bless. You too, God bless you guys. But it was great and inspiring.

Bye-bye. Very much, thank you. And so, John, this is your opportunity, man, to tell people, like, if they are wanting to get involved with Energize Ministry, pray for them, that kind of thing.

What should they do? Yeah, so if you love your pastor and you want to help them out, just go to You can sign up for the newsletter there and go to the Facebook page and keep up with that.

Energize Ministries on Facebook has an amazing Facebook presence. And one of the things that I follow, like, if they've got a golf tournament coming up or their VBS, where they're going to be on their VBS tour, Andy posts almost like Stu. Like, I don't know, they must be related, like distant cousins or something. This is definitely the case.

They do. And so you want to keep up because, you know, there's so many cool things that Energize gets involved with, not just, you know, recreation for pastors, but like relief. When a disaster hits, you can almost count on the fact that Andy's going to be there. He's on the Pray For Your Pastor tour. Like, when we prayed for the National Religious Broadcasters Convention, you want Andy praying for you.

I'm just telling you, it's a wonderful, wonderful ministry if you're into prayer, that kind of thing. And for the Hope Center, right, how can, how do you, Sharon, how would people, what kind of items do you need mostly? Okay, I'll start with the clothes and I'll turn it over to Brooke for the food.

Okay. We need clean, in-season clothes, and they can drop it off like Wednesdays or Saturday from 9 to 11. And so like summer, like you need shorts, bathing suits. Yes.

Like, you know, t-shirts, that kind of stuff. This isn't sweater weather. Right.

Or jackets. Yeah. But hey, if they got swim fins, will you take those?

Snorkel? Yes, we will. And we'll take toys and household goods too. I had to ask.

All right. So, and Sharon, how about food? I know you need food.

I mean, you're Brooke. Yes, absolutely. We absolutely need food. We do non-perishables. We just make sure that it's in date and it's, we also take box food. We love breakfast foods like cereals, pancake mix, Bisquick. Yes. So canned fruit, vegetables.

We do Chef Boyardee, love ramen, anything like that. And so what's the actual address on the Ocala Road? Do you know? It is. It's 3801. 3801. 3801 Old Hollow Road. Old, Old Hollow Road. Yes. Sounds scary, doesn't it? Sounds like they should write a poem about that Old Hollow Road in Walkertown, right? Yes. It's the Kernesville address.

It's the Kernesville address. Excuse me. And so Randy, or Jamie, either one. We'll go with Randy.

How about your, let's give a, once more, how to get people signed up for your camps? You know, I think Randy got knocked off the call. Randy, are you there?

Yep, he's there. Go ahead, Jamie. You finish it out, buddy.

Thanks. Sure. Well, we're a team, yeah. What we do, Rob, is they get our website,, and they can, right now, for camps, they can sign up, register, pay online for the camps next week, later in July, the half-day, July 5-11, the overnight, July 17-21.

And then, Rob, you know, we didn't get into this, but, you know, you talk about getting involved. As far as Crossfire, basketball's a platform, but Randy and I love to preach in churches. We speak in prisons. We speak in middle schools, high schools, universities, for SGA huddle groups, for Bible groups.

You know, think outside the box. We're not just doing a camp. We have a college basketball schedule.

We have an APC All-Star game where we play seniors from Wake Forest, Duke, North Carolina State. So all that could be found on the website to get involved and see how that could be a part of what we're doing. Absolutely wonderful. One more time, it's Crossfire Ministries. Wonderful stuff. So thank you all. How much fun was this today?

I love it. We have so many people in the studio, on the phone. So much fun, and mostly because you listen today.

Without you, we don't have a show, honestly. So thank you, everyone, for listening. We love our listeners here at The Truth Network. And so for that, you get some really great stuff coming your way. Encouraging Prayer with James Banks, followed by The Masculine Journey starts here now at 12 o'clock. I understand that's going to be a great show I'm hosting. And followed by Nikita Kollon. This is The Truth Network.
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