Jesus said, Blessed are the persecuted and they are suffering big time right now. This is Bible League International and 19-year-old Aria was beaten by her own father and violated by local authorities. You know what her crime was?
Simply that she gave her life to Jesus Christ after leaving radical Islam. They need Bibles in order to endure and persevere. And that's why Truth Network and Bible League are teamed up to send God's Word to 3500 persecuted believers around the world at $5 a Bible, $100 Synth 20, call 800-YES-WORD, 800-YES-WORD, 800-YES-WORD, or give at You knew this was coming right speaking a prayer? There you go, for all you who loved the 60s. That's, that was it, Adam. That's how it goes. So, you know, this, this, this.
Sad I missed that, Rob. Right. You may have wondered, how do pirates, you know, when they pray, how do they start out? Have you ever wondered about that, Christian? With an R? Yeah, R Father.
Could you say R Father? How about this one? Do you ever wonder what Muslims, what they call the early prayer wakes them up in the morning? I don't know if you knew that. They call that an alarm clock. Oh yes, that's a dead joke. Don't you think, Brian? Alarm clock. Yeah. And you may wonder, I know I have, where do Russian Muslims go to pray? No idea. Where do they go?
They go to the mosque. Ow. Let's see if I can pull this one off.
I'm really hoping I can, because I like the joke a lot. From where do Imperial stormtroopers say their prayers? Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew. Perfect.
For you Star Wars fans out there. And the priest, of course, began to water his garden. He bowed his head and began to pray. You might've heard this one. Let us spray, let us spray. Yeah, Brian. That's a, that's a, that's a dead joke. If you ever heard one and, um, godly, you know, he finally answered my prayer for the $15 million lottery.
The answer was no. And, uh, we'll, we'll kind of end this round with, you know, how does a Jamaican close? We talked about how a pirate starts his prayer, our father, but how about the Jamaican? How does he close his prayer?
I'm on. Oh, that's just bad. So which dad in the Bible, there's a question that you're wondering about, right? Which dad in the Bible prayed for a dad bod so he could be a father figure for which dad in the Bible prayed for a dad bod so he could be a father figure. You're looking at me like you're puzzled. This is not hard. This is actually easy. Just think of fathers in the Bible. Like some of them had some of them had many sons and all that, you know, come on.
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