June 14, 2022 10:43 am
League Jokes From Saturday
The Todd Starnes Show
Todd Starnes
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Todd Starnes Show
Todd Starnes
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
CBS Sunday Morning
Jane Pauley
So speaking of league, you know, I wanted to start a hide-and-seek league. Oh, here it comes. We're actually going to get the shenanigans in.
All right, he hit the wrong button. Now I feel better because we're actually going to play shenanigans before we get into the Bible League. So speaking of league, as I talked out, you know, I wanted to start a hide-and-seek league. Do you know, it's a difficult thing, Christian, you know why? Why was that?
To start a hide-and-seek league, you know, it's hard to find good players. If you think about that, yeah. So, you know, my girl really loves orange soda. I don't know if you knew that.
Tammy just loves orange soda. In fact, you know, sort of way out of my league. Do you think that's a crush or just fantasy? Yes. Yes.
All right. And we'll see for those Wonder Woman lovers out there. So I don't know if you ever wondered it, but you know how Wonder Woman got her new sword? New sword. You know how she got her new sword? I don't know. I don't have any idea. Amazon Prime. Perfect.
That helps if you're down there. You know what I'm saying? Anyway, I felt betrayed when my girlfriend joined a softball league without telling me.
You know why, Christian? I bet you can guess. Joined a softball league without telling you.
Yeah, it was underhanded. That makes total sense. And my personal favorite on this league list of league jokes that I've struggled with this morning because I guess I've played too many shenanigans, but I do love this joke.
I hope I don't destroy it. It's absolutely hilarious. Did you hear, Christian, about the new Snail Racing League? Snail Racing League? No, I didn't hear about that, Robby. Have you heard about it, Michael? It's the Snail Racing League. You know, I guess I missed that one, Robby. It's called the NASCAR Go. A lot of French people in the stands for that one. Yeah, oui.
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