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Let's bring the living water to the world. This is Andy Thomas from the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we discover what it means to be a wholehearted man. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion. Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into kingdom pursuits.
Now live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. I am so glad it's June and we got so many cool things coming up this summer. And boy, we've got some lined up for you today. Really, really outstanding fun. You know, all the camps start, shows are going on, all sorts of cruisings.
So we got all that kind of stuff going on for you today. First up, we have coach Willie Williams, who has got the breakthrough basketball camp. It's coming up June 14th through the 16th right here in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
If you happen to be in Virginia or you're in Ohio today, it'd be worth, wouldn't it, Willie, for people to get their kids there. Definitely, definitely. And so it's for third through eighth grade boys and girls, right? It is.
Yeah, yeah. And it's a little bit unique where we are really focusing on the fundamentals of the game. It's not just they just throw a ball out and start playing and really try to break the game down and teaching the fundamentals. And so really cool from my standpoint, breakthrough basketball camp. Yeah.
Tell me about that word. Yeah, man, it was really interesting as you know how as a basketball coach you receive a ton of emails and you know, hey, try this, go to this camp, everything. So I received this email though, hey, you want to come up with this camp? It's called breakthrough basketball.
I almost just deleted it, you know, but I ended up replying back to it just because I was curious because it was actually local. And so, man, I got connected in that about five, six years ago and I just love what they stand for as far as the game is about the fundamentals of the game, you know, not just so much just size and athleticism, but it's about like the game of basketball. You get to break it down. And on top of that, it's about the holistic flow of the person, you know, like developing like these young kids understand like they're all about me, about me, you know.
There's so many things that really, you know, God puts coaches in young people's lives and father them, right, through a lot of things and understanding, you know, what he's doing. And so that's absolutely spectacular. Also, we have with us Clark Chilton.
He is with Wesleyan Memorial United Methodist Church. And oh my goodness, do they have a car cruise incoming because that's next Saturday, June the 11th. And you guys actually have Kyle Petty is going to be there? Correct.
Yes. Kyle Petty will be there. The Petty family have allowed us to use the, one of their STP NASCAR race cars will be there. Bill Blair, who's sort of a racing legend in the High Point area will also be there. And a NASCAR simulator. Yeah. NASCAR is supplied, it's like a booth with a couple of steering wheels on it with screens.
Oh yeah, those things are awesome. Pretend you are going to do that with bounce houses, Kona ice, hot dogs. And so people with classic cars can just cruise in that morning. And we have a lot of parking available. And that's coming up next Saturday, right? It starts at 10?
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 1225 Chestnut Drive. Sue, those of you who are listening, know I'm probably going to go here. So let's go there. So speaking of cars.
Yes, it's time to play shenanigans. So speaking of cars, you know, have you thought about this one, Chris? When is a car not a car? I don't know. When is a car not a car?
You got any ideas? Let's see. Clark, you know, you're doing the car cruise in. When is a car not a car? I think I would know. Yeah, you would think.
But Willie, it's when it turns into a driveway. Oh, absolutely. So you know, you're bound to get that one. And then, you know, I couldn't work out how to fasten my seat belt. I was working on it, working on it. All of a sudden, man, it all of a sudden clicked. Oh. And I don't know about this one, but I was, you know, in a relationship with a chauffeur. But I just didn't think it was going anywhere. You know why?
It felt like he was just driving me away. Always. That's a good one. I do like this one.
All right. So what is, why did the poor gentleman drive his Subaru into the lake? You got any ideas on that one? I've got no idea. Willie? No. Oh. I don't know. Come on, Clark. If you think about it, he's going to make it a scooberoo. Ah, okay.
I've always wondered why you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway. Well, there you go. He's got his own. He's got his own. He's got his own. I got my own material.
He should start his own show. All right. Let's see how he does with this.
That's all I got. What part of the car is the laziest? Come on. This one's pretty easy, actually.
I don't know. The laziest part of the car. It's the wheels because they're always tired. So Confucius says, I understand that a man who runs behind a car gets exhausted, but the man who runs in front of the car, he gets tired. Yeah.
Or worse. Yeah. And I bet you can get this one, Willie. I want you to really think. Okay.
What kind of a car does Yoda drive? I've heard this. You've heard it? Yes. What do you think, Chuck? You got it?
What kind of car... I'm sorry. It's all right. You got a new name coming in heaven.
It might be Chuck. Sure. I'll take it. As long as I'm there, man.
Call me whatever you want. I'm sorry, Clark. Yoda. Oh, I've heard this. I don't remember. Christian, you want to take a shot at this one?
I know you can do it. Is it a Toyota? Oh, that's it. Of course, he drives a Toyota. So we have a great Bible riddle for you today.
Pretty easy one, actually, where we've got great prizes. So which cars are mentioned in the Bible? 866-348-7884. Which cars are mentioned in the Bible? And if they can guess that, Christian, tell them what they won. They're going to win a fabulous four-pack for the Winston-Salem dash game next Thursday night against the Greensboro Grasshoppers. Nice. Pretty easy one.
What cars are mentioned in the Bible? 866-348-7884. Again, we're playing the Greensboro Grasshoppers, the Winston-Salem dash. And so we're talking major rival here. It's going to be a good game. And we got a four-pack of them.
866-348-7884. So Coach, I'm curious. You had a really cool basketball career from what I understand.
Yeah. So where did you play in high school? Yeah, so I went to a small high school in Nebraska called McCook High School.
McCook? Yes, McCook High School. Went there and had an opportunity to go to state basketball tournament my junior year.
It was a great experience. Yeah, I went on to play college basketball. Went to Nebraska Christian College my first two years and had a great experience there. And then transferred to Grace University to get my teaching degree and played basketball there.
And actually won a national championship my senior year. So one of the few seasons you get to go out with a win, you know. And so it's a great experience. Great group of guys. In fact, one of my guys had just texted me the article because his anniversary came up a few days ago.
So sent me the article. What year was that? That would have been 2008.
Wow. My son was playing at UNCG at that point. Yeah, it was really... No, in 2008 he went to University of Northern Arizona first. And then transferred to UNCG in 2001. But another, you know, we got to see him play through high school and all. What a fun thing, you know.
And as you know, if any of those who are regular Truth listeners are boss to Epperson, like the man loves basketball. So I know you're not surprised that Stu had something to do with this, right? And if you had a chance to play with Stu? You know, I have not personally been able to play with Stu yet, you know.
I've gotten the invite. We have not been able to connect though yet. But I see his videos he posts. Well, he doesn't post his bad shots, by the way. I know.
I haven't seen him this yet, you know. So we got this camp, very cool, coming up. It's called Breakthrough Basketball Camp, June 14th through the 16th.
It's right here in Winston-Salem at Carolina University, which is on Broad Street. How fun is that? It's for boys and girls, third through eighth grade. And that's with Coach Willie. And we're going to talk a lot more. We didn't get much to the car show or cruise in.
I shouldn't call it a show because they're not... It's a cruise in with Kyle Petty, the NASCAR simulator, all that stuff going on. Wesley Memorial Methodist next Saturday.
Start at 10 o'clock. We'll be right back. Oh, we better get some calls on who are these cars in the Bible. Welcome back to Kingdom Perseverance, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom.
We're so fun today. We have with us Clark Chilton with Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church, and they've got a classic car cruise in. It's coming up next Saturday, June 11th, featuring how cool this is, Kyle Petty. And the STP car, they got a NASCAR simulator, and it's right there on Chestnut Drive in High Point, as well as Coach Willie Williams with a breakthrough basketball camp coming up June 14th through the 16th at Carolina University, formerly Piedmont International, which is a Christian university. They're on Broad Street, Winston-Salem for grades third through eighth, boys and girls. And I am shocked and dismayed that nobody has called in to win these Dash tickets.
I mean, this is not hard. What cars are in the Bible? 866-348-7884. I know you're out there. I know you want to go to the Dash game. They're free. There's like four tickets.
How easy is this? And by the way, nobody has ever called in in the history of Kingdom Pursuits that I was hosting. Every once in a while, I have a guest host that doesn't understand the shtick. But anyway, nobody's ever gotten an answer wrong. Never.
It's impossible because we will figure out how to make it right no matter what. 866-348. Yeah, yeah. Leaving bread crumbs here, people. Come on.
866-348-7884. So, Clark, you grew up in Clemens? I did.
Yeah. My family's from Winston-Salem. And my dad went to Wake Forest. I went to West Forsyth High School and went to UNC Asheville for my undergrad.
So, were you there? You look like you had a bad—Chris Paul? He's a little younger than me. He went to Haynes. I went to Haynes Middle School. I graduated high school in 1997.
I think he was like 2001, maybe? Yeah. So, we did play on the same court at Haynes, though.
So, I'd like to think maybe it rubbed off four years earlier on him. Probably not. You like basketball. I can see a lot. I do. I do. I'm not as good as Willie.
Willie could run circles around me. That's about all. That's about all. Yeah. I like the jumping part.
It's the landing part. It's troublesome after you hit 40. And so, how did you get interested in Wesleyan in becoming a pastor?
Oh my gosh. Where to begin with that one? Well, I became a Christian at age 20. And I mean, I went to church my whole life, but it was really at a camp I was going to serve at that I had really a conversion experience around a campfire where I had a born again moment with the Lord that changed the trajectory of my life. And then I felt the call in the ministry a few years later, discerned that I needed to go to a seminary. And through a lot of youth ministry positions in Charlotte, I worked a lot of churches down there. I worked at the Graham Evangelistic Association, Billy Graham, for a couple of years in Charlotte part-time. I wasn't an evangelist or anything, but it was a great experience working there. And I've been serving in churches for over 20 years now.
And I would, you know, it's amazing to me, and I saw it with my own kids, what camps do for faith, right? Because they're used to going to Sunday school, whatever the, you know, church. But now they're in with a group of other people, right? And they have a similar interest, right?
They're playing basketball or whatever. And then now how cool, it's at Carolina, which is a Christian university. And although you're not gonna be, it isn't part of the curriculum of spirituality, but nonetheless, it's front and center, right?
Chris Yeah. You know, it's really cool is that, you know, athletics is a great avenue to be able just to spread the gospel, whether through words or by actions, you know? And so with us having all Christian staff there, you know, my coaching staff, and along with some of the players, you know, these kids get to experience, you know, they get to see, because everyone wants to be, when you're a little kid, you want to see the high schoolers, the college players.
I mean, they'll ask for autographs and all that kind of stuff. Can you dunk? Can you make a Steph Curry 3? All that kind of stuff.
So they get to see that, but they get to see them witnessing just how they interact, you know? Chris So, can you dunk? Chris Oh, man.
I mean, no. Maybe before the injuries, I could get up a little bit, this thing can dunk. Chris I could barely do a white guy dunk. Chris Yeah, you know. I threw people passes that could dunk. So, like I was a part of that a little bit, you know what I'm saying? Chris If we have a pass, it doesn't happen.
Chris They were launching it, launching it. Well, speaking of dunk shots, we've got all kinds of callers. So, you know, if you don't necessarily, if you hear the answer first, you know, be sure and hang on, because I still want to talk to you. And we have bonus prizes, okay? So, if you've got an idea, by all means, stay with us.
Don't give up if you're not got the same answer that somebody else does. So, we've got Susan is also in High Point. Are you related to Clark in any way, shape, or form, or Chuck? Susan, you're on The Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning. Susan Good morning. Chris I'm so glad you're on. Susan You're having me on.
Thank you. Chris Yeah. So, are you related to Clark or Chuck? Susan No. Chris No. Okay. Chris Probably not. Chris You could still win though, there's no problem even if you weren't.
It's funny. Susan Okay. Yes, I am. After Chris Jesus, I'm definitely related. Chris Oh, you're his sister. I should have known. I should have known. Oh, well then that's an automatic winner.
You've already won, and you haven't even answered the question. But anyway, what cars are in the Bible? Susan Okay, I know two, the Jewish month, the new song, and they were all in one accord. Chris That's, that's, that's, no doubt they were in an accord. Chris And, and so we're guessing it was a Honda.
Susan Yeah. Chris Very old. Chris It's biblical. Chris Honda.
Chris Very biblical, very biblical. Well, thank you, Susan. Great answer. Enjoy the, enjoy the game.
And by all means, you know, go Dash. You're not a Greensboro fan, are you? Susan Oh, um, I'm just answering. Chris Oh, okay. Chris Taking the non-answer.
Chris All right. Thank you, Susan. I appreciate you calling in.
God bless. All right, next up, we got Jamal is in, also in the Triad area. So Jamal, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning.
Jamal Hey, Robbie, this is Jamal. Good to talk to you finally. How you doing, sir? Chris Oh, it's wonderful.
I'm doing wonderful. So I bet you we can find some other Dash tickets for you, by the way. So we'll figure out a way to get some to you.
But have you got another car that was mentioned in the Bible? Jamal Um, probably. You know, I kind of got the hint from you guys about, you know, just kind of come up with any answers. So you guys twisted my arm. Chris All right.
Jamal You think that I'd give it a shot. Now, I don't remember the exact scripture, but they're talking about cherries of iron. I think not worshipping cherries of iron. Chris You're right.
You couldn't be more right. You know, those were cars for that, you know, everybody loves a good chariot, right? Jamal Yeah. Chris They made a lot of those in the 50s.
And they were of iron, too, by the way. So yeah. Jamal Yeah. Chris Wheels. Well, thank you, Jamal. I appreciate you calling in today. God bless. Jamal God bless.
Chris All right. So getting back to the basketball camp, if I was a third grader, right? From your perspective, I'm curious because I played basketball.
And you're going to be focusing on the fundamentals. What a third graders, they just need to learn how to dribble, don't they? Jamal Yeah. I mean, they really watch the NBA. And there's some great players there, but doesn't necessarily translate to, you know, third grade or elementary middle school. So we really focus on like, what's it look like for like straight line drives as far as like, you know, one or two dribbles versus dribbling all over the place. You know, we work on the fundamentals of shooting, like, really don't need to be shooting threes quite yet. You know, people don't know, realize that Steph Curry, his dad didn't let him start shooting threes till he was like a freshman in high school.
You know? And so he really, you know, trying to focus on the proper technique there. And then what's it look like to move without the ball? Instead of just standing there with your hand up saying pass, pass, pass, pass, pass, you know, you get to lift the cut and Chris You know, I remember when I was in seventh grade, believe it or not, I was 6'5". In seventh grade, I weighed about 128 pounds.
So I was like a walking stick. But nonetheless, the basketball coach was very excited that he had this 6'5". Can't coach size. But they didn't bother trying to teach me to dribble because that would have been, I was the most uncoordinated thing you ever saw in your life.
Because when I, you have that kind of growth spurt in seventh grade, there's not a lot going on except fall on your face. But what he would do is he just put me under the basket. And he would say, I just want you to stand here and make a layup, get your own rebound, go to the other side, make a layup from that side, go back over here, make a layup. And he just had me stand there and do that literally most every practice. That's all I did was stand under that basket, get my own rebound, throw it back on the other side, get my own rebound.
And you know what it did? I mean, what a difference it made throughout, you know, playing basketball over the years is just so much fun to get rebounds and to get that stuff, you know? Yeah, definitely. So, you know, we really just try to focus on that, breaking it down to the fundamentals.
So it gives them kind of plants to seed, and then they get to go off and start working on it on their own. So. Yeah. And, you know, they go home and they have a whole summer, right?
Since they get kicked off right now. And so how about you, Clark, not Chuck? I just want to call you Chuck.
Call me whatever you want. He looks like a Chuck, doesn't he? I do. Yeah, I got that Chuck look. That's actually my middle name. Clark Chuck Chilton. My parents were cruel. Yes. So what do you remember of your basketball coach?
I'm curious because I know you love the game. Well, thankfully my father was my coach for a couple of seasons there. So he was- Really?
He didn't. Yeah, he's a great, great- At Hanes? Great man.
No, not at Hanes. My coach at Hanes was a guy named Cal Stamp. He played at Wake Forest actually. Great guy.
Really tall. And we won't talk about high school just yet, not on a Christian radio station. All right. When we come back, we got more about the cruise in coming up next Saturday and the basketball camp coming up June 14th through 16th, which by the way, both of these are at You can find out all about them. There's links and all sorts of stuff you can click and get involved. It's so cool.
We'll be right back. We hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. So fun today. I love summertime when we get to talk about these camps, and opportunities for people to come to shows and all sorts of stuff. So if you know me, as a Christian car guy, I kind of like a cruise in.
That's something I can jump right into. And what a way to get people that you know, where a lot of guys don't go to church. Right, Chuck? That's me.
Chuck Schulten. Clark, but seriously, that was kind of the idea of the church is we need to figure out things that involve men more in what we're doing so that they can see their interest. That's kind of worked for me, my niche in the world of using cars as a platform to involve men with the Bible.
Yeah. Well, I think some guys, and this isn't a judgment, but some guys can have the feeling that being a person of faith is somehow a feminine pursuit or something like that, which we know is a misnomer, but that you can have spiritual intimacy with your spouse, with your family. You can grow in your faith, and it actually makes your family stronger. But yeah, I mean, we know a lot of people in the area of High Point that own classic cars. There's a big car club in the lot, probably every city listening, but to really engage in that way. Wesley Memorial's campus is also pretty stunning. It's just a beautiful cathedral. It's really one of a kind kind of a church to really see it.
It makes an impression on you the first time you see it. And we just wanted to leverage that to let the community know, hey, our doors are open, and we want... This is a great place to be. The church is growing. We've got a lot of people joining the church this year.
It's just an exciting time at Wesley Memorial. And since it's a cruise in, right, it's a freebie. I mean... Freebie. Right.
You just drive in in whatever it is that you got. You know, clean it up, make it look good. Sure. And not only do you get freebie entrance, right, you got freebie food.
Yeah. Hot dogs, popcorn, little bounce houses for the kids. The simulator.
The simulator. You know, the race cars and the stars that you guys are bringing. And again, just a great afternoon, you know, and invite your neighbor that might like cars. That's right. Yeah. I mean, I have a 2005 Honda CRV. I might even pop the hood on that thing. All right.
Just really just to provide contrast to make the other cars look better. By all means, pop the hood, show them what a four-banger looks like. That's right. I like that.
By the same token, right? You know, this is an opportunity for a lot of parents to get their kids involved in something that they naturally wanna do. And so, you know, when you're talking about third through eighth grade, a lot of times, this is their first opportunity to play something organized.
Yeah. We get a wide range of skill levels on there. Some of this is their first time even playing basketball. Others is like, man, I really just wanna take my game to the next level. And so, it actually fits all the different skill levels that come in because we're just trying to give you the fundamentals, you know, an opportunity to just have fun, a good, fun environment. It's a pretty quick pace as far as just being able to, you know, get in, we get working and get out, you know. And so, and doing it on a college campus, which is kind of pretty cool. You know, at Carolina University, it's just a good experience for our kids. Oh, yeah.
Absolutely. And so, fundamentals, we talked about offense. How about defense? You know, this was not necessarily focused on the defensive side, which is ironic because I'm a defensive-minded coach.
You know, it was last year at Carolina University, we were the number one ranked defense in the nation. And so, I'm a big defensive. I feel like defense- Were you really?
Yeah. I feel like defense is one of those things where it's like, defense is more effort, where offense is a little more skill. And I feel like you can, you know you can bring defense every night.
You never know if that ball is always gonna go in on the offensive end, you know. And so, team really put a lot of work into that. So, they did a really good job. Well, I gotta know. So, tell me about your defense on Carolina University.
Yeah. So, we kind of adopted that pack line defense. You know, we took it from Virginia. And we tweaked it a little bit.
They kind of fit who we were and our personnel. And so, we really played that gap defense. And the guys got after it.
It's flying all over the place. You know, we kind of tweaked it a little bit to where our five guy actually matched up one-on-one with the other five guy. And then, we had four-on-four the rest of the time.
And so, those four guys were flying all over the place. And so, it's a get after it type of defense. You know, so. And so, you can see if you got that, you know, seventh, eighth grader, somebody who's played some basketball, you know, or you've got the third grade, you know, whatever the situation is, you know, that they now have an opportunity to talk about their interests with somebody that really understands, really gets it, and then still at the same time really loves on them, right? Definitely.
Yeah. You know, I mean, that's the cool thing about it is they get to really develop some good relationships with the other coaches that are helping there, you know, because it's some of my players and everything. They get to come and just build good relationships and interact with different players. So, you've got some of your players. Yeah, some of the players are going to come and they're going to help. And they get to be the camp coaches, you know.
And so, it's good for them too because, I mean, they get to go and they're like, wow, I really need to work on this skill myself. So, you know, and so, it's just a great opportunity. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Again, it is Breakthrough Basketball Camp coming up June 14th through the 16th at Carolina University, which is on Broad Street in Winston-Salem, formerly Piedmont International. Correct, yeah, yeah. And so, it's for third through eighth grade boys and girls.
That's right. And so, do you have girl coaches too? Right now, we're working on that.
Okay. You know, having a few of the, from the women's team come over and help out and everything like that. So, they can get that experience as well. Yeah, because, you know, I remember in my case, you know, I had two daughters. And my younger daughter, because she saw her brother, you know, excel so much in basketball, guess what she wanted to do, right? And it was really fun and interestingly, just for as a side note, so you'll know, Christian, that, you know, Stu's daughter Gracie and Mariah are exactly the same age. And so, we had a team where Stu was the coach and Gracie and Mariah were both playing basketball. That's awesome.
It was. It was really fun back in the day at Calvary. And, you know, that was a way, really, to get a lot of people, men involved in church that way is through basketball. So, tell me your passion, I'm interested, Clark, not Chuck, as far as at church. What do you, you know, as an associate pastor, kind of tell us what your role is.
How does that work? Well, my role is over the Contemporary Worship Service. I mean, it's 9.45 a.m. on Sundays. So, I preach there weekly. Really?
Yeah. So, I'm passionate about teaching, about preaching, communicating. So, what do you teach?
What do you teach it on right now? We just finished a sermon series on prayer. That was about six weeks. And that'll wrap up this Sunday in the next six weeks. So, tell me what just, man, you're just excited as you can be tomorrow to share what about prayer. Well, the other associate's preaching tomorrow. Oh, so what you were excited about last week.
Yes. Last week I read John 17, which is the longest recorded prayer of Jesus in the Bible that we have. So, it's utterly fascinating to see his train of thought and how sometimes he's laying out requests to God, and other times he's simply just communing with God. He's just affirming the truth of who God is in his prayer.
And sometimes it's good for us not just to come to God with, it's good to come with requests, of course, but also just to be with him and to share your heart and to be open like that. So, I'm passionate about preaching and teaching and also evangelism. I'm over just evangelism at the church, just trying to communicate the gospel.
The messages always stayed the same, but the mediums change throughout culture and history. So, we're always trying to branch out with mediums. We're on television, 730 AM on Fox 8. We, of course, stream live, but just trying to reach the world, trying to reach our community for Christ. So, it's been going well. So, I'm curious about a lot of things always, but evangelism there, what's the structure?
How do you go about doing that? Well, you know, we don't necessarily do an altar call kind of a thing very much, but I'll get back to that after the break. I'd be happy to share that with you. It is going well.
He has plenty of time to prepare that answer. There you go. I heard the music. Okay. It played off for a second. It's probably a good thing. Yeah. Well, we got one more segment coming up.
We got Chuck and we got Coach Willie. And all this is, again, at, The Car Show and the Breakthrough Basketball. Stay tuned. Welcome back to Kingdom Versuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. We are so blessed and having a great time, too, with Clark Chilton, with the Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church Classic Cruise Inn next Saturday, June 11th. It's going to have Kyle Petty and a NASCAR simulator there on Chestnut Drive and High Point, as well as Coach Willie Williams with Breaksuit Breakthrough Basketball Camp, coming up June 14th through 16th at Carolina University and Broad Street in Winston-Salem, which again, third through eighth grade boys and girls. How exciting. That's going to be going on, coming right up.
And those camps are amazing. But when we left our hero, Chuck, he was slash car Clark. Right. It sounds like car. Yeah.
Car in there, too. He was going to tell us about evangelism at Wesley. Yeah. Well, I mean, the Wesleyan movement has always originally prided itself on reaching the culture around it, especially in the early stages of the United States of America. We were a massive, I think, like 80 percent of the culture was Methodist. It's a huge movement. Circuit riders and horses going out planting churches, massive movement of the Spirit at that time.
And so we're, you know, we're really trying to rekindle that, that Spirit of moving out, being in faith, loving our neighbors as we're commanded to do, tangible expressions of the grace of God to the world around us, not just saying it, but living it. And so we see this car cruise in as just a vehicle. There's a little pun for you, a little vehicle. Yeah, that's a nice vehicle. I like it. It's a four door.
A vehicle for just an open door, letting people know. That's another pun. There's another pun. He's going. I'm not tired of him. Just keep on going. Keep it rolling. We'll not pump the brakes. We'll keep priming the engine. Spectacular. Well played, huh?
Yeah, it is, you know. And so we're going to bounce over to. Yeah, here we go. I like it. Cruise over.
Yeah, we're getting cruise, bounce over to coach Willie. And so, you know, for you, how about you when you were in third or eighth grade? Was there somebody came alongside you that helped you? Or do you remember something like that? Yeah, I mean, when you're growing up and you can get attached, I remember just like seeing our high school players, you know, like, man, I want to play varsity someday. I want to do that and then go into the camps and you got to see them in action and you seen how hard they played. You know, I think that was the biggest thing is just the effort level and seeing how hard they played and and they were coachable. You know, we had a really, really great coach in high school.
I did. His name was Coach Joel. He's your godly man, you know, and so I got to see how that looked like on the court. It's just a great example.
And then his players did the same. And so for me to be able to witness that I was like, man, I want to I want to hopefully have that impact someday, you know, and so we're hoping through these camps that we're able to able to have that impact with, you know, our youth. You know, often I love radio as I do, but I wish that our listeners could see what I see when I sit across from these two guys. They both have a phenomenal light in their eyes that I would like, man, I would want my kids to go to that basketball game.
It's because I see the light. I would want, you know, my friends to go to that cruise in because, you know, you can see that love of Jesus is all over these things. And, you know, how neat that we here at the Truth Network can support these in any way, shape or form.
So, you know, again, if you go to, you can find out all about both events and of course register if in the case of the camp, you know, that's going to require that. But the cruise in, it's a free, F-R-E-E, freebie. Free. Not many things are free in this world. That's true. And then NASCAR simulator alone, you don't have to pay to do that? I think we did have to pay a little bit for that.
But I mean, the people that are going to do it, they don't have to pay 50 cents or anything. They just sit down and play. Just play. And eat. Yeah. And enjoy cars. That's spectacular.
Yeah. So if you have a car you want to bring, just come up to the front circle a lot and let us know that, well, we'll probably be able to tell by looking at you that you're bringing something sweet. Reunor is not sweet. It is not sweet.
Bring it. If you got a Pinto, someone will like that. I don't know if there's any Pintos left.
There are. And if there's some Pintos out there, they need to be up there, you know, especially a Vega. Oh, we had a Vega. It had a white vinyl interior.
Wow. You had a Vega? My dad did, yeah. Horrible car. I don't know what's up with Chevrolet in the 80s, but whoo. Well, they had a problem with their four-cylinder engines.
I can give you the whole history. They were using aluminum. That was a great idea. They just hadn't realized that you can't put a steel... They used a steel sleeve in an aluminum engine, and they only went about 20,000 miles. And then that was it for the Vega. Those people who put 350 V8s in their Vegas.
Wow. That's a lot of torque and a lot of weight. But if you think about it, man, to me, the Vega was one of the prettiest cars of its era. I mean, it was a beautiful car. 20,000 miles later. But white vinyl interior, man, that was cool.
Especially in the summertime, it gets kind of stuck to it. It's great. So that was in the era of the Gremlin. Did you ever hear one of those?
Actually, my dad still has one to this day. A Gremlin? Yeah. Oh, my man. Oh, yeah. It's a street race.
It's not legal. He's definitely... He has fun with that. I hate this show is over right when we get to the Gremlin. All right. Remember, Westland Memorial's their classic cruising coming up next Saturday.
Kyle Petty is going to be there June 11th, as well as a breakthrough basketball camp, June 14th through the 16th, all at Now stay tuned. You got so much truth coming at you. Encouraging prayer followed by, wow, the masculine journey starts here at 12 noon. And then it's time to man up with Nikita Kolov. Oh, so much truth coming at you on the Truth Network. This is the Truth Network.
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