This is Hans Schile from the Finishing Well Podcast.
On Finishing Well, we help you make godly choices about Medicare, long-term care, and your money. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion.
Together, we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into Kingdom Pursuits. Now, live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. Wow, and we're hoping this show will light up your world today, because we have Jessica Wins with Bright Light Technologies, eliminate COVID-19 with clinically proven solutions. Welcome, Jessica. Hi, good morning. Thank you so much for having me on the show.
I'm so excited to be with you. I am, too, because this is such important stuff that we're going to talk about today in so many different ways, because Jessica's got an amazing story brought up in Ecuador. Like, you don't hear that in her voice at all, do you? But did you have an accent at one point in time, Jessica?
I did not. My mother's American and my father is Ecuadorian, so I had the privilege of growing up in a home where we spoke both languages, and I think that helped out with the accent. Yeah, I bet. Just because I'm totally ignorant, what language do they speak in Ecuador?
We speak Spanish. Okay. So, wow. And anyway, so Bright Light Technologies, for those who have not heard of it, this is really cool stuff. So can you give us sort of a thumbnail of what that is?
Sure. Well, our company, what we do is we help organizations integrate the most powerful biodefense technologies in the industry into your actual facility to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and infectious disease as a whole. So we have solutions, ultimately the best air solutions in the industry, where we, you know, comprising of several technologies that combined make the ultimate pathogen defense weapon that you could imagine to keep indoor operations as safe as possible. So we have the privilege to be able to help people with a real solution, and it's a wonderful thing to be able to do.
Right. So how cool is it that it comes through light, right? So as you might imagine, since it's King of Pursuits, we have to do Ravi's riddle. So speaking of light, Carmen, I know you've been waiting for this all morning, Carmen. My favorite part of the day.
So, you know, God created alternating light and darkness for 24 hours, I guess you're aware of that. And when the angel asked him what he was doing, you know what God said, Carmen? No, tell me. You got any ideas, Jessica? I'll let you tell me. All right. He said, I think I'll call it a day. That was good.
All right. So I bet you like this. Do you know what happens? This is a definite riddle right here. Ravi riddle. Do you know what happens if light breaks the speed limit?
Does it get pulled over? It's sent to prism. Ha.
That was good. And this one, you may not be aware of it, but if bright light tech, if they opened up a satellite office in Poland, right? This would have a gigantic effect on international manners. You know why?
No, why? Polite. Polite. And so, yeah, you knew at the end of all those shenanigans, I would actually have a riddle that you could call in and win today. And so I really liked my riddle today.
I really, really do. And I'm hoping you'll call at 866-348-7884 and tell us which lamp in the Bible would you say was a match made in heaven? Think about it, Carmen, right? Which lamp in the Bible would you say was a match made in heaven? And if you can answer that, Carmen, tell them what they'll win. They'll win one of our marvelous reads from the Kingdom Pursuit Prize Bowl.
Yes, we have books on top of books from all that have been given to us, even some from my private collection. So I would love to hear your idea of which lamp in the Bible would you say was a match made—and this whole idea of light is really, really cool—which lamp in the Bible, which would you say was a match made in heaven? 866-348-7884, 86634 truth. And so, speaking of sort of matches made in heaven, right? Your husband and you get to do this together, your husband Braxton, and you started Bright Light Technologies, right? Yes, we co-founded the company together. We've been working together for a very, very long time. I know a lot of married couples that say, I could never work with my husband or my significant other, but the Lord has deemed it so, that we should be together plowing the ground together in business and also in ministry. Yeah, really, and the foundations of that really came through ministry, right?
Yes, absolutely. Yeah, so we met—actually, I grew up in Ecuador, and I came to college. I came to Campbell University at age 18 to go to school. Where is Campbell University?
I hate to interrupt, but I— Yeah, no, that's great. Campbell University is in a little town called Buies Creek, North Carolina. It's about an hour south of Raleigh, and between Lillington and Dunn.
So here we are in the sandhills of North Carolina. And so, you met him there, and then—but your parent—am I right that your dad was a missionary? Yes, so my mom was a missionary nurse. My dad was a pastor. Just a little backstory about our family. So if we can go back to 1913, so let's just go back there.
Oh, let's. Yeah, Ecuador up to that point was a closed country. They would not allow missionaries to come in, but the president changed the constitution to allow freedom of religion. And so at that time, they opened the borders for missionaries to start coming, and an amazing missionary, young couple, came on a boat to preach the gospel and share the good news. And so when, you know, they started preaching on the street, there was a lot of opposition, a lot of resistance from the established, you know, religious kind of world that was there at that time. So the president said, we're going to assign military escorts to protect these missionaries while they're preaching on the street, which is so awesome, right?
That's amazing. And one of those military men was my grandfather, and my grandfather, you know, he'd grown up pretty in a rough situation, had basically run away from home and joined the military. And there he stood at a street corner listening to this man preach about the good news of Jesus and that God was the Father. And so he, you know, in that moment, just got down on his knees and received the Father, you know, you know, Jesus. And now he had a father that he never had had.
And so from that moment on, he and his nine kids—my dad was the youngest—they traveled throughout all of the nation of Ecuador just basically as just pioneers for Jesus and just preaching the gospel from town to town to town to town. And yeah, what's just truly remarkable to me is just when I see the yes of one person to Jesus, how that can change not only your family, but it can change a generation, it can change a nation. And, you know, a lot of times, you know, we think, well, who am I? Little me. What's my little yes?
But that yes is so, so important because when you say yes to God's plans, it goes beyond what we could imagine, ask or think. And so here I am, you know, you know— Darrell Bock Yeah, when you think about it, I mean, it's so cool. I mean, it's really beyond cool when I think about it, Jessica, that God sent some light from America down to Ecuador, and that developed all this light out of your family that now some of that light has come back to America, right? And to start Bright Light Technologies, but in so many ways, you and your husband and ministry and bringing light because, you know, that's really the big part of what we do is we bring light into dark places.
Jessica That's right. Absolutely. I mean, simply, darkness is the absence of light. And we are carriers of the light of Jesus in our lives. So there should never be a place where there is darkness, where if you are hearing Jesus in your heart, you don't go, something's about to change in this environment when I step in here, right? Because the light of Jesus, I mean, simply, darkness is the absence of light. And when light goes in, darkness cannot overcome it.
That is what the word says. So, you know, I'm just always going to challenge people, if you call yourself a Christian, if you have Jesus Christ inside of you and the Holy Spirit, it's the light of God. Darrell Well, I got to tell you, this is more than cool to me, because I want to go on record saying I've had COVID twice, and it's a very dark virus. I mean, you can feel the darkness of it. So I'm excited about Bright Light Technology.
I mean, it's like, it's a perfect example physically of what we all experience spiritually. So have fun. When we come back, we're going to have more with Jessica Wynn's Bright Light Technology. And I need your call. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom.
How fun. Today we have Jessica Wynn's with us with Bright Light Technology, to eliminate COVID-19 with clinically proven solutions, and just really fun for me personally. We have an answer to our riddle from Sister J, who's calling in. Sister J, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. I'm very excited to hear which lamp in the Bible would you say is a match made in heaven?
Jessica Okay, I think I got it. I think for me, that really resonates with me and lights up my way is the lamp with the women. And the 10 virginal women, I believe them. Five didn't get their light. The five did not get their lamps here already. I know the other five did. And then they asked the other ones to give them their light on. They said no.
So they kept it and they was ready when the bridegroom came. Darrell Bock They had the oil. How awesome. Jessica Yeah, the oil. Darrell Bock That is absolutely spectacular, right? Because essentially that light is Jesus itself in so many different ways. So absolutely right.
Jessica Exactly. That's what I'm waiting on. I'm out there in the fall just waiting on my lamp.
Darrell Bock Me too. And we got to keep burning it, right? Right. I couldn't agree with you more. So you are exactly right. And you're going to win.
We actually have several answers to this particular question. So if you have another one, be sure and call us 866-348-7884. Thank you, Sister J. God bless. Jessica Thank you.
Darrell Bock Sorry, my voice decided to enjoy its lisinopril or whatever this morning. Anyway, Jessica, so how does it work? I mean, that's, I mean, it seems to make perfect sense, because I can tell you, having had COVID twice, it really is a dark fire. It takes you to a dark place where I actually, there's a thing, maybe you've heard of it called COVID head?
Jessica Yes. Darrell Bock And you can't, what really disturbed me is I have a phenomenal relationship with God that I really, really, really enjoy. So I really, really enjoy my prayer time, and it requires a certain amount of focus.
It requires a certain amount of having presence of mind. And when I was sick, I couldn't get there. And I felt that darkness of that disease. And so I'm curious, you know, I love the fact that you guys are using bright light to kill it.
Jessica Yeah. So the actual, it's funny, the God gave us the name for our company, Bright Light Technologies. But the actual different technologies that we integrate, some might have, you know, a UV light, either at the catalyst or, but some don't even have light in them in the sense of how they work. So I'll just kind of describe one of the one of the best, most powerful technology solutions we have is called Bright Light Air. And Bright Light Air is basically the way that God actually designed for the air to clean itself out in nature. So the sun, well, there you go, there's the light. And geothermal energies, what they produce is positively and negatively charged oxygen ions.
And those oxygen ions, when they combine with humidity in the air, they turn that humidity H2O, and then you have the other oxygen H2O2, which is hydrogen peroxide at a molecular level. So that actually goes after, it's a very proactive, you know, molecule that is looking for passages. Darrell Bock Wow. That is, I've just got to stop you there, because we're slowing down. We're going fast. So neat.
I didn't want to miss it. So what you're telling me, because I'm a big, huge fan of hydrogen peroxide. Have you ever seen the movie Big Fat Greek Wedding, where he sprayed Windex on everything? Oh, my family would tell you that's Dad with hydrogen peroxide. It's when they combine with H2O, and you add the extra O, it's H2O2. So that is hydrogen peroxide at a very basic small molecular level.
It's a very low level of that. But what that does is, you know, it's in the air, and it's continually going after, you know, pathogens going after viruses, bacteria. And what it does is when that touches the outer protein layer of a virus, it oxidizes, which means it breaks down that outer protein layer. So it's kind of like an egg.
If you crack that egg, it spills out, right? And then all of a sudden, it can no longer grow, it can no longer reproduce and can no longer, you know, do anything. So a virus all of a sudden becomes deactivated, it can no longer infect, it can no longer cause problems. And so what we're doing is we install this technology in your HVAC system in your home, so that it will disperse evenly throughout your home, you know, continually ongoing. And so therefore, you have something active in the space where people are congregating, right? So there is something in the air between us that is mitigating and going after those pathogens, you know, creating a safer environment for people in this age of COVID-19, where it's trying, you know, the main method of transmission is via air. So there is a solution and something we can integrate in a proactive sense, not just by catching and killing, which a lot of times it's filters or UV lights in the air handlers, those are catch and kill kind of methodology of doing this.
But this is more an active, proactive, not passive way to go after the virus. Darrell Bock Wow. Again, it's bright light technologies. And what cool things, not just for your home, for your church. I mean, they've got solutions for your organization, all sorts of cool stuff, we're going to get into. But I need to switch over to, we got Danny Collin with Pinedale Christian Church. They got a big event coming up we want you to be aware of. And so Danny, you're on Kingdom Pursuits.
Good morning. Danny Collin Hi, Robby, how are you, sir? Darrell Bock I am excited because I know what you guys are doing. And I just think it's beyond cool. In the age that we're in right now, with COVID and all this, that you guys are able to provide this.
So share with our listeners what you got going. Danny Collin We have on April 1, second and third, we're having a dental clinic for our veterans. The triad has over 150,000 veterans.
And actually, it's the largest concentration of veterans in North Carolina. And so we are going to have a dental clinic because we found out a couple years ago that most veterans, only about 30% qualify for any kind of dental assistance. And so we are going to have 20, 25 dentists, and we're going to give x-rays and exams and cleanings. And then we're going to do all we can do to help these veterans out with their dental needs. Darrell Bock So you can really sink your teeth into this event coming up. Danny Collin Absolutely.
We'll tell you if you've got good teeth or bad teeth. Darrell Bock It's coming up April 1. It's not April Fool's Day. It's April Teeth Day, right?
Danny Collin It is April. That's exactly right. This is no joke.
April 1, 2, and 3, we're going to be at Pinedale Christian Church in Winston-Salem. And veterans can go online and sign up at And they can sign up for a time. And what we're doing is we're allowing each military veteran to bring one guest. Darrell Bock Really? Danny Collin It's a spouse or a child or something like that. So military veterans plus a guest.
And we're going to take care of you those three days. Darrell Bock That is spectacular. Again, Pinedale has a beautiful site. I'm sure you've got a link there as well, right? Danny Collin We do.
You can go to Pinedale and get there, or you can go to, and we will get there. And actually, it's kind of interesting, because Jessica's just talking about that in front of us. We have the Halo system at our facilities. And so we're going to be able to offer a very safe clinic, safe environment.
And so we've had to postpone this for two years because of COVID, everything you guys have been talking about. But we feel like we can now safely offer this clinic safe for our veterans, safe for the dentist and every of the providers and everyone that's helping. Darrell Bock And safe for people who want to come to church, right?
I mean, that's a huge deal. Danny Collin Absolutely. Absolutely.
We would love to see our veterans plus one on April 1, 2, and 3. Darrell Bock Wonderful. Thank you, Danny.
I'm so appreciative of you calling in and sharing that. Danny Collin Absolutely. Thanks. Darrell Bock And what you guys are doing. Danny Collin Thank you for allowing us. Thank you, Robbie. We appreciate you guys.
Darrell Bock God bless. So how cool is that, Jessica? They have a system of, are you familiar with what he was talking about?
Jessica LeBlanc Yep. There are different types of technologies that are out there. And I'm just really happy that we are able to offer solutions that really, really work. And so, you know, the consumer, there's a lot of different things out there right now.
I will say that, you know, some you probably don't want to put into your air, or don't work. But the technologies that we offer our clients are, have an incredible amount of clinical testing, for many, many, many, many years have been integrated in a lot of different facilities. Some of them have over 100,000 installations. Some of our technologies right now, you know, one of them that is amazing that we we work with is, is protecting our military. It was developed with our military, and is the bioterrorism, biodefense technology that was developed for that specifically. And now it is, you know, we are making it available to to our clients in the civilian world, right? So we're able to protect churches, we're able to protect health departments, you know, hospitals, schools. I mean, we work with… The other thing that you guys really, that's really cool is I understand that there's, there's government programs out there, there's other programs that help you pay for this stuff, right? Yeah, right now we have been navigating several grant programs. And obviously, you know, we can't guarantee 100% that you will get approved, but we are going to do everything to help you try to obtain some government funding to pay for that if that is something that is, you know, an obstacle, but we are limited to the limitations of those grant programs. So but yes, we are also able to help with that as well. Yeah, so how cool is it that somebody set up these grants, you know, for nursing homes and these kind of places, right?
So can you give us some idea of what the qualifications are for those grants? Well, we got to go to a break. When we come back, we got so many exciting things to talk about, not to mention that Jessica and her husband are involved in some really cool ministries. We got just a whole bunch of stuff that we're going to share with you.
So stay tuned. We got so much more coming on Kingdom Pursuits. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes. How God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. Today we're so blessed to have with us Jessica Wins with Bright Light Technologies. Eliminate COVID-19 with clinically proven results. And when we left our hero, you're going to share with us a little bit of, you know, those grants, what were they designed for?
What are they for? Some of the grant opportunities that we have are for private nonprofit organizations. So whether it's a church, a private Christian school, and then, again, also just basic government entities. But what is really unique about this is that there's a lot of government funding that was given for COVID that was mainly, you know, for public school systems, government, but, you know, the church was kind of left out of it, right?
Or maybe a private Christian school would not be able to take advantage of it or a nonprofit organization. But through this program, this program, we're able to do that. Yeah, I mean, and then certainly worth looking into, because the technologies are different, right, for a house than it would be for a bigger facility, right? Yeah, we are actually able to, you know, have an analysis of the level of risk and the pathogen load in different spaces.
And based on the risk of that space, we will put a custom solution with, you know, that will work for your organization. So but yeah, you know, at a simple level, you know, a home solution, bright light air is an amazing solution just for your home environment absolutely does so much. Not only does it, you know, actively go after, you know, pathogens and neutralizes pathogens, but it reduces a lot of like the particulate in the air. So like dander pollen does things that cause allergies. So as we're about to go into allergy season, you want something in the air that can clean that air drop it down. So it's not in your breathing zone. So you're not breathing it into your lungs and causing those reactions, right, like asthma, things of that nature. And then it also neutralizes odors and things of that nature in your home.
So just getting clean air indoors, bright light air able to effectively do that. But then when we're talking, you know, like a health department or, you know, hospital where it is where big people congregate, you know, we're gonna we're able to layer additional technologies to really, you know, make sure that we are protecting that space as best as possible. Right. And again, we have all this at If you go there, you're going to see bright light technologies front and center. And of course, you can click on the links get to their website, which is actually just bright light technology.
It's pretty easy. Bright light technologies. So for it. Oh, what I was gonna say, if you're a consumer, if this is for your home, the website that I want to direct you to is bright light Again, it's bright light Phone number to call is 83344 brief. That is the phone number to call.
But if you're an organization like a school system, or, you know, a health department or, you know, doctor's office, and you want, you know, our more higher level technologies that we would be putting into your organization, bright light technologies is the website for that. Well, there you go, I've learned something else. Yes. We have a commercial division and a residential division. So let's, let's move over to your husband and you have some ministries, can we?
I'd love to hear about those. Absolutely, absolutely. So, you know, about, you have to be obedient to Jesus. I would say that simple obedience changes history, and you have to be a good follower of Jesus Christ in your life. So for about 15 years, we were in the marketplace in business, integrating technologies into facilities, K-12, higher ed. And then all of a sudden, the Lord really said, hey, I want you guys to stop.
And I want you to start a nonprofit organization to invest in this next generation. And so we started a campus ministry near the campus of Campbell University, and we called it Firestarter. It started at our home with, you know, three students around a kitchen table, and our desire was to disciple the next generation to full-hearted love and obedience to Jesus.
And, you know, that community has grown to 75 plus students. We've discipled hundreds of students over the last six years and just seen a remarkable, remarkable transformation. I mean, just creating an environment where, I just say, I want to be hospitable to the Holy Spirit. You know, we prepare a table for the students to come, we cook them a dinner, but then we really set the table for the Lord to come and move, and for people for this next generation to have an encounter with the living God.
We owe this next generation an encounter with Jesus, you know, not a bunch of dusty old religion, but we really have to set a table for them to come and experience the love of God, the truth of God, in an environment where it is real. And the Lord has allowed us to do that by His grace, and it's been amazing. So, you know, I'm picturing this. You apparently, both you and your husband were at Campbell, right? Originally?
Yes, we were. And so now God's put this on your heart to start this, and usually when, it's been my experience, when God sends you to do something, you never feel like, well, you know, this is more than I can really do. God, how in the world am we going to accomplish this? How did He surprise you?
Like, man, I never thought He'd work that out. Oh, my goodness. Well, yes, I will say that, you know, the Lord, His dreams, if you can accomplish them in your own power and strength, I will probably say, I don't know if you're dreaming His dreams.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Yeah, and so when you, you know, one of the things that we did was, we began to pray for revival in this region. We began to pray for an awakening on the campus.
You know, we wanted to get God's heart for this region, and so we really consistently, for probably a year or a year and a half, met together every week with just some like-minded believers that wanted to see God move. And then what's amazing is, in the place of prayer, when you talk, start talking to Jesus, guess what? He will talk back.
He does. Yeah, that's the best part. It really is the best part. Exactly. And so the Lord really just said, hey, you're praying for revival on this campus that's a mile away from you. Well, now be the answer to that.
Go and be my hands and feet and do something about that. And so we said, okay, Lord, what do we do? You know, and it was just simple. Again, simple obedience.
It's a simple yes. It's the next step. You know, a lot of times we compare these seeds that He puts in our hands to a ministry that's been in place for 20 years, and you go, I can't do that. Well, no, because that ministry 20 years ago started just like you did, with a little seed that God put in your hand and said, okay, go plant this and start watering it. And so that's what the Lord allowed us to do here is, you know, we started with three students, and just stay faithful.
Like, I think that's it. You know, a lot of times my mentor said, you know, we under, sometimes we overestimate what God will do in one year. Sometimes we're like, God's going to change the whole world in this one year.
But we truly do underestimate what God will do in 10 years if we remain faithful. And so that was like our thing. We just said, we're going to go in this for the long haul, and we're going to see Jesus transform this generation. And, Lord, just use our little yes. Just use our little lives. Here we are. We're going to lay them down, and we're just going to try to follow you the best that we can. That's our goal is be good followers of Jesus, because if we do that, then we'll be good leaders of the people that God has entrusted to us.
Darrell Bock Wow. So here you guys are. You're obviously being faithful in this ministry, you and your husband.
And then how in the world does Bright Light come into the picture, so to speak? Heather Tabisola Well, I think it's a big step to say, okay, God, I'm going to obey you in this, because God knows, I can't add 60 hours to my week, or I didn't think I could. But I said, all right, Lord, let's do this.
And so we just said, okay, we're going to start a company, we're going to start Bright Light Technologies. And at that point, we thought we were going to just start doing what we used to do, which was technology for school districts and instructional technology, things of that nature. And then all of a sudden, COVID hits. And then we're like, Lord, did we hear you right? Like, you know, and then immediately, the Lord just started giving us wisdom.
He said, you know, to look into technologies that would do the work of the disinfection, the mitigation, without human being involved. Darrell Bock And still doing the ministry, right? Debbie Correct. Oh, Darrell Bock Oh my goodness, yeah.
So we got to go to another break. So when we come back, more with Bright Light Technologies. And is it Bright Light Home? What's the other website, Jessica? Debbie Darrell Bock Debbie Darrell Bock All right, we got one more segment coming up.
Stay tuned. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion, maybe for Bright Light Air, and uses it to build the kingdom, maybe for campus ministry, whatever He has, He continues to do the things like, in my case, the car business. And it never ceases to amaze me the different ways He integrates our lives into teaching us like, oh, that's why you had me in that. That's why you had me over here. Oh, okay, there we go. So we've heard Jessica and Braxton's story is just more than amazing. But I'm, I know a lot of listeners are curious. I know I am. So, you know, man, I'm concerned, a lot of older folks are really, really concerned and not coming out of their house. They're scared.
Right? What's the actual process? Like, should I call? Should I, do you guys have an application?
How does it look? You know, what, what are we, what are the steps that we actually go through? Oh, sure.
Absolutely. That's a great question. If you are able to go to, we have, you know, a website where it, you know, answers probably most and all of your questions that you would have about the technology. But if you press the buy now button, if, you know, you can actually buy the system, you know, right off our website, and if you're in the greater Raleigh area, we will do that installation for you for free.
And if you're not in the greater Raleigh area, we will help and assist you to find an HVAC company that will install it for you. But it's as easy as just going to our website, pressing buy now and just you have the option to use your credit card, or a for easy payment option that you can just do on the website to just divide it into payments. So that is just the easiest way to go about it. But if you want to call us at 83344brief, 83344brief, Monday through Friday, nine to 5pm.
That is another option that you have to be able to ask questions and we can take your order over the phone and help you in that way as well. So that's the easiest way to start. If this is for your home, if you're a residential client, if you are a, you know, commercial client where you go, hey, I want this for my business, I want this for my church, or I want this for my doctor's office, then again, you can call 83344brief, and then we can start the conversation and how we can evaluate your particular building and, you know, do a proposal from there.
So, but yeah, that's the easiest way to do this. So how much is, you know, since we're a commercial radio station, we can talk about that. How much is Bright Light Air for your house? Okay, Bright Light Air for your house is $14.99 per air handler that you have in your home. So if you have two air conditioners, you're going to need two of them, right?
Yes, correct. And so, you know, greater Raleigh area means a lot of different things. Because, you know, we're broadcasting here in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point, is that greater Raleigh area or?
Just asking. Yeah, give us a call wherever you're from, and we will come alongside and assist in getting an HVAC company to install it for you. So that's, that's, you know, the Raleigh area is about 55, 50 miles from the greater Raleigh area. So is Chapel Hill and Durham in the greater Raleigh? Yeah, Chapel Hill, Durham, exactly.
Burlington? No, like I said, we're here to support you guys, so wherever you're going. Yeah, I get it.
I understand. So when you go to install this, I'm curious, like, does this go, like, into the system, like right by the air conditioner? Or where does it go?
Mm hmm. It goes in your in your HVAC handler on the kind of the blower supply side of that outside of your home. Or if you have it in your attic, it might go up in your attic, wherever it is that your handler is located. But yes, it is in the actual system. So it will distribute the air evenly throughout your house.
So it's not like a standalone little purifier or something that you have in a room. No, we're taking care of the whole environment, the whole building, securing your whole space. Right. And again,, right?
Yes, Mm hmm. And Bright Light Technologies, for those of you, you know, and how about a nursing home? You know, I do a devotion at Assisted Living in Mocksville. And they've literally, they've been back on quarantine for the last three weeks. I haven't been able to go in there.
They're really, they had like 13 cases. And so, like, man, and they're nonprofits, so they might could get a grant and stuff like this. This would be wonderful for something like that, right?
Yeah, yeah. If you want to email us at info at info at or info at, if it's the commercial division, info at, we will, we can go from there, you know, we'll, we'll contact you and we can do a proposal for your organization, your nursing home. But relatively the cost of integrating our technology versus having to redo your HVAC system or do something while it is, it is very reasonable in that respect.
And we can help with finance lease options and obviously try to get you guys a grant if you qualify for something like that. Right. And it's literally a matter of life and death, but you know, in, in certain places like man.
Absolutely, absolutely. And there's a solution. We can help. And then while you're there, share a little Jesus. We'll put a little more bright light in their world.
So wow. We're so grateful for Bright Light Technologies, Bright Light Air today with Jessica Wins. And then, you know, let me just mention that we have a really cool, encouraging prayer coming up. Pastor James wants to pray. In fact, it's a prayer session for the Ukraine. That's coming up right after this, followed by Masculine Journey. And then it's time to man up with Nikita. We've got so much truth coming at you on the Truth Network.
We're hoping that's bright light. Thanks again, Jessica. God bless. Have a great weekend. Thank you. You too. Bye-bye. This is the Truth Network.
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