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August 25, 2020 5:04 pm
This is Sam from Alaska journey podcast of our goal with the podcast was. Hope you try to find your way in this difficult world you chosen Truth Network podcast was starting just seconds. Enjoy it. Sure, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing The Truth Podcast Network. This is good Truth Network kingdom pursuits you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into the kingdom pursuits now live from the truth. Your host Robbie Gilmore. Well guess what Rob is not with Jerry Mathis and city never Robbie this morning to finish up wrapping up the Christian cargo radio show and bleed over some of the same stuff but I one thing this morning will keep Robbie in your prayers receives not with us this morning.
He is dropping his daughter off at college and as I was thinking about this because is not affected people whispers to be here. Also doing much Monday, which was supposed to be here. Talk about missions and then the missionary work being done in Zimbabwe is also dropping his daughter off so I got at Bill McKenzie minister with Pando Christian church with us this morning to go back to Robbie and then thereby dropping off their kids this morning hour this week or the last week.
The week before, whenever it may be honest know how how tough of a drop-off that was for me back a few years now that I dropped off my daughter Taylor at liberty University and just how many I was just gut wrenching and not a historian share this in bills then the same thing so may ask him how his drop-offs went but I know that when I dropped Tyler all one of the things I kept telling Tyler got there is in the week before, is whatever you do don't get upset because I don't get my rep said which is my wife and I get so you just just don't don't cry, don't do anything. If you try to help it that way she won't get upset and I told Myra now listen, don't get upset. Don't cry because the debtor just get Tyler upset and Stefan well that worked real well that we had to drop her off a few weeks for school started because she was a cheerleader and he started practicing and so we got a thing set up in minor was a stay a few days. She got a room because it was really nobody on campus and not state over the weekend.
Got a room set up and I was leaving Sunday masses. We need to get going got good work. Morning drive back home so I was fine with everything until the moment Tyler come over. Give me a kiss goodbye. I still cry like a big baby yes and then look to me what that mean that is a tough time and I just think about how hard that was when it was almost a normal drop-off amine.
The world was almost normal, but I think about dropping off a child that daughter our son an environment where in today with all the social issues the coronavirus and everything.
Man, that's how tough it had to be so we need to definitely have Robbie and Derek and all those that are hard doing that over the next few weeks and Stefan just pray there are kids and Stefan's environment. Stay safe and healthy in it just happened.
I'm not sure that we stay in there too many weeks with Leah partying goes on things like that.
There college giving up proving to be very body and an apartment, not necessarily into the idea of social distancing zones you and I both are aware these newspapers are put that out all over the place but I will go back to say that when it comes to dropping off the kids for college. It's different if you got like four kids, as opposed to one and we stopped off to the first time a lot after they were twins, and all I can say to use the next year, we have 1/3 and it certainly was really nice. Like his lectures nationally come home and it's really, nicely drop them off.
The second years will have a batch yet they felt they had to fight back a tear not along the kids I knew that I never cried.
Only Obama, not that I don't cry sometimes. But that's a little different.
You know, as we sit there we talk about that in Mattel but the environment we live in the end, and with that, coronavirus, and now that social issues going on in step sometimes you have with kingdom pursuits, Bobby. You know the thing is sitting here listening also have a platform and step they're all worried about things going on and run the world and and is feminist is coming out of at all angles and Stefan you what is humans as part of just who we are me where unfortunately 95 thing love a good Christian. I shouldn't worry if I'm a Christian, I should let things bother me you will be human. And that's part of it, you, we have concerns for our kids.
We have concerns for our family members for our finances for our health, and you know the word about the coronavirus worried about is it safe to be out. There's a safe to go downtown, whatever it may be those things, worry us. There were you and are as young as we used to be is a is for yourself. You write like I know too much.
But all I can say is, is that we don't have a great future.
We have a great past, but are but but in all our lifetime we never raised in and I don't know anybody was alive today say something similar to what were going through this past five months.
I think probably what were into Millville. March was only officially start shutting things down over our territory and wow what a ride, this is this is most times and it's a season in which work every level what you're talking about families and children school and are talking about churches of talk a minute to get minute a few minutes from now when you talk about businesses and so on. Everybody has been impacted in almost a dramatic and an emphatic way so that also this. I don't think will ever be the same.
We change this.
There's things changed about us and about our society and approach things going forward that we still don't is hard to identify with getting know that's true because the world is been turned upside down is like that. Yeah I mean I know that in our business what I do for living is race body shop and wrecker service that's as my business, but we were deemed an essential business and was able to continue to keep run an intent to work in because of which I'm grateful that repairing vehicles and keeping people mobile was important government felt that was an essential business and I'm thank God for their calls. But there's so many of the people that were affected by that in different ways and stuff. Even down to the no how how you you go get a haircut. How you go to the grocery store just everything in life as you said, they always, I think we are deftly living in times that of change in is change probably never going to go back to what it was in January about my family in Kentucky's world I hail from, but do they own a several fast food restaurants and bottom line was is when the wind of the virus. And things were sent down a course dining rooms were all completely shut down the tremendous it went it went, was about 80% loss as far as income goes with a war in this this this lasted for about five weeks and it was like the 67th week that they got creative about how to market themselves as all these restaurants of notably the last several months. In terms of home delivery curbside delivery and new packaging of the food product so you can buy for your family a meal at a ridiculously low price. It seems anyway and all those things in order to get the doors open and talk about things not changing.
They decided almost nothing for their dining room. We continue this because it's more profitable, by far, but the under front to say that the world is changed.
Everything has been affected by this and I don't I muster about about how Sumer to get this virus in the control, but I think were a good piece away from Bill to say it's in her rearview mirror and you all absolutely I think it's nothing single linger in Sunday even when the medical part starts for the kitchenette where were at.
At think just that.
Just that, just that the mental part of it is on the take take a while. When his son to be what people really feel safe and before I get too far into it and I should install with that as a said Bill McKenzie, pond of Christian churches join us this morning a little bit Camilla, but about history about Bill McKenzie that I don't know you got one minute to tell me that what got you in the ministries you don't know. I think all I can say is, as I hail from Kentucky's is grew up in a good Christian home and it was one that guided me and steered me towards Jesus from the time I was born so therefore it wasn't too far of a step for me to become saved and also as I got to high school to make a decision for perhaps and it turned out to be my life calling to serve the Lord in ministry so I started that out in 1972 among the backside of my utmost respect say the are all run the Bell lap. I'm running elective extra. Right now it's folks that goes because I sort of semi retired two years ago and benefit at our church and are still serving staff.
As you will know them have my finger in administrative things, a lot of which particular plate of what we talk a lot about we talk about today. Yeah I had that no deal retired at told him I pop a few weeks after his retirement think you puppy working hard and you never were before you get it out of your this retirement stage right by kingdom pursuit side again this morning from sort of talk a little bit about the shut down because how defective churches and also the reopening and the pitfalls and the dangers and concerns. There will come back to get pursuits they want. This morning got to guess that we think a lot of you McKenzie a kind of Christian church in talk literally about closing down reopening what's going on in the in the church world as far as how that goes in all the pitfalls and that the things to be worried about. Also this morning that something brings you up a question on on how I cannot do that in my church are our dog what's going on in my church or how do y'all make this safe free to give us a call. This is a: show 866-348-7884 Bill one of the things about in March the world change bars from the perspective of church amino.
No longer were churches going to be able to be what we've always known walk to the front doors, take a seat in the pew where the seat it all changed and for Pando Christian church which I think mirrors a lot of struggles in the questions that all churches in the country had how to change. In March arch our churches are is one that I know all churches have activities over time the art were seven-day week operation and by that before 15 March that we had something going. Order building literally every day the week and every evening of the week.
There's there's activity there's people in and out, and so on. We can't lock doors until nine or 10 o'clock at night because there's that much stuff that was happening. And now we can lock up at five or six blocking afternoon.
Then we don't don't unlock any other doors except the office area because pretty much isolated from what can be done that's that's a dramatic change rose is a change in not only our approach to ministry, which is not to Sunday morning worship our ministry in our approach is that it's it's about people getting together ministering to each other, Bible studies, and in that kind of caregiving and similar properties in good bit as we have a lot of facilities to do that will also do in homes and in other places so you put all that together and every all, it's all the sudden was fully set down and nobody knew for how long, and that was it was one of those one of those moments when you shut down. But those kind of activities almost for me was worse than the worship part, worship part is is is a separate entity but but all the outside activities. I think changed the DNA in the nature of how we relate to each other economically. We didn't see members for weeks and weeks and weeks because of the isolation and we were communicating with stuff on the I know you're you're in that book to your your your heart guy thing like we sleep immediately on 14 March, which was a Saturday. We made the decision that day to not have our services on the 15th and instead what we have done since then is done is offered our services online which we already were doing that we were taping them and offering them as far as that goes, we went we went live as far as online goes epic for Sunday and it was at the sky looking a complete duration of of of of all several things that get came together that lead that Cindy be the perfect sunny almost chosen by God for us because we were prepared and ready to be able to live and since then we've got a live service every Sunday morning in the worship room, but nobody in the room until about four weeks ago which is in the story have anything alive, though I know what decisions had to be made.
Then staffing to make is is is really going to be a lot of live streaming isn't really lie because not a prerecorded staff and all that you had the sermon with a minister may be doing it off, sidelined the band be prerecorded and decision at Palmdale was to live. We actually did it in the room with it.
We had a lives live band and they had socially distance and we had to have all that other people that work volunteers were minimized. We would let anybody in the door except for a select few, and pretty much put on our worship service to an empty audience of the preached a sermon in and sang songs with nobody there.
Looking back at you, which is unlike anything I've ever seen.
Just you feel like it's a hollow feeling, almost because your trying to worship the Lord with the energy of being with people just gone. However, the services went on our pastor and everybody a great job and that the patient that is in and I know that things have trend to start with when the online stuff started in step that the numbers are really huge but then stressing drift away with people sort of fall into a comfort zone to step but I think also God use that to to bring people to Christ and Stefan to be able get the message out there and because not just Pando but a lot of churches really did a good job at that end and that's that's encouraging. So now is that next step, because I think we need that because we need to get community back together, get the church back together and nothing of us a real quick because of all the work that they put into it about our staff at Pando. I mean this is so important is the fact is you mentioned we had so many areas that we were in contact from from from the cradle to the grave almost an and you and Danny Spain are with the senior ministry instep for the seniors and middle seniors and our children's department in our student ministry. I mean, they ball everybody sort of plug-ins that how can I make this work. How can I stay in contact. Think it a great job that we sit down immediately.
The first week, Tova will weave the public will make sure we get what everybody else is doing as we go along is it's not will be as talk about Pinedale but but just to get evaluate what we did immediately was to say we needed but is much product online as possible to interact with people of different age getting worse. We had a preschool lifestream and we had and we didn't do various times or and and also recorded, and some people blossom separately in the same thing with the children's ministry. Same thing with as you said that the well of the teenage ministry as well and also of course senior adults and all those were were also an important product with immediately starting Sunday school classes having zoom meetings, Bible studies and also our pastor Matthew sink once a week and for a while he was doing it at noon several days and Allie's going once a week.
He has Bible study, but he presents online instead through the story of Esther and different things like that in order to give people who are at home Bible study opportunity if there's still sheltering in place and there's a lot of people are doing it still yeah and so that people sort of progress through and now all the sudden we come to the point where okay because we start hearing questions immediately when there was a lawsuit that said okay we statement before the end one in a church need to be upended to be in church, but the end in all churches had to make his decisions. How can they do it safely and then when the unity had at had you went to the court system saying that they can't close down churches and I would buy thanks Beatrice should open up the next Sunday will steal the same thing all churches needed to make sure that their APP people safe because I saw that issue different from others. From the beginning so at this point I'm getting ready to express an opinion and as my wife likes to tell me my opinions are right, maybe 1/20. But anyway is a is of what you know that as we saw with the churches isolate up there. Certainly, always, is the issue of the freedom of religion and in this country we treasure that and that we didn't feel like with the things that were being said from our governor and former president New London on the social restrictions and so on. We didn't feel like that that was what was mean Gund's climbed on top of the leadership.
Instead, what we did was we sat down and said what's reasonably or what's reasonable here for us is not only to obey the law of the land which is one of the precepts.
I think churches should try to try to abide by its in the book good-looking, but also at the same time what's best for people because the fact the matter is churches who tried to remain open from day one that bucked the lawn so one may experience two things. One was the almost all the stories I've heard about it ended with with with outbreaks of some sort.
As far as the virus goes in and others won't catch someplace affectionate churches probably as good as Walmart but fact is, is that it is that when that happens that causes people lose confidence in the Churchill unit is the damage to the issue of whether or not the church is safe to tandem and cylinders are a side issue so that that's one piece in the other piece was the churches that try to stay open expanse. What were experiencing, we reopened on 12 July and the artwork were running about one third are normal Sunday morning worship attendance and in his good explanation for that because you know for those that back in March, April and May when they were doing it for them. They were right in the heat of the pandemic and so people were not going to get out on wheat PP plucker like my age group over Folkestone and other EA people with young children and others that have health concerns and they're automatically saying they're not coming out and the other people who are not just by nature, afraid of the virus that are maybe in their 20s, 30s, 40s, that they didn't attend as well.
Since churches were experiencing across the country somewhere between 10 and 25% on attendance. The first couple months, people not coming, but they were holding services to their credit, and they and they felt like that was something they treasure so I sleep that might happen back to the point though we were talking about our congregation. We felt like we do should not reopen until we could say that what we are doing a safe and also is being done with with measured steps and by measured steps in the simple things were like tell people if don't come if you're not if you're not trusting what you know if you have a reason to be concerned. Stay home and watch an online best you can worship from home you can do all the things were doing worship sing-along with his impeccable Lord supper which we do weekly and you can do these things from home and worship to and then when you're ready, come come back to church and we encouraged. In fact, people were seniors who are at risk Livermore is that as we all learned and also people with preschool kids if they had concerns because we were not going offer childcare to consider staying home and they did so are our tenants was running in and about 1/3 now it is has continued to grow as we got in August right now to where were in the 40% range nearly and so it's still not anything close to what we were going back and there were marching or still off eight or 900 people in this it set it's a little depressing when you say that that that that but you also know the people making wise decisions were able to track you your talk about how many people watch a live streaming, we can you contract that you can't get an exact number which you get enough to get statistical analysis of how many views you have and help out long they engaged you and that tells you whether not they were watching it for real and and you can use some kind of imagination about well. Most homes have two people at least don't live in Edmonton multiplications to get what you're running. Attendance is between live in the room and people line and in our tenants certainly surged and then it also drifted off in the summer as it always this and now were back to where it's growing in August.
That's that's where were hitting on the same now, my pretty family comes and be pretty accurate. Other across-the-board tobacco going to talk about that that dynamic send that that safety of reopening status of the things that Bill's been involved in the lead lead on this and a lot of lot of ways in seeing how this may help others who haven't same questions in this essay for as a member of the magnitude of kingdom first line with this is we have live from Miami Florida I bill a bit is warmer in Miami Florida that it is here in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
But on the line is the host of Truth Network's program to cure. It comes on this afternoon at 1 o'clock Eastern time with Amico about Amy I know you have a great show this morning and I know that to be able to bless a lot of people in my sit there another week. When I was hosting and I got to kind of look back and see a little bit about your story and staff pretty inspiring to me and to know that you know what God gives us a platform and God uses our circumstances and he uses that to bless other people and you certainly stepped forward and come to that door and enter doing that year that the lie don't help a lot of people and I know this morning to go to have a great show it one.
So what do you have in store for the show today. Now all we like 40. We make break down the barriers acting on shore to be a great show. Look forward to hearing it and just thank you for your your service and for the Lord and Stefan is a said taken something bad. God can certainly turn in something great and something awesome in a Dutch story shared. God bless you.
Thank you Amy back would be always.
We were we left off okay with going to shut in and now the sun is time to start looking at reopening and for hopefully do the nest dislike that next segment is to kind of make sure that we kinda hit the target on I'm sure there's a lot of churches out there. In smaller churches, large churches who are sorted ration with that question. If how to do that safely, how to take care of the people walking through the door.
How do I make sure that I keep it safe. How to do it the best of our ability, and that sort of. That's where hexane bills that that took the lead on this and sort of our column, the Corona Guru here this well first of all, almost safe level of churches that perhaps would have an interest in what mama say right now are already open so this is not just churches that have not yet reopen because it's been five months and love churches made the decisions and are back in the game. I know some of the large large large churches are waiting maybe till Christmas Eve for the reopen doesn't it of the percentage of people that will not attend may have an online audience and their their finances are such that they aren't really worried about taken passing the plate alone on a Sunday, back, back to the wishes get real or if you've opened or if you haven't reopened this what what are the concerns and the current the concerns you have when you're sitting down on the analysis or sample number one is safety. You get to decide what is what what is not only save but also will people perceive the safe because the environment you created church we do.
Certainly this must be as far as worship goes, and as far as the Bibles precepts are concerned. Those things are things you been doing for years. What you're now adding to this is not only making people you know when they get to the church to be able to give glory and praise to God, but also to get them to feel comfortable walking the room experience in the worship leaving the place and not feeling like their risk.
So how do you in the in the asset is his number one, you gotta be very open, and communicated with your members and will and with others. You gotta make sure that people know what you're doing and why you're doing it and how you doing, not not tried to sail it's it's good just come so so you can give a specific secondly you also need to need another one to come on the property making them feel welcome and making them feel like like welcome home at eight of his techniques to be better than you've ever done it. And so we we taken great detail to try great people almost wonder still on the highway all the way down when they're sitting down. The pew and making sure they know with people that are that are there guides and ushers and greeters and encouragers that that's a good safe warm environment and I know that sounds silly but that probably is worth as much is anything that were doing right now is try to make sure that we medicate with people walking her door.
Thirdly, you also have to have a sanitation plan to get that you can go online. There's all kinds of resources in places that you can you can you can just dial the unit into Google you can you can ask the questions and and you can find answers limitation the things that we fail. But we found was that what was true in March is not necessarily true now and how you should properly prepare your building and take care of us again stay on top of the game is defined as all listen to what the news teaches and what the CDC and others are our teachers and and and began be precise.
Secondly, make sure that the products that you that you need are on hand because of one of the things early on was the scramble for everybody to go out and get Lysol and Clorox wipes and anything can think of. It will be useful in trying to sanitize a building and you can find the product. Now that's changed a good deal not necessary for those name brands but exchange a good deal on them on the available products that are out there again to lose your friend and also other churches. You can call them and ask what are you using I'll give you a couple things were doing to help you, but not just saying you can ask questions and you can find it, but you gotta get product on the make sure you have a lot of me personally, but you Jerry. I think this I think Easter will still be dealing with this.
I think next spring this'll still be an issue in churches because until we have vaccination and other things are going to eliminate people's concerns were still only have to be on guard trying to watch and prepare and sanitize. So that's what we're looking at it as let's get ourselves out in front of the game and make sure we have enough product and all those things. And after that you have to decide what all has to be sanitized. Well this is this is what from the beginning and still to this day you sorted things any surface.
The people will touch the air they breathe, and certainly what it whatever they're going to experience as far as being in the vicinity of other people you know it, and so on them, and that means social distancing the things that are necessary element in the last but not least, become incidental things that you wouldn't think about when you going to the restroom and all the serfs you would take touch and of course you have to do those things and how you get yourself to where you are cleaning and when you walk out the door and the products that have to be available in order make that happen. So this is what we did on as we make sure that we have sanitizing team each week before the service. We have actually two services males in the morning in order because of the social distancing. We've had to expand that the distance between people you know in order for Sunny and rough because I think this is a big enough pay seven is the fact that this way the services are. I know we changed our times and I think SF anybody you have multiple services need look at this because it's think it's critical doing from 9 o'clock and 11 o'clock is over 915 1045, number 911 so we got an hour there in between. The service allows the re-sanitize the room and also the services for the second cook, but rather's is the whole idea was exactly and that's something that that not a right, it would have to have two services, unless if you have a UL facility in you know you gotta think about what it means to be six people are in a room we seen over a thousand in our room and we can only probably safely seat 6 feet apart about 300 and 300 is is not much that's what were doing two services give people that option and and I know some churches that are having people register for of which service they don't attend so they can schedule their crowd not overburden either one of the two services. We haven't had to do that yet, but we well seven overflow room will get back to the point that what you said was true to the social distancing inside the room as it is is a is a critical mass issue but have you get the stuff ready so you have to have a sanitizing team sanitized before, in between for us the services and then after the services are over in these be sanitized again just for the sake of people that might come down the hall into that area and be infected so we can so we can absolutely positively say the room is safe.
Every time walk-in if you follow the normal social practices that you have to do is text is the second thing the responsibility of people. People have to come in the door wearing a mask they don't have one. We offer masks. We don't have a gun and put into their head and so you gonna put a mask on and you have to wear all the time here in the room, and so on.
Right doing that for encouraging asking people to cooperate with master comeback will pick back up on that and also to some of the products that are being licensed right in the sum of the effects of some of the products and staffs I'd be back in a moment kingdom percent welcome back 15 pursuits Bill McKenzie, the master of that coronavirus sanitation, all that good stuff.
And now that things are going to hit only that I must return it over to Bill let him just run with it. Mom one thing that I'm noble to talk about is just a safety of the products and step I know that Ray's body Service.
One things we had to start doing also being dropped off was make sure we sanitize what we put on women.
All the sudden we realize in a hurry that some things are safe to be sprayed on all different types of materials and steps to Bill okay if I church I won't get opened up how I do it I look most women know, because lately sanitizing home so they know products work think if you can get enough product in your churches in size but not from a commercial commerce or someplace like Walmart.
Think bingo good for us what we have done is sweetly buying or buying all of our product and and did it intentionally through through a company called sent us and I'm not a representative of them getting kicked back with a is a good company.
It's that they're not cheap, but what you get is from from them as you get exactly what you asked for. And so there to there taking care of the of of three different products were using one has to do with us. You know things are surface contact cleaners one has to do with restrooms that we can spray bottles in order to sanitize and song without having to get down and scrub the toilets between services and things and weep all that we do that currently in the last but not least, something safe to be sprayed upon materials you have user you have seats in your room, and has fabric on you need to have something you can spray it won't discolor that fabric but also will sanitizing. So after somebody say it's somebody sits in it. A few minutes later.
It's not wet little drive fast will reusing and also it that way and with weight supplied and also something safe. So those are the kind of things you don't think about that. If you're saying we want everything sanitized in your pre-much have to spray around them and kill any of the virus that might be left behind by people in the preview service and have to go around and wipe off with with hand wipes you wipe off all door handles all light switches all handrails.
One of staffs and anything along that line so that's that's that's a huge piece of it on the back of the mass of the master things and not popular. Some people, but all I can say is is is that is at best a line that you own it, tried not to compromise on. If you can do it and encourage people and talk sense to them. And if there's somebody that really is an objective that you can say I agree with you, worry (principal mess while we offer the online option, something probably you choose and see if you can guide them there without having to lose a church member, you might make somebody mad, but that's pretty important.
Anyway� So that so in the sanitizing end of it.
Have volunteers that will do those things in those tasks, and it can be done quickly and contact doesn't tell you how we go about it when we get what Cintas products we use without all, all of the more things that are environmentally safe.
Something to somebody somehow NGS is not going to make them sick, and there's no bleach involves.
It won't damaging the services of rental now, you keep going keep rolling our all their heart, because I work from home.
Scripture also also want one that will call attention to the fact that we know it in in the room when you're socially distancing. You gonna lay out a plan so you if you haven't done this, or if you are doing it. You know they're going change the numbers.
One of these days I got a hunch door were not we can go from 6 feet apart. This maybe some other or a maximum number you'll out of the room and said it could be will get modified later that something that that is strategic settlement.
People walk-in they can get into the pew or into the chairs us as we have and then back out of the room and so on, but I haven't have contact with people she have to encourage people know handshakes and hugs and that's that that's a hard thing to say and will even have a greeting.
Moments later, on their buying him a wink or whatever we were making it very ill encouragingly from the from the platform to tell people you know the best you can to keep a distance.
We have people said at least two seats apart.
Some places are using three were using to, and were also have an every other row as far as our our facility is concerned with exit from over thousand down to about 300 is what we can see we offer an overflow room in which guns were live streaming, we can stream that room and we can put another hundred people merely in that room to watch as separate building, but at this point were offering no other other services.
Nothing for children nothing for whatever it's just what's in the worship room and then a lifestream area will talk about different things.
Your where that of course your Oregon elders that were talking about recent re-opening our Bible classes and so on on campus and what will take to make that happen, but were not experts on the one when things are not experts but the thing is there's no experts in all of this is new and know what is new frontier and and and I'm just grateful for Palmdale that have somebody who's had availability to be able to sort of take this own end and dead do a lot of research and try to make sure this is what think a lot of churches are also's you know struggling with is how do we do this safely. Step one thing I'm wondering is a sort of wrap up on one essay you note Palmdale Christian churches is a resource for other churches and also for people that are just have questions about how safe is things you can go to go to the website and is area. There you find out information about us, but also there's a way to be able to contact Bill Mackenzie and if you have question if your church or church leader you have questions on how to do it or what are we doing and what we found out and what works or doesn't work that we think it works and it may not work on whatever it may be gives you just just go on website are just give us a call at 336 678-860-7600 � 7600, and if you email me you know my email address is on her website built with Bill You do that I will be happy to call you a personal, So encourage you to get back in church this weekend. Lisa lifestream do something be plugged into your congregation and again. I talked with Amy. Whatever God is use you in a way got and let your light shine. This is the Truth Network