It is the JR Sport Brief Show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia. Thank you to everybody tuned in and locked in all over North America. I hope you're safe. I hope you're well.
I really hope you're well. Shout outs to my folks on the West Coast, my people on the East Coast, people in the South, the Midwest, the Plains, the mountains, the valleys, Canada, Alaska. Yeah, you're part of America, but we love you too.
Yeah, Hawaii. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta. Thank you to super producer and host Ryan Hickey holding it down in New York City. Man, happy Wednesday. This is the first Wednesday of, well, maybe not.
I don't know. This is the first Wednesday I've been here for 2025. And every single Wednesday we bring you a new top six list. We'll do that two hours from now as we take a look at some of the most dysfunctional teams and franchises currently in the NFL. Some of these teams don't have coaches. And speaking of coaches, Bill Belichick is being asked to return to the NFL. OK. We have angry coaches in college football.
We have angry coaches in college basketball. Zion did come back last night. Good for him. We'll get into that later on in the show. Can't believe he actually was healthy enough to play.
Speaking of health, man, the earth isn't too healthy. We got a Monday Night Football wildcard matchup next week between the Vikings and Rams might be affected by all the terrible wildfires out in California. We'll talk about that. I'm not a weatherman, but we'll get into it. Jalen Hurts practiced today. Speaking of a wildcard game, looks like he'll be ready to go against the Packers, hopefully.
Jordan Love, I'm not so sure. So we have a lot to discuss. If you want to be a part of the show, you can. The phone number to call up is 855-212-4227.
That's 855-212-4227. You can find me online. I'm on the Internet.
I exist. I am everywhere at J.R. Sportbrief. How can you listen to the show? The free Odyssey app, your local Infinity Sports Network affiliate, Sirius XM 158. You got a smart speaker.
Ask it to play the Infinity Sports Network. So good to be here. So good. Hickey, how are you? You feel good? You feel all right?
I do. Yeah. Feel good. Ready to go. Happy to be here. Absolutely good. Yes.
I'm just trying to feel amazing somehow in some way. So we got a lot to get into, a lot to discuss. And of course, at this time of the year, it's just so much talk, so much conjecture about coaches. And it was only, well, at the end of last year, just about a month ago, that we found out that Bill Belichick is going to be the new head coach of North Carolina. And everybody was shocked. Tom Brady was sitting around on television. He was shocked. He was surprised.
He was like, what the hell is going on? Gronkowski was making jokes about Belichick recruiting kids. Lo and behold, Bill Belichick was standing in some kid's garage a couple of days ago. And this is a new world for Bill Belichick. For a man who coached for almost 30 seasons as a head coach between the Browns and then also the New England Patriots, of course, where he had the most success, associating the grumpy ass Bill Belichick with, I don't know, even younger men just doesn't make too much sense.
But he left. Bill Belichick took the job. And apparently upon taking the job, there's a $10 million buyout that Bill Belichick has to pay if he wants to return to the NFL.
And he has to pay this, if he decides to leave, between now and June of this year. Well, NFL coaching carousel is rolling around right now. Now would be the ideal time for Bill Belichick, even a month after taking a job, to just bail. And apparently Bill Belichick has been in contact or been contacted by the Raiders, led by Tom Brady, amongst other teams. Now, in what world would someone take a job sit around and meet the new employees, lay out a staff, bring on your son, bring on your buddies to be GM of the team? And what world do you go through all of that trouble to just say, yep, never mind?
I don't think so. I guess in the world we live in today, a matter of fact, let's listen to Bill Belichick. It was very straightforward and very to the point during his press conference last month, Bill Belichick was asked if he would leave North Carolina for the NFL.
Very short answer. Bill, what do you say to people that fear that if you do succeed here, that you might leave for the NFL again in a year or two? I didn't come here to leave.
No, that was a very, for lack of a better term, that was a Belichickian answer. I didn't come here to leave. Okay. Now I'm going to I didn't come here to leave. Okay.
All right. And he would seem like a big old jerk if he decided to leave a month after taking a damn job. Just days after taking photos, Bill Belichick is like, screw North Carolina. This is the job I wanted my whole life.
I feel like I'm home when my dad was here. And now he's going to go coach the Raiders with Tom Brady. But these guys were sick of each other. I want you to listen to this. Bruce Feldman earlier today, he was on the Rich Eisen show. And he was asked if Bill Belichick would really leave North Carolina.
He just got there to just go back to coach the Raiders. Listen to this. It's a good question.
I don't know the answer to that. I really don't because in one sense, if you're if you're in North Carolina and the people who really, you know, push this through and I'm just thinking, you know, allowed it was going from, hey, you're going to pay you five million. Then all of a sudden they found 10 million a year. And the way this contract was set up, you know, for a year from now, it was going to be a million dollar buyout, which is not prohibitive at all. Right. And then, but you're sitting there going, okay, but if he waits another year, he's going to be 74 before the next NFL season.
I mean, I'm on the record and I feel like I said this to you, you know, weeks ago and I definitely wrote about this. I think Bill Belichick will have success in the ACC. I just think after like I saw he's now on Twitter and he's, you know, I think after like about a year of this or two years of this, he will be so disgusted by being what it takes to be a college football head coach that he'll be like, I don't need this.
That very well might be the case. Can't nobody stand around and predict what's going to happen a year or two. Forget about a year from now, two years from now. I just don't see Bill Belichick being that much of a jerk. This is not Jimmy Butler, well, yeah, I can't, but this is not Jimmy Butler trying to force his way out of Miami.
This is not Tyreek Hill sending out smoke signals about his contract and wanting to leave the Dolphins. This is one of the most accomplished head coaches in NFL history. And we're supposed to believe for a coach, you're supposed to trust the coach, right? He's supposed to be more responsible. He's supposed to be the tip of the spear. He's supposed to be the leader. I'm supposed to trust, believe and follow a guy who just changes his mom at a win.
Now, let's be real. We got plenty of coaches who just say, I'm sick of this. And if you think about the college ranks, whether it happens to be Jim Baham in basketball, or we look at Nick Saban, who's now on ESPN, or how about last week, Jim Larranaga, the accomplished coach of the Miami Hurricanes, he just quit in the middle of the season. He says, I'm not doing this anymore.
I don't want to deal with NIL. I just want to coach. And I guess all of this, all of the college system is so similar to the pros right now. Even Bill Belichick doesn't think it's crazy just to coach college students. It's like, man, I had to babysit Vince Wilfork. Maybe not babysit, that's a big man to babysit. You got to deal with all these personalities, the Randy Mosses, the Tom Brady's, the Ninkovich's.
Yeah, I said Ninkovich's, all of them. He had to babysit all these people. I don't think he could deal with a couple of youngsters. I don't think Bill Belichick has it in him at 72 years old to tarnish his reputation, to be a guy who showed up and changed his mind.
As a younger man, he pretty much already did that. And he didn't tarnish his reputation by going to the New England Patriots and telling the New York Jets, I'm not going to be the HC of the NYJ. Bill Belichick did himself a favor. And if you look at the state of the New York Jets, did Bill Belichick make the worst decision by spurning Woody Johnson and the Jets?
No, he looks like a genius after the fact. But you only get one of those in life. Bill Belichick said Robert Kraft is a better deal and he hit a home run and he ended up with Tom Brady in six championships later. He's a legend. You can't go to a college program, sit around for a month, hire a staff, visit student athletes, if that's what the hell we still call them.
I don't know what we call them today. You can't do all of that and leave a month later because Tom Brady called you. You look like a jerk. You look like a clown. You look like someone who cannot be trusted. You look like a joke.
I wouldn't want to do business with this man. And then if you're North Carolina, how dumb do they look? This is like one of those terrible sitcoms from the 80s or the 90s or the 70s, I don't know, pick an era. If somebody is getting ready to go on a date with someone, the prom, right? That's what people like. Hickey, did you go to prom? I did. Did you have fun at prom? Yeah, it was good.
It was good. I've never been to a prom in my life. Wow. Too cool for it, huh?
Nah, not too cool. I just didn't have no interest. I ain't going to no prom. That is somehow not surprising knowing you.
Yeah, I'm just trying to make money. I ain't got time for no prom. Did you go to graduation at least? I haven't had a graduation since middle school and I don't remember it. Hmm.
Also checks out. Yeah, I didn't go to graduation in high school either. No, I left high school.
Hickey to the surprise. I left high school early. I said, I don't want to be here. I left. You graduated early. I did. I graduated a semester early. And then when it was time to go to graduation, I said, why the hell am I going back to that place for? I ain't doing that. No.
But I can relate because I watched television as a child. Imagine having a prom date that you went all out for you. What do they call it? Do you propose to a prom date? Is that what that's called? You ask about the prom, right? Yeah.
Ask to prom is I think the probably the proper way to phrase it. Okay. Imagine you do this after school. Everybody's outside. You bring in balloons. You have roses.
You have flowers. What else would you bring? Hickey chocolates or something like that, right? Chocolates never hurt. Bring some chocolates. You got a big banner and a sign. You get your buddies and your friends to unfurl it at the end. I don't know.
Arbitrary name. Hey, Susie, will you join me at prom? Prom is a month away. Will you join me at prom? And Susie says yes. And then a day before prom, before prom, Susie calls you because you couldn't text in the seventies or eighties or nineties for the most part. And Susie calls you and says, I'm not going to prom with you. And now you look like a jerk. Now you got egg on your face. You went all out to get the chocolates and the roses and the candy and the banner. And you had idiots juggling and you had this whole spectacle to ask Susie to the prom.
And now you're left there looking like a jerk. North Carolina would look like a jerk rejected by Susie if Bill Belichick leaves. I'm going to give Bill Belichick a little bit more.
I'm going to give him a little bit more, I don't know, class. I don't think Bill Belichick is going anywhere. I think Bill Belichick is going to stick around at North Carolina. The reports indicate, if you look at the athletic, they say that he's not leaving and he wouldn't because that'd be like me just walking away and leaving right now and just saying, I'm out of here.
I'm done. But I'm classy guy and I'm nicer than Bill Belichick. Matter of fact, hey, Bill Belichick was asked this in December as well on the Let's Go podcast, which he did leave to be a media superstar before coaching. Bill Belichick was asked, hey, look, it's December. If NFL jobs opened up, Bill, would you have taken a North Carolina gig? Like, do you know what you're doing?
Listen to Belichick. That's a hard question to answer, Jim, because ultimately those aren't my decisions. But sure, I think there would have been some interest. But in the end, really, it's not about what there could have been or would have been. It was about the opportunity at North Carolina. And I just think this program is at the right spot now to take off. The decisions were made. Nobody wanted to hire Belichick. They can call him now after the fact.
It's too late. People always want and there's always a way. So in most cases. People always want what they can have. They like to ogle and look and think, oh, man, get my hands on that. Not that Bill Belichick is something to ogle over unless you're a I don't know, a 23 year old woman from Massachusetts. Maybe you want to look at Bill Belichick, but people always want something they can't have. I'm not Bill Belichick's agent. I'm not Bill Belichick's friend. I've never spoken about Belichick. I've never met the man.
I think he's classy. He ain't leaving. Hey, Tom Brady, go find somebody else. Go holler at Vrabel. Go get one of these young hotshots and good on Bill Belichick for not leaving.
I'd be shocked if he changed his mind, if he were a first course. And if he left because then Bill Belichick, he wouldn't just look like a cheater in the eyes of many. Sorry for bringing that up. Deflategate, Spygate.
My bad. He looked like a clown. Take the nose off of Roger Goodell and put it on that man. A clown Bill Belichick would be if he left.
Save for somebody else. Keep looking, Tom Brady. Tom Brady, go find something. 855-212-4227.
That's 855-212-4227. The JR sport re-show is well, damn it. I'm just getting warmed up. I'm going to be here with you for the next three hours and 40 minutes. And we got more to get into.
Of course, it's Wednesday. I'm going to bring you a top six list. We're going to take a look at some of the most dysfunctional franchises currently in the NFL. Yeah, that team you just thought of, they are probably on the list. We're going to talk about the Dallas Cowboys, not because they're dysfunctional, but for other reasons.
Is Mike McCarthy really going to stick around? I'm going to give you an update, unfortunately, on some of these terrible weather scenarios going on in the country and how they might affect a college football playoff game and NFL game. We got a lot to discuss. If you want to holler at me, it's simple. The phone number is 855-212-4227. That's 855-212-4227. We're going to take a break.
The phone lines are open if you want to give me a holler. And Bill Belichick is your typical angry, grumpy coach. Well, dammit, let me tell you something. Over the last 24 hours, we had some real grumpy coaches. One at the college level, Penn State's head coach, James Franklin, and one on the college side as well.
UCLA's basketball coach, Mike Cronin. This is the beginning of the year. What the hell are you angry about? I'll let you hear from them on the other side. Congratulations.
It's great to be here with you. It's the J.R. Sport Brief Show Coast to Coast on the Infinity Sports Network.
Don't move. You're listening to the J.R. Sport Brief. It is the J.R.
Sport Brief Show here with you Coast to Coast on the Infinity Sports Network. How about class? I represent class. Yeah, it takes one to know one. Hi, Alan. Also, that was the guy who just said that, the caller.
And then I just talked about class. Bill Belichick is way too classy to just take a job with North Carolina and leave a month later because Tom Brady called him. Too classy. You don't think Belichick is leaving, right?
He ain't going nowhere. I don't. And here's a question for you. If you're Bill, could you argue you are going to have more success quicker at North Carolina than you would with the Raiders? Yeah, I would think so. Right. And for someone of his age, right, isn't a quick start, isn't that kind of what he almost prioritized when looking for a new job? I mean, what is he, 72 years old? Sure.
Right. Why do I want to I want to look Tom Brady in the face again? And I got to wait for a quarterback to develop. And now Tom Brady is my boss.
Now, let's think let's think about that element of it, too. Bill Belichick came this damn far and Tom Brady ran away from Bill Belichick because Belichick wanted to give him the boot. And now all of a sudden we're supposed to believe that Bill Belichick would be OK, just working for Tom Brady. Hickey, could you imagine if Belichick showed up and after like two years, he's like, I, Bill, you got to get them.
Could you imagine that? He's like, you got to you got to hit the bricks. That's all something part of it, like ego thing, right? Like, wasn't Bill. I mean, he will never say, but I think he's trying to win to kind of prove Brady that, you know, it wasn't just all Tom. I don't think he's now going to go to the Raiders to where, like you said, he's working for Tom.
Things don't go well. He's going to get blamed again. That's just another thing to pile on as to why Brady carried Belichick. That's almost I guess Bill could win if they win. He looked like a genius. But then Brady, oh, look at him.
He hired Bill. That seems like a little win situation, more to lose there for Belichick, going to the Raiders and working for Brady. Yeah, it is like no way in hell I'm doing. I'm like, nah, man, I'm not working for you. Like not in this.
Well, I guess not in this century, but I just. They make no sense, none at all. And so, yeah, Bill Belichick, a little too classy, I think, to just go ahead and exit the situation. And typically Bill Belichick, we think about him as a coach. He's angry. He's cantankerous. He's he's short. He's Kurt.
He doesn't want to answer your questions. But we've seen it all. And yesterday and even into today, there are two coaches who have already been coaching at the college level, who've had success at the college level. They're cranky. And so I don't know if this means that this is what's in store for Bill Belichick, but I was I don't want to say I was I was taken aback. But both James Franklin, the head coach of Penn State, and then also Mike Cronin, the head coach of the UCLA Bruins, excuse me, UCLA Bruins, the basketball team. They had some issues. James Franklin isn't happy with the college football playoff. They got to get ready to take on Notre Dame. And and Notre Dame is not a part of a conference in the Big Ten like they are any conference.
A matter of fact, they had a little bit more of a break, a little bit more of a rest. And James Franklin is like, hey, this ain't fair. We had to go out here and beat SMU.
And then we had to beat up on Boise State and Notre Dame is out here picking daisies. Like, what are we doing right now? Listen to this.
James Franklin. He actually said this. He said Notre Dame. He said that they should be in a conference because them just chilling out. It's not fun.
Listen to this. I think it should be consistent across college football. I think, again, this is no knock at coach or Notre Dame, but I think everybody should be in a conference. I think everybody should play a conference championship game or no one should play a conference championship game. I think everybody should play the same number of conference games. But just just the numbers are going to make things more challenging if you're playing one more conference game.
So I just think things need to be consistent across college football. Why bring that up now? I like how he said no disrespect to Notre Dame's coach like Marcus. Marcus Freeman, by the way, is sitting right there next to him. He's going like he's going to have an issue or have a beef.
Why are you bringing this up? I feel like he's giving himself a built in excuse. I mean, people typically look at James Franklin and they go, hey, bro, when are you when are you beating Michigan? You know, when are you going to beat Ohio State? And he very well might have to look them in the face.
It's like, oh, your record against them is not sterling at all. Hickey, why is the coach of your alma mater making up excuses as he gets ready to coach this game tomorrow? What is he doing?
I don't know. I mean, he's been feeling himself really since the Ohio State loss. He's been more outspoken, more aggressive.
So this is part of it. I don't I mean, I agree with what he said about the conference games. Like, I think it's ridiculous that the Big Ten plays nine and the SEC plays eight. Don't say it now. Why are you saying that the day but two days before the game? Why are you doing that now? I guess because you have the opportunity with the Notre Dame head coach sitting right next to you to kind of chastise them for doing their own thing. I don't I mean, who cares?
That's my thing. Because it goes the other way, too. Well, Notre Dame, yes, you could argue gets a rest by not playing their conference championship game. We've seen conference champions, right, make or winning your conference championship game be the reason why you make the playoff. There could be some years if Notre Dame is ten and two, they don't have that extra game. They could be left out.
You know? So I think it goes both ways. We're sure maybe in this year, in this case, it's an advantage. But other years down the road, it could be a disadvantage if you don't have that extra game to impress the committee with. That's a good point. That's a good point.
I'll tell you this, though. If they lose tomorrow, this is going to get brought back up. Like, why are you why are you complaining right before you get ready to take on the competition? Why are you complaining about their schedule and who they didn't play and how many games they did not play? Why are you doing that?
Just leave well enough alone. Do you think that things are going to change next year because of you? Because you decided to make this statement right now? Just focus in on the game, not what the opposition did or what they didn't do, or if Notre Dame played on the moon or NBC or just it doesn't matter who they're affiliated with. Just go with that ass coming up with excuses. You're a fan. Did you would you prefer him just shut up and not say that?
I would. Yeah, like it's one of those that feels like you have more to lose than to gain, just because, like you said, if you lose tomorrow, all of a sudden that's going to be maybe not that per se, but it's like poking the bear. Why poke the bear? It's a small thing.
It's very stupid. But do you really want to just give Marcus Freeman anything else at this point to kind of be like, you know what? Screw this guy, fellas. Let's go out here and show him. I would err more towards less is more in this situation. But James Franklin clearly is passionate and felt like this is the time to bring it up.
I agree. And then Marcus Freeman is just he's just sitting there like, what the hell has got to do with me? And then he actually responded and is just like, listen, we we do what we do. This is what we're used to doing. And to your point, I believe he also said he says that there could be times where it's to our advantage.
We take this time to grow. He didn't even entertain the negative aspects of it. It's just like, chill out. Notre Dame is going to win. Sorry, no disrespect to you. I like you. But no, Hickey, now I'm rooting for Notre Dame. Is that bad? We got beef now. No beef. That's OK. Look, the better team is going to win tomorrow.
I think we both know who that is. OK, and I think I'll be seeing you in Atlanta in about 10 days. Well, oh, damn, I feel I'm conflicted now because now I want Penn State to lose. But then I also would love to see you here in Georgia. I'm conflicted now.
What do I do? I wish I had a wish I could flip a coin. I don't have no coins. That's how our relationship is going to be. Heads. I win. Tails. Notre Dame wins. And you don't get to see me.
And we're going to leave it up to not your heart deciding, but a. I don't have. Isn't there a website? There's websites for everything now, right? Oh, you can definitely find it. I was going to I was going to go in my pocket and pull out my debit card and flip that a heads or tails.
What do I search? Flip a coin dot com flip a coin dot com. Let's see. Flip a coin. Yeah, there we go. Google flip a coin.
Google has it. All right. So now I don't flip. Not yet. Not yet.
Oh, my stupid computers did it automatically. I'm like, I didn't flip yet. OK, Hickey, what am I doing? Heads, heads. I want Penn State to win. And then I see you. And then tails. I want Penn State to lose. And then I don't see you.
Is that is that accurate networks? Cool. So heads, I see you in tails. Good run inside. So let's flip this coin.
What do I root for? OK, it's spinning. It's spinning.
It's spinning. Thank you, Google. Tails, I want you to lose. Wow. Google. No, A.I. is trying to drive us apart. Yeah. Well, it's technology, right? But I then the Terminator coming to get us, right?
That's true. Wow. Well, I'll see you at some point.
Hickey, don't worry about it. Maybe here in Georgia, maybe not. Eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. That's eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven.
Yeah, I just use Google to decide my rooting interest. Jerry is here from South Carolina. You're on the J.R. sport re-show. What's up, Jerry? Hey, J.R., regular listener.
First time calling. Thank you. Good show. Doing an awesome job. Thank you.
Yes, sir. Talk about the two playoffs, the final games coming up. Notre Dame Penn State, I believe Notre Dame will win. They have the edge for us with their defense. I know James Franklin, I guess, complained about Notre Dame should be in a conference.
But come on. It comes down to the one game situation tomorrow. I think Notre Dame will win tomorrow. They have the edge on defense. It'll be close. But I think Notre Dame will prevail in SECA because of their defense. I agree. Even outside of my my rooting interest, that was just decided by Google.
I don't dispute that fact. What do you think about Fridays? Well, if we get a Friday. Ohio State, Texas on that one. I think Ohio State will win.
It'll be it'll be close. Texas will have the whole crowd there at Jerry's World. But I think Ohio State will have the edge there. They just more overall talent. They have the better team across the board than Texas. They lost their Arizona State.
I think Ohio State's gonna get them Friday night. They had to go through all of them over times. They definitely got a lot of talent. Thank you, Jerry. No doubt about it.
And man, let me tell you, when we get to the top of the hour, we gonna talk about this game. And not just because of what's taking place on the football field down in Dallas at Jerry's World. It appears that the Metroplex in Dallas and Fort Worth, man, they expected to have some bad weather.
The last time they were expected to have some bad weather, man, it was a football game called the Super Bowl and it was ice and it was a it was a bleep show. Let's just go ahead and put it that way. 855-212-4227. Stuart is calling from Sacramento. You're on the JR Sport. We show us up, Stuart. Hey, Jay. Our first time calling to you.
I've talked to Dickey before, but a first time caller and I have to say a few years listener. And I really, truly, truly love your sales campaign of Odyssey app because that's why I'm calling office. It's the bomb because I'm in Sacramento and, you know, those programs don't like people of our color. But anyway, let me let that go. But anyway, I call. Hey, a good friend of mine is a program. A good friend of mine is a program director in Sacramento. So be careful there. Yeah, probably the 1140 or probably 1320.
I didn't say I'm not answering that. What else you got? Man, much love to Atlanta. I got my brother. He lives down in Atlanta. I'm going to be coming back through that wave real quick.
What else you got? You know what? And I told Hickey, I said, man, did Tom Brady take a pay cut to add more players?
So when Belichick owe him a favor of trying to trying to, you know, resurrected at the team? And second, this big OKC Thunder game of watching a big perk on ESPN. Oh, I mean, supposed to be saying that big way. Big game. I love the Cavaliers. Thunder is coming up tonight. I'm excited for that one. Going back to Raiders. I'm a later fan, but I would just be perfect. He needs the strength. He needs to really come into the Raiders and clean out.
That's all I think is going to happen. All right. Well, let me let me just put it to you this way. And thank you, Stuart, for calling from Sacramento.
I really appreciate you. Bill Belichick don't old Tom Brady. Nothing. Bill Belichick was the one running the team. He gave Tom Brady the canvas to go out there and paint and be great.
And they were great together. Nobody owes nobody nothing. The marriage is done. It finished up a couple of years ago when Tom Brady left and when Belichick wanted him to leave and then he ultimately left and he won a championship. That part is done when it comes to their relationship with the New England Patriots.
Nobody owes anybody anything. Tom Brady can go on with his professional life and Bill Belichick can go on with his professional life. And unless they're both sitting in the same room and they're shaking hands and they're on even level, I would not get back together.
I would leave that alone. It's the J.R. Sport re-show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. 855-212-4227.
That's 855-212-4227. Hey, shout outs to everybody listening. You can also watch the show. Yes, you can watch me talk to you in the studio on YouTube.
Yeah, just go to the Infinity Sports Network YouTube page and you can watch a live stream of the show. I'm going to get some more of your calls on the other side. And I'm not done telling you about angry coaches. There's the angry coach from UCLA. I called him Mike. It's Mick.
He'd be angry at me, too. You're listening to the J.R. Sport Brief.
It's the J.R. Sport Brief Show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. Thank you to everybody listening all over North America. Thank you to everybody watching on YouTube.
Yeah, just go to the Infinity Sports Network YouTube channel and you can watch the J.R. Sport Brief Show. Man, we talked about coaches so far this hour. Bill Belichick and the fact that Tom Brady reached out to see if he would join him to coach the Raiders. We talked about James Franklin, the head coach of the Penn State Nittany Lions. He's not happy that Notre Dame is not a part of a conference.
He feels that they got it a little bit easier. And when we get to the top of the hour, oh, my goodness. By the time we get to Friday's game. Ohio State. Texas. Are we even going to have that game on Friday? Is the weather in Texas going to allow? I mean, the weather is crazy right now all over North America. I hope wherever you are, I hope you're safe. I hope you're well.
I'm going to explain and break it all down at the top of the hour. We were talking about angry coaches. And it's not just James Franklin who's angry.
It's not just James Franklin who's upset. He needs a hug. He's really going to need a hug if they lose tomorrow against Notre Dame.
But somebody needs to give Nick Cronin a hug. Yeah, the head coach of UCLA, the man who helped take him to an NCAA Final Four a couple of years ago. The man who was with the Bearcats forever. Damn it, the man was coaching the Bearcats in Cincinnati for a long time. He's had a lot of success. He has a winning percentage of 68. That's high for a coach.
But last night, not so good. Coach of the Year award wasn't going to do him any favors because his team lost to Michigan 94 to 75. And he laid in to his athletes in a way that you typically would not hear a coach talk about his players. Because he didn't just call them soft. He called his coaching staff, he called them soft. He went after everybody and basically said, everybody in this room, everybody in the organization is pretty much entitled. He's like, I'm good.
But the people at work for me and the athletes, they are not. It's so good. Listen to Nick Cronin. He just destroyed everybody last night. We're soft. So don't tell me you want to win. Like, just don't tell me you want to win.
So don't just don't tell me you want to win. It's crazy. You know, and it's every day. I'm tired of it. It's every day. I have the most energy of all of anybody at practice every day. I have, I'm upset with everybody in that locker room, my assistant coaches and my players. I mean, I don't need to do anything else.
I almost got 500 wins. I'm only 53. I mean, it's a joke. It's a joke. But yet I come in and I have more passion and energy and pride than everybody. And that's the problem. So what the truth of it has been, it's really hard to coach people that are delusional.
The hungry dog gets the bone. We got guys that think they're way better than they are. They're nice kids.
They're completely delusional about who they are. Hickey, at what point did he did he kick his own ass? He didn't he didn't take any time to do that, right? He's like, I'm good. I'm the greatest. I'm the best.
I know I'm good. Everybody else is not good. He has a lot of patting on his own back. You know, he's young. He's got, you know, nearly 500 nearly 500 wins. He has the most energy of practice. He's not the problem.
Clearly is everybody else. He's hired everyone else. He's recruited everyone else.
He coaches. That's a problem. Not, not, not great there. Yeah. You got, you got to take some responsibility.
Like I can't remember the last time I heard a coach come through and decide to just level everybody out like that. Like that's, that's not cool. I give you got it. You're the leader.
Sure. I sat here and talked about Bill Belichick being a leader and how is somebody going to take Bill Belichick serious if he just here at North Carolina one day and then the next day he leaves. But then you got Mick Cronin, who's just, he's beaten up on the college athletes. He's saying they're soft. Hickey, I'm not going to say he's going to apologize, but I think there's a chance that he is.
It's crazy. Oh, I think I'll definitely apologize. Cause to your point, like if you're a player or coach, like it's one thing to be frustrated. It's another to basically remove yourself and throw everybody else under the bus.
I get it's after the game. So you're pissed off and upset, but like you said, to not even point the finger or say it starts with me. But besides that, everyone else is also responsible here as well because he blamed everyone but himself.
I bet you the next time we see him, whether it's at practice or a game, he apologized in some fashion for making it about him or maybe not taking the blame that he should have. He asked to man, cause that's not a damn thing. And being a leader in that regard, it makes, that makes no sense. There comes a point in time where yeah, you're leading these young men. You just can't say what the hell you want to say. It just does not work that way.
Get over yourself. 8-5-5-2-1-2-42-27. That's 8-5-5-2-1-2-42-27. Thomas is here from Tampa. Thomas, you're on the Gerald Sportbreeze show. What's up? Hey Gerald, can you hear me?
Yeah. You stuck in the toilet? Are you okay?
We need to save you. No, no, I'm good. I'm good. I'm good.
I wish I knew about your YouTube channel so I could have seen your reaction when I dropped this knowledge about this dysfunctional organization in New York. Okay. But I'm not talking about the Giants because we all know they're going to get bullied into drafting Shadookee Sanders. So we're not going to talk about them.
We're going to talk about the New York Jets. Okay, go ahead. All right. Did you call, wait, wait, wait. Did you call, did you call Shador Sanders? Did you call him Dookie?
Yeah, Shadookee Sanders. As in like poop? Poop? Yeah. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on a second. Hold on one second. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Oh my goodness. Oh my God. Hickey, is, am I talking to someone in kindergarten?
Like what? Dookie? I, maybe it's just the immature mind of mine.
I like the creativity. I've not heard that before. Shadookee, I never thought, you know, something, I didn't think I'd be sitting in a bowl of Cheez-Its a week ago. Okay. I just didn't think that I'd be saying Dookie on the radio. Hey Thomas, you got to go fast.
We're up against the break. Okay. I got you. I got you real quick.
The reason I plan to save the New York Jets. Number one, you get Joe Brady. Okay. Number two. No, no, no, no. We don't have time.
Number two, number two, number two. No. All right.
All right. Number two, Joe Namath's got to go. Joe Namath has to go? Joe Namath? He's got to kick the can.
Kick the can. Oh my God. You're killing off Joe Namath. What's the third one? Go ahead.
Number three, the only quarterback that could save the New York Jets is Jamis Winston. All right. Thank you, Thomas.
You kick the can yourself. It's the JR Sport Breeze Show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. We're going to take a break when we come back. Unfortunately, we have to talk about some of these terrible, terrible issues with weather all across America. And it may have an effect on some NFL games in the playoffs, a college football playoff game. Man, it's rough going for some folks out here. Forget the sports. Some people are dealing with some serious issues. I'll update you. It's the JR Sport Breeze Show Coast to Coast, the Infinity Sports Network.
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