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Does The NBA All-Star Game Need Changing? (Hour 3)

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
December 19, 2024 9:21 pm

Does The NBA All-Star Game Need Changing? (Hour 3)

JR Sports Brief / JR

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December 19, 2024 9:21 pm

JR opened up hour three by discussing NBA players like Kevin Durant, Anthony Davis and LeBron James reacting to the new NBA All-Star Game format before previewing the first round of the College Football Playoff with Ohio State national champion Bobby Carpenter. The hour concludes with a continued discussion about why the NBA ASG has suffered.

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It is! The JR Sport Pre-Show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia. Thank you to everybody listening, tuned in, locked in all over North America. I hope you're safe.

I hope you are having an amazing Thursday. I'm in Atlanta, Georgia. Our super producer and host Ryan Hickey is in New York City. Thank you for being here. The show gets started every weekday at 6 p.m. Eastern, 3 Pacific. So whether you happen to be in Alaska or Maine or Miami or San Diego, Toronto, anywhere and anything in between.

Thank you for being here. You can always listen on the free Odyssey app, your local Infinity Sports Network affiliate. If you got Sirius XM, it's channel 158.

If you got a smart speaker, ask it to play the Infinity Sports Network. We've talked about a lot. The New York Jets are a disaster. Talked about the health of Patrick Mahomes. Hey, we got Thursday Night Football kicking off minutes from now. We got the Denver Broncos trying to establish themselves in the postseason. They just got to win tonight against the Chargers in L.A.

Meanwhile, the Chargers, if they win tonight with an eight and six record and losers of their last three or four, man, they could get in with a win today and a little bit of help. A big game for the AFC West. And then we talked about the college football playoff right before we went to break. We talked about the Ohio State University and the Tennessee Volunteers. That's going to be a damn good matchup on Saturday night. Can't wait for it.

And then how about this? We're going to have someone who won a national championship with Ohio State back in the year 2002. Listen to him on the radio. He has his own show, was a linebacker in the NFL for years.

Bobby Carpenter. He's going to come through and join us in about 20 minutes, not to just talk to every talk about everything going on at Ohio State, but to give us a nice preview of what we should look forward to with the college football playoff, which officially kicks off tomorrow. So we have a lot to get into. Of course, at the end of the show, I'm going to walk you through a few things that took place this day in sports history. Today is going to be my last day for the year. I'm going to take some some time off over the holidays to sit around and mind my damn business. And so, yeah, we got a lot to get into before we kind of roll out. 855-212-4227 is the number.

That's 855-212-4227. You know, as there's been so much discussion about changes with the college football playoff, at the same time, this has been a busy week for the end of the NBA. Excuse me. They had and finished up with their NBA Cup tournament. The Milwaukee Bucks came out on top over the Oklahoma City Thunder. They've been talks about ratings and changes and what's going to happen and not happen. And so when you have these big events in the NBA, you know, typically you'll hear from the commissioner, Adam Silver. He'll come out and have a press conference, kind of give a state of the NBA and what the league is going to do, what they're going to try to do. And more recently, because the NBA All-Star voting is getting ready to kick off. We got some news. We got news in the NBA surrounding the All-Star game, which at this point in time is just.

It's a glorified exposition, excuse me, not exposition is an exhibition and it stinks. I mean, we had the highest scoring NBA All-Star game. In history. Earlier this year, so much so, I think I fell asleep. The final score, two hundred and eleven.

So one hundred and eighty six. Now, is that a basketball game? I don't know what the hell that is, but I'm not trying to sit down and watch it. It's sad is what it is. Players make so much money now. They don't want to compete. They don't want to get hurt. They don't want to get embarrassed. They don't even want to show up. No appreciation for the fans who bust their ass and support them, allowing them to make all this money. And so the NBA realized that they finally have to make a change and make a change.

They did. The NBA revealed two days ago that this All-Star game is no longer a game. That it is a series of mini games that the All-Stars will be broken up into three separate teams. And they will play a fourth team, a team composed of rising stars. So the All-Stars, all twenty four of them, they're going to be divided into three eight player teams. The fourth team will be the rising stars champion from the young guys game that they play on Friday night.

And it's going to be four GM's Charles Barkley and Shaq and Kenny and then Candace Parker, the fourth one for the young squad. They're going to draft their rosters and then they're going to have a little tournament. Two teams will meet. The other two teams will meet the first team to get 40 wins. They're going to narrow it down and the winner has to get to 40 points.

And that that's it. There's your All-Star game. So instead of watching a bunch of guys run up and down the court. We're going to get a series of games and maybe that'll inspire some competition. Just maybe. And a few NBA players have already decided to speak up about this format, even though they're the ones.

Man, if they decided to play, it wouldn't change. One of the first comments we got. The future Hall of Famer, one of the best scorers, shooters that the NBA has ever seen.

A two time champion, an MVP, finals MVP, Kevin Durant. Kevin Durant was just like, I don't like this. I hate it. I absolutely hate it. It's a All-Star game, four mass changes, all the four mass.

It's terrible in my opinion. We should just go back to East-West and just play a game. I think we've been trying to bring that flare back somehow with the All-Star weekend.

I think we just keep it traditional. We'll see how this one works. You never know.

I might be wrong. I'm just another guy with an opinion. But we'll see how it works.

He's just a guy with an opinion. He likes East versus West. Let's also keep in mind the NBA tried doing this playground style.

Let the players choose and pick who they want on their team. Pretty hilarious. A few years ago, James Harden requested a trade from the Brooklyn Nets and Kevin Durant was just like, yeah, I'm not picking him. Pretty funny. Didn't change anything, though. Didn't matter.

No, no, no inspiration there. Somebody else who absolutely hates this is a guy who goes to the All-Star game, even though he's really never healthy. Most times. It's Anthony Davis. Anthony Davis stood in front of the media and he said, I don't like this either. I like that. OK, apparently the Lakers have good taste in music. Marvin Gaye going on. OK, a little basketball mood coming out of the NBA Cup.

All right. By the way, LeBron James may not play foot. That was you get all your foot starts bothering you. Now, what does LeBron James think about this? We had Kevin Durant say he doesn't like it. Anthony Davis just said, I don't like it. Well, if you actually played basketball hard, we wouldn't have no changes.

What does LeBron say? Yeah, I mean, it's different, you know, in a sense. But we see we see when we get there is different. Obviously, anytime you make some type of change is going to be some some buckback. Like, I don't know. I mean, I have my ideas of what could possibly work. That's kind of why I love you.

Yeah, I'm not going to do that. But like coming out of it, you saw the reaction. You got to do something. Obviously, the last couple of years have not been a great All-Star game that Sunday night. But I mean, listen, this is a bigger it's a bigger conversation. It's not just the All-Star game. It's our game in general. It's a lot of threes being shot. So it's a it's a bigger conversation. Just all-star game.

Oh, oh, oh, man. Nobody asked him about that. He's throwing that out there.

And he doesn't want to share. LeBron James doesn't want to share what can make the game better. Is he sharing that privately with Adam Silver?

I hope he is. I'd love to know what LeBron James thinks of what would make the game better. LeBron James has been around now for 22 years. He's actually seen some of the top competitors. He's been out there on the court with Kobe.

You know, he knows what it means to just rip somebody's throat out. And at his age, when the All-Star game does come around, LeBron James will be 40 years old. You think we're going to see him run up and down the court for 48 minutes trying to show people up?

Nah. He's going to do an alley-oop and he's going to sit his ass down. Let let I don't know, let Devin Booker run around out there. I got better things to do.

But then the larger issue is also what he said. So there's a lot going on in the league right now. Just a lot of threes. I mean, we had a game last week.

Think the Pistons and somebody else, the Bulls, I think they missed what, like 70 something threes? Like, it's true. Well, what are we going to do? We're going to allow hand checking. Let the hand check him back in the league. Let's actually play some defense so guys can learn how to go to the hole instead of just watching threes. Let's get some back to the basket action.

Let's get a variety. Adam Silver talked about this as well. He made the point of, yeah, this is we're paying attention. This is something that we have to evaluate. I don't want to call this the Steph Curry good and bad curse, but analytics says so much about the players don't make twos at the same percentage that they used to. And so the three point shot, if you get it, if you take a volume of threes like this is like baseball. Too much damn analytics and basketball. Maybe if we actually develop more of the skills and the guys are super athletes now. The players are probably better shooters. But some of the nuance to the game is just it's lazy to watch. It's cool to watch some of the players that have differing skill sets. Watching Giannis at the Kumpo just barrel to the basket as thin as he is, as strong as he is.

Nobody could stop him. You know, we really got screwed when everybody thought that they were Steph Curry. And it's had just like a trickle down.

I think for younger people, it still has more of a trickle down. Everybody wants to take a three. Everybody is not built to take a three. Spare us. Save us.

Thank God here in Atlanta, Georgia, I give him so much credit. Trae Young has actually slowed down on his three point output in order to just pass the ball. But it'd be nice to see guys a little bit more skill around the basket. Be nice to see some pull up J's. It'd be nice to see some basketball and art as opposed to I'm going to run and take a three and then you run and take a three.

It's LeBron James has a point in the fact that this is getting more and more attention and Adam Silver is being asked about ratings. Maybe we'll see more change. It looks like some of the players already are allowed to play a little bit more defense.

More please. No more of the same. Jacking up threes. An all star game. It'll change when you have one or two players that say, screw all of y'all. I'm going for the other team's jugular. And then we'll see some of these other guys maybe hopefully try not to be embarrassed. I don't think there's a gimmick that fixes the all star game.

I don't know what these mini games will look like. I think we're just going to need players that say, man, I'm not going out there to be embarrassed. I'm going out here to win.

I'm a rip your throat out. That's what we need. Too many of the players just don't care. And it's real simple. They make too much money. They care about their brands. They don't want to be embarrassed. They don't have nothing to play for.

They don't have nothing to prove because they've already been paid. And that's the worst part about it all. It's the JR sport. We show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network.

We're going to get more into this, you know, later on in the show. And we've already seen the NFL decide to just switch up and completely change things when it comes to the Pro Bowl. We got flag football right now when it comes to the NFL showcasing its best talent. And we know the NFL is different. Their exhibitions all-star game. Pro Bowl is after the season. You got players who aren't in the Super Bowl not even playing in that thing.

And now we got many games. I'm going to tell you what changes and what additions the NFL is making to the Pro Bowl. We're going to obviously talk more about what the NBA is doing, what its all-star game and how the hell they can get people to watch at the end of the show. Of course, we'll talk about a few things that are going on this day or have happened this day in sports history. And speaking of history, Sammy Sosa slamming Sammy Sosa. He apologized to the Chicago Cubs, apparently for cheating.

Dennis Rodman apologizing to his daughter publicly. I know it's the holidays, but damn, this is we got all these apologies in and nothing even happened yet. Well, I'll explain as we get into the next hour of the show. We got Thursday Night Football getting ready to kick off between the Broncos and the Chargers. But when we come back from break, it's time to have a chat with someone who's going to talk about the kickoff to the college football playoff. Joining us in five minutes is Bobby Carpenter, a former champ with the Ohio State University, a former NFL linebacker, current radio host.

I'm going to ask him all things about Ohio State as well as the playoff. You don't want to miss it. It's the J.R. sport re-show coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. You're listening to the J.R. sport brief. It is the J.R. sport re-show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. Man, we are now less than 24 hours away from the start of the college football playoff.

I can't wait anymore. We got Notre Dame and Indiana getting us all launched and started tomorrow evening. We got a full slate of games on Saturday and to talk about what we can expect, what we can see as someone who won a national championship with Ohio State, played in the NFL, knocking people out for seven years. You can now catch them on a radio in Columbus.

You can catch them all over the place. Joining us right now is Bobby Carpenter. Bobby, how are you, man? I'm doing great. Thanks for having me on.

Well, thank you again for taking the time. You know, before we get into a lot of the other matchups in addition to the Ohio State University, just a few minutes ago, not too long ago, and this is not a surprising report, but apparently Carson Beck is not going to be ready for the college football quarterfinal, that matchup against whoever comes out of Indiana and Notre Dame. We kind of knew this was going to be the case.

We all heard about it. What does this mean for Georgia and their playoff chances with Gunnar Stockton back there? So, you know, Gunnar Stockton came in, played pretty well. I mean, he took obviously a big hit in that SEC Championship game against Texas.

But I don't know if it changes a ton, even though you looked obviously at Carson Beck and how good he had been last year. This year he'd been up and down. And he's been playing a little bit better.

He's been managing some things with him. But, you know, a lot of people that I've talked to, it doesn't really impact what they think about Georgia anyway, you know, with their pathway, who they're playing, and the fact that a lot of people have a ton of confidence in Gunnar Stockton. And they said he'd just announce he'll just be out that first week. We'll see.

I can't imagine him being able to come back and play at any point. But I think for the first round or that second round, I guess, since they have a bye, they should be fine. Bobby Carpenter here with us. Well, if we talk about the game that is going to determine their opponent tomorrow between Notre Dame and Indiana, not a lot expected out of Indiana, especially this first year on the Cignetti. We see them now here in the playoff. Notre Dame, I don't want to say that they've kind of gone under the radar. But after losing to Northern Illinois, people have kind of just gone, OK, let's see what Notre Dame can do.

What are your thoughts on that matchup that gets us started tomorrow? I think Notre Dame is playing probably as well as anybody across the country. And you mentioned the fact that after they lost that one to Northern Illinois, that was obviously rough. They beat A&M and it looks all good.

Then they have the letdown. That's something they've had the last couple of years. And so it was on Marcus Freeman to kind of steady that ship and turn it around and played Miami, Ohio later.

It's not great against them. They ended up winning, I think, by two scores. But it wasn't a dominating performance. But since that point, you could look at how they played and how Riley Leonard has played. And Mike Denbrock, their offensive coordinator, it seemed like they finally got on the same page. And part of that, the reason for that was Riley Leonard had two or three ankle surgeries this offseason.

So it took him some time to kind of get settled in to figure out what he did well, how they could mesh the offense to what he does. And then you look at this run that they've been on, offensively playing really stinking good football. Now they maybe don't throw it for a ton of yards. And Riley Leonard probably isn't the best passer you're going to find. But he's pretty darn good running the football. He's got a pair of good running backs. And then on the other side, and their defense is great. On the other side, Indiana, it's going to be cold. And thank goodness for Curtis Rourke, he's from Canada, plays at Ohio University.

So he's a cold weather guy. And the question will be for them is like, can they get Sarat and get that, make some enough plays in the passing game to be able to have some explosives and to be able to move the chains on third down. I guess Ohio State, they got bogged down on third down, weren't able to move the football effectively in the second half. Some of that was due to crowd noise. You know, and Cignetti talked about they were going to get that corrected. It'll be loud up in South Bend.

They'll have to contend with that. But I honestly think that's going to be one of the most competitive games we have in this first weekend. Bobby Carpenter here.

The JR Sport Reshow Coast to Coast. You talk about competitive games. This is the game that I'm really looking forward to.

I know you are as well. You won a national championship with Ohio State. What are your thoughts on what this game will look like? And ultimately, there's so much pressure on Ryan Day, especially after losing to Michigan. What do you think about the criticism that he's faced? And is there a legitimate chance that, depending on how this game and the playoff goes, that he's not coaching into the future?

Well, it's interesting. I mean, their ADD Ross York came out and actually was on my local show in Columbus on the fan. And we had him on. And we asked him, is there any scenario where you see Ryan Day not returning next year? And he answered it very eloquently. And it was a pretty definitive no.

And people have asked me that even before Ross came out and said it. And the only way that I think that they even entertained that is if it was an embarrassing defeat. I mean, it's one where they looked non-competitive, uninspired. And you were embarrassed to be associated with Ohio State.

I don't see that happening in any way. You know, after a couple days, you know, the Michigan loss, the players started moving on, coaches move on. You get the rankings coming out. You get your marching orders with Tennessee. You realize you have a home game. It's a prime time slot on Saturday night.

And that's a shot of adrenaline into the arm. And so the Ohio State team, you know, they've obviously had a Michigan issue. But outside of that, Ryan Day has been tremendous. I mean, that's basically half of his losses have come at Ohio State to Michigan. That's something that he's going to have to correct.

But there's nothing you can do about that for 350 days. What you can do is go out and try to win a national championship. And I feel like there's an acute sense of purpose with these seniors that came back. They had a ton of guys return. And their goal was to beat Michigan and win a Big Ten championship and ultimately a national title. And the first two parts of that are gone.

The last part is still out there. And while their path might not be the yellow brick road to Atlanta, it is a manageable path. It's one that they can handle. And if they play well, they're as talented as anybody in the country and they should be okay. Well, Bobby, it was certainly a shock last week when Bill Belichick decided to head on down in North Carolina. It looks like his well kind of dried up on the NFL side. Mike Vrabel doesn't have a job. We know where Mike Vrabel was, you know, two decades plus ago. Do you think there's a real possibility that he might entertain going to Ohio State if the job were to open up? I was joked about on Pat McAfee with Dan Orlovsky, you know, is a friend of mine.

And Pat's on there, AJ, my former teammate. Dan was alluding to Mike having already an opportunity and something that's probably fairly well-greased for him. I don't think he was insinuating at Ohio State. Mike coached at Ohio State. He coached here for two years when he got done playing. And when he left, he said he didn't want to have to deal with recruiting and he didn't want to coach in college. So I know Mike a little bit. I'm not going to speak for him on what I think he wouldn't or what he would or wouldn't do, but just knowing kind of what he values and how he likes to coach and what he's looking for. He's going to have NFL opportunities and I wouldn't say it's zero percent, but I'd say it's pretty close to it. Yeah, we know he is a damn good coach.

I think he'd work on any level. Bobby Carpenter here with us on the JR Sport Brief Show. What other matchups this weekend are grabbing your attention? We know we get Clemson. We got Texas. We got SMU and Penn State earlier on in the day.

What do you expect and what are you paying attention to over the weekend? I think that Texas Clemson game could be entertaining. And for this reason, I mean, Clemson kind of backdoored in there. They were able to win their conference championship and get in, but they lost a couple of games in the ACC. They lose the final game of the season to South Carolina and still get in the ACC championship. They have a great first half. SMU has the ferocious comeback and then they kick the field goal right before the end to win.

And they're a little bit of house money. They've got a good quarterback in Cade Klubnick. We'll see what he can do now. So they're running back.

You know, he's a big, powerful dude. His shoulder, you could tell that ACC championship game wasn't right as it's been long enough to get healthy. If he, the recipe for them to win, they've got to run the ball effectively. They're going to have to have some hits over the top with Cade Klubnick, keep him clean. But on the defensive side, they're able to get enough pressure on Quinn Ewors. And Clemson for a long time, their calling card was that D line and they were ferocious up front. They're not quite as good this year.

They're not quite as good against the run. But if they can find a way to get pressure on Quinn Ewors, because it looks like that ankle is still bothering him. The one problem is they've got Arch Manning there. That's a great problem, but it's a great thing to have. It's also an issue because it'll be interesting to see if Shark, if Ewors struggles, when does he go to Manning?

Does he use him just for a run to get him in there? And when you start going back and forth, you know, if it's not working and then it works, then it doesn't. You lose the direction a little bit of your team and people maybe start kind of questioning and wondering what's going on. So if Clemson can find a way to get a lead and pressure that quarterback situation to make Shark have to make some uneasy decisions, I think that would be their pathway to have success. Well, Bobby, if Texas is to advance all the way to the championship, do you think if you've got to take some odds, do you think Arch Manning would be a part of that in some type of way?

Or do you think when Ewors would just kind of drive the ship all the way? Well, they've been playing. Arch, he's putting them in to run and they've had some different stuff that they've utilized with him in some different packages. But they really haven't told the ball a lot outside of what he was throwing in through Ewors when he was hurt. So he'll be a part of it.

It's just a question of how big a part of it is he? And is there a hook for Quinn or is it just something that's going to be scheduled where Arch will have packages to come in and let him play? Because if they get down and it looks like they're not moving the football, do you make a move? If you make that move, I think it's permanent. I don't know if you can go back from it. And then you have a guy who's a first-year starter, albeit with a famous last name and a ton of talent, but then you've got a young dude who really hasn't been the guy all year. That would be tough. That would be a tough one to kind of figure out on the fly. Well, we'll see what happens.

Looking forward to that one. There's not a lot of attention paid to what Boise State is doing, has done. Yeah, we've got to wait another week and change before they play.

Ashton Gentsy obviously did not win the Heisman, Arizona State, own running back. People are looking at them, not getting a lot of attention. What are your thoughts on how the seedings have played out? And is that something that needs to get adjusted into the future? Yeah, I think they will. People that I've talked to, they said they're going to take a look at it. Now, what are they able to change in this first year? The college football playoff is essentially a two-year agreement.

40-26, I think it will get ripped off. I don't know if they add teams, how they do, what they do. They'll do a decent amount to it at that point. But right now, the question is, like, what all do they have the ability to get done? And can they change the seeding process so that it's a little bit more level, I guess, and there's not these pathways where it's more advantageous to be, you know, the five seed than maybe the one seed. And, like, those are questions that they've got to figure out. And so I think they're going to try to, or do you even reseed after the first round? Like, the NFL does.

I mean, that's a realistic possibility. And so those are questions that are going to come up. And I've heard people talk about it that are in positions of influence with that, and they don't even necessarily know what the contract totally says. So they're going to have to try to figure that out and see what it is.

And, man, we don't know what anything looks like. It seems like every day something new is changing and different here in college football. Bobby, what are your thoughts?

I haven't said that. Alabama, the athletic director says, hey, I got an app. I need the fans and everybody to donate money to NIL.

What are your thoughts on how that has changed? Alabama would be the last team I would expect, but it appears that they're a little desperate. Everybody wants the cash because the players are bailing. Well, and it's a money situation. I mean, it's like the NFL, but it's not because there's no contracts. Like, it's a year-to-year thing. It's free agency every year for the players. The roster management aspect of it is getting incredibly difficult.

You know, there's a relationship and trust element that's important. But trying to figure this out has been wickedly hard. And everybody's just trying to get cash. I mean, Alabama, the program that people love in the state, but it's not that big of a state.

There's not a ton of industry there. And so it's hard. This is a couple years in and people are starting to get tapped out of being able to donate these big dollars. And now they've got revenue sharing coming in, but there's still going to need to be money on top of that that they're allocating to players, and they've got to figure out a solution for it. Well, Bobby, do you think at some point, I don't know, five, ten years from now we'll have more stability in college football as it relates to NIL, transfer portal, what have you? Or are we in for the wild, wild west, a different change in every element, playoff, money, two to three years? It seems like it's just all wide open and up in the air.

I hope that we do, and I hope it's quicker than five, because if not, this is an untenable situation. And I don't know if you saw Vanderbilt's quarterback, Diego Pavia, just sued the NCAA and won, and his junior college years don't count anymore, so he can keep playing, because the reality is there's guys that can make more money in college than in the NFL early on, and maybe they don't even really get a shot in the NFL. So now you have guys that are hanging around playing for even longer, and it's just making everything more and more difficult. So it's a very, very difficult situation that they're in.

So they need to have someone that can finally put this thing together and have rules that everybody can agree on, and I don't know when that happens, how that happens, but hopefully it's within the next year or two. NFL vet, former player for Ohio State, Bobby Carpenter here with us. And to kind of wrap things up, well, we got a quarterback that has been around a long time. His team is seeded number one. Would you favor the Ducks to go out there and win the championship in about a month? I think that they have as good a shot as anybody. I think Ohio State's got a pretty good shot. I think Georgia has a decent shot.

Texas, I think, has an okay pass. And Notre Dame, depending on how they look, if they look like I think, I think they've got a pretty solid shot as well. So there's a number of teams, I think, that can win it. This is as flat as college football has been at the top in a long time. There's a great degree of parity within the top five or six, seven teams, and it's just how they're playing on any given day. If they play well, they got a great chance of winning. If they don't, well, they can lose to anyone.

Bobby, I appreciate the time. I know you're going to be locked in and glued to the television just like everybody else watching all the games. Hey, are you going to be at the shoe? You going to watch Tennessee, Ohio State in person?

You going to be there? Yeah, I live about a ten-minute drive. It's about two miles to my kids. Anytime I'm not working, we ride our bikes down in there and go. My kids are juiced up about it. So we all have my three kids, three oldest kids down there, and we're going to go check it out and hopefully be watching the Buckeye win in the cold. Hey, hey, Bobby, you enjoy it. Thank you so much for the time.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, all that good stuff. Where can people follow, listen, and keep up to you and all your good work on the radio and elsewhere? Well, I'm 97 with a fan in Columbus. I do a couple days a week. I'm Sirius XM Channel 84, and I've got a pretty great college football show that I have on YouTube at Bobby Carp Show.

You can follow it there. It comes out daily. It's all 50 minutes, and we have great guests. My man A.J.

Hawk, Anthony Schlegel, people from around the country that come through. So it's a lot of fun. Hey, Bobby, thank you so much. Enjoy the game on Saturday.

We'll catch you on down the line, okay? Yes, sir, thank you. No doubt about it. That Bobby Carpets are former champion with the Ohio State Buckeyes as well as an NFL vet. Be happy that he ain't knock your head off, and all he did was give us some good thoughts and advice on college football. It's the J.R. Sportbree show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. 855-212-4227 is the number.

That's 855-212-4227. We're going to take a break. When we come back on the other side, I told you the NFL was looking to make some changes as it relates to their Pro Bowl. We talked about the NBA and what they're doing.

I'm going to get Hickey's thoughts on that. You're listening to the J.R. Sportbree. It is the J.R. Sportbree show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. Thank you to Bobby Carpenter for joining us in the last break. Former champion in 2002 with the Ohio State Buckeyes.

Seven years in the NFL knocking heads as a linebacker, a Cowboys, Lions. And now you can catch him on the radio all over the place whether serious, locally, in Columbus. So thank you so much to Bobby Carpenter for joining us.

If you missed the conversation, go ahead and hit rewind on the free Odyssey app. Talked about everything from Carson Beck's availability. It doesn't look like he's going to be available for that quarterfinal matchup in the college football playoff. We know that Georgia has a bye. We talked about the likelihood that Mike Vrabel takes over at the Ohio State if Ryan Day doesn't have success and is ultimately canned. And then just a lot about how the college game is changing, what may happen in a few years, potential expansion, the fact that this year things are so wide open when it comes to who's going to win the championship. Talked about Alabama, a great conversation with Bobby Carpenter.

So yeah, go hit rewind on the free Odyssey app. And then with all the changes in college football, we did discuss some of the changes that are coming to the NBA All-Star game. We now have four different games. We got four teams. I mean, we got All-Stars, obviously. Twenty-four All-Stars will be broken down into three teams.

They got another team with a bunch of young guys, maybe putting the young guys in the Air Forces, the old guys to compete. It can't be worse than what it is and what it has been. Before I tell you about some changes with the Pro Bowl, Hickey, what do you think about what the NBA is doing, basically scrapping the traditional East versus West All-Star game?

I don't hate it. Now, talk to me in February when we actually see it, maybe it sucks. But I don't mind tinkering with the format because you articulated before, the game right now is a joke.

And so if you're Adam Silver, I don't think at this point anything's off limits. You've tried East versus West. You've tried drafting teams. You've tried different things.

Nothing is working. I think stick with the same old, same old is just the definition of insanity. So I'm open to change. I'm open to see what works.

I'm open to experimenting. I guess one thing I'm curious your thoughts about, because this is kind of how I feel, I don't need the All-Star game to be competitive. I really don't care, to be honest, in part because we ask so much of the athletes and we always tell them, hey, championships matter, playoffs matter, rings, rings, rings, rings, rings. So if we put the emphasis on rings and how you play in the playoffs, doesn't it make sense then to try to these guys geared up as much as possible for the playoffs? So with that being said, why would they go out all out, I should say, and risk injury in a game that literally is meaningless? I don't think so. I don't think the game is, this is supposed to be, this is like a birthday party for the NBA.

Not typically, you know, it's not a literal birthday party. But this is supposed to be really, this is for the fans, this is for the league, it's for the players, you go to an NBA All-Star weekend and it's a good time. I haven't been to an All-Star game in a few years, but it's literally a good time. I mean, from everybody that you see, Hickey, the only time that I ever saw Bill Russell in my life was in the back of an arena during NBA All-Star. He walked by me and I'm like, oh man, that's Bill Russell.

I'm not starstruck, I really don't give a damn about me and anybody. But just to see him, it was just like, man, this was, it was just cool. And so when you have that for an entire weekend and the players are out in the community and there's so many events from a business perspective, it's awesome. At minimum, you know, I don't think people are looking for, they're bloodthirsty at the All-Star game. Typically, the game, if it's a good one, it could heat up in the end in the fourth quarter. But when we're just watching layup lines, it's pathetic.

And so I don't, I don't think there's the risk of injury in this. And it's about just having some pride and be appreciative. Like everybody is there. Everybody is watching. Y'all are playing. Y'all make the money. People are watching because everybody loves the game.

And I just think it just boils down to money. Like it don't got to be a blood sport. But do something competitive. You know, we see them play more competitively. And I know they do in practice, you know, in the summertime, like go ball out. You know, there is something to be said about. I don't want to I don't want to use the word soft, but that's part of it.

Why y'all so damn soft? Just go play and have some pride and be appreciative. We heard last year that before they went out there and even played the game, they had legends try to talk to them.

It was in Indianapolis last year. They had they tried to get like Larry Bird and Dr. J to talk to the players before and kind of boost them up. And we saw what we got. Nothing. And so I hope we get something out of this. And maybe this is good for a few years and then things are so competitive. They go back. You know what? We're back to it.

Let's just do East versus West. But the fact of the matter is the players are already so successful. And let's be real. A lot of these guys, they know ain't going to no damn finals. They're just showing up. They're collecting a check. They're doing it for ego. Then they're doing it for team because they made the money. It's like, why don't we get guys competing in a dunk contest?

It's just like, for what? What if I lose? I'm going to look silly. You know, we don't have guys. And that's why I love Giannis.

I say it all the time. Giannis can stink and you would think he'd be embarrassed. Missing free throws and people are joking on him. He's one of the best guys in the league.

Period. One or two right now between him and Jokic and he's not afraid. But we got guys who are so it's social media stuff. Guys are so consumed with what the image looks like and and what happens after. You got people who aren't they don't want to jump out off the ledge and go be brave and go be competitive. Because they're afraid of what people is going to say. And that's it.

They're too complacent. That's what it is that I agree with. A hundred percent. I agree with that. There's definitely a stigma of don't be embarrassed. Like you mentioned before, like I got a brand to uphold and that will get diminished if whatever you get blocked by LeBron and the All-Star game. If I miss a dunk in the dunk contest, there definitely is a fear of failing for sure.

There was not around in, let's say, previous generations that I would agree is definitely hurting the game and hurting maybe sports in general. That's a factor for sure. Yeah. Well, I wish we had more guys that just.

Just go get it. You know, Anthony Edwards can can have that in him and Giannis certainly has it in him. You know, we got John Moran and I get it. He's a smaller guy. He's just balling all over the place. I'm not going to dunk as much.

He's still dunking. I just I wish they had a little bit more pride. But this is what happens if you got tons of money. What am I risking anything for? I want my cash. Leave me alone. My check's still going clear. Let me do the minimum.

Don't matter how I got here and who cared to get me here. It's the J.R. Sportbree show coast to coast. The Infinity Sports Network will give you an update on Thursday night football. Talk about the Pro Bowl and more. The J.R. Sportbree show don't move.
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