It is the JR Sport Brief Show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia. Much love and many thanks to everybody tuned in and locked in all over North America. Super producer and host Ryan Hickey is holding it down for us in New York City. You can always listen on the free Odyssey app, your local Infinity Sports Network affiliate, Sirius XM channel 158, and a smart speaker if you have one.
Ask it to play the Infinity Sports Network. Baseball history has been made. Shohei Ohtani is the first player in Major League Baseball history to have a 50-50 season.
Damn, his stat line. He just hit the 50th home run five minutes ago right as we went to break. The Dodgers currently lead the Marlins in Miami 14-3.
They're in the middle of the seventh inning getting ready to go into the bottom. Shohei Ohtani launched his 50th home run to left field. He launched his 49th home run into the upper deck and right. Shohei Ohtani is 5-4-5 this afternoon with seven RBIs, two home runs, and two stolen bases. Also, by the way, with his 50th home run, Shohei Ohtani has hit more home runs in a single season than any Dodger in history. His 50th home run breaks his record with Sean Green. This is his record with Sean Green. This is his first career game where he went 5-5.
He just makes no sense. In Major League Baseball history, we have had six men who have had a 40-40 season. Six, Jose Canseco, Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Alfonso Soriano, Ronald Decuña Jr., and Shohei Ohtani. Those are the six guys that have had 40 home runs and 40 stolen bases in a season.
Just six. Shohei Ohtani is in the 40-40 club. He's the only dude who's advanced that to 50-50 as it stands right now with his two home run and two stolen base game. By the way, he stole third one time too tonight this afternoon.
Shohei Ohtani has 50 home runs and 51 stolen bases. Damn. The season is not over.
It's not. Keep on pushing it. He gets crazy. An hour ago I said, I'm going to have to figure out who I can write a letter to because if Shohei Ohtani doesn't get the 50-50, if he doesn't hit the two more home runs, I'm going to have to write a letter of disappointment to him. And damn it, he hit two home runs in like 45 minutes.
Again, your powers come to life once again. I should ask for lotto numbers next. Yeah, I don't know why. Why are you wasting this on home runs? I don't know. For Aaron Judge and Shohei Ohtani, lotto numbers. Predict the future. Let's see if we can get some stocks in here. Well, listen, I don't know if I want to predict the future.
Things ain't looking too good in a lot of places, okay? But for Ohtani, this is mind boggling. I just messed up. He's a baseball god. In my lifetime, my lifetime, I can remember watching like some of the best of the best. And I'm talking about in their primes. Roger Clemons before I guess he was juicing. You know, Barry Bonds, kind of in between juicing was great. Ken Griffey Jr. was great. I'm thinking about guys who didn't do drugs.
Sorry, Sammy and Mark. And Barry Bonds pre-drugs. Damn, Alex Rodriguez, he ain't need no drugs?
Hickey, this sounds crazy. Ohtani is a better baseball player than everybody I just named. Shohei Ohtani, would you say he's a better baseball player than Alex Rodriguez? Yeah, I mean, the only thing A-Rod has over him is longevity, right? I'm not trying to diminish. I'm thinking about at their foot. If we had to take each guy, I'm assuming and I think I think I'm right here in the space of it.
In their primes, not careers, but if you took these guys, like what's the Ohtani stole 50 and I get it, they made the bases bigger and all this other nonsense. Like what he's, he's doing everything. How?
How's a great question. I don't know. I mean, he just a freak athlete. Is he the first guy allowed to do this? I mean, would we have seen other players do this if they were able or allowed? I don't know.
I don't know. I mean, like allowed, like, I mean, like he's like, I don't know whether it's A-Rod pitching, Roger Clemens hitting, like we've never seen anybody that could actually do both things at like a high level, let alone an elite level. I think A-Rod, if he could pitch would be allowed to pitch and, you know, hit he, he is one of one. And to your, like, if you're talking about, forget the career, just like at the peak of their powers.
Yeah. I'll tell you Shohei Ohtani is better than A-Rod. I mean, he's probably the greatest player we've ever seen. He is.
Because no one else is doing what he's doing. Yeah, he is. He's the best. I mean, I'm thinking outside of Alex Rodriguez over the last, I don't know, 25, 30 years.
Albert Pujols. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, well, my God, when he was going, oh man. The machine.
Yeah. Right, right before he decided to take that, that, that contract and leave and go to California, he made no sense. Albert Pujols would bat like 350, 360 with 40 plus home runs, 130, 40 RBIs, an on base percentage of almost half. And he'd just be like, what is he doing?
He makes no sense. But there was, yeah, he was great. But then at the same time, you think about an overall player, you want to take into account their defense.
You know, you think about everything. That's why A-Rod comes to my mind. Like A-Rod for positional player did it all. Like before he got thicker, when he got to Texas, maybe early on that space, that's probably the peak of A-Rod outside of drugs.
And then he said he started using. Alex Rodriguez is in the 40-40 club. In 1998, he hit 42 home runs and swiped 46 bases. Alex Rodriguez played gold glove defense. Alex Rodriguez hit for power. He could hit for average. He could take a walk. He could run. He could steal. Like he is probably the best baseball player, total package that I've seen since this guy. Mike Trout kind of gave it to you, but it's just like your body.
It don't matter what it is. Well, Tani's that guy. He makes no sense. And this will probably be the only season he has like this.
Because I'm sure he is. And we mentioned this last hour that there has to be a lot of what he's doing that has benefited the fact that he is not pitching this year. Shohei Ohtani back on the mound next year.
We've seen him. Shohei Ohtani goes out there. He gives you 20, almost 30 stolen bases. But to push it this far, where you're now going, Oh my God, I'm getting you 50 of these suckers. This is an intent. Shohei Ohtani's high for stolen bases, besides what he just did now, was 26 in 2021.
And I thought that was a lot. Oh, the guy hits. He pitches.
He does everything. He hits home runs. Oh, 26 stolen bases. That's a lot. Last year, in his final year with the Angels, Shohei Ohtani swiped 20 bags. The man has 51 stolen bases and he's not done. Picky right now. And I know they're not going to count it, right?
Everything after this is a bonus. It's 60-60. I'm going to say it's impossible. This man is not going 60-60.
Okay. There's what, 10 games left? He can't do that, right? He can't go 60-60.
50-55, the double nickel, 55-55. He can. I mean, with the rate he's going at right now, absolutely. This is crazy. Yeah.
Whoa. They got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. They got nine games after this one.
If I could count correctly, maybe not. But yeah, they got about nine games left. There ain't going to be no 60-60 season. We can throw that out the window.
It's also nuts. He's now only, he might surpass Aaron Judge on the home run total for this year. Because Aaron Judge is up to what now? 53-54?
Oh, I didn't think about that. Yeah. He might pass him. Aaron Judge right now.
Yeah. Aaron Judge is sitting at 53 home runs. Shohei Ohtani said, screw that. I just cracked two.
He's now up at 50. Damn. This is what I love. I haven't had this type of feeling in baseball since we had drugged out Sammy Sosa and Mark Maguire-Hickey. And, but this time it feels legitimate. Like I hope that five years from now, there's not some scandal that, you know, Shohei Ohtani is a robot and Aaron Judge is like five people standing on each other's shoulders.
I don't want a scandal. Like this actually feels authentic. And these two dudes, they look like normal human beings. Shohei Ohtani does not look like a roided up freak.
I'm sorry, Mark Maguire. And Aaron Judge, you know, he doesn't look, he didn't grow like Sammy Sosa. He's naturally just a six foot seven monster. This, this is exciting. And it's starting to hoard all of Shohei Ohtani's goods.
Like they're key, it's like they're putting down an inventory right now. Here are his cleats. Here is his bat. Here is his shoulder guard.
Like they're doing, here's his, like they're doing a full inventory on everything he hit that home run with, man. Well, imagine the fan that caught the ball. What do you think that fan gets?
Oh boy, a lot of money. They try to hustle the fans. You know they do that, right?
Oh, they try to intimidate him. We'll give you a baseball bat and an assigned Ohtani hat and take this and go home. What do you do? What do you say you want? You want money? Give me cash and season tickets, right? Give me money. They can't get, they can't give, they don't give you money, right?
They don't give you money. I mean, I think they could. I mean, if you say I want $10,000, if you're Shohei Ohtani, you want the ball back. I think he could, he would shell out $10,000, get the ball back. No, you have to think about the full valuation, but you're not going to get it right now because the price is going to go up.
So like, let's be real. There's going to be somebody 30 years from now who buys that ball for how much? Millions of dollars?
Millions with an S, I think so. What is a clever way to do that where you can participate? There is no way, like you either got to, I don't know. Just keep the ball. You're right.
There's no amount of money. Would you take us like a meeting group with Shohei Ohtani? To give him the ball back? Yes. No. No.
Shake his hand, maybe talk to him for two minutes, get a picture. Do you know how much of my hair I would pull out if I just gave this man this stupid baseball and got a photo with him? For now, I don't know, five, 10, 15, 20 years from now, I could have paid off my mortgage. I could have paid off my family's mortgage. I could have paid for my kids to go to school.
You know how much I would have pulled all of my hair out. I wouldn't be able to look in the mirror at myself knowing that I gave up this money because that's what the ball is. And maybe it has to pass through multiple hands. Maybe it has to be sold at auction and this and that.
Maybe it has to go through quite a few people's hands before it reaches that ultimate price. But whatever day that is, I have to pass out, Hickey. Ain't no damn picture with nobody.
Nobody. I need the money, man. I need the money.
What would you need? Would you take money or would you be happy with a picture with Ohtani? I will say the experience does feel cool just because, I mean, when am I ever going to get the opportunity to meet Shohei Ohtani?
Probably never. So this is like the one golden ticket, I guess, you can. But for an event like this, where you probably, if you hold on to, you're probably right, you can get millions, I probably would have to hold on to the ball. In most circumstances, I would give it over, meet the player and call it even. This one, I feel like you got to hold on to it and you got to, like, this is one of those rare 500, 600, 700 home runs, 50-50 judges, 63rd or 62nd a few years ago. There are a few opportunities you get to really cash in.
This is one of them. You know what you do? And I don't know if, I guess this has never been done because you're in the moment the fans get shaken down and hustled. I would say, you know what? I'm going to do the deal with the Dodgers. Y'all are going to have to, I'm going to treat them like Bobby Bonilla somehow, you know? Hey, every couple of years when this ball gets appraised, y'all are going to pay me a percentage of whatever the ball would have been worth and you can have the ball. Well, what do they do with the ball, though? Like, if you give it back to the Dodgers, what do they do?
Yeah, so it's not. So they're the ones bargaining on his behalf, right? Well, not the Dodgers, but yeah, I mean, I don't know who caught the ball. Some guy caught the ball and left.
And so majorly, who goes over to him? The Marlins or the Dodgers? I assume the Marlins, right? On behalf of the Dodgers, the Marlins ain't gonna have nothing to do with this.
They're a conduit. The Dodgers are going to end up with the ball. The Dodgers are going to be the ones to negotiate. What can we give you to get this ball back? And I would, I would, I would sell them, hey, every couple of years, whatever the worth of the ball, yeah, you can have it. Let's continue to have it appraised. Y'all are going to pay for my kid's college. Just understand that.
Done. But if they have no intention of selling it, why would they get the ball appraised? Bruh, that ball is going to, you don't think they're going to put, where do you think it's going?
Just into Cooperstown? Yeah, if they want it back, yeah. Why would they pay millions of dollars to you for the ball back if they don't plan on, you know, I don't think they're going to, what do the Dodgers need? They don't need a million dollars to sell Shohei Ohtani's ball to put in their pockets.
No, not that they need it. So the guy who catches it has options, right? Right. Oh yes.
And so if you're the, you're 100% correct. I'm thinking from the guy's perspective, nothing stops this guy who caught the ball from just, you know, giving it to, I don't know, Steiner or whatever is doing it now, Fanatics or whatever, you know, nothing, nothing stops him from doing that. So, I mean, you got options here. I mean, the Dodgers say, we want the ball. Hey, you Dodgers, give me money.
Okay. If, I don't know, Steiner says, I want the ball. I say, hey, you got to give me money. And it doesn't just stop now.
Whoever's giving, whoever, whoever is getting the ball is going to have to pay me for a long time, for like 30 years. That's my, that's what I'm saying. No, I stopped. I was getting ready to say perpetuity.
Give me 30 years and then we stopped. We good. Good. Okay. You drive a hard bargain.
I don't think it's a difficult one. It's a robbery to give up a ball that is worth millions of dollars for a picture with Shohei. No, thank you. I give Shohei financial advice. Okay. Don't hang out with idiots who are going to steal your money, but I don't want no picture with him. I want my money. Give me my money. Hey, Shohei, buy it. You got enough.
How much you, 700 over the next 20 years, buy it. Ain't giving up that ball for free. We're going to find out what happens with that ball.
I'm going to be real upset if it doesn't involve money. It's the JR sport re-show here with you on the infinity sports network. Shohei Ohtani becomes the first player in major league baseball history to have a 50-50 season. We're going to take a break. When we come back on the other side, we're going to have a conversation with Kyle Goon. He covers all things Baltimore Ravens for the Baltimore banner. They're getting ready to take on the Dallas Cowboys. We're going to talk some Ravens. Of course, we'll continue to keep you updated on everything Ohtani.
You're locked in. It's the JR sport brief show on the infinity sports network. You're listening to the JR sport brief. It's the JR sport brief show here with you coast to coast on the infinity sports network. We know Shohei Ohtani.
I don't know. Maybe he could play, play football. I don't know and be wide receiver for the Baltimore Ravens. Maybe, just maybe we're going to turn our attention away from Shohei Ohtani and have a conversation about the Baltimore Ravens, because as of right now, they have a record of 0-2.
They could fall to 0-3. And if that's going to be the case, there could be a catastrophe in Baltimore to talk about these Ravens, what they have done, what they have not done, what they need to do to avoid an 0-3 hole. It's time to have a conversation with Kyle Goon from the Baltimore banner covers all things Baltimore sports, including the Ravens. Kyle, how are you? Good.
Thanks for having me on, man. Absolutely. Let's get to brass tacks right now. The team is 0-2. They got Dallas in Dallas on Sunday.
What are your expectations for this game? We know their backs are against the wall before people lose it. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean, you know, it's interesting. It's kind of a special brand of like 0-2 desperation for a team that, you know, expect to try and contend for a Super Bowl this year. And, you know, the desperation of the Cowboys isn't trying not to be embarrassed in back to back games at home. So, you know, I kind of expect the Ravens to get back to business in a way.
But I don't think it'll be easy based on some of the challenges that we've seen in previous weeks, I'm sure about to get into. Well, certainly. Well, first, let's look at the guy who typically gets all of the blame because the team is built around him. It's Lamar Jackson. What are your thoughts on his performance so far this year? And then also how the balance has operated or lack thereof between Lamar and Derek Henry? Yeah, I mean, I think that's a mix that going into the year, you know, it was pretty known that the Ravens were going to have a really inexperienced offensive line, three new starters. And I look at Lamar Jackson, who's one of the most quick electric runners in the NFL. I look at Derek Henry, the big offseason free agent, who's one of the biggest bruisers in the NFL.
And I was sort of like, well, how can this not work? I mean, you have a running game that's set up to do, you know, both kinds of playmaking, plow over you or run around you and leave you gasping at air. And I think the Ravens just haven't figured that out yet. I mean, in the first game, Derek Henry had just 13 carries and Lamar at 16. Last game, Derek Henry had 18 carries and really got going in the second half and Lamar at five. And I think that balance of, you know, those guys running the ball and kind of having a, you know, a thunder and lightning combo just hasn't really meshed in the way that the Ravens need to get their run game going.
And of course, the offensive line, just being so inexperienced, just not having a lot of games together, it's really contributed to that shortcoming. Kyle Goon is joining us here from the Baltimore Banner. Kyle, I hate to not even interrupt you. Have you been keeping up with Shohei Ohtani? Have you seen what this guy's doing? Yes. Do you understand like right now, this second, he just hit another home run?
I didn't. I'm totally locked in on this phone call, but he's been going nuts tonight and he's definitely the most exciting player in baseball. I'm glad as a former L.A. resident, I'm glad he's with a franchise that can actually showcase his talent on a winning team. I mean, he was laboring away in Anaheim for years where no one went to go see him. And now he's on the Dodgers, a proper baseball team, and he's really showing out. This is not the first 50-50 season. My God, he has three home runs tonight and 10 RBIs, two stolen bases. He's six for six. But we'll get back into that.
I've just I've never seen I'm so I've never seen a line like this in my life. It's it's nuts. We got Kyle Goon here joining us from the Baltimore Banner covers all things Ravens. Another issue with the Baltimore Ravens. It's unusual for them to give up these big 20 spots to start a season back to back. What are your impressions on the defense and and what they haven't been able to do? Yeah, I mean, well, it's really clear what they haven't been able to do.
They get thrown on. And I think that bodes well for the Cowboys that the Ravens have given up the most passing yards in the NFL, which sounds ridiculous because, you know, last year the Ravens were, you know, number one in scoring defense, number one in sacks, number one in interceptions, which has never been done in the modern NFL. And, you know, they have this reputation of just being ferocious on that end. But, you know, they have a new defensive coordinator. They lost their coordinator, Mike McDonald, to Seattle. Now it's Zach Orr who used to be a linebacker. He's only 32.
But people really think highly of this guy. He's kind of learning the ropes in a way. I mean, I think there's some communication issues that have led to busted coverages. Their guys have dealt with penalties. And even though it's an experienced secondary led by guys like Kyle Hamilton, Marlon Humphrey, they just haven't really gotten it together on all the communication issues, the coverage issues.
And they're getting passed on right now. Well, Kyle, that's the issue as it relates to the defense. As you talk about coordinators, it reminds me a couple of seasons ago, we had fans showing up to the Ravens facility asking for the dismissal of their former coordinator. How much time does Todd Monken have before people start showing up at the facility again going, hey, man, make the offense work?
Yeah, I mean, that's a very good question. And even though the Ravens had a great year last year, I mean, they were one of the best offenses in the NFL. I think the talent is so apparent, especially running the ball and just the lack of success there. I think there's some real frustration already.
And I don't think it's drive up to the facility and put up a sign kind of way. But, you know, hey, you're talking about 0-3. If the Ravens do start the season 0-3 after going to the AFC Championship last year, if you're talking about, hey, let's get back to the Super Bowl this year, that's a riot in Baltimore.
That's not good. And then the next week is they have to come home against the Buffalo Bills, which have been a really tough team so far. So the early schedule is just a whole referendum on can the Ravens be the team that they said they were being, they were going to be. And it just hasn't showed up. I think they do have the talent to do it.
It's just assembling the puzzle on the fly. Kyle Goon is here with us via the Baltimore Banner. You know, one area that people always kind of point out as well right now is the wide receiver group. We know Mark Andrews is there.
There's going to be larger expectations for Zay Flowers. What are your thoughts on how the team is constructed? Do they have enough reliable pass catchers to, I don't know, maybe go down the field when there's, I don't know, less than two minutes on the clock? Well, if you look at strictly the wide receiver group, you know, I would say the answer is no. But when you look at that group that also includes the tight ends, I think that was kind of what the Ravens were counting on. And, you know, they lost Odell Beckham, who was a pretty valuable piece for them last year. And that was the main change to the wide receiver course. So they only got, you know, less talented at receiver, but they have Mark Andrews healthy. They have Isaiah Likely, who had, you know, more than 100 yards receiving in the first game against Kansas City and almost won it, if not for his toe, just stretching right over the back line. And, you know, those two are, you know, elite pass catchers at their position. The problem has been Mark Andrews hasn't been what he's been in the past few years. And in general, it just seems difficult for them to get both of those guys going in the same game. We just don't really see both those guys going off and rolling off big games together, playing the same position. So I'm not sure. I mean, I think, you know, they got to find a way to unleash that to be the best version of this team.
For whatever reason, it just hasn't happened yet. Kyle Goon joining us here from the Baltimore Banner covers all things Baltimore sports, including the Ravens. What is your thought process? What is your expectation for the Ravens at the end of the season? Like where do you think they're going to end up? I mean, I think they're going to be right in the thick of this division race. The AFC North is always a tough division. I originally predicted them at 11 and six. I actually changed my prediction from originally 10 and seven and thought, you know what, Lamar and John Harbaugh, they always overachieve. I got to add one more win to that prediction that now I'm wondering, should I stuck with it? But I think they're going to be on the winning side record wise.
It's just a question in this AFC, is that going to be good enough? I mean, there are some tough teams, including the Chiefs, including the Bills, you know, including, you know, well, the Dolphins are down right now with it without Tua. But you know, there's just a lot of tough teams in that conference. And the Ravens really got to edge out the Bengals, the Browns, the Steelers in their own division to have a chance. So I think they're going to be really tight up against the top of the division. And frankly, they've already hurt themselves by starting out 0-2.
No doubt about it, Kyle. Let's stay a little bit closer. It's Monday.
It is September 23rd. It is 730 a.m. on 105.7, the fan in Baltimore. Are the fans going to be losing their minds? Are they going to be happy with a win from down in Dallas?
Gosh, you know, I know might not be so popular with you guys in the affiliate out in Texas, but I think that the Baltimore fans are going to be happy this weekend. I just think there's too much talent. The issues that they've shown are correctable through scheme and coaching. I don't know why they lost this last game, frankly.
And I think they're just kind of right on the cusp. If they had won last week's game, we'd be talking about their one loss, the defending champions, by a toe. So I think the Ravens will get back to business and winning this weekend in Dallas. But that being said, we know that the Cowboys aren't going to be pushed over on their own home field. And I think Micah Parsons might have a thing or two to say about my prediction. So we'll see.
And Dallas Cowboys coming off of their own disappointment as well. Hey, Kyle, thank you so much for the time. Where can people follow you and all of your work with the banner? Yeah, I'm at Kyle Goon on all the social media platforms and we're at Check us out. Thank you very much. Thank you. You got to come back more, Kyle, because people break records when you join us. Next time. Yeah. Just call me anytime.
Shohei Itani is having a great game and we'll dedicate at least one question to that. My man. Thank you so much, Kyle. Appreciate it. Thank you. Have a good one.
You as well. Kyle Goon from the Baltimore Banner. I got the Ravens, too, down in Dallas.
I do. I know it sounds crazy to think, oh my God, the Dallas Cowboys. Oh, they're going to lose another game at home after the ass-flipping the Saints just gave them the Dallas Cowboys. I don't think they're that good. They're good. I think they're slightly above average. I think they're a good team. Not enough to just be like, oh, well, they've won 15, 16 straight 17 home games, so now they can't lose two in a row.
Come on. I'm going with the Ravens. I could see Lamar Jackson and Derrick Henry out there gashing them.
Got the Ravens down in Dallas. I'm going to watch just like everybody else. It's the JR Sport Reshow here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. 855-212-4227.
That's 855-212-4227. I need to pick my jaw up off the floor because I've been in the studio for the past 90 minutes talking to you and watching Shohei Otani. He is a freak of nature.
We'll talk more Shohei. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief. It's the JR Sport Brief Show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. Thank you so much to Kyle Goon from the Baltimore Banner for joining us to talk about the Ravens. They're owing to. They're heading to Dallas on Sunday. The Dallas Cowboys were just embarrassed at home, giving up 44 points to the New Orleans Saints. You got two teams with their backs up against the wall. Kyle thinks the Ravens are going to win in Dallas.
I believe the Ravens will win in Dallas. Well, of course, we'll be able to talk about it on Monday. But we're here right now with you. The JR Sport Reshow here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. And this portion of the show is sponsored by the new 2025 Hyundai Tucson Hybrid that has class leading advanced safety features like the available Blind Spot View Monitor to make your ride more enjoyable. 855-212-4227.
That's 855-212-4227. It is just still mind numbing to me what Shohei Otani has been able to do tonight for the Dodgers. The game. This is like one of once in a lifetime games.
There's there's a couple I mean, not a couple of games, but you always remember certain baseball games and matchups and what happens right now. The Dodgers lead Miami 20 to four. Listen to this stat line for Shohei Otani. Not only tonight did he become the first player ever to hit 50 home runs and steal 50 bases in a season.
Listen to this. He is six for six. Four runs scored. Ten RBIs. Three home runs. Not to mention his two stolen bases. He eclipsed the 50 mark on stolen bases earlier. He came into the game with 49 stolen bases and 48 home runs. And tonight he just he went off 10 RBIs.
Shohei Otani. Every time I talk about now the game is over. Damn it.
20 to 20 to four. The Dodgers beat the Marlins. The Dodgers clinched a postseason berth for the 12th straight year.
This is just a matter of formality. We know that they were going to the playoffs. And for Shohei Otani, all of those years languishing with the Anaheim Angels or Los Angeles Angels or Anaheim, whatever they call them. This is the first time Shohei Otani is going to the playoffs. Yeah.
What a difficult decision it was for him to go ahead and leave Anaheim or the Angels, I should say. What a wild game. This is this. I'm never going to forget that. And I had to sit here and basically watch it while I'm in the studio and talk about it like these are the fun, ridiculously fun nights when we see history made. I mean, the score by itself is I can't even call it a football score. 20 to four.
Yeah, that's that's a beat down. But you're right, like it's like it's also two is unexpected where he had the forty ninth home run. You get your fiftieth, fifty first stolen base like, OK, that's great. But what are the odds you're hitting two home runs along with two stolen bases in one game to get there? And so I thought there was no chance in hell, to be honest with you, that he was hitting 50 tonight.
I thought it would come in L.A. tomorrow over the weekend whenever to do it at another one on top of just for good measure. I mean, this is. It's safe to say this is I mean, the greatest game he's ever had in his story career.
Yes, I would say it's crazy. This is one of the best and greatest games that I can ever remember watching. I mean, there's been a few guys.
Oh, my goodness. Who did it? Oh, it got her Alfonso for the New York Mets. There was one game he had, I think, where he went six for six. And then there was someone else, I want to say, Tatis, I think he had a couple of grand slams, I think, in the same game, maybe the same inning. Same inning? Yes. Those are the type of things where you just go, what? What?
Who does that? But his stat line tonight, you only do things like this in a video game. Six for six, three home runs and 10 RBIs. I can't do this against little leaguers.
I don't know if they'd be able to get the ball to the plate. This is crazy. Shohei Ohtani completely losing his mind tonight. You know what? Let's let's walk through this.
Let's walk through history. I'm going to help you out because Shohei Ohtani is just such a smooth guy. He got the stolen bases out the way first. OK, he stole one. He stole another. He stole third. And then next thing you know, Shohei Ohtani. He has 51 stolen bases, but this is where everybody, this is what people care about, OK?
The bombs. And it's like Shohei Ohtani, Hickey, correct me if I'm wrong. In like real time, forget innings, in real time, he hit all three of these home runs in the span of what, almost an hour? Yeah, right. He hit the 49th one right about when we came on the air. You teased or we have roughly before.
Yeah, it was about an hour or so. Three consecutive at bats. Boom, boom, boom.
You know what? Now that the game is over, we can actually share it with all of our listeners. We want you to take a listen to this. Everything that you're about to hear is courtesy of the Dodgers Radio Network. Let's go to Shohei Ohtani. This is the top of the sixth inning. This is his bomb that basically moved him a little bit closer to history.
Oh, damn it. It put him there. Let's take a listen. Here's the 0-1 pitch coming to Shohei. Swings.
It's a drive. Deep right field. Number 49 for Ohtani. An upper deck shot. It's a two run homer. The Dodgers lead it 9-3. Shohei Ohtani is now tied for the all time Dodgers single season home run record with 49. And he is one away from the first ever 50-50 season. Oh, what a blast by Shohei Ohtani.
He is a one man show. Yeah, that made the game 9-3. I screwed up. That was 49. This is the one that made history in the top of the seventh. He swings.
It's a drag to left. This ball's back. There it is.
Number 50. The first player in the history of Major League Baseball to have a 50-50 season. He is incredible. Shohei Ohtani with an opposite field home run.
50-50. What a day for Shohei. He is the new all time single season home runs leader for the Dodgers and the first ever Dodger with a 50 home run season. Shohei Ohtani is incredible. He is one of a kind. And then he wasn't done. He wasn't done. Not only did he break the record in the top of the ninth, Shohei Ohtani said, I got some more for you.
51. Here's the pitch. Swing and a drive.
Deep right field. He has done it. It's the first time Ohtani in his career has had a three home run game. Can you believe this? Ten runs batted in for Ohtani. That's also a career high. 51 home runs for Shohei Ohtani. This is the show that never ends.
Can you believe this man? No. No, I can't. Six for six. Three home runs.
Two doubles. Ten RBIs. Two stolen bases. His first postseason appearance. He clinched the postseason appearance. Helped the Dodgers do so. He's the first player in Major League Baseball history with a 50-50 season. And the Dodgers, by the way, they beat the Marlins 20-4.
He drove in 10 of those runs. Damn. Shohei Ohtani.
Oh yeah. Now he also is the leader, single season leader, all time home runs for the Dodgers. 51. Sean Green had 49 back in 2001. Damn.
Wow. It's the JR Sportbree show here with you on the Infinity Sports Network. We'll talk more Ohtani. We're getting ready for the start of Monday or can't even make up the days. It's Thursday night football. It's Shohei Ohtani Day. It's the JR Sportbree show. The Infinity Sports Network. Don't move.
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